Motorola Moto Serie

Grafikkarte: , ARM Mali-T720, ARM Mali-T860 MP2, Qualcomm Adreno 302, Qualcomm Adreno 305, Qualcomm Adreno 306, Qualcomm Adreno 308, Qualcomm Adreno 320, Qualcomm Adreno 330, Qualcomm Adreno 405, Qualcomm Adreno 418, Qualcomm Adreno 430, Qualcomm Adreno 506, Qualcomm Adreno 508, Qualcomm Adreno 509, Qualcomm Adreno 530
Bildschirm: 1.56 Zoll, 4.30 Zoll, 4.50 Zoll, 4.70 Zoll, 5.00 Zoll, 5.20 Zoll, 5.40 Zoll, 5.50 Zoll, 5.70 Zoll, 5.84 Zoll, 6.00 Zoll
Gewicht: 0.049kg, 0.13kg, 0.14kg, 0.142kg, 0.143kg, 0.145kg, 0.15kg, 0.1503kg, 0.154kg, 0.155kg, 0.156kg, 0.163kg, 0.165kg, 0.169kg, 0.174kg, 0.177kg, 0.179kg, 0.197kg
Preis: 99.99, 119, 129, 149, 169, 200, 249, 300, 349, 379, 399, 400, 499, 500, 549, 600, 700 Euro
Durchschnitt von 945 Bewertungen (aus 1564 Tests)
Motorola Moto X 1. Gen 2013
Motorola gehört nun Google und das Moto X ist das erste Angebot des neuen Besitzers. Sein Aussehen ist einfach mit einer Bauhöhe von 10.4 mm, die an den Kanten auf 5,6 mm verjüngt wird und einem leichten Gewicht von 130 Gramm. Leider wirkt das Plastik-Aussehen des Moto X nicht robust und die Verarbeitungsqualität nicht hoch. Die Kunststoff-Tasten fühlen sich dünn und wackelig an. Der Schein trügt jedoch, denn die Konstruktion hält harten Stürzen und Stößen stand. Sollte das Aussehen nicht gefallen, so gibt es ein versprochenes Moto-Maker Feature, mit welchem die Farbe angepasst werden kann und Hinweise auf ein kommendes hölzernes Moto X.
Der 4,7-Zoll AMOLED-Bildschirm mit einer Auflösung von 720p bietet lebendige, satte Farben. Die größte Stärke des Geräts liegt in den Optimierungen und Features der Motorola Software. Eines davon ist Active Display. Sensoren beleuchten den Bildschirm, wenn das Gerät aus einer Tasche gezogen oder gewendet wird, oder eine neue Benachrichtigung verfügbar ist. Das macht wiederholtes Überprüfen von Uhrzeit und Benachrichtigungen sehr einfach. Ein anderes noch außergewöhnlicheres Merkmal des Moto X ist seine unglaubliche, revolutionäre Akkulaufzeit von 24 Stunden. Der Preis entspricht den hochwertigsten Smartphones am Markt, nicht jedoch die Leistung. Obwohl das Moto X in diesem Aspekt nicht mithalten kann, gibt es eigene Gründe, es zu mögen.
Ausstattung / Datenblatt

Prozessor: Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 Pro MSM8960DT
Grafikkarte: Qualcomm Adreno 320
Bildschirm: 4.70 Zoll, 16:9, 1280 x 720 Pixel
Gewicht: 0.13kg
Preis: 349 Euro
Links: Motorola Startseite
Moto X 1. Gen 2013 (Modell)
Einzig und artig. Es ist wohl das letzte Smartphone, das bei Motorola unter Googles Führung entstand: Das Moto X bietet einige außergewöhnliche Features und ein recht braves Äußeres. Kann Motorola damit noch einmal punkten?
Quelle: Tom's Hardware

Das Motorola Moto X ist ein Mittelklasse-Smartphone und gehört in dieser Klasse zu den besseren Modellen, auch wenn die Umsetzung längst nicht perfekt ist. Dies beginnt schon bei der Außenschale, die einen eigenen Esprit vermissen lässt. Das Display ist etwas zu dunkel, der Prozessor saugt etwas zu sehr am Akku und die Kamera hat etwas zu viel Freude an der Farbe Grün.
Mittelklasse-Smartphone; Design langweilig; Display dunkel; Energieaufnahme zu hoch; Kamera mit Grünstich
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 21.03.2014
Quelle: Tom's Hardware

Das Motorola Moto X ist ein Mittelklasse-Smartphone und gehört in dieser Klasse zu den besseren Modellen, auch wenn die Umsetzung längst nicht perfekt ist. Dies beginnt schon bei der Außenschale, die einen eigenen Esprit vermissen lässt. Das Display ist etwas zu dunkel, der Prozessor saugt etwas zu sehr am Akku und die Kamera hat etwas zu viel Freude an der Farbe Grün.
Mittelklasse-Smartphone; Design langweilig; Display dunkel; Energieaufnahme zu hoch; Kamera mit Grünstich
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 21.03.2014
Quelle: Mobicroco

Das Moto X überzeugt mit seiner guten Verarbeitung und seiner alltagstauglichen Leistung. Positiv ist hervorzuheben, dass recht wenig vorinstallierte Apps den Speicher belegen. In unserem Test lief das Smartphone äußerst stabil. Die Benutzeroberfläche ist Android-typisch eher schmucklos gestaltet. Mit der Qualität der Spracherkennung waren wir zufrieden - perfekt ist sie indes nicht.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 11.03.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 92% Ausstattung: 87% Gehäuse: 97% Ergonomie: 95%
Quelle: Mobicroco

Das Moto X überzeugt mit seiner guten Verarbeitung und seiner alltagstauglichen Leistung. Positiv ist hervorzuheben, dass recht wenig vorinstallierte Apps den Speicher belegen. In unserem Test lief das Smartphone äußerst stabil. Die Benutzeroberfläche ist Android-typisch eher schmucklos gestaltet. Mit der Qualität der Spracherkennung waren wir zufrieden - perfekt ist sie indes nicht.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 11.03.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 92% Ausstattung: 87% Gehäuse: 97% Ergonomie: 95%
Quelle: Notebookinfo

Motorola hat beim Moto X eine Menge harte Konkurrenz auf dem Markt. Im Preisbereich von knapp 350 Euro ist nämlich auch das Nexus 5 und das LG G2 anzutreffen, welche beide über mehr Rechenleistung und ein größeres und höher aufgelöstes Display verfügen. Das Moto X punktet dafür mit Extras wie dem Active Display und der direkten Sprachsteuerung ohne vorherige Tastendrückerei.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 07.03.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90% Leistung: 93% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 90% Gehäuse: 95% Ergonomie: 90%
Quelle: Notebookinfo

Motorola hat beim Moto X eine Menge harte Konkurrenz auf dem Markt. Im Preisbereich von knapp 350 Euro ist nämlich auch das Nexus 5 und das LG G2 anzutreffen, welche beide über mehr Rechenleistung und ein größeres und höher aufgelöstes Display verfügen. Das Moto X punktet dafür mit Extras wie dem Active Display und der direkten Sprachsteuerung ohne vorherige Tastendrückerei.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 07.03.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90% Leistung: 93% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 90% Gehäuse: 95% Ergonomie: 90%
Quelle: Cyberbloc

Die Idee, ein günstiges und gutes Smartphone zu schaffen, das mit dem neuesten Android sowie zahlreichen Erweiterungen angeboten wird, ist sehr gut. Leider schwächelt Motorola bei den gewählten Materialien sowie der Verarbeitung so sehr, dass das Moto X nur noch auf einem mittleren Platz zu finden ist. Auch wenn es mit tollen Funktionen sowie dem Zweijahresabo von Google Drive lockt, stört mich der Preis von 349 Euro doch zu sehr. Außerdem benötigt ihr eine neue SIM-Karte und der Speicher ist nicht erweiterbar.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 27.02.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 50%
Quelle: Cyberbloc

Die Idee, ein günstiges und gutes Smartphone zu schaffen, das mit dem neuesten Android sowie zahlreichen Erweiterungen angeboten wird, ist sehr gut. Leider schwächelt Motorola bei den gewählten Materialien sowie der Verarbeitung so sehr, dass das Moto X nur noch auf einem mittleren Platz zu finden ist. Auch wenn es mit tollen Funktionen sowie dem Zweijahresabo von Google Drive lockt, stört mich der Preis von 349 Euro doch zu sehr. Außerdem benötigt ihr eine neue SIM-Karte und der Speicher ist nicht erweiterbar.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 27.02.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 50%
Quelle: Netzwelt

Das Motorola Moto X ist ein solider Allrounder ohne größere Schwächen. Pluspunkt des Smartphones sind die kompakte Bauweise bei großer Bildiagonale und die gute Sprachqualität. Softwareseitig wusste im Test nur die Active Display-Funktion zu begeistern. Die übrigen Software-Funktionen wie etwa "Touchless Control" kommen nicht über den Status Gimmick hinaus.
Solider Allrounder; Bauweise kompakt; Sprachqualität gut; Active-Display-Funktion
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 18.02.2014
Quelle: Netzwelt

Das Motorola Moto X ist ein solider Allrounder ohne größere Schwächen. Pluspunkt des Smartphones sind die kompakte Bauweise bei großer Bildiagonale und die gute Sprachqualität. Softwareseitig wusste im Test nur die Active Display-Funktion zu begeistern. Die übrigen Software-Funktionen wie etwa "Touchless Control" kommen nicht über den Status Gimmick hinaus.
Solider Allrounder; Bauweise kompakt; Sprachqualität gut; Active-Display-Funktion
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 18.02.2014
Quelle: c't - Heft 5/2014

Das Moto X besitzt eines der schönsten und farbkräftigsten Smartphone-Displays. Ansonsten wirkt es mit kurzer Laufzeit und Mittelklasse-Kamera gegenüber aktuellen High-End-Smartphones eher farblos, ist mit 350 Euro Straßenpreis aber auch ein ganzes Stück billiger.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 16.02.2014
Quelle: c't - Heft 5/2014

Das Moto X besitzt eines der schönsten und farbkräftigsten Smartphone-Displays. Ansonsten wirkt es mit kurzer Laufzeit und Mittelklasse-Kamera gegenüber aktuellen High-End-Smartphones eher farblos, ist mit 350 Euro Straßenpreis aber auch ein ganzes Stück billiger.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 16.02.2014

Gut Ding braucht Weile. Bereits im August 2013 brachte Motorola das Moto X zusammen mit Google auf den amerikanischen Markt. Das Moto X hebt sich mit innovativer Sprachsteuerung und einem ausdauernden Akku hervor. Der nicht erweiterbare Speicher und die Kamera sind aber klare Mankos.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 11.02.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 93% Preis: 72% Mobilität: 92%

Gut Ding braucht Weile. Bereits im August 2013 brachte Motorola das Moto X zusammen mit Google auf den amerikanischen Markt. Das Moto X hebt sich mit innovativer Sprachsteuerung und einem ausdauernden Akku hervor. Der nicht erweiterbare Speicher und die Kamera sind aber klare Mankos.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 11.02.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 93% Preis: 72% Mobilität: 92%
Ausländische Testberichte
Quelle: Tech Advisor

So the second-generation Moto X is categorically better than its predecessor. Significantly so. It has a much more powerful spec, and the display is what we hoped we'd see on the 2013 version. The camera is now worth your consideration, and it is a thin and light smartphone. We liked the original Moto X, but the 2014 flavour is definitely worth the upgrade.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 08.10.2014
Quelle: Tech Advisor

So the second-generation Moto X is categorically better than its predecessor. Significantly so. It has a much more powerful spec, and the display is what we hoped we'd see on the 2013 version. The camera is now worth your consideration, and it is a thin and light smartphone. We liked the original Moto X, but the 2014 flavour is definitely worth the upgrade.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 08.10.2014
Quelle: Phone Arena

Almost everything about the new Moto X is improved over its predecessor, not solely for its specs, but for its overall performance. From call quality, design, and its camera performance, the new Moto X bears all of the incremental improvements to earn the rigid qualities of a true successor. The only thing that most people will face when deciding between the two is their size – where we feel that the old Moto X has the perfect one for comfort and usability.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 16.09.2014
Quelle: Phone Arena

Almost everything about the new Moto X is improved over its predecessor, not solely for its specs, but for its overall performance. From call quality, design, and its camera performance, the new Moto X bears all of the incremental improvements to earn the rigid qualities of a true successor. The only thing that most people will face when deciding between the two is their size – where we feel that the old Moto X has the perfect one for comfort and usability.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 16.09.2014

At Rs 23,999, Motorola is easily offering the best Android experience outside the Nexus clan and we feel this is the phone to get under Rs 25,000. For this price, you’re getting features that are not available even in the most expensive Android phone today. Add to that support for Wi-Fi ‘ac’, Miracast and the latest version of Android and you have yourself a pretty future proof device. The Moto X proves that it’s not how many cores you squeeze in that matters but how you utilise them. The dual-core CPU gives even octa-core chipsets a run for their money.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 10.06.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%

At Rs 23,999, Motorola is easily offering the best Android experience outside the Nexus clan and we feel this is the phone to get under Rs 25,000. For this price, you’re getting features that are not available even in the most expensive Android phone today. Add to that support for Wi-Fi ‘ac’, Miracast and the latest version of Android and you have yourself a pretty future proof device. The Moto X proves that it’s not how many cores you squeeze in that matters but how you utilise them. The dual-core CPU gives even octa-core chipsets a run for their money.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 10.06.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: NDTV Gadgets

We had reviewed the Moto G (Review) and can attest to the fact that the Moto X runs much, much faster and smoother. Tasks like games, image editing and even routine switching between apps happen quicker. The camera is not very inspiring, and battery performance could have been better. However, the Moto X with its unique software enhancements still comes out looking like a winner. It might not be a game changer with its specifications, as there are now devices which boast octa-core processors and higher resolution screens, but the Moto X is definitely a contender in the mid-range segment. That said, it comes with a stiff price tag of Rs. 23,999 which puts it against some tough competition.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 25.04.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 80% Leistung: 70% Bildschirm: 70% Mobilität: 60% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: NDTV Gadgets

We had reviewed the Moto G (Review) and can attest to the fact that the Moto X runs much, much faster and smoother. Tasks like games, image editing and even routine switching between apps happen quicker. The camera is not very inspiring, and battery performance could have been better. However, the Moto X with its unique software enhancements still comes out looking like a winner. It might not be a game changer with its specifications, as there are now devices which boast octa-core processors and higher resolution screens, but the Moto X is definitely a contender in the mid-range segment. That said, it comes with a stiff price tag of Rs. 23,999 which puts it against some tough competition.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 25.04.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 80% Leistung: 70% Bildschirm: 70% Mobilität: 60% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Expert Reviews

The Motorola Moto X is in direct competition with the Nexus 5. It's a little cheaper at £264 SIM free, but despite this we prefer its AMOLED screen, longer battery life and useful, innovative apps. it's fantastic value therefore and wins a Best Buy award.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 23.04.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
Quelle: Expert Reviews

The Motorola Moto X is in direct competition with the Nexus 5. It's a little cheaper at £264 SIM free, but despite this we prefer its AMOLED screen, longer battery life and useful, innovative apps. it's fantastic value therefore and wins a Best Buy award.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 23.04.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
Quelle: Trusted Reviews

The Motorola Moto G is the finest £135 phone ever made. It’s not perfect and it doesn’t have everything that a more expensive phone has, but at every turn Motorola seems to have made the right design decisions, while pushing the price down even further than penny-pinchers ZTE and Huawei have done in recent years. The Motorola Moto G is one of the best phones of the year, and the first time we’ve seen a phone of this calibre launch at under £200 SIM-free. That it’s so much cheaper than £200 is a minor miracle. This phone deserves to sell by the bucketload.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 17.04.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100% Preis: 100% Leistung: 90% Ausstattung: 60% Bildschirm: 90% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Trusted Reviews

The Motorola Moto G is the finest £135 phone ever made. It’s not perfect and it doesn’t have everything that a more expensive phone has, but at every turn Motorola seems to have made the right design decisions, while pushing the price down even further than penny-pinchers ZTE and Huawei have done in recent years. The Motorola Moto G is one of the best phones of the year, and the first time we’ve seen a phone of this calibre launch at under £200 SIM-free. That it’s so much cheaper than £200 is a minor miracle. This phone deserves to sell by the bucketload.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 17.04.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100% Preis: 100% Leistung: 90% Ausstattung: 60% Bildschirm: 90% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 80%

The Moto X and Moto G might look similar but that’s where the similarities end. The G remains one of the best budget droids around but the Moto X offers you so much more. Not only is it more powerful, it has a better display, camera, intuitive controls and fits everyone’s pocket (quite literally as well). We do have a few niggles with the phone like the over-simplistic camera UI. It would have been nice if we had the option to drop the video resolution as not everyone shoots in 1080p. Provision for a microSD card would have also been welcomed. But if you have the budget, look no further than the Moto X for the best Android experience under Rs 25,000.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 14.04.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%

The Moto X and Moto G might look similar but that’s where the similarities end. The G remains one of the best budget droids around but the Moto X offers you so much more. Not only is it more powerful, it has a better display, camera, intuitive controls and fits everyone’s pocket (quite literally as well). We do have a few niggles with the phone like the over-simplistic camera UI. It would have been nice if we had the option to drop the video resolution as not everyone shoots in 1080p. Provision for a microSD card would have also been welcomed. But if you have the budget, look no further than the Moto X for the best Android experience under Rs 25,000.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 14.04.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Gadgetspeak

As a tongue-in-cheek requested, I asked “Which is the best smartphone?” Three models were mentioned but none of them had the Motorola brand. I do not think this answer had anything to do with Google’s decision to sell Motorola to Lenovo. This is an excellent smartphone. Initially it will be exclusive to Phones 4u for three months before appearing on the shelves of Carphone Warehouse, O2, Amazon and Techdata.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 12.04.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90% Preis: 80% Leistung: 80%
Quelle: Gadgetspeak

As a tongue-in-cheek requested, I asked “Which is the best smartphone?” Three models were mentioned but none of them had the Motorola brand. I do not think this answer had anything to do with Google’s decision to sell Motorola to Lenovo. This is an excellent smartphone. Initially it will be exclusive to Phones 4u for three months before appearing on the shelves of Carphone Warehouse, O2, Amazon and Techdata.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 12.04.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90% Preis: 80% Leistung: 80%
Quelle: Gadgetspeak

The case is sealed meaning the battery cannot be changed and you have no expansion possibilities as there is no micro SD card slot. After their ground breaking Moto G handset recently reviewed what could Motorola produce next. It’s called the Moto X and it looks very inviting, you can get it to answer your questions and the curve in its back suits your hands shape.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 07.04.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 60% Leistung: 80%
Quelle: Gadgetspeak

The case is sealed meaning the battery cannot be changed and you have no expansion possibilities as there is no micro SD card slot. After their ground breaking Moto G handset recently reviewed what could Motorola produce next. It’s called the Moto X and it looks very inviting, you can get it to answer your questions and the curve in its back suits your hands shape.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 07.04.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 60% Leistung: 80%
Quelle: Gadgetspeak

Why do we still call these things phones? So all in all, a nice piece of pocket hardware, if a little too wee for me. A downside I should mention: UK customers don't get offered the extensive colour customisation that was an important part of the Moto X's appeal in the US.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 27.03.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 60% Leistung: 80%
Quelle: Gadgetspeak

Why do we still call these things phones? So all in all, a nice piece of pocket hardware, if a little too wee for me. A downside I should mention: UK customers don't get offered the extensive colour customisation that was an important part of the Moto X's appeal in the US.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 27.03.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 60% Leistung: 80%

Summing up our experience with the Motorola Moto X is fairly tricky. On the one hand, being released in the UK six months later than it should have been, the Moto X doesn't offer comparable specifications to other smartphones in its £380 price bracket, such as the Google Nexus 5. However, on many levels its software manages to countermand this. The Moto X is one of a select number of smartphones to run using the latest version of Google's operating system. Even better, Motorola has chosen not to radically change the OS's user interface and has chosen to load it with a bare minimum of custom applications, the majority of which are actually pretty useful. This not only means the Moto X is one of the most intuitive Android phones to use, it also means it's a lot faster than you'd expect. This is because the dual-core processor isn't overloaded with mundane tasks like unwanted widgets, or background tasks as it is on skinned versions of Android.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 10.02.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 60%

Summing up our experience with the Motorola Moto X is fairly tricky. On the one hand, being released in the UK six months later than it should have been, the Moto X doesn't offer comparable specifications to other smartphones in its £380 price bracket, such as the Google Nexus 5. However, on many levels its software manages to countermand this. The Moto X is one of a select number of smartphones to run using the latest version of Google's operating system. Even better, Motorola has chosen not to radically change the OS's user interface and has chosen to load it with a bare minimum of custom applications, the majority of which are actually pretty useful. This not only means the Moto X is one of the most intuitive Android phones to use, it also means it's a lot faster than you'd expect. This is because the dual-core processor isn't overloaded with mundane tasks like unwanted widgets, or background tasks as it is on skinned versions of Android.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 10.02.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 60%
Quelle: Androidbeat

The Moto X is a solid phone for Android users who are not picky about their camera. The build quality is good, and it has a few bells and whistles like Active Display that add to the overall enjoyable experience of using the phone. For UK residents, another drawback is the £399.95 price of the phone, which puts the Moto X among the most expensive in the smartphone market. When all is said and done, I am happy with the Moto X and will keep it as a backup phone. I only paid $349 (£215 or €184) for it, and it’s definitely worth that cost. It’ll be handy to pull out when I need a phone that is reliable, but it’s not a phone I will pull out to impress my friends with “a check out this cool feature” the next time we are out.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 05.02.2014
Quelle: Androidbeat

The Moto X is a solid phone for Android users who are not picky about their camera. The build quality is good, and it has a few bells and whistles like Active Display that add to the overall enjoyable experience of using the phone. For UK residents, another drawback is the £399.95 price of the phone, which puts the Moto X among the most expensive in the smartphone market. When all is said and done, I am happy with the Moto X and will keep it as a backup phone. I only paid $349 (£215 or €184) for it, and it’s definitely worth that cost. It’ll be handy to pull out when I need a phone that is reliable, but it’s not a phone I will pull out to impress my friends with “a check out this cool feature” the next time we are out.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 05.02.2014
Quelle: Gadgets Now

Motorola has come up with a respectable phone in the Moto X, but it's far too late to the party, and it just costs too much. It's also too similar to its even lower cost sibling, the Moto G, sharing the same screen resolution, shape and nearly the same size, which makes the Moto X's far higher price questionable. It's a shame, as its touchless controls are brilliant and could signal the future for other Android phones, but for this particular blower, even with its flagship status, it's just too little, too late.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 31.01.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Gadgets Now

Motorola has come up with a respectable phone in the Moto X, but it's far too late to the party, and it just costs too much. It's also too similar to its even lower cost sibling, the Moto G, sharing the same screen resolution, shape and nearly the same size, which makes the Moto X's far higher price questionable. It's a shame, as its touchless controls are brilliant and could signal the future for other Android phones, but for this particular blower, even with its flagship status, it's just too little, too late.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 31.01.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

For a flagship phone the Moto X comes in at a very reasonable price. Performance and software are both excellent but the device is lacking that premium feel and is a little way behind the leaders in some areas. Unfortunately, Motorola spent too long bringing it to the UK and without the Moto Maker, so the Sony Xperia Z1 Compact and Nexus 5 are better alternatives.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 29.01.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 80% Leistung: 80% Ausstattung: 70% Gehäuse: 70%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

For a flagship phone the Moto X comes in at a very reasonable price. Performance and software are both excellent but the device is lacking that premium feel and is a little way behind the leaders in some areas. Unfortunately, Motorola spent too long bringing it to the UK and without the Moto Maker, so the Sony Xperia Z1 Compact and Nexus 5 are better alternatives.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 29.01.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 80% Leistung: 80% Ausstattung: 70% Gehäuse: 70%
Quelle: Stuff TV

The Moto X is probably the best phone Motorola has ever produced. While it doesn’t push the boundaries for processing performance, photographic skills or screen size, it’s a phone that’s designed to be easy to live with and easy to use – and it hits its marks perfectly. The long battery life, sturdy build, pocket-friendly size and various user-orientated interface tweaks and apps make the X one of the friendliest smartphones around.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 28.01.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Leistung: 80% Bildschirm: 70% Gehäuse: 70%
Quelle: Stuff TV

The Moto X is probably the best phone Motorola has ever produced. While it doesn’t push the boundaries for processing performance, photographic skills or screen size, it’s a phone that’s designed to be easy to live with and easy to use – and it hits its marks perfectly. The long battery life, sturdy build, pocket-friendly size and various user-orientated interface tweaks and apps make the X one of the friendliest smartphones around.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 28.01.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Leistung: 80% Bildschirm: 70% Gehäuse: 70%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

If you can't afford smartphones like the HTC One, Sony Xperia Z1 or Nokia Lumia 1520 then the Nexus 5 and Moto X are two great alternatives. The devices have decent spec but without a premium price tag.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 17.01.2014
Quelle: Tech Advisor

If you can't afford smartphones like the HTC One, Sony Xperia Z1 or Nokia Lumia 1520 then the Nexus 5 and Moto X are two great alternatives. The devices have decent spec but without a premium price tag.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 17.01.2014
Quelle: T3

On paper, the Moto X is already fighting a losing battle, it has lost its USP in the form of Moto Maker so you'll only be able to buy it in either Black or White and specs-wise it's down against the Nexus 5 by a considerable margin, despite actually costing more. Of course what you buy isn't just a bunch of numbers and sales jargon, it's a device which you have to use every single day and night, and it's on that basis that we'll judge the Moto X.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 15.01.2014
Quelle: T3

On paper, the Moto X is already fighting a losing battle, it has lost its USP in the form of Moto Maker so you'll only be able to buy it in either Black or White and specs-wise it's down against the Nexus 5 by a considerable margin, despite actually costing more. Of course what you buy isn't just a bunch of numbers and sales jargon, it's a device which you have to use every single day and night, and it's on that basis that we'll judge the Moto X.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 15.01.2014
Quelle: Trusted Reviews

Where the Motorola Moto G dazzled us with its competitive specs and ridiculously low price tag, the Motorola Moto X falls slightly short on all fronts on first impressions. The middling array of specs see the Moto X mixing with the masses, with no discernible feature or pricing miracle to transform it from obscurity.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 14.01.2014
Quelle: Trusted Reviews

Where the Motorola Moto G dazzled us with its competitive specs and ridiculously low price tag, the Motorola Moto X falls slightly short on all fronts on first impressions. The middling array of specs see the Moto X mixing with the masses, with no discernible feature or pricing miracle to transform it from obscurity.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 14.01.2014
Quelle: Laptop Mag

When Republic Wireless first debuted its service, it was a less-than-satisfactory experience. Not only could you not easily transition from Wi-Fi to a cellular network, but the Motorola Defy phone offered by the provider was ancient. The new Moto X changes all that. Not only is this one of the more innovative handsets, but Republic Wireless has managed to make the handoff between Wi-Fi and LTE networks nearly seamless.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 20.11.2013
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Laptop Mag

When Republic Wireless first debuted its service, it was a less-than-satisfactory experience. Not only could you not easily transition from Wi-Fi to a cellular network, but the Motorola Defy phone offered by the provider was ancient. The new Moto X changes all that. Not only is this one of the more innovative handsets, but Republic Wireless has managed to make the handoff between Wi-Fi and LTE networks nearly seamless.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 20.11.2013
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Techreview Source

The T-Mobile Moto X is physically identical to the Verizon and Sprint models (except without any carrier logo at all), so go look at our full review of the Verizon Moto X for a basic rundown of its hand-friendly design. We'll focus on the differences here. Our Editors' Choice on T-Mobile stays the Samsung Galaxy S4, both for the reasons I explain in the Verizon review and because T-Mobile refuses to offer the Moto X with its equipment installment plan.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 11.10.2013
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Techreview Source

The T-Mobile Moto X is physically identical to the Verizon and Sprint models (except without any carrier logo at all), so go look at our full review of the Verizon Moto X for a basic rundown of its hand-friendly design. We'll focus on the differences here. Our Editors' Choice on T-Mobile stays the Samsung Galaxy S4, both for the reasons I explain in the Verizon review and because T-Mobile refuses to offer the Moto X with its equipment installment plan.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 11.10.2013
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Laptop Mag

It's tempting to write off the Moto X for its midrange specs when compared with heavy-hitters such as the HTC One and Samsung Galaxy S4. Don't. We love having a personal assistant that answers to our voice without touching the phone, as well as the ability to glance notifications with no effort.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 25.09.2013
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Laptop Mag

It's tempting to write off the Moto X for its midrange specs when compared with heavy-hitters such as the HTC One and Samsung Galaxy S4. Don't. We love having a personal assistant that answers to our voice without touching the phone, as well as the ability to glance notifications with no effort.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 25.09.2013
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Hot Hardware

There really aren't too many downsides to the Moto X. The rear 10MP camera isn't at the top of its class, and the lack of storage expansion will undoubtedly turn some people off. It's also frustrating that the Moto Maker website -- which allows users to choose the color and accent hues of their phone prior to shipment -- is only available to AT&T customers.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 04.09.2013
Quelle: Hot Hardware

There really aren't too many downsides to the Moto X. The rear 10MP camera isn't at the top of its class, and the lack of storage expansion will undoubtedly turn some people off. It's also frustrating that the Moto Maker website -- which allows users to choose the color and accent hues of their phone prior to shipment -- is only available to AT&T customers.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 04.09.2013
Quelle: Stuff TV

We’re disappointed that the Moto X isn’t making its way to the UK, because it’s one of the best phones Motorola has ever produced. While it doesn’t push the boundaries for processing performance, photographic skills or screen size, it’s a phone that’s designed to be easy to live with and easy to use – and it hits its marks perfectly. The long battery life, sturdy build, pocket-friendly size and various user-orientated interface tweaks and apps make the X one of the friendliest smartphones around.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 28.08.2013
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Stuff TV

We’re disappointed that the Moto X isn’t making its way to the UK, because it’s one of the best phones Motorola has ever produced. While it doesn’t push the boundaries for processing performance, photographic skills or screen size, it’s a phone that’s designed to be easy to live with and easy to use – and it hits its marks perfectly. The long battery life, sturdy build, pocket-friendly size and various user-orientated interface tweaks and apps make the X one of the friendliest smartphones around.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 28.08.2013
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%

I have my reservations about the Moto X shipping with an older version of Android and I question how well the X8 system architecture will perform a year from now, but I think Motorola and Google have a winner with their latest handset. It’s not quite a Nexus, but it’s the closest you’re going to get to one while still being on contract somewhere other than T-Mobile.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 08.08.2013
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Ubergizmo English

The Moto X delivers a great user experience. I really enjoyed the effort and the attention to detail that went into its software and settings. Thanks to Motorola’s efforts, Google Now is closer and more useful than ever, and it feels like every Android phone should work in such an unobtrusive way.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 08.08.2013

I have my reservations about the Moto X shipping with an older version of Android and I question how well the X8 system architecture will perform a year from now, but I think Motorola and Google have a winner with their latest handset. It’s not quite a Nexus, but it’s the closest you’re going to get to one while still being on contract somewhere other than T-Mobile.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 08.08.2013
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Ubergizmo English

The Moto X delivers a great user experience. I really enjoyed the effort and the attention to detail that went into its software and settings. Thanks to Motorola’s efforts, Google Now is closer and more useful than ever, and it feels like every Android phone should work in such an unobtrusive way.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 08.08.2013
Quelle: Tech Advisor

I have to give Motorola and Google some credit: They've demonstrated that we don't need bleeding-edge specs to get a solid smartphone experience. The Moto X announcement may not have lived up to everyone's hype, but the phone itself is still worth considering. At $200 on contract, you're getting a phone that performs as well as "high-end" smartphones like the HTC One and Samsung Galaxy S4 while still offering helpful extras like Touchless Control and Active Display. I have my reservations about the Moto X shipping with an older version of Android and I question how well the X8 system architecture will perform a year from now, but I think Motorola and Google have a winner with their latest handset.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 07.08.2013
Quelle: Tech Advisor

I have to give Motorola and Google some credit: They've demonstrated that we don't need bleeding-edge specs to get a solid smartphone experience. The Moto X announcement may not have lived up to everyone's hype, but the phone itself is still worth considering. At $200 on contract, you're getting a phone that performs as well as "high-end" smartphones like the HTC One and Samsung Galaxy S4 while still offering helpful extras like Touchless Control and Active Display. I have my reservations about the Moto X shipping with an older version of Android and I question how well the X8 system architecture will perform a year from now, but I think Motorola and Google have a winner with their latest handset.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 07.08.2013
Quelle: Engadget

I like the Moto X. I really, really do. It's the smartest smart object I'm currently carrying on my person and I'm too used to that Active Display to calmly resume life with my DNA. That affinity, however, doesn't necessarily mean I'd buy it if given the chance.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 05.08.2013
Quelle: Slashgear

The Android smartphone segment had become something of a cliché, myopically chasing specifications and effectively ignoring functionality in the process. The result has been customized skins of questionable appeal to users, and batteries that can’t keep up with quadcore processors and vast, power-hungry displays.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 05.08.2013
Quelle: Engadget

I like the Moto X. I really, really do. It's the smartest smart object I'm currently carrying on my person and I'm too used to that Active Display to calmly resume life with my DNA. That affinity, however, doesn't necessarily mean I'd buy it if given the chance.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 05.08.2013
Quelle: Slashgear

The Android smartphone segment had become something of a cliché, myopically chasing specifications and effectively ignoring functionality in the process. The result has been customized skins of questionable appeal to users, and batteries that can’t keep up with quadcore processors and vast, power-hungry displays.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 05.08.2013
Quelle: Laptop Mag

The Moto X is a smartphone that actually makes you feel smarter. We love telling Google Now what to do from across the room, knowing what alert is waiting for us before we unlock the device and firing up the camera without even having to think about it. Moto Maker customization is a breath of fresh air for smartphones.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 03.08.2013
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Laptop Mag

The Moto X is a smartphone that actually makes you feel smarter. We love telling Google Now what to do from across the room, knowing what alert is waiting for us before we unlock the device and firing up the camera without even having to think about it. Moto Maker customization is a breath of fresh air for smartphones.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 03.08.2013
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Gadgetmix

Moto X phone comes loaded with Android 4.2.2 software, but the Android 4.3 update is to be expected fairly soon. AT&T is getting the Moto X phone first in black and white, but we know the new Motorola phone will come in various colors and customizations. AT&T and later other carriers will add their own apps to Moto X phone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 02.08.2013
Quelle: Gadgetmix

Moto X phone comes loaded with Android 4.2.2 software, but the Android 4.3 update is to be expected fairly soon. AT&T is getting the Moto X phone first in black and white, but we know the new Motorola phone will come in various colors and customizations. AT&T and later other carriers will add their own apps to Moto X phone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 02.08.2013
Quelle: Tech Advisor

These two handsets are both great, evenly matched for storage, camera and battery life. We expect that no-one would be disappointed with the purchase of either. The Moto X is bigger and bulkier but has a bigger screen. It also has better specs although in real-world terms you won't notice the difference. You will, however, notice the extra £100 you have in your pocket after choosing the Moto X rather than the iPhone 5C. So unless you are wedded to the idea of having an iPhone, we can't honestly recommend you choose the 5C over the Moto X.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 24.01.2013
Quelle: Tech Advisor

These two handsets are both great, evenly matched for storage, camera and battery life. We expect that no-one would be disappointed with the purchase of either. The Moto X is bigger and bulkier but has a bigger screen. It also has better specs although in real-world terms you won't notice the difference. You will, however, notice the extra £100 you have in your pocket after choosing the Moto X rather than the iPhone 5C. So unless you are wedded to the idea of having an iPhone, we can't honestly recommend you choose the 5C over the Moto X.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 24.01.2013
Quelle: Tech Advisor

The Moto X is coming to the UK and the Moto G is already available so you might be trying to decide which to buy. Well that's where we come in because we've compared the two Android smartphones in various categories to highlight how they differ.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 22.01.2013
Quelle: Tech Advisor

The Moto X is coming to the UK and the Moto G is already available so you might be trying to decide which to buy. Well that's where we come in because we've compared the two Android smartphones in various categories to highlight how they differ.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 22.01.2013
Quelle: Trusted Reviews

The Motorola Moto X gets a lot of things right. It’s halfway to becoming a Nexus-style 'Google' phone, with an interface that’s almost entirely vanilla – although you still won’t get updates as soon as you would with a Nexus device. It’s also quite small for a phone that sits at the top of a company’s range. It has the same size screen as an HTC One, but is a good deal smaller. This is a phone that is tremendously easy to get on with in almost every respect.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 21.01.2013
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70% Preis: 60% Leistung: 70% Ausstattung: 75% Mobilität: 70% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Trusted Reviews

The Motorola Moto X gets a lot of things right. It’s halfway to becoming a Nexus-style 'Google' phone, with an interface that’s almost entirely vanilla – although you still won’t get updates as soon as you would with a Nexus device. It’s also quite small for a phone that sits at the top of a company’s range. It has the same size screen as an HTC One, but is a good deal smaller. This is a phone that is tremendously easy to get on with in almost every respect.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 21.01.2013
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70% Preis: 60% Leistung: 70% Ausstattung: 75% Mobilität: 70% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

So the Moto X is making its way to the UK but how does it fare against one of the best smartphone from last year, the HTC One? Find out in our HTC One vs Moto X comparison review. With the same screen size, and both running Android, the Moto X and HTC One might seem like similar smartphones. But they have their differences and we're here to point them out for you.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 20.01.2013
Quelle: Tech Advisor

So the Moto X is making its way to the UK but how does it fare against one of the best smartphone from last year, the HTC One? Find out in our HTC One vs Moto X comparison review. With the same screen size, and both running Android, the Moto X and HTC One might seem like similar smartphones. But they have their differences and we're here to point them out for you.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 20.01.2013

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 06.08.2013

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 06.08.2013
Motorola Moto G 1. Gen XT1032
Das Motorola Moto G wurde als leistbares Gerät konzipiert. Da es dem hochwertigen Motorola Moto X ähnlich sieht, hat es ein sauberes, wenig aufsehenerregendes Design. Mit 4,5 Zoll Bildschirm ist die Größe des Gerätes für einhändige Nutzung geeignet. Der ausreichend guter LCD Bildschirm hat eine Auflösung von 1280 x 720 Pixeln und somit 329 ppi. In Anbetracht des Preises ist es überraschend, dass der Bildschirm mit hartem Gorilla Glass abgedeckt ist. Motorola hat die Benutzerschnittstelle von Android 4.3 Jelly Bean nicht allzu sehr verändert und ein KitKat-Update ist geplant. Anders als Android-Geräte von anderen Firmen, ist keine Bloatware am Gerät installiert. Daher gibt es weniger unnötige Apps, die nicht deinstalliert werden können.
Im Inneren arbeitet ein 1.2 GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon 400 Quad-Core-SoC, eine Adreno 305 GPU und 1 GB RAM. Dies sollte sogar bei anspruchsvollen Spielen ausgezeichnete Leistung bedeuten. Der niedrigere Preis des Geräts ist gerechtfertigt, wenn man die 5 MP Kamera an der Rückseite betrachtet. Sie ist definitiv mäßig und die 1.3 MP Kamera an der Vorderseite ist nur funktionell. Es gibt keinen microSD-Slot und die Optionen reichen von 8 GB bis 16 GB. Speicherplatzmangel könnte daher für manche Benutzer ein Problem darstellen. Ein weiterer Aspekt, in dem das Moto G schlecht abschneidet ist, dass es einen HSPA+ Chip statt eines LTE Chips bringt. Das bedeutet beschränkte Upload- und Download-Geschwindigkeiten, sodass die Vorteile von 4G Netzwerken nicht voll ausgenutzt werden können. Der 2070 mAh Akku sollte für einen ganzen Arbeitstag unter Verwendung reichen, aber das ist nicht besonders spektakulär. Trotz der erwähnten Nachteile, scheint das Gerät auf dem Papier eines des besten Schnäppchen zu sein, die derzeit am Budget-Markt verfügbar sind.
Ausstattung / Datenblatt

Prozessor: Qualcomm Snapdragon 400 MSM8226
Grafikkarte: Qualcomm Adreno 305
Bildschirm: 4.50 Zoll, 16:9, 1280 x 720 Pixel
Gewicht: 0.143kg
Preis: 169 Euro
Links: Motorola Startseite
Moto G 1. Gen XT1032 (Modell)
Jedermann-Smartphone. Der neuste Clou von Google hört auf den Namen „Moto G“ und wird von dem Tochterunternehmen Motorola verkauft. Das Smartphone vereint leistungsfähige Hardware mit einem moderaten Kaufpreis. Ob diese Taktik aufgeht, haben wir für Sie geprüft.

Das Moto G gilt als Motorolas größter Hit seit dem ersten Razr. Die LTE-Version des Preisknallers Moto G mit nun erweiterbarem Speicher macht im Test eine großartige Figur. Ein HD-Smartphone mit Android 4.4.4 und sauberer Verarbeitung kostet für gewöhnlich deutlich mehr. Einziger Schwachpunkt ist die Kamera des Moto G LTE.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 28.07.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 91% Preis: 90% Mobilität: 91%

Das Moto G gilt als Motorolas größter Hit seit dem ersten Razr. Die LTE-Version des Preisknallers Moto G mit nun erweiterbarem Speicher macht im Test eine großartige Figur. Ein HD-Smartphone mit Android 4.4.4 und sauberer Verarbeitung kostet für gewöhnlich deutlich mehr. Einziger Schwachpunkt ist die Kamera des Moto G LTE.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 28.07.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 91% Preis: 90% Mobilität: 91%
Quelle: HardwareLuxx

The Motorola Moto G is an excellent phone for its price range, with a crisp and bright screen, and solid hardware. Its only problem is the mediocre camera: if you think a good camera is the most important feature in a smartphone, please choose another product. On the other hand, if you need an agile smartphone with an excellent screen and nice size that easily fits in a pocket of your pants, and that costs no more than a value phone, the Moto G is a great choice.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 10.07.2014
Quelle: HardwareLuxx

The Motorola Moto G is an excellent phone for its price range, with a crisp and bright screen, and solid hardware. Its only problem is the mediocre camera: if you think a good camera is the most important feature in a smartphone, please choose another product. On the other hand, if you need an agile smartphone with an excellent screen and nice size that easily fits in a pocket of your pants, and that costs no more than a value phone, the Moto G is a great choice.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 10.07.2014
Quelle: Mobicroco

Motorola hat es beim Moto G LTE geschafft, wichtige Kritikpunkte zu beseitigen. Nutzer haben nun die Möglichkeit, den Speicher zu erweitern und somit zumindest eigene Datei-Sammlungen und Offline-App-Daten auf die microSD-Karte auszulagern. Zudem steht ihnen mit LTE eine weitaus schnellere Internet-Verbindung zur Verfügung als sie bislang via HSPA+ möglich war. Insgesamt ist das Moto G LTE eine gelungene Optimierung des ohnehin schon guten und im Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis überzeugenden Moto G.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 08.07.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 91% Ausstattung: 90% Gehäuse: 90% Emissionen: 89%
Quelle: Mobicroco

Motorola hat es beim Moto G LTE geschafft, wichtige Kritikpunkte zu beseitigen. Nutzer haben nun die Möglichkeit, den Speicher zu erweitern und somit zumindest eigene Datei-Sammlungen und Offline-App-Daten auf die microSD-Karte auszulagern. Zudem steht ihnen mit LTE eine weitaus schnellere Internet-Verbindung zur Verfügung als sie bislang via HSPA+ möglich war. Insgesamt ist das Moto G LTE eine gelungene Optimierung des ohnehin schon guten und im Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis überzeugenden Moto G.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 08.07.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 91% Ausstattung: 90% Gehäuse: 90% Emissionen: 89%
Quelle: Cyberbloc

Das Moto G von Motorola könnte den Smartphone-Markt im Bereich unter 200 Euro tatsächlich ein wenig aufmischen. Allerdings stehen dem guten Display und der ausreichenden Performance ein nicht erweiterbarer und relativ kleiner Speicher und das unterdurchschnittliche Zubehörpaket entgegen. So wird aus dem Schnäppchen für 199 Euro schnell eine intensivere Investition von 210 Euro.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 29.01.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: Cyberbloc

Das Moto G von Motorola könnte den Smartphone-Markt im Bereich unter 200 Euro tatsächlich ein wenig aufmischen. Allerdings stehen dem guten Display und der ausreichenden Performance ein nicht erweiterbarer und relativ kleiner Speicher und das unterdurchschnittliche Zubehörpaket entgegen. So wird aus dem Schnäppchen für 199 Euro schnell eine intensivere Investition von 210 Euro.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 29.01.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%

Die Bewertung des Moto G muss fast zwangsläufig im Kontext des Preises und der verfügbaren Konkurrenz erfolgen. Für unter 200 Euro erhaltet ihr hier ein hervorragend verarbeitetes Smartphone mit fast aktueller Software und der Aussicht auf ordentlichen Support, einem Display, das sogar teurere Konkurrenten ausstechen kann und einer Performance, die endgültig mit dem Vorurteil aufräumt, dass Android nur unter High End-Hardware flüssig läuft.
Verarbeitung hervorragend; Software aktuell; Support gut; Display sehr gut; Performance angemessen; Preis-Leistungsverhältnis unschlagbar
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 03.01.2014

Die Bewertung des Moto G muss fast zwangsläufig im Kontext des Preises und der verfügbaren Konkurrenz erfolgen. Für unter 200 Euro erhaltet ihr hier ein hervorragend verarbeitetes Smartphone mit fast aktueller Software und der Aussicht auf ordentlichen Support, einem Display, das sogar teurere Konkurrenten ausstechen kann und einer Performance, die endgültig mit dem Vorurteil aufräumt, dass Android nur unter High End-Hardware flüssig läuft.
Verarbeitung hervorragend; Software aktuell; Support gut; Display sehr gut; Performance angemessen; Preis-Leistungsverhältnis unschlagbar
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 03.01.2014
Quelle: Android Magazin - Heft 2/2014

Das Moto g zeigt sehr schön, dass man die von der Konkurrenz überbeworbenen Hard- und Software-Features in der Praxis gar nicht benötigt. Für 169 Euro bekommen Sie ein Handy, das genauso viel leistet wie ein Galaxy S3 – für erheblich weniger Geld, ohne Schnickschnack und mit deutlich besserer Akkuleistung. ... Mehr Handy braucht man nicht!
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 01.01.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: SFT - Heft 2/2014

Keine Ersparnis und trotzdem ein Platz in der Schnäppchen-Hitliste? Motorola macht’s möglich! Das Moto G ist mit seinem schönen HD-Display, seiner Quadcore-CPU und der aktuellen Android-Version Kitkat nämlich top ausgestattet und kostet trotzdem von Haus aus nur günstige 170 Euro in der 8-GB-Variante.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 01.01.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 92%
Quelle: Android Magazin - Heft 2/2014

Das Moto g zeigt sehr schön, dass man die von der Konkurrenz überbeworbenen Hard- und Software-Features in der Praxis gar nicht benötigt. Für 169 Euro bekommen Sie ein Handy, das genauso viel leistet wie ein Galaxy S3 – für erheblich weniger Geld, ohne Schnickschnack und mit deutlich besserer Akkuleistung. ... Mehr Handy braucht man nicht!
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 01.01.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: SFT - Heft 2/2014

Keine Ersparnis und trotzdem ein Platz in der Schnäppchen-Hitliste? Motorola macht’s möglich! Das Moto G ist mit seinem schönen HD-Display, seiner Quadcore-CPU und der aktuellen Android-Version Kitkat nämlich top ausgestattet und kostet trotzdem von Haus aus nur günstige 170 Euro in der 8-GB-Variante.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 01.01.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 92%
Quelle: Computerbild - Heft 1/2014

Android 4.3, scharfes Display: Das Moto G ist endlich mal ein günstiges Android, das nicht nervt. Aber nur als 16-GB-Version. Die 8-GB-Variante hat nur 5 GB freien Speicher: zu wenig!
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 16.12.2013
Bewertung: Gesamt: 87%
Quelle: Computerbild - Heft 1/2014

Android 4.3, scharfes Display: Das Moto G ist endlich mal ein günstiges Android, das nicht nervt. Aber nur als 16-GB-Version. Die 8-GB-Variante hat nur 5 GB freien Speicher: zu wenig!
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 16.12.2013
Bewertung: Gesamt: 87%
Quelle: Focus Online

Bei derart günstigen Smartphones steht erst einmal der Verdacht im Raum, dass schmerzhafte Kompromisse geschlossen werden müssen. Diese fallen beim Motorola Moto G jedoch weitaus weniger deftig aus als befürchtet: So erweist sich der 4,5 Zoll große IPS-Bildschirm als richtig gut, und auch der Quad-Core-Prozessor bietet relativ zum Preis doppelt so viel Rechenleistung wie üblich.
Preis günstig; IPS-Bildschirm sehr gut; Leistung sehr gut
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 15.12.2013
Bewertung: Gesamt: 76%
Quelle: Focus Online

Bei derart günstigen Smartphones steht erst einmal der Verdacht im Raum, dass schmerzhafte Kompromisse geschlossen werden müssen. Diese fallen beim Motorola Moto G jedoch weitaus weniger deftig aus als befürchtet: So erweist sich der 4,5 Zoll große IPS-Bildschirm als richtig gut, und auch der Quad-Core-Prozessor bietet relativ zum Preis doppelt so viel Rechenleistung wie üblich.
Preis günstig; IPS-Bildschirm sehr gut; Leistung sehr gut
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 15.12.2013
Bewertung: Gesamt: 76%
Quelle: Tom's Hardware

Das Motorola Moto G kann mit den teilweise sehr schicken Smartphones der alten RAZR-Baureihe kaum mithalten, die dem neuen Eigentümer Google nicht mehr so recht ins Konzept zu passen scheint. Der Softwareschmiede hinter dem Betriebssystem Android geht es erklärtermaßen vor allem darum, Gegenmodelle zu den teilweise zu absurd hohen Preise gehandelten Boliden zu entwickeln.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 11.12.2013
Quelle: Tom's Hardware

Das Motorola Moto G kann mit den teilweise sehr schicken Smartphones der alten RAZR-Baureihe kaum mithalten, die dem neuen Eigentümer Google nicht mehr so recht ins Konzept zu passen scheint. Der Softwareschmiede hinter dem Betriebssystem Android geht es erklärtermaßen vor allem darum, Gegenmodelle zu den teilweise zu absurd hohen Preise gehandelten Boliden zu entwickeln.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 11.12.2013
Quelle: Connect - Heft 1/2014

Pro: sehr günstiger Preis; solide Ausstattung; fast reines Android und vermutlich entsprechend schnelle Updates; hochauflösendes Display; UKW-Radio; gute Verarbeitung; wechselbare Oberschalen. Contra: kein erweiterbarer Speicher; etwas schwer; fest verbauter Akku.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 01.12.2013
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Android Magazin - Heft 1/2014

Das 4,5 Zoll große Smartphone bringt ein HD-Display mit, angetrieben wird es von einem 1,2 GHz-Prozessor aus dem Hause Qualcomm. Als Betriebssystem kommt noch Android 4.3 zum Einsatz, das Update auf Kitkat soll aber spätestens im Januar nächsten Jahres bereitstehen. ... Das Alleinstellungsmerkmal ist der Preis: Das Moto G wandert bereits für sehr günstige 169 Euro ... über die Ladentische.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 01.12.2013
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Connect - Heft 1/2014

Pro: sehr günstiger Preis; solide Ausstattung; fast reines Android und vermutlich entsprechend schnelle Updates; hochauflösendes Display; UKW-Radio; gute Verarbeitung; wechselbare Oberschalen. Contra: kein erweiterbarer Speicher; etwas schwer; fest verbauter Akku.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 01.12.2013
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Android Magazin - Heft 1/2014

Das 4,5 Zoll große Smartphone bringt ein HD-Display mit, angetrieben wird es von einem 1,2 GHz-Prozessor aus dem Hause Qualcomm. Als Betriebssystem kommt noch Android 4.3 zum Einsatz, das Update auf Kitkat soll aber spätestens im Januar nächsten Jahres bereitstehen. ... Das Alleinstellungsmerkmal ist der Preis: Das Moto G wandert bereits für sehr günstige 169 Euro ... über die Ladentische.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 01.12.2013
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Notebookinfo

Das Motorola Moto G überzeugt mit einer guten Leistung, der langen Akkulaufzeit und einem hellen IPS-Display. Vor allem dem stromsparenden Qualcomm Snapdragon 400 Quad-Core Prozessor ist hier zu danken, dass auch eine vergleichsweise kleine Batterie und ein smartes Energiemanagement eine solche Langlebigkeit an den Tag legen.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 20.11.2013
Bewertung: Gesamt: 91% Leistung: 85% Bildschirm: 90% Mobilität: 100% Ergonomie: 90% Emissionen: 97%
Quelle: Notebookinfo

Das Motorola Moto G überzeugt mit einer guten Leistung, der langen Akkulaufzeit und einem hellen IPS-Display. Vor allem dem stromsparenden Qualcomm Snapdragon 400 Quad-Core Prozessor ist hier zu danken, dass auch eine vergleichsweise kleine Batterie und ein smartes Energiemanagement eine solche Langlebigkeit an den Tag legen.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 20.11.2013
Bewertung: Gesamt: 91% Leistung: 85% Bildschirm: 90% Mobilität: 100% Ergonomie: 90% Emissionen: 97%
Quelle: Netzwelt

Motorola liefert mit dem Moto G ein tolles Einsteiger-Smartphone ab. Für seine Preisklasse bietet das Modell ein großes und hochauflösendes Display sowie viel Rechenpower. Die Verarbeitung ist gut. Kompromisse müssen Nutzer dafür beim kleinen und nicht erweiterbaren internen Speicher machen.
Sehr gutes Einsteiger-Smartphone; Display groß und hochauflösend; Leistung gut; Verarbeitung gut; Speicher klein und nicht erweiterbar
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 19.11.2013
Quelle: Netzwelt

Motorola liefert mit dem Moto G ein tolles Einsteiger-Smartphone ab. Für seine Preisklasse bietet das Modell ein großes und hochauflösendes Display sowie viel Rechenpower. Die Verarbeitung ist gut. Kompromisse müssen Nutzer dafür beim kleinen und nicht erweiterbaren internen Speicher machen.
Sehr gutes Einsteiger-Smartphone; Display groß und hochauflösend; Leistung gut; Verarbeitung gut; Speicher klein und nicht erweiterbar
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 19.11.2013
Ausländische Testberichte
Quelle: Tech Advisor

The new Motorola Moto G (2014) has a larger screen, better cameras and front facing stereo speakers. Pretty much everything else remains the same so there are only a few upgrades here and the dual-SIM feature will be only useful to a handful of users. It's not a must have upgrade if you have the original Moto G and if you need 4G support then the Moto G2 doesn't offer it.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 17.09.2014
Quelle: Tech Advisor

The new Motorola Moto G (2014) has a larger screen, better cameras and front facing stereo speakers. Pretty much everything else remains the same so there are only a few upgrades here and the dual-SIM feature will be only useful to a handful of users. It's not a must have upgrade if you have the original Moto G and if you need 4G support then the Moto G2 doesn't offer it.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 17.09.2014
Quelle: Phone Arena

Motorola has seemingly found success in the entry-level market, and it obviously shows with its Moto G smartphones. Before its introduction, owning a decent performing basic smartphone meant forking over $200 to pick up – so the feeling felt rewarding when we found out that the original model would bear an easy-to-pay price of $179.99. Of course, Motorola realized this advantage and has once again graced its new Moto G with the same, lovely price point.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 16.09.2014
Quelle: Phone Arena

Motorola has seemingly found success in the entry-level market, and it obviously shows with its Moto G smartphones. Before its introduction, owning a decent performing basic smartphone meant forking over $200 to pick up – so the feeling felt rewarding when we found out that the original model would bear an easy-to-pay price of $179.99. Of course, Motorola realized this advantage and has once again graced its new Moto G with the same, lovely price point.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 16.09.2014
Quelle: Gadgetspeak

Smartphone prices are falling fast, reaching the point where you may be thinking of buying your next one outright and topping up monthly with PAYG. Budget smartphones are the sweetspot, but you'll need to choose carefully if you're not going to end up lumbered with rapidly obsolescent technology. The brand new Moto G LTE at around £150 looks like a pretty good bet.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 01.09.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 80% Leistung: 60%
Quelle: Gadgetspeak

Smartphone prices are falling fast, reaching the point where you may be thinking of buying your next one outright and topping up monthly with PAYG. Budget smartphones are the sweetspot, but you'll need to choose carefully if you're not going to end up lumbered with rapidly obsolescent technology. The brand new Moto G LTE at around £150 looks like a pretty good bet.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 01.09.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 80% Leistung: 60%
Quelle: GSM Arena

Motorola Moto G 4G is definitely a phone many are looking forward to. It is the upgrade people wanted and Motorola delivered. The very popular Moto G was criticized about its lack of memory expansion slot and not so about the missing LTE connectivity. Well, here it is - the Moto G 4G with a microSD slot and LTE support. Motorola even managed to sneak a gyro sensor, as well. The rest of the hardware is pretty much identical to the Moto G.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 31.08.2014
Quelle: GSM Arena

Motorola Moto G 4G is definitely a phone many are looking forward to. It is the upgrade people wanted and Motorola delivered. The very popular Moto G was criticized about its lack of memory expansion slot and not so about the missing LTE connectivity. Well, here it is - the Moto G 4G with a microSD slot and LTE support. Motorola even managed to sneak a gyro sensor, as well. The rest of the hardware is pretty much identical to the Moto G.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 31.08.2014
Quelle: Gadgetspeak

Now that Motorola has launched its Moto G 4G, users will be able to choose between the 3G and the new 4G version. It is an upgrade to its existing 3G version -- a powerful Android smartphone which has already attracted a great deal of attention because of its performance and value for money and which has already become the phone of choice to many who have been deterred by the high prices of other smartphones.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 18.08.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 100% Leistung: 80%
Quelle: Gadgetspeak

Now that Motorola has launched its Moto G 4G, users will be able to choose between the 3G and the new 4G version. It is an upgrade to its existing 3G version -- a powerful Android smartphone which has already attracted a great deal of attention because of its performance and value for money and which has already become the phone of choice to many who have been deterred by the high prices of other smartphones.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 18.08.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 100% Leistung: 80%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

Despite being cheaper we don't think the Nokia Lumia 530 has what it takes to knock the Motorola Moto G from its budget smartphone throne. It has a lower hardware specs across the board and even though Windows Phone 8.1 includes many improvements, Android is still superior.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 23.07.2014
Quelle: Tech Advisor

Despite being cheaper we don't think the Nokia Lumia 530 has what it takes to knock the Motorola Moto G from its budget smartphone throne. It has a lower hardware specs across the board and even though Windows Phone 8.1 includes many improvements, Android is still superior.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 23.07.2014
Quelle: Tech Advisor

The Moto G has been PC Advisor's best budget smartphone for a while but Motorola has come along with an even cheaper model in the Moto E. Watch our Moto E vs Moto G video review to see how the two budget smartphones compare. See also: What's the best budget smartphone.
video review
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 23.05.2014
Quelle: Tech Advisor

The Moto G has been PC Advisor's best budget smartphone for a while but Motorola has come along with an even cheaper model in the Moto E. Watch our Moto E vs Moto G video review to see how the two budget smartphones compare. See also: What's the best budget smartphone.
video review
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 23.05.2014
Quelle: Trusted Reviews

The Motorola Moto G is the finest £135 phone ever made. It’s not perfect and it doesn’t have everything that a more expensive phone has, but at every turn Motorola seems to have made the right design decisions, while pushing the price down even further than penny-pinchers ZTE and Huawei have done in recent years. This is a phone that can do almost everything a Nexus 5 can – or at least everything 90 per cent of the population would want to do with the phone. If you want a sub-£150, or even sub-£200, phone, this is the one to go for.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 22.05.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100% Preis: 100% Leistung: 90% Bildschirm: 90% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Trusted Reviews

The Motorola Moto G is the finest £135 phone ever made. It’s not perfect and it doesn’t have everything that a more expensive phone has, but at every turn Motorola seems to have made the right design decisions, while pushing the price down even further than penny-pinchers ZTE and Huawei have done in recent years. This is a phone that can do almost everything a Nexus 5 can – or at least everything 90 per cent of the population would want to do with the phone. If you want a sub-£150, or even sub-£200, phone, this is the one to go for.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 22.05.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100% Preis: 100% Leistung: 90% Bildschirm: 90% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

You might have come to our Motorola Moto G vs Motorola Moto E comparison review wondering why on earth we are comparing the specifications of two smartphones from the same company with a £60 price difference; clearly the more expensive Motorola Moto G is going to best the £89 Moto E on the hardware front. Actually, what we've learned is that although the Motorola Moto G has the better specification, the Moto E's hardware is sufficient that it will be a great fit for many users - and especially so when you consider that those in the market for a budget smartphone don't expect to get ultimate performance. The Motorola Moto E might not have as good a screen or as much storage or processing- and graphics power as the Moto G, nor its support for 4G and microSD expansion. But it does do everything most people will require, and at a staggeringly good price. It truly looks to be the best budget smartphone money can buy.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 14.05.2014
Quelle: Tech Advisor

You might have come to our Motorola Moto G vs Motorola Moto E comparison review wondering why on earth we are comparing the specifications of two smartphones from the same company with a £60 price difference; clearly the more expensive Motorola Moto G is going to best the £89 Moto E on the hardware front. Actually, what we've learned is that although the Motorola Moto G has the better specification, the Moto E's hardware is sufficient that it will be a great fit for many users - and especially so when you consider that those in the market for a budget smartphone don't expect to get ultimate performance. The Motorola Moto E might not have as good a screen or as much storage or processing- and graphics power as the Moto G, nor its support for 4G and microSD expansion. But it does do everything most people will require, and at a staggeringly good price. It truly looks to be the best budget smartphone money can buy.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 14.05.2014
Quelle: Tech Advisor

Motorola's Moto G is the best budget smartphone around. At £135 it's got great build quality, an excellent screen, decent cameras and Android 4.3 Jelly Bean soon to be upgrade to 4.4 KitKat. It's only limited in the storage department and a lack of 4G support.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 17.03.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90% Preis: 100% Leistung: 80% Ausstattung: 80% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

Motorola's Moto G is the best budget smartphone around. At £135 it's got great build quality, an excellent screen, decent cameras and Android 4.3 Jelly Bean soon to be upgrade to 4.4 KitKat. It's only limited in the storage department and a lack of 4G support.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 17.03.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90% Preis: 100% Leistung: 80% Ausstattung: 80% Gehäuse: 90%

The Moto G retails at Rs 12,499 for the 8GB and Rs 13,999 for the 16GB. This makes it the best, value-for-money offering under Rs 15,000 and quite possibly under Rs 20,000 as well. Sure, there are better spec’d handsets at this price but if given a choice, would you really pick an untested local brand over a seasoned OEM? Impressive specifications are no good if you don’t have regular software and firmware updates to add new features and iron out bugs.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 12.03.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%

The Moto G retails at Rs 12,499 for the 8GB and Rs 13,999 for the 16GB. This makes it the best, value-for-money offering under Rs 15,000 and quite possibly under Rs 20,000 as well. Sure, there are better spec’d handsets at this price but if given a choice, would you really pick an untested local brand over a seasoned OEM? Impressive specifications are no good if you don’t have regular software and firmware updates to add new features and iron out bugs.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 12.03.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%

These two handsets are both great, evenly matched for storage and performance. We expect that no-one would be disappointed with the purchase of either. The Moto G is bigger and bulkier but has a bigger screen. You will, however, notice the extra money you have in your pocket after choosing the Moto G rather than the iPhone 5C. However, the iPhone 5C has a better camera and greater storage options. And we also prefer iOS to Android - although that is a subjective thing. Finally the iPhone's battery life is better. If you want a budget phone, the Moto G wins. But for all other users the iPhone 5C may well be the better bet. Here comes the controversy: I don't know why you would get the iPhone 5C. If cost is your concern, buy a true budget phone. If you want the best, get an iPhone 5S. Opting for the iPhone 5C is a penny pinching compromise of the worst kind.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 03.03.2014

These two handsets are both great, evenly matched for storage and performance. We expect that no-one would be disappointed with the purchase of either. The Moto G is bigger and bulkier but has a bigger screen. You will, however, notice the extra money you have in your pocket after choosing the Moto G rather than the iPhone 5C. However, the iPhone 5C has a better camera and greater storage options. And we also prefer iOS to Android - although that is a subjective thing. Finally the iPhone's battery life is better. If you want a budget phone, the Moto G wins. But for all other users the iPhone 5C may well be the better bet. Here comes the controversy: I don't know why you would get the iPhone 5C. If cost is your concern, buy a true budget phone. If you want the best, get an iPhone 5S. Opting for the iPhone 5C is a penny pinching compromise of the worst kind.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 03.03.2014

The Moto G is currently the only budget handset to run Kitkat. It offers snappy user experience, and excellent multimedia performance. Moreover, it’s a handy phone with a sharp HD IPS screen. On the other hand, its camera is disappointing. True, the phone is affordable, but then the Lumia 720 offers an excellent camera at a similar price. The bigger concern however is the call quality, which of course is the primary task of a cellphone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 28.02.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70% Preis: 80% Leistung: 70% Ausstattung: 80% Gehäuse: 70%

The Moto G is currently the only budget handset to run Kitkat. It offers snappy user experience, and excellent multimedia performance. Moreover, it’s a handy phone with a sharp HD IPS screen. On the other hand, its camera is disappointing. True, the phone is affordable, but then the Lumia 720 offers an excellent camera at a similar price. The bigger concern however is the call quality, which of course is the primary task of a cellphone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 28.02.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70% Preis: 80% Leistung: 70% Ausstattung: 80% Gehäuse: 70%

The Moto G retails at Rs 12,499 for the 8GB and Rs 13,999 for the 16GB. This makes it the best, value-for-money offering under Rs 15,000 and quite possibly under Rs 20,000 as well. Sure, there are better spec’d handsets at this price but if given a choice, would you really pick an untested local brand over a seasoned OEM? Impressive specifications are no good if you don’t have regular software and firmware updates to add new features and iron out bugs.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 27.02.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%

The Moto G retails at Rs 12,499 for the 8GB and Rs 13,999 for the 16GB. This makes it the best, value-for-money offering under Rs 15,000 and quite possibly under Rs 20,000 as well. Sure, there are better spec’d handsets at this price but if given a choice, would you really pick an untested local brand over a seasoned OEM? Impressive specifications are no good if you don’t have regular software and firmware updates to add new features and iron out bugs.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 27.02.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Expert Reviews

It's easily the best budget smartphone we've ever seen, redefining what we mean by that term. It's largely equivalent to the Sony Xperia SP, which is quicker in benchmarks, but not noticeably in day-to-day use, but has less battery life and only Android 4.1. It cost around £300 back in June 2013 when we reviewed it, and costs £220 today if you shop around. The Moto G knocks a huge £85 off that price SIM free. The Motorola Moto G single-handedly says goodbye to compromised, sluggish budget smartphone and potentially kills off the mid-range competition too. Simply put, if you're not buying a top-end handset, then the Moto G is the obvious choice.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 21.02.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
Quelle: Expert Reviews

It's easily the best budget smartphone we've ever seen, redefining what we mean by that term. It's largely equivalent to the Sony Xperia SP, which is quicker in benchmarks, but not noticeably in day-to-day use, but has less battery life and only Android 4.1. It cost around £300 back in June 2013 when we reviewed it, and costs £220 today if you shop around. The Moto G knocks a huge £85 off that price SIM free. The Motorola Moto G single-handedly says goodbye to compromised, sluggish budget smartphone and potentially kills off the mid-range competition too. Simply put, if you're not buying a top-end handset, then the Moto G is the obvious choice.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 21.02.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%

The Moto G retails at Rs 12,499 for the 8GB and Rs 13,999 for the 16GB. This makes it the best, value-for-money offering under Rs 15,000 and quite possibly under Rs 20,000 as well. Sure, there are better spec’d handsets at this price but if given a choice, would you really pick an untested local brand over a seasoned OEM? Impressive specifications are no good if you don’t have regular software and firmware updates to add new features and iron out bugs.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 14.02.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%

The Moto G retails at Rs 12,499 for the 8GB and Rs 13,999 for the 16GB. This makes it the best, value-for-money offering under Rs 15,000 and quite possibly under Rs 20,000 as well. Sure, there are better spec’d handsets at this price but if given a choice, would you really pick an untested local brand over a seasoned OEM? Impressive specifications are no good if you don’t have regular software and firmware updates to add new features and iron out bugs.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 14.02.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

Motorola's Moto G is the best budget smartphone around. At £135 it's got great build quality, an excellent screen, decent cameras and Android 4.3 Jelly Bean soon to be upgrade to 4.4 KitKat. It's only limited in the storage department and a lack of 4G support.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 11.02.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90% Preis: 100% Leistung: 80% Ausstattung: 80% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

Motorola's Moto G is the best budget smartphone around. At £135 it's got great build quality, an excellent screen, decent cameras and Android 4.3 Jelly Bean soon to be upgrade to 4.4 KitKat. It's only limited in the storage department and a lack of 4G support.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 11.02.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90% Preis: 100% Leistung: 80% Ausstattung: 80% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: Techspot

Pros: Fantastic performance. Excellent value for the money. Great display is complemented by an ergonomic design. Decent battery life. Cons: Internal storage tops out at 16 GB, with no microSD card slot option. Camera is unsuitable for indoor or low-light photography.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 05.02.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 85%
Quelle: NDTV Gadgets

The Moto G scores heavily in terms of style and substance, and our only major quibbles are the non-expandable storage and below-par camera performance. The 4.5-inch HD screen is wide, and yet the phone is small enough to hold in one hand and type easily with a thumb. Most of all, praise be, the Moto G is also extremely affordable. This phone is definitely aimed at price-conscious Indian smartphone buyers, and its array of colourful back shells will attract the style-conscious as well. Yes, it isn't perfect, but it isn't meant to compete against the likes of the Samsung Galaxy S4, HTC One or LG G2. At its price, we're willing to overlook its faults.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 05.02.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 90% Leistung: 70% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 70% Gehäuse: 70%
Quelle: Techspot

Pros: Fantastic performance. Excellent value for the money. Great display is complemented by an ergonomic design. Decent battery life. Cons: Internal storage tops out at 16 GB, with no microSD card slot option. Camera is unsuitable for indoor or low-light photography.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 05.02.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 85%
Quelle: NDTV Gadgets

The Moto G scores heavily in terms of style and substance, and our only major quibbles are the non-expandable storage and below-par camera performance. The 4.5-inch HD screen is wide, and yet the phone is small enough to hold in one hand and type easily with a thumb. Most of all, praise be, the Moto G is also extremely affordable. This phone is definitely aimed at price-conscious Indian smartphone buyers, and its array of colourful back shells will attract the style-conscious as well. Yes, it isn't perfect, but it isn't meant to compete against the likes of the Samsung Galaxy S4, HTC One or LG G2. At its price, we're willing to overlook its faults.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 05.02.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 90% Leistung: 70% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 70% Gehäuse: 70%
Quelle: Gadgetspeak

A lot of manufacturers will be looking to bring out a smartphone quickly to match the Moto G but I suspect to get the same build quality will be hard. As most will know Motorola are now part of Google and that gives them huge clout in the purchasing department so to match the components from wherever will be difficult or more likely impossible.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 03.02.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90% Preis: 100% Leistung: 80%
Quelle: Gadgetspeak

A lot of manufacturers will be looking to bring out a smartphone quickly to match the Moto G but I suspect to get the same build quality will be hard. As most will know Motorola are now part of Google and that gives them huge clout in the purchasing department so to match the components from wherever will be difficult or more likely impossible.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 03.02.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90% Preis: 100% Leistung: 80%
Quelle: Ubergizmo English

It is understandable that the Moto G gets a lot of interest from people who want a good and simple phone at a great price. The industrial design is simple and super-cute and I just wished that it was lighter. On the other hand, its shape feels very good in the hand and is comfortable to use. It is not too small or “big”. If you seek something more fancy at a great price, the Nexus 5 would be the next logical choice. Beyond that, a world of choice is available to you, but I would recommend looking at the LG G2 and the Galaxy Note 3.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 31.01.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Ubergizmo English

It is understandable that the Moto G gets a lot of interest from people who want a good and simple phone at a great price. The industrial design is simple and super-cute and I just wished that it was lighter. On the other hand, its shape feels very good in the hand and is comfortable to use. It is not too small or “big”. If you seek something more fancy at a great price, the Nexus 5 would be the next logical choice. Beyond that, a world of choice is available to you, but I would recommend looking at the LG G2 and the Galaxy Note 3.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 31.01.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: It Pro

The Moto G hails the arrival of the budget smartphone which is powerful. The biggest USP of the handset is its price – £130. It also belongs to an exclusive club of handsets which are running the latest build of Android, and has a great display and battery. The lack of LTE and microSD support is disappointing, as is the Moto G’s limited onboard memory and squiffy camera.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 21.01.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
Quelle: It Pro

The Moto G hails the arrival of the budget smartphone which is powerful. The biggest USP of the handset is its price – £130. It also belongs to an exclusive club of handsets which are running the latest build of Android, and has a great display and battery. The lack of LTE and microSD support is disappointing, as is the Moto G’s limited onboard memory and squiffy camera.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 21.01.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
Quelle: Expert Reviews

The screen isn't huge, there isn't much storage on the basic model and the camera is nothing to get excited about, but in every other respect this is the best value for money smartphone ever. It's well-built, with a high-quality display, fast enough not to bother even us, and has a good battery life. The Motorola Moto G single-handedly says goodbye to compromised, sluggish budget smartphone and potentially kills off the mid-range competition too. Simply put, if you're not buying a top-end handset, then the Moto G is the obvious choice.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 16.01.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
Quelle: Expert Reviews

The screen isn't huge, there isn't much storage on the basic model and the camera is nothing to get excited about, but in every other respect this is the best value for money smartphone ever. It's well-built, with a high-quality display, fast enough not to bother even us, and has a good battery life. The Motorola Moto G single-handedly says goodbye to compromised, sluggish budget smartphone and potentially kills off the mid-range competition too. Simply put, if you're not buying a top-end handset, then the Moto G is the obvious choice.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 16.01.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
Quelle: Techradar

Motorola is back folks, it's official. It may not be the return I would have predicted - there's no flagship phone stuffed full of the latest tech - but arguably what the now Google-owned firm has done is even better. The Moto G is a top notch, low cost smartphone and I wholeheartedly recommend this as the best budget mobile currently on the market. I was genuinely impressed with the feature set on the Moto G, so if you're looking for a low cost phone you can stop searching - just go out and grab a Moto G right now.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 14.01.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90% Preis: 100% Leistung: 90% Ausstattung: 80% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Techradar

Motorola is back folks, it's official. It may not be the return I would have predicted - there's no flagship phone stuffed full of the latest tech - but arguably what the now Google-owned firm has done is even better. The Moto G is a top notch, low cost smartphone and I wholeheartedly recommend this as the best budget mobile currently on the market. I was genuinely impressed with the feature set on the Moto G, so if you're looking for a low cost phone you can stop searching - just go out and grab a Moto G right now.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 14.01.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90% Preis: 100% Leistung: 90% Ausstattung: 80% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

Motorola's Moto G is the best budget smartphone around. At £135 it's got great build quality, an excellent screen, decent cameras and Android 4.3 Jelly Bean soon to be upgrade to 4.4 KitKat. It's only limited in the storage department and a lack of 4G support.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 09.01.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90% Preis: 100% Leistung: 80% Ausstattung: 80% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

Choose the Moto G if you want a more recent version of Android and a cheaper phone. The Galaxy S3 is a marginally better performer with a marginally better camera. But really these are two excellent smartphones that offer a glimpse of just how much phone you can get for relatively little cash these days.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 09.01.2014
Quelle: Tech Advisor

Motorola's Moto G is the best budget smartphone around. At £135 it's got great build quality, an excellent screen, decent cameras and Android 4.3 Jelly Bean soon to be upgrade to 4.4 KitKat. It's only limited in the storage department and a lack of 4G support.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 09.01.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90% Preis: 100% Leistung: 80% Ausstattung: 80% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

Choose the Moto G if you want a more recent version of Android and a cheaper phone. The Galaxy S3 is a marginally better performer with a marginally better camera. But really these are two excellent smartphones that offer a glimpse of just how much phone you can get for relatively little cash these days.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 09.01.2014
Quelle: Gadgetspeak

The Moto G is a nice piece of kit that should definitely appeal to those who object to payment the wallet squeezing prices asked by some high end kit. Whether it may have a similar effect on those who like to be seen as fashion conscious is another matter - brand name can outweigh price and value considerations. Personally I will be happy to be seen using a Moto G device.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 31.12.2013
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90% Preis: 100% Leistung: 80%
Quelle: Gadgetspeak

The Moto G is a nice piece of kit that should definitely appeal to those who object to payment the wallet squeezing prices asked by some high end kit. Whether it may have a similar effect on those who like to be seen as fashion conscious is another matter - brand name can outweigh price and value considerations. Personally I will be happy to be seen using a Moto G device.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 31.12.2013
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90% Preis: 100% Leistung: 80%
Quelle: Stuff TV

The Moto G is nothing short of a game-changer. It has completely destroyed every other mid-range phone in the market with its specs:value ratio and it deserves every single one of its five stars. There simply should be no other Android phone to consider, unless you're looking for a top-end flagship or if a camera is top of your list of priorities.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 20.12.2013
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
Quelle: Stuff TV

The Moto G is nothing short of a game-changer. It has completely destroyed every other mid-range phone in the market with its specs:value ratio and it deserves every single one of its five stars. There simply should be no other Android phone to consider, unless you're looking for a top-end flagship or if a camera is top of your list of priorities.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 20.12.2013
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
Quelle: Wired Magazine

WIRED: Amazing form factor and near-stock Android. Unmatched performance in its price range. Swappable back plates let you switch colors. TIRED: Camera software and hardware can’t keep up with the best. Grainy photos. No LTE. Only comes in 8GB and 16GB versions, with no way to expand storage.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 12.12.2013
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Laptop Mag

Contract commitment-phobes on a tight budget will be hard pressed to find a better deal than the Moto G. This smartphone offers smooth performance, good battery life and a crisp, 4.5-inch display in a $199 package. We also like having a clean Android build; there's a KitKat update on the way in January.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 12.12.2013
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: Wired Magazine

WIRED: Amazing form factor and near-stock Android. Unmatched performance in its price range. Swappable back plates let you switch colors. TIRED: Camera software and hardware can’t keep up with the best. Grainy photos. No LTE. Only comes in 8GB and 16GB versions, with no way to expand storage.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 12.12.2013
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Laptop Mag

Contract commitment-phobes on a tight budget will be hard pressed to find a better deal than the Moto G. This smartphone offers smooth performance, good battery life and a crisp, 4.5-inch display in a $199 package. We also like having a clean Android build; there's a KitKat update on the way in January.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 12.12.2013
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%

This is the part of the review where I’m supposed to say that the Moto G is a good phone “for the price” as though it were an open-box item on a Best Buy shelf that was worth buying now that the price had been marked down. I don’t think that’s true. I think the Moto G is a fantastic $200 phone that another manufacturer would probably charge a great deal more for.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 10.12.2013

This is the part of the review where I’m supposed to say that the Moto G is a good phone “for the price” as though it were an open-box item on a Best Buy shelf that was worth buying now that the price had been marked down. I don’t think that’s true. I think the Moto G is a fantastic $200 phone that another manufacturer would probably charge a great deal more for.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 10.12.2013
Quelle: Slashgear

Thus the Moto G creates quite an awesome entry in the Android history books, right out the gate. While we expected the Moto X to be that groundbreaking off-contract smartphone that everyone saw coming since early 2013, the Moto G is more than welcome to fill that space heading into 2014. This will certainly be a device to watch in the (believe it or not) emerging budget-minded smartphone market. Motorola leads the way with a device that’s far better than the sum of its price tag.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 07.12.2013
Quelle: Slashgear

Thus the Moto G creates quite an awesome entry in the Android history books, right out the gate. While we expected the Moto X to be that groundbreaking off-contract smartphone that everyone saw coming since early 2013, the Moto G is more than welcome to fill that space heading into 2014. This will certainly be a device to watch in the (believe it or not) emerging budget-minded smartphone market. Motorola leads the way with a device that’s far better than the sum of its price tag.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 07.12.2013
Quelle: PC Mag

If you're willing to go for a locked phone, even without a contract, you have broader options. The Nokia Lumia 520/521$89.99 at Amazon on AT&T, T-Mobile, and MetroPCS has a great build and UI for as little as $99, although it's slower than the G, still doesn't have LTE and isn't available unlocked in the U.S. For LTE phones, the $129 Huawei Vitria$109.99 at Best Buy on MetroPCS is worth looking at, although the G has a better screen and better built-in storage.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 06.12.2013
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: PC Mag

If you're willing to go for a locked phone, even without a contract, you have broader options. The Nokia Lumia 520/521$89.99 at Amazon on AT&T, T-Mobile, and MetroPCS has a great build and UI for as little as $99, although it's slower than the G, still doesn't have LTE and isn't available unlocked in the U.S. For LTE phones, the $129 Huawei Vitria$109.99 at Best Buy on MetroPCS is worth looking at, although the G has a better screen and better built-in storage.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 06.12.2013
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: T3

We can only assume LG and Motorola were in the same room when they thought up the Moto G and the Nexus 5, and almost certainly someone from Google was in that room. Both are outstanding examples of what happens when instead of trying to cram everything in without thinking of the consequences, you sit down and list all the features people actually need from a modern smartphone and then make sure they do those proficiently and relative to the amount they’ll be used.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 03.12.2013
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: T3

We can only assume LG and Motorola were in the same room when they thought up the Moto G and the Nexus 5, and almost certainly someone from Google was in that room. Both are outstanding examples of what happens when instead of trying to cram everything in without thinking of the consequences, you sit down and list all the features people actually need from a modern smartphone and then make sure they do those proficiently and relative to the amount they’ll be used.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 03.12.2013
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Stuff TV

There's no blistering fast power on offer, nor is there a huge pixel-packed screen or a Megapixel-saturated camera. What the G does offer though, is incredible value for money, and should be the go-to Android choice that tech-heads recommend to their friends this Christmas.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 02.12.2013
Quelle: Reg Hardware

It’s easier to list the Moto G’s failings, such as they are: a fixed battery, no 4G/LTE radio, no infrared transmitter and no storage expansion. That’s really it. In every other way – design, build, performance, software and capability – the Moto G is every bit as good as the likes of the Nexus 4 and Samsung Galaxy S3, both flagship Android devices this time last year that cost more than two and three times as much as the £135 G, respectively.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 02.12.2013
Quelle: Stuff TV

There's no blistering fast power on offer, nor is there a huge pixel-packed screen or a Megapixel-saturated camera. What the G does offer though, is incredible value for money, and should be the go-to Android choice that tech-heads recommend to their friends this Christmas.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 02.12.2013
Quelle: Reg Hardware

It’s easier to list the Moto G’s failings, such as they are: a fixed battery, no 4G/LTE radio, no infrared transmitter and no storage expansion. That’s really it. In every other way – design, build, performance, software and capability – the Moto G is every bit as good as the likes of the Nexus 4 and Samsung Galaxy S3, both flagship Android devices this time last year that cost more than two and three times as much as the £135 G, respectively.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 02.12.2013
Quelle: Engadget

We've said it in so many words before, but the price is what makes the Moto G a ridiculous proposition. It's just launched in the US in time for the holidays with an unlocked price of $179 for the 8GB model and $199 for the 16GB version. Verizon, for one, has confirmed it will sell the G with prepaid plans starting early next year, while Canada's Telus will offer it for free on a two-year contract.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 26.11.2013
Quelle: Engadget

We've said it in so many words before, but the price is what makes the Moto G a ridiculous proposition. It's just launched in the US in time for the holidays with an unlocked price of $179 for the 8GB model and $199 for the 16GB version. Verizon, for one, has confirmed it will sell the G with prepaid plans starting early next year, while Canada's Telus will offer it for free on a two-year contract.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 26.11.2013
Quelle: Tech Advisor

After deciding not to launch the Moto X in the UK, Motorola has brought us the budget priced Moto G smartphone. The Moto G starts at an attractive price of just £135 but it doesn't look or feel like a phone this cheap. It isn't massively thin or light, but the handset sits nicely in the hand and is easy to operate one-handed.
video review
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 25.11.2013
Quelle: Tech Advisor

After deciding not to launch the Moto X in the UK, Motorola has brought us the budget priced Moto G smartphone. The Moto G starts at an attractive price of just £135 but it doesn't look or feel like a phone this cheap. It isn't massively thin or light, but the handset sits nicely in the hand and is easy to operate one-handed.
video review
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 25.11.2013
Quelle: Techradar

Motorola is back folks, it's official. It may not be the return we would have predicted - there's no flagship phone stuffed full of the latest tech - but arguably what the now Google-owned firm has done is even better. The Moto G is a top notch, low cost smartphone and we wholeheartedly recommend this as the best budget mobile currently on the market. We were genuinely impressed with the feature set on the Moto G, so if you're looking for a low cost phone you can stop searching - just go out and grab a Moto G right now.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 22.11.2013
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90% Preis: 100% Leistung: 90% Ausstattung: 80% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Techradar

Motorola is back folks, it's official. It may not be the return we would have predicted - there's no flagship phone stuffed full of the latest tech - but arguably what the now Google-owned firm has done is even better. The Moto G is a top notch, low cost smartphone and we wholeheartedly recommend this as the best budget mobile currently on the market. We were genuinely impressed with the feature set on the Moto G, so if you're looking for a low cost phone you can stop searching - just go out and grab a Moto G right now.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 22.11.2013
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90% Preis: 100% Leistung: 90% Ausstattung: 80% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

The Nexus 5 and Moto G are the best value for money smartphones around at the moment. Those wanting a smartphone to do basic things and aren't so bothered about specifications will do fine with the Moto G while more advanced users will benefit from the hardware on offer from the Nexus 5.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 20.11.2013
Quelle: Tech Advisor

The Nexus 5 and Moto G are the best value for money smartphones around at the moment. Those wanting a smartphone to do basic things and aren't so bothered about specifications will do fine with the Moto G while more advanced users will benefit from the hardware on offer from the Nexus 5.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 20.11.2013
Quelle: T3

At first glance, the Motorola Moto G certainly looks like a good buy for people that haven't got hundreds of pounds to spend but still want a decent phone that will enable them to do most thing that you can do on the flaghship handsets. We were impressed by the screen, and speed, as well as the minimalist. Stay tuned for a full review.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 19.11.2013
Quelle: Trusted Reviews

The Motorola Moto G is the finest £135 phone ever made. It’s not perfect and it doesn’t have everything that a more expensive phone has, but at every turn Motorola seems to have made the right design decisions, while pushing the price down even further than penny-pinchers ZTE and Huawei have done in recent years. The Motorola Moto G is one of the best phones of the year, and the first time we’ve seen a phone of this calibre launch at under £200 SIM-free. That it’s so much cheaper than £200 is a minor miracle. This phone deserves to sell by the bucketload.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 19.11.2013
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100% Preis: 100% Leistung: 90% Bildschirm: 90% Mobilität: 60% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: T3

At first glance, the Motorola Moto G certainly looks like a good buy for people that haven't got hundreds of pounds to spend but still want a decent phone that will enable them to do most thing that you can do on the flaghship handsets. We were impressed by the screen, and speed, as well as the minimalist. Stay tuned for a full review.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 19.11.2013
Quelle: Trusted Reviews

The Motorola Moto G is the finest £135 phone ever made. It’s not perfect and it doesn’t have everything that a more expensive phone has, but at every turn Motorola seems to have made the right design decisions, while pushing the price down even further than penny-pinchers ZTE and Huawei have done in recent years. The Motorola Moto G is one of the best phones of the year, and the first time we’ve seen a phone of this calibre launch at under £200 SIM-free. That it’s so much cheaper than £200 is a minor miracle. This phone deserves to sell by the bucketload.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 19.11.2013
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100% Preis: 100% Leistung: 90% Bildschirm: 90% Mobilität: 60% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

Motorola's Moto G is the best budget smartphone around. At £135 it's got great build quality, an excellent screen, decent cameras and Android 4.3 Jelly Bean soon to be upgrade to 4.4 KitKat. It's only limited in the storage department and a lack of 4G support.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 15.11.2013
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90% Preis: 100% Leistung: 80% Ausstattung: 80% Gehäuse: 90%

We're seriously impressed with the Moto G and are perplexed by how Motorola's managed to load the smartphone with such high-end components while keeping its price below £150. Starting at £135 the Moto G features a decent display, powerful quad-core Snapdragon 400 processor and runs using a close to untouched version of Google Android. This all adds up to mean the Moto G outperforms phones currently retailing for twice its price. For this reason in our mind the Moto G is the ideal choice for any business looking for a mass rollout Android handset, despite a few limitations such as low storage and no 4G support.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 15.11.2013
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

Motorola's Moto G is the best budget smartphone around. At £135 it's got great build quality, an excellent screen, decent cameras and Android 4.3 Jelly Bean soon to be upgrade to 4.4 KitKat. It's only limited in the storage department and a lack of 4G support.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 15.11.2013
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90% Preis: 100% Leistung: 80% Ausstattung: 80% Gehäuse: 90%

We're seriously impressed with the Moto G and are perplexed by how Motorola's managed to load the smartphone with such high-end components while keeping its price below £150. Starting at £135 the Moto G features a decent display, powerful quad-core Snapdragon 400 processor and runs using a close to untouched version of Google Android. This all adds up to mean the Moto G outperforms phones currently retailing for twice its price. For this reason in our mind the Moto G is the ideal choice for any business looking for a mass rollout Android handset, despite a few limitations such as low storage and no 4G support.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 15.11.2013
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

The Moto X is coming to the UK and the Moto G is already available so you might be trying to decide which to buy. Well that's where we come in because we've compared the two Android smartphones in various categories to highlight how they differ.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 22.01.2013
Quelle: Tech Advisor

The Moto X is coming to the UK and the Moto G is already available so you might be trying to decide which to buy. Well that's where we come in because we've compared the two Android smartphones in various categories to highlight how they differ.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 22.01.2013
Motorola Moto E 1. Gen 2014
Das Motorola Moto E will eine Einstiegs-Spezifikation zum extrem günstigen Preis bieten. Obwohl es günstig ist, bietet es eine ziemlich gute Spezifikation, beispielsweise einen 1,2 GHz Dual-Core-Prozessor mit 1 GB RAM. Das ist bereits besser als viele seiner direkten Konkurrenten.
Das Aussehen des Phones ist wie erwartet. Es ist aus einfachem, einfärbigen Kunststoff, welcher, um ehrlich zu sein nicht allzu schlecht aussieht. Er sieht nur nicht großartig aus. Der 4.3-Zoll-Bildschirm ist in Anbetracht des derart niedrigen Preises auch nicht zu schlecht. Die Auflösung ist nur 540 x 960 Pixel, doch die Feinheit ist dennoch 256 dpi. Das Moto E bietet nur 4 GB nativen Speicher, der jedoch mit einer externen SD-Karte erweitert werden kann.
Wie bei einem solchen Schnäppchen zu erwarten, fehlen natürlich einige Features. Beispielsweise unterstützt das Motorola Moto E nicht 4G LTE, doch es verfügt über grundlegendes WiFi, 3G und Bluetooth. Das Fehlen einer Front-Kamera mag einige abschrecken, besonders jene, die gerne Selfies aufnehmen.
Insgesamt zahlt man für das was man bekommt. Na ja, das Motorola Moto E liefert um ehrlich zu sein sogar mehr als das. Es hat einige Schwächen, doch es ist perfekt für alle, die ein Einstiegs-Smartphone suchen und dafür nicht übertrieben viel ausgeben wollen.
Ausstattung / Datenblatt

Prozessor: Qualcomm Snapdragon 200 200 8210
Grafikkarte: Qualcomm Adreno 302
Bildschirm: 4.30 Zoll, 16:9, 960 x 540 Pixel
Gewicht: 0.142kg
Preis: 119 Euro
Links: Motorola Startseite
Moto E 1. Gen 2014 (Modell)
Der Preis schmilzt. Der Sommer naht und Motorola ist auf Sparkurs. Das Moto G konnte uns im vergangenen Test überzeugen – und scheinbar nicht nur uns, wenn man sich die Verkaufszahlen anschaut. Mit dem Moto E soll daran angeknüpft werden und beim ersten Blick auf den Preis und die verbaute Hardware könnte der Plan sogar aufgehen.
Quelle: Chip Test & Kauf - Heft Nr. 6/2014

Handling (30%): Oberklasse (85 von 100 Punkten); Internet (20%): Oberklasse (86 von 100 Punkten); Multimedia (20%): Oberklasse (76 von 100 Punkten); Telefon/Akku (20%): Oberklasse (89 von 100 Punkten); App-Store (10%): Spitzenklasse (96 von 100 Punkten).
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 01.10.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 92% Emissionen: 85%
Quelle: Chip Test & Kauf - Heft Nr. 6/2014

Handling (30%): Oberklasse (85 von 100 Punkten); Internet (20%): Oberklasse (86 von 100 Punkten); Multimedia (20%): Oberklasse (76 von 100 Punkten); Telefon/Akku (20%): Oberklasse (89 von 100 Punkten); App-Store (10%): Spitzenklasse (96 von 100 Punkten).
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 01.10.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 92% Emissionen: 85%
Quelle: Netzwelt

Mit dem Moto G brachte Motorola 2013 einen Preisbrecher auf den Markt. Für 170 Euro bot das Smartphone ein schärferes Display und mehr Rechen-Power als die Konkurrenz. Das Moto E ist in vielen Punkten ein gutes Smartphone. Kamera und Sprachqualität sind jedoch unterdurchschnittlich - schade.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 18.06.2014
Quelle: Netzwelt

Mit dem Moto G brachte Motorola 2013 einen Preisbrecher auf den Markt. Für 170 Euro bot das Smartphone ein schärferes Display und mehr Rechen-Power als die Konkurrenz. Das Moto E ist in vielen Punkten ein gutes Smartphone. Kamera und Sprachqualität sind jedoch unterdurchschnittlich - schade.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 18.06.2014

Das Moto G hat gezeigt, dass ein sehr gutes Android-Smartphone nicht mehr als 200 Euro kosten muss. Das Motorola Moto E ist ein äußerst günstiges KitKat-Smartphone. Im Test gefallen uns Arbeitstempo und Sprachqualität. Verarbeitung und Kamera sind schwach. Doch insgesamt liegt das Moto E im Segment der Billig-Phones weit vorne.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 06.06.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 86% Preis: 92% Mobilität: 89%

Das Moto G hat gezeigt, dass ein sehr gutes Android-Smartphone nicht mehr als 200 Euro kosten muss. Das Motorola Moto E ist ein äußerst günstiges KitKat-Smartphone. Im Test gefallen uns Arbeitstempo und Sprachqualität. Verarbeitung und Kamera sind schwach. Doch insgesamt liegt das Moto E im Segment der Billig-Phones weit vorne.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 06.06.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 86% Preis: 92% Mobilität: 89%
Quelle: Mobicroco

Das Motorola Moto E ist in seiner Klasse ein unkompliziert nutzbares Smartphone, für Telefonie, Messaging, Apps und Surfen im mobilen Internet. Selbst die Kamera kann bei gutem Licht ordentliche Fotos schießen. Leider hat sie keinen Blitz, und auch auf eine Frontkamera muss der Käufer verzichten. Gespart hat Motorola überwiegend bei der Display-Auflösung und beim Speicher, der nur 4 GB beträgt.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 23.05.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90% Ausstattung: 80% Gehäuse: 90% Ergonomie: 85%
Quelle: Mobicroco

Das Motorola Moto E ist in seiner Klasse ein unkompliziert nutzbares Smartphone, für Telefonie, Messaging, Apps und Surfen im mobilen Internet. Selbst die Kamera kann bei gutem Licht ordentliche Fotos schießen. Leider hat sie keinen Blitz, und auch auf eine Frontkamera muss der Käufer verzichten. Gespart hat Motorola überwiegend bei der Display-Auflösung und beim Speicher, der nur 4 GB beträgt.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 23.05.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90% Ausstattung: 80% Gehäuse: 90% Ergonomie: 85%
Quelle: Netzwelt

Mit dem Moto G brachte Motorola 2013 einen Preisbrecher auf den Markt. Das Moto E ist für den Preis von 120 Euro ein bemerkenswertes Smartphone. Es überragt die Konkurrenten in dieser Klasse aber nicht um Längen wie seiner Zeit das Moto G. Lediglich der Bildschirm ist eine Klasse für sich.
Preis bemerkenswert niedrig; Display sehr gut; Preisbrecher
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 13.05.2014
Quelle: Netzwelt

Mit dem Moto G brachte Motorola 2013 einen Preisbrecher auf den Markt. Das Moto E ist für den Preis von 120 Euro ein bemerkenswertes Smartphone. Es überragt die Konkurrenten in dieser Klasse aber nicht um Längen wie seiner Zeit das Moto G. Lediglich der Bildschirm ist eine Klasse für sich.
Preis bemerkenswert niedrig; Display sehr gut; Preisbrecher
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 13.05.2014
Ausländische Testberichte
Quelle: Tech Advisor

The screen is bigger, it has double the storage, a quad-core processor, support for 4G and a front-facing camera. It’s a very easy choice between the old and new Moto E: the second generation phone is another winner.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 04.03.2015
Quelle: Tech Advisor

The screen is bigger, it has double the storage, a quad-core processor, support for 4G and a front-facing camera. It’s a very easy choice between the old and new Moto E: the second generation phone is another winner.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 04.03.2015
Quelle: Tech Advisor

Right now there is only one choice: that of the Moto E. But come the new year when the Lumia 535 is in town you will have a tough choice. It is likely that the Lumia 535 will cost a little more. But it has better storage and camera, and a bigger (if not sharper) screen. These are both great cheap phones - your choice will likely depend on your preference of Windows Phone or Android. But even as an Android user I'd say that when the Lumia 535 is available it will likely be the better deal. Just. (See also: Moto E price, specs, release date, features.)
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 18.11.2014
Quelle: Tech Advisor

Right now there is only one choice: that of the Moto E. But come the new year when the Lumia 535 is in town you will have a tough choice. It is likely that the Lumia 535 will cost a little more. But it has better storage and camera, and a bigger (if not sharper) screen. These are both great cheap phones - your choice will likely depend on your preference of Windows Phone or Android. But even as an Android user I'd say that when the Lumia 535 is available it will likely be the better deal. Just. (See also: Moto E price, specs, release date, features.)
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 18.11.2014
Quelle: Gadgetspeak

A well placed fingernail will remove the back to allow you to insert a micro SIM and a micro SD card. The latest entry level phone offering from the company that first brought you a SmartPhone at a price that broke through the glass ceiling. Here is a smart phone that has corners cut to produce something acceptable at a lower price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 01.10.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90% Preis: 100% Leistung: 80%
Quelle: Gadgetspeak

A well placed fingernail will remove the back to allow you to insert a micro SIM and a micro SD card. The latest entry level phone offering from the company that first brought you a SmartPhone at a price that broke through the glass ceiling. Here is a smart phone that has corners cut to produce something acceptable at a lower price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 01.10.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90% Preis: 100% Leistung: 80%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

It's unsurprising that the Moto G2 is a better phone than the Moto E and we recommend spending the extra if you can afford it for the better screen, camera, processor, storage, battery life and stereo speakers. The one caveat is that neither phone supports 4G so look elsewhere (Moto G 4G, for example) if this is a must.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 22.09.2014
Quelle: Tech Advisor

It's unsurprising that the Moto G2 is a better phone than the Moto E and we recommend spending the extra if you can afford it for the better screen, camera, processor, storage, battery life and stereo speakers. The one caveat is that neither phone supports 4G so look elsewhere (Moto G 4G, for example) if this is a must.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 22.09.2014
Quelle: Techspot

The Moto E isn’t a device suited to power users. It isn’t a device for people that demand the best hardware or a suite of crazy features. It is, however, a great entry-level handset that gives you all the necessities in a simple, functional package for a very attractive price. Crucially, the necessities aren’t hampered by terrible software or laggy performance, which typically haunt cheap Android smartphones.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 25.08.2014
Quelle: Techspot

The Moto E isn’t a device suited to power users. It isn’t a device for people that demand the best hardware or a suite of crazy features. It is, however, a great entry-level handset that gives you all the necessities in a simple, functional package for a very attractive price. Crucially, the necessities aren’t hampered by terrible software or laggy performance, which typically haunt cheap Android smartphones.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 25.08.2014
Quelle: Tech Advisor

Choosing between the Nokia Lumia 530 and Motorola Moto E is difficult. I'm a seasoned Android user, but I like what I see in Windows Phone 8.1. And without that tired old Windows Phone lacks apps argument (the Motorola Moto E doesn't have enough built-in storage to take full advantage of what Google Play and third-party developers have to offer), there is nothing that you might expect of a budget smartphone that either Windows Phone or Android are unable to do. In many respects these two phones are very evenly matched. The Motorola Moto E stands out for its display, while the Nokia Lumia 530 is the winner on the storage front. And the Lumia 530 absolutely wins on the pricing - you cannot argue at £60.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 19.08.2014
Quelle: Tech Advisor

Choosing between the Nokia Lumia 530 and Motorola Moto E is difficult. I'm a seasoned Android user, but I like what I see in Windows Phone 8.1. And without that tired old Windows Phone lacks apps argument (the Motorola Moto E doesn't have enough built-in storage to take full advantage of what Google Play and third-party developers have to offer), there is nothing that you might expect of a budget smartphone that either Windows Phone or Android are unable to do. In many respects these two phones are very evenly matched. The Motorola Moto E stands out for its display, while the Nokia Lumia 530 is the winner on the storage front. And the Lumia 530 absolutely wins on the pricing - you cannot argue at £60.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 19.08.2014
Quelle: Gadgetguy

Using the Moto E is just like using a Google Nexus phone, which should come as no surprise to people since Motorola was previously owned by Google. As a result of that ownership (and collaboration), the Moto E runs Android pretty much just like its brother, the Moto X, with Android the way Google envisioned it, complete with widgetised home screens, a lock screen, Google’s own drop-down notification bar, and an apps menu with tabs for apps and widgets. It’s a pretty simple interface, and it is even one of the most up-to-date ones you’ll find, with an update rolled out to our handset mid-review bringing the Moto E up to Android 4.4.4, higher than the version running on this reviewer’s flagship handsets at the time.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 11.08.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70% Preis: 70% Leistung: 70% Ausstattung: 60% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Gadgetguy

Using the Moto E is just like using a Google Nexus phone, which should come as no surprise to people since Motorola was previously owned by Google. As a result of that ownership (and collaboration), the Moto E runs Android pretty much just like its brother, the Moto X, with Android the way Google envisioned it, complete with widgetised home screens, a lock screen, Google’s own drop-down notification bar, and an apps menu with tabs for apps and widgets. It’s a pretty simple interface, and it is even one of the most up-to-date ones you’ll find, with an update rolled out to our handset mid-review bringing the Moto E up to Android 4.4.4, higher than the version running on this reviewer’s flagship handsets at the time.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 11.08.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70% Preis: 70% Leistung: 70% Ausstattung: 60% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Gadgetspeak

Overall I reasonably impressed with this smartphone’s performance although it does fall short of the Moto G. I was disappointed that I was unable to get the Moto E to work with OTG. Perhaps this feature will be implemented with the promised one major Android software update that Motorola made regarding this product.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 02.08.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70% Preis: 80% Leistung: 60%
Quelle: Gadgetspeak

Overall I reasonably impressed with this smartphone’s performance although it does fall short of the Moto G. I was disappointed that I was unable to get the Moto E to work with OTG. Perhaps this feature will be implemented with the promised one major Android software update that Motorola made regarding this product.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 02.08.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70% Preis: 80% Leistung: 60%
Quelle: Pocket Lint

All said and done the Moto E gives plenty of bang for your buck. But it sits in a busy market, and one that's already dominated by Motorola. That, in part, is the Moto E's undoing, because we would still opt to spend a little more cash and buy the 4G Moto G instead. But that can't detract from the Moto E's successes: it's a great phone available at a great price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 21.07.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Pocket Lint

All said and done the Moto E gives plenty of bang for your buck. But it sits in a busy market, and one that's already dominated by Motorola. That, in part, is the Moto E's undoing, because we would still opt to spend a little more cash and buy the 4G Moto G instead. But that can't detract from the Moto E's successes: it's a great phone available at a great price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 21.07.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Mobileburn

Motorola has rested its hat on delivering the most phone possible for the least money necessary. The company cut corners on the Moto X and focused on software, then cut even more corners with the Moto G and focused on price. With the Moto E, it's raced to lower depths and still managed to create a phone worth buying. That's because the Moto E costs only $129 without a contract. At that price, no other smartphone comes close. I'd recommend anyone considering a Moto E aim a little higher and get the Moto G if they can afford it, but for someone whose first priority is the budget, the Moto E is the best option. The camera is abysmal and the form is a little shaky, but the Moto E is good in so many other key areas that it's hard to not be impressed by how good a phone can be even when aiming to go downmarket.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 19.06.2014
Quelle: Mobileburn

Motorola has rested its hat on delivering the most phone possible for the least money necessary. The company cut corners on the Moto X and focused on software, then cut even more corners with the Moto G and focused on price. With the Moto E, it's raced to lower depths and still managed to create a phone worth buying. That's because the Moto E costs only $129 without a contract. At that price, no other smartphone comes close. I'd recommend anyone considering a Moto E aim a little higher and get the Moto G if they can afford it, but for someone whose first priority is the budget, the Moto E is the best option. The camera is abysmal and the form is a little shaky, but the Moto E is good in so many other key areas that it's hard to not be impressed by how good a phone can be even when aiming to go downmarket.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 19.06.2014
Quelle: GSM Arena

Well, we've come to the end of this review and we are happy to report that the Moto E is another bulls-eye by Motorola. It's not the best performer out there, but it packs a serious punch for the least amount of money. We especially appreciated the unspoiled Android OS and the solid promise for timely updates. The camera is certainly a letdown, but not everybody needs a good camera. What everybody would get with the Moto E is a solid user experience and great bang-for-buck ratio, and that's what counts.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 14.06.2014
Quelle: GSM Arena

Well, we've come to the end of this review and we are happy to report that the Moto E is another bulls-eye by Motorola. It's not the best performer out there, but it packs a serious punch for the least amount of money. We especially appreciated the unspoiled Android OS and the solid promise for timely updates. The camera is certainly a letdown, but not everybody needs a good camera. What everybody would get with the Moto E is a solid user experience and great bang-for-buck ratio, and that's what counts.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 14.06.2014
Quelle: Androidbeat

The Moto E comes with a non-removable 1980mAh battery that provides more than enough juice for the handset to make it through a day of heavy usage. Even when using two SIM cards with a lot of phone calls and Google Drive usage, the Moto E easily lasted a day for me with 35% juice still left at the end of the day. The Moto E is truly a remarkable device for the price it’s selling at. Just like the Moto G, it bests the competition in nearly every possible aspect, except for the camera, and makes other low-end devices feel downright awful.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 10.06.2014
Quelle: Androidbeat

The Moto E comes with a non-removable 1980mAh battery that provides more than enough juice for the handset to make it through a day of heavy usage. Even when using two SIM cards with a lot of phone calls and Google Drive usage, the Moto E easily lasted a day for me with 35% juice still left at the end of the day. The Moto E is truly a remarkable device for the price it’s selling at. Just like the Moto G, it bests the competition in nearly every possible aspect, except for the camera, and makes other low-end devices feel downright awful.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 10.06.2014
Quelle: Slashgear

As a gateway to reliable Android ownership, however, the Moto E packs an impressive punch. Camera aside, I’d struggle to fault Motorola’s decisions in specifications, and while the design is uninspiring, it’s at least well put together. That counts for a lot, and I can’t help but welcome a company looking to innovate as much in price as it does in whiz-bang hardware.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 09.06.2014
Quelle: Slashgear

As a gateway to reliable Android ownership, however, the Moto E packs an impressive punch. Camera aside, I’d struggle to fault Motorola’s decisions in specifications, and while the design is uninspiring, it’s at least well put together. That counts for a lot, and I can’t help but welcome a company looking to innovate as much in price as it does in whiz-bang hardware.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 09.06.2014
Quelle: Wired Magazine

The question I kept asking myself was: Is this your primary phone? Despite the low price, when you factor in a phone bill, I think the answer is not yet. Even if you buy the Moto E off contract, you’ll still need a voice and data plan to use it. And given how much you’ll spend on that every month, it probably makes more sense to spend, say, the $70 more to buy an unlocked Moto G. But if you want a beater phone to take adventuring, or need something to fill in for a broken device until you reach the end of your contract, this is a great option.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 06.06.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%

The Moto E is priced aggressively at Rs 7000. No other Android handset from a top-tier manufacturer can currently compete with the Moto E. Despite a few niggles, we would like to recommend for its sharp display and impressive performance. Plus, latest Android Kitkat further sweetens the deal. The only potential deal breaker here are the camera and shoddy craftsmanship. The bottom-line is that if you’re looking for an entry-level Android smartphone from a reputed brand, Moto E is your only option. If you’re open to try out other platforms, the Lumia 520 is a better build handset that offers much polished smartphone experience.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 06.06.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70% Preis: 80% Leistung: 80% Ausstattung: 70% Gehäuse: 50%
Quelle: Wired Magazine

The question I kept asking myself was: Is this your primary phone? Despite the low price, when you factor in a phone bill, I think the answer is not yet. Even if you buy the Moto E off contract, you’ll still need a voice and data plan to use it. And given how much you’ll spend on that every month, it probably makes more sense to spend, say, the $70 more to buy an unlocked Moto G. But if you want a beater phone to take adventuring, or need something to fill in for a broken device until you reach the end of your contract, this is a great option.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 06.06.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%

The Moto E is priced aggressively at Rs 7000. No other Android handset from a top-tier manufacturer can currently compete with the Moto E. Despite a few niggles, we would like to recommend for its sharp display and impressive performance. Plus, latest Android Kitkat further sweetens the deal. The only potential deal breaker here are the camera and shoddy craftsmanship. The bottom-line is that if you’re looking for an entry-level Android smartphone from a reputed brand, Moto E is your only option. If you’re open to try out other platforms, the Lumia 520 is a better build handset that offers much polished smartphone experience.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 06.06.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70% Preis: 80% Leistung: 80% Ausstattung: 70% Gehäuse: 50%
Quelle: Stuff TV

If a £90 Nexus existed, it would look a lot like the Moto E. This isn’t just Android for the masses, it’s tidy, reliable, loveable Android for the masses. No, it isn’t perfect. But considering we’re yet to meet a mobile device that is, this Moto is £90 (£80 on O2) well spent. Its main flaw is its camera, but until you get to around the £200 mark, almost every handset disappoints in this department - including Motorola’s own Moto G.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 05.06.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Leistung: 70% Bildschirm: 70% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Stuff TV

If a £90 Nexus existed, it would look a lot like the Moto E. This isn’t just Android for the masses, it’s tidy, reliable, loveable Android for the masses. No, it isn’t perfect. But considering we’re yet to meet a mobile device that is, this Moto is £90 (£80 on O2) well spent. Its main flaw is its camera, but until you get to around the £200 mark, almost every handset disappoints in this department - including Motorola’s own Moto G.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 05.06.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Leistung: 70% Bildschirm: 70% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

Lumia 520 vs Motorola Moto E comparison review: best cheap smartphones you can buy in the UK in 2014 There is little to choose between the Moto E and the Lumia 520. Indeed, the chief thing to note is that these are both great handsets at a remarkably low price. The Lumia 520 is thinner and lighter, and comes in multiple colours. The Moto E is marginally cheaper and more powerful. And it has a bigger, better display. You will make your own choice, but for us the combination of that display and the greater flexibility of Android makes us choose the Moto E.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 02.06.2014
Quelle: Tech Advisor

Lumia 520 vs Motorola Moto E comparison review: best cheap smartphones you can buy in the UK in 2014 There is little to choose between the Moto E and the Lumia 520. Indeed, the chief thing to note is that these are both great handsets at a remarkably low price. The Lumia 520 is thinner and lighter, and comes in multiple colours. The Moto E is marginally cheaper and more powerful. And it has a bigger, better display. You will make your own choice, but for us the combination of that display and the greater flexibility of Android makes us choose the Moto E.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 02.06.2014
Quelle: Expert Reviews

Camera issues aside, the Moto E is a great phone for its price. The Moto G may have a better screen and a marginally better camera, but the Moto E has a longer-lasting battery and helpful new apps. Whether you're looking to buy your child their first phone or just want a superb budget handset for yourself, the Moto E is an excellent choice and is a worthy alternative to the Moto G.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 27.05.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Expert Reviews

Camera issues aside, the Moto E is a great phone for its price. The Moto G may have a better screen and a marginally better camera, but the Moto E has a longer-lasting battery and helpful new apps. Whether you're looking to buy your child their first phone or just want a superb budget handset for yourself, the Moto E is an excellent choice and is a worthy alternative to the Moto G.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 27.05.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Think Digit

If you are looking for a reliable smartphone under a budget of Rs.10,000 then look no further. Yes, we agree that the camera quality is poor and skipping the LED flash and front facing camera was a huge blunder. But in the end, Moto E proves to be a sturdy and nimble little smartphone with a solid build quality and decent performance capability.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 26.05.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 80% Leistung: 70% Ausstattung: 60% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Engadget

There's no two ways about it -- the Moto E is exciting, if not in the way most mobile buffs would like. You really shouldn't underestimate the sort of world-shaking power that can come from making something that's both very good and very cheap. So what if the spec sheet is a bit passé?
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 26.05.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 82%
Quelle: Think Digit

If you are looking for a reliable smartphone under a budget of Rs.10,000 then look no further. Yes, we agree that the camera quality is poor and skipping the LED flash and front facing camera was a huge blunder. But in the end, Moto E proves to be a sturdy and nimble little smartphone with a solid build quality and decent performance capability.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 26.05.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 80% Leistung: 70% Ausstattung: 60% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Engadget

There's no two ways about it -- the Moto E is exciting, if not in the way most mobile buffs would like. You really shouldn't underestimate the sort of world-shaking power that can come from making something that's both very good and very cheap. So what if the spec sheet is a bit passé?
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 26.05.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 82%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

The Moto G has been PC Advisor's best budget smartphone for a while but Motorola has come along with an even cheaper model in the Moto E. Watch our Moto E vs Moto G video review to see how the two budget smartphones compare. See also: What's the best budget smartphone.
video review
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 23.05.2014
Quelle: Tech Advisor

The Moto G has been PC Advisor's best budget smartphone for a while but Motorola has come along with an even cheaper model in the Moto E. Watch our Moto E vs Moto G video review to see how the two budget smartphones compare. See also: What's the best budget smartphone.
video review
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 23.05.2014
Quelle: Tech Advisor

Motorola set a new benchmark for the budget smartphone with the Moto G but has gone even lower on price with the Moto E. Although we're impressed with the Moto E which will make a great first or spare smartphone, it's worth paying the extra for the Moto G which is now £99 on PAYG.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 22.05.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 100% Leistung: 70% Ausstattung: 60% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

Motorola set a new benchmark for the budget smartphone with the Moto G but has gone even lower on price with the Moto E. Although we're impressed with the Moto E which will make a great first or spare smartphone, it's worth paying the extra for the Moto G which is now £99 on PAYG.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 22.05.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 100% Leistung: 70% Ausstattung: 60% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Greenbot

It likely won’t take the Moto E very long to prove its worth to the world, emerging market or not. It proves itself by being a great backup phone you can buy without issue off-contract and may be a good option for the first-time smartphone buyer. Motorola’s strategy to tackle the low-end market may not be the most glamorous, but it sure looks like this model is doing well for the company. The Moto E stays light on its feet and easy on the pocket, making it a low-end force to be reckoned with.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 21.05.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: Trusted Reviews

The Motorola Moto E sits in a tricky spot. Among its sub-£100 peers, it offers better basics than the competition. The screen, software and design are great for the price. But if you’re willing to pay a little more, you get a significant bump-up in quality by moving up to the Moto G. Its screen is better, its camera much more versatile and there are very real benefits in moving up to a quad-core Snapdragon 400 CPU from the Moto E’s dual-core Snapdragon 200.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 21.05.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 90% Leistung: 80% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 70% Gehäuse: 70%
Quelle: Gadgets Now

Motorola just keeps on stunning us with its low price mobiles: quite how the company can be making a profit on the Moto E is beyond us, but that’s only for them to worry about, not you. All you need to know is that this is the best phone you can buy for under £100 right now, and in a few weeks, perhaps it’ll even hit the £50 point. This isn’t just a budget smartphone: it’s a back up smartphone, an emergency smartphone, a holiday smartphone, a why-haven’t-you-bought-one-yet smartphone? Your move, everyone else.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 21.05.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
Quelle: Greenbot

It likely won’t take the Moto E very long to prove its worth to the world, emerging market or not. It proves itself by being a great backup phone you can buy without issue off-contract and may be a good option for the first-time smartphone buyer. Motorola’s strategy to tackle the low-end market may not be the most glamorous, but it sure looks like this model is doing well for the company. The Moto E stays light on its feet and easy on the pocket, making it a low-end force to be reckoned with.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 21.05.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: Trusted Reviews

The Motorola Moto E sits in a tricky spot. Among its sub-£100 peers, it offers better basics than the competition. The screen, software and design are great for the price. But if you’re willing to pay a little more, you get a significant bump-up in quality by moving up to the Moto G. Its screen is better, its camera much more versatile and there are very real benefits in moving up to a quad-core Snapdragon 400 CPU from the Moto E’s dual-core Snapdragon 200.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 21.05.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 90% Leistung: 80% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 70% Gehäuse: 70%
Quelle: Gadgets Now

Motorola just keeps on stunning us with its low price mobiles: quite how the company can be making a profit on the Moto E is beyond us, but that’s only for them to worry about, not you. All you need to know is that this is the best phone you can buy for under £100 right now, and in a few weeks, perhaps it’ll even hit the £50 point. This isn’t just a budget smartphone: it’s a back up smartphone, an emergency smartphone, a holiday smartphone, a why-haven’t-you-bought-one-yet smartphone? Your move, everyone else.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 21.05.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%

At a crazy price of under Rs 7,000, you can see why the Moto E has been a mega hit. Apart from being a handset from a reputed OEM, with extensive after sales support, you don’t feel short-changed when it comes to the features and performance. If you’re going to diss the Moto E because of its sub-par camera and the fact that it doesn’t have a front-facing one, then you’re missing the point.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 19.05.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Reg Hardware

While others might not care so much about a front-facing camera, I find its absence actually annoys me and knocks some of the shine off a device that I'd otherwise be very enthusiastic about. As it stands, unless you are after a backup handset, are confident that you will never have a use for a webcam or are truly skint, I’d suggest saving up the extra £70 and buying the 4G Moto G.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 19.05.2014

Motorola may have caused a mini-revolution with the first-generation Moto G, but the Moto E has been built to even tighter financial constraints, and that shows. There are plenty of good things about this £89 handset, but there are clear opportunities for a competitor to improve on some aspects. Also, the £149 Moto G with 4G (LTE) connectivity, a front-facing camera and 8GB of internal storage may prove to be a bigger draw for those who are prepared to spend a bit more money.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 19.05.2014

At a crazy price of under Rs 7,000, you can see why the Moto E has been a mega hit. Apart from being a handset from a reputed OEM, with extensive after sales support, you don’t feel short-changed when it comes to the features and performance. If you’re going to diss the Moto E because of its sub-par camera and the fact that it doesn’t have a front-facing one, then you’re missing the point.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 19.05.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Reg Hardware

While others might not care so much about a front-facing camera, I find its absence actually annoys me and knocks some of the shine off a device that I'd otherwise be very enthusiastic about. As it stands, unless you are after a backup handset, are confident that you will never have a use for a webcam or are truly skint, I’d suggest saving up the extra £70 and buying the 4G Moto G.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 19.05.2014

Motorola may have caused a mini-revolution with the first-generation Moto G, but the Moto E has been built to even tighter financial constraints, and that shows. There are plenty of good things about this £89 handset, but there are clear opportunities for a competitor to improve on some aspects. Also, the £149 Moto G with 4G (LTE) connectivity, a front-facing camera and 8GB of internal storage may prove to be a bigger draw for those who are prepared to spend a bit more money.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 19.05.2014
Quelle: NDTV Gadgets

What Motorola has done with the Moto E is let loose a performance beast in the sub-10k range of smartphones. It might have a bad camera, but in every other respect the Moto E trumps its competition by a large margin. The only other smartphone that comes close is the Nokia Lumia 525 (review) which runs Windows Phone 8, is more expensive, and has a limited number of applications in the app store.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 17.05.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70% Preis: 90% Leistung: 80% Bildschirm: 70% Mobilität: 60% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: NDTV Gadgets

What Motorola has done with the Moto E is let loose a performance beast in the sub-10k range of smartphones. It might have a bad camera, but in every other respect the Moto E trumps its competition by a large margin. The only other smartphone that comes close is the Nokia Lumia 525 (review) which runs Windows Phone 8, is more expensive, and has a limited number of applications in the app store.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 17.05.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70% Preis: 90% Leistung: 80% Bildschirm: 70% Mobilität: 60% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: PC Mag

Like the Moto G before it, the Moto E proves once again that low cost doesn't have to mean low quality. Motorola makes a compelling case for the end of the feature phone, but the Moto E will inevitably face limited appeal, at least here in the U.S. where subsidized phone prices and contract-bound plans still rule the day. The Moto E is an ideal starter smartphone, though, and is far more polished than similarly priced competitors. T-Mobile and MVNO subscribers, and especially parents looking to get a smartphone for their kids, should consider the Moto E. It's also worth taking a look at the Nokia Lumia 520/521, which goes for $100 or less online, but is network locked, and Windows Phone might not be for everyone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 16.05.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: Laptop Mag

The $129 Moto E packs a lot of promise into a very affordable device. You get a pure Android experience in a compact and durable design. Plus, you can swap out the back cover for other colors if you're looking for a little more personality. However, there are some things missing here, such as a front camera, a flash for the back camera and LTE connectivity.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 16.05.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 60%
Quelle: PC Mag

Like the Moto G before it, the Moto E proves once again that low cost doesn't have to mean low quality. Motorola makes a compelling case for the end of the feature phone, but the Moto E will inevitably face limited appeal, at least here in the U.S. where subsidized phone prices and contract-bound plans still rule the day. The Moto E is an ideal starter smartphone, though, and is far more polished than similarly priced competitors. T-Mobile and MVNO subscribers, and especially parents looking to get a smartphone for their kids, should consider the Moto E. It's also worth taking a look at the Nokia Lumia 520/521, which goes for $100 or less online, but is network locked, and Windows Phone might not be for everyone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 16.05.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: Laptop Mag

The $129 Moto E packs a lot of promise into a very affordable device. You get a pure Android experience in a compact and durable design. Plus, you can swap out the back cover for other colors if you're looking for a little more personality. However, there are some things missing here, such as a front camera, a flash for the back camera and LTE connectivity.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 16.05.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 60%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

You might have come to our Motorola Moto G vs Motorola Moto E comparison review wondering why on earth we are comparing the specifications of two smartphones from the same company with a £60 price difference; clearly the more expensive Motorola Moto G is going to best the £89 Moto E on the hardware front. Actually, what we've learned is that although the Motorola Moto G has the better specification, the Moto E's hardware is sufficient that it will be a great fit for many users - and especially so when you consider that those in the market for a budget smartphone don't expect to get ultimate performance. The Motorola Moto E might not have as good a screen or as much storage or processing- and graphics power as the Moto G, nor its support for 4G and microSD expansion. But it does do everything most people will require, and at a staggeringly good price. It truly looks to be the best budget smartphone money can buy.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 14.05.2014
Quelle: Tech Advisor

You might have come to our Motorola Moto G vs Motorola Moto E comparison review wondering why on earth we are comparing the specifications of two smartphones from the same company with a £60 price difference; clearly the more expensive Motorola Moto G is going to best the £89 Moto E on the hardware front. Actually, what we've learned is that although the Motorola Moto G has the better specification, the Moto E's hardware is sufficient that it will be a great fit for many users - and especially so when you consider that those in the market for a budget smartphone don't expect to get ultimate performance. The Motorola Moto E might not have as good a screen or as much storage or processing- and graphics power as the Moto G, nor its support for 4G and microSD expansion. But it does do everything most people will require, and at a staggeringly good price. It truly looks to be the best budget smartphone money can buy.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 14.05.2014
Quelle: Tech Advisor

Motorola set a new benchmark for the budget smartphone with the Moto G but has gone even lower on price with the Moto E. This smartphone is well built and has decent specs for just £89 so there's little not to like. Check back for a full review soon.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 13.05.2014
Quelle: T3

The price is clearly the big selling-point here, and whilst there are plenty of sub-£100 smartphones out there Motorola has clearly thought about what can make the Moto E a considerably better option that perhaps some of its rivals. The loss of a front-facing camera is a decision that could come back to kick Motorola but it's certainly not the end of the world, for now though we'll say that from spending a short amount of time with the Moto E it certainly feels like a mid-range smartphone which is probably what Motorola is hoping for.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 13.05.2014
Quelle: Techradar

The low budget smartphone market is starting to get interesting as some genuinely good phones, such as the Moto G and EE Kestrel, are coming out at low price points. But while both those phones are cheap they're still more expensive than the Moto E. For £90 or less there are very few compelling options and when it comes to Android handsets at that price I'd argue that there's nothing else out there as good as the Moto E. It's undeniably basic but it looks good, has a decent screen and it runs well. At this price you can't ask for more than that.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 13.05.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 100% Leistung: 70% Ausstattung: 60% Gehäuse: 70%
Quelle: Trusted Reviews

The Motorola Moto E is not as exciting a phone as its bigger brother. Its specs are more ordinary, its screen more commonplace. But if networks eat enough into the £89 ‘suggested’ price when the phone is locked to a network or tied in with buying £10 of credit, we could be looking at another class-leading budget Android phone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 13.05.2014
Quelle: Tech Advisor

Motorola set a new benchmark for the budget smartphone with the Moto G but has gone even lower on price with the Moto E. This smartphone is well built and has decent specs for just £89 so there's little not to like. Check back for a full review soon.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 13.05.2014
Quelle: T3

The price is clearly the big selling-point here, and whilst there are plenty of sub-£100 smartphones out there Motorola has clearly thought about what can make the Moto E a considerably better option that perhaps some of its rivals. The loss of a front-facing camera is a decision that could come back to kick Motorola but it's certainly not the end of the world, for now though we'll say that from spending a short amount of time with the Moto E it certainly feels like a mid-range smartphone which is probably what Motorola is hoping for.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 13.05.2014
Quelle: Techradar

The low budget smartphone market is starting to get interesting as some genuinely good phones, such as the Moto G and EE Kestrel, are coming out at low price points. But while both those phones are cheap they're still more expensive than the Moto E. For £90 or less there are very few compelling options and when it comes to Android handsets at that price I'd argue that there's nothing else out there as good as the Moto E. It's undeniably basic but it looks good, has a decent screen and it runs well. At this price you can't ask for more than that.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 13.05.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 100% Leistung: 70% Ausstattung: 60% Gehäuse: 70%
Quelle: Trusted Reviews

The Motorola Moto E is not as exciting a phone as its bigger brother. Its specs are more ordinary, its screen more commonplace. But if networks eat enough into the £89 ‘suggested’ price when the phone is locked to a network or tied in with buying £10 of credit, we could be looking at another class-leading budget Android phone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 13.05.2014
Motorola Moto G 2. Gen XT1068
Das Motorola Moto G2 ist ein 2014 Update mit verbesserter Leistung und Design. Sein grundlegendes, sauberes Block-Profil ist in zwei Farben erhältlich: schwarz oder weiß. Mit Motorola Shells können Anwender das Aussehen personalisieren. Dabei handelt es sich um austauschbare Rück-Panele. Es entstehen viele Farb- und Designoptionen einschließlich Falt-Gehäuse.
Das Android-4.4.4-KitKat-Gerät ist mit einem Qualcomm Snapdragon 400 Cortex A7 Quad-Core-Prozessor mit einer Taktrate von 1,2 GHz, 1 GB RAM und Adreno 305 Grafikchip ausgestattet. Der interne Speicher beträgt abhängig vom Modell entweder 8 oder 16 GB. Beide Modelle unterstützen MicroSDs und ermöglichen eine Speichererweiterung um zusätzliche 32 GB. Der 5,0 Zoll große IPS-Bildschirm des Motorola Moto G2 wird durch Corning Gorilla Glass 3 geschützt. Die Primärkamera verfügt über eine Auflösung von 8 MP, Auto-Fokus und LED-Blitz.
Zudem gibt es eine sekundäre 2 MP Frontkamera. Das 149 g Smartphone bietet zudem A-GPS, FM-Radio und Bluetooth. Das Motorola G2 bietet einen nicht entfernbaren Lithium-Ionen-Akku mit einer guten Kapazität von 2070 mAh.
Ausstattung / Datenblatt

Prozessor: Qualcomm Snapdragon 400 MSM8226
Grafikkarte: Qualcomm Adreno 305
Bildschirm: 5.00 Zoll, 16:9, 1280 x 720 Pixel
Gewicht: 0.15kg
Preis: 200 Euro
Links: Motorola Startseite
Moto G 2. Gen XT1068 (Modell)
Da "G"t noch was. Das Motorola Moto G war 2013 ein günstiges Smartphone, das mit seiner umfassenden Ausstattung auch Mittelklassegeräten Konkurrenz machte. Jetzt steht der Nachfolger bereit und es bleibt die Frage, ob uns das Moto G2 ebenfalls überzeugen kann. Im ausführlichen Test finden wir's heraus.
Quelle: Android Magazin - Heft 3/2015

Mit nicht einmal 8 vollen Megapixeln (3264 x 2448) hat das Moto G hinter dem HTC One M8 die geringste Auflösung im Test. Das bedeutet nicht automatisch ein schlechtes Bildergebnis in der Praxis: Die Kamera bietet neben Z3 und M8 die kleinste Blendenzahl, darüber hinaus einen optischen Bildstabilisator und den schnellen Phasenvergleich-AF. Dazu kommen großzügige Platzverhältnisse auf dem Sensor
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 01.05.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 40%
Quelle: Android Magazin - Heft 3/2015

Mit nicht einmal 8 vollen Megapixeln (3264 x 2448) hat das Moto G hinter dem HTC One M8 die geringste Auflösung im Test. Das bedeutet nicht automatisch ein schlechtes Bildergebnis in der Praxis: Die Kamera bietet neben Z3 und M8 die kleinste Blendenzahl, darüber hinaus einen optischen Bildstabilisator und den schnellen Phasenvergleich-AF. Dazu kommen großzügige Platzverhältnisse auf dem Sensor
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 01.05.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 40%
Quelle: e-media - Heft 07/2015

Das neue Moto G hat ein 5 Zoll-Display. Es bietet kräftige Farben und gute Blickwinkelstabilität. Die Auflösung liegt bei 720p, was für diese Klasse ein guter Wert ist. Gegenüber dem Vorgänger hat das neue Moto G ein wenig an Akkulaufzeit eingebüßt, insgesamt ist sie aber immer noch überdurchschnittlich. ... Als Betriebssystem werkelt ein fast reines Android 5, was ebenfalls zur guten Performance beiträgt.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 16.03.2015
Quelle: e-media - Heft 07/2015

Das neue Moto G hat ein 5 Zoll-Display. Es bietet kräftige Farben und gute Blickwinkelstabilität. Die Auflösung liegt bei 720p, was für diese Klasse ein guter Wert ist. Gegenüber dem Vorgänger hat das neue Moto G ein wenig an Akkulaufzeit eingebüßt, insgesamt ist sie aber immer noch überdurchschnittlich. ... Als Betriebssystem werkelt ein fast reines Android 5, was ebenfalls zur guten Performance beiträgt.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 16.03.2015
Quelle: Computer Magazin - Heft 3/2015

Plus: Hochauflösender Bildschirm; Einschübe für 2 SIM-Karten; Sehr lange Akkulaufzeit.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 01.02.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 92%
Quelle: Computer Magazin - Heft 3/2015

Plus: Hochauflösender Bildschirm; Einschübe für 2 SIM-Karten; Sehr lange Akkulaufzeit.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 01.02.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 92%
Quelle: Chip Test & Kauf - Heft 2/2015

Plus: Helles HD-Display, LTE, gute Performance, SD-Karten-Slot. Minus: Kein Ladegerät mitgeliefert, schwache Kamera.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 01.01.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 96%
Quelle: e-media - Heft 2/2015

Obwohl vieles an der Technik gleich geblieben ist, kann sich das Moto G2 durch zahlreiche Verbesserungen wie die Stereolautsprecher, SD-Karten-Slot und die Dual-SIM-Unterstützung als würdiger Nachfolger des Bestsellers behaupten. Das größere Display liefert kräftige Farben, erschwert aber die Einhandbedienung. ... Das Moto G2 ist als Einsteiger-Smartphone eine Empfehlung wert.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 01.01.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Chip Test & Kauf - Heft 2/2015

Plus: Helles HD-Display, LTE, gute Performance, SD-Karten-Slot. Minus: Kein Ladegerät mitgeliefert, schwache Kamera.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 01.01.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 96%
Quelle: e-media - Heft 2/2015

Obwohl vieles an der Technik gleich geblieben ist, kann sich das Moto G2 durch zahlreiche Verbesserungen wie die Stereolautsprecher, SD-Karten-Slot und die Dual-SIM-Unterstützung als würdiger Nachfolger des Bestsellers behaupten. Das größere Display liefert kräftige Farben, erschwert aber die Einhandbedienung. ... Das Moto G2 ist als Einsteiger-Smartphone eine Empfehlung wert.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 01.01.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Netzwelt

Größeres Display, Dual-SIM, Stereolautsprecher, höher auflösende Kamera und erweiterbarer Speicher - das sind sinnvolle, kleine Ergänzungen für das Moto G. Ähnliche Funktionen bietet, abgesehen von den Stereolautsprecher, zum Beispiel aber auch das Wiko Rainbow - und das auch noch zu einem deutlich niedrigeren Preis.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 04.12.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 62% Ausstattung: 60% Mobilität: 60% Gehäuse: 70%
Quelle: Netzwelt

Größeres Display, Dual-SIM, Stereolautsprecher, höher auflösende Kamera und erweiterbarer Speicher - das sind sinnvolle, kleine Ergänzungen für das Moto G. Ähnliche Funktionen bietet, abgesehen von den Stereolautsprecher, zum Beispiel aber auch das Wiko Rainbow - und das auch noch zu einem deutlich niedrigeren Preis.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 04.12.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 62% Ausstattung: 60% Mobilität: 60% Gehäuse: 70%
Quelle: Android Magazin - Heft 1/2015

Das neue Moto G wird die Konkurrenten im Niedrigpreis-Segment wohl erneut zittern lassen. Neue Ausstattungsmerkmale wie microSD, Dual SIM und die neuen Stereo-Lautsprecher trösten über die Schwächen des neuen Moto G - ein in die Jahre gekommener Systemchip und die etwas klobige Optik - hinweg.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 01.12.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 60%
Quelle: Android Magazin - Heft 1/2015

Das neue Moto G wird die Konkurrenten im Niedrigpreis-Segment wohl erneut zittern lassen. Neue Ausstattungsmerkmale wie microSD, Dual SIM und die neuen Stereo-Lautsprecher trösten über die Schwächen des neuen Moto G - ein in die Jahre gekommener Systemchip und die etwas klobige Optik - hinweg.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 01.12.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 60%

Auch das Moto G der 2. Generation erweist sich im Test als preiswertes Smartphone. Die neue Größe von 5 Zoll sehen wir allerdings nicht als Mehrwert, Kamera und Display sind nicht entscheidend verbessert. Das neue Moto G ist nicht mehr als eine XL-Variante des erfolgreichen Vorgängers.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 19.11.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 88% Preis: 89% Mobilität: 89%

Auch das Moto G der 2. Generation erweist sich im Test als preiswertes Smartphone. Die neue Größe von 5 Zoll sehen wir allerdings nicht als Mehrwert, Kamera und Display sind nicht entscheidend verbessert. Das neue Moto G ist nicht mehr als eine XL-Variante des erfolgreichen Vorgängers.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 19.11.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 88% Preis: 89% Mobilität: 89%
Quelle: Mobicroco

Insgesamt handelt es sich bei dem Motorola Moto G 2 um ein gutes Mittelklasse-Smartphone, das auf Grund seiner Dual-SIM-Funktion sowie der Positionierung der beiden Front-Lautsprecher noch einige Punkte bei der Bewertung rausholt. Die Spezifikationen sind zwar etwas mau, jedoch wird hierdurch der relativ niedrige Preis von unter 200 Euro gerechtfertigt. Allerdings sollte Motorola zukünftig daran denken, dass es vermehrt ähnlich gute Smartphones in der gleichen Preisklasse gibt. Verbesserungsbedarf sehen wir vor allem beim Prozessor sowie beim Gewicht.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 05.10.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 3% Preis: 92% Gehäuse: 96% Emissionen: 90%
Quelle: Mobicroco

Insgesamt handelt es sich bei dem Motorola Moto G 2 um ein gutes Mittelklasse-Smartphone, das auf Grund seiner Dual-SIM-Funktion sowie der Positionierung der beiden Front-Lautsprecher noch einige Punkte bei der Bewertung rausholt. Die Spezifikationen sind zwar etwas mau, jedoch wird hierdurch der relativ niedrige Preis von unter 200 Euro gerechtfertigt. Allerdings sollte Motorola zukünftig daran denken, dass es vermehrt ähnlich gute Smartphones in der gleichen Preisklasse gibt. Verbesserungsbedarf sehen wir vor allem beim Prozessor sowie beim Gewicht.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 05.10.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 3% Preis: 92% Gehäuse: 96% Emissionen: 90%
Quelle: Chip Test & Kauf - Heft Nr. 6/2014

Plus: Verarbeitung, Performance, Preis, sehr helles Display, ausdauernder Akku. Minus: Kein LTE und NFC, Speicher nicht erweiterbar, Ladegerät und Headset nicht mitgeliefert.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 01.10.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 96%
Quelle: Chip Test & Kauf - Heft Nr. 6/2014

Handling (30%): Spitzenklasse (93 von 100 Punkten); Internet (20%): Spitzenklasse (95 von 100 Punkten); Multimedia (20%): Oberklasse (82 von 100 Punkten); Telefon/Akku (20%): Spitzenklasse (91 von 100 Punkten); App-Store (10%): Spitzenklasse (96 von 100 Punkten).
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 01.10.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 96% Emissionen: 93%
Quelle: Connect - Heft 11/2014

Pro: 5-Zoll-Display; Dual-SIM; Stereo-Frontlautsprecher; Micro-SD-Steckplatz; schnelle Software-Updates; herausragendes Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis. Contra: kein LTE; gleicher Prozessor wie beim Vorgänger; für ein 5-Zoll-Display ist die Auflösung von 720p relativ niedrig.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 01.10.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Chip Test & Kauf - Heft Nr. 6/2014

Plus: Verarbeitung, Performance, Preis, sehr helles Display, ausdauernder Akku. Minus: Kein LTE und NFC, Speicher nicht erweiterbar, Ladegerät und Headset nicht mitgeliefert.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 01.10.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 96%
Quelle: Chip Test & Kauf - Heft Nr. 6/2014

Handling (30%): Spitzenklasse (93 von 100 Punkten); Internet (20%): Spitzenklasse (95 von 100 Punkten); Multimedia (20%): Oberklasse (82 von 100 Punkten); Telefon/Akku (20%): Spitzenklasse (91 von 100 Punkten); App-Store (10%): Spitzenklasse (96 von 100 Punkten).
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 01.10.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 96% Emissionen: 93%
Quelle: Connect - Heft 11/2014

Pro: 5-Zoll-Display; Dual-SIM; Stereo-Frontlautsprecher; Micro-SD-Steckplatz; schnelle Software-Updates; herausragendes Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis. Contra: kein LTE; gleicher Prozessor wie beim Vorgänger; für ein 5-Zoll-Display ist die Auflösung von 720p relativ niedrig.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 01.10.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Tabtech

Der Motorola Moto G 2 Test zeigt, dass es momentan wohl das beste Smartphone bis knapp ca. 250€ von einem bekannten Hersteller ist. Es überzeugt durch eine saubere Software, gute Verarbeitung und Materialwahl, ein gutes Display und eine gute Kamera … – kurz gesagt es überzeugt insgesamt als Paket.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 25.09.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 85% Preis: 100% Leistung: 70% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: Tabtech

Der Motorola Moto G 2 Test zeigt, dass es momentan wohl das beste Smartphone bis knapp ca. 250€ von einem bekannten Hersteller ist. Es überzeugt durch eine saubere Software, gute Verarbeitung und Materialwahl, ein gutes Display und eine gute Kamera … – kurz gesagt es überzeugt insgesamt als Paket.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 25.09.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 85% Preis: 100% Leistung: 70% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: Android Magazin - Heft 5/2014

Plus: Gutes Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis, LTE und microSD-Slot. Minus: Vergleichsweise hohes Gewicht.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 01.08.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Android Magazin - Heft 5/2014

Plus: Gutes Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis, LTE und microSD-Slot. Minus: Vergleichsweise hohes Gewicht.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 01.08.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Ausländische Testberichte
Quelle: Know Your Mobile

I like this handset A LOT. It offers unprecedented design and decent hardware for the ultra-low asking price. You can do a lot with the Moto G too, so much so I hardly missed my allegedly superior Nexus 5 during testing. There are certain issues –– imaging, for instance –– that when experienced do highlight its budget-nature, but beyond these blemishes the handset itself is a fine example of just how far things have come in the mobile space; two years ago a handset with these attributes at this price was a pipe dream.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 23.02.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Know Your Mobile

I like this handset A LOT. It offers unprecedented design and decent hardware for the ultra-low asking price. You can do a lot with the Moto G too, so much so I hardly missed my allegedly superior Nexus 5 during testing. There are certain issues –– imaging, for instance –– that when experienced do highlight its budget-nature, but beyond these blemishes the handset itself is a fine example of just how far things have come in the mobile space; two years ago a handset with these attributes at this price was a pipe dream.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 23.02.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Under KG

video review
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 12.02.2015
Quelle: Under KG

video review
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 12.02.2015
Quelle: Hardware Secrets

The first-generation Moto G was an excellent smartphone for its price. On this second generation, Motorola solved its main problems: the mediocre camera and the lack of support for memory cards. Being even more affordable than the first model, the Motorola Moto G 2nd Gen. is an excellente smartphone with an incredible cost/benefit ratio.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 20.01.2015
Quelle: Hardware Secrets

The first-generation Moto G was an excellent smartphone for its price. On this second generation, Motorola solved its main problems: the mediocre camera and the lack of support for memory cards. Being even more affordable than the first model, the Motorola Moto G 2nd Gen. is an excellente smartphone with an incredible cost/benefit ratio.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 20.01.2015
Quelle: Gadgetspeak

I have this as 3rd Generation but as another journalist pithily said there must have been a sibling as Motorola call it 2nd Generation. Here is the latest and greatest Moto G from Motorola who smashed through the glass ceiling of SmartPhone pricing, with their first Moto G, then more recently a 4G offering also bearing Moto G name and now the latest Moto G.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 24.12.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 80% Leistung: 80%
Quelle: Gadgetspeak

I have this as 3rd Generation but as another journalist pithily said there must have been a sibling as Motorola call it 2nd Generation. Here is the latest and greatest Moto G from Motorola who smashed through the glass ceiling of SmartPhone pricing, with their first Moto G, then more recently a 4G offering also bearing Moto G name and now the latest Moto G.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 24.12.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 80% Leistung: 80%
Quelle: Gadgetspeak

Ever since the original launch, my smartphone of choice has been theMotorola Moto G device which combines good performance with a reasonable price point. Motorola has recently upgrading this excellent handset with the new second generation version which is available in single or dual SIM flavours with a choice of either 8GB or 16GB.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 11.11.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90% Preis: 80% Leistung: 100%
Quelle: Gadgetspeak

Ever since the original launch, my smartphone of choice has been theMotorola Moto G device which combines good performance with a reasonable price point. Motorola has recently upgrading this excellent handset with the new second generation version which is available in single or dual SIM flavours with a choice of either 8GB or 16GB.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 11.11.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90% Preis: 80% Leistung: 100%
Quelle: Pocketnow

In the end, the question is, did Motorola go too light on the improvements to this year’s Moto G? Not at all. It’s just as much of a no-brainer as it ever was, even if Motorola only made a few changes to the hardware. We can think of at least two reasons we’re completely okay with that. One, Motorola got it right the first time by offering a whole lot of value for a very small price – just a fraction of what other, comparable smartphones were. And two, when you’re only asking $179 for a smartphone packed with some rather compelling specifications, there isn’t a lot of room for improvement.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 24.10.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Pocketnow

In the end, the question is, did Motorola go too light on the improvements to this year’s Moto G? Not at all. It’s just as much of a no-brainer as it ever was, even if Motorola only made a few changes to the hardware. We can think of at least two reasons we’re completely okay with that. One, Motorola got it right the first time by offering a whole lot of value for a very small price – just a fraction of what other, comparable smartphones were. And two, when you’re only asking $179 for a smartphone packed with some rather compelling specifications, there isn’t a lot of room for improvement.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 24.10.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Gadgetguy

That said, if you can live without good speeds and are happy to download everything at work or home and take it with you, the second-generation Moto G offers a reasonable amount of value, just don’t say we didn’t tell you so if the 3G speeds are a little too hard to take after a week.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 14.10.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70% Preis: 70% Leistung: 70% Ausstattung: 60% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Gadgetguy

That said, if you can live without good speeds and are happy to download everything at work or home and take it with you, the second-generation Moto G offers a reasonable amount of value, just don’t say we didn’t tell you so if the 3G speeds are a little too hard to take after a week.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 14.10.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70% Preis: 70% Leistung: 70% Ausstattung: 60% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Pocket Lint

The price was the key to the original Moto G's success and we suspect it will be a similar story for the 2014 model too. For £150 you get a lot for your money, including a decent display, very good battery life, ample performance and an improved camera, as well as microSD storage expansion and a raw Android operating system experience with some useful extras.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 08.10.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Pocket Lint

The price was the key to the original Moto G's success and we suspect it will be a similar story for the 2014 model too. For £150 you get a lot for your money, including a decent display, very good battery life, ample performance and an improved camera, as well as microSD storage expansion and a raw Android operating system experience with some useful extras.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 08.10.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Engadget

This won't be a phone that you fall hard and fast for. It won't sweep you off your feet, nor will it dazzle you with a slew of whizbang features. That's just fine, though. Because none of that changes the fact that the Moto G is still one of the best budget smartphones you can buy today.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 03.10.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 86%
Quelle: Engadget

This won't be a phone that you fall hard and fast for. It won't sweep you off your feet, nor will it dazzle you with a slew of whizbang features. That's just fine, though. Because none of that changes the fact that the Moto G is still one of the best budget smartphones you can buy today.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 03.10.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 86%
Quelle: Techspot

The Motorola Moto G is an impressive update to its highly regarded predecessor, addressing several issues with the first generation model and improving a few bits of hardware. However, it’s still not the perfect entry-level phone people might have been expecting, with the new additions not stretching to every corner of the device.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 02.10.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 85%
Quelle: Gadgets Now

Once again, Motorola astounds us with a smartphone that’s such good value it’s not at all clear how the company can be making money from it. But hey, if Motorola wants to live off vapours, that’s fine by us: forget cheap Samsungs, Windows Phones or budget HTCs, if you’re not going to splash the cash on a top end iPhone, phablet or camera phone, this is the only handset on any platform worth considering.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 02.10.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
Quelle: Techspot

The Motorola Moto G is an impressive update to its highly regarded predecessor, addressing several issues with the first generation model and improving a few bits of hardware. However, it’s still not the perfect entry-level phone people might have been expecting, with the new additions not stretching to every corner of the device.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 02.10.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 85%
Quelle: Gadgets Now

Once again, Motorola astounds us with a smartphone that’s such good value it’s not at all clear how the company can be making money from it. But hey, if Motorola wants to live off vapours, that’s fine by us: forget cheap Samsungs, Windows Phones or budget HTCs, if you’re not going to splash the cash on a top end iPhone, phablet or camera phone, this is the only handset on any platform worth considering.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 02.10.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
Quelle: Greenbot

Still, this is one of those inexpensive phones I wouldn't mind using on a day-to-day basis, even without the super high-resolution display or the Moto X's always-on capabilities. If you just need a smartphone to get the job done, the Moto G will do it for you, and it will do it right every time.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 30.09.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: PC World

Still, this is one of those inexpensive phones I wouldn’t mind using on a day-to-day basis, even without the super high-resolution display or the Moto X’s always-on capabilities. If you just need a smartphone to get the job done, the Moto G will do it for you, and it will do it right every time.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 30.09.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Greenbot

Still, this is one of those inexpensive phones I wouldn't mind using on a day-to-day basis, even without the super high-resolution display or the Moto X's always-on capabilities. If you just need a smartphone to get the job done, the Moto G will do it for you, and it will do it right every time.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 30.09.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: PC World

Still, this is one of those inexpensive phones I wouldn’t mind using on a day-to-day basis, even without the super high-resolution display or the Moto X’s always-on capabilities. If you just need a smartphone to get the job done, the Moto G will do it for you, and it will do it right every time.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 30.09.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%

All in all, the second-gen Moto G is everything we loved about the original -- just pushed forward with some nice new tweaks and improvements. If you want the best possible smartphone experience, a phone of this caliber isn't going to be for you. But when it comes to the budget phone realm, it absolutely doesn't get any better.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 26.09.2014

All in all, the second-gen Moto G is everything we loved about the original -- just pushed forward with some nice new tweaks and improvements. If you want the best possible smartphone experience, a phone of this caliber isn't going to be for you. But when it comes to the budget phone realm, it absolutely doesn't get any better.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 26.09.2014
Quelle: Gizmag

Motorola is a hugely underrated device maker in a world where Apple and Samsung grab the lion's share of attention. But that could soon change with the company's sale to China's Lenovo and its building momentum towards becoming a major player worldwide.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 24.09.2014
Quelle: Gizmag

Motorola is a hugely underrated device maker in a world where Apple and Samsung grab the lion's share of attention. But that could soon change with the company's sale to China's Lenovo and its building momentum towards becoming a major player worldwide.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 24.09.2014
Quelle: Techradar

The 2014 edition is another cracking budget phone from Motorola. More screen space and a much better camera are worthwhile upgrades. The design language has been maintained to a good level, and improved in some ways as well. The fact you've got the option of dual front-facing speakers is really nice, although you don't get the performance found in the HTC One M8 or the Sony Xperia Z3.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 23.09.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90% Preis: 100% Leistung: 90% Ausstattung: 80% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Techradar

The 2014 edition is another cracking budget phone from Motorola. More screen space and a much better camera are worthwhile upgrades. The design language has been maintained to a good level, and improved in some ways as well. The fact you've got the option of dual front-facing speakers is really nice, although you don't get the performance found in the HTC One M8 or the Sony Xperia Z3.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 23.09.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90% Preis: 100% Leistung: 90% Ausstattung: 80% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: GSM Arena

Moto G (2014), like its predecessor, is easily among the most capable Android smartphones you can buy in its price range. The smartphone offers a well-designed, solidly crafted hardware package, topped with up-to-date OS, which is bound to receive updates in a timely fashion.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 22.09.2014
Quelle: Tech Advisor

It's unsurprising that the Moto G2 is a better phone than the Moto E and we recommend spending the extra if you can afford it for the better screen, camera, processor, storage, battery life and stereo speakers. The one caveat is that neither phone supports 4G so look elsewhere (Moto G 4G, for example) if this is a must.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 22.09.2014
Quelle: GSM Arena

Moto G (2014), like its predecessor, is easily among the most capable Android smartphones you can buy in its price range. The smartphone offers a well-designed, solidly crafted hardware package, topped with up-to-date OS, which is bound to receive updates in a timely fashion.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 22.09.2014
Quelle: Tech Advisor

It's unsurprising that the Moto G2 is a better phone than the Moto E and we recommend spending the extra if you can afford it for the better screen, camera, processor, storage, battery life and stereo speakers. The one caveat is that neither phone supports 4G so look elsewhere (Moto G 4G, for example) if this is a must.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 22.09.2014
Quelle: Expert Reviews

The new Moto G isn't just an amazing bargain. It's a sub-£150 phone that gives a surprising number of £200-plus mid-range handsets a real run for their money, and in most cases actually beats them hands down in terms of overall value. We didn't think it was possible to create a better phone than the original Moto G, but the latest version of Motorola's unstoppable handset rightly claims its crown as the new king of budget smartphones. It wins a Best Buy award.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 19.09.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
Quelle: Expert Reviews

The new Moto G isn't just an amazing bargain. It's a sub-£150 phone that gives a surprising number of £200-plus mid-range handsets a real run for their money, and in most cases actually beats them hands down in terms of overall value. We didn't think it was possible to create a better phone than the original Moto G, but the latest version of Motorola's unstoppable handset rightly claims its crown as the new king of budget smartphones. It wins a Best Buy award.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 19.09.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

It may not have 4G or a faster processor, but for many people these won’t matter at all. Performance is decent and you’ll easily get through a day before needing to recharge. We’ve even managed two days on a couple of occasions. All in all, this is a great-value Android phone.
video review
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 18.09.2014
Quelle: Tech Advisor

It may not have 4G or a faster processor, but for many people these won’t matter at all. Performance is decent and you’ll easily get through a day before needing to recharge. We’ve even managed two days on a couple of occasions. All in all, this is a great-value Android phone.
video review
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 18.09.2014
Quelle: Tech Advisor

The new Motorola Moto G (2014) has a larger screen, better cameras and front facing stereo speakers. Pretty much everything else remains the same so there are only a few upgrades here and the dual-SIM feature will be only useful to a handful of users. It's not a must have upgrade if you have the original Moto G and if you need 4G support then the Moto G2 doesn't offer it.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 17.09.2014
Quelle: Tech Advisor

The new Motorola Moto G (2014) has a larger screen, better cameras and front facing stereo speakers. Pretty much everything else remains the same so there are only a few upgrades here and the dual-SIM feature will be only useful to a handful of users. It's not a must have upgrade if you have the original Moto G and if you need 4G support then the Moto G2 doesn't offer it.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 17.09.2014
Quelle: Trusted Reviews

Yes, is the simple answer. The new Moto G still offers excellent value for money and while Motorola hasn't upgraded in every department, the changes it has made still make this phone head and shoulders above other sub-£150 smartphones. Take that money elsewhere and you will likely have to make compromises on elements like screen quality, performance and battery life. You don't do that with the Moto G. It might be a different story in 12 months time, but at the moment there are few phones that tick so many of the boxes.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 16.09.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90% Preis: 100% Leistung: 90% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: NDTV Gadgets

While not quite matching the raw performance of the Asus Zenfone 5, Motorola's latest effort is still a contender thanks to its features and software. The 16GB versions of both phones are priced at Rs. 12,999, but there's an 8GB Zenfone 5 option if you need to save a little money. For us, the choice ultimately comes down to whether you prefer Asus' Zen UI over stock Android KitKat (and soon, Android L). Xiaomi's Mi 3 (Review | Pictures) would have been a much bigger threat, but it isn't a true contender at the moment because it simply isn't available anymore.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 16.09.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 80% Leistung: 80% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 60%
Quelle: Gadgetguy

It’s not the cheapest Motorola out there, but in terms of performance, the Moto G 4G ticks quite a few boxes, offering a great screen, fast 4G speeds, and impressive battery life. There’s some pretty solid competition between this and Kogan’s BenQ-powered Agora 4G, a device which has half an inch on the Moto G 4G, but if you like devices small-ish and want to move from the iPhone 3 or 4 to an Android with more bandwidth, this is one phone we’d check out.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 16.09.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 90% Leistung: 90% Ausstattung: 70% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Phone Arena

Motorola has seemingly found success in the entry-level market, and it obviously shows with its Moto G smartphones. Before its introduction, owning a decent performing basic smartphone meant forking over $200 to pick up – so the feeling felt rewarding when we found out that the original model would bear an easy-to-pay price of $179.99. Of course, Motorola realized this advantage and has once again graced its new Moto G with the same, lovely price point.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 16.09.2014
Quelle: Digital Trends

The Moto G (2nd Gen) is a very good smartphone, but it is no longer the best in class. The competition it faces is much tougher than its predecessor and the Xiaomi Mi3 and Micromax Canvas Nitro both perform better than this device, while the Asus Zenfone 5 is another option to choose from. The only thing the new Moto G has over these devices is brand recognition. It does give good value for your money.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 16.09.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 79%
Quelle: Trusted Reviews

Yes, is the simple answer. The new Moto G still offers excellent value for money and while Motorola hasn't upgraded in every department, the changes it has made still make this phone head and shoulders above other sub-£150 smartphones. Take that money elsewhere and you will likely have to make compromises on elements like screen quality, performance and battery life. You don't do that with the Moto G. It might be a different story in 12 months time, but at the moment there are few phones that tick so many of the boxes.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 16.09.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90% Preis: 100% Leistung: 90% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: NDTV Gadgets

While not quite matching the raw performance of the Asus Zenfone 5, Motorola's latest effort is still a contender thanks to its features and software. The 16GB versions of both phones are priced at Rs. 12,999, but there's an 8GB Zenfone 5 option if you need to save a little money. For us, the choice ultimately comes down to whether you prefer Asus' Zen UI over stock Android KitKat (and soon, Android L). Xiaomi's Mi 3 (Review | Pictures) would have been a much bigger threat, but it isn't a true contender at the moment because it simply isn't available anymore.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 16.09.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 80% Leistung: 80% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 60%
Quelle: Gadgetguy

It’s not the cheapest Motorola out there, but in terms of performance, the Moto G 4G ticks quite a few boxes, offering a great screen, fast 4G speeds, and impressive battery life. There’s some pretty solid competition between this and Kogan’s BenQ-powered Agora 4G, a device which has half an inch on the Moto G 4G, but if you like devices small-ish and want to move from the iPhone 3 or 4 to an Android with more bandwidth, this is one phone we’d check out.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 16.09.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 90% Leistung: 90% Ausstattung: 70% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Phone Arena

Motorola has seemingly found success in the entry-level market, and it obviously shows with its Moto G smartphones. Before its introduction, owning a decent performing basic smartphone meant forking over $200 to pick up – so the feeling felt rewarding when we found out that the original model would bear an easy-to-pay price of $179.99. Of course, Motorola realized this advantage and has once again graced its new Moto G with the same, lovely price point.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 16.09.2014
Quelle: Digital Trends

The Moto G (2nd Gen) is a very good smartphone, but it is no longer the best in class. The competition it faces is much tougher than its predecessor and the Xiaomi Mi3 and Micromax Canvas Nitro both perform better than this device, while the Asus Zenfone 5 is another option to choose from. The only thing the new Moto G has over these devices is brand recognition. It does give good value for your money.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 16.09.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 79%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

With a bigger screen, much better speakers and improved cameras, the new Moto G is a great budget smartphone. The lack of support for 4G will be a deal-breaker for some, though. It isn't without its rivals, but if you're specifically looking for a budget dual-SIM Android phone, it's a good choice.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 15.09.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 80% Leistung: 80% Ausstattung: 70% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: PC Mag

It's still surprising Motorola didn't include LTE in the new G, especially since it released an LTE model of the original G for only a $20 premium. Other options that have LTE include the Huawei Ascend Mate2 4G and the ZTE Nubia 5s Mini, but they're more expensive than the G. In that price range, though, the Nexus 5 is still a fantastic, inexpensive unlocked phone with a 5-inch screen, although it lacks a memory card slot. All told, the G is a lot of phone for the low $179.99 asking price, and is certainly worthy of consideration.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 15.09.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

With a bigger screen, much better speakers and improved cameras, the new Moto G is a great budget smartphone. The lack of support for 4G will be a deal-breaker for some, though. It isn't without its rivals, but if you're specifically looking for a budget dual-SIM Android phone, it's a good choice.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 15.09.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 80% Leistung: 80% Ausstattung: 70% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: PC Mag

It's still surprising Motorola didn't include LTE in the new G, especially since it released an LTE model of the original G for only a $20 premium. Other options that have LTE include the Huawei Ascend Mate2 4G and the ZTE Nubia 5s Mini, but they're more expensive than the G. In that price range, though, the Nexus 5 is still a fantastic, inexpensive unlocked phone with a 5-inch screen, although it lacks a memory card slot. All told, the G is a lot of phone for the low $179.99 asking price, and is certainly worthy of consideration.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 15.09.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: Recombu

If you skipped the rest of our lovely prose just to read our verdict on the Motorola New Moto G, then how very dare you. But it’s no big surprise that Motorola has once again smashed down its affordable rivals with a great-value mobile, which takes the brilliant original and packs in even more awesomeness.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 13.09.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
Quelle: Recombu

If you skipped the rest of our lovely prose just to read our verdict on the Motorola New Moto G, then how very dare you. But it’s no big surprise that Motorola has once again smashed down its affordable rivals with a great-value mobile, which takes the brilliant original and packs in even more awesomeness.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 13.09.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
Quelle: Gadgetspeak

It is 13x6.5x.6cm and weights 144grams. Like a lot of recent phones that have passed my desk the first puzzle is how the back comes off. This is an updated version of the excellent ground breaking mobile offering launched last year by Motorola. A few of the missing items that people wanted included have been so what exactly does this updated phone have to offer?
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 12.09.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 60% Leistung: 80%
Quelle: Laptop Mag

The Motorola Moto G ($180 unlocked) offers budget specs for a budget price, but the experience doesn't feel cheap. The handset's comfy, customizable design has shades of the more premium Moto X ($99 on-contract), and games and movies played wonderfully on the phone's 5-inch, 1280 x 720 display.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 12.09.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: IT Pro Portal

Topping the original Moto G is a big ask – this was the handset that disrupted a notoriously competitive market and catapulted Motorola back under the global spotlight. However, the 2014 edition isn't so much a "topper" but a rather delicious "topping." The lack of 4G combined with the lack of processor nor screen resolution boost prevents it from reaching perfection, but the improved camera and screen size means it's a worthy upgrade on top of the success the first Moto G created.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 12.09.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Gadgetspeak

It is 13x6.5x.6cm and weights 144grams. Like a lot of recent phones that have passed my desk the first puzzle is how the back comes off. This is an updated version of the excellent ground breaking mobile offering launched last year by Motorola. A few of the missing items that people wanted included have been so what exactly does this updated phone have to offer?
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 12.09.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 60% Leistung: 80%
Quelle: Laptop Mag

The Motorola Moto G ($180 unlocked) offers budget specs for a budget price, but the experience doesn't feel cheap. The handset's comfy, customizable design has shades of the more premium Moto X ($99 on-contract), and games and movies played wonderfully on the phone's 5-inch, 1280 x 720 display.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 12.09.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: IT Pro Portal

Topping the original Moto G is a big ask – this was the handset that disrupted a notoriously competitive market and catapulted Motorola back under the global spotlight. However, the 2014 edition isn't so much a "topper" but a rather delicious "topping." The lack of 4G combined with the lack of processor nor screen resolution boost prevents it from reaching perfection, but the improved camera and screen size means it's a worthy upgrade on top of the success the first Moto G created.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 12.09.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Phone Arena

The Moto G is a simple, yet customizable designed phone that presents users with all of the core features of Android – without the redundancies of overbloated software features in tow. Therefore, if you’re looking to get something basic, preferably one that doesn’t require your signature on a contract, the Moto G is an option that you should check out.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 11.09.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 85%
Quelle: Phone Arena

The Moto G is a simple, yet customizable designed phone that presents users with all of the core features of Android – without the redundancies of overbloated software features in tow. Therefore, if you’re looking to get something basic, preferably one that doesn’t require your signature on a contract, the Moto G is an option that you should check out.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 11.09.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 85%
Quelle: Ubergizmo English

As a budget smartphone, the Moto G (2014) rules…again. The build-quality, 5-inch display and interchangeable covers combined with the ridiculously affordable $179.99 unlocked price is the perfect recipe for success. I expect the Moto G (2014) to sell like hotcakes in emerging regions such as Asia and Latin America, and places where 4G LTE networks aren’t prevalent.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 10.09.2014

The new Moto G offers up some nice improvements over last year’s model and I am pretty surprised they were able to still keep the price under $200. As long as people can accept the larger size, I think the Moto G will again be an extremely popular smartphone for the masses who don’t want to pay three to nearly five times this amount for a new iPhone 6 model.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 10.09.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Ubergizmo English

As a budget smartphone, the Moto G (2014) rules…again. The build-quality, 5-inch display and interchangeable covers combined with the ridiculously affordable $179.99 unlocked price is the perfect recipe for success. I expect the Moto G (2014) to sell like hotcakes in emerging regions such as Asia and Latin America, and places where 4G LTE networks aren’t prevalent.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 10.09.2014

The new Moto G offers up some nice improvements over last year’s model and I am pretty surprised they were able to still keep the price under $200. As long as people can accept the larger size, I think the Moto G will again be an extremely popular smartphone for the masses who don’t want to pay three to nearly five times this amount for a new iPhone 6 model.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 10.09.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

With a bigger screen, much better speakers and improved cameras, the new Moto G is a great budget smartphone. However, the lack of 4G, no processor upgrade nor a boost in screen resolution means it's arguably not as good value as the original Moto G was when it launched. That's also because the new Moto G has considerably tougher competition to deal with. There are cheaper options if your budget won't stretch this far, but if you're specifically looking for a budget dual-SIM Android phone, it's a good choice. If you absolutely need 4G, then the revised first-generation Moto G is still a worthy contender.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 09.09.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 80% Leistung: 80% Ausstattung: 70% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

With a bigger screen, much better speakers and improved cameras, the new Moto G is a great budget smartphone. However, the lack of 4G, no processor upgrade nor a boost in screen resolution means it's arguably not as good value as the original Moto G was when it launched. That's also because the new Moto G has considerably tougher competition to deal with. There are cheaper options if your budget won't stretch this far, but if you're specifically looking for a budget dual-SIM Android phone, it's a good choice. If you absolutely need 4G, then the revised first-generation Moto G is still a worthy contender.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 09.09.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 80% Leistung: 80% Ausstattung: 70% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Stuff TV

All in all, the new Moto G isn't exactly an improvement in every way over last year's smartphone. The new camera is the most exciting addition, followed by the microSD slot for up to 32GB of expandable memory which we've already seen on the Moto G 4G. But the bigger screen loses some pixel density and might impact on battery life. Either way, the 5in Moto G will no doubt still be fantastic bang for buck like the two smaller budget Motos. Just don't expect the 4.5in G to go anywhere for now.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 05.09.2014
Quelle: T3

Motorola has again impressed with its affordable option and even though we would have liked to have seen a few more of the Moto X features trickle down to the G, the larger screen, beefed up snapper and quad-core processor make up for it. If only it had 4G.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 05.09.2014

As far as the new Moto G is concerned, so long as the battery life checks out, we see no reason why it shouldn't continue the success of its predecessor — although there is now more competition in the affordable smartphone space than there was a year ago.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 05.09.2014
Quelle: Stuff TV

All in all, the new Moto G isn't exactly an improvement in every way over last year's smartphone. The new camera is the most exciting addition, followed by the microSD slot for up to 32GB of expandable memory which we've already seen on the Moto G 4G. But the bigger screen loses some pixel density and might impact on battery life. Either way, the 5in Moto G will no doubt still be fantastic bang for buck like the two smaller budget Motos. Just don't expect the 4.5in G to go anywhere for now.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 05.09.2014
Quelle: T3

Motorola has again impressed with its affordable option and even though we would have liked to have seen a few more of the Moto X features trickle down to the G, the larger screen, beefed up snapper and quad-core processor make up for it. If only it had 4G.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 05.09.2014

As far as the new Moto G is concerned, so long as the battery life checks out, we see no reason why it shouldn't continue the success of its predecessor — although there is now more competition in the affordable smartphone space than there was a year ago.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 05.09.2014
Motorola Moto X 2. Gen 2014
Mit dem Motorola X 2014, das eine Vielzahl von Optionen bietet, strebt Motorola sicherlich nach einem vollständig konfigurierbaren Gerät. Das Chassis mit Aluminium-Rahmen ist leicht gewölbt, um perfekt in die Hand zu passen und kann mit vielen, vom Anwender ausgewählten Teilen, wie Metall-Akzenten, bunten Farben, echtem Holz und sogar Leder, bestückt werden. Für ein einzigartiges Aussehen, können die Verbraucher auch ihre Unterschrift mit Laser eingravieren lassen.
Der 5,2 Zoll große AMOLED 1080p FHD-Bildschirm bietet 423 ppi und ist durch Corning Gorilla Glass 3 geschützt. Das Bild ist scharf und die Farben sind schön. Das Android-4.4.4-KitKat-Gerät verfügt über einen 2,5 Ghz Qualcomm Snapdragon 801 Quad-Core-Prozessor, 2 GB RAM und eine Adreno 330 GPU. In Kombination mit 16 GB oder 32 GB internem Speicher ist das Motorola Moto X 2014 sicherlich für die anspruchsvollsten Nutzer leistungsstark genug.
Die Kamera an der Rückseite verfügt über eine Auflösung von 13 MP, f/2.25-Blende und einen Dual-LED-Ring-Blitz. Die Bildqualität ist ausgezeichnet und das Gerät kann sogar 4K UHD Videos aufzeichnen. Die Frontkamera löst mit 2 MP auf. Das wasserresistente Motorola Moto X 2014 verfügt über einen 2300 mAh Akku, der bis zu 24 Stunden gemischter Nutzung ermöglicht.
Ausstattung / Datenblatt

Prozessor: Qualcomm Snapdragon 801 MSM8974AC
Grafikkarte: Qualcomm Adreno 330
Bildschirm: 5.20 Zoll, 16:9, 1920 x 1080 Pixel
Gewicht: 0.145kg
Preis: 549 Euro
Links: Motorola Startseite
Moto X 2. Gen 2014 (Modell)
Immer ein offenes Ohr. Motorola spendiert seinem Flaggschiff ein Upgrade und hält dabei an bewährten Tugenden fest. Die Sprachsteuerung wird noch weiter ausgebaut. Außerdem werden ein starker Snapdragon 801 sowie eine 13-MP-Kamera integriert. Über den Moto Maker lässt sich das Smartphone zudem individuell gestalten und ermöglicht auch den Einsatz von exklusiven Materialien wie Echtholz und Leder.
Quelle: Computer Magazin - Heft 3/2015

Positiv: Sehr gute Verarbeitung und ein stabiles Gehäuse; Viele praktische Funktionen und Assistenten. Negativ: Kleiner Speicher, teurer Kaufpreis.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 02.03.2015
Quelle: Computer Magazin - Heft 3/2015

Positiv: Sehr gute Verarbeitung und ein stabiles Gehäuse; Viele praktische Funktionen und Assistenten. Negativ: Kleiner Speicher, teurer Kaufpreis.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 02.03.2015
Quelle: Computerbild - Heft 5/2015

Display: 5 von 5 Sternen; Speicher: 3,5 von 5 Sternen; Geschwindigkeit: 5 von 5 Sternen; Akkulaufzeit: 4 von 5 Sternen; Bedienung: 4,5 von 5 Sternen; Design: 5 von 5 Sternen; Gewicht & Handlichkeit: 4,5 von 5 Sternen.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 16.02.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 95% Leistung: 100% Bildschirm: 100% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 100%
Quelle: Computerbild - Heft 5/2015

Display: 5 von 5 Sternen; Speicher: 3,5 von 5 Sternen; Geschwindigkeit: 5 von 5 Sternen; Akkulaufzeit: 4 von 5 Sternen; Bedienung: 4,5 von 5 Sternen; Design: 5 von 5 Sternen; Gewicht & Handlichkeit: 4,5 von 5 Sternen.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 16.02.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 95% Leistung: 100% Bildschirm: 100% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 100%
Quelle: Stiftung Warentest - Heft 3/2015

Telefon (15%): „befriedigend“ (3,3); Internet und PC (15%): „gut“ (1,6); Kamera (15%): „befriedigend“ (3,5); GPS und Navigation (10%): „gut“ (2,0); Musikspieler (5%): „befriedigend“ (3,3); Handhabung (20%): „gut“ (2,0); Stabilität (5%): „sehr gut“ (1,5); Akku (15%): „gut“ (2,5).
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 01.02.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 85% Mobilität: 85% Ergonomie: 90%
Quelle: Stiftung Warentest - Heft 3/2015

Telefon (15%): „befriedigend“ (3,3); Internet und PC (15%): „gut“ (1,6); Kamera (15%): „befriedigend“ (3,5); GPS und Navigation (10%): „gut“ (2,0); Musikspieler (5%): „befriedigend“ (3,3); Handhabung (20%): „gut“ (2,0); Stabilität (5%): „sehr gut“ (1,5); Akku (15%): „gut“ (2,5).
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 01.02.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 85% Mobilität: 85% Ergonomie: 90%
Quelle: Area DVD

Mal abgesehen von der eingeschränkten Speicherkapazität präsentiert sich das moto x als rundum gutes Mittelklasse-Smartphone, das keine gravierenden Schwächen aufweist. Durch die lange Zusammenarbeit mit Google weist es zudem ein paar interessante Software-Extras auf, die zum Teil sogar für Überraschungsmomente sorgen.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 17.12.2014
Quelle: Area DVD

Mal abgesehen von der eingeschränkten Speicherkapazität präsentiert sich das moto x als rundum gutes Mittelklasse-Smartphone, das keine gravierenden Schwächen aufweist. Durch die lange Zusammenarbeit mit Google weist es zudem ein paar interessante Software-Extras auf, die zum Teil sogar für Überraschungsmomente sorgen.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 17.12.2014
Quelle: Android Magazin - Heft 1/2015

Schon das erste Moto X erfreute sich großer Beliebtheit und mit dem Nachfolgemodell legt Motorola noch einmal eine Schippe drauf: Die Hardware ist zwar nicht in allen Belangen am neuesten Stand, das abgestimmte System, in Kombination mit der Sprachsteuerung und anderen praktischen Hilfestellungen macht das Moto X aber zum perfekten Begleiter im Alltag.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 01.12.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Connect - Heft 1/2015

Plus: liegt sehr gut in der Hand; eleganter Aluminiumrahmen hält Vorder- und Rückseite zusammen ... starke Funkleistungen. Minus: keine Kopfhörer im Lieferumfang; Display nicht sehr leuchtstark; Speicher nicht erweiterbar; Kamera nur Durchschnitt; Akkulaufzeit könnte besser sein; hoher Preis.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 01.12.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 79%
Quelle: Android Magazin - Heft 1/2015

Schon das erste Moto X erfreute sich großer Beliebtheit und mit dem Nachfolgemodell legt Motorola noch einmal eine Schippe drauf: Die Hardware ist zwar nicht in allen Belangen am neuesten Stand, das abgestimmte System, in Kombination mit der Sprachsteuerung und anderen praktischen Hilfestellungen macht das Moto X aber zum perfekten Begleiter im Alltag.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 01.12.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Connect - Heft 1/2015

Plus: liegt sehr gut in der Hand; eleganter Aluminiumrahmen hält Vorder- und Rückseite zusammen ... starke Funkleistungen. Minus: keine Kopfhörer im Lieferumfang; Display nicht sehr leuchtstark; Speicher nicht erweiterbar; Kamera nur Durchschnitt; Akkulaufzeit könnte besser sein; hoher Preis.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 01.12.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 79%

Das Moto X ist ein hübsches und gut verarbeitetes Smartphone, das ein ungestörtes Android-Erlebnis bietet. Gerade Android-Puristen werden sich über die fast komplett unangepasste Android-Version freuen. Die Zusatzfunktionen, die Motorola integriert hat, sind nicht aufdringlich, nicht überladen und machen ebenfalls durchwegs Sinn.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 25.11.2014

Das Moto X ist ein hübsches und gut verarbeitetes Smartphone, das ein ungestörtes Android-Erlebnis bietet. Gerade Android-Puristen werden sich über die fast komplett unangepasste Android-Version freuen. Die Zusatzfunktionen, die Motorola integriert hat, sind nicht aufdringlich, nicht überladen und machen ebenfalls durchwegs Sinn.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 25.11.2014
Quelle: Tom's Hardware

Wer zur zweiten Generation des Moto X greift, macht grundsätzlich nichts falsch: Solide bis herausragende Leistung in allen Lebenslagen, individuelles Design in einer Welt des Einheitsbreis und innovative Bedien- und Nutzungsmöglichkeiten - das passt sehr gut zu einem High-End-Smartphone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 03.11.2014
Quelle: Tom's Hardware

Wer zur zweiten Generation des Moto X greift, macht grundsätzlich nichts falsch: Solide bis herausragende Leistung in allen Lebenslagen, individuelles Design in einer Welt des Einheitsbreis und innovative Bedien- und Nutzungsmöglichkeiten - das passt sehr gut zu einem High-End-Smartphone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 03.11.2014
Quelle: Mac Life - Heft 12/2014

Plus: schickes Design, hohe Leistung, nahezu unverändertes ‚Stock-Android‘, clevere Ergänzungen, individuelles Design via Moto Maker. Minus: Fotoqualität nur durchschnittlich.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 01.11.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 92%
Quelle: Mac Life - Heft 12/2014

Plus: schickes Design, hohe Leistung, nahezu unverändertes ‚Stock-Android‘, clevere Ergänzungen, individuelles Design via Moto Maker. Minus: Fotoqualität nur durchschnittlich.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 01.11.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 92%
Quelle: Notebookinfo

Das neue Moto X von Motorola ist ein optischer Genuss, die individuelle Gestaltung durch den Moto Maker weiterhin einmalig. Die Hardware ist verdammt leistungsstark und um zukünftige Updates der Software muss man sich keine Gedanken machen. Der Grundpreis für knapp 500 Euro geht ebenfalls in Ordnung.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 28.10.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 92% Leistung: 100% Bildschirm: 85% Mobilität: 85% Gehäuse: 95% Ergonomie: 90% Emissionen: 85%
Quelle: Tabtech

Unser Fazit zum Motorola Moto X (2. Gen) ist eher zwiegespalten. Einerseits gefallen uns das hochwertige und ergonomische Design, die unglaublich gute Performance und die aufgeräumte Software mit ihren nützlichen Features. Auch die Individualisierbarkeit über den Moto Maker ist einzigartig.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 28.10.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 75% Preis: 70% Leistung: 100% Bildschirm: 60% Mobilität: 60% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: Notebookinfo

Das neue Moto X von Motorola ist ein optischer Genuss, die individuelle Gestaltung durch den Moto Maker weiterhin einmalig. Die Hardware ist verdammt leistungsstark und um zukünftige Updates der Software muss man sich keine Gedanken machen. Der Grundpreis für knapp 500 Euro geht ebenfalls in Ordnung.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 28.10.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 92% Leistung: 100% Bildschirm: 85% Mobilität: 85% Gehäuse: 95% Ergonomie: 90% Emissionen: 85%
Quelle: Tabtech

Unser Fazit zum Motorola Moto X (2. Gen) ist eher zwiegespalten. Einerseits gefallen uns das hochwertige und ergonomische Design, die unglaublich gute Performance und die aufgeräumte Software mit ihren nützlichen Features. Auch die Individualisierbarkeit über den Moto Maker ist einzigartig.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 28.10.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 75% Preis: 70% Leistung: 100% Bildschirm: 60% Mobilität: 60% Gehäuse: 90%

Der Nachfolger des Moto X von 2013 ist deutlich größer und sieht ein wenig schicker aus. Im Test macht die Neuauflage des Motorola Moto X 2014 vor allem durch seine einzigartige Sprachsteuerung und den AMOLED-Screen auf sich aufmerksam. Ansonsten reißen Hard- und Software keine Bäume aus.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 27.10.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 93% Preis: 60% Mobilität: 89%

Der Nachfolger des Moto X von 2013 ist deutlich größer und sieht ein wenig schicker aus. Im Test macht die Neuauflage des Motorola Moto X 2014 vor allem durch seine einzigartige Sprachsteuerung und den AMOLED-Screen auf sich aufmerksam. Ansonsten reißen Hard- und Software keine Bäume aus.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 27.10.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 93% Preis: 60% Mobilität: 89%
Quelle: Netzwelt

Form, Verarbeitung, Sprachqualität - die zweite Generation des Moto X ist in vielerlei Hinsicht perfekt. Kein Wunder also das Google das Modell als Vorlage für das Nexus 6 gewählt hat. Der gute Eindruck wird jedoch durch den nicht erweiterbaren Speicher und die nur durchschnittlichen Komponenten Kamera und Display getrübt.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 24.10.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 82% Ausstattung: 90% Mobilität: 70% Gehäuse: 100%
Quelle: Netzwelt

Form, Verarbeitung, Sprachqualität - die zweite Generation des Moto X ist in vielerlei Hinsicht perfekt. Kein Wunder also das Google das Modell als Vorlage für das Nexus 6 gewählt hat. Der gute Eindruck wird jedoch durch den nicht erweiterbaren Speicher und die nur durchschnittlichen Komponenten Kamera und Display getrübt.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 24.10.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 82% Ausstattung: 90% Mobilität: 70% Gehäuse: 100%
Quelle: e-media - Heft 22/2014

Pro: Sehr gute Verarbeitung; Sehr gute Leistung. Mittel: Display etwas zu dunkel. Contra: Speicher nicht erweiterbar.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 16.10.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: e-media - Heft 22/2014

Pro: Sehr gute Verarbeitung; Sehr gute Leistung. Mittel: Display etwas zu dunkel. Contra: Speicher nicht erweiterbar.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 16.10.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Chip Test & Kauf - Heft Nr. 6/2014

Handling (30%): Spitzenklasse (95 von 100 Punkten); Internet (20%): Spitzenklasse (95 von 100 Punkten); Multimedia (20%): Oberklasse (85 von 100 Punkten); Telefon/Akku (20%): Spitzenklasse (92 von 100 Punkten); App-Store (10%): Spitzenklasse (96 von 100 Punkten).
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 01.10.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 96% Emissionen: 95%
Quelle: Connect - Heft 11/2014

Pro: Nutzer kann das Design nach einem Baukastenprinzip selbst festlegen; ringförmiges LED-Blitzlicht; schnelle Software-Updates; erweiterte Sprachsteuerung; Active Notifications auf dem Sperrbildschirm. Contra: Akku mit nur 2300 mAh.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 01.10.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
Quelle: Chip Test & Kauf - Heft Nr. 6/2014

Handling (30%): Spitzenklasse (95 von 100 Punkten); Internet (20%): Spitzenklasse (95 von 100 Punkten); Multimedia (20%): Oberklasse (85 von 100 Punkten); Telefon/Akku (20%): Spitzenklasse (92 von 100 Punkten); App-Store (10%): Spitzenklasse (96 von 100 Punkten).
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 01.10.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 96% Emissionen: 95%
Quelle: Connect - Heft 11/2014

Pro: Nutzer kann das Design nach einem Baukastenprinzip selbst festlegen; ringförmiges LED-Blitzlicht; schnelle Software-Updates; erweiterte Sprachsteuerung; Active Notifications auf dem Sperrbildschirm. Contra: Akku mit nur 2300 mAh.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 01.10.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
Quelle: Mobicroco

Das Moto X (2. Gen) hinterließ bei uns einen gemischten Eindruck. Einerseits konnte das Smartphone durch seinen Prozessor, der nahezu alle an das Gerät gestellte Aufgaben meistert, überzeugen und auch die Sprachsteuerung entpuppte sich als ein wirklich interessantes Feature. Andererseits gibt es aber auch viele kleine Aspekte, die uns enttäuscht haben. Die Kamera ist insgesamt nur Mittelmaß und es fehlen wichtige Modi, die andere Hersteller bei ihren Smartphones anbieten. Der Ton wird ordentlich laut, aber eben nur in Mono ausgegeben. Auch hat Motorola bei der Angabe der Displayauflösung geschummelt, was einen bitteren Beigeschmack hinterließ.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 26.09.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90% Ausstattung: 90% Gehäuse: 90% Emissionen: 87%
Quelle: Mobicroco

Das Moto X (2. Gen) hinterließ bei uns einen gemischten Eindruck. Einerseits konnte das Smartphone durch seinen Prozessor, der nahezu alle an das Gerät gestellte Aufgaben meistert, überzeugen und auch die Sprachsteuerung entpuppte sich als ein wirklich interessantes Feature. Andererseits gibt es aber auch viele kleine Aspekte, die uns enttäuscht haben. Die Kamera ist insgesamt nur Mittelmaß und es fehlen wichtige Modi, die andere Hersteller bei ihren Smartphones anbieten. Der Ton wird ordentlich laut, aber eben nur in Mono ausgegeben. Auch hat Motorola bei der Angabe der Displayauflösung geschummelt, was einen bitteren Beigeschmack hinterließ.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 26.09.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90% Ausstattung: 90% Gehäuse: 90% Emissionen: 87%
Ausländische Testberichte
Quelle: Phone Arena

Despite being the newer and better-spec'd phone, the HTC One M9 is not necessarily running circles around the Motorola Moto X 2014. Yes, it's more powerful and future-proof, but the Moto X still holds its ground. To sum things up, the HTC One M9 will woo customers with its sleek build and powerful hardware; meanwhile, the Moto X doesn't shine hardware-wise, but it still has what it takes to be an attractive and affordable alternative to a number of newer phones, the HTC One M9 included.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 22.03.2015
Quelle: Phone Arena

Despite being the newer and better-spec'd phone, the HTC One M9 is not necessarily running circles around the Motorola Moto X 2014. Yes, it's more powerful and future-proof, but the Moto X still holds its ground. To sum things up, the HTC One M9 will woo customers with its sleek build and powerful hardware; meanwhile, the Moto X doesn't shine hardware-wise, but it still has what it takes to be an attractive and affordable alternative to a number of newer phones, the HTC One M9 included.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 22.03.2015
Quelle: Gadgetguy

Motorola’s latest X smartphone gets close, and you can see in this handset that the design teams have really worked hard to make the handset a better all-round product. The design is lovely, with a metal edge that exudes sturdiness, and a choice of rear materials that not only makes the phone lovely to look at, but also brilliant to hold, as well, with rubber, leather, and wood. We like the software and Motorola’s Active Display technology has to be one of the best power reducing concepts we’ve ever seen, and we wish more companies used it.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 13.01.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 70% Leistung: 80% Ausstattung: 80% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Gadgetguy

Motorola’s latest X smartphone gets close, and you can see in this handset that the design teams have really worked hard to make the handset a better all-round product. The design is lovely, with a metal edge that exudes sturdiness, and a choice of rear materials that not only makes the phone lovely to look at, but also brilliant to hold, as well, with rubber, leather, and wood. We like the software and Motorola’s Active Display technology has to be one of the best power reducing concepts we’ve ever seen, and we wish more companies used it.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 13.01.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 70% Leistung: 80% Ausstattung: 80% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Gadgetspeak

It is 14x7x1cm the last figure is at the centre of the top and bottom where the headphone and micro USB connections are, at the rest of the edges it is only .5cm, it weights 143grams. Motorola are one of the most up to date phone manufacturers, they seem to be first to update to the latest version of Android this is 4.4.4 which is still the latest apart from the supposed version 5 available on a very few selected devices.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 09.01.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 60% Leistung: 80%
Quelle: Gadgetspeak

It is 14x7x1cm the last figure is at the centre of the top and bottom where the headphone and micro USB connections are, at the rest of the edges it is only .5cm, it weights 143grams. Motorola are one of the most up to date phone manufacturers, they seem to be first to update to the latest version of Android this is 4.4.4 which is still the latest apart from the supposed version 5 available on a very few selected devices.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 09.01.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 60% Leistung: 80%
Quelle: Gadgetspeak

Placed side-by-side with its earlier creation, the second generation Moto X is clearly larger than its sibling. As with the Moto G, reviewed earlier, the Moto X is now available as a second generation product. Motorola has taken this opportunity to make a number of changes to enhance the appeal of the company’s top of the range product.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 16.12.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 80% Leistung: 80%
Quelle: Gadgetspeak

Placed side-by-side with its earlier creation, the second generation Moto X is clearly larger than its sibling. As with the Moto G, reviewed earlier, the Moto X is now available as a second generation product. Motorola has taken this opportunity to make a number of changes to enhance the appeal of the company’s top of the range product.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 16.12.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 80% Leistung: 80%
Quelle: It Pro

Available for free from £26.50 per month, the Moto X punches above its weight with high-end specifications including a 2.5GHz quad-core Snapdragon processor, 2GB RAM and a 13-megapixel camera. Overall, the Moto X is an excellent handset and if you're looking for a device with pure Android it's a toss up between this and the Nexus 5.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 11.12.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: It Pro

Available for free from £26.50 per month, the Moto X punches above its weight with high-end specifications including a 2.5GHz quad-core Snapdragon processor, 2GB RAM and a 13-megapixel camera. Overall, the Moto X is an excellent handset and if you're looking for a device with pure Android it's a toss up between this and the Nexus 5.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 11.12.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Reg Hardware

Still, in terms of design, build quality, usability and ergonomics, the new X is up with the very best. And to be fair the price reflects the less than cutting edge internals. The absence of a microSD card slot will be a deal breaker for some, the merely average run time from a full battery charge the same for others. But for £420 I still think the Moto X is a rather impressive lump. And being a Motorola, even Lenovo-owned Motorola, you should get new versions of Android sooner rather than later.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 18.11.2014
Quelle: T3

The Moto X is a fantastic Android device, possibly one the best out there at the minute. It’s clear so much time has gone into creating a phone that not only performs admirably, yet that’s also a pleasure to use and even to hold in your hand. The plethora of customisation options are a nice addition too, letting you create a device that is truly yours.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 18.11.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Reg Hardware

Still, in terms of design, build quality, usability and ergonomics, the new X is up with the very best. And to be fair the price reflects the less than cutting edge internals. The absence of a microSD card slot will be a deal breaker for some, the merely average run time from a full battery charge the same for others. But for £420 I still think the Moto X is a rather impressive lump. And being a Motorola, even Lenovo-owned Motorola, you should get new versions of Android sooner rather than later.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 18.11.2014
Quelle: T3

The Moto X is a fantastic Android device, possibly one the best out there at the minute. It’s clear so much time has gone into creating a phone that not only performs admirably, yet that’s also a pleasure to use and even to hold in your hand. The plethora of customisation options are a nice addition too, letting you create a device that is truly yours.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 18.11.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Androidbeat

Look, I don’t dislike the Moto X 2014 – it’s ubiquitous in many ways, and certainly potentially useful if you drive a lot – and have a quiet car – or if there’s some other reason why you can’t always touch your phone. And it’s well sculpted in metal, here in vanilla form or available through the customising Moto Maker service in some countries. A decent upgrade for many people across the board, arguably. But it also doesn’t leap out as a standout device that many Android enthusiasts reading this might make a beeline for.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 11.11.2014
Quelle: Androidbeat

Look, I don’t dislike the Moto X 2014 – it’s ubiquitous in many ways, and certainly potentially useful if you drive a lot – and have a quiet car – or if there’s some other reason why you can’t always touch your phone. And it’s well sculpted in metal, here in vanilla form or available through the customising Moto Maker service in some countries. A decent upgrade for many people across the board, arguably. But it also doesn’t leap out as a standout device that many Android enthusiasts reading this might make a beeline for.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 11.11.2014

The Moto X is powerful handset with an excellent screen. So if you are into gaming, go for this handset. However, priced at Rs 33,000, the phone doesn't feel premium. The battery performance is underwhelming. If you have any love for camera, stay away from the Moto X. In this price-range, the HTC One (E8) also has its share of drawbacks, but given a choice I'll rather pick it over the Moto X (2014).
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 06.11.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70% Preis: 80% Leistung: 80% Ausstattung: 80% Gehäuse: 60%

The 2014 Moto X is nicely designed and solidly built, has a great 5.2-inch AMOLED screen, performs superbly, and delivers a range of useful Moto 'experiences' on top of an otherwise uncluttered Android OS. Limited internal storage capacity and lack of MicroSD expansion are our main concerns.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 06.11.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 87%

The Moto X is powerful handset with an excellent screen. So if you are into gaming, go for this handset. However, priced at Rs 33,000, the phone doesn't feel premium. The battery performance is underwhelming. If you have any love for camera, stay away from the Moto X. In this price-range, the HTC One (E8) also has its share of drawbacks, but given a choice I'll rather pick it over the Moto X (2014).
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 06.11.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70% Preis: 80% Leistung: 80% Ausstattung: 80% Gehäuse: 60%

The 2014 Moto X is nicely designed and solidly built, has a great 5.2-inch AMOLED screen, performs superbly, and delivers a range of useful Moto 'experiences' on top of an otherwise uncluttered Android OS. Limited internal storage capacity and lack of MicroSD expansion are our main concerns.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 06.11.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 87%

It all comes down to your own priorities and what tradeoffs you're willing to make to get them. Think of it like this: The Droid Turbo is a specialty phone for folks who need extreme stamina and/or an extra-rugged device -- and are willing to sacrifice things like sleekness and design in exchange for those qualities. The Moto X is the more mainstream phone that strikes a balance to provide the best all-around experience for most people.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 05.11.2014

It all comes down to your own priorities and what tradeoffs you're willing to make to get them. Think of it like this: The Droid Turbo is a specialty phone for folks who need extreme stamina and/or an extra-rugged device -- and are willing to sacrifice things like sleekness and design in exchange for those qualities. The Moto X is the more mainstream phone that strikes a balance to provide the best all-around experience for most people.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 05.11.2014
Quelle: Hot Hardware

If you’re shopping for a high-end Android phone, chances are you’re considering models from Samsung, HTC, and LG. After having some hands-on time with the Moto X, we strongly encourage you to add this phone to your list of options. Not only does the Moto X have a great look and feel, but it also comes with a few features you won’t find elsewhere.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 30.10.2014
Quelle: Hot Hardware

If you’re shopping for a high-end Android phone, chances are you’re considering models from Samsung, HTC, and LG. After having some hands-on time with the Moto X, we strongly encourage you to add this phone to your list of options. Not only does the Moto X have a great look and feel, but it also comes with a few features you won’t find elsewhere.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 30.10.2014
Quelle: Trusted Reviews

The Motorola Moto X is a phone of hits and misses. It’s tough to ascribe a score to, as these wins and fails affect very important parts of the phone. Despite offering great general performance and some very intuitive elements, some screen, camera and battery-life issues mean the Moto X isn’t quite up there with the very best flagship Androids.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 29.10.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 70% Leistung: 90% Bildschirm: 60% Mobilität: 70% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Trusted Reviews

The Motorola Moto X is a phone of hits and misses. It’s tough to ascribe a score to, as these wins and fails affect very important parts of the phone. Despite offering great general performance and some very intuitive elements, some screen, camera and battery-life issues mean the Moto X isn’t quite up there with the very best flagship Androids.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 29.10.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 70% Leistung: 90% Bildschirm: 60% Mobilität: 70% Gehäuse: 80%

The second generation Moto X comes with upgrades not just in terms of build quality, but also the system-on-chip powering the device. In terms of performance, the Moto X is at par with most of the flagship phones out there such as LG G3, Sony Xperia Z3 and so on. It comes with a good display and the call quality is impressive. Additional software features are definitely a value add. Battery life is decent enough, though not better than the Sony Xperia Z3 which gives almost two days on regular usage, if you activate the battery saver mode. Camera comes with its set of flaws, but it is good enough for sharing photos online. All in all, the Moto X(2nd gen) is a good overall package and it is confirmed to get the Lollipop 5.0 update whenever its out.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 26.10.2014

The second generation Moto X comes with upgrades not just in terms of build quality, but also the system-on-chip powering the device. In terms of performance, the Moto X is at par with most of the flagship phones out there such as LG G3, Sony Xperia Z3 and so on. It comes with a good display and the call quality is impressive. Additional software features are definitely a value add. Battery life is decent enough, though not better than the Sony Xperia Z3 which gives almost two days on regular usage, if you activate the battery saver mode. Camera comes with its set of flaws, but it is good enough for sharing photos online. All in all, the Moto X(2nd gen) is a good overall package and it is confirmed to get the Lollipop 5.0 update whenever its out.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 26.10.2014

There are ups and downs, here, but the 2014 Moto X is definitely worth looking at for your next smartphone purchase, especially with it's $450-or-so price tag. Customizable, efficient with Android, and sporting a respectable camera, the Moto X is the Toyota Camry of smartphones. You’ll get everything you want, but likely won’t miss the bells and whistles you don’t have.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 24.10.2014

There are ups and downs, here, but the 2014 Moto X is definitely worth looking at for your next smartphone purchase, especially with it's $450-or-so price tag. Customizable, efficient with Android, and sporting a respectable camera, the Moto X is the Toyota Camry of smartphones. You’ll get everything you want, but likely won’t miss the bells and whistles you don’t have.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 24.10.2014
Quelle: Pocket Lint

The Motorola Moto X is an appealing proposition. It offers great value for money as a flagship handset and even if you opt to customise with a leather or other finish using Moto Maker, you'll still be getting something more affordable than rivals - and something personal to you. Overall, if you're looking for "the next Nexus 5" or are falling out of love with the likes of Samsung's cartoony TouchWiz and other manufacturers' heavy Android re-skins, then the Moto X could be the flagship phone for you.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 21.10.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Recombu

But then there’s the not-so-great battery life and the camera that fall behind the competition, not to mention the lack of a memory card slot, which makes us lean more towards premium rivals such as the Xperia Z3 and the LG G3. Plus, with the new Nexus 6 on the horizon, there’s going to be some seriously good tech hitting the market offering a similar vanilla Android experience.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 21.10.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: Pocket Lint

The Motorola Moto X is an appealing proposition. It offers great value for money as a flagship handset and even if you opt to customise with a leather or other finish using Moto Maker, you'll still be getting something more affordable than rivals - and something personal to you. Overall, if you're looking for "the next Nexus 5" or are falling out of love with the likes of Samsung's cartoony TouchWiz and other manufacturers' heavy Android re-skins, then the Moto X could be the flagship phone for you.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 21.10.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Recombu

But then there’s the not-so-great battery life and the camera that fall behind the competition, not to mention the lack of a memory card slot, which makes us lean more towards premium rivals such as the Xperia Z3 and the LG G3. Plus, with the new Nexus 6 on the horizon, there’s going to be some seriously good tech hitting the market offering a similar vanilla Android experience.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 21.10.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: Gadgets Now

Along with the Moto G, Motorola has made its best phone yet, pairing up flagship looks with slick software that actually helps, starting at a reasonable £419.99 for the base 16GB model. Finally, Motorola's made a phone that's truly deserving of its incredibly smart apps, and it can take on the rest of this year's flagship pack with ease.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 16.10.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
Quelle: Gadgets Now

Along with the Moto G, Motorola has made its best phone yet, pairing up flagship looks with slick software that actually helps, starting at a reasonable £419.99 for the base 16GB model. Finally, Motorola's made a phone that's truly deserving of its incredibly smart apps, and it can take on the rest of this year's flagship pack with ease.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 16.10.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
Quelle: Expert Reviews

Not only is it by far one of the smartest and most user-friendly phones we've tested this year, but it's also one of the most beautifully designed and desirable handsets we've ever seen. It may not be able to last quite as long as either the Galaxy S5 or the Xperia Z3 and Z3 Compact, but we think its clever, useful apps more than make up for any deficiency in battery life. Moreover, at £420 SIM-free or around £26.50-per-month on contract, it's also roughly the same price as many of the older flagship smartphones released earlier this year. This makes it fantastic value, so it wins a Best Buy award.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 14.10.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
Quelle: Expert Reviews

Not only is it by far one of the smartest and most user-friendly phones we've tested this year, but it's also one of the most beautifully designed and desirable handsets we've ever seen. It may not be able to last quite as long as either the Galaxy S5 or the Xperia Z3 and Z3 Compact, but we think its clever, useful apps more than make up for any deficiency in battery life. Moreover, at £420 SIM-free or around £26.50-per-month on contract, it's also roughly the same price as many of the older flagship smartphones released earlier this year. This makes it fantastic value, so it wins a Best Buy award.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 14.10.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

The standard, non-customised Moto X is a desirable smartphone, but it's a little overpriced especially if you compare it with the Nexus 5. So Google's phone may lack the premium build quality and hi-res camera, but in most other respects it's a match for the Motorola at a significantly lower price. What makes the new Moto X really attractive is Moto Maker, as it's unlikely anyone else will choose your combination of customisations. (But it may also make it harder to resell when it's time to upgrade.) It's just a shame that Motorola decided not to add a microSD slot: there's no such thing as too much storage.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 13.10.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 80% Leistung: 90% Ausstattung: 70% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

The standard, non-customised Moto X is a desirable smartphone, but it's a little overpriced especially if you compare it with the Nexus 5. So Google's phone may lack the premium build quality and hi-res camera, but in most other respects it's a match for the Motorola at a significantly lower price. What makes the new Moto X really attractive is Moto Maker, as it's unlikely anyone else will choose your combination of customisations. (But it may also make it harder to resell when it's time to upgrade.) It's just a shame that Motorola decided not to add a microSD slot: there's no such thing as too much storage.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 13.10.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 80% Leistung: 90% Ausstattung: 70% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

So the second-generation Moto X is categorically better than its predecessor. Significantly so. It has a much more powerful spec, and the display is what we hoped we'd see on the 2013 version. The camera is now worth your consideration, and it is a thin and light smartphone. We liked the original Moto X, but the 2014 flavour is definitely worth the upgrade.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 08.10.2014
Quelle: Digital Trends

In its new avataar, the Motorola Moto X is finally a true flagship, both on paper and in real world performance. It's very good value for money, but many may be put off by its weaknesses. The bad camera and limited storage may very well affect its sales. The phone is every bit the performer in all other respects though.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 08.10.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 86%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

So the second-generation Moto X is categorically better than its predecessor. Significantly so. It has a much more powerful spec, and the display is what we hoped we'd see on the 2013 version. The camera is now worth your consideration, and it is a thin and light smartphone. We liked the original Moto X, but the 2014 flavour is definitely worth the upgrade.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 08.10.2014
Quelle: Digital Trends

In its new avataar, the Motorola Moto X is finally a true flagship, both on paper and in real world performance. It's very good value for money, but many may be put off by its weaknesses. The bad camera and limited storage may very well affect its sales. The phone is every bit the performer in all other respects though.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 08.10.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 86%
Quelle: NDTV Gadgets

Meanwhile, those who do want the new Moto X will have to deal with not being able to choose their own colours, textures and materials. They'll also have to consider carefully whether they can live with only 16GB of storage space. If these hurdles can be surmounted, the Moto X (Gen 2) looks like a pretty good deal. It doesn't quite kill the appeal of flagship phones in the neighbourhood of Rs. 50,000, but some models such as the Samsung Galaxy S5 (Review | Pictures) are currently available for around Rs. 37,500. Given the relatively small price difference, you might choose to go with the S5 for its features and camera, or the Moto X to save some money.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 07.10.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 70% Leistung: 90% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 70%
Quelle: NDTV Gadgets

Meanwhile, those who do want the new Moto X will have to deal with not being able to choose their own colours, textures and materials. They'll also have to consider carefully whether they can live with only 16GB of storage space. If these hurdles can be surmounted, the Moto X (Gen 2) looks like a pretty good deal. It doesn't quite kill the appeal of flagship phones in the neighbourhood of Rs. 50,000, but some models such as the Samsung Galaxy S5 (Review | Pictures) are currently available for around Rs. 37,500. Given the relatively small price difference, you might choose to go with the S5 for its features and camera, or the Moto X to save some money.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 07.10.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 70% Leistung: 90% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 70%
Quelle: Gizmag

In conclusion, the Moto X should be considered alongside the iPhone 6 and Samsung Galaxy S5 as one of the top smartphone options available today. And I haven't even mentioned the fact that it pairs nicely with the best smartwatch around, the Moto 360, or the upcoming Moto Hint smart Bluetooth earbud that we're still waiting to try out.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 05.10.2014
Quelle: Gizmag

In conclusion, the Moto X should be considered alongside the iPhone 6 and Samsung Galaxy S5 as one of the top smartphone options available today. And I haven't even mentioned the fact that it pairs nicely with the best smartwatch around, the Moto 360, or the upcoming Moto Hint smart Bluetooth earbud that we're still waiting to try out.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 05.10.2014
Quelle: Phone Arena

There’s a reason why the Samsung Galaxy S5 continues to be a noteworthy smartphone, despite the fact that it’s been out for some time now. Frankly, it just works in being a high performing smartphone – one that’s usually a top finisher in key categories. From its superior battery life, sharp camera quality, and its rich set of software features, the Galaxy S5 is without a doubt a few steps ahead of the Moto X.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 29.09.2014
Quelle: Phone Arena

Apple doesn’t have to do a lot of fighting in the space, just because its iPhones continue to be at the top of the charts. Month after month, smartphone after smartphone, it simply has the rounded appeal and performance to be a choice winner amongst consumers. Considering all things, it makes plenty of sense why the iPhone 6 is already finding itself in a similar position of being king of the hill in the smartphone space. Heck, if we’re to objectively tally its performance in all key categories, there’s absolutely a lot more going for the iPhone 6.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 29.09.2014
Quelle: Tom's Guide

With a more stylish — and far more customizable — design, better performance, more-useful features and a lower price, the Moto X just edges out the Samsung Galaxy S5 in this nine-round competition. The S5 kept things competitive, though, winning many crucial rounds, including display, interface, camera and battery life. So, regardless of which phone you choose, you'll end up a winner.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 29.09.2014
Quelle: Phone Arena

There’s a reason why the Samsung Galaxy S5 continues to be a noteworthy smartphone, despite the fact that it’s been out for some time now. Frankly, it just works in being a high performing smartphone – one that’s usually a top finisher in key categories. From its superior battery life, sharp camera quality, and its rich set of software features, the Galaxy S5 is without a doubt a few steps ahead of the Moto X.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 29.09.2014
Quelle: Phone Arena

Apple doesn’t have to do a lot of fighting in the space, just because its iPhones continue to be at the top of the charts. Month after month, smartphone after smartphone, it simply has the rounded appeal and performance to be a choice winner amongst consumers. Considering all things, it makes plenty of sense why the iPhone 6 is already finding itself in a similar position of being king of the hill in the smartphone space. Heck, if we’re to objectively tally its performance in all key categories, there’s absolutely a lot more going for the iPhone 6.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 29.09.2014
Quelle: Tom's Guide

With a more stylish — and far more customizable — design, better performance, more-useful features and a lower price, the Moto X just edges out the Samsung Galaxy S5 in this nine-round competition. The S5 kept things competitive, though, winning many crucial rounds, including display, interface, camera and battery life. So, regardless of which phone you choose, you'll end up a winner.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 29.09.2014
Quelle: Techradar

Don't think that just because the Moto X 2014 name didn't get much of a change that the phone is just a basic specs bump. Motorola's new flagship smartphone proves that the reinvented company is listening to customer feedback with a bigger screen and aluminum metal frame, all for a price that's better than its competition. It only half-listened the requests for a superior camera and didn't pay attention to anyone plea for a micro SD slot.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 27.09.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90% Preis: 100% Leistung: 80% Ausstattung: 80% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: Techradar

Don't think that just because the Moto X 2014 name didn't get much of a change that the phone is just a basic specs bump. Motorola's new flagship smartphone proves that the reinvented company is listening to customer feedback with a bigger screen and aluminum metal frame, all for a price that's better than its competition. It only half-listened the requests for a superior camera and didn't pay attention to anyone plea for a micro SD slot.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 27.09.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90% Preis: 100% Leistung: 80% Ausstattung: 80% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: Droid-Life

Is the new Moto X the best Android phone of 2014? That depends on what you need from a phone. If you want the best feeling phone of any 2014 flagship, one that can be customized to your liking, that still sports a 1080p display and powerful Snapdragon 801 processor, receives updates to new versions of Android faster than any other phone outside of a Nexus, and performs flawlessly through stock Android while managing to perform tasks no other Android phone is capable of thanks to a Moto suite of apps, then yes, it might be the best Android phone of the year.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 19.09.2014

With its new Moto X, Motorola has shown again that it knows how to do Android right. The phone has a distinctive and customizable design with the option of interesting materials like leather and wood. It has an outstanding display, superb performance and a fast and easy-to-use camera that's capable of capturing great-looking photos.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 19.09.2014
Quelle: Droid-Life

Is the new Moto X the best Android phone of 2014? That depends on what you need from a phone. If you want the best feeling phone of any 2014 flagship, one that can be customized to your liking, that still sports a 1080p display and powerful Snapdragon 801 processor, receives updates to new versions of Android faster than any other phone outside of a Nexus, and performs flawlessly through stock Android while managing to perform tasks no other Android phone is capable of thanks to a Moto suite of apps, then yes, it might be the best Android phone of the year.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 19.09.2014

With its new Moto X, Motorola has shown again that it knows how to do Android right. The phone has a distinctive and customizable design with the option of interesting materials like leather and wood. It has an outstanding display, superb performance and a fast and easy-to-use camera that's capable of capturing great-looking photos.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 19.09.2014
Quelle: Pocketnow

As the mainstream reboot of a niche product, the 2014 Moto X does what it needs to do. Like Star Trek 2009, it sacrifices some of the principles of its forerunner in its quest for greater mass appeal. The new phone’s bigger screen makes its casing more cumbersome, its battery less potent. Its quest to stand out from the pack has led to an aesthetic that cries out to be noticed, at the cost of some subtlety.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 18.09.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 89% Leistung: 85% Ausstattung: 80% Mobilität: 80%
Quelle: Pocketnow

As the mainstream reboot of a niche product, the 2014 Moto X does what it needs to do. Like Star Trek 2009, it sacrifices some of the principles of its forerunner in its quest for greater mass appeal. The new phone’s bigger screen makes its casing more cumbersome, its battery less potent. Its quest to stand out from the pack has led to an aesthetic that cries out to be noticed, at the cost of some subtlety.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 18.09.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 89% Leistung: 85% Ausstattung: 80% Mobilität: 80%
Quelle: BGR

The hardware is beautiful, with a curved back that fits perfectly in hands both small and large. It feels great to hold; the phone is 9.9mm thick directly in the center, but as thin as just 3.8mm in certain areas thanks to the convex design. The second-generation Moto X won’t be the best phone for everyone but all things considered, it hits all the right notes and is a clear leader among currently available Android smartphones.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 16.09.2014
Quelle: Phone Arena

Almost everything about the new Moto X is improved over its predecessor, not solely for its specs, but for its overall performance. From call quality, design, and its camera performance, the new Moto X bears all of the incremental improvements to earn the rigid qualities of a true successor. The only thing that most people will face when deciding between the two is their size – where we feel that the old Moto X has the perfect one for comfort and usability.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 16.09.2014
Quelle: BGR

The hardware is beautiful, with a curved back that fits perfectly in hands both small and large. It feels great to hold; the phone is 9.9mm thick directly in the center, but as thin as just 3.8mm in certain areas thanks to the convex design. The second-generation Moto X won’t be the best phone for everyone but all things considered, it hits all the right notes and is a clear leader among currently available Android smartphones.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 16.09.2014
Quelle: Phone Arena

Almost everything about the new Moto X is improved over its predecessor, not solely for its specs, but for its overall performance. From call quality, design, and its camera performance, the new Moto X bears all of the incremental improvements to earn the rigid qualities of a true successor. The only thing that most people will face when deciding between the two is their size – where we feel that the old Moto X has the perfect one for comfort and usability.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 16.09.2014
Quelle: Slashgear

It's hard not to be impressed with the new Moto X. Its predecessor built a solid reputation among those "in the know" for its clean Android build and useful features, but its plastic casing and underwhelming display left it overshadowed on store shelves by rival devices.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 15.09.2014
Quelle: Greenbot

It’s no secret that Motorola has fallen far from those lofty days when everyone had a StarTAC or Razr in their pocket. It has taken the company quite awhile to really figure out the smartphone market. Last year's Moto X wanted to be considered a flagship phone, but it had “one step down” hardware that simply felt like a compromise compared to the HTC One (M7) or Galaxy S4.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 15.09.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: GSM Arena

We were pleased with the hardware of the new Moto X and its overall performance. Unlike last year's iteration that left us asking for more screen real estate and chipset oomph, the setup of this year's model will surely appeal to even the most demanding Android users. The camera isn't too shabby either - 4K video capture and easy launch gesture make capturing memories in quality manner easy even for those who are not particularly crazy about tech.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 15.09.2014
Quelle: PC World

It’s a shame the camera is only average, because that’s really the only thing holding this back from being the hands-down best Android phone of the year. If you can get by with a phone that doesn’t have the best possible camera, the new Moto X should be on your short list. If this is what Motorola is capable of, I can’t wait to see what’s next.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 15.09.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Slashgear

It's hard not to be impressed with the new Moto X. Its predecessor built a solid reputation among those "in the know" for its clean Android build and useful features, but its plastic casing and underwhelming display left it overshadowed on store shelves by rival devices.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 15.09.2014
Quelle: Greenbot

It’s no secret that Motorola has fallen far from those lofty days when everyone had a StarTAC or Razr in their pocket. It has taken the company quite awhile to really figure out the smartphone market. Last year's Moto X wanted to be considered a flagship phone, but it had “one step down” hardware that simply felt like a compromise compared to the HTC One (M7) or Galaxy S4.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 15.09.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: GSM Arena

We were pleased with the hardware of the new Moto X and its overall performance. Unlike last year's iteration that left us asking for more screen real estate and chipset oomph, the setup of this year's model will surely appeal to even the most demanding Android users. The camera isn't too shabby either - 4K video capture and easy launch gesture make capturing memories in quality manner easy even for those who are not particularly crazy about tech.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 15.09.2014
Quelle: PC World

It’s a shame the camera is only average, because that’s really the only thing holding this back from being the hands-down best Android phone of the year. If you can get by with a phone that doesn’t have the best possible camera, the new Moto X should be on your short list. If this is what Motorola is capable of, I can’t wait to see what’s next.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 15.09.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Laptop Mag

The original Moto X was an underrated smartphone, but shoppers should not miss the sequel. For $99, the Moto X offers a slick, highly customizable design; blazing performance; and time-saving voice assistance. I also love the rich 1080p display, though it could be brighter. People looking for longer battery life may want to check out the HTC One M8 or the Samsung Galaxy S5, while shutterbugs should snag an iPhone 5s or iPhone 6.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 11.09.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%

I understand that updates are natural for device evolution, but still find the original Moto X to have an extremely compelling form factor. I would like to have seen a better camera and improved battery life, but Moto took it a bit further with a larger display and improved internal specs. Thankfully they also enhanced the end-user experience and even added another choice for customization.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 11.09.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 95%
Quelle: Laptop Mag

The original Moto X was an underrated smartphone, but shoppers should not miss the sequel. For $99, the Moto X offers a slick, highly customizable design; blazing performance; and time-saving voice assistance. I also love the rich 1080p display, though it could be brighter. People looking for longer battery life may want to check out the HTC One M8 or the Samsung Galaxy S5, while shutterbugs should snag an iPhone 5s or iPhone 6.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 11.09.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%

I understand that updates are natural for device evolution, but still find the original Moto X to have an extremely compelling form factor. I would like to have seen a better camera and improved battery life, but Moto took it a bit further with a larger display and improved internal specs. Thankfully they also enhanced the end-user experience and even added another choice for customization.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 11.09.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 95%
Quelle: Phone Arena

Through all of the trials and tribulations, Motorola has somehow managed to stay afloat in this volatile industry. That’s particularly surprising because even though the original Moto X was acclaimed and well-received by many in the industry, it failed to spark a sizable interest over competing handsets from Samsung, HTC, and LG.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 10.09.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 88%
Quelle: Phone Arena

Through all of the trials and tribulations, Motorola has somehow managed to stay afloat in this volatile industry. That’s particularly surprising because even though the original Moto X was acclaimed and well-received by many in the industry, it failed to spark a sizable interest over competing handsets from Samsung, HTC, and LG.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 10.09.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 88%
Quelle: Ubergizmo English

This year has been a great year for premium Android smartphones. There is the HTC One (M8), the LG G3, and the Samsung Galaxy Note 4. The Moto X (2014) is easily part of the group, too. Motorola’s flagship is no longer a “mid-range” device. Its metal frame is gorgeous, its 5.2-inch 1080p display is large and sharp enough to rumble with any other 5 to 5.5″ display, the 13-megapixel camera brings significantly improved photos, and the performance is finally on-par with top-tier devices in its class.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 09.09.2014
Quelle: Ubergizmo English

This year has been a great year for premium Android smartphones. There is the HTC One (M8), the LG G3, and the Samsung Galaxy Note 4. The Moto X (2014) is easily part of the group, too. Motorola’s flagship is no longer a “mid-range” device. Its metal frame is gorgeous, its 5.2-inch 1080p display is large and sharp enough to rumble with any other 5 to 5.5″ display, the 13-megapixel camera brings significantly improved photos, and the performance is finally on-par with top-tier devices in its class.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 09.09.2014

One of the things that set the original Moto X apart was the fact that it didn't fall into the all-too-common trap of assuming bigger must be better. Some people prefer large screens, and that's fine -- but a lot of folks want a phone that's actually comfortable to hold and carry. And with its 4.7-in. screen and relatively compact footprint, the original Moto X was the first device in a long time to offer a truly ergonomic form in a compelling overall package.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 08.09.2014
Quelle: PC Mag

The Moto X is extremely quick to snap photos, even inside. Outdoor pictures looked sharp with both cameras, albeit with slightly muted colors, and 1080p video looked smooth and appropriately stabilized. But overall indoor performance in lower light was less impressive in my tests; the Moto X struggled to lock focus and took a number of blurry shots. The same goes for the front-facing camera; the 2-megapixel sensor doesn't have the power of the 5-megapixel HTC One M8's, and in low light indoors, animation on the display fell to under two frames per second. The iPhone 5s fared much better, and locked focus on 100 percent of the same shots.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 08.09.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%

One of the things that set the original Moto X apart was the fact that it didn't fall into the all-too-common trap of assuming bigger must be better. Some people prefer large screens, and that's fine -- but a lot of folks want a phone that's actually comfortable to hold and carry. And with its 4.7-in. screen and relatively compact footprint, the original Moto X was the first device in a long time to offer a truly ergonomic form in a compelling overall package.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 08.09.2014
Quelle: PC Mag

The Moto X is extremely quick to snap photos, even inside. Outdoor pictures looked sharp with both cameras, albeit with slightly muted colors, and 1080p video looked smooth and appropriately stabilized. But overall indoor performance in lower light was less impressive in my tests; the Moto X struggled to lock focus and took a number of blurry shots. The same goes for the front-facing camera; the 2-megapixel sensor doesn't have the power of the 5-megapixel HTC One M8's, and in low light indoors, animation on the display fell to under two frames per second. The iPhone 5s fared much better, and locked focus on 100 percent of the same shots.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 08.09.2014
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: NDTV Gadgets

The Moto X (Gen 2) is expected to go on sale by the end of this month. The company did announce the US pricing of the device which is $499.99 (roughly Rs. 30,200) for an unlocked unit. We will have to wait for the Indian price to be announced by Motorola before commenting on whether or not it offers good value for money.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 06.09.2014
Quelle: NDTV Gadgets

The Moto X (Gen 2) is expected to go on sale by the end of this month. The company did announce the US pricing of the device which is $499.99 (roughly Rs. 30,200) for an unlocked unit. We will have to wait for the Indian price to be announced by Motorola before commenting on whether or not it offers good value for money.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 06.09.2014
Quelle: Stuff TV

Chances are we'll hope for a longer battery life when we get a review unit to test. And the camera, too, could prove to be outsnapped. But with a relatively affordable £420 pricetag, Motorola's launched a voicetastic, sensorific smartphone that could ensnare Android purists looking for a device with a few advantages over a Nexus 5. Stay put for a review before the end of September release date in the UK.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 05.09.2014
Quelle: T3

While we only had a short time with the new Moto X it’s clear the Motorola has improved the device in almost every area. The screen is bigger and sharper, yet the size of the device is not sacrificed and the nifty display tech from the first phone is still around. Hardware refinements have added that premium feel and if the claims of strong battery are in fact true, this could be one of the top Android devices out there.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 05.09.2014
Quelle: Stuff TV

Chances are we'll hope for a longer battery life when we get a review unit to test. And the camera, too, could prove to be outsnapped. But with a relatively affordable £420 pricetag, Motorola's launched a voicetastic, sensorific smartphone that could ensnare Android purists looking for a device with a few advantages over a Nexus 5. Stay put for a review before the end of September release date in the UK.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 05.09.2014
Quelle: T3

While we only had a short time with the new Moto X it’s clear the Motorola has improved the device in almost every area. The screen is bigger and sharper, yet the size of the device is not sacrificed and the nifty display tech from the first phone is still around. Hardware refinements have added that premium feel and if the claims of strong battery are in fact true, this could be one of the top Android devices out there.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 05.09.2014
Motorola Moto 360
Ausstattung / Datenblatt

Prozessor: OMAP 3630 1GHz
Bildschirm: 1.56 Zoll, , 320 x 290 Pixel
Gewicht: 0.049kg
Preis: 249 Euro
Links: Motorola Startseite
Rundum smart? Motorola schickt seine Smartwatch mit Lederarmband und klassischem Design ins Rennen - die Moto 360 wirkt auf den ersten Blick hochwertig. Ob das 249 Euro teure Gadget den anfänglichen Eindruck auch im Alltag bestätigen kann, klären wir im Test.
Motorola Moto E 2. Gen 2015
Motorla, einer der ersten Hersteller von Android-Geräten, hält seine starke Präsenz am Android-Markt aufrecht. Der Hersteller setzt die Entwicklung seiner preisgünstigen Android-Phone-Serie namens Motorola Moto E fort. Die zweite Generation ist schlicht als Motorola Moto E 2015 bekannt. Das Design ähnelt der ersten Version ziemlich stark. Das Äußere ist aus weichem Kunststoff-Material mit gerundeten Unterkanten. Die Lautstärkeregler und die Unlock-Taste befinden sich an den Seiten des Phones und sind aus Metall. Die Headphone-Buchse ist oben in der Mitte und der micro-USB-Port ist unten mittig. Der 4,3 Zoll große Bildschirm weist eine Auflösung von 540 x 960 Pixel auf. Das ergibt eine Pixeldichte von 245 ppi. Er ist definitiv nicht so gut wie die HD-Einheiten von hochwertigen Geräte, doch ziemlich gut für den Preis. Das Rückpanel ist nicht mehr entfernbar, was bedeutet, dass der Akku nicht mehr getauscht werden kann. Die Seiten können jedoch entfernt werden und geben den microSD- und den micro-SIM-Slot frei. Die entfernbaren Seitenkanten sind aus Kunststoff und in vielen Farben erhältlich, wodurch sie eine Art Zubehör für das Phone werden. Das gesamte Phone ist ziemlich klein und leicht und daher einfach zu halten und zu handhaben. Diese zweite Generation des Motorola Moto E ist sicherlich eines der besten preisgünstigen Android-Geräte, da es auch 4G-Verbindungen unterstützt. Insgesamt handelt es sich um ein für seinen Preis großartiges Gerät.Ausstattung / Datenblatt

Prozessor: Qualcomm Snapdragon 410 MSM8916
Grafikkarte: Qualcomm Adreno 306
Bildschirm: 4.50 Zoll, 16:9, 960 x 540 Pixel
Gewicht: 0.145kg
Preis: 129 Euro
Links: Motorola Startseite
Moto E 2. Gen 2015 (Modell)
Gelungenes Update. So kann man das Motorola Moto E der 2. Generation kurz und prägnant beschreiben, denn viele Kritikpunkte des Vorgängers wurden konsequent überarbeitet. 4,5-Zoll-qHD-Display, LTE, 8 GB Speicherplatz und das aktuelle Android 5.0 Lollipop - das neu geschnürte Paket gefällt.
Quelle: Netzwelt

Für weniger als 150 Euro erhalten Käufer des Moto E (2015) LTE einen erweiterbaren Speicher und Hardware, die sich auf dem Niveau des rund 60 Euro teureren Schwestermodell Moto G (2. Generation) bewegt. Dieses Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis macht das Moto E zum bislang besten Budget-Smartphone 2015. Lediglich die Kamera enttäuscht.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 23.07.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 75% Ausstattung: 100% Mobilität: 70% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Netzwelt

Für weniger als 150 Euro erhalten Käufer des Moto E (2015) LTE einen erweiterbaren Speicher und Hardware, die sich auf dem Niveau des rund 60 Euro teureren Schwestermodell Moto G (2. Generation) bewegt. Dieses Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis macht das Moto E zum bislang besten Budget-Smartphone 2015. Lediglich die Kamera enttäuscht.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 23.07.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 75% Ausstattung: 100% Mobilität: 70% Gehäuse: 80%

Das Moto E ist das perfekte Gerät für all jene, die sich nicht sicher sind, ob sie ein Smartphone brauchen. Die moderate Ausstattung sowie der günstige Preis bieten die perfekte Gelegenheit für Smartphone-Einsteiger, das bisher Unbekannte auszuprobieren. Aber auch genügsame Smartphone-Nutzer, die auf einige Apps nicht verzichten können, finden im Motorola einen zuverlässigen Begleiter.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 06.05.2015

Das Moto E ist das perfekte Gerät für all jene, die sich nicht sicher sind, ob sie ein Smartphone brauchen. Die moderate Ausstattung sowie der günstige Preis bieten die perfekte Gelegenheit für Smartphone-Einsteiger, das bisher Unbekannte auszuprobieren. Aber auch genügsame Smartphone-Nutzer, die auf einige Apps nicht verzichten können, finden im Motorola einen zuverlässigen Begleiter.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 06.05.2015
Quelle: SFT - Heft 6/2015

Plus: Sehr fairer Preis; Ordentliche Akku-Laufzeit. Minus: Schwaches Display; Bescheidener Lieferumfang.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 01.05.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 77%
Quelle: SFT - Heft 6/2015

Plus: Sehr fairer Preis; Ordentliche Akku-Laufzeit. Minus: Schwaches Display; Bescheidener Lieferumfang.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 01.05.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 77%
Quelle: c't - Heft 09/2015

Plus: Android 5; LTE. Minus: mäßige Kamera.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 16.04.2015
Quelle: c't - Heft 09/2015

Plus: Android 5; LTE. Minus: mäßige Kamera.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 16.04.2015
Quelle: Mobicroco

Motorola hat dem Moto E der zweiten Generation einen flinken Prozessor spendiert, die Verarbeitung des Smartphones ist ordentlich - vom Vibrationsalarm einmal abgesehen. Das Moto E der zweiten Generation punktet vor allem in Situationen, wo es nicht viele Apps gleichzeitig ausführen muss. Schwächen hat das Motorola-Smartphone im Bereich der Kamera und auch der interne Speicher kann schnell zu klein werden.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 12.04.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 91% Ausstattung: 93% Gehäuse: 90% Ergonomie: 87%
Quelle: Mobicroco

Motorola hat dem Moto E der zweiten Generation einen flinken Prozessor spendiert, die Verarbeitung des Smartphones ist ordentlich - vom Vibrationsalarm einmal abgesehen. Das Moto E der zweiten Generation punktet vor allem in Situationen, wo es nicht viele Apps gleichzeitig ausführen muss. Schwächen hat das Motorola-Smartphone im Bereich der Kamera und auch der interne Speicher kann schnell zu klein werden.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 12.04.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 91% Ausstattung: 93% Gehäuse: 90% Ergonomie: 87%
Quelle: Connect - Heft 05/2015

Plus: griffiges, mattes Kunststoffgehäuse; Rahmen farblich anpassbar; moderner 64-Bit-Prozessor; neueste Android-Version 5 installiert; schnelle Software-Updates; UKW-Radio mit RDS-Unterstützung. Minus: mit 12 Millimetern relativ dick; kein Headset im Lieferumfang; Akku nicht wechselbar; Kamera nur für Schnappschüsse; Schwächen im LTE-Netz.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 01.04.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 75%
Quelle: Connect - Heft 05/2015

Plus: griffiges, mattes Kunststoffgehäuse; Rahmen farblich anpassbar; moderner 64-Bit-Prozessor; neueste Android-Version 5 installiert; schnelle Software-Updates; UKW-Radio mit RDS-Unterstützung. Minus: mit 12 Millimetern relativ dick; kein Headset im Lieferumfang; Akku nicht wechselbar; Kamera nur für Schnappschüsse; Schwächen im LTE-Netz.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 01.04.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 75%
Quelle: Notebookinfo

Das Motorola Moto E 2nd Gen hat diverse Verbesserungen erhalten und kostet dabei nur 30 Euro mehr als der Vorgänger. Für Einsteiger lohnt sich die Anschaffung des neuen Moto E für 129 Euro in jedem Fall. Wer aber nach einem Smartphone mit ordentlicher Kamera sucht, muss zu einem anderen Modell greifen.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 18.03.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90% Leistung: 85% Bildschirm: 85% Mobilität: 95% Gehäuse: 90% Ergonomie: 95% Emissionen: 90%
Quelle: Notebookinfo

Das Motorola Moto E 2nd Gen hat diverse Verbesserungen erhalten und kostet dabei nur 30 Euro mehr als der Vorgänger. Für Einsteiger lohnt sich die Anschaffung des neuen Moto E für 129 Euro in jedem Fall. Wer aber nach einem Smartphone mit ordentlicher Kamera sucht, muss zu einem anderen Modell greifen.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 18.03.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90% Leistung: 85% Bildschirm: 85% Mobilität: 95% Gehäuse: 90% Ergonomie: 95% Emissionen: 90%

Motorola legt sein Moto E neu auf und spendiert der zweiten Generation sogar LTE und Android 5 Lollipop. Die zweite Generation des Moto E punktet im Test mit einem solide verarbeiteten Gehäuse, neuer Android-Software und langatmigen Akku. Die Kamera vollbringt keine Wunder und der Lieferumfang fällt bescheiden aus, dafür surfen Sie schnell via LTE Cat4.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 17.03.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 76% Preis: 88% Leistung: 81% Ausstattung: 71% Bildschirm: 71% Mobilität: 93%

Motorola legt sein Moto E neu auf und spendiert der zweiten Generation sogar LTE und Android 5 Lollipop. Die zweite Generation des Moto E punktet im Test mit einem solide verarbeiteten Gehäuse, neuer Android-Software und langatmigen Akku. Die Kamera vollbringt keine Wunder und der Lieferumfang fällt bescheiden aus, dafür surfen Sie schnell via LTE Cat4.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 17.03.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 76% Preis: 88% Leistung: 81% Ausstattung: 71% Bildschirm: 71% Mobilität: 93%
Ausländische Testberichte
Quelle: Hardware Secrets

In this article, I have the pleasure of reviewing both a smartphone, the 2nd generation Moto E and a different type of cellular service company. Although the Moto E is not perfect it is well-made and reliable. It also has good battery life and solid basic features. With this phone you get a lot for your money.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 12.01.2016
Quelle: Hardware Secrets

In this article, I have the pleasure of reviewing both a smartphone, the 2nd generation Moto E and a different type of cellular service company. Although the Moto E is not perfect it is well-made and reliable. It also has good battery life and solid basic features. With this phone you get a lot for your money.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 12.01.2016
Quelle: Gadgetguy

While the specs read like Motorola may have made the best budget phone ever, the result is further from the truth than the dream, and unfortunately, the 4G Motorola E just doesn’t hold up as strongly as a Moto model barely $50 more, the G with 4G. In fact while the original E was an acceptable entry-level phone for a bit under $200, the now $70 more costly E is harder to justify, especially since it faces some pretty steep competition from other entry level phones out there.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 15.07.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 60% Preis: 60% Leistung: 40% Ausstattung: 60% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Gadgetguy

While the specs read like Motorola may have made the best budget phone ever, the result is further from the truth than the dream, and unfortunately, the 4G Motorola E just doesn’t hold up as strongly as a Moto model barely $50 more, the G with 4G. In fact while the original E was an acceptable entry-level phone for a bit under $200, the now $70 more costly E is harder to justify, especially since it faces some pretty steep competition from other entry level phones out there.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 15.07.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 60% Preis: 60% Leistung: 40% Ausstattung: 60% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Under KG

video review
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 22.05.2015
Quelle: Under KG

video review
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 22.05.2015
Quelle: GSM Arena

The Motorola Moto E (2nd Gen) is exactly what you'd expect from the sequel of the most popular budget phone for 2014. The new model gets a screen bump, major performance boost, better camera, double the storage, a bigger battery, a much better build quality and materials and, surprisingly, there is even LTE connectivity. Yet Motorola is asking only a slight premium for the new device - it's selling for £99 or €125.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 01.05.2015
Quelle: GSM Arena

The Motorola Moto E (2nd Gen) is exactly what you'd expect from the sequel of the most popular budget phone for 2014. The new model gets a screen bump, major performance boost, better camera, double the storage, a bigger battery, a much better build quality and materials and, surprisingly, there is even LTE connectivity. Yet Motorola is asking only a slight premium for the new device - it's selling for £99 or €125.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 01.05.2015
Quelle: Hardware Secrets

The second generation Moto E is a very good entry-level smartphone. Performance, screen, and camera are not bad at all. And it brings support for 4G LTE networks and comes with Android 5.0, which is excellent. The only problem is its price point: altough the Moto E is a value smartphone, the price of the 4G LTE model is very close to the mainstream model from the same manufacturer, the Moto G which has better cameras and screen.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 28.04.2015
Quelle: Hardware Secrets

The second generation Moto E is a very good entry-level smartphone. Performance, screen, and camera are not bad at all. And it brings support for 4G LTE networks and comes with Android 5.0, which is excellent. The only problem is its price point: altough the Moto E is a value smartphone, the price of the 4G LTE model is very close to the mainstream model from the same manufacturer, the Moto G which has better cameras and screen.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 28.04.2015
Quelle: AnandTech

It wasn't that long ago that I recommended buyers looking for inexpensive smartphones avoid Android devices in favor of Windows Phone. While this may sound strange, at the time it was a reasonable way of thinking. Although Windows Phone has a limited application selection, the users who were interested in low-end devices were typically not heavy app users.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 21.04.2015
Quelle: AnandTech

It wasn't that long ago that I recommended buyers looking for inexpensive smartphones avoid Android devices in favor of Windows Phone. While this may sound strange, at the time it was a reasonable way of thinking. Although Windows Phone has a limited application selection, the users who were interested in low-end devices were typically not heavy app users.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 21.04.2015
Quelle: PC Perspective

Bottom line, if you can live with the screen and camera the 2015 Moto E provides good performance and the latest version of Android at a price that makes it a compelling option for a budget smartphone. LTE and a quad-core SoC check the right boxes for a modern device, and to sweeten the deal Motorola's aggressive OTA updates have been keeping even budget models up to date with the latest versions of Android. Yes, the screen isn’t great and the camera is downright poor, but it's hard to argue against the value regardless of its shortcomings.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 15.04.2015
Quelle: Androidbeat

The new Moto E is not particularly a bad phone, but it does fall short of its competition. The performance of the phone is nowhere close to some of its chief competitors available in the same price bracket. While the original Moto E redefined the budget Android smartphone experience and the market, the new Moto E fails to live up to the benchmark set by its predecessor. Once you factor in that the 4G variant of the Moto E — which comes with a faster Snapdragon 410 chipset — costs only an additional Rs. 1,000, it makes almost little sense to buy the 3G variant of the handset.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 15.04.2015
Quelle: PC Perspective

Bottom line, if you can live with the screen and camera the 2015 Moto E provides good performance and the latest version of Android at a price that makes it a compelling option for a budget smartphone. LTE and a quad-core SoC check the right boxes for a modern device, and to sweeten the deal Motorola's aggressive OTA updates have been keeping even budget models up to date with the latest versions of Android. Yes, the screen isn’t great and the camera is downright poor, but it's hard to argue against the value regardless of its shortcomings.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 15.04.2015
Quelle: Androidbeat

The new Moto E is not particularly a bad phone, but it does fall short of its competition. The performance of the phone is nowhere close to some of its chief competitors available in the same price bracket. While the original Moto E redefined the budget Android smartphone experience and the market, the new Moto E fails to live up to the benchmark set by its predecessor. Once you factor in that the 4G variant of the Moto E — which comes with a faster Snapdragon 410 chipset — costs only an additional Rs. 1,000, it makes almost little sense to buy the 3G variant of the handset.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 15.04.2015

The elephant in the room is that all of this could also describe the Moto G. Simply put, the Moto E’s only raison d’etre is the $60 it shaves off the cost of the G—otherwise, that phone is the better blend of quality and affordability. Its screen is bigger and sharper. Its build is just as smooth and refined, but slimmer and devoid of the E’s odd border material. Its internals are nearly identical. And at the very least, its camera isn’t worse than the one here. The one nominal advantage the Moto E has is LTE support, but those LTE speeds aren’t always faster than the HSPA+ ones you can throw on the Moto G. Unless you absolutely cannot go over $150, or you’re completely against the idea of a display larger than 4.7 inches, we recommend scrounging up a few Hamiltons and climbing up a rung on the Moto ladder.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 08.04.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 75%

The elephant in the room is that all of this could also describe the Moto G. Simply put, the Moto E’s only raison d’etre is the $60 it shaves off the cost of the G—otherwise, that phone is the better blend of quality and affordability. Its screen is bigger and sharper. Its build is just as smooth and refined, but slimmer and devoid of the E’s odd border material. Its internals are nearly identical. And at the very least, its camera isn’t worse than the one here. The one nominal advantage the Moto E has is LTE support, but those LTE speeds aren’t always faster than the HSPA+ ones you can throw on the Moto G. Unless you absolutely cannot go over $150, or you’re completely against the idea of a display larger than 4.7 inches, we recommend scrounging up a few Hamiltons and climbing up a rung on the Moto ladder.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 08.04.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 75%
Quelle: Gadgetspeak

As with some of the company’s other products, such as Moto G and Moto X, Lenovo has released the second generation of its Moto E smartphone offering. Aimed specifically at the budget market sector, this latest version of the Moto E is now available in 3G and 4G LTE varieties depending upon the needs of the user.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 04.04.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 60% Preis: 80% Leistung: 60%
Quelle: Gadgetspeak

As with some of the company’s other products, such as Moto G and Moto X, Lenovo has released the second generation of its Moto E smartphone offering. Aimed specifically at the budget market sector, this latest version of the Moto E is now available in 3G and 4G LTE varieties depending upon the needs of the user.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 04.04.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 60% Preis: 80% Leistung: 60%

The new Motorola Moto E is an improvement over the original, in terms of design, battery life and features offered. Camera is one area where it didn’t impress much. Also the display resolution could certainly have been bumped up. Unlike its first outing, the new Moto E has competition in the form of Lenovo A6000 (Lenovo also happens to be Moto E’s parent company) and Xiaomi Redmi 2, both of which sport an HD display and come with 4G support.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 03.04.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 65%

The new Motorola Moto E is an improvement over the original, in terms of design, battery life and features offered. Camera is one area where it didn’t impress much. Also the display resolution could certainly have been bumped up. Unlike its first outing, the new Moto E has competition in the form of Lenovo A6000 (Lenovo also happens to be Moto E’s parent company) and Xiaomi Redmi 2, both of which sport an HD display and come with 4G support.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 03.04.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 65%
Quelle: Gadgetspeak

While I am very happy with my Moto G the Moto E is a cheaper phone and it now comes with, or is upgrades to Android V5 so is this upgrade and other improvements such as 4G and the larger 2390mAh battery worth doing? One piece of useful software pre-installed is Alert which can notify friends or relatives in case of accidents which for those with training schedules is perhaps more likely, this is not an all singing and dancing device but a very useable and well-priced SmartPhone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 30.03.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 100% Leistung: 80%
Quelle: Gadgetspeak

While I am very happy with my Moto G the Moto E is a cheaper phone and it now comes with, or is upgrades to Android V5 so is this upgrade and other improvements such as 4G and the larger 2390mAh battery worth doing? One piece of useful software pre-installed is Alert which can notify friends or relatives in case of accidents which for those with training schedules is perhaps more likely, this is not an all singing and dancing device but a very useable and well-priced SmartPhone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 30.03.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 100% Leistung: 80%
Quelle: Pocketnow

The Moto E is still taking a global, emerging markets focus, and in some of those areas the price difference between the Moto G and Moto E is quite a bit different than domestically. Nonetheless, the Moto E is durable, has great call quality, and runs a fairly modern version of the Android OS (5.0.2 at the time we went to press). In terms of getting what you pay for, like last year, the Moto E is a very good value (just don’t forget to by a 32GB microSD card). No, it’s not going to compete with the new Galaxy S6 or HTC One M9, but you could outfit your whole family with a Moto E each for the cost of one of those.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 27.03.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 72% Leistung: 20% Ausstattung: 96% Mobilität: 80%
Quelle: Pocketnow

The Moto E is still taking a global, emerging markets focus, and in some of those areas the price difference between the Moto G and Moto E is quite a bit different than domestically. Nonetheless, the Moto E is durable, has great call quality, and runs a fairly modern version of the Android OS (5.0.2 at the time we went to press). In terms of getting what you pay for, like last year, the Moto E is a very good value (just don’t forget to by a 32GB microSD card). No, it’s not going to compete with the new Galaxy S6 or HTC One M9, but you could outfit your whole family with a Moto E each for the cost of one of those.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 27.03.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 72% Leistung: 20% Ausstattung: 96% Mobilität: 80%
Quelle: Techradar

The Moto E (2015) can do everything you want it to do, now there's 4G LTE connectivity you can get that superfast internet inside which is a big relief for many. It has a solid design, sits well in the hand and feels sturdy enough to take a couple of drops.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 26.03.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Techradar

The Moto E (2015) can do everything you want it to do, now there's 4G LTE connectivity you can get that superfast internet inside which is a big relief for many. It has a solid design, sits well in the hand and feels sturdy enough to take a couple of drops.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 26.03.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: PC Pro

If you’re looking for a cheap knockabout phone that doesn’t compromise heavily on features, the Moto E 2nd Gen is a cracking choice. It’s good-looking, compact and well built, and the improved performance and good-quality screen seal the deal. Motorola is onto another winner.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 23.03.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
Quelle: Engadget

If your main concern when choosing a smartphone is price, and you don't want to be locked into a lengthy carrier contract, the Moto E is a good choice. Motorola's done a fine job of bringing its curvy design and technology down to a low price point (though it'll be even more appealing when the LTE version gets a price drop).
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 23.03.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 83%
Quelle: PC Pro

If you’re looking for a cheap knockabout phone that doesn’t compromise heavily on features, the Moto E 2nd Gen is a cracking choice. It’s good-looking, compact and well built, and the improved performance and good-quality screen seal the deal. Motorola is onto another winner.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 23.03.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
Quelle: Engadget

If your main concern when choosing a smartphone is price, and you don't want to be locked into a lengthy carrier contract, the Moto E is a good choice. Motorola's done a fine job of bringing its curvy design and technology down to a low price point (though it'll be even more appealing when the LTE version gets a price drop).
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 23.03.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 83%

The Moto E 2015 isn't a game changer like the original Moto E, but it is still a great example of what Motorola has to offer. Featuring a close to untouched version of Android, the Moto E is one of a select few affordable smartphones to offer all the perks of Google's latest Lollipop version.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 18.03.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: NDTV Gadgets

The Moto E (Gen 2) improves upon its predecessor in more ways than one. We love the new design tweak in the form of 'bands' and the better battery performance. The price tag of Rs. 6,999 puts it directly in competition with the newly launched Xiaomi Redmi 2 and Lenovo A6000 (Review | Pictures). We recently reviewed the Lenovo A6000 and except for underwhelming cameras we thought it was a great device. If the Xiaomi Redmi 1S (Review | Pictures) is any indication, the Redmi 2 should be also be a good phone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 18.03.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70% Preis: 90% Leistung: 80% Bildschirm: 70% Mobilität: 70% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: Android Authority

To enhance the experience on this entry-level device, the Moto E brings some of the staples features that can be found on Motorola’s flagship smartphone, such as Moto Assist to keep your phone quiet during meetings or while asleep, Moto Actions to quickly launch the camera by simply twisting your wrist, as well as Moto Display, for those subtle notifications when the screen is off.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 18.03.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%

The Moto E 2015 isn't a game changer like the original Moto E, but it is still a great example of what Motorola has to offer. Featuring a close to untouched version of Android, the Moto E is one of a select few affordable smartphones to offer all the perks of Google's latest Lollipop version.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 18.03.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: NDTV Gadgets

The Moto E (Gen 2) improves upon its predecessor in more ways than one. We love the new design tweak in the form of 'bands' and the better battery performance. The price tag of Rs. 6,999 puts it directly in competition with the newly launched Xiaomi Redmi 2 and Lenovo A6000 (Review | Pictures). We recently reviewed the Lenovo A6000 and except for underwhelming cameras we thought it was a great device. If the Xiaomi Redmi 1S (Review | Pictures) is any indication, the Redmi 2 should be also be a good phone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 18.03.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70% Preis: 90% Leistung: 80% Bildschirm: 70% Mobilität: 70% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: Android Authority

To enhance the experience on this entry-level device, the Moto E brings some of the staples features that can be found on Motorola’s flagship smartphone, such as Moto Assist to keep your phone quiet during meetings or while asleep, Moto Actions to quickly launch the camera by simply twisting your wrist, as well as Moto Display, for those subtle notifications when the screen is off.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 18.03.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Trusted Reviews

If you want the cheapest good 4G phone possible, absolutely. It looks great, has class-leading battery life and we love its light, bloatware-free approach to Android. It’s an excellent starting point for anyone buying their first smartphone. You should consider what’s most important to you first, though. One of the tradeoffs for getting 4G at such a low price is the average cameras and a screen that’s a step below similar non-4G phones at the same price. Neither are bad per se, but you can do better and you might decide 4G is less important to you than these features.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 17.03.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90% Preis: 90% Leistung: 90% Bildschirm: 70% Mobilität: 100% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: Greenbot

The Moto E is as basic as smartphones get. If you're not into all the fanfare and hoopla that typically trails flagship devices, maybe going for something a little more humble like the Moto E might be worth the switch. There is really no other low-end phone out there that rivals this one. For $150, you get nearly stock Android, fantastic battery life, LTE data, and a quad-core processor in an adorably cute little package. I'd use this phone as my day-to-day if my 64-bit flagship powerhouse died a disastrous death, though I'd be sure to carry around something like the HTC Re to take pictures with. The Moto E is really not a camera phone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 17.03.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: PC World

The Moto E is as basic as smartphones get. If you're not into all the fanfare and hoopla that typically trails flagship devices, maybe going for something a little more humble like the Moto E might be worth the switch. There is really no other low-end phone out there that rivals this one. For $150, you get nearly stock Android, fantastic battery life, LTE data, and a quad-core processor in an adorably cute little package. I'd use this phone as my day-to-day if my 64-bit flagship powerhouse died a disastrous death, though I'd be sure to carry around something like the HTC Re to take pictures with. The Moto E is really not a camera phone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 17.03.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: Trusted Reviews

If you want the cheapest good 4G phone possible, absolutely. It looks great, has class-leading battery life and we love its light, bloatware-free approach to Android. It’s an excellent starting point for anyone buying their first smartphone. You should consider what’s most important to you first, though. One of the tradeoffs for getting 4G at such a low price is the average cameras and a screen that’s a step below similar non-4G phones at the same price. Neither are bad per se, but you can do better and you might decide 4G is less important to you than these features.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 17.03.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90% Preis: 90% Leistung: 90% Bildschirm: 70% Mobilität: 100% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: Greenbot

The Moto E is as basic as smartphones get. If you're not into all the fanfare and hoopla that typically trails flagship devices, maybe going for something a little more humble like the Moto E might be worth the switch. There is really no other low-end phone out there that rivals this one. For $150, you get nearly stock Android, fantastic battery life, LTE data, and a quad-core processor in an adorably cute little package. I'd use this phone as my day-to-day if my 64-bit flagship powerhouse died a disastrous death, though I'd be sure to carry around something like the HTC Re to take pictures with. The Moto E is really not a camera phone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 17.03.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: PC World

The Moto E is as basic as smartphones get. If you're not into all the fanfare and hoopla that typically trails flagship devices, maybe going for something a little more humble like the Moto E might be worth the switch. There is really no other low-end phone out there that rivals this one. For $150, you get nearly stock Android, fantastic battery life, LTE data, and a quad-core processor in an adorably cute little package. I'd use this phone as my day-to-day if my 64-bit flagship powerhouse died a disastrous death, though I'd be sure to carry around something like the HTC Re to take pictures with. The Moto E is really not a camera phone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 17.03.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: Digital Trends

The Moto E (2nd Gen) is definitely not a bad smartphone, but it makes no sense in the current market. The newer hardware on the Redmi 2 and Lenovo A6000 are both more powerful and already have 4G compatibility. The Moto E just doesn't provide the value that they do.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 16.03.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 66%
Quelle: Digital Trends

The Moto E (2nd Gen) is definitely not a bad smartphone, but it makes no sense in the current market. The newer hardware on the Redmi 2 and Lenovo A6000 are both more powerful and already have 4G compatibility. The Moto E just doesn't provide the value that they do.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 16.03.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 66%
Quelle: Gadgets Now

Motorola has improved on the original Moto E in almost every area, while giving it a little extra style too. While the screen could be better, for £109, the the 2015 Moto E is a solid budget blower that performs well and looks good doing it too. If you're strapped for cash and are in need of a smartphone, the Moto E should be high up on your want list.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 13.03.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
Quelle: Gadgets Now

Motorola has improved on the original Moto E in almost every area, while giving it a little extra style too. While the screen could be better, for £109, the the 2015 Moto E is a solid budget blower that performs well and looks good doing it too. If you're strapped for cash and are in need of a smartphone, the Moto E should be high up on your want list.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 13.03.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
Quelle: Slashgear

This is a smartphone worth owning. Look into purchasing smartphones on the used phone circuit first - just so long as you can trust the previous owner - then if you're unable to locate a fine phone released in the past few years, this machine will be more than adequate for whatever basic smartphone needs you may have.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 12.03.2015
Quelle: Slashgear

This is a smartphone worth owning. Look into purchasing smartphones on the used phone circuit first - just so long as you can trust the previous owner - then if you're unable to locate a fine phone released in the past few years, this machine will be more than adequate for whatever basic smartphone needs you may have.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 12.03.2015
Quelle: NDTV Gadgets

In the little time spent with the device, we found that the screen brightness was a little too low for outdoor usage under direct sunlight, but apart from that it seemed fairly decent. Overall, the new Moto E (Gen 2) seems to be a decent budget device, compared to its current competitors. We will test the device thoroughly when we conduct our full review.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 11.03.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70% Preis: 90% Leistung: 80% Bildschirm: 70% Mobilität: 70% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: Phone Arena

Enthusiasts aren’t going to run out and pick up the new Moto E, that’s certainly fact. Based on its competitive price point, the 2nd generation Moto E is primarily targeting a specific demographic. In particular, this handset best serves consumers who are on an extremely low budget – or alternatively, those looking for a cheap replacement or backup phone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 11.03.2015
Quelle: Recombu

At £109, the Motorola Moto E offers impressive value for money and shaves a whole £50 off the price of the freshly-launched Moto G 4G. There are some sacrifices, of course: you don't get the same sharp HD panel of the Moto G 4G and the camera is a basic snapper. But for a nippy online experience and satisfying everyday use, the Moto E delivers in spades.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 11.03.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: NDTV Gadgets

In the little time spent with the device, we found that the screen brightness was a little too low for outdoor usage under direct sunlight, but apart from that it seemed fairly decent. Overall, the new Moto E (Gen 2) seems to be a decent budget device, compared to its current competitors. We will test the device thoroughly when we conduct our full review.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 11.03.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70% Preis: 90% Leistung: 80% Bildschirm: 70% Mobilität: 70% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: Phone Arena

Enthusiasts aren’t going to run out and pick up the new Moto E, that’s certainly fact. Based on its competitive price point, the 2nd generation Moto E is primarily targeting a specific demographic. In particular, this handset best serves consumers who are on an extremely low budget – or alternatively, those looking for a cheap replacement or backup phone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 11.03.2015
Quelle: Recombu

At £109, the Motorola Moto E offers impressive value for money and shaves a whole £50 off the price of the freshly-launched Moto G 4G. There are some sacrifices, of course: you don't get the same sharp HD panel of the Moto G 4G and the camera is a basic snapper. But for a nippy online experience and satisfying everyday use, the Moto E delivers in spades.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 11.03.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Tom's Guide

The second generation Moto E is one of the best unlocked-smartphone values yet. You get the latest Android OS (sans bloatware), 4G LTE, and a bright and colorful display in a solid, comfortable and customizable body. Plus, the Moto E offers long battery life. However, while the Moto E takes fairly clear pictures outdoors, the front camera is so-so. Overall, the Moto E is a great choice for a starter phone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 10.03.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Expert Reviews

The Motorola Moto E (2015) is a fantastic budget smartphone. It may not have the best camera in the world and the Moto apps could be easier to set up, but with 4G support, a fantastic battery life and Android 5.0, it's a great value handset that's an excellent alternative to either the 3G or 4G versions of the 2nd Gen Moto G. It wins a Recommended award. If neither of these phones fit your needs, though, then check out our regularly-updated Best Smartphones and buying guide.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 10.03.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
Quelle: Tom's Guide

The second generation Moto E is one of the best unlocked-smartphone values yet. You get the latest Android OS (sans bloatware), 4G LTE, and a bright and colorful display in a solid, comfortable and customizable body. Plus, the Moto E offers long battery life. However, while the Moto E takes fairly clear pictures outdoors, the front camera is so-so. Overall, the Moto E is a great choice for a starter phone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 10.03.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Expert Reviews

The Motorola Moto E (2015) is a fantastic budget smartphone. It may not have the best camera in the world and the Moto apps could be easier to set up, but with 4G support, a fantastic battery life and Android 5.0, it's a great value handset that's an excellent alternative to either the 3G or 4G versions of the 2nd Gen Moto G. It wins a Recommended award. If neither of these phones fit your needs, though, then check out our regularly-updated Best Smartphones and buying guide.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 10.03.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
Quelle: Pocket Lint

Just like the original, the Moto E is brilliant for the price. It's a little more expensive second time around, but the addition of 4G, a better battery, smoother Android experience, a slightly neater (although slightly larger) design, plus added colour from the interchangeable Bands, are all plus points. However, for the money, there's arguably no better budget phone on the market. The Moto E offers plenty of bang for your buck and progresses the series forward enough to see it stand up and, often, stand out against its nearest competitors. Well worth a shout for those on a squeezed budget.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 09.03.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Pocket Lint

Just like the original, the Moto E is brilliant for the price. It's a little more expensive second time around, but the addition of 4G, a better battery, smoother Android experience, a slightly neater (although slightly larger) design, plus added colour from the interchangeable Bands, are all plus points. However, for the money, there's arguably no better budget phone on the market. The Moto E offers plenty of bang for your buck and progresses the series forward enough to see it stand up and, often, stand out against its nearest competitors. Well worth a shout for those on a squeezed budget.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 09.03.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

The screen is bigger, it has double the storage, a quad-core processor, support for 4G and a front-facing camera. It’s a very easy choice between the old and new Moto E: the second generation phone is another winner.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 04.03.2015
Quelle: Tech Advisor

The screen is bigger, it has double the storage, a quad-core processor, support for 4G and a front-facing camera. It’s a very easy choice between the old and new Moto E: the second generation phone is another winner.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 04.03.2015
Quelle: Tech Advisor

The new Moto E 4G is a worthy upgrade over the original Moto E, with upgrades in every area. For an extra £20 it adds 4G LTE connectivity and a front-facing camera, plus performance and storage improvements. It might not be as fast as the grey-market Doogee F1 Turbo Mini, but this Moto E 4G is a much better deal than the EE Kestrel, making it the best budget 4G phone intended for UK sale we've seen.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 02.03.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 100% Leistung: 80% Ausstattung: 80% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

The new Moto E 4G is a worthy upgrade over the original Moto E, with upgrades in every area. For an extra £20 it adds 4G LTE connectivity and a front-facing camera, plus performance and storage improvements. It might not be as fast as the grey-market Doogee F1 Turbo Mini, but this Moto E 4G is a much better deal than the EE Kestrel, making it the best budget 4G phone intended for UK sale we've seen.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 02.03.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 100% Leistung: 80% Ausstattung: 80% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: T3

Even though we've only had the new Moto E in our hands for a few hours, we have to say that we're impressed. Packing in 4G, a dual-core processor, 8GB of internal storage and a microSD card, plus the delights on Android Lollipop into a well built package that costs just £109 gets the T3 thumbs up.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 26.02.2015
Quelle: T3

Even though we've only had the new Moto E in our hands for a few hours, we have to say that we're impressed. Packing in 4G, a dual-core processor, 8GB of internal storage and a microSD card, plus the delights on Android Lollipop into a well built package that costs just £109 gets the T3 thumbs up.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 26.02.2015
Quelle: Pocket Lint

Overall the new Moto E is a sensible push forward from Motorola. The size differences are negligible - it's the 4G connectivity, more capacious battery and fun colour accents that still put it up there as one of the best budget phones to buy. Motorola may have been sold to Lenovo, but it's continuing the positive legacy that it started.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 25.02.2015

Those of us who yearn after the slicker, high-end phones with their larger, brighter displays, more powerful cameras and wider range of features -- some of which will, no doubt, be introduced at the upcoming Mobile World Congress next week -- would probably not be satisfied with the Moto E. But for a very reasonable price, you can get an unlocked phone with most, if not all, of the features that most day-to-day users will need. And that ain't bad.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 25.02.2015
Quelle: Pocket Lint

Overall the new Moto E is a sensible push forward from Motorola. The size differences are negligible - it's the 4G connectivity, more capacious battery and fun colour accents that still put it up there as one of the best budget phones to buy. Motorola may have been sold to Lenovo, but it's continuing the positive legacy that it started.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 25.02.2015

Those of us who yearn after the slicker, high-end phones with their larger, brighter displays, more powerful cameras and wider range of features -- some of which will, no doubt, be introduced at the upcoming Mobile World Congress next week -- would probably not be satisfied with the Moto E. But for a very reasonable price, you can get an unlocked phone with most, if not all, of the features that most day-to-day users will need. And that ain't bad.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 25.02.2015
Motorola Moto G 2. Gen 4G
Motorola richtet sich mit der Einführung des Motorola Moto G second generation 4G an den Budget-Smartphone-Markt. Der Bildschirm ist bescheidene 5.0 Zoll breit und bietet eine Auflösung von 720 x 1280 Pixel bei einer Pixeldichte von 293 ppi. Dies ergibt ausreichend große Blickwinkel für durchschnittliche Nutzer. Das Motorola Moto G besteht hauptsächlich aus einer schwarzen, gebogenen Rückseite mit variierender Dicke von 6 bis 11 mm. Es ist mit nur 149 g extrem leicht und zudem gibt es zwei Slots für SIM-Karten. Im Inneren arbeiten ein Qualcomm MSM 8926 Snapdragon 400 Chipset, eine 1.2 GHz Cortex A7 Quad-Core-CPU und eine Adreno 305 GPU. Die interne Speicherkapazität beträgt entweder 8 oder 16 GB bei 1 GB Hauptspeicher. Die Speicherkapazität kann mit einer microSD-Karte um bis zu 32 GB erweitert werden. Es gibt zwei Kameras, eine 8-MP-Kamera an der Rückseite und eine 2-MP-Frontkamera für Selfies. Ein lustiges Merkmal ist, dass Motorola austauschbare Rückpanele genannt 'Shells' anbietet, die in einer Fülle von hellen Farben verfügbar sind und von Motorola gegen eine kleine Gebühr gekauft werden können. Es handelt sich anscheinend um eines der besten Budget-Phones mit einer idealen Kombination von Benutzerfreundlichkeit und Leistung.Ausstattung / Datenblatt

Prozessor: Qualcomm Snapdragon 400 MSM8226
Grafikkarte: Qualcomm Adreno 305
Bildschirm: 5.00 Zoll, 16:9, 1280 x 720 Pixel
Gewicht: 0.15kg
Preis: 200 Euro
Links: Motorola Startseite
Update Light. Motorolas Mittelklasse-Smartphone Moto G2 hatte in unserem Test ein prima Ergebnis eingeheimst, beherrscht aber kein LTE. Dieses Manko hat der Hersteller mit der Neuauflage aus dem Weg geräumt und statt KitKat auch gleich das aktuelle, vermeintlich schnellere Android Lollipop vorinstalliert. Aber auch bei Bildschirm und Speicher könnte es unvermutete Änderungen gegeben haben.
Quelle: Tom's Hardware

Dessen ungeachtet handelt es sich immer noch um ein sehr solides Smartphone, das einwandfrei verarbeitet ist, eine durchdachte Ausstattung mitbringt und – vielleicht das wichtigste Kriterium – keine eklatanten Schwächen aufweist. Hinzu kommen eine moderne Software-Ausstattung, respektable Akkulaufzeiten und zwei Kameras, die diese Bezeichnung auch zurecht tragen.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 30.06.2015
Quelle: Tom's Hardware

Dessen ungeachtet handelt es sich immer noch um ein sehr solides Smartphone, das einwandfrei verarbeitet ist, eine durchdachte Ausstattung mitbringt und – vielleicht das wichtigste Kriterium – keine eklatanten Schwächen aufweist. Hinzu kommen eine moderne Software-Ausstattung, respektable Akkulaufzeiten und zwei Kameras, die diese Bezeichnung auch zurecht tragen.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 30.06.2015
Quelle: Computerbild - Heft 12/2015

Dank seiner rückseitigen Wölbung liegt das G2 (Maße: 14,2 x 7,0 x 1,1 Zentimeter, 155 Gramm) gut in der Hand und lässt sich gerade noch einhändig bedienen. Da Motorola das aktuelle Android 5.0.2. (Lollipop) aufs Moto G2 bringt, gibt’s kaum nervigen Schnick-Schnack in den Menüs. Das etwas zu dunkle und kontrastarme 5-Zoll-Display (1280 x 720 Bildpunkte, Schärfewert: 294 ppi) enttäuscht aber.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 01.06.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 81%
Quelle: Stiftung Warentest - Heft 7/2015

Das Motorola Moto G (2. Gen.) ist ein befriedigendes, stabiles Android-Smartphone mit einem guten, sehr großen, sehr hochauflösenden Display. Schwache Netzempfindlichkeit. Die ausreichende Kamera liefert schwache Fotos bei normaler und bei geringer Beleuchtung und schwache Videos. Keine Kopfhörer mitgeliefert. Die GPS-Ortung mit Internetverbindung funktioniert sehr schnell. Der Akku ist gut, kann aber nicht vom Nutzer gewechselt werden. Es handelt sich um ein Dual-Sim-Gerät, das die Nutzung von zwei verschiedenen Sim-Karten im Micro-Sim-Format ermöglicht.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 01.06.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 82%
Quelle: Computerbild - Heft 12/2015

Dank seiner rückseitigen Wölbung liegt das G2 (Maße: 14,2 x 7,0 x 1,1 Zentimeter, 155 Gramm) gut in der Hand und lässt sich gerade noch einhändig bedienen. Da Motorola das aktuelle Android 5.0.2. (Lollipop) aufs Moto G2 bringt, gibt’s kaum nervigen Schnick-Schnack in den Menüs. Das etwas zu dunkle und kontrastarme 5-Zoll-Display (1280 x 720 Bildpunkte, Schärfewert: 294 ppi) enttäuscht aber.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 01.06.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 81%
Quelle: Stiftung Warentest - Heft 7/2015

Das Motorola Moto G (2. Gen.) ist ein befriedigendes, stabiles Android-Smartphone mit einem guten, sehr großen, sehr hochauflösenden Display. Schwache Netzempfindlichkeit. Die ausreichende Kamera liefert schwache Fotos bei normaler und bei geringer Beleuchtung und schwache Videos. Keine Kopfhörer mitgeliefert. Die GPS-Ortung mit Internetverbindung funktioniert sehr schnell. Der Akku ist gut, kann aber nicht vom Nutzer gewechselt werden. Es handelt sich um ein Dual-Sim-Gerät, das die Nutzung von zwei verschiedenen Sim-Karten im Micro-Sim-Format ermöglicht.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 01.06.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 82%
Quelle: Tom's Hardware

Das Motorola Moto E2 macht unter der Vielzahl der Konkurrenten zwar nicht durch den günstigsten Preis auf sich aufmerksam, bietet aber eine vergleichsweise leistungsstarke Hardware, die dem Gros der alltäglichen Aufgaben locker gewachsen ist. Die gute Verarbeitung und die brauchbare Kamera runden das gelungene Gesamtpaket ab.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 22.05.2015
Quelle: Tom's Hardware

Das Motorola Moto E2 macht unter der Vielzahl der Konkurrenten zwar nicht durch den günstigsten Preis auf sich aufmerksam, bietet aber eine vergleichsweise leistungsstarke Hardware, die dem Gros der alltäglichen Aufgaben locker gewachsen ist. Die gute Verarbeitung und die brauchbare Kamera runden das gelungene Gesamtpaket ab.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 22.05.2015
Quelle: Smartphone Magazin - Heft 3/2015

In Zusammenarbeit mit Motorola hat Google mit dem Moto G ein Gerät für schmalere Geldbeutel entwickelt, das sich dennoch nicht vor der Konkurrenz verstecken muss. Die Leistungsdaten sind im Mittelfeld anzusiedeln, für Spiele und Apps aber ausreichend. Auch die Kameras sind annehmbar. Kein Wert fällt nach unten ab, insgesamt also ein rundum solides Gerät - das sich eben vor allem über den günstigen Preis definiert.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 01.05.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Smartphone Magazin - Heft 3/2015

In Zusammenarbeit mit Motorola hat Google mit dem Moto G ein Gerät für schmalere Geldbeutel entwickelt, das sich dennoch nicht vor der Konkurrenz verstecken muss. Die Leistungsdaten sind im Mittelfeld anzusiedeln, für Spiele und Apps aber ausreichend. Auch die Kameras sind annehmbar. Kein Wert fällt nach unten ab, insgesamt also ein rundum solides Gerät - das sich eben vor allem über den günstigen Preis definiert.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 01.05.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Ausländische Testberichte
Quelle: Tech Advisor

With the same screen and only a small processor bump, the reasons to upgrade to the Moto G 2015 are the new cameras, waterproof design and the ability to order with the Moto Maker - although that does make it more expensive and it's not really a budget phone any more.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 30.07.2015
Quelle: Tech Advisor

With the same screen and only a small processor bump, the reasons to upgrade to the Moto G 2015 are the new cameras, waterproof design and the ability to order with the Moto Maker - although that does make it more expensive and it's not really a budget phone any more.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 30.07.2015
Quelle: NDTV Gadgets

There is no denying that the Moto E (Gen 2) 4G is a better bet than its predecessor in terms of performance and because it's more future-ready. However, the Lenovo A6000 Plus, Yu Yuphoria and Xiaomi Redmi 2 all have 2GB of RAM and better cameras, making them better value for money overall. But, the software experience on the Moto E (Gen 2) 4G is unparalleled.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 03.06.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70% Preis: 80% Leistung: 80% Ausstattung: 50% Bildschirm: 70% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: NDTV Gadgets

There is no denying that the Moto E (Gen 2) 4G is a better bet than its predecessor in terms of performance and because it's more future-ready. However, the Lenovo A6000 Plus, Yu Yuphoria and Xiaomi Redmi 2 all have 2GB of RAM and better cameras, making them better value for money overall. But, the software experience on the Moto E (Gen 2) 4G is unparalleled.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 03.06.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70% Preis: 80% Leistung: 80% Ausstattung: 50% Bildschirm: 70% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: Digital Trends

The Moto E 4g is definitely an improvement over the 3G variant, but it still can't match the competiton in terms of display and camera. If you need an inexpensive smartphone with very good battery life, then this one would make sense, but for everything else, you should look at the Xiaomi Redmi 2 and Yu Yuphoria.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 21.05.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 63%
Quelle: Digital Trends

The Moto E 4g is definitely an improvement over the 3G variant, but it still can't match the competiton in terms of display and camera. If you need an inexpensive smartphone with very good battery life, then this one would make sense, but for everything else, you should look at the Xiaomi Redmi 2 and Yu Yuphoria.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 21.05.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 63%
Quelle: Cool Smartphone

Overall the Moto G 4G 2015 edition it is a great device, at a decent price, with a great display, a Micro SD and some front facing speakers and a pretty decent rear camera. Yes it would be an amazing device with just a little bit more internal memory, but that would cost more. The spec difference between this and the new Moto E is confusing as the Moto E seems to have a better processor. But I feel that this model is seriously impressive in its own right and that’s probably just down to Lollipop and decent 4G.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 28.04.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70% Ausstattung: 60% Bildschirm: 70% Mobilität: 70% Gehäuse: 60%
Quelle: Cool Smartphone

Overall the Moto G 4G 2015 edition it is a great device, at a decent price, with a great display, a Micro SD and some front facing speakers and a pretty decent rear camera. Yes it would be an amazing device with just a little bit more internal memory, but that would cost more. The spec difference between this and the new Moto E is confusing as the Moto E seems to have a better processor. But I feel that this model is seriously impressive in its own right and that’s probably just down to Lollipop and decent 4G.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 28.04.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70% Ausstattung: 60% Bildschirm: 70% Mobilität: 70% Gehäuse: 60%
Quelle: Reg Hardware

Unless a truly top notch camera is a requirement, the Moto G – in any variant – really is all the smartphone most people will ever need. For the price the new Mk.II 4G device is the pick of the crop by virtue of the larger screen, bigger battery, 4G comms and extra speaker.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 14.04.2015
Quelle: Reg Hardware

Unless a truly top notch camera is a requirement, the Moto G – in any variant – really is all the smartphone most people will ever need. For the price the new Mk.II 4G device is the pick of the crop by virtue of the larger screen, bigger battery, 4G comms and extra speaker.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 14.04.2015
Quelle: Tech Advisor

If you're looking for a cheap 4G smartphone then the Moto E 4G is the best deal on the market right now. If you would rather have a cheap dual-SIM phone with 3G connectivity then the mark 3 Moto G is your best bet. But the new Moto G 4G for 2015 is not the best phone for either customer, and its larger, higher-resolution screen, marginally improved photography credentials and stereo sound are not enough for us to turn a blind eye to its £60 higher price, slower hardware and missing software features.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 09.04.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 70% Leistung: 80% Ausstattung: 70% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

If you're looking for a cheap 4G smartphone then the Moto E 4G is the best deal on the market right now. If you would rather have a cheap dual-SIM phone with 3G connectivity then the mark 3 Moto G is your best bet. But the new Moto G 4G for 2015 is not the best phone for either customer, and its larger, higher-resolution screen, marginally improved photography credentials and stereo sound are not enough for us to turn a blind eye to its £60 higher price, slower hardware and missing software features.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 09.04.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 70% Leistung: 80% Ausstattung: 70% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Gadgets Now

Motorola has improved on last year's edition with the new Moto G 4G, and its £159 still puts it in budget territory for first-time smartphone buyers and newcomers. Its 4G powers will keep you up to date for longer, but we wish its processor was a bit faster, as it's starting to show its age. For the price though, along with a bright, large screen and barebones Lollipop, it's well worth a look.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 08.04.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Pocket Lint

Motorola truly impressed us with the original Moto G, a budget smartphone that, at launch, was untouchable. But its larger-scale and slightly more expensive follow-up was a little less impressive due to a bulkier design and lack of 4G. Deep down we were hoping for a slimmer and sexier new Moto G design for 2015. But if the design and scale is of no consequence as it is then the 4G-boosted model makes good on its predecessor's lacking and, all in all, is an accomplished budget smartphone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 08.04.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Gadgets Now

Motorola has improved on last year's edition with the new Moto G 4G, and its £159 still puts it in budget territory for first-time smartphone buyers and newcomers. Its 4G powers will keep you up to date for longer, but we wish its processor was a bit faster, as it's starting to show its age. For the price though, along with a bright, large screen and barebones Lollipop, it's well worth a look.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 08.04.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Pocket Lint

Motorola truly impressed us with the original Moto G, a budget smartphone that, at launch, was untouchable. But its larger-scale and slightly more expensive follow-up was a little less impressive due to a bulkier design and lack of 4G. Deep down we were hoping for a slimmer and sexier new Moto G design for 2015. But if the design and scale is of no consequence as it is then the 4G-boosted model makes good on its predecessor's lacking and, all in all, is an accomplished budget smartphone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 08.04.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: PC Pro

In all, the Moto G 2 4G is a top-quality budget smartphone. It has a superb display, improved battery life, and fixes its predecessor’s only blunder by including 4G without inflating the price. The aging innards are a concern, but it’s not enough to prevent this being an excellent budget choice.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 02.04.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
Quelle: PC Pro

In all, the Moto G 2 4G is a top-quality budget smartphone. It has a superb display, improved battery life, and fixes its predecessor’s only blunder by including 4G without inflating the price. The aging innards are a concern, but it’s not enough to prevent this being an excellent budget choice.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 02.04.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
Motorola Moto G 3. Gen 2015 XT1541
Das voll konfigurierbare Motorola Moto G 2015 ermöglicht es Usern ihr Smartphone wirklich zu personalisieren. Auf Motorolas Web-Seite können Nutzer bei Design-Optionen wie der Farbkombination sowie bei technischen Optionen wie RAM und Speicher ihre Auswahl treffen. Das ergonomische Design weist abgerundeten Kanten und eine texturierte Rückseite für bessere Griffigkeit auf. Eine Stärke des Smartphones ist seine Robustheit, denn es ist IPX7 zertifiziert mit Schutz bei Spritzwasser und versehentlichen Stürzen in Wasser. Das Android Lollipop 5.1.1 Gerät verfügt über einen Snapdragon 410 Quad-Core-Prozessor mit einer Taktrate von 1,4 GHz, bis zu 2 GB RAM, eine Adreno 306 GPU und 8 oder 16 GB internen Speicher. Ebenso unterstützt das 155-g-Gerät microSD-Karten. Sein 5 Zoll großes 720p HD Panel wird durch Corning Gorilla Glass 3 geschützt. Sowohl die 13-MP-Kamera mit f/2.0 Blende an der Rückseite als auch die 5-MP-Frontkamera mit f/2.2 Blende erzeugen gute Bilder. Weitere Features sind Bluetooth 4.0, A-GPS und Micro-USB. Der 2470-mAh-Akku ermöglicht bis zu 24 Stunden gemischte Verwendung.Ausstattung / Datenblatt

Prozessor: Qualcomm Snapdragon 410 MSM8916
Grafikkarte: Qualcomm Adreno 306
Bildschirm: 5.00 Zoll, 16:9, 1280 x 720 Pixel
Gewicht: 0.155kg
Preis: 249 Euro
Links: Motorola Startseite
G wie gut. Mit der dritten Generation des Moto G betreibt Motorola eine feine Modellpflege und liefert ein prima Preis-Leistungs-Paket: eine gute Kamera, lange Laufzeiten und ein aktuelles Betriebssystem. Außerdem ist das Gerät nun wasserdicht.

Einsteigerklasse war gestern - Motorola dringt mit dem Moto G in der dritten Generation in Richtung Mittelklasse vor. Im Test beweist das Motorola Moto G (3. Generation), dass die Kamera gut und das Display sogar sehr gut geworden ist. Allerdings gibt es auch Ausstattungsmängel. Dennoch stimmt das Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 27.07.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 69% Preis: 94% Leistung: 76% Ausstattung: 39% Bildschirm: 92% Mobilität: 76%

Einsteigerklasse war gestern - Motorola dringt mit dem Moto G in der dritten Generation in Richtung Mittelklasse vor. Im Test beweist das Motorola Moto G (3. Generation), dass die Kamera gut und das Display sogar sehr gut geworden ist. Allerdings gibt es auch Ausstattungsmängel. Dennoch stimmt das Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 27.07.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 69% Preis: 94% Leistung: 76% Ausstattung: 39% Bildschirm: 92% Mobilität: 76%
Quelle: Notebooksbilliger Blog

Das Motorola Moto G3 bietet ein ausgewogenes Gesamtpaket. Dem geringen Preis geschuldet muss man bei einigen Komponenten Abstriche machen: Das Display beispielsweise ist zwar ordentlich, doch die geringen Blickwinkel schmälern den ansonsten guten Gesamteindruck.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 11.03.2016
Quelle: Notebooksbilliger Blog

Das Motorola Moto G3 bietet ein ausgewogenes Gesamtpaket. Dem geringen Preis geschuldet muss man bei einigen Komponenten Abstriche machen: Das Display beispielsweise ist zwar ordentlich, doch die geringen Blickwinkel schmälern den ansonsten guten Gesamteindruck.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 11.03.2016
Quelle: Tom's Hardware

Die Konkurrenz bei Smartphones im 200-Euro-Segment ist groß, sehr groß sogar. Das hat auch der einstige Preishit, das Motorola Moto G, zu spüren bekommen. Zuletzt war das Moto G kein Super-Angebot mehr; auch andere Hersteller haben mittlerweile günstige Smartphones mit ordentlicher Ausstattung und anständiger Verarbeitungsqualität im Programm.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 03.11.2015
Quelle: Tom's Hardware

Die Konkurrenz bei Smartphones im 200-Euro-Segment ist groß, sehr groß sogar. Das hat auch der einstige Preishit, das Motorola Moto G, zu spüren bekommen. Zuletzt war das Moto G kein Super-Angebot mehr; auch andere Hersteller haben mittlerweile günstige Smartphones mit ordentlicher Ausstattung und anständiger Verarbeitungsqualität im Programm.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 03.11.2015

Motorola liefert mit dem Moto G wieder einmal ein sehr gutes Gesamtpaket ab. Design, Akku, Software - hier stimmt alles. Fast alles: Der Preis ist mit 229 Euro etwas höher als beim Vorgänger (damals 199 Euro UVP), der nach wie vor ein wahres Schnäppchen ist. Daher sollte jeder Käufer für sich entscheiden, ob das kleine Performance-Plus und das wasserdichte Gehäuse den Aufpreis von knapp 70 Euro wert sind.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 22.09.2015

Motorola liefert mit dem Moto G wieder einmal ein sehr gutes Gesamtpaket ab. Design, Akku, Software - hier stimmt alles. Fast alles: Der Preis ist mit 229 Euro etwas höher als beim Vorgänger (damals 199 Euro UVP), der nach wie vor ein wahres Schnäppchen ist. Daher sollte jeder Käufer für sich entscheiden, ob das kleine Performance-Plus und das wasserdichte Gehäuse den Aufpreis von knapp 70 Euro wert sind.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 22.09.2015
Quelle: Focus Online

Motorola platziert das Moto G mit dem neuen 2015er-Modell ein ganzes Stück weiter oben auf der Leiter der Smartphones: LTE, DC-HSPA, Individualisierbarkeit im Moto-Maker, zwei Versionen mit 1 oder 2 Gigabyte Arbeitsspeicher respektive 8 oder 16 Gigabyte internem, erweiterbarem Speicher – willkommen in der Mittelklasse!
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 23.08.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 77% Ausstattung: 81% Ergonomie: 73%
Quelle: Mobicroco

Motorola bleibt mit dem Moto G seiner Linie treu und hat ein ansehnliches Mittelklasse-Smartphone entwickelt. An einigen Stellen hat Motorola aber gepatzt: Das betrifft den Verzicht auf die Stereo-Lautsprecher, das mittelmäßige Display und die Verarbeitung ist gegenüber den Vorgängern minimal schlechter. Dass das neue Moto G nun gegen eindringendes Wasser geschützt ist, ist positiv zu bewerten. Die Kamera schießt ordentliche Bilder, wenngleich sie Enthusiasten kaum als Urlaubskamera dienen wird. An der Systemleistung gibt es nichts zu meckern, denn sie entspricht in etwa dem, was von einem Snapdragon 410 zu erwarten ist. Gegenüber dem Vorgänger hat Motorola außerdem einige Features gestrichen, an manchen Stellen herrscht Feature-Stillstand, was im schnelllebigen Smartphone-Business eher zu schlechteren Bewertungen führen muss. Eine Bestnote erreicht das Moto G deswegen insgesamt nicht.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 23.08.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90% Ausstattung: 87% Gehäuse: 90% Ergonomie: 87%
Quelle: Focus Online

Motorola platziert das Moto G mit dem neuen 2015er-Modell ein ganzes Stück weiter oben auf der Leiter der Smartphones: LTE, DC-HSPA, Individualisierbarkeit im Moto-Maker, zwei Versionen mit 1 oder 2 Gigabyte Arbeitsspeicher respektive 8 oder 16 Gigabyte internem, erweiterbarem Speicher – willkommen in der Mittelklasse!
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 23.08.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 77% Ausstattung: 81% Ergonomie: 73%
Quelle: Mobicroco

Motorola bleibt mit dem Moto G seiner Linie treu und hat ein ansehnliches Mittelklasse-Smartphone entwickelt. An einigen Stellen hat Motorola aber gepatzt: Das betrifft den Verzicht auf die Stereo-Lautsprecher, das mittelmäßige Display und die Verarbeitung ist gegenüber den Vorgängern minimal schlechter. Dass das neue Moto G nun gegen eindringendes Wasser geschützt ist, ist positiv zu bewerten. Die Kamera schießt ordentliche Bilder, wenngleich sie Enthusiasten kaum als Urlaubskamera dienen wird. An der Systemleistung gibt es nichts zu meckern, denn sie entspricht in etwa dem, was von einem Snapdragon 410 zu erwarten ist. Gegenüber dem Vorgänger hat Motorola außerdem einige Features gestrichen, an manchen Stellen herrscht Feature-Stillstand, was im schnelllebigen Smartphone-Business eher zu schlechteren Bewertungen führen muss. Eine Bestnote erreicht das Moto G deswegen insgesamt nicht.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 23.08.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90% Ausstattung: 87% Gehäuse: 90% Ergonomie: 87%
Quelle: Netzwelt

Motorola spendiert seinem Budget-Smartphone einen frischen Look. Motorola behebt in der dritten Generation die größten Schwachstellen (Kamera, Design) des Moto G. Wer keinen Octa-Core-Prozessor oder eine Schnellladefunktion braucht, wird aktuell kein besseres Smartphone auf dem Markt finden.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 11.08.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 87% Ausstattung: 90% Mobilität: 70% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: Netzwelt

Motorola spendiert seinem Budget-Smartphone einen frischen Look. Motorola behebt in der dritten Generation die größten Schwachstellen (Kamera, Design) des Moto G. Wer keinen Octa-Core-Prozessor oder eine Schnellladefunktion braucht, wird aktuell kein besseres Smartphone auf dem Markt finden.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 11.08.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 87% Ausstattung: 90% Mobilität: 70% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: Inside Handy

Motorola hat das dritte Moto G gegenüber seinem Vorgänger nochmal ordentlich aufgerüstet: Ein etwas schnellerer Prozessor, zwei höher auflösende Kameras, einige smarte Features, die die tägliche Nutzung erleichtern sollen und letztlich die Möglichkeit, das Moto G nun ebenfalls wie das Moto X, über den Moto Maker gestalten zu können.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 06.08.2015
Quelle: Inside Handy

Motorola hat das dritte Moto G gegenüber seinem Vorgänger nochmal ordentlich aufgerüstet: Ein etwas schnellerer Prozessor, zwei höher auflösende Kameras, einige smarte Features, die die tägliche Nutzung erleichtern sollen und letztlich die Möglichkeit, das Moto G nun ebenfalls wie das Moto X, über den Moto Maker gestalten zu können.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 06.08.2015
Quelle: MobiFlip

Das Motorola Moto G 2015 gefällt. Vor allem die solide Verarbeitung und die Optik kann bei mir punkten, aber auch die Verbesserungen bei der Kamera kann man nur loben. Das Display und die allgemeine Arbeitsgeschwindigkeit lässt sich ebenso positiv hervorheben, wie die aufgeräumte Android-Oberfläche und die guten Speaker.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 29.07.2015
Quelle: MobiFlip

Das Motorola Moto G 2015 gefällt. Vor allem die solide Verarbeitung und die Optik kann bei mir punkten, aber auch die Verbesserungen bei der Kamera kann man nur loben. Das Display und die allgemeine Arbeitsgeschwindigkeit lässt sich ebenso positiv hervorheben, wie die aufgeräumte Android-Oberfläche und die guten Speaker.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 29.07.2015
Ausländische Testberichte
Quelle: Tech Advisor

With various upgrades including a waterproof design, great cameras and stock Android, the new Moto G 2015 is a great affordable phone. The device is still a bit chunky and it's a shame to see the stereo speakers gone. It's worth opting for the model with 16GB of storage and 2GB of RAM and when you customise the device with Moto Maker the price is a not so attractive £209. The Vodafone Smart Ultra 6 is worth a look at just £125 with its Full HD display.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 18.05.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90% Preis: 80% Leistung: 90% Ausstattung: 90% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

With various upgrades including a waterproof design, great cameras and stock Android, the new Moto G 2015 is a great affordable phone. The device is still a bit chunky and it's a shame to see the stereo speakers gone. It's worth opting for the model with 16GB of storage and 2GB of RAM and when you customise the device with Moto Maker the price is a not so attractive £209. The Vodafone Smart Ultra 6 is worth a look at just £125 with its Full HD display.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 18.05.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90% Preis: 80% Leistung: 90% Ausstattung: 90% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Recombu

The Moto G 4th-Generation might be about to launch, but last year’s handset is still a steal at well under £200 SIM-free. Of course, it’s likely to drop in price come next month when the latest Moto G is unveiled by Motorola, so try and hang on if you can before making a purchase.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 04.05.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Recombu

The Moto G 4th-Generation might be about to launch, but last year’s handset is still a steal at well under £200 SIM-free. Of course, it’s likely to drop in price come next month when the latest Moto G is unveiled by Motorola, so try and hang on if you can before making a purchase.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 04.05.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: It Pro

While we wish the Moto G’s pricing and specs was clearer and the 2GB model isn’t quite the bargain basement must-have that previous Moto G models were, this is still a cracking budget Android phone. Almost every aspect of this phone has been improved over its predecessor with waterproofing an unexpected, but very welcome extra. You can’t go too far wrong with the superb Moto G.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 06.11.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
Quelle: It Pro

While we wish the Moto G’s pricing and specs was clearer and the 2GB model isn’t quite the bargain basement must-have that previous Moto G models were, this is still a cracking budget Android phone. Almost every aspect of this phone has been improved over its predecessor with waterproofing an unexpected, but very welcome extra. You can’t go too far wrong with the superb Moto G.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 06.11.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
Quelle: PC Pro

Before you go and splurge all your cash on the latest whizzbang flagship, eviscerating your bank balance in the process, you owe it to yourself to at least get down to your local retailer and try out the latest Motorola Moto G (2015). It’s a very, very good smartphone – the best budget smartphone on the market – and well worth the asking price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 24.09.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
Quelle: PC Pro

Before you go and splurge all your cash on the latest whizzbang flagship, eviscerating your bank balance in the process, you owe it to yourself to at least get down to your local retailer and try out the latest Motorola Moto G (2015). It’s a very, very good smartphone – the best budget smartphone on the market – and well worth the asking price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 24.09.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
Quelle: Gadgetspeak

2013 marked what some regard as a sea-change with regards to the choice options open to users looking to purchase a new smartphone. Did you know that 84% of smartphone users feel they cannot go a single day without using their device; 60% of users admit they sleep with their phone; while 17% claim to have showered with their handset?
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 17.09.2015
Quelle: Gadgetspeak

2013 marked what some regard as a sea-change with regards to the choice options open to users looking to purchase a new smartphone. Did you know that 84% of smartphone users feel they cannot go a single day without using their device; 60% of users admit they sleep with their phone; while 17% claim to have showered with their handset?
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 17.09.2015
Quelle: Techspot

One of the best aspects of the Moto G remains the price tag: at just $180 for the 8GB model with 1 GB of RAM, this smartphone is exceptionally affordable and a very decent value proposition considering the hardware inside. Spending an extra $40 is worth it if you want more storage and RAM, but there’s no denying that either option is a great choice if you’re after an entry-level smartphone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 08.09.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 85%
Quelle: Gadgetguy

We started this review asking a pretty basic question about the Motorola G — does the third Moto G perfect the series? — and really, that question came down to one basic concept: is the third time the charm, so to speak. But the Moto G has never really needed to worry about that question because it has always been pretty good, evident from Motorola’s recent observation that this range is the company’s most successful smartphone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 08.09.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 90% Leistung: 80% Ausstattung: 80% Mobilität: 100% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Techspot

One of the best aspects of the Moto G remains the price tag: at just $180 for the 8GB model with 1 GB of RAM, this smartphone is exceptionally affordable and a very decent value proposition considering the hardware inside. Spending an extra $40 is worth it if you want more storage and RAM, but there’s no denying that either option is a great choice if you’re after an entry-level smartphone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 08.09.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 85%
Quelle: Gadgetguy

We started this review asking a pretty basic question about the Motorola G — does the third Moto G perfect the series? — and really, that question came down to one basic concept: is the third time the charm, so to speak. But the Moto G has never really needed to worry about that question because it has always been pretty good, evident from Motorola’s recent observation that this range is the company’s most successful smartphone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 08.09.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 90% Leistung: 80% Ausstattung: 80% Mobilität: 100% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Cool Smartphone

I’ve been won over by the Moto G since the first iteration in late 2013. With the 3rd generation, Motorola have improved on the original formula, and brought water resistance and improved on the second gen’s bigger screen and body. I must say I really really like the Moto G 3rd generation. I like it so much I’m using it as one of my main devices and have even used one of my precious Google Play Music authorisations on it. The only thing I find myself wishing the Moto G 3rd gen had is an AMOLED screen, mostly so that Moto Display uses less battery power.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 25.08.2015
Quelle: Cool Smartphone

I’ve been won over by the Moto G since the first iteration in late 2013. With the 3rd generation, Motorola have improved on the original formula, and brought water resistance and improved on the second gen’s bigger screen and body. I must say I really really like the Moto G 3rd generation. I like it so much I’m using it as one of my main devices and have even used one of my precious Google Play Music authorisations on it. The only thing I find myself wishing the Moto G 3rd gen had is an AMOLED screen, mostly so that Moto Display uses less battery power.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 25.08.2015
Quelle: AnandTech

Motorola's original Moto G was one of the first Android devices to offer what one could honestly call a good user experience at a price of around $200. In the end, I think as far as conventional mid range devices goes there's no competition for the Moto G. The construction and the camera are good, the performance is the best of an ARM device at this price point, and the battery life is amazing.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 19.08.2015
Quelle: AnandTech

Motorola's original Moto G was one of the first Android devices to offer what one could honestly call a good user experience at a price of around $200. In the end, I think as far as conventional mid range devices goes there's no competition for the Moto G. The construction and the camera are good, the performance is the best of an ARM device at this price point, and the battery life is amazing.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 19.08.2015
Quelle: Androidbeat

To conclude this review, I can only say that the Moto G (2015) is the perfect example of why specs don’t matter. While the handset is easily the best device in its price range in countries like Europe and United States, it is easily outspec’d by devices from Xiaomi, Huawei, and other Chinese OEMs in countries like India. However, despite coming with inferior specs, the Moto G (2015) is able to deliver a user experience that simply cannot be matched by them.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 14.08.2015
Quelle: Androidbeat

To conclude this review, I can only say that the Moto G (2015) is the perfect example of why specs don’t matter. While the handset is easily the best device in its price range in countries like Europe and United States, it is easily outspec’d by devices from Xiaomi, Huawei, and other Chinese OEMs in countries like India. However, despite coming with inferior specs, the Moto G (2015) is able to deliver a user experience that simply cannot be matched by them.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 14.08.2015

The third generation Moto G has certainly been impressive despite the specs not being the best of the lot. Moto G promises a good user experience and it more than delivers on that front. For someone looking at a decent mid-range phone with a long-lasting battery life and a decent camera, the Moto G is certainly an option worth considering. But only the 2GB variant as the base model with 1GB RAM and 8GB storage for Rs 1,000 less is not really an ideal deal.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 13.08.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70% Leistung: 70% Ausstattung: 75% Bildschirm: 70% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 70%
Quelle: Expert Reviews

The 3rd Gen Moto G might not be the best value budget smartphone any more, but that doesn't stop it from being one of Motorola's best. I'll update this review once I've tested the £159 version, but for now, the £209 model comes highly recommended.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 13.08.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%

The third generation Moto G has certainly been impressive despite the specs not being the best of the lot. Moto G promises a good user experience and it more than delivers on that front. For someone looking at a decent mid-range phone with a long-lasting battery life and a decent camera, the Moto G is certainly an option worth considering. But only the 2GB variant as the base model with 1GB RAM and 8GB storage for Rs 1,000 less is not really an ideal deal.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 13.08.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70% Leistung: 70% Ausstattung: 75% Bildschirm: 70% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 70%
Quelle: Expert Reviews

The 3rd Gen Moto G might not be the best value budget smartphone any more, but that doesn't stop it from being one of Motorola's best. I'll update this review once I've tested the £159 version, but for now, the £209 model comes highly recommended.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 13.08.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
Quelle: Engadget

Last year, I wrote that the then-new Moto G was "still the best budget smartphone" around. Little did I know that the quality bar for cheap phones would shoot into the air the way it did over the past 12 months. This updated Moto G faces fiercer competition than it ever has before, and it may well lose its hard-fought, low-cost crown someday.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 11.08.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 87%
Quelle: PC World

I’m so happy that Motorola’s found its niche in making affordable smartphones that don’t compromise on features. For around $200, you can get a perfectly capable Android smartphone that offers totally passable camera capabilities, solid hardware performance, long-lasting battery life, and a frequently updated version of Android (based on Motorola’s track record with updating its devices over the past few years). It has most of Motorola's signature extra features like Active Display and Moto Assist, and it’ll also survive a drop in the toilet.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 11.08.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Slashgear

Motorola retains its championship belt for best low-cost smartphone in the world with the Moto G 2015 (3rd edition). While we were hesitant to upgrade from the Moto G to the 2nd edition Moto G, here the jump is great enough to make. Even those of you who own the original Moto G can rest easy knowing your cash is going towards a device that's worth the buck.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 11.08.2015

Ultimately, we can forgive the tiny storage drives when practically every other aspect of the Moto G represents obscenely good value. The combination of sturdy design, good performance, quality cameras and a clean, up-to-date Android OS is nigh impossible to find in this price range, even counting previous models of this very handset.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 11.08.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
Quelle: Droid-Life

What’s your budget? Is it $200? Then yes, you should probably buy the Moto G (3rd gen). Head over to Motorola’s site at the link below and customize the hell out of one. I can’t think of another phone at this price that can top this one. The camera is solid, its performance is better than many flagships, and the battery life is on rockstar levels.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 11.08.2015
Quelle: Greenbot

I’m so happy that Motorola’s found its niche in making affordable smartphones that don’t compromise on features. For around $200, you can get a perfectly capable Android smartphone that offers totally passable camera capabilities, solid hardware performance, long-lasting battery life, and a frequently updated version of Android (based on Motorola’s track record with updating its devices over the past few years). It has most of Motorola's signature extra features like Active Display and Moto Assist, and it’ll also survive a drop in the toilet. The only real bummer about the Moto G is its lack of NFC, so if you were hoping to become a part of the mobile payments trend any time soon, you’re out of luck with this device.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 11.08.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Engadget

Last year, I wrote that the then-new Moto G was "still the best budget smartphone" around. Little did I know that the quality bar for cheap phones would shoot into the air the way it did over the past 12 months. This updated Moto G faces fiercer competition than it ever has before, and it may well lose its hard-fought, low-cost crown someday.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 11.08.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 87%
Quelle: PC World

I’m so happy that Motorola’s found its niche in making affordable smartphones that don’t compromise on features. For around $200, you can get a perfectly capable Android smartphone that offers totally passable camera capabilities, solid hardware performance, long-lasting battery life, and a frequently updated version of Android (based on Motorola’s track record with updating its devices over the past few years). It has most of Motorola's signature extra features like Active Display and Moto Assist, and it’ll also survive a drop in the toilet.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 11.08.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Slashgear

Motorola retains its championship belt for best low-cost smartphone in the world with the Moto G 2015 (3rd edition). While we were hesitant to upgrade from the Moto G to the 2nd edition Moto G, here the jump is great enough to make. Even those of you who own the original Moto G can rest easy knowing your cash is going towards a device that's worth the buck.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 11.08.2015

Ultimately, we can forgive the tiny storage drives when practically every other aspect of the Moto G represents obscenely good value. The combination of sturdy design, good performance, quality cameras and a clean, up-to-date Android OS is nigh impossible to find in this price range, even counting previous models of this very handset.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 11.08.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
Quelle: Droid-Life

What’s your budget? Is it $200? Then yes, you should probably buy the Moto G (3rd gen). Head over to Motorola’s site at the link below and customize the hell out of one. I can’t think of another phone at this price that can top this one. The camera is solid, its performance is better than many flagships, and the battery life is on rockstar levels.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 11.08.2015
Quelle: Greenbot

I’m so happy that Motorola’s found its niche in making affordable smartphones that don’t compromise on features. For around $200, you can get a perfectly capable Android smartphone that offers totally passable camera capabilities, solid hardware performance, long-lasting battery life, and a frequently updated version of Android (based on Motorola’s track record with updating its devices over the past few years). It has most of Motorola's signature extra features like Active Display and Moto Assist, and it’ll also survive a drop in the toilet. The only real bummer about the Moto G is its lack of NFC, so if you were hoping to become a part of the mobile payments trend any time soon, you’re out of luck with this device.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 11.08.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Techradar

The Moto G carries the series' torch in style. It has shed the ultra-bargain style that used to be the main attraction, but hitting the mark in every category makes it superior to virtually all rivals.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 10.08.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Techradar

The Moto G carries the series' torch in style. It has shed the ultra-bargain style that used to be the main attraction, but hitting the mark in every category makes it superior to virtually all rivals.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 10.08.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: It Pro

While we wish the Moto G’s pricing and specs was clearer and the 2GB model isn’t quite the bargain basement must-have that previous Moto G models were, this is still a cracking budget Android phone. Almost every aspect of this phone has been improved over its predecessor with waterproofing an unexpected, but very welcome extra.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 07.08.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
Quelle: Think Digit

While the Moto G (3rd Gen) smartphone is a decent phone at this price point, it is nothing compared to competitors like the Asus Zenfone 2 and Xiaomi Mi 4i, or even the lower priced Yu Yureka Plus and Lenovo K3 Note for that matter. Motorola may not want to enter the specs war, but it just isn't delivering the 'customer experience' that it promises.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 07.08.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 60%
Quelle: Gadgets Now

Motorola's done it again with this year's Moto G, and there's no point even considering going for any other phone if you're on a budget and need something quick, sharp and on point. If the OnePlus One (or its sequel) is just out of reach for you, and you want a no-compromise budget blower, this year's Moto G is a must-have.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 07.08.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
Quelle: Wired Magazine

The Moto G punches above its weight in almost every way, and is without question the best phone you’ll find at anything approaching this price. It’s not an iPhone killer yet, but it does allow the millions of people who cannot or will not pay top dollar for a phone to get a truly first-rate device. It’s the clearest indication yet of the great things to come from truly affordable phones. But for now?
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 07.08.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: It Pro

While we wish the Moto G’s pricing and specs was clearer and the 2GB model isn’t quite the bargain basement must-have that previous Moto G models were, this is still a cracking budget Android phone. Almost every aspect of this phone has been improved over its predecessor with waterproofing an unexpected, but very welcome extra.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 07.08.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
Quelle: Think Digit

While the Moto G (3rd Gen) smartphone is a decent phone at this price point, it is nothing compared to competitors like the Asus Zenfone 2 and Xiaomi Mi 4i, or even the lower priced Yu Yureka Plus and Lenovo K3 Note for that matter. Motorola may not want to enter the specs war, but it just isn't delivering the 'customer experience' that it promises.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 07.08.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 60%
Quelle: Gadgets Now

Motorola's done it again with this year's Moto G, and there's no point even considering going for any other phone if you're on a budget and need something quick, sharp and on point. If the OnePlus One (or its sequel) is just out of reach for you, and you want a no-compromise budget blower, this year's Moto G is a must-have.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 07.08.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
Quelle: Wired Magazine

The Moto G punches above its weight in almost every way, and is without question the best phone you’ll find at anything approaching this price. It’s not an iPhone killer yet, but it does allow the millions of people who cannot or will not pay top dollar for a phone to get a truly first-rate device. It’s the clearest indication yet of the great things to come from truly affordable phones. But for now?
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 07.08.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: Pocket Lint

It's easy to look at specs and compare the third-gen Moto G to similar devices, but this phone isn't about numbers, it's all about the experience. And as affordable experiences go, it's a true return to the top. Great software, including some useful Motorola-specific apps, make it a clean and clever device to use, while its decent battery life, water-resistance, improved camera, and the addition of Moto Maker personalisation options really make this Moto G stand out (the cherry finish of this review sample certainly helps too).
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 06.08.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Reg Hardware

It’s hard to be harsh on such a likable, and comfortable £209 phone. But the competition in the “just over £200” market is brutal. For £10 more today (in theory) you can get a brand new One Plus One with 3GB of RAM, blistering performance, superior 13MP imaging, NFC, 802.11ac, and a 1080x1920 display.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 06.08.2015
Quelle: Trusted Reviews

What you get with the Moto G is a phone that continues to punch above its weight. We like the addition of the water resistant design and the camera improvements are welcome, too. It also offers the purest and most user-friendly approaches to Android, and it runs like a dream – especially on the 16GB version and its extra RAM. It's still one of the best value phones you can buy despite the slight price rise, which is why we still recommend it.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 06.08.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90% Preis: 90% Leistung: 90% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: GSM Arena

The 3rd gen Moto G is the most capable member of the popular product family to date. Thanks to its zippy chipset, excellent camera and battery life, up to date stock Android, and superb build quality, the newcomer is also one of the most appealing entries in its price range. Unlike last year's rather conservative second generation, Motorola has really pushed the envelope with the latest Moto G. Newly introduced features like Moto Maker and IPX7 water resistance help the smartphone stand out in its overly crowded segment.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 06.08.2015
Quelle: Android Authority

The many positives of this handset definitely outweigh the few and if you can handle the shortcomings in the display and camera, the Moto G is the one for you. With that said, we had a great experience with the higher end model. If you can, spring for that one. But if you’re trying to pinch as many pennies as possible, we’re sure the entry-level smartphone will do just fine in your pocket.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 06.08.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 82% Leistung: 84% Bildschirm: 75% Mobilität: 85% Gehäuse: 82%
Quelle: Pocket Lint

It's easy to look at specs and compare the third-gen Moto G to similar devices, but this phone isn't about numbers, it's all about the experience. And as affordable experiences go, it's a true return to the top. Great software, including some useful Motorola-specific apps, make it a clean and clever device to use, while its decent battery life, water-resistance, improved camera, and the addition of Moto Maker personalisation options really make this Moto G stand out (the cherry finish of this review sample certainly helps too).
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 06.08.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Reg Hardware

It’s hard to be harsh on such a likable, and comfortable £209 phone. But the competition in the “just over £200” market is brutal. For £10 more today (in theory) you can get a brand new One Plus One with 3GB of RAM, blistering performance, superior 13MP imaging, NFC, 802.11ac, and a 1080x1920 display.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 06.08.2015
Quelle: Trusted Reviews

What you get with the Moto G is a phone that continues to punch above its weight. We like the addition of the water resistant design and the camera improvements are welcome, too. It also offers the purest and most user-friendly approaches to Android, and it runs like a dream – especially on the 16GB version and its extra RAM. It's still one of the best value phones you can buy despite the slight price rise, which is why we still recommend it.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 06.08.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90% Preis: 90% Leistung: 90% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: GSM Arena

The 3rd gen Moto G is the most capable member of the popular product family to date. Thanks to its zippy chipset, excellent camera and battery life, up to date stock Android, and superb build quality, the newcomer is also one of the most appealing entries in its price range. Unlike last year's rather conservative second generation, Motorola has really pushed the envelope with the latest Moto G. Newly introduced features like Moto Maker and IPX7 water resistance help the smartphone stand out in its overly crowded segment.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 06.08.2015
Quelle: Android Authority

The many positives of this handset definitely outweigh the few and if you can handle the shortcomings in the display and camera, the Moto G is the one for you. With that said, we had a great experience with the higher end model. If you can, spring for that one. But if you’re trying to pinch as many pennies as possible, we’re sure the entry-level smartphone will do just fine in your pocket.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 06.08.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 82% Leistung: 84% Bildschirm: 75% Mobilität: 85% Gehäuse: 82%
Quelle: Stuff TV

This is comfortably the best Moto G to date, adeptly sticking to the series’ style by fixing the weaker part of the older versions rather than turbo-charging its strong points with, for example, a 1080p screen. The only problem is that this is also comfortably the most expensive model in the series. We’ve lost some of that cut-throat bargain feel, although the waterproofing and significant camera improvements mean the extra expense is worth it.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 05.08.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Leistung: 80% Bildschirm: 80% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Stuff TV

This is comfortably the best Moto G to date, adeptly sticking to the series’ style by fixing the weaker part of the older versions rather than turbo-charging its strong points with, for example, a 1080p screen. The only problem is that this is also comfortably the most expensive model in the series. We’ve lost some of that cut-throat bargain feel, although the waterproofing and significant camera improvements mean the extra expense is worth it.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 05.08.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Leistung: 80% Bildschirm: 80% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: PC Pro

Motorola has nailed it once again with the third-generation Motorola Moto G. Its camera is superb, the upgraded internals make it a more responsive phone, and the extra software features make it feel more like a flagship and less like a sub-£200 budget device than ever.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 04.08.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
Quelle: Pocketnow

But the existence of competition doesn’t nullify the very compelling product Motorola brings to the table with the Moto G 2015. Is ASUS’s ZenFone 2 a better option for the spec-obsessed? Absolutely. Is AOT’s IDOL 3 a better fit for audiophiles? You bet. The new Moto G is for neither of those groups. Instead, it’s an affordable handheld for the masses: a highly customizable smartphone with excellent battery life, great performance, and software that adds usefulness without bogging it down. If you can live with its lackluster camera and display, it’s absolutely a solid buy (at least at the higher tier).
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 04.08.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 81% Ausstattung: 74%
Quelle: PC Pro

Motorola has nailed it once again with the third-generation Motorola Moto G. Its camera is superb, the upgraded internals make it a more responsive phone, and the extra software features make it feel more like a flagship and less like a sub-£200 budget device than ever.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 04.08.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
Quelle: Pocketnow

But the existence of competition doesn’t nullify the very compelling product Motorola brings to the table with the Moto G 2015. Is ASUS’s ZenFone 2 a better option for the spec-obsessed? Absolutely. Is AOT’s IDOL 3 a better fit for audiophiles? You bet. The new Moto G is for neither of those groups. Instead, it’s an affordable handheld for the masses: a highly customizable smartphone with excellent battery life, great performance, and software that adds usefulness without bogging it down. If you can live with its lackluster camera and display, it’s absolutely a solid buy (at least at the higher tier).
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 04.08.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 81% Ausstattung: 74%
Quelle: Recombu

The 3rd-generation Moto G is a solid budget handset, with a brilliant premium-spec camera and thankfully smooth performance. The 5-inch screen may not be as razor-sharp as we’d hoped, but for anyone who loves snapping every moment of their everyday lives, it’s easy to recommend this bargain blower.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 03.08.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Recombu

The 3rd-generation Moto G is a solid budget handset, with a brilliant premium-spec camera and thankfully smooth performance. The 5-inch screen may not be as razor-sharp as we’d hoped, but for anyone who loves snapping every moment of their everyday lives, it’s easy to recommend this bargain blower.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 03.08.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Tom's Guide

The experience that the Moto G provides doesn't feel budget by any means. In fact, with its solid performance, long battery life and improved cameras, this is the best smartphone deal of the year. You could save money and opt for the $179 version, but we'd spend the extra $40 to get 16GB of storage and the extra 1GB of RAM for smoother performance. There are some other good phones in this price range, such as the Blu Life One, which has a lighter design and brighter screen. But the Moto G's water resistance, customizable design and longer endurance put it over the top.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 31.07.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Phone Arena

Of course, the Moto G isn’t for everyone, but it strikes that perfect balance of value, design, and performance – while still staying true to the foundational principles of the series. There’s a reason why the Moto G series is constantly a mainstream, it just keeps on getting better. And obviously, we continue to see that with this latest iteration. Power users might not take fancy in this phone, but it still generates a broader appeal. Don’t underestimate the intensity of what it offers!
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 31.07.2015
Quelle: Tom's Guide

The experience that the Moto G provides doesn't feel budget by any means. In fact, with its solid performance, long battery life and improved cameras, this is the best smartphone deal of the year. You could save money and opt for the $179 version, but we'd spend the extra $40 to get 16GB of storage and the extra 1GB of RAM for smoother performance. There are some other good phones in this price range, such as the Blu Life One, which has a lighter design and brighter screen. But the Moto G's water resistance, customizable design and longer endurance put it over the top.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 31.07.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Phone Arena

Of course, the Moto G isn’t for everyone, but it strikes that perfect balance of value, design, and performance – while still staying true to the foundational principles of the series. There’s a reason why the Moto G series is constantly a mainstream, it just keeps on getting better. And obviously, we continue to see that with this latest iteration. Power users might not take fancy in this phone, but it still generates a broader appeal. Don’t underestimate the intensity of what it offers!
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 31.07.2015
Quelle: Tech Advisor

With the same screen and only a small processor bump, the reasons to upgrade to the Moto G 2015 are the new cameras, waterproof design and the ability to order with the Moto Maker - although that does make it more expensive and it's not really a budget phone any more.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 30.07.2015
Quelle: Tech Advisor

With the same screen and only a small processor bump, the reasons to upgrade to the Moto G 2015 are the new cameras, waterproof design and the ability to order with the Moto Maker - although that does make it more expensive and it's not really a budget phone any more.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 30.07.2015
Quelle: NDTV Gadgets

If you are buying a smartphone to impress others, the Moto G 3rd gen probably isn't for you because there are no standout specifications to boast about. Having said that, casually dunking your phone in a glass of water while talking to your friends would be sure to catch their attention. On a serious note, though, we are happy to see water resistance make an appearance at this price point, and it's about time this feature became standard across all smartphones.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 29.07.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 90% Leistung: 80% Bildschirm: 70% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: NDTV Gadgets

If you are buying a smartphone to impress others, the Moto G 3rd gen probably isn't for you because there are no standout specifications to boast about. Having said that, casually dunking your phone in a glass of water while talking to your friends would be sure to catch their attention. On a serious note, though, we are happy to see water resistance make an appearance at this price point, and it's about time this feature became standard across all smartphones.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 29.07.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 90% Leistung: 80% Bildschirm: 70% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: GSM Arena

The Moto X and Moto G are the names that brought Motorola back in the game, winning quite a lot of fans in the process. They have just reached their third generation and Motorola is sticking to its established formula for success - pure-Android approach, excellent handling and a nice little extra here and there. Motorola managed to create a signature touch of its own, while staying as close to pure Google intentions as possible. This, combined with timely software updates has earned the company a number.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 28.07.2015
Quelle: GSM Arena

The Moto X and Moto G are the names that brought Motorola back in the game, winning quite a lot of fans in the process. They have just reached their third generation and Motorola is sticking to its established formula for success - pure-Android approach, excellent handling and a nice little extra here and there. Motorola managed to create a signature touch of its own, while staying as close to pure Google intentions as possible. This, combined with timely software updates has earned the company a number.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 28.07.2015
Motorola Moto X Style
Benutzerfreundlich und elegant: Das Motorola Moto X Style ist ein fähiges Smartphone, das sich gut in der Hand halten lässt. Ergonomie war in der Design-Phase vorrangig. Die gerundete, geriffelte Rückseite sorgt für gute Griffigkeit und das Chassis fühlt sich in der Hand solide an. Motorola sorgt mit einer wasserabweisenden Nano-Beschichtung für sorgenfreie, spritzwassergeschützte Verwendung. Beim Bildschirm des Motorola Moto X Style handelt es sich um einen hellen, lebendigen, 5,7 Zoll großen IPS-LCD mit einer Pixeldichte von 520 PPI. Die Bilddarstellung ist klar und knackig, während die gesamte Vorderseite durch Gorilla Glass 3 geschützt wird. Es gibt zwei Basis-Lackierungen zwischen denen man wählen kann: schwarze Linse/dunkelgrauer Rahmen mit schwarzem Soft-Feel-Inlay und weiße Linse/silberner Rahmen mit Bambus-Inlay. Das Android 5.1.1 Lollipop-Gerät verfügt über einen Snapdragon 808 Prozessor bestehend aus einem Cortex-A57-Dual-Core- und einem Cortex-A53-Quad-Core-Chip. Dieser wird durch 3 GB RAM, eine Adreno 418 GPU und drei Speicheroptionen, nämlich 16, 32 und 64 GB unterstützt. Die Kameras am Motorola Moto X Style sind eine 21-MP-Kamera an der Rückseite mit solider Leistung und eine 5-MP-Frontkamera. Zudem bietet das Gerät Stereo-Lautsprecher, Bluetooth 4.1, A-GPS, NFC und microSD-Unterstützung. Das Motorola Moto X Style verfügt über einen schnell ladenden, nicht entfernbaren Akku mit einer Nennkapazität von 3000 mAh.Ausstattung / Datenblatt

Prozessor: Qualcomm Snapdragon 808 MSM8992
Grafikkarte: Qualcomm Adreno 418
Bildschirm: 5.70 Zoll, 16:9, 2560 x 1440 Pixel
Gewicht: 0.177kg
Preis: 499 Euro
Links: Motorola Startseite
Moto X Style (Modell)
Ganz dein Style. Das Moto X Style ist das Flaggschiff der amerikanischen Lenovo-Tochter und lässt sich noch individueller gestalten als seine Schwestermodelle. Außerdem besitzt es potentere Hardware und eine bessere Kamera. Mit einem 5,7-Zoll-Display ist es zudem recht wuchtig. Verbesserungspotenzial ist dennoch vorhanden.

Das Motorola Moto X Style besticht im Test dank des sehr hellen Displays, der soliden Performance und guten Kamera. Abzüge gibt es für den fehlenden Fingerprintsensor sowie die begrenzte Akkulaufzeit. Ein Trost: Dank Quick Charge ist das Handy schnell aufgeladen.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 29.07.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 83% Preis: 81% Leistung: 84% Ausstattung: 75% Bildschirm: 96% Mobilität: 76%

Das Motorola Moto X Style besticht im Test dank des sehr hellen Displays, der soliden Performance und guten Kamera. Abzüge gibt es für den fehlenden Fingerprintsensor sowie die begrenzte Akkulaufzeit. Ein Trost: Dank Quick Charge ist das Handy schnell aufgeladen.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 29.07.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 83% Preis: 81% Leistung: 84% Ausstattung: 75% Bildschirm: 96% Mobilität: 76%
Quelle: Mobicroco

Das Moto X Style ist ein gut verarbeitetes Smartphone mit einem großen und sehr gutem Display. Schwächen leistet sich Motorola aber zum Beispiel bei der Gaming-Performance. Die Qualität der Hauptkamera ist gut, für die erste Reihe der Top-Kamera-Handys reicht es aber nicht. Letztlich fehlt dem Moto X Style ein Alleinstellungsmerkmal, ein Feature eben, dass aus dem Einheitsbrei der Android-Smartphones heraussticht. Microsoft zeigt mit Windows 10 Mobile und dem Lumia 950, dass es durchaus neue und praktische Features gibt, die Kunden einen Mehrwert liefern.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 14.12.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 92% Ausstattung: 90% Gehäuse: 97% Ergonomie: 87%
Quelle: Mobicroco

Das Moto X Style ist ein gut verarbeitetes Smartphone mit einem großen und sehr gutem Display. Schwächen leistet sich Motorola aber zum Beispiel bei der Gaming-Performance. Die Qualität der Hauptkamera ist gut, für die erste Reihe der Top-Kamera-Handys reicht es aber nicht. Letztlich fehlt dem Moto X Style ein Alleinstellungsmerkmal, ein Feature eben, dass aus dem Einheitsbrei der Android-Smartphones heraussticht. Microsoft zeigt mit Windows 10 Mobile und dem Lumia 950, dass es durchaus neue und praktische Features gibt, die Kunden einen Mehrwert liefern.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 14.12.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 92% Ausstattung: 90% Gehäuse: 97% Ergonomie: 87%
Quelle: PocketPC

Moto X Style mit etwas wenig Style-Möglichkeiten: Wer sich einmal im Moto Maker festgelegt hat, bindet sich an seinen ausgewählten Look. Im Nachgang ist da leider nicht mehr viel veränderbar. Insgesamt ist es ein gutes Smartphone, was technisch im oberen Mittelklasse-Bereich mitspielt, für mich persönlich aber keinen entscheidenden Wow-Faktor zu bieten hat.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 09.12.2015
Quelle: PocketPC

Moto X Style mit etwas wenig Style-Möglichkeiten: Wer sich einmal im Moto Maker festgelegt hat, bindet sich an seinen ausgewählten Look. Im Nachgang ist da leider nicht mehr viel veränderbar. Insgesamt ist es ein gutes Smartphone, was technisch im oberen Mittelklasse-Bereich mitspielt, für mich persönlich aber keinen entscheidenden Wow-Faktor zu bieten hat.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 09.12.2015
Quelle: MobiFlip

Das Motorola X Style ist ein richtig schönes Gerät und außerordentlich gut verarbeitet und bietet bis auf ein paar Dinge kaum Raum zur Verbesserung. Für mich wären es aber genau diese Dinge gewesen die mich davon abgehalten hätten, dieses Gerät zu kaufen. Einerseits der für mich zu schwache Akku.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 29.11.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 82%
Quelle: MobiFlip

Das Motorola X Style ist ein richtig schönes Gerät und außerordentlich gut verarbeitet und bietet bis auf ein paar Dinge kaum Raum zur Verbesserung. Für mich wären es aber genau diese Dinge gewesen die mich davon abgehalten hätten, dieses Gerät zu kaufen. Einerseits der für mich zu schwache Akku.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 29.11.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 82%
Quelle: Focus Online

Im Vergleich zum Vorgänger, dem Moto X (2014) hat sich das Motorola Moto XGehe zu Amazon für weitere Produkt-Informationen! Style enorm gemacht: größeres, schärferes, helleres Display, kräftigerer Akku mit längerer Laufzeit, leistungsstärkerer Prozessor, erweiterbarer Speicher mit 32 oder 64 Gigabyte – das ist eine völlig andere Hausnummer.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 02.11.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 85% Ausstattung: 99% Ergonomie: 76%
Quelle: Focus Online

Im Vergleich zum Vorgänger, dem Moto X (2014) hat sich das Motorola Moto XGehe zu Amazon für weitere Produkt-Informationen! Style enorm gemacht: größeres, schärferes, helleres Display, kräftigerer Akku mit längerer Laufzeit, leistungsstärkerer Prozessor, erweiterbarer Speicher mit 32 oder 64 Gigabyte – das ist eine völlig andere Hausnummer.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 02.11.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 85% Ausstattung: 99% Ergonomie: 76%
Ausländische Testberichte

Motorola had delivered a value for money product with the Moto X Play, but with the Moto X Style, we cannot say the same thing for certain. The Moto X Style is a good phone in terms of user experience, display quality, overall performance and camera; but there are shortcomings in the form of battery life.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 05.11.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 75% Leistung: 75% Ausstattung: 75% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 70% Gehäuse: 80%

Motorola had delivered a value for money product with the Moto X Play, but with the Moto X Style, we cannot say the same thing for certain. The Moto X Style is a good phone in terms of user experience, display quality, overall performance and camera; but there are shortcomings in the form of battery life.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 05.11.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 75% Leistung: 75% Ausstattung: 75% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 70% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Gizmag

If you want the very best that smartphone technology can offer in 2015, the Moto X Style isn't it. But on the other hand, if you have a limit of $400 to spend, then nothing else on sale at the moment is likely to give you as much bang for your buck. Motorola looks to be aiming for the top of the mid-range (or perhaps the budget end of the high-end), and it largely hits its target.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 03.11.2015
Quelle: Gizmag

If you want the very best that smartphone technology can offer in 2015, the Moto X Style isn't it. But on the other hand, if you have a limit of $400 to spend, then nothing else on sale at the moment is likely to give you as much bang for your buck. Motorola looks to be aiming for the top of the mid-range (or perhaps the budget end of the high-end), and it largely hits its target.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 03.11.2015
Quelle: Think Digit

The Moto X Style can be considered as the big screen alternative to the Nexus 5X, given there similar pricing. That said, the phone provides lesser performance and battery life, which means that the Nexus is the better choice, unless you want a bigger display.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 30.10.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Think Digit

The Moto X Style can be considered as the big screen alternative to the Nexus 5X, given there similar pricing. That said, the phone provides lesser performance and battery life, which means that the Nexus is the better choice, unless you want a bigger display.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 30.10.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: PC Pro

The big thing in the favour of the Motorola Moto X Style is its price. SIM-free from the Motorola website, the phone starts at £399 for the 32GB model, which makes it £50 less expensive than the similarly sized Google Nexus 6P, and only £20 more expensive than the 32GB Nexus 5X. This should be enough on its own to push the Moto X Style firmly onto your shortlist; it may not be the best, most complete smartphone around, but it sure is good value.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 27.10.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: PC Pro

The big thing in the favour of the Motorola Moto X Style is its price. SIM-free from the Motorola website, the phone starts at £399 for the 32GB model, which makes it £50 less expensive than the similarly sized Google Nexus 6P, and only £20 more expensive than the 32GB Nexus 5X. This should be enough on its own to push the Moto X Style firmly onto your shortlist; it may not be the best, most complete smartphone around, but it sure is good value.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 27.10.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Stuff TV

The Motorola Moto X Style is a phone that gets you the sort of specs you might end up paying £100-200 more for from another company. It’s a great deal, especially if you’re out for a big a screen as your hands can handle and don’t mind missing out on extras such as a finger scanner.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 25.10.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: T3

If you're looking for a big screened smartphone with a decent slug or power, capable camera and reasonable price tag then look no further - the Moto X Style is the phone for you. It may not have the glitz and glam of more expensive phablets such as the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge+, but it's not exactly lacking in terms of features.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 25.10.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Stuff TV

The Motorola Moto X Style is a phone that gets you the sort of specs you might end up paying £100-200 more for from another company. It’s a great deal, especially if you’re out for a big a screen as your hands can handle and don’t mind missing out on extras such as a finger scanner.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 25.10.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: T3

If you're looking for a big screened smartphone with a decent slug or power, capable camera and reasonable price tag then look no further - the Moto X Style is the phone for you. It may not have the glitz and glam of more expensive phablets such as the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge+, but it's not exactly lacking in terms of features.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 25.10.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

If you're looking for a big screen phone, the Moto X Style is a great choice. It's got great specs across the board and it cheaper than rivals like the Nexus 6P and Galaxy S6 Edge+. We love the screen, stock Android and cameras. However, it really comes stands out when using the Moto Maker to customise it which costs more. With a screen only slightly smaller and a fingerprint scanner the OnePlus 2 is the spanner in the works here at £289 for the 64GB model.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 23.10.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 90% Leistung: 80% Ausstattung: 80% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Trusted Reviews

If you want a well priced, super-fast phone benefiting from a slick design and sharp display, I can thoroughly recommend the Moto X Style. It doesn’t confuse with a bucket-load of added features, but it does, it does well. There’s a lot to say for Motorola’s approach to Android too. It’s clean, simple, fast – and as Google intended. With Marshmallow on the way, this is even more important.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 23.10.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90% Preis: 90% Leistung: 90% Ausstattung: 90% Bildschirm: 90% Mobilität: 70% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

If you're looking for a big screen phone, the Moto X Style is a great choice. It's got great specs across the board and it cheaper than rivals like the Nexus 6P and Galaxy S6 Edge+. We love the screen, stock Android and cameras. However, it really comes stands out when using the Moto Maker to customise it which costs more. With a screen only slightly smaller and a fingerprint scanner the OnePlus 2 is the spanner in the works here at £289 for the 64GB model.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 23.10.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 90% Leistung: 80% Ausstattung: 80% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Trusted Reviews

If you want a well priced, super-fast phone benefiting from a slick design and sharp display, I can thoroughly recommend the Moto X Style. It doesn’t confuse with a bucket-load of added features, but it does, it does well. There’s a lot to say for Motorola’s approach to Android too. It’s clean, simple, fast – and as Google intended. With Marshmallow on the way, this is even more important.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 23.10.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90% Preis: 90% Leistung: 90% Ausstattung: 90% Bildschirm: 90% Mobilität: 70% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: Techradar

The Motorola Moto X Style is a great smartphone and I thoroughly enjoyed using it during the review period. It's not a handset with universal appeal, for those looking for a big screen flagship at a decent price the X Style is an excellent option. I do wish the battery life was better, but it's not hugely different to other 2015 flagship phones on the market so it's almost acceptable.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 20.10.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: NDTV Gadgets

The Motorola Moto X Style is far from the home run we were expecting, which is quite disheartening. All the ingredients are present on paper but somehow they just don't come together, and the end result leaves you wanting more. We like that the company has stuck with the philosophy of 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it' when it comes to the design and has only made things better by adding metal to the construction. The phone also checks all the boxes when you consider expandable storage, 4G LTE, general performance, and a good display.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 20.10.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70% Preis: 70% Leistung: 80% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 70% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Techradar

The Motorola Moto X Style is a great smartphone and I thoroughly enjoyed using it during the review period. It's not a handset with universal appeal, for those looking for a big screen flagship at a decent price the X Style is an excellent option. I do wish the battery life was better, but it's not hugely different to other 2015 flagship phones on the market so it's almost acceptable.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 20.10.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: NDTV Gadgets

The Motorola Moto X Style is far from the home run we were expecting, which is quite disheartening. All the ingredients are present on paper but somehow they just don't come together, and the end result leaves you wanting more. We like that the company has stuck with the philosophy of 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it' when it comes to the design and has only made things better by adding metal to the construction. The phone also checks all the boxes when you consider expandable storage, 4G LTE, general performance, and a good display.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 20.10.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70% Preis: 70% Leistung: 80% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 70% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Pocket Lint

The Motorola Moto X Style is a good flagship alternative and, priced at £399, you're getting a lot of phone for your money. That price sets this handset at almost £200 less than top-flight Samsung devices at this size and there's no doubting the appeal in that.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 18.10.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Pocket Lint

The Motorola Moto X Style is a good flagship alternative and, priced at £399, you're getting a lot of phone for your money. That price sets this handset at almost £200 less than top-flight Samsung devices at this size and there's no doubting the appeal in that.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 18.10.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Android Authority

Motorola has to be given credit for providing a pretty good smartphone at a decent price point. While the latest flagship device is more expensive that previous generations used to be, not only are you getting a more premium product this time around, but the Moto X Pure Edition is still cheaper than most other competing high-end flagship smartphones out there. The best part about this smartphone is that it is all about choice, and that is what makes for a very compelling smartphone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 16.10.2015
Quelle: Android Authority

Motorola has to be given credit for providing a pretty good smartphone at a decent price point. While the latest flagship device is more expensive that previous generations used to be, not only are you getting a more premium product this time around, but the Moto X Pure Edition is still cheaper than most other competing high-end flagship smartphones out there. The best part about this smartphone is that it is all about choice, and that is what makes for a very compelling smartphone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 16.10.2015
Quelle: Android Authority

The Moto X Pure Edition is easily one of the most affordable flagship smartphones currently out there, and for just $400, you can get yourself a completely customized device. The iPhone 6s Plus, on the other hand, with set you back $750 for the 16 GB base model, and pricing goes up from there, based on your storage needs. The iPhone 6s Plus is definitely not cheap, but you do have the option of picking it up at a subsidized rate through network carriers, an option that isn’t available with Moto X Pure Edition.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 13.10.2015
Quelle: Android Authority

The Moto X Pure Edition is easily one of the most affordable flagship smartphones currently out there, and for just $400, you can get yourself a completely customized device. The iPhone 6s Plus, on the other hand, with set you back $750 for the 16 GB base model, and pricing goes up from there, based on your storage needs. The iPhone 6s Plus is definitely not cheap, but you do have the option of picking it up at a subsidized rate through network carriers, an option that isn’t available with Moto X Pure Edition.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 13.10.2015
Quelle: Android Authority

So there you have it for this in-depth look at the Moto X Pure Edition vs Nexus 6! If you want the purest Android experience possible, the guarantee of quick updates, and a large canvas on which to play on, then the Nexus 6 continues to be a great choice, especially given the price drop associated with the launch of its successor. On the other hand, the Moto X Pure Edition also promises a similar software experience, with some great enhancements, along with the availability of microSD expansion. The Moto X Pure Edition holds the edge by virtue of being the newer smartphone, but regardless of which way you decide to go, you are going to come out a winner.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 09.10.2015
Quelle: Android Authority

So there you have it for this in-depth look at the Moto X Pure Edition vs Nexus 6! If you want the purest Android experience possible, the guarantee of quick updates, and a large canvas on which to play on, then the Nexus 6 continues to be a great choice, especially given the price drop associated with the launch of its successor. On the other hand, the Moto X Pure Edition also promises a similar software experience, with some great enhancements, along with the availability of microSD expansion. The Moto X Pure Edition holds the edge by virtue of being the newer smartphone, but regardless of which way you decide to go, you are going to come out a winner.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 09.10.2015
Quelle: Techspot

At this price, one of the big competitors to the Style is the OnePlus 2, available for $330-390 for its 16/64 GB models. The two phones are similar in size, but the Style comes with a larger, better display, a superior camera, essentially identical performance, fewer software issues, expandable storage, NFC, and fast charging. In my eyes this makes the Style a clear winner, especially as you don’t need to bother with OnePlus’ annoying invite system.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 07.10.2015
Quelle: Techspot

At this price, one of the big competitors to the Style is the OnePlus 2, available for $330-390 for its 16/64 GB models. The two phones are similar in size, but the Style comes with a larger, better display, a superior camera, essentially identical performance, fewer software issues, expandable storage, NFC, and fast charging. In my eyes this makes the Style a clear winner, especially as you don’t need to bother with OnePlus’ annoying invite system.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 07.10.2015
Quelle: Recombu

Motorola’s Moto X Style is a solid all-round flagship phone that may not excite with original or stand-out features, but has plenty to offer all kinds of users. Want to stay entertained or do the odd bit of graft on the move? That spacious Quad HD screen and slick performance will satisfy. Always on the road? Luckily you have long battery life to keep you connected. With little to frustrate beyond the occasional photo let-down, this is one of the best Moto flagships of recent times.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 05.10.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Recombu

Motorola’s Moto X Style is a solid all-round flagship phone that may not excite with original or stand-out features, but has plenty to offer all kinds of users. Want to stay entertained or do the odd bit of graft on the move? That spacious Quad HD screen and slick performance will satisfy. Always on the road? Luckily you have long battery life to keep you connected. With little to frustrate beyond the occasional photo let-down, this is one of the best Moto flagships of recent times.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 05.10.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Android Authority

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 02.10.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 85% Leistung: 78% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 93% Gehäuse: 86%
Quelle: Android Authority

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 02.10.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 85% Leistung: 78% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 93% Gehäuse: 86%
Quelle: Androidbeat

It really does feel that, with the Style (or ‘Pure Edition’, if you’re in the USA), Motorola has fully rounded off the vision for the original ‘X’. The form factor, capabilities, software load-out, imaging, and media playback, are all stunning, especially for the price. In the UK, the Moto X Style retails at £360 including VAT, significantly undercutting a number of big-brand competing flagships. With the caveat that you’ll need to be prepared to do a little ‘plugging-in’ each day for ‘Turbo Power’ top-ups, it’s hard to think of a better all round package than the Moto X Style and it’s terrific value overall. Recommended.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 01.10.2015
Quelle: Androidbeat

It really does feel that, with the Style (or ‘Pure Edition’, if you’re in the USA), Motorola has fully rounded off the vision for the original ‘X’. The form factor, capabilities, software load-out, imaging, and media playback, are all stunning, especially for the price. In the UK, the Moto X Style retails at £360 including VAT, significantly undercutting a number of big-brand competing flagships. With the caveat that you’ll need to be prepared to do a little ‘plugging-in’ each day for ‘Turbo Power’ top-ups, it’s hard to think of a better all round package than the Moto X Style and it’s terrific value overall. Recommended.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 01.10.2015
Quelle: GSM Arena

The Moto X and Moto G are the names that brought Motorola back in the game, winning quite a lot of fans in the process. They have just reached their third generation and Motorola is sticking to its established formula for success - pure-Android approach, excellent handling and a nice little extra here and there. Motorola managed to create a signature touch of its own, while staying as close to pure Google intentions as possible. This, combined with timely software updates has earned the company a number.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 28.07.2015
Quelle: GSM Arena

The Moto X and Moto G are the names that brought Motorola back in the game, winning quite a lot of fans in the process. They have just reached their third generation and Motorola is sticking to its established formula for success - pure-Android approach, excellent handling and a nice little extra here and there. Motorola managed to create a signature touch of its own, while staying as close to pure Google intentions as possible. This, combined with timely software updates has earned the company a number.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 28.07.2015

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 06.10.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 06.10.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Motorola Moto X Play
Die Motorola X Play Ausgabe ist Motorolas jüngstes Phone und richtet sich an Endverbraucher, die nach einem Mittelklasse-Phone suchen. Das bedeutet nicht, dass es leistungsschwach wäre. Es verfügt über eine Qualcomm MSM8939 Snapdragon 615 Octa-Core-Architektur, die aus 1,7 GHz ARM Cortex A53 und 1,0 GHz ARM Cortex A43 Quad-Core-CPUs besteht, 2 GB RAM und eine Adreno 405 GPU. Android OS, v5.1.1 (Lollipop) wird als Betriebssystem verwendet. Das sollte jedoch kein Problem sein, denn Motorola gehört zu den wenigen Firma, denen Android-Updates früher als anderen zur Verfügung stehen. Der 5,5 Zoll große Bildschirm bietet eine Auflösung von 1080 x 1920 Pixeln. Die 21 MP Kamera löst in 5248 x 3936 Pixeln auf und verfügt über einen Autofokus und einen Dual-LED-(Dual-Tone)- Blitz. Sie kann Videos mit 1080p@30fps aufzeichnen. Dagegen löst die Front-Selfie-Kamera nur mit 5 MP auf. Trotz 21 MP Auflösung ist die Bildqualität nicht so gut wie bei anderen am Markt befindlichen Phones, doch der Dual-Tone-Blitz ist für den Weißausgleich hilfreich. Daher sehen die Bilder natürlich aus und die Farben wirken echter. Der interne Speicher ist 16 GB oder 32 GB. Zudem kann die Speicherkapazität mit einer MicroSD um bis zu 128 GB erweitert werden. Der nicht-entfernbare Akku mit einer Kapazität von 3630 mAh verfügt über Fast-Charging. Laut Motorola ist eine Akkulaufzeit von 48 Stunden möglich.Ausstattung / Datenblatt

Prozessor: Qualcomm Snapdragon 615 MSM8939
Grafikkarte: Qualcomm Adreno 405
Bildschirm: 5.50 Zoll, 16:9, 1920 x 1080 Pixel
Gewicht: 0.169kg
Preis: 379 Euro
Links: Motorola Startseite
Moto X Play (Modell)
Mitspielen in der Mittelklasse. Motorola platziert das Mittelklasse-Phone Moto X Play gegen Preis-Leistungs-Hämmer wie das OnePlus One. Für unter 400 Euro bekommt man eine riesige Batterie, viel Leistung und eine hochauflösende Kamera. Ob es einen neuen Champion in der Mittelklasse gibt, erfahren Sie im Test.

Das Motorola Moto X Play punktet im Test mit seiner soliden Akkulaufzeit und der 21-Megapixel-Kamera, die natürliche, detailreiche Fotos knipst. Das Full-HD-Display ist sehr hell und bietet einen guten Kontrast. Dem aktuellen Preis angemessen, entspricht die übrige Hardware der gehobenen Mittelklasse.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 29.07.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 93% Leistung: 85% Ausstattung: 58% Bildschirm: 97% Mobilität: 84%

Das Motorola Moto X Play punktet im Test mit seiner soliden Akkulaufzeit und der 21-Megapixel-Kamera, die natürliche, detailreiche Fotos knipst. Das Full-HD-Display ist sehr hell und bietet einen guten Kontrast. Dem aktuellen Preis angemessen, entspricht die übrige Hardware der gehobenen Mittelklasse.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 29.07.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 93% Leistung: 85% Ausstattung: 58% Bildschirm: 97% Mobilität: 84%
Quelle: SFT - Heft 8/2016

Plus: Überragende Akkulaufzeit, gute Kamera; Pures Android - mittlerweile in Version 6.0; Stylishes Design mit vielen Farbvarianten. Minus: Mono-Lautsprecher dürftig, Performance eher Durchschnitt.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 01.07.2016
Quelle: SFT - Heft 8/2016

Plus: Überragende Akkulaufzeit, gute Kamera; Pures Android - mittlerweile in Version 6.0; Stylishes Design mit vielen Farbvarianten. Minus: Mono-Lautsprecher dürftig, Performance eher Durchschnitt.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 01.07.2016
Quelle: MobiFlip

Knapp einen Monat durfte ich das Motorola Moto X Play nun testen und ich bin absolut begeistert. Zum Preis von 349 Euro bringt das Gerät alles mit, was man sich aktuell von einem Smartphone erwünscht. Das Display macht einen guten Eindruck, die Performance stimmt und die Kameras schießen wirklich gute Fotos.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 06.11.2015
Quelle: MobiFlip

Knapp einen Monat durfte ich das Motorola Moto X Play nun testen und ich bin absolut begeistert. Zum Preis von 349 Euro bringt das Gerät alles mit, was man sich aktuell von einem Smartphone erwünscht. Das Display macht einen guten Eindruck, die Performance stimmt und die Kameras schießen wirklich gute Fotos.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 06.11.2015
Quelle: Mobi-Test

Wer das Moto X Play aufgrund des Namens für ein spieletaugliches Smartphone hält, muss sich auf eine Enttäuschung gefasst machen. Im Alltagseinsatz hingegen punktet das Moto X Play mit langen Akkulaufzeiten, einer ansehnlichen Performance und der Nano-Beschichtung gegen Wasserspritzer. Auch das Display ist in Ordnung. Dennoch hinterlässt der Snapdragon 615 im Moto X Play einen schalen Nachgeschmack, weil er unter Last den Akku recht schnell aufbraucht. Die Standard-Oberfläche von Android stellt das Moto X Play flüssig dar, allerdings fehlt es an praktischen Features - hier ist die Konkurrenz deutlich voraus.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 13.10.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 89% Ausstattung: 87% Gehäuse: 90% Ergonomie: 87%
Quelle: Mobi-Test

Wer das Moto X Play aufgrund des Namens für ein spieletaugliches Smartphone hält, muss sich auf eine Enttäuschung gefasst machen. Im Alltagseinsatz hingegen punktet das Moto X Play mit langen Akkulaufzeiten, einer ansehnlichen Performance und der Nano-Beschichtung gegen Wasserspritzer. Auch das Display ist in Ordnung. Dennoch hinterlässt der Snapdragon 615 im Moto X Play einen schalen Nachgeschmack, weil er unter Last den Akku recht schnell aufbraucht. Die Standard-Oberfläche von Android stellt das Moto X Play flüssig dar, allerdings fehlt es an praktischen Features - hier ist die Konkurrenz deutlich voraus.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 13.10.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 89% Ausstattung: 87% Gehäuse: 90% Ergonomie: 87%
Quelle: Tom's Hardware

Motorola macht Schluss mit dem Schlankheitswahn und setzt mit dem Moto X Play auf einen echten Brocken für die gehobene Mittelklasse. Das Smartphone hat einen recht aufgeblähten Korpus und zeigt sich auch beim Gewicht alles andere als magersüchtig. Viel Material bedeutet aber auch eine hohe Stabilität - die Verarbeitung bewegt sich auf hohem Niveau.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 12.10.2015
Quelle: Tom's Hardware

Motorola macht Schluss mit dem Schlankheitswahn und setzt mit dem Moto X Play auf einen echten Brocken für die gehobene Mittelklasse. Das Smartphone hat einen recht aufgeblähten Korpus und zeigt sich auch beim Gewicht alles andere als magersüchtig. Viel Material bedeutet aber auch eine hohe Stabilität - die Verarbeitung bewegt sich auf hohem Niveau.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 12.10.2015
Quelle: Netzwelt

Der Energiesparmodus ist bei eurem Smartphone ständig aktiviert. Das Moto X Play entpuppt sich im Test als ziemlich durchschnittliches Smartphone. In einem Punkt weiß das Motorola-Smartphone aber zu überragen und dürfte damit viele Nutzer glücklich machen: die Akkulaufzeit.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 14.09.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 82% Ausstattung: 80% Mobilität: 90% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Netzwelt

Der Energiesparmodus ist bei eurem Smartphone ständig aktiviert. Das Moto X Play entpuppt sich im Test als ziemlich durchschnittliches Smartphone. In einem Punkt weiß das Motorola-Smartphone aber zu überragen und dürfte damit viele Nutzer glücklich machen: die Akkulaufzeit.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 14.09.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 82% Ausstattung: 80% Mobilität: 90% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Inside Handy

Da das Moto X Style noch nicht auf dem Markt ist, konnte das Moto X Play nur indirekt mit seinem großen Bruder verglichen werden. Möglich war aber ein Vergleich zum Vorgänger, dem zweiten Moto X aus dem Jahr 2014. Gegenüber dem Moto X der zweiten Generation besitzt das neue Moto X Play unter anderem eine deutlich verbesserte Kamera, die sehr ausdrucksstarke Fotos liefert, eine längere Akkulaufzeit, einen erweiterbaren Speicher und all das zu einem wesentlich günstigeren Preis.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 26.08.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Inside Handy

Da das Moto X Style noch nicht auf dem Markt ist, konnte das Moto X Play nur indirekt mit seinem großen Bruder verglichen werden. Möglich war aber ein Vergleich zum Vorgänger, dem zweiten Moto X aus dem Jahr 2014. Gegenüber dem Moto X der zweiten Generation besitzt das neue Moto X Play unter anderem eine deutlich verbesserte Kamera, die sehr ausdrucksstarke Fotos liefert, eine längere Akkulaufzeit, einen erweiterbaren Speicher und all das zu einem wesentlich günstigeren Preis.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 26.08.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Ausländische Testberichte
Quelle: Laptop Media

Whether it’s because of the stock Android experience or the reliable CPU, we were pleasantly impressed by the snappy operation of this smartphone. Transition between menus, shots, etc. is instantaneous. You also get a 5.5-inch Full HD display that not only brings very good detail but is also not a problem for the battery, which offers a surprisingly long battery life after a single charge. What puts the icing on the cake is the 21MP rear camera with Sony IMX230 Exmor RS sensor that brings image quality similar to that of high-end models.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 06.07.2016
Quelle: Laptop Media

Whether it’s because of the stock Android experience or the reliable CPU, we were pleasantly impressed by the snappy operation of this smartphone. Transition between menus, shots, etc. is instantaneous. You also get a 5.5-inch Full HD display that not only brings very good detail but is also not a problem for the battery, which offers a surprisingly long battery life after a single charge. What puts the icing on the cake is the 21MP rear camera with Sony IMX230 Exmor RS sensor that brings image quality similar to that of high-end models.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 06.07.2016
Quelle: GSM Arena

The Moto X Play came with a lot of promise to push the boundaries of what a mid-ranger can offer, within a restricted budget and in a lot of ways, it delivered on that promise. For just under $300, you get a quite sensibly cut-back version of the Moto X Style, which, in our opinion, offers a perfect scale-down in performance, without really disturbing any of the other crucial features of the handset.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 10.03.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 68% Leistung: 50% Bildschirm: 90% Mobilität: 100% Gehäuse: 60% Emissionen: 60%
Quelle: GSM Arena

The Moto X Play came with a lot of promise to push the boundaries of what a mid-ranger can offer, within a restricted budget and in a lot of ways, it delivered on that promise. For just under $300, you get a quite sensibly cut-back version of the Moto X Style, which, in our opinion, offers a perfect scale-down in performance, without really disturbing any of the other crucial features of the handset.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 10.03.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 68% Leistung: 50% Bildschirm: 90% Mobilität: 100% Gehäuse: 60% Emissionen: 60%
Quelle: It Pro

Available for under £300 SIM-free, the Moto X Play is a great deal. It’s not the most impressive phone on the market, but what it lacks in pizzazz, it makes up for in well-rounded value. The only other Android phones worth considering at this price are the OnePlus 2 and the Honor 7. The OnePlus 2 has similar customisation options, but has an annoying purchasing system.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 20.10.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: It Pro

Available for under £300 SIM-free, the Moto X Play is a great deal. It’s not the most impressive phone on the market, but what it lacks in pizzazz, it makes up for in well-rounded value. The only other Android phones worth considering at this price are the OnePlus 2 and the Honor 7. The OnePlus 2 has similar customisation options, but has an annoying purchasing system.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 20.10.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: GSM Arena

All things considered, the Motorola Moto X Play turned out as compelling in reality as it is on paper. The midranger with some flagship aspirations has a lot to offer for just $300. And you would think some serious compromises must have been made, but in fact the Moto X Play has no area where it really disappoints.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 16.10.2015
Quelle: GSM Arena

All things considered, the Motorola Moto X Play turned out as compelling in reality as it is on paper. The midranger with some flagship aspirations has a lot to offer for just $300. And you would think some serious compromises must have been made, but in fact the Moto X Play has no area where it really disappoints.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 16.10.2015

Motorola Moto X Play builds upon the legacy that has been set up by the Moto X family. The great overall user experience, good camera, good battery life and a wonderful display; clearly make this phone one to consider if you have a Rs 20,000 budget. The Moto X Play is priced at Rs 18,499 for the 16GB variant and Rs 19,999 for the 32GB variant, which is very sensible pricing for the performance you are getting.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 13.10.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Leistung: 75% Ausstattung: 70% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 85% Gehäuse: 80%

Motorola Moto X Play builds upon the legacy that has been set up by the Moto X family. The great overall user experience, good camera, good battery life and a wonderful display; clearly make this phone one to consider if you have a Rs 20,000 budget. The Moto X Play is priced at Rs 18,499 for the 16GB variant and Rs 19,999 for the 32GB variant, which is very sensible pricing for the performance you are getting.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 13.10.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Leistung: 75% Ausstattung: 70% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 85% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Pocket Lint

The Moto X Play is a headset that appears to have one primary focus: long-lasting battery life. If you want an endurance champion, then the Moto X Play could well be the handset for you. There are other positives too. The design can be personalised, the camera experience is improved over the last generation, and the minimal bloatware on board makes for a solid handset with slick performance as mid-range handsets go.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 12.10.2015
Quelle: Pocket Lint

The Moto X Play is a headset that appears to have one primary focus: long-lasting battery life. If you want an endurance champion, then the Moto X Play could well be the handset for you. There are other positives too. The design can be personalised, the camera experience is improved over the last generation, and the minimal bloatware on board makes for a solid handset with slick performance as mid-range handsets go.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 12.10.2015
Quelle: Gadgetguy

There are certainly some good things going for the Moto X Play, and battery life is chief among them, bringing some of the longest lasting performance we’ve seen out of any phone this year, especially one that isn’t technically considered a phablet. Granted, to get this life you need to resort to something thicker than the standard flagship, and something a little bulky, too, as that’s part of how Motorola gets the life going long. With a big battery and some finely tuned Android, the Moto X Play does offer enough life to not only let you play the day, it could handle an entire weekend, too.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 06.10.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 90% Leistung: 80% Ausstattung: 80% Mobilität: 90% Gehäuse: 60%
Quelle: Gadgetguy

There are certainly some good things going for the Moto X Play, and battery life is chief among them, bringing some of the longest lasting performance we’ve seen out of any phone this year, especially one that isn’t technically considered a phablet. Granted, to get this life you need to resort to something thicker than the standard flagship, and something a little bulky, too, as that’s part of how Motorola gets the life going long. With a big battery and some finely tuned Android, the Moto X Play does offer enough life to not only let you play the day, it could handle an entire weekend, too.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 06.10.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 90% Leistung: 80% Ausstattung: 80% Mobilität: 90% Gehäuse: 60%
Quelle: Think Digit

The Moto X Play is not a power user’s smartphone, given the lacklustre processor performance, but it’s a well balanced smartphone that not many make today and Motorola has for long been known for. The company’s service support, though not the best, is improving by the day, and in the sub-20k segment, this phone may be the best for anyone but a power user.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 24.09.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 72%
Quelle: Think Digit

The Moto X Play is not a power user’s smartphone, given the lacklustre processor performance, but it’s a well balanced smartphone that not many make today and Motorola has for long been known for. The company’s service support, though not the best, is improving by the day, and in the sub-20k segment, this phone may be the best for anyone but a power user.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 24.09.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 72%

It's hard to fault the Moto X Play. We lauded Motorola's latest Moto G as the best sub-£200 handset, and it's hard to think of a better sub-£300 phone than the Play. Sure, the low-light camera performance disappointed and the screen isn't the best on the market, but for £269 the Moto X Play offers a premium design, smooth performance, bloat-free Android and an excellent battery life.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 22.09.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%

It's hard to fault the Moto X Play. We lauded Motorola's latest Moto G as the best sub-£200 handset, and it's hard to think of a better sub-£300 phone than the Play. Sure, the low-light camera performance disappointed and the screen isn't the best on the market, but for £269 the Moto X Play offers a premium design, smooth performance, bloat-free Android and an excellent battery life.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 22.09.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Techradar

There's a lot going for the Moto X Play, but not quite enough when you compare it to its more impressive stablemate. It's still a very good smartphone, and it's pretty good value given the spec list, but it feels a bit like a phone that doesn't know quite what it wants to be. Motorola should have gone the whole hog with this phone, and made it a durable masterpiece that offered high-end specs, plus a durable yet customisable design. And it should be waterproof, not 'water resistant' – and ideally blood, sweat and tear-proof too.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 18.09.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: PC Pro

However, a reasonable price and great battery life give it an edge against other phones in the increasingly crowded mid-range smartphone market. Squeezed between the Moto G and the Moto X Style, the Moto X Play is a more-than-decent mid-range smartphone; if you can’t get an invite for the OnePlus 2, it’s an excellent alternative.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 18.09.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Techradar

There's a lot going for the Moto X Play, but not quite enough when you compare it to its more impressive stablemate. It's still a very good smartphone, and it's pretty good value given the spec list, but it feels a bit like a phone that doesn't know quite what it wants to be. Motorola should have gone the whole hog with this phone, and made it a durable masterpiece that offered high-end specs, plus a durable yet customisable design. And it should be waterproof, not 'water resistant' – and ideally blood, sweat and tear-proof too.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 18.09.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: PC Pro

However, a reasonable price and great battery life give it an edge against other phones in the increasingly crowded mid-range smartphone market. Squeezed between the Moto G and the Moto X Style, the Moto X Play is a more-than-decent mid-range smartphone; if you can’t get an invite for the OnePlus 2, it’s an excellent alternative.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 18.09.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: NDTV Gadgets

The Moto X Play is a solid if unspectacular performer, with no real feature that stands out - as is evident from our ratings. It has a massive battery and an improved camera, both of which perform adequately in the real world, but not significantly better than its peers to make the Play an undisputed pick in its price bracket. On the flip side, the phone doesn't significantly lack in any department either.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 15.09.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 80% Leistung: 80% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 90% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: NDTV Gadgets

The Moto X Play is a solid if unspectacular performer, with no real feature that stands out - as is evident from our ratings. It has a massive battery and an improved camera, both of which perform adequately in the real world, but not significantly better than its peers to make the Play an undisputed pick in its price bracket. On the flip side, the phone doesn't significantly lack in any department either.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 15.09.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 80% Leistung: 80% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 90% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: IT Pro Portal

On a day-to-day level it’s easy to use thanks to some clever design, it has a clean, simple version of Android, and daylight camera results are excellent. The screen although it’s ‘only’ 1080p is perfectly acceptable.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 13.09.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: IT Pro Portal

On a day-to-day level it’s easy to use thanks to some clever design, it has a clean, simple version of Android, and daylight camera results are excellent. The screen although it’s ‘only’ 1080p is perfectly acceptable.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 13.09.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: Engadget

Once you take the epic battery life into consideration, the X Play starts to make a little more sense. You get a lot of the benefits of Motorola's flagship; you save a little money; and you never need to carry your charger with you again. Even so, I can't help but feel that most people would be happy with the budget Moto G.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 02.09.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 79%
Quelle: Engadget

Once you take the epic battery life into consideration, the X Play starts to make a little more sense. You get a lot of the benefits of Motorola's flagship; you save a little money; and you never need to carry your charger with you again. Even so, I can't help but feel that most people would be happy with the budget Moto G.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 02.09.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 79%
Quelle: Stuff TV

The Mototola Moto X Play is one of the best phones to consider if you want a quality phone without paying a high-end price. It maxes out the camera and battery while offering a nice big screen that isn’t shown up too badly by any phone, anywhere.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 28.08.2015
Quelle: Gadgets Now

The Moto X Play slots solidly in the middle between the Moto G and the upcoming Moto X Style, and if it's any indication of what to expect from the Style, we should be in for a treat with the top of the range model. That's not to say the Play is bad at all - anything but, and you get a decent phone that's as close to stock Android as you could wish for; battery life is astounding; and it sports Motorola's best camera to date. It's well worth a look, but if you want something with even more power, wait for the Moto X Style.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 28.08.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Stuff TV

The Mototola Moto X Play is one of the best phones to consider if you want a quality phone without paying a high-end price. It maxes out the camera and battery while offering a nice big screen that isn’t shown up too badly by any phone, anywhere.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 28.08.2015
Quelle: Gadgets Now

The Moto X Play slots solidly in the middle between the Moto G and the upcoming Moto X Style, and if it's any indication of what to expect from the Style, we should be in for a treat with the top of the range model. That's not to say the Play is bad at all - anything but, and you get a decent phone that's as close to stock Android as you could wish for; battery life is astounding; and it sports Motorola's best camera to date. It's well worth a look, but if you want something with even more power, wait for the Moto X Style.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 28.08.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

Overall, the Moto X Play is a decent mid-range phone. But, it's not the great upgrade which Moto X owners were looking for. The camera is good, as is the screen, but performance could be better - as could battery life. Had Motorola offered the dual-SIM version in the UK and made the phone waterproof, it would have had enough to be a decent alternative to the OnePlus 2. For many, this more powerful rival will be more appealing. It's also cheaper and has optical stabilisation and the option to shoot 4K video.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 27.08.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 80% Leistung: 70% Ausstattung: 80% Gehäuse: 70%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

Overall, the Moto X Play is a decent mid-range phone. But, it's not the great upgrade which Moto X owners were looking for. The camera is good, as is the screen, but performance could be better - as could battery life. Had Motorola offered the dual-SIM version in the UK and made the phone waterproof, it would have had enough to be a decent alternative to the OnePlus 2. For many, this more powerful rival will be more appealing. It's also cheaper and has optical stabilisation and the option to shoot 4K video.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 27.08.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 80% Leistung: 70% Ausstattung: 80% Gehäuse: 70%
Quelle: Trusted Reviews

If you want a well built smartphone with a fantastic display, great daylight camera and true all-day battery the Moto X Play is a fine choice. It just makes the package even sweeter that it can be had for £279. Motorola has continued its impressive run and with the Moto G setting new standards for the low-end, I think the Moto X Play can do exactly the same for the mid-range.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 26.08.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 80% Leistung: 70% Bildschirm: 90% Mobilität: 90% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Expert Reviews

It's these small touches that elevate the Moto X Play above the rest of the competition and make it a much better buy than other £200-300 phones, such as the Samsung Galaxy A5, Sony Xperia M4 Aqua, EE Harrier and HTC Desire 820. It's more expensive on contract, with prices starting at £22-per-month, but compared to the £19-per-month Sony Xperia M4 Aqua, for instance, you're getting a lot more phone for your money, including a Full HD screen, a superior camera and more storage. While we've yet to try out the Moto X Style, the Moto X Play is still a great value handset in its own right and its excellent screen, camera and battery life punch well above its weight.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 26.08.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
Quelle: Trusted Reviews

If you want a well built smartphone with a fantastic display, great daylight camera and true all-day battery the Moto X Play is a fine choice. It just makes the package even sweeter that it can be had for £279. Motorola has continued its impressive run and with the Moto G setting new standards for the low-end, I think the Moto X Play can do exactly the same for the mid-range.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 26.08.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 80% Leistung: 70% Bildschirm: 90% Mobilität: 90% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Expert Reviews

It's these small touches that elevate the Moto X Play above the rest of the competition and make it a much better buy than other £200-300 phones, such as the Samsung Galaxy A5, Sony Xperia M4 Aqua, EE Harrier and HTC Desire 820. It's more expensive on contract, with prices starting at £22-per-month, but compared to the £19-per-month Sony Xperia M4 Aqua, for instance, you're getting a lot more phone for your money, including a Full HD screen, a superior camera and more storage. While we've yet to try out the Moto X Style, the Moto X Play is still a great value handset in its own right and its excellent screen, camera and battery life punch well above its weight.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 26.08.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
Quelle: Androidbeat

Calling the Moto X Play ‘disappointing’ does it a disservice – it’s patently an extremely capable Android smartphone in every department and the price is quite reasonable. It’s just that, having loved the Nexus 6 aside from the size, I keep hoping for more or less the same device but smaller, and somehow Motorola never quite delivers this, whatever the glossy photos might suggest. The single, mono speaker and the broken camera HDR being the main offenders.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 25.08.2015
Quelle: Androidbeat

Calling the Moto X Play ‘disappointing’ does it a disservice – it’s patently an extremely capable Android smartphone in every department and the price is quite reasonable. It’s just that, having loved the Nexus 6 aside from the size, I keep hoping for more or less the same device but smaller, and somehow Motorola never quite delivers this, whatever the glossy photos might suggest. The single, mono speaker and the broken camera HDR being the main offenders.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 25.08.2015
Quelle: Recombu

The Moto X Play isn’t the Motorola flagship that we’re excited to see, but it’s a very good handset for the price and a solid rival to the OnePlus 2. The spacious, vibrant screen and expandable storage make it a media monster, while amateur photographers and gamers will appreciate the capable camera and smooth performance.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 24.08.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Recombu

The Moto X Play isn’t the Motorola flagship that we’re excited to see, but it’s a very good handset for the price and a solid rival to the OnePlus 2. The spacious, vibrant screen and expandable storage make it a media monster, while amateur photographers and gamers will appreciate the capable camera and smooth performance.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 24.08.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: T3

All in all the Moto X Play is shaping up to be an excellent smartphone with a great screen and even better camera. If battery life lives up to its promises we could have a very compelling device on our hands, especially considering the competitive price that Motorola has slapped on it.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 28.07.2015
Quelle: T3

All in all the Moto X Play is shaping up to be an excellent smartphone with a great screen and even better camera. If battery life lives up to its promises we could have a very compelling device on our hands, especially considering the competitive price that Motorola has slapped on it.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 28.07.2015
Quelle: Teleguru

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 09.12.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 71% Leistung: 70% Bildschirm: 70% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 70%
Quelle: Teleguru

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 09.12.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 71% Leistung: 70% Bildschirm: 70% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 70%
Motorola Moto X Pure Edition
Das Motorola Moto X Pure Edition gehört zu den High-End-Phablets am Markt. Es verfügt über einen 5,7 Zoll großen IPS-TFT-Bildschirm, der 1440p Quad-HD-Display unterstützt und durch Corning Gorilla Glass 3 geschützt wird. Die Leistung wird von einer 1,8 GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon 808 Hexa-Core-CPU (MSM8992) und 3 GB LP DDR3 RAM erbracht. Der Speicherkartenslot unterstützt bis zu 128 GB und das Gerät wiegt 179 g. Beim vorinstalliertem Betriebssystem handelt es sich um Android 5.1.1 Lollipop. Die primäre Kamera ist eine 21-MP-Kamera mit 2.0 Blende und kann Videos in 1080p (Full HD) aufzeichnen. Die 5-MP-Frontkamera verfügt über ein Nacht-Modus-Feature. Mit LTE-Netzwerken kann das Gerät unter Verwendung einer Nano-SIM-Karte verbunden werden. Ein 802.11ac WiFi-Adapter ermöglicht kabellose Netzwerkverbindungen und Bluetooth V4.1 ist verfügbar, um Geräte zu koppeln oder Medien zu übertragen. Zudem sind NFC und GPS unterstützt. Dieses Smartphone ist entweder in schwarz oder weiß erhältlich. Seine Akkukapazität beträgt 3000 mAh. Motorola implementiert eine Fast-Charging-Technologie, die einige Stunden leichter Verwendung nach 15 Minuten Ladezeit ermöglicht. Das Motorola Moto X Pure Edition verfügt über eine wassserabweisende Nano-Beschichtung, um es wasserfest zu machen.Ausstattung / Datenblatt

Prozessor: Qualcomm Snapdragon 808 MSM8992
Grafikkarte: Qualcomm Adreno 418
Bildschirm: 5.70 Zoll, 16:9, 2560 x 1440 Pixel
Gewicht: 0.179kg
Preis: 400 Euro
Links: Motorola Startseite
Moto X Pure Edition (Modell)
Ausländische Testberichte
Quelle: Greenbot

It does feel all too familiar, however. Like Motorola’s too afraid to take the plunge into new design territory and go to head-to-head with some of its other, more flashy competitors. That’s okay for now because what the Moto X has going on works. I just hope whatever’s next is a little more extraordinary than ordinary.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 19.10.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Phone Arena

The Moto X Pure blasts off at $399, which is almost half of the iPhone 6s Plus price. If you can live without the innovative interaction options that the 3D Touch display on the iPhone brings, and with worse pictures at night time, Motorola's phone should suffice for most, if not all of your phablet needs. It also lets you customize its appearance while ordering till the cows come home.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 14.10.2015
Quelle: Android Authority

So there you have it for this in-depth look at the Moto X Pure Edition vs Nexus 6! If you want the purest Android experience possible, the guarantee of quick updates, and a large canvas on which to play on, then the Nexus 6 continues to be a great choice, especially given the price drop associated with the launch of its successor. On the other hand, the Moto X Pure Edition also promises a similar software experience, with some great enhancements, along with the availability of microSD expansion. The Moto X Pure Edition holds the edge by virtue of being the newer smartphone, but regardless of which way you decide to go, you are going to come out a winner.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 09.10.2015
Quelle: Phone Arena

Still, we can’t deny the fact that it undercuts its rivals with its impressive $400 cost. For that amount, we’ll gladly accept its shortcomings, since it musters up what’s perhaps the best value in a phone we’ve seen this year. In all fairness, if cost is a major factor in your decision, the Moto X Pure has everything to make it a strong consideration. Trust us, for the money you dish out for this, you’re getting incredible value and performance.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 06.10.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 91%
Quelle: Tom's Guide

The Pure Edition retains the high level of customization Moto fans have come to know and love as well as intuitive Moto features such as Voice and Display. I appreciate the larger display and the bump-up in resolution as well as the improved camera. But the best thing about the Pure Edition is its relatively low entry price ($350) for an unlocked device that can work on all the major carriers. Compare that to the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge Plus ($768 unlocked on Verizon), and you feel like you're getting a steal.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 02.10.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: Hot Hardware

During our time with the Moto X Pure Edition, we found ourselves continually evaluating it as if it were a top-shelf, flagship, hero device, in the same class as flagships from LG, Samsung, Apple, and the like. And yet, Moto's flagship costs hundreds of dollars less than those phones.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 29.09.2015
Quelle: GSM Arena

This year's Moto X Pure Edition is easily Motorola's best Android smartphone to date. It combines attractive, highly customizable looks, excellent build quality, superb camera, and impressive connectivity suite to go with an attractive off-contract price tag. Lenovo deserves as much credit as Motorola on this instance. The Chinese tech giant has not tried to change the direction of the Moto X product family in any way, unless it made the smartphone better.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 22.09.2015
Quelle: Android Authority

Even though it strays pretty far from the original Moto X's philosophy, you really can't go wrong with the Moto X Pure Edition. The winning combination of high-end specs, great build quality, useful software features and an impressive camera make up for the Moto X's few shortcomings. Battery life isn't the greatest and we've experienced a small amount of performance hiccups. But if you can get past that, the new Moto X is probably the phone for you.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 18.09.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 87% Bildschirm: 88% Mobilität: 70% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: Pocketnow

But this phone wasn’t built for appreciators of subtlety, or those who pine for the small phones of yesteryear. It was built to stir the blood of people who want something big and bad and burly, for a few fewer Benjamins. Like Google’s Nexus line, the Moto X brand has evolved over time and now stands for something entirely different than it once did: in 2015, it stands for a husky handheld with uncommonly smart features and enough power to keep up with almost anyone. By those metrics, the Moto X Pure Edition is a really good smartphone. When you factor in the class-leading customizability and the fact that it can be purchased –unlocked– for significantly less money than most of the competition, it’s easy to overlook its otherwise-frustrating flaws.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 18.09.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 88% Leistung: 90% Ausstattung: 89% Mobilität: 60%
Quelle: PC Mag

Both are excellent unlocked phones, and normally it would be a difficult decision weighing the devices against one another. But the OnePlus 2 has one big flaw: It still retains the much-criticized invite-only purchase system that has caused release delays and actually prompted the company to issue an apology to costumers. Taking into account its many strengths, and the fact that you can actually buy the Moto X Pure Edition, it isn't hard to name it our Editors' Choice for unlocked smartphones.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 16.09.2015
Quelle: Slashgear

Is the Moto X Pure Edition worth the money starting at $399.99 USD off-contract fully customized? Absolutely, at that price. The Moto X Pure Edition is the best value in a top-tier smartphone on the market today. This device has most or all of the features of the most powerful hero phones on the market today and costs hundreds of dollars less than the competition. It's a real welcome surprise, to be sure!
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 16.09.2015
Quelle: Engadget

The last two years have seen Motorola take huge leaps in the quality of its flagships, so it's no shock that the Pure Edition is the best phone the company has ever made. Sure, it might not be the most technically powerful device out there, but it makes up for it with a comfortable, customizable chassis, and truly useful software additions. Expandable memory?
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 02.09.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Wired Magazine

It’s also the first phone of its kind made by a company—what up, Lenovo—with the clout to convince more than a few Americans to buy a phone outside of a carrier store. And it’s a good enough phone that you should maybe let Lenovo convince you.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 02.09.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Motorola Moto X Force
Das Motorola Moto X Force ist das neueste Phone aus Motorolas sehr bemerkenswerter und benutzerfreundlichen Produktlinie. Es wurde im November 2015 herausgegeben und ist sehr fähig. Der interne Speicher beträgt wahlweise 32 oder 64 GB und die Speicherkapazität kann um bis zu 200 GB erweitert werden. Das bedeutet, dass es sehr viel Platz für Videos, Musik und Bilder bietet. Das Moto X Force läuft unter Android OS V5.1.1 Lollipop und ein Upgrade auf Marshmallow (V6.0) ist für Anfang 2016 geplant. Die 21-MP-Kamera unterstützt Aufzeichnungen in 2160p (4K Video-Aufzeichnung) und 1080p HDR. Die Akkulaufzeit beträgt 25 Stunden Sprechzeit und 500 Stunden Standby. Das ermöglicht längere Verwendungszeiten abseits von Stromdosen. Außerdem unterstützt das Phone kabelloses Aufladen. Sein 5,4-Zoll-Bildschirm mit Sicherheitsglas zeigt schöne Farben und ist sehr hell. Zudem ist das Moto X Force mit weniger als 169 Gramm sehr leicht. Es weist die ursprünglichen, eleganten Motorola-Kurven auf, ist original schwarz und nur 9,2 mm dick, wodurch es leichter in Taschen passt. Weiters lässt es sich mit diesem Phone in LTE-Netzwerken schnell surfen.Ausstattung / Datenblatt

Prozessor: Qualcomm Snapdragon 810 MSM8994
Grafikkarte: Qualcomm Adreno 430
Bildschirm: 5.40 Zoll, 16:9, 2560 x 1440 Pixel
Gewicht: 0.169kg
Preis: 700 Euro
Links: Motorola Startseite
Hart im Nehmen. Das Moto X Force ist laut Motorola das weltweit erste Smartphone mit einem bruchfesten Display. Wie sich im Test zeigt, bringt der 5,4-Zöller aber nicht nur eine gehörige Portion Widerstandskraft mit, sondern überzeugt auch durch jede Menge weiterer erstklassiger Ausstattungsmerkmale.
Quelle: Computerbild - Heft 11/2016

Motorola Moto X Force (32 GB)
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 01.06.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 87%
Quelle: Computerbild - Heft 11/2016

Ausstattung: „Display scharf, etwas dunkel“ (2,64); Bedienung: „schnell, aber teils umständlich“ (2,19); Alltagstauglichkeit: „robust; starker Akku“ (2,40); Empfang und Telefonie: „gut; mit Dual SIM“ (2,14); Internettempo: „turboschnelles LTE, WLAN-ac“ (1,31).
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 01.06.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 87%
Quelle: Computerbild - Heft 11/2016

Motorola Moto X Force (32 GB)
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 01.06.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 87%
Quelle: Computerbild - Heft 11/2016

Ausstattung: „Display scharf, etwas dunkel“ (2,64); Bedienung: „schnell, aber teils umständlich“ (2,19); Alltagstauglichkeit: „robust; starker Akku“ (2,40); Empfang und Telefonie: „gut; mit Dual SIM“ (2,14); Internettempo: „turboschnelles LTE, WLAN-ac“ (1,31).
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 01.06.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 87%
Quelle: Handwerk Magazin

Für viele Handwerksunternehmer gehören Outdoor-Smartphones auf der Baustelle zum Handwerkszeug. Extrem festes ShatterShield-Display aus fünf Schichten. Dafür spricht auch die 4 Jahre Garantie des Herstellers gegen Bruch und Sprünge. Einziges Manko: Das Moto X Force ist nicht wasserfest.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 31.05.2016
Quelle: Handwerk Magazin

Für viele Handwerksunternehmer gehören Outdoor-Smartphones auf der Baustelle zum Handwerkszeug. Extrem festes ShatterShield-Display aus fünf Schichten. Dafür spricht auch die 4 Jahre Garantie des Herstellers gegen Bruch und Sprünge. Einziges Manko: Das Moto X Force ist nicht wasserfest.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 31.05.2016
Quelle: Cyberbloc

Beim Moto X Force spürt man förmlich die Macht, die von ihm ausgeht: Gestensteuerung, Moto Display und kabelloses Laden. Hinzu kommt Leistung satt, ein kräftiger Akku, die aktuellste Android-Version und ein bruchfestes Display. Zudem hat Motorola endlich den Schwachpunkt Kamera bei seinem Top-Smartphone beseitigt und einen Speicherkarten-Slot ergänzt. Da lässt sich meines Erachtens auch das Fehlen eines Fingerabdruck-Sensors ohne Weiteres verschmerzen.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 20.05.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Cyberbloc

Beim Moto X Force spürt man förmlich die Macht, die von ihm ausgeht: Gestensteuerung, Moto Display und kabelloses Laden. Hinzu kommt Leistung satt, ein kräftiger Akku, die aktuellste Android-Version und ein bruchfestes Display. Zudem hat Motorola endlich den Schwachpunkt Kamera bei seinem Top-Smartphone beseitigt und einen Speicherkarten-Slot ergänzt. Da lässt sich meines Erachtens auch das Fehlen eines Fingerabdruck-Sensors ohne Weiteres verschmerzen.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 20.05.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: c't - Heft 11/2016

Plus: bruchsicheres Display; sauberes Android. Minus: plumpes Gehäuse.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 15.05.2016
Quelle: c't - Heft 11/2016

Plus: bruchsicheres Display; sauberes Android. Minus: plumpes Gehäuse.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 15.05.2016
Quelle: n-tv

Das X Force ist damit zwar ein besonderes Smartphone, denn ähnlich ausdauernd und robust sind nur wenige Geräte. Doch seine Technik ist nicht mehr auf dem neuesten Stand, ein Fingerabdruck-Scanner fehlt - trotzdem kostet es noch genau so viel wie die Spitzen-Smartphones des noch jungen Jahres 2016.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 14.04.2016
Quelle: n-tv

Das X Force ist damit zwar ein besonderes Smartphone, denn ähnlich ausdauernd und robust sind nur wenige Geräte. Doch seine Technik ist nicht mehr auf dem neuesten Stand, ein Fingerabdruck-Scanner fehlt - trotzdem kostet es noch genau so viel wie die Spitzen-Smartphones des noch jungen Jahres 2016.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 14.04.2016
Quelle: Stiftung Warentest - Heft 5/2016

Empfindliches Phablet. Das Riesendisplay ist gut, aber kratzempfindlich. Sehr gute Netzempfindlichkeit. Macht bei normaler Beleuchtung gute Fotos. GPS und Navigation gut: Ortung schnell und genau. Kein Kopfhörer mitgeliefert. Akku gut, aber fest verbaut. Geprüft in der Version mit 32-GB-Speicher, teurere 64-GB-Version verfügbar.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 01.04.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 87%
Quelle: Stiftung Warentest - Heft 5/2016

Empfindliches Phablet. Das Riesendisplay ist gut, aber kratzempfindlich. Sehr gute Netzempfindlichkeit. Macht bei normaler Beleuchtung gute Fotos. GPS und Navigation gut: Ortung schnell und genau. Kein Kopfhörer mitgeliefert. Akku gut, aber fest verbaut. Geprüft in der Version mit 32-GB-Speicher, teurere 64-GB-Version verfügbar.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 01.04.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 87%
Quelle: Go2 Mobile

Mit 699 Euro UVP ist das Motorola Moto X Force nicht nur preislich in der Oberklasse angekommen. Auch der Snapdragon 810 verhilft dem Android Smartphone zu großer Geschwindigkeit, der enorme 3.760 mAh starke Akku zu einer guten Ausdauer und die ShatterShield-Technologie macht das Display erstmals wirklich buchstäblich unkaputtbar.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 06.03.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100% Preis: 80% Leistung: 100% Bildschirm: 100% Gehäuse: 100%
Quelle: Go2 Mobile

Mit 699 Euro UVP ist das Motorola Moto X Force nicht nur preislich in der Oberklasse angekommen. Auch der Snapdragon 810 verhilft dem Android Smartphone zu großer Geschwindigkeit, der enorme 3.760 mAh starke Akku zu einer guten Ausdauer und die ShatterShield-Technologie macht das Display erstmals wirklich buchstäblich unkaputtbar.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 06.03.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100% Preis: 80% Leistung: 100% Bildschirm: 100% Gehäuse: 100%
Quelle: Turn On

Das Moto X Force ist definitiv ein ganz besonderes Smartphone. Das bruchsichere Display namens Shatter Shield hält, was der Hersteller verspricht und das ist im Vergleich zu anderen Smartphones schon eine Menge. Das besondere Display ist auch das Hauptverkaufsargument, mit dem das Moto X Force angeboten wird.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 23.02.2016
Quelle: Turn On

Das Moto X Force ist definitiv ein ganz besonderes Smartphone. Das bruchsichere Display namens Shatter Shield hält, was der Hersteller verspricht und das ist im Vergleich zu anderen Smartphones schon eine Menge. Das besondere Display ist auch das Hauptverkaufsargument, mit dem das Moto X Force angeboten wird.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 23.02.2016
Quelle: Focus Online

Was für eine Granate! Das Motorola Moto XGehe zu Amazon für weitere Produkt-Informationen! Force spielt so gut wie alle Trümpfe aus: kraftvoller Prozessor, erweiterbarer Speicher mit wahlweise 32 oder 64 Gigabyte intern, der Akku hält lange durch und lässt sich superschnell oder drahtlos aufladen.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 25.01.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 82% Ausstattung: 86% Ergonomie: 78%
Quelle: Focus Online

Was für eine Granate! Das Motorola Moto XGehe zu Amazon für weitere Produkt-Informationen! Force spielt so gut wie alle Trümpfe aus: kraftvoller Prozessor, erweiterbarer Speicher mit wahlweise 32 oder 64 Gigabyte intern, der Akku hält lange durch und lässt sich superschnell oder drahtlos aufladen.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 25.01.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 82% Ausstattung: 86% Ergonomie: 78%
Quelle: Netzwelt

Das Moto X Force bietet ein robustes Display, leider ist das Smartphone insgesamt aber nicht stoßfest. Ein Outdoor-Smartphone ist das Moto X Force also nicht. Abseits des bruchsicheren Screens kann das Motorola-Handy noch mit seinem ausdauernden Akku und seiner Sprachqualität glänzen. In Sachen Kamera und anderen Punkten ist das Moto X Force aber nur Mittelmaß.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 15.01.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 78% Ausstattung: 80% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Netzwelt

Das Moto X Force bietet ein robustes Display, leider ist das Smartphone insgesamt aber nicht stoßfest. Ein Outdoor-Smartphone ist das Moto X Force also nicht. Abseits des bruchsicheren Screens kann das Motorola-Handy noch mit seinem ausdauernden Akku und seiner Sprachqualität glänzen. In Sachen Kamera und anderen Punkten ist das Moto X Force aber nur Mittelmaß.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 15.01.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 78% Ausstattung: 80% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Inside Handy

Wer zur Tollpatschigkeit neigt und schön öfter mal das Display seines Smartphones kaputt gegangen ist, aber dennoch ein sehr gut ausgestattetes Smartphone sucht, hat mit dem Moto X Force das ideale Smartphone gefunden. Das "Shattershield-Display" hält wortwörtlich was es verspricht und überstand mehrere Stürze vollkommen unbeschadet.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 04.01.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Inside Handy

Wer zur Tollpatschigkeit neigt und schön öfter mal das Display seines Smartphones kaputt gegangen ist, aber dennoch ein sehr gut ausgestattetes Smartphone sucht, hat mit dem Moto X Force das ideale Smartphone gefunden. Das "Shattershield-Display" hält wortwörtlich was es verspricht und überstand mehrere Stürze vollkommen unbeschadet.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 04.01.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Ausländische Testberichte
Quelle: Ausdroid

For the most part there’s very little wrong, and a lot right with the Moto X Force, but it’s literally getting to the point where it’s a year old, and that’s a problem, especially with the current security patch level. The phone with its ShatterShield technology, immense battery and decent camera is good, but at nearly 12 months old it’s not quite worth the $599 price tag.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 20.09.2016
Quelle: Ausdroid

For the most part there’s very little wrong, and a lot right with the Moto X Force, but it’s literally getting to the point where it’s a year old, and that’s a problem, especially with the current security patch level. The phone with its ShatterShield technology, immense battery and decent camera is good, but at nearly 12 months old it’s not quite worth the $599 price tag.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 20.09.2016
Quelle: Techno Buffalo

Motorola has some thoughts on this whole “modular” thing. Instead of dismantling your phone into a series of puzzle pieces, the company is tackling the idea in a much more elegant way. With MotoMods, you just attach the accessory to the back of the Moto Z or Moto Z Force and magnets do the rest. It’s a great idea that doesn’t quite fulfill its potential, as we found out while reviewing both of the devices.
video review
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 21.07.2016
Quelle: Techno Buffalo

Motorola has some thoughts on this whole “modular” thing. Instead of dismantling your phone into a series of puzzle pieces, the company is tackling the idea in a much more elegant way. With MotoMods, you just attach the accessory to the back of the Moto Z or Moto Z Force and magnets do the rest. It’s a great idea that doesn’t quite fulfill its potential, as we found out while reviewing both of the devices.
video review
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 21.07.2016
Quelle: Techradar

The Motorola Moto X Force is a quietly impressive smartphone that handles its high-end business with restrained aplomb, before knocking you out with a single killer hook. It's a true flagship phone, but you won't feel obliged to wrap it up in cotton wool (or a protective case) despite its considerable price tag. Motorola's shatter-proof display is a truly impressive achievement, and one that seems to provide a viable solution to a long-standing smartphone problem. This isn't the prettiest flagship smartphone on the market, nor is it the nicest to use; but it's fast, long lasting, and it even takes good pictures. And the best thing is, you know that none of that is going to change when you accidentally drop it.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 13.07.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Techradar

The Motorola Moto X Force is a quietly impressive smartphone that handles its high-end business with restrained aplomb, before knocking you out with a single killer hook. It's a true flagship phone, but you won't feel obliged to wrap it up in cotton wool (or a protective case) despite its considerable price tag. Motorola's shatter-proof display is a truly impressive achievement, and one that seems to provide a viable solution to a long-standing smartphone problem. This isn't the prettiest flagship smartphone on the market, nor is it the nicest to use; but it's fast, long lasting, and it even takes good pictures. And the best thing is, you know that none of that is going to change when you accidentally drop it.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 13.07.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: GSM Arena

The Moto X Force isn't exactly a brand new model - it was announced back in October as the Droid Turbo 2 for Verizon and was later released as the X Force for the global markets. But availability back then was limited to certain markets. The fact that Moto is owned by Lenovo now is proving beneficial to the brand as Lenovo's supply chain can bring Moto phones to a wider range of markets. The wider availability is one of the reasons why we turned our attention to Moto's current flagship now.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 04.05.2016
Quelle: GSM Arena

The Moto X Force isn't exactly a brand new model - it was announced back in October as the Droid Turbo 2 for Verizon and was later released as the X Force for the global markets. But availability back then was limited to certain markets. The fact that Moto is owned by Lenovo now is proving beneficial to the brand as Lenovo's supply chain can bring Moto phones to a wider range of markets. The wider availability is one of the reasons why we turned our attention to Moto's current flagship now.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 04.05.2016
Quelle: Cool Smartphone

I am very glad to see that this has already been updated to Marshamallow whilst other devices are still languishing on Lollipop (Xperia Z5). What really brings this phone home is the unique aspect of the screen being ‘shatterproof”. This makes it a very good choice for the clutzy among us, but maybe not for those wanting to ditch the digital camera. I have been very pleased with the device I like how well it has been put together and I love the form and fit of it in your hand. Had this been a phone I was going to keep I would have been very happy driving off into the sunset with it, However I have got give it back, so on to the next review.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 08.03.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 75% Leistung: 90% Ausstattung: 80% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: Cool Smartphone

I am very glad to see that this has already been updated to Marshamallow whilst other devices are still languishing on Lollipop (Xperia Z5). What really brings this phone home is the unique aspect of the screen being ‘shatterproof”. This makes it a very good choice for the clutzy among us, but maybe not for those wanting to ditch the digital camera. I have been very pleased with the device I like how well it has been put together and I love the form and fit of it in your hand. Had this been a phone I was going to keep I would have been very happy driving off into the sunset with it, However I have got give it back, so on to the next review.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 08.03.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 75% Leistung: 90% Ausstattung: 80% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: It Pro

Even if you always treat your phones with kid gloves and thus uninterested in the Moto X Force’s ShatterShield screen, this is still an impressive Android phone. It gets almost everything right, with only mediocre low-light photography letting it down. It’s one of our favourite Android phones of 2015.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 25.02.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
Quelle: It Pro

Even if you always treat your phones with kid gloves and thus uninterested in the Moto X Force’s ShatterShield screen, this is still an impressive Android phone. It gets almost everything right, with only mediocre low-light photography letting it down. It’s one of our favourite Android phones of 2015.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 25.02.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
Quelle: NDTV Gadgets

The Moto X Force is undeniably a force to reckon with among smartphones. This is a powerhouse of a smartphone with good looks, a superb screen, great performance and an excellent camera. Above all, it has a killer feature that's currently exclusive to it: the Moto X Force's display is truly shatterproof, and as a result, the phone can take a pounding like no other. If you have a habit of dropping your phone often or have had to deal with expensive mobile phone repair bills in the past, you should seriously consider the Moto X Force.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 16.02.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90% Preis: 60% Leistung: 90% Bildschirm: 90% Mobilität: 90% Gehäuse: 100%
Quelle: NDTV Gadgets

The Moto X Force is undeniably a force to reckon with among smartphones. This is a powerhouse of a smartphone with good looks, a superb screen, great performance and an excellent camera. Above all, it has a killer feature that's currently exclusive to it: the Moto X Force's display is truly shatterproof, and as a result, the phone can take a pounding like no other. If you have a habit of dropping your phone often or have had to deal with expensive mobile phone repair bills in the past, you should seriously consider the Moto X Force.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 16.02.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90% Preis: 60% Leistung: 90% Bildschirm: 90% Mobilität: 90% Gehäuse: 100%
Quelle: Think Digit

Many have called the Moto X Force overpriced, and in a way, it is. The company is expected to bring phones that are inexpensive, which means that the premium 50k price point always raises doubts in the consumer’s mind. That said, while you and I may be calling the Moto X Force an overpriced phone, neither of us can say it’s not a good phone. So, for those with a severe case of butter fingers, this may be the best phone to buy out there. It’s a complete package, with a screen that never gives in. Unfortunately, though, it just doesn't match up to the likes of the Samsung Galaxy Note 5 etc. in terms of premiumness.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 11.02.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 79%
Quelle: Think Digit

Many have called the Moto X Force overpriced, and in a way, it is. The company is expected to bring phones that are inexpensive, which means that the premium 50k price point always raises doubts in the consumer’s mind. That said, while you and I may be calling the Moto X Force an overpriced phone, neither of us can say it’s not a good phone. So, for those with a severe case of butter fingers, this may be the best phone to buy out there. It’s a complete package, with a screen that never gives in. Unfortunately, though, it just doesn't match up to the likes of the Samsung Galaxy Note 5 etc. in terms of premiumness.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 11.02.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 79%
Quelle: Cool Smartphone

This is a phone that, at first glance, looks unassuming and mild-mannered. However, under the utilitarian exterior lies a beast that will not suffer from those nasty “smashed screen” issues seen on inferior devices. I likened the phone to the Incredible Hulk as it will take a beating and then come back for more.
video review
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 01.02.2016
Quelle: Cool Smartphone

This is a phone that, at first glance, looks unassuming and mild-mannered. However, under the utilitarian exterior lies a beast that will not suffer from those nasty “smashed screen” issues seen on inferior devices. I likened the phone to the Incredible Hulk as it will take a beating and then come back for more.
video review
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 01.02.2016
Quelle: Trusted Reviews

If you want a phone that can go the distance and won’t shatter after a close encounter with a pavement then you could do a lot worse than take a serious look at the Moto X Force. But, it’s not for everyone. It may be powerful, but it’s also chunky, wide and in many ways more difficult to hold than your typical flagship. Even though the screen is smaller.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 17.12.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70% Preis: 60% Leistung: 80% Ausstattung: 70% Bildschirm: 70% Mobilität: 90% Gehäuse: 70%
Quelle: Trusted Reviews

If you want a phone that can go the distance and won’t shatter after a close encounter with a pavement then you could do a lot worse than take a serious look at the Moto X Force. But, it’s not for everyone. It may be powerful, but it’s also chunky, wide and in many ways more difficult to hold than your typical flagship. Even though the screen is smaller.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 17.12.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70% Preis: 60% Leistung: 80% Ausstattung: 70% Bildschirm: 70% Mobilität: 90% Gehäuse: 70%
Quelle: Stuff TV

Ultimately, the Moto X Force's USP is that its screen won’t shatter. You can ding the metal surround, you can probably make the rear nylon fray, you can kill it with water if you try. But you can’t shatter the screen because it’s largely plastic. That’s a pretty neat feature for people who seem to smash every phone they own. Battery life is good too. Other phones at the same price get you better ergonomics, better cameras and better screens, though, so the Force isn't irresistably strong with this one.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 04.12.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Stuff TV

Ultimately, the Moto X Force's USP is that its screen won’t shatter. You can ding the metal surround, you can probably make the rear nylon fray, you can kill it with water if you try. But you can’t shatter the screen because it’s largely plastic. That’s a pretty neat feature for people who seem to smash every phone they own. Battery life is good too. Other phones at the same price get you better ergonomics, better cameras and better screens, though, so the Force isn't irresistably strong with this one.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 04.12.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

There’s a clear reason to buy the Moto X Force: the shatter-proof screen. Whether you’re accident prone, or simply need a phone that’s not going to break on you at a critical moment, the X Force should be a compelling choice. It’s a great phone in its own right, too. Powerful and with a top-quality screen and decent (if imperfect) cameras, you can’t ask for much more at this price. Except, perhaps, a fingerprint scanner and use of the second SIM slot for those that want it. Battery life is good, if not quite as long as Motorola claims, and it charges speedily with the included adaptor. Ultimately, the Moto X Force is a little on the expensive side for what you get, but the unique mix of additions to Android and the tough screen will make it worth it for some people.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 03.12.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 80% Leistung: 90% Ausstattung: 80% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

There’s a clear reason to buy the Moto X Force: the shatter-proof screen. Whether you’re accident prone, or simply need a phone that’s not going to break on you at a critical moment, the X Force should be a compelling choice. It’s a great phone in its own right, too. Powerful and with a top-quality screen and decent (if imperfect) cameras, you can’t ask for much more at this price. Except, perhaps, a fingerprint scanner and use of the second SIM slot for those that want it. Battery life is good, if not quite as long as Motorola claims, and it charges speedily with the included adaptor. Ultimately, the Moto X Force is a little on the expensive side for what you get, but the unique mix of additions to Android and the tough screen will make it worth it for some people.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 03.12.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 80% Leistung: 90% Ausstattung: 80% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: PC Pro

The one gaping hole in the Motorola Moto X Force’s long list of features is a fingerprint reader. After using a series of reader-enabled handsets over the last few months, I’m firmly of the opinion that, when implemented well, this is a technology well worth having on your smartphone, and the lack of one here is a black mark against the Moto X Force. Added to the middling display quality and slightly off-the-pace camera, and it’s clear you’re not getting the best of the best here. It’s quite an expensive phone as well, at £100 more than the Motorola X Style and £60 pricier than the superlative Nexus 6P. Still, Motorola’s newest smartphone does get an awful lot right, not least the fact that it’s as tough as the proverbial old boot, and has great battery life as well. For serial phone smashers around the globe, it will be an absolute revelation.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 25.11.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: Recombu

The Moto X Force is one of the most rugged phones around, with no compromise on performance or features. That shatterproof screen is gorgeously sharp and vibrant, while battery life and camera performance are also solid. Of course, you’ll have to pay top dollar for the Force, which starts at £499, and you don’t get the sexy good looks - or some premium features such as a fingerprint sensor - found on similarly-priced rivals like the Xperia Z5 and Galaxy S6. Bottom line is, if you want a premium phone to take on outdoor jollies where it’s likely to get a bit of a battering, the Moto X Force is a natural choice.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 25.11.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: PC Pro

The one gaping hole in the Motorola Moto X Force’s long list of features is a fingerprint reader. After using a series of reader-enabled handsets over the last few months, I’m firmly of the opinion that, when implemented well, this is a technology well worth having on your smartphone, and the lack of one here is a black mark against the Moto X Force. Added to the middling display quality and slightly off-the-pace camera, and it’s clear you’re not getting the best of the best here. It’s quite an expensive phone as well, at £100 more than the Motorola X Style and £60 pricier than the superlative Nexus 6P. Still, Motorola’s newest smartphone does get an awful lot right, not least the fact that it’s as tough as the proverbial old boot, and has great battery life as well. For serial phone smashers around the globe, it will be an absolute revelation.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 25.11.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: Recombu

The Moto X Force is one of the most rugged phones around, with no compromise on performance or features. That shatterproof screen is gorgeously sharp and vibrant, while battery life and camera performance are also solid. Of course, you’ll have to pay top dollar for the Force, which starts at £499, and you don’t get the sexy good looks - or some premium features such as a fingerprint sensor - found on similarly-priced rivals like the Xperia Z5 and Galaxy S6. Bottom line is, if you want a premium phone to take on outdoor jollies where it’s likely to get a bit of a battering, the Moto X Force is a natural choice.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 25.11.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Expert Reviews

With its top-end specs, beautiful build quality and outstanding shatterproof display, the Moto X Force is officially king of all smartphones.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 18.11.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

There’s a clear reason to buy the Moto X Force: the shatter-proof screen. Whether you’re accident prone, or simply need a phone that’s not going to break on you at a critical moment, the X Force should be a compelling choice. It’s a great phone in its own right, too. Powerful and with a top-quality screen and decent (if imperfect) cameras, you can’t ask for much more at this price. Except, perhaps, a fingerprint scanner and use of the second SIM slot for those that want it. Battery life is good, if not quite as long as Motorola claims, and it charges speedily with the included adaptor. Ultimately, the Moto X Force is a little on the expensive side for what you get, but the unique mix of additions to Android and the tough screen will make it worth it for some people.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 18.11.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 80% Leistung: 90% Ausstattung: 80% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: Expert Reviews

With its top-end specs, beautiful build quality and outstanding shatterproof display, the Moto X Force is officially king of all smartphones.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 18.11.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

There’s a clear reason to buy the Moto X Force: the shatter-proof screen. Whether you’re accident prone, or simply need a phone that’s not going to break on you at a critical moment, the X Force should be a compelling choice. It’s a great phone in its own right, too. Powerful and with a top-quality screen and decent (if imperfect) cameras, you can’t ask for much more at this price. Except, perhaps, a fingerprint scanner and use of the second SIM slot for those that want it. Battery life is good, if not quite as long as Motorola claims, and it charges speedily with the included adaptor. Ultimately, the Moto X Force is a little on the expensive side for what you get, but the unique mix of additions to Android and the tough screen will make it worth it for some people.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 18.11.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 80% Leistung: 90% Ausstattung: 80% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: Nieuwe

Positive: Solid design; good display. Negative: Poor cameras; relatively high price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 16.05.2016
Quelle: Nieuwe

Positive: Solid design; good display. Negative: Poor cameras; relatively high price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 16.05.2016
Quelle: Le monde numerique

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 20.09.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Le monde numerique

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 20.09.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Helpix

Negative: No fingerprint scanner; poor cameras.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 13.03.2017
Quelle: Helpix

Negative: No fingerprint scanner; poor cameras.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 13.03.2017

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 18.09.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 75% Leistung: 70% Bildschirm: 90% Mobilität: 90% Gehäuse: 70%

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 18.09.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 75% Leistung: 70% Bildschirm: 90% Mobilität: 90% Gehäuse: 70%

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 25.08.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 25.08.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Motorola Moto G Turbo
Ausstattung / Datenblatt

Prozessor: Qualcomm Snapdragon 615 MSM8939
Grafikkarte: Qualcomm Adreno 405
Bildschirm: 5.50 Zoll, 16:9, 1280 x 720 Pixel
Gewicht: 0.155kg
Preis: 300 Euro
Links: Motorola Startseite
Moto G Turbo (Modell)
Ausländische Testberichte

At this range, Motorola has managed to distance the Moto G Turbo Edition from its very own Moto X Play. While this is a good thing, the Turbo Edition certainly fell short of our expectations and we strongly felt that the Turbo is what the Moto G3 should have been to begin with.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 03.02.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70% Leistung: 75% Ausstattung: 80% Bildschirm: 70% Mobilität: 75% Gehäuse: 75%
Quelle: NDTV Gadgets

Weatherproofing and the stock Android experience remain strong reasons to choose Motorola, and quick charging is exactly the same kind of feature that adds value to ownership without necessarily reflecting in test scores. In cases like this, being unexciting isn't such a bad thing. The Moto G Turbo Edition is a safe and sensible choice, and you won't have any regrets unless you get a thrill out of showing off the latest and greatest hardware.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 18.12.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70% Preis: 70% Leistung: 80% Bildschirm: 60% Mobilität: 70% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Think Digit

This is the phone that the Moto G (3rd Gen) should have been. The Moto G Turbo provides really smooth and good performance in real life, while also giving respectable benchmark scores. In addition, the phone has above average battery life and Motorola's superior service support going for it. It's worth considering unless you want the absolute best performer in the price bracket.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 15.12.2015
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Lenovo Moto G4 Plus
Die Lenovo Moto G4 Produkte werden manchmal unter dem Namen Motorola Moto G4 gelistet oder verkauft.Ausstattung / Datenblatt

Prozessor: Qualcomm Snapdragon 617 MSM8952
Grafikkarte: Qualcomm Adreno 405
Bildschirm: 5.50 Zoll, 16:9, 1920 x 1080 Pixel
Gewicht: 0.155kg
Preis: 300 Euro
Links: Lenovo Startseite
Moto G4 Plus (Modell)
Plus = Besser? Im Endeffekt ist das Moto G4 Plus das gleiche Smartphone wie das Moto G4, nur mit besserer Kamera, Turbo-Laden und Fingerabdrucksensor. Lohnt sich der Griff zum etwas teureren Modell?
Quelle: Android Mag

Wie das „normale“ Moto G4 verfügt auch das Moto G Plus über zwei SIM-Einschübe und einen Schacht für die Speichererweiterung mit microSD-Karten. Bei der Akkulaufzeit ermittelten wir im Vergleich etwas geringere Werte – überraschend, denn die Hardwareausstattung ist dieselbe.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 14.09.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 91% Preis: 86% Leistung: 60% Ausstattung: 100% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 100% Gehäuse: 80% Ergonomie: 80%
Quelle: Android Mag

Wie das „normale“ Moto G4 verfügt auch das Moto G Plus über zwei SIM-Einschübe und einen Schacht für die Speichererweiterung mit microSD-Karten. Bei der Akkulaufzeit ermittelten wir im Vergleich etwas geringere Werte – überraschend, denn die Hardwareausstattung ist dieselbe.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 14.09.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 91% Preis: 86% Leistung: 60% Ausstattung: 100% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 100% Gehäuse: 80% Ergonomie: 80%
Quelle: nDevil

Trotz kleiner Schwächen ist das Moto G4 Plus ein wirklich tolles Einsteiger-Phablet. Wer kein Hardcore-Gamer ist und einfach nur ein gutes Smartphone sucht, welches eine akzeptable Akkulaufzeit und eine gute Kamera bietet, macht mit dem Moto G4 Plus nichts verkehrt.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 07.07.2016
Quelle: nDevil

Trotz kleiner Schwächen ist das Moto G4 Plus ein wirklich tolles Einsteiger-Phablet. Wer kein Hardcore-Gamer ist und einfach nur ein gutes Smartphone sucht, welches eine akzeptable Akkulaufzeit und eine gute Kamera bietet, macht mit dem Moto G4 Plus nichts verkehrt.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 07.07.2016
Quelle: Tom's Hardware

Es muss nicht immer ein Smartphone von Huawei sein, wenn die bestmögliche Ausstattung zu einem günstigen Preis gesucht wird. Für das einfache Moto G4 finden sich erste Angebote ab 229 Euro, die Plus-Version ist dementsprechend teurer. Ein in ähnlichen Preisregionen angesiedeltesHonor 5X hat nicht mehr zu bieten.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 06.07.2016
Quelle: Tom's Hardware

Es muss nicht immer ein Smartphone von Huawei sein, wenn die bestmögliche Ausstattung zu einem günstigen Preis gesucht wird. Für das einfache Moto G4 finden sich erste Angebote ab 229 Euro, die Plus-Version ist dementsprechend teurer. Ein in ähnlichen Preisregionen angesiedeltesHonor 5X hat nicht mehr zu bieten.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 06.07.2016
Quelle: Teltarif

Das Moto G4 Plus ist ein gelungenes Smartphone, das aber doch seine Ecken und Kanten hat. Neuerungen wie der Fingerabdrucksensor, das schnelle Laden und das Full-HD-Display gefallen. Auch das saubere Android und das Versprechen von schnellen Updates müssen positiv hervorgehoben werden. Die Leistung des Prozessors ist gut, allerdings kann der Chip bei hoher Beanspruchung heiß laufen.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 03.06.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 94% Ausstattung: 94% Gehäuse: 92% Ergonomie: 94%
Quelle: Teltarif

Das Moto G4 Plus ist ein gelungenes Smartphone, das aber doch seine Ecken und Kanten hat. Neuerungen wie der Fingerabdrucksensor, das schnelle Laden und das Full-HD-Display gefallen. Auch das saubere Android und das Versprechen von schnellen Updates müssen positiv hervorgehoben werden. Die Leistung des Prozessors ist gut, allerdings kann der Chip bei hoher Beanspruchung heiß laufen.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 03.06.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 94% Ausstattung: 94% Gehäuse: 92% Ergonomie: 94%
Quelle: Android Pit

Das Moto G4 Plus präsentiert sich als rundum gelungenes Gesamtpaket aus recht starker Hardware und einem dennoch angemessenen Preis. Sicher: Den ganz großen Preisleistungshit landet Lenovo hier nicht mehr, weil der Hersteller die wichtige 200-Euro-Marke deutlich überschreitet.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 01.06.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Android Pit

Das Moto G4 Plus präsentiert sich als rundum gelungenes Gesamtpaket aus recht starker Hardware und einem dennoch angemessenen Preis. Sicher: Den ganz großen Preisleistungshit landet Lenovo hier nicht mehr, weil der Hersteller die wichtige 200-Euro-Marke deutlich überschreitet.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 01.06.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Tech Stage

Über vier Generationen hinweg ist das Moto G nun jedes Mal größer geworden – und teurer. Die erste Iteration hat anfangs 179 Euro gekostet, inzwischen sind wir bei 120 Euro mehr. Doch unterm Strich gibt es auch für den Kunden einen Mehrwert. Und wer es simpel und günstiger haben möchte, der greift eben zum Moto G4 – ohne Plus.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 31.05.2016
Quelle: Tech Stage

Über vier Generationen hinweg ist das Moto G nun jedes Mal größer geworden – und teurer. Die erste Iteration hat anfangs 179 Euro gekostet, inzwischen sind wir bei 120 Euro mehr. Doch unterm Strich gibt es auch für den Kunden einen Mehrwert. Und wer es simpel und günstiger haben möchte, der greift eben zum Moto G4 – ohne Plus.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 31.05.2016
Quelle: Tech Stage

Unterm Strich hat Lenovo mit dem Moto G und dem Moto G Plus zwei spannende Telefone vorgestellt, die in Sachen Ausstattung kaum Wünsche offen lassen. In Verbindung mit der Konfigurierbarkeit über den Moto Maker, dem flotten Stock-Android, den günstigen Preisen und dem nun deutlich schickeren Design kann ich nur sagen: Hut ab, Lenovo.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 17.05.2016
Quelle: Tech Stage

Unterm Strich hat Lenovo mit dem Moto G und dem Moto G Plus zwei spannende Telefone vorgestellt, die in Sachen Ausstattung kaum Wünsche offen lassen. In Verbindung mit der Konfigurierbarkeit über den Moto Maker, dem flotten Stock-Android, den günstigen Preisen und dem nun deutlich schickeren Design kann ich nur sagen: Hut ab, Lenovo.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 17.05.2016
Ausländische Testberichte
Quelle: Bit-Tech

As an all-round package, it’s hard to find fault with the Motorola Moto G4 Plus. It may be more expensive than the third-gen Moto G, but it’s better in most ways – with superior battery life, a better camera, a brighter, bigger screen and a sleeker, more grown-up design.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 20.12.2016
Quelle: Bit-Tech

As an all-round package, it’s hard to find fault with the Motorola Moto G4 Plus. It may be more expensive than the third-gen Moto G, but it’s better in most ways – with superior battery life, a better camera, a brighter, bigger screen and a sleeker, more grown-up design.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 20.12.2016
Quelle: Make Use Of

If you can get past its few flaws, the Moto G4 Plus is probably the best smartphone in its price range. But if you absolutely need a better camera or want a metal phone, you might have to look at slightly more expensive phones.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 11.11.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Make Use Of

If you can get past its few flaws, the Moto G4 Plus is probably the best smartphone in its price range. But if you absolutely need a better camera or want a metal phone, you might have to look at slightly more expensive phones.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 11.11.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: GSM Arena

Like we already mentioned, it is a changed Vanilla Android world out there. Google is no longer the shepherd in the distance who simply looks over the flock and provides acts of good will here and there. Now that the web veteran officially threw its gloves in the ring with the Pixel and Pixel XL, conditions are definitely changed. While the latter probably won't disrupt overall market shares and sales numbers in any noticeable way (you need vast and well-established sales channels to even come close to the big-league players nowadays), they do represent a shift in mentality.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 07.11.2016
Quelle: GSM Arena

Like we already mentioned, it is a changed Vanilla Android world out there. Google is no longer the shepherd in the distance who simply looks over the flock and provides acts of good will here and there. Now that the web veteran officially threw its gloves in the ring with the Pixel and Pixel XL, conditions are definitely changed. While the latter probably won't disrupt overall market shares and sales numbers in any noticeable way (you need vast and well-established sales channels to even come close to the big-league players nowadays), they do represent a shift in mentality.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 07.11.2016
Quelle: T Break

The smartphone offers a nice blend of features at an affordable price point, but it isn’t enough to rise above the intense competition in the mid-range segment. The likes of Xiaomi, LeEco and even Motorola’s parent brand ‘Lenovo’ have comparatively better-looking and better-featured devices with comparable prices. That too for metal build smartphones, compared to the plasticky Moto G4 Plus.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 05.10.2016
Quelle: T Break

The smartphone offers a nice blend of features at an affordable price point, but it isn’t enough to rise above the intense competition in the mid-range segment. The likes of Xiaomi, LeEco and even Motorola’s parent brand ‘Lenovo’ have comparatively better-looking and better-featured devices with comparable prices. That too for metal build smartphones, compared to the plasticky Moto G4 Plus.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 05.10.2016
Quelle: Android Authority

It’s hard to find a reason to recommend against the Moto G4 Plus if you’re looking for a do-everything phone for less than $300. You could even snag the $250 16 GB version and add your own storage through the SD card if you really wanted to stretch your budget, and you’d still get everything listed above minus 2GB of RAM (and pay a mere $50 to upgrade the previously-mentioned features over the base Moto G4).
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 04.10.2016
Quelle: Android Authority

It’s hard to find a reason to recommend against the Moto G4 Plus if you’re looking for a do-everything phone for less than $300. You could even snag the $250 16 GB version and add your own storage through the SD card if you really wanted to stretch your budget, and you’d still get everything listed above minus 2GB of RAM (and pay a mere $50 to upgrade the previously-mentioned features over the base Moto G4).
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 04.10.2016
Quelle: Laptop Media

Moto G4 Plus is a model that strongly reminds one of the standard Moto G4 both in terms of its design and features. The presence of a separate version, however, which builds up on the mainstream model is not something we see for the first time. Actually, this can be considered as a positive side. In the particular case we can’t say that there are that many differences. The camera has grown to 16MP and now offers a laser autofocus but you can’t really tell the difference in image quality between it and the sensor in Moto G4. On the other hand, the Plus model has a fingerprint scanner which undoubtedly is a useful addition. We must also not forget that Moto G4 Plus comes at a price slightly higher than that of its brother.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 02.10.2016
Quelle: Laptop Media

Moto G4 Plus is a model that strongly reminds one of the standard Moto G4 both in terms of its design and features. The presence of a separate version, however, which builds up on the mainstream model is not something we see for the first time. Actually, this can be considered as a positive side. In the particular case we can’t say that there are that many differences. The camera has grown to 16MP and now offers a laser autofocus but you can’t really tell the difference in image quality between it and the sensor in Moto G4. On the other hand, the Plus model has a fingerprint scanner which undoubtedly is a useful addition. We must also not forget that Moto G4 Plus comes at a price slightly higher than that of its brother.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 02.10.2016
Quelle: Forbes

It seems that the pros outweigh the cons when it comes to the Moto G4 and G4 Plus. If you are looking to own an Android device, then I would strongly consider getting either the Moto G4 or G4 Plus — especially if you are on a budget. Personally, I would take the G4 Plus over the G4 because of its superior camera and memory hardware along with the fingerprint sensor.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 12.09.2016
Quelle: Forbes

It seems that the pros outweigh the cons when it comes to the Moto G4 and G4 Plus. If you are looking to own an Android device, then I would strongly consider getting either the Moto G4 or G4 Plus — especially if you are on a budget. Personally, I would take the G4 Plus over the G4 because of its superior camera and memory hardware along with the fingerprint sensor.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 12.09.2016
Quelle: Best Products

The Moto G Plus on the other hand, costs $250 for a phone with 2GB of RAM and 16GB of storage. A budget of $300, on the other hand, will land you a fully loaded Moto G Plus with 4GB of RAM and 64GB of memory. Both smartphones are solid entries in their price ranges despite the above shortcomings. However, despite it being the lesser sibling, we still think that the Moto G is the the one to go for. Buyers who don't care about a large display, on the other hand, should consider last year's
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 29.08.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 75%
Quelle: Best Products

The Moto G Plus on the other hand, costs $250 for a phone with 2GB of RAM and 16GB of storage. A budget of $300, on the other hand, will land you a fully loaded Moto G Plus with 4GB of RAM and 64GB of memory. Both smartphones are solid entries in their price ranges despite the above shortcomings. However, despite it being the lesser sibling, we still think that the Moto G is the the one to go for. Buyers who don't care about a large display, on the other hand, should consider last year's
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 29.08.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 75%
Quelle: Tom's Guide

With the G4 Plus, Moto has once again delivered a solid phone for not a lot of money. While the stock G4 Plus' design and uncomfortable fingerprint sensor put a slight damper on this new generation, those negatives are easily outweighed by Lenovo's Moto Maker customization tools and a screen, a sharp rear camera and long battery life that deliver a great return on your investment.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 20.07.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Tom's Guide

With the G4 Plus, Moto has once again delivered a solid phone for not a lot of money. While the stock G4 Plus' design and uncomfortable fingerprint sensor put a slight damper on this new generation, those negatives are easily outweighed by Lenovo's Moto Maker customization tools and a screen, a sharp rear camera and long battery life that deliver a great return on your investment.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 20.07.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Techradar

Lenovo has seamlessly continued Motorola's good work, refining this popular budget range and elevating expectations about what you can reasonably expect in a relatively cheap Android phone. The gap between the Moto G4 Plus and the latest batch of Android flagships is not as wide as I expected. It's a pleasurable device to use, and it represents good value for money.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 30.06.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%

The Moto G4 Plus is a curious beast. It straddles the tricky middle ground between temptingly affordable and a little out of reach. If you liked everything about the Moto G4 you'll find a lot to love here because the G4 Plus is essentially the same phone. But do those added extras justify the higher price? We're a bit on the fence here.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 30.06.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Techradar

Lenovo has seamlessly continued Motorola's good work, refining this popular budget range and elevating expectations about what you can reasonably expect in a relatively cheap Android phone. The gap between the Moto G4 Plus and the latest batch of Android flagships is not as wide as I expected. It's a pleasurable device to use, and it represents good value for money.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 30.06.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%

The Moto G4 Plus is a curious beast. It straddles the tricky middle ground between temptingly affordable and a little out of reach. If you liked everything about the Moto G4 you'll find a lot to love here because the G4 Plus is essentially the same phone. But do those added extras justify the higher price? We're a bit on the fence here.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 30.06.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: It Pro

If you’re tempted by the Moto G4 Plus purely because of its allegedly better camera, then you shouldn’t bother. It is, for all practical intents and purposes, identical to the camera on the cheaper G4. The only thing that should tempt you to opt for the Plus is its fingerprint reader. We think the convenience is worth the £60 premium so, if you can afford it, then you should definitely choose it over the standard G4.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 27.06.2016
Quelle: It Pro

If you’re tempted by the Moto G4 Plus purely because of its allegedly better camera, then you shouldn’t bother. It is, for all practical intents and purposes, identical to the camera on the cheaper G4. The only thing that should tempt you to opt for the Plus is its fingerprint reader. We think the convenience is worth the £60 premium so, if you can afford it, then you should definitely choose it over the standard G4.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 27.06.2016

The camera is impressive and Moto has finally proved that the company has the capability to incorporate a quality camera module. Even the display looks sharp and vivid for something at that price, although we wish that Motorola had used a 5-inch panel rather than 5.5-inch one. The fingerprint scanner is very snappy, even though it’s tiny in size and the performance is up to the mark, if the best. If you are looking for a balance of quality rather than high-end performance, the Moto G4 Plus is the option to go for.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 10.06.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70% Leistung: 70% Ausstattung: 70% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 65% Gehäuse: 70%

The camera is impressive and Moto has finally proved that the company has the capability to incorporate a quality camera module. Even the display looks sharp and vivid for something at that price, although we wish that Motorola had used a 5-inch panel rather than 5.5-inch one. The fingerprint scanner is very snappy, even though it’s tiny in size and the performance is up to the mark, if the best. If you are looking for a balance of quality rather than high-end performance, the Moto G4 Plus is the option to go for.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 10.06.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70% Leistung: 70% Ausstattung: 70% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 65% Gehäuse: 70%
Quelle: Stuff TV

The Moto G series is not what it used to be. It’s proved so successful that it now covers the mid-range phone buyer as well as the bargain hunter. Thankfully, this year’s upgrades mean it doesn’t seem out of place in this next league. Fast charging, a better screen and a pretty good camera make this mid-ranger easy to recommend. Upgrading to the Plus model is not essential, though. The £169 vanilla version still earns the most penny-pinching cred.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 07.06.2016
Quelle: Stuff TV

The Moto G series is not what it used to be. It’s proved so successful that it now covers the mid-range phone buyer as well as the bargain hunter. Thankfully, this year’s upgrades mean it doesn’t seem out of place in this next league. Fast charging, a better screen and a pretty good camera make this mid-ranger easy to recommend. Upgrading to the Plus model is not essential, though. The £169 vanilla version still earns the most penny-pinching cred.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 07.06.2016
Quelle: GSM Arena

The original Moto G disrupted the budget Android phone market and Motorola deserves credit for that. But since then a lot has happened and many new overeager disrupters have joined the game. At the same time, the Moto G models have steadily moved up the price range and this latest generation is the most expensive one yet, stretching the meaning of the term 'affordable' to new heights.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 02.06.2016
Quelle: GSM Arena

The original Moto G disrupted the budget Android phone market and Motorola deserves credit for that. But since then a lot has happened and many new overeager disrupters have joined the game. At the same time, the Moto G models have steadily moved up the price range and this latest generation is the most expensive one yet, stretching the meaning of the term 'affordable' to new heights.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 02.06.2016
Quelle: Think Digit

While the Moto G4 Plus beats the Xiaomi Redmi Note 3, LeEco Le 1s, Lenovo Zuk Z1 and others in the camera department, it doesn't do as well otherwise. The Redmi Note 3 remains the best performer, and it is 40% more powerful than the G4 Plus. So, if you want a good camera, go for the G4 Plus, if not, the Redmi Note 3 remains our pick below 15k.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 24.05.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: Think Digit

While the Moto G4 Plus beats the Xiaomi Redmi Note 3, LeEco Le 1s, Lenovo Zuk Z1 and others in the camera department, it doesn't do as well otherwise. The Redmi Note 3 remains the best performer, and it is 40% more powerful than the G4 Plus. So, if you want a good camera, go for the G4 Plus, if not, the Redmi Note 3 remains our pick below 15k.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 24.05.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%

Finally, as noted, the prices appear very good for what's on offer at £169 for the G4 and £199 for the G4 Plus. Certainly this is a great price for anyone after a phone with more than adequate specs and that won't break the bank.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 17.05.2016
Quelle: Techradar

If you can afford the additional £30 (around US$40, AU$60), the G4 Plus is worth getting over the Moto G4 - the fingerprint scanner makes unlocking simpler, the improved rear camera will make your social media accounts sing and with the quick charge power adapter included in the box, running out of juice should be less of a worry.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 17.05.2016
Quelle: Trusted Reviews

This is a lot of phone for £199. If you can manage the size and aren’t fussed that it’s built from plastic, you’re getting a very good deal. There’s no NFC, so Android Pay is out of the question, but it has a fingerprint sensor, decent CPU and an impressive 1080p.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 17.05.2016
Quelle: Stuff TV

As well-priced as the standard Moto G4 is at £169, there seems little reason to settle for less than the £199 Moto G4 Plus. Those added camera smarts are gonna make a huge difference when it comes to low light photos, and the fingerprint scanner is a handy extra. Given the choice, this is the Moto G4 we’d go for.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 17.05.2016
Quelle: NDTV Gadgets

The Moto G4 Plus is a welcome evolution of the Moto G series, which takes it a step further in terms of features and performance. The phone packs in a much needed SoC upgrade which keeps the latest version of Android running smoothly, a fingerprint sensor, a good camera for daylight photography, and all-day battery life. This makes it a very good option in this price range.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 17.05.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 80% Leistung: 80% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

Although the new Moto G4 is more expensive than the third-generation, Motorola is offering a Full HD screen, better processor, more storage and memory. Not everyone will enjoy the jump to 5.5in or the lack of full waterproofing but this is still a decent phone for under £200. Most will benefit from fingerprint scanner and better camera of the Moto G4 Plus for just £30 which also comes with the Turbo Charger in the box. Stay tuned for full reviews soon.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 17.05.2016
Quelle: Tech Advisor

It’s slightly unusual for a ‘plus’ model of a phone not to have a larger screen, and with the Moto G4 having largely the same specs as the G4 Plus, but an extra £30 for a fingerprint scanner and a better camera doesn't seem bad at all. It's a bit confusing but hopefully we've cleared things up for you so you can decide which Moto G4 is right for you.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 17.05.2016
Quelle: Pocket Lint

The new Moto G and Moto G Plus hangs on to many of the characteristics of the previous Moto G phones, importantly it's still good value for money. However, there's a general creep in price and size that some might not like: this could be a 5-inch device that's cheaper than the £169 starting price offered here.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 17.05.2016

Finally, as noted, the prices appear very good for what's on offer at £169 for the G4 and £199 for the G4 Plus. Certainly this is a great price for anyone after a phone with more than adequate specs and that won't break the bank.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 17.05.2016
Quelle: Techradar

If you can afford the additional £30 (around US$40, AU$60), the G4 Plus is worth getting over the Moto G4 - the fingerprint scanner makes unlocking simpler, the improved rear camera will make your social media accounts sing and with the quick charge power adapter included in the box, running out of juice should be less of a worry.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 17.05.2016
Quelle: Trusted Reviews

This is a lot of phone for £199. If you can manage the size and aren’t fussed that it’s built from plastic, you’re getting a very good deal. There’s no NFC, so Android Pay is out of the question, but it has a fingerprint sensor, decent CPU and an impressive 1080p.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 17.05.2016
Quelle: Stuff TV

As well-priced as the standard Moto G4 is at £169, there seems little reason to settle for less than the £199 Moto G4 Plus. Those added camera smarts are gonna make a huge difference when it comes to low light photos, and the fingerprint scanner is a handy extra. Given the choice, this is the Moto G4 we’d go for.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 17.05.2016
Quelle: NDTV Gadgets

The Moto G4 Plus is a welcome evolution of the Moto G series, which takes it a step further in terms of features and performance. The phone packs in a much needed SoC upgrade which keeps the latest version of Android running smoothly, a fingerprint sensor, a good camera for daylight photography, and all-day battery life. This makes it a very good option in this price range.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 17.05.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 80% Leistung: 80% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

Although the new Moto G4 is more expensive than the third-generation, Motorola is offering a Full HD screen, better processor, more storage and memory. Not everyone will enjoy the jump to 5.5in or the lack of full waterproofing but this is still a decent phone for under £200. Most will benefit from fingerprint scanner and better camera of the Moto G4 Plus for just £30 which also comes with the Turbo Charger in the box. Stay tuned for full reviews soon.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 17.05.2016
Quelle: Tech Advisor

It’s slightly unusual for a ‘plus’ model of a phone not to have a larger screen, and with the Moto G4 having largely the same specs as the G4 Plus, but an extra £30 for a fingerprint scanner and a better camera doesn't seem bad at all. It's a bit confusing but hopefully we've cleared things up for you so you can decide which Moto G4 is right for you.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 17.05.2016
Quelle: Pocket Lint

The new Moto G and Moto G Plus hangs on to many of the characteristics of the previous Moto G phones, importantly it's still good value for money. However, there's a general creep in price and size that some might not like: this could be a 5-inch device that's cheaper than the £169 starting price offered here.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 17.05.2016
Quelle: Mi Mundo Gadget

Positive: Large screen; powerful processor; decent cameras; flexible fingerprint sensor; good autonomy. Negative: Plastic case; mediocre hardware; no NFC.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 19.11.2016
Quelle: Mi Mundo Gadget

Positive: Large screen; powerful processor; decent cameras; flexible fingerprint sensor; good autonomy. Negative: Plastic case; mediocre hardware; no NFC.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 19.11.2016

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 29.07.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 72% Ausstattung: 70% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 75%

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 29.07.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 72% Ausstattung: 70% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 75%
Quelle: Esperienza Mobile

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 17.07.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 76% Preis: 80% Leistung: 70% Bildschirm: 75% Mobilität: 85% Gehäuse: 70%
Quelle: Esperienza Mobile

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 17.07.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 76% Preis: 80% Leistung: 70% Bildschirm: 75% Mobilität: 85% Gehäuse: 70%
Quelle: Key for web

Positive: Large screen; low price. Negative: Relatively high price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 28.11.2016
Quelle: Key for web

Positive: Large screen; low price. Negative: Relatively high price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 28.11.2016
Quelle: Tech Different

Positive: Good price; long battery life. Negative: Uncomfortable volume button.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 20.10.2016
Quelle: Tech Different

Positive: Good price; long battery life. Negative: Uncomfortable volume button.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 20.10.2016
Quelle: Hitek

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 03.10.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 90% Leistung: 70% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 80%
Quelle: Hitek

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 03.10.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 90% Leistung: 70% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 80%
Quelle: Tabletowo

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 09.09.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 83% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 85% Gehäuse: 70%
Quelle: Tabletowo

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 09.09.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 83% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 85% Gehäuse: 70%

Positive: Good price; slim size; nice design; decent display; long battery life; flexible fingerprint sensor.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 09.11.2016

Positive: Good price; slim size; nice design; decent display; long battery life; flexible fingerprint sensor.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 09.11.2016
Quelle: Spiders Web

Positive: Good display; flexible fingerprint sensor; decent cameras; long battery life. Negative: Plastic case; average hardware.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 06.10.2016
Quelle: Spiders Web

Positive: Good display; flexible fingerprint sensor; decent cameras; long battery life. Negative: Plastic case; average hardware.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 06.10.2016
Quelle: Chip Online TR

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 07.02.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 84% Preis: 89% Leistung: 89%
Quelle: Chip Online TR

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 07.02.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 84% Preis: 89% Leistung: 89%
Quelle: Product Test

Positive: Good cameras; flexible fingerprint sensor; decent hardware.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 04.03.2017
Quelle: Product Test

Positive: Good cameras; flexible fingerprint sensor; decent hardware.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 04.03.2017
Quelle: Mobilizujeme

Positive: Fast system. Negative: No NFC.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 09.10.2016
Quelle: Mobilizujeme

Positive: Fast system. Negative: No NFC.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 09.10.2016

Positive: Good workmanship; quality display; high definition; decent speakers. Negative: Plastic case; large dimension.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 09.09.2016

Positive: Good workmanship; quality display; high definition; decent speakers. Negative: Plastic case; large dimension.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 09.09.2016
Quelle: Alt om Data

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 05.01.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Alt om Data

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 05.01.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Motorola Moto G 4. Gen Plus
Das Moto G 4. Gen Plus ist ein weiteres Budget-Phone von Motorola. Trotz niedrigen Preises bietet es eine relativ gute Spezifikation. Sein 5.5 Zoll großer Full-HD-LCD-Bildschirm wird durch Corning Gorilla Glass 3 geschützt. Die Hardware umfasst einen Snapdragon 617 Octa-Core-Prozessor mit 64 bit und eine Adreno 405 GPU für scharfe Grafikausgabe. Vom Moto G 4. Gen Plus gibt es zwei Varianten. Die 16-GB-Variante verfügt über 2 GB RAM, während die 32 GB Variante mit 3 GB RAM ausgestattet ist. Die Speicherkapazität kann bei beiden Modellen mit einer microSD-Karte um bis zu 128 GB erweitert werden. Zudem verfügt das Moto G 4. Gen Plus über eine 16-MP-Kamera mit Laser-Fokus und Phase-Detection-Autofokus (PDAF), um auch bei schlechter Beleuchtung gute Bilder zu schießen. Seine Weitwinkel-Frontkamera mit 5-MP-Auflösung ermöglicht es durch Gruppen-Aufnahmen mehr zu erfassen. Der 3000 mAh Akku des Phones ist schnellladefähig. Nach 15 Minuten Ladezeit ist eine Akkulaufzeit von bis zu 6 Stunden möglich. Weiters bietet das Moto G 4. Gen Plus Dual-4G-SIM und ermöglicht damit zwei Telefonnummern in einem Phone.Ausstattung / Datenblatt

Prozessor: Qualcomm Snapdragon 617 MSM8952
Grafikkarte: Qualcomm Adreno 405
Bildschirm: 5.50 Zoll, 16:9, 1920 x 1080 Pixel
Gewicht: 0.155kg
Preis: 200 Euro
Links: Motorola Startseite
Moto G 4. Gen Plus (Modell)
Quelle: c't - 5/2017

Plus: Dual-SIM; aktuelles Android angekündigt. Minus: miese Gesprächsqualität.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 01.03.2017
Quelle: Smartphone Magazin - Heft 05/2016

Pro: Wie beim Moto G4: Ausgezeichnete Akkulaufzeit, Dual-SIM und Speichererweiterung per microSD. Aktuelle Software. Contra: Kein WLAN-ac, kein Tausch-Akku, nicht mehr wasserdicht. Groß und relativ schwer.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 01.09.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 91%
Quelle: Blick

50 Franken kostet das neue Moto G4 Plus mehr als die normale Version. Dieser kleine Aufpreis lohnt sich auf jeden Fall, auch wenn Motorola eine Chance ungenutzt lässt. Das Moto G4 Plus ist eine gute und günstige Alternative in der Mittelklasse. Mit der Plastikverschalung nicht so hochwertig wie andere, dafür technisch überzeugend, leicht und kompakt.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 26.08.2016

Das Motorola Moto G 4 Plus zeigt sich im Test als performantes Mittelklasse-Smartphone mit scharfer Kamera, Fingerprint-Sensor, großem 5,5-Zoll-Display und Dual-SIM-Slot. Dennoch fehlt es in Sachen Ausstattung an der ein oder anderen Stelle. Der Preis ist dafür in Ordnung.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 29.07.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 84% Preis: 96% Leistung: 87% Ausstattung: 71% Bildschirm: 90% Mobilität: 90%
Quelle: Android Magazin - Heft 4/2016

Mit 15 Minuten an der Steckdose sollen 6 Stunden Nutzungszeit nachgetankt werden können - nicht schlecht ... Es ist mit einem Fingerabdrucksensor ausgestattet.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 01.07.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Connect - Heft 8/2016

Plus: außerordentlich leuchtstarkes 5,5-Zoll-Display; 5-GHz-WLAN wird unterstützt; schlankes und schnelles Android-System; Fingerabdrucksensor; tolle Hauptkamera; Schnellladegerät im Lieferumfang; starker Software-Support; zweite SIM und Micro-SD im Parallelbetrieb möglich; exzellente Funkeigenschaften. Contra: kunststofflastiges Gehäuse; Akkulaufzeit nur Mittelmaß.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 01.07.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 81%
Quelle: Verivox

Es wäre doch so schön gewesen! Das Motorola Moto G4 Plus ist eigentlich klar das bessere G4: Fingerabdruck-Sensor, schärfere Fotos, superschnelles Laden und dann auch noch 32 statt 16 Gigabyte interner Speicher – für gerade mal 50 Euro mehr. Da dürfte jedem die Entscheidung leichtfallen.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 29.06.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 74% Ausstattung: 70%
Quelle: Computerbild - Heft 12/2016

Schneller, größer, schärfer – die neue Moto-G4-Generation macht einen guten Eindruck. Unverständlich aber, warum es den Fingerabdruck-Scanner nur im teuren Plus-Modell gibt – Konkurrenten wie das Honor 5X bieten das schon für weniger Geld.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 15.06.2016
Quelle: c't - Heft 13/2016

Interessenten sollten die Geräte vor dem Kauf in die Hand nehmen, da 5,5 Zoll nicht jeder Hands Sache sind. 50 Euro Aufpreis fürs Plus-Modell lohnen sich: Fingerabdrucksensor, bessere Kamera und mehr Speicher sind das Geld allemal wert.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 15.06.2016
Quelle: Turn On

In der vierten Generation – und unter der Ägide von Lenovo – ist das Moto G endlich erwachsen geworden. Mit dem G4 Plus liefert der Hersteller das bislang beste Smartphone der Serie ab und spendiert dem Gerät mit dem hervorragenden Display, der sehr guten Kamera und dem Fingerabdruckscanner auch ein paar Features, mit denen sich das Moto gegen so manches Oberklasse-Modell behaupten kann.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 07.06.2016
Quelle: n-tv

Ist das Moto G4 Plus ein Preisknüller? Nur dann, wenn man auf genau die Dinge Wert legt, mit denen das Smartphone glänzt: starke Kamera, schönes Display und fast unverfälschtes Android. Ansonsten gibt es auch gleichwertige Konkurrenten, vor allem Huawei bietet mit dem P9 Lite oder dem Honor 5x Geräte mit starkem Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis an.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 03.06.2016
Quelle: Connect - Heft 7/2016

Pro: Erkennungsrate; LCD mit Full-HD; vielversprechende Hauptkamera; Schnellladegerät; Dual-SIM; schlankes Android mit frühen Updates. Contra: Akku fest verbaut; Micro-USB statt USB Typ-C.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 01.06.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
Quelle: SFT - Heft 7/2016

Plus: Sehr gute Kamera; Ordentliche Ausstattung mit Fingerabdruck-Scanner; Betriebssystem ohne Bloatware. Minus: Wenig hochwertige Plastik-Rückseite.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 01.06.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 94%
Quelle: Curved

Unser Moto G4 Plus Testgerät hatte seine kleinen Macken, wie einen schiefen Fingerabdrucksensor, die doch eher nicht griffige Rückseite oder das Problem, dass eine eigentlich praktische Geste nicht funktioniert. Doch insgesamt ist das Smartphone eine sinnvolle Kombination aus Technik zum kleineren Preis.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 19.05.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 82% Leistung: 75% Bildschirm: 78% Mobilität: 84%
Quelle: Android Pit - Heft 5/2016

rundum gelungenes Gesamtpaket aus recht starker Hardware und einem dennoch angemessenen Preis. Sicher: Den ganz großen Preisleistungshit landet Lenovo hier nicht mehr, weil der Hersteller die wichtige 200-Euro-Marke deutlich überschreitet. Allerdings hat Lenovo dafür auch einige Features eingebaut, die den Preisaufschlag rechtfertigen: Das Display ist sehr gut und die Hauptkamera des Moto G4 Plus liefert qualitativ hochwertige Bilder. Und im Gegensatz zum Vorgänger reicht die Prozessor-Power aus, um praktisch alle Situationen im Alltag zu meistern.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 01.04.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Smartphone Magazin - Heft 5/2016

Pro: Wie beim Moto G4: Ausgezeichnete Akkulaufzeit, Dual-SIM und Speichererweiterung per microSD. Aktuelle Software. Contra: Kein WLAN-ac, kein Tausch-Akku, nicht mehr wasserdicht. Groß und relativ schwer.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 01.04.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 91%
Ausländische Testberichte
Quelle: The Cheat Sheet

The sweet spot here seems to be for the base Moto G4 Plus, as it comes with that slightly better camera, fingerprint scanner, and quick charging capability. At $249, it’s only a little more expensive than a OnePlus X and has some better features, and it’s cheaper than the Moto X. Definitely a solid buy for someone trying to dodge the hefty price tag of the latest Samsung or Apple flagship phones while still getting something that looks good and performs admirably.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 22.09.2016
Quelle: Cybershack

The Moto G4 Plus isn't quite as easy to recommend as last year's third generation Moto G, but it's nonetheless a fantastic bang-for-buck smartphone. The screen is lovely, the camera is much better than expected, and stock Android is always welcome. On the other hand, the design is uninspired, and you've got quirks like a front-facing fingerprint reader that doesn't also work as a home button. The jump to a 5.5-inch display will win some over, but will be a deal breaker for others.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 18.08.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Techspot

At $250 the Moto G4 Plus also faces stiff competition from previous-gen flagships. The LG G4 costs $280, which is just $30 more and packs much better hardware across the board. Or you could purchase the Google Nexus 5X, which often hovers around $250 as an unbelievably good deal. My advice is to pocket your $50 and purchase the standard Motorola Moto G4 if you’re after an excellent budget handset. If you want to spend a full $250, I’d strongly recommend the Nexus 5X over the Moto G4 Plus, which provides much better value at its ultra-cheap price point.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 16.08.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: Talk Android

Because the Moto Z and Moto Z Force are Verizon exclusives for the foreseeable future, the Moto G4 and Moto G4 Plus are better recommendations if you’re wanting to buy from Lenovo’s Moto brand. These phones carry low price tags and ship with clean software, and you can take them to just about any carrier for seamless use. But the price is truly good for the Moto G4 alone.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 01.08.2016
Quelle: Pocketnow

These are great little phones. In 2016 Moto doesn’t deliver quite the impact they once did when they were one of the only manufacturers offering a high quality experience at such a low price, but we’re happy to see how competitive this generation has become by offering a spectrum of devices. Instead of just two options divided by storage, consumers have a number of options to select depending on their individual needs. Even at $200 though, you’ll end up with a phone which would have shamed a Galaxy S4, LG Optimus G Pro, or HTC One M7 when those phones were new.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 26.07.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 82%

With their comfortable feel, excellent displays, good cameras and day-long battery life, the Moto G phones are fine choices if you want to spend less for your next Android smartphone. Considering its better camera and fingerprint sensor, I'd strongly consider spending the extra $50 for the Moto G Plus, although that does push it from "cheap" to "reasonably priced."
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 21.07.2016
Quelle: Greenbot

The G4 Plus is a different story. I’ve requested another review unit in an attempt to get down to the bottom of whether the interface glitching and unresponsiveness spans across all models. But until then, I’d warn that you’re gambling if you’re considering bringing home this $250 device—which shoots up to $300+ if you get it with 4GB of RAM.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 18.07.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 60%
Quelle: Phone Arena

Both the Moto G4 and Moto G4 Plus are some well-done mid-rangers, marrying performance that should be adequate for casual users with some very attractive pricing. But a lot of companies give us well-executed phones; are the new Moto G4s anything special? Well, that's sadly to say a bit of a “no.” The Moto Gs in general have been experiencing a sort of drift over the years, and while they're still a cheap alternative to Motorola's flagships, they no longer feel like they're doing much that's unique to stand out in the mid-ranger space.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 18.07.2016
Quelle: PC Mag

For $300, the Moto G4 Plus is a capable midrange phone, and a good option if you're concerned about cross-carrier compatibility since it supports both CDMA and GSM along with numerous LTE bands. But its sibling the G4 costs $80 less by losing the fingerprint sensor and 2GB of RAM. It offers the same degree of carrier compatibility and almost identical performance, making it the better pick among the two. If you're not likely to be switching carriers, the OnePlus 3 provides a better value.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 18.07.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: PC World

The G4 Plus is a different story. I’ve requested another review unit in an attempt to get down to the bottom of whether the interface glitching and unresponsiveness spans across all models. But until then, I’d warn that you’re gambling if you’re considering bringing home this $250 device—which shoots up to $300+ if you get it with 4GB of RAM.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 18.07.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 50%
Quelle: Engadget

Motorola's big problem with these new phones is that the last Moto G was simply too good. In pushing for larger screens and other upgrades, it also introduced some compromises. Ultimately though, the good outweighs the bad. The Moto G4 and G4 Plus offer plenty of power and versatility without breaking the bank.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 15.07.2016
Quelle: Gizmag

If we're going to keep playing the for just this much more you can get ... game, then you should also know that you can get a phone that not just feels high-end, but is high-end, for only $399 in the OnePlus 3. It too runs a mostly stock version of Android (though its update schedule isn't likely to be as good as Motorola's), while adding a cutting-edge processor, 6 GB of RAM, nearly as good battery life and (mostly) high-end specs everywhere else. If you're already considering the 64 GB version of the Moto G4 Plus, then the OnePlus is going to be tempting for just an extra Benjamin.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 13.07.2016
Quelle: Techno Buffalo

Back in 2013, the Moto G was a game-changer. As phones were getting bigger and more expensive, the Moto G offered an uncompromising experience at an impulse buy price. And even though it didn’t come equipped with the latest specs, it quickly went on to become Motorola’s most successful phone ever—even surpassing the hallowed Razr, which basically defined the flip phone era.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 13.07.2016
Quelle: Pocket Lint

When we first saw the Motorola Moto G4 and G4 Plus, we though the Plus was hands-down the one to choose. Having used both handsets for weeks and days at a time, however, we've taken an about-turn on that initial feeling: the Plus does have plenty of positives, in that it can handle the day-to-day with no troubles and lasts out for a decent period of time per charge, but in the wider context of the smartphone market it has its minuses too.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 06.07.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

The Moto G4 Plus is a nice phone but it's very similar to the regular model. Since we're disappointed in the camera (with no noticeable difference), it's not worth paying the extra money to get a fingerprint scanner which can't even be used with Android Pay since there's no NFC. The only real reason to opt for the Plus is to gain more storage and the extra RAM which comes with the 64GB model; however, the Micro-SD card slot negates this somewhat.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 06.07.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 80% Leistung: 80% Ausstattung: 80% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Trusted Reviews

Is it much better than the regular Moto G4? Well, if you’re happy to lay down that extra cash, then yes – the camera is more reliable and having a fingerprint scanner is always handy. The fast charger alone costs £30 if you want to buy it separately. You’re getting a fantastic phone either way, but I'd recommend spending the extra if you can, buying the 16GB version and complementing it with a 64GB microSD card to make good use of Android's Adoptable Storage.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 03.07.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100% Preis: 100% Leistung: 80% Bildschirm: 90% Mobilität: 90% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Recombu

The obvious question is, which is best for you: the Moto G4 or Moto G4 Plus? Well, we’d honestly say that unless you’re constantly snapping hyper kids, there’s no need to splash out extra money on the Plus’ 16-meg camera. That super-smart auto-focus definitely helps with fast-moving subjects, but otherwise the difference in photo quality is negligible.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 27.06.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Android Authority

The Moto G was in desperate need for an upgrade though, and the changes Motorola has made to the display and camera make the Moto G4 Plus a very compelling option for those who are looking for a smartphone that falls in the sub-$250 category.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 24.06.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 83% Leistung: 80% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 85% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Androidbeat

On paper, the Moto G4 Plus is easily outgunned by phones from Xiaomi, LeEco, and other Chinese companies. It does not sport a metal unibody design that has become a commonplace even in phones priced below $200 mark. It also lacks the water resistance capabilities found on its predecessor. And not to forget, the Snapdragon 617 chipset inside the Moto G4 Plus has severe overheating issues.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 18.06.2016
Quelle: PC Pro

Yes, the camera is better, and yes, you do get a fingerprint reader – oh, and there’s a more powerful mains charger in the box that lets you charge the phone more quickly. But is this all worth £60? I’d say not. That’s not to belittle the Motorola Moto G4 Plus, though. It’s the Moto G4 with slight improvements, so it’s awesome. But compare it directly with its sibling, which is damned near as good and available for so much less, and it’s a considerably less appealing purchase.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 13.06.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Expert Reviews

Ultimately, the Moto G4 Plus doesn't offer quite enough to make it a viable upgrade over the regular G4, and even its super-fast processor just can't quite match its nearest competitor, the OnePlus 2, making it something of an awkward middle child rather than a shining star in the Moto G roster. As a result, you're either better off saving your money and going with the regular Moto G4, or, if you really want a proper cut-price powerhouse, then the OnePlus 2 is your next best bet. Buy the Moto G4 Plus now from Motorola.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 09.06.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Gizmodo Brasil

Positive: Good price; decent hardware; support fast charging technology. Negative: Average performance; mediocre design.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 23.09.2016
Quelle: Saggiamente

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 10.09.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Motorola Moto Z Force
Das Motorola Moto Z Force ist ein schön gebautes Smartphone mit soliden Features. Es stammt aus einer soliden Smartphone-Familie und fühlt sich in der Hand hochwertig an. Man kann zwischen verschiedenen Farben wählen. Diese umfassen schwarz/grau, schwarz/rose-gold, schwarz/gold und weiß. Die abgerundeten Kanten und das texturierte schwarze Rückpanel erleichtern das Halten und die Kamera an der Rückseite wird durch eine erhabene, runde Sektion erhöht. Beim Bildschirm des Motorola Moto Z Force handelt es sich um einen 5,5 Zoll großen AMOLED-Touchscreen, der durch splitterfestes Glas geschützt wird, was in der Smartphone-Industrie neu ist. Die Übersichtlichkeit ist dank einer Pixeldichte von 535 PPI gut und die Helligkeitsstufen reichen für Außeneinsätze. Am 163 g Gerät ist Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow vorinstalliert und es nutzt einen Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 Chip mit einem doppelten Dual-Core-CPU-Setup. Das Moto Z Force ist zudem mit 4 GB RAM und einer Adreno 530 GPU ausgestattet. In puncto Massenspeicher gibt es zwei Wahlmöglichkeiten: 32 GB oder 64 GB. An der Rückseite befindet sich eine 21-MP-Kamera mit Laser- und Phasenerkennungs-Autofokus, während die 5-MP-Frontkamera eine f/2.2-Blende bietet. Weitere Features sind Bluetooth 4.1, USB Type C, A-GPS und NFC. Die Audio-Qualität ist beeindruckend und der Lautsprecher macht aus dem Smartphone eine gute mobile Multimedia-Plattform. Ein Lithium-Ionen-Akku mit 3.500 mAh stellt die Akkulaufzeit bereit.Ausstattung / Datenblatt

Prozessor: Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 MSM8996
Grafikkarte: Qualcomm Adreno 530
Bildschirm: 5.50 Zoll, 16:9, 2560 x 1440 Pixel
Gewicht: 0.163kg
Preis: 700 Euro
Links: Motorola Startseite
Ausländische Testberichte
Quelle: G Style Magazine

So with this all said and done I like the new Moto Z devices that have come out this year. They run pretty good thanks to their specs and battery life can be strongly relied on. Moto Mods is an interesting concept and depending if one caters to you it could be a good fit for your mobile lifestyle. I do like the Moto Z more only because its slimmer and lighter than the Moto Z Force but can see that more expensive route that need more in their devices.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 01.09.2016
Quelle: Android Authority

So, there you have it for this in-depth look at the Motorola Moto Z and Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge! Both of these devices are two really fantastic smartphones in their own right, but what it is really going to come down to is how much you value the Moto Mods, and how easily you can get your hands on one of them. The Galaxy S7 Edge is the easier phone to get right now, with it being available from all major network carriers, and while an unlocked version of the Moto Z will be arriving soon, Verizon is your only option currently.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 23.08.2016
Quelle: Android Authority

On the other hand, quite literally, the LG G5 has some trouble convincing us to use its modularity. And not just us, either – I personally have come across a few people recently who were using the G5 without mods. Upon asking, these people said that they didn’t ever get a Friend or use the ones that may have come with their phones. What they did enjoy was the camera package, where the wide angle shooter totally added to their picture and video taking experiences. We tend to feel the same way, as the wide angle camera is the most fun we’ve had shooting with a smartphone in a while.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 17.08.2016
Quelle: GSM Arena

Lenovo's Moto Z Force Droid took over for the Moto X Force (Droid Turbo 2 in the US) and has kept the same screen size as the standard Moto Z model. Whatever deal Verizon has struck with Motorola, obviously it's not one that they will be letting go of anytime soon. Many might be upset that the Moto Z Force is not making a worldwide debut (at least for now). Even in previous years of Verizon's Droid exclusivity, there was always a worldwide version (e.g. Droid Turbo 2 = Moto X Force). So this is why we still hang on to the chance of it happening again. Or perhaps Lenovo is doing away with a shatterproof version of the Moto flagship for worldwide release, we'll see.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 12.08.2016
Quelle: Engadget

After years of thoughtful refinements to the Moto X line, Motorola has plotted a new direction with the Moto Z. It's incredibly slim, modular, and packs true flagship-level horsepower -- all things you couldn't really say about last year's Moto X Pure edition.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 31.07.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 85%
Quelle: Phone Arena

When two handsets do so much, so well, it's tricky delivering a balanced comparison. Sure, there will inevitably be areas where one phone outdoes the other, or one exhibits an unfortunate weakness. And as a result, we can end up getting pretty picky about just which measuring sticks we're using to evaluate these smartphones. But you can rest easy knowing that whether you go with the Galaxy S7 edge or the Moto Z Force Droid, you'll be rocking one of the best-equipped phones of 2016.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 28.07.2016
Quelle: Phandroid

The Moto Z Force Droid is definitely the “better” of the two latest devices from Motorola and Lenovo. With its larger battery, better camera, and ShatterShield display you’d be hard pressed to pass this device up if given the opportunity. Even though its a bit heavier and thicker, it’s still thinner than other flagship devices on the market, so we’ll give this one the nod of approval.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 28.07.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 98%
Quelle: AnandTech

Over the past few years, Motorola’s phones have stuck to the same formula—unique design, conservative features, near-stock Android, and reasonable pricing. Rather than tweak a few variables and release updated Moto X models, however, Motorola derived a completely new formula with an output variable equal to Z.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 28.07.2016
Quelle: Techradar

Even without MotoMods to boost its feature set, the Moto Z Force is worthy of your consideration if you're looking for one of the best Android phones to be released in 2016. It competes with the top contenders in terms of sheer power, battery life and screen resolution. But in that regard, it doesn't really offer anything new. We're still on the cusp of devices packed with the Snapdragon 821, which could quickly leave the Moto Z Force in the long run.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 26.07.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Greenbot

I’d suggest you don’t even bother with the Moto Z unless you’re particularly attracted to the idea of the Moto Mods. And definitely don’t choose this variant if you do like Motorola’s approach to modular smartphones. The Moto Z Force’s thicker chassis doesn’t pair well with the mods. Once you strap on a mod like the JBL SoundBooster, or even one of the Power Packs, it feels like you’re carting around a brick in your bag. However, I love the shatter-resistant display and the stellar 21-megapixel camera. The extra $100 is worth it for the rear-facing camera alone, and with its larger battery pack, you can ensure the Z Force can carry you through even the longest of days.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 25.07.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Phone Arena

Whether you're looking at the Apple iPhone 6s Plus or the Moto Z Force Droid, both these phones offer some tangible benefits over the iPhone 6s and Moto Z Droid, respectively. Those benefits don't come without trade-offs, though, and from added expense, to increased size (though we suppose that could be a plus, depending on your preferences), there are a number of factors that might drive potential shoppers to their sibling-phones.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 25.07.2016
Quelle: Pocketnow

Moto has a really interesting pair of phones here. The Moto Z represents a solid flagship, but if we were pressed to pick between the two, we’d probably side with the Z Force over the Z. Shopping these phones on Verizon, we’re looking at $624 for the Moto Z and $720 for the Z force. If thin is your thing, you can’t beat the regular Z. It will give off a stunning first impression. However, the additional battery, nicer camera, and more durable screen on the Z Force are well worth the additional $100 if you have the means. The additional girth, which happens to be less than the thickness of a Galaxy S7, is hardly a compromise.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 25.07.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 87%
Quelle: PC World

I’d suggest you don’t even bother with the Moto Z unless you’re particularly attracted to the idea of the Moto Mods. And definitely don’t choose this variant if you do like Motorola’s approach to modular smartphones. The Moto Z Force’s thicker chassis doesn’t pair well with the mods. Once you strap on a mod like the JBL SoundBooster, or even one of the Power Packs, it feels like you’re carting around a brick in your bag. However, I love the shatter-resistant display and the stellar 21-megapixel camera. The extra $100 is worth it for the rear-facing camera alone, and with its larger battery pack, you can ensure the Z Force can carry you through even the longest of days.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 25.07.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%

The Moto Z Droid and Force Droid definitely checks off a lot from the smartphone checklist, but what we've seen here is really only the tip of a large, two-piece iceberg. In our next installments, we will dive deeper into two features that truly make these smartphones worth talking about: the promise of super smartphone camera and a slightly different take on the modular smartphone dream.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 24.07.2016
Quelle: Hot Hardware

But wow, are we impressed with Moto Mods; there's just no two ways about it. Motorola and Lenovo's design implementation is fantastic and the Moto Mods we tested worked flawlessly, well beyond what we expected in terms of quality and functionality. Team Lenovo-Moto should be commended for delivering true innovation in the smartphone arena.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 21.07.2016
Quelle: Droid-Life

Updates on Android are very important. I repeat, updates are muy importante. If I know a certain device shouldn’t be expecting an update anytime soon, especially with a major Android release coming up, I can’t recommend it. On top of that, we have Nexus phones coming soon. Should you hold off on the new DROIDs and see what Google has to offer in 2016? Yes, yes you absolutely should. If the new Nexus phones end up being poor offerings, which they probably won’t be, you can go back and consider the DROID. Once you’re back on the DROID, though, there’s the upcoming Galaxy Note 7 to consider. Ugh, buying phones is hard.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 21.07.2016
Quelle: BGR

Motorola has managed to build phones that feature a better design, better materials, better build quality, better relative battery life and better performance than just about anything else out there. The look is incredible, the feel is as impressive, and the major pain points from earlier Moto phones have been addressed with a great AMOLED display and two different dramatically improved cameras.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 21.07.2016
Quelle: Phone Arena

From the secure magnetic hardware, to the friendly software, to just how much these Moto Mods actually add to the user experience, it's really awe-inspiring what Lenovo has managed to put together here. Still, there's plenty of ways Moto Mods could go wrong, form third-party developers failing to deliver compelling new options (though Lenovo's really encouraging them to come up with hot new Mods, as it makes a dev kit available), to prohibitive pricing keeping Moto Z Droid owners from taking full advantage of the hardware ecosystem available. But while it remains to be seen if Moto Mods can thrive where LG Friends have not, Lenovo is already in a much stronger starting position.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 21.07.2016
Quelle: Gizmag

The bold, premium, creative, versatile and battery-friendly Moto Z and Moto Z Force, along with Moto Mods, are now up for preorder from Motorola, Verizon and Best Buy (just remember they ship unlocked, so you can use them on other carriers). The Moto Z Droid (32 GB) rings up for $624 full retail and the Moto Z Force Droid (also 32 GB) is $720. Both support microSD cards up to 2 TB.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 21.07.2016
Quelle: Android Authority

Adding the Moto Mods brings versatility, and if the mods continue to bring convenient but useful features, the packages of the Moto Z and Moto Z Force can be really hard to pass up. As phones on their own, the new Motos are still worthy of their flagship designation, boasting every feature that a high-end device should have, and the user experience that can prove reliable on the daily.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 21.07.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 88% Leistung: 90% Bildschirm: 90% Mobilität: 85% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: PC Mag

There are only two downsides to the Z Force Droid: it's big and it lacks a headphone jack. But I think it's worth putting up with these issues. While I'd still pick the Galaxy S7 as my own device because I'm into smaller phones, the Z Force Droid combines lots of power, some great accessories, and much sleeker software than Samsung provides. It's the most promising new phone of the year, and our Editors' Choice for Verizon buyers.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 21.07.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Tom's Guide

I really like how progressive the Moto Z and Z Force feel. Both phones feature a refreshing function-first approach to design. The standard Moto Z pushes the boundaries of smartphone thinness, while the Z Force comes with an even sharper camera, longer battery life and a shatter-resistant screen. Add in a more approachable take on smartphone modularity than what’s currently available, and you get a phone that's a bigger success than the LG G5 in almost every way.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 21.07.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: GSM Arena

In case you don't know what Moto Mods are, these are modular phone accessories, which snap on magnetically on the phone's back. Motorola has also opened this modular connection with an SDK and developers and companies can build their own Moto Mods for the Moto Z and Z Force Droid! And, yes, the Moto Mods work interchangeably with either device.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 14.07.2016
Quelle: Android Authority

The Moto Z and Moto Z Force do have some key differences between them in terms of features and specifications, but both feature the same modular capabilities, and with the execution far better this time around, this may be the innovative step forward that we were looking for.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 10.06.2016
Motorola Moto Z
Ähnlich wie sein Moto Z Force Geschwistermodell ist das Motorola Moto Z ein Smartphone mit vielen Features zu einem reduzierten Preis. Sein Design mit abgerundeten Kanten, stromlinienförmigen Profil und texturiertem Rückpanel für angenehme Griffigkeit ist genau das gleiche. Zudem stellt Motorola genau die gleiche Farbpalette zur Auswahl: schwarz/grau, schwarz/rose-gold, schwarz/gold und weiß. Das 153.3 g Gerät ist etwas leichter als das Motorola Moto Z Force, nutzt jedoch das gleiche Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow Betriebssystem. Beim Bildschirm handelt es sich um ein 5,5 Zoll großes AMOLED-Panel mit 535 PPI Pixeldichte, welches durch Corning Gorilla Glass 4 geschützt wird. An Bord befindet sich ein Snapdragon 820 Chipsatz mit zwei Kryo Dual-Core-Prozessoren, einen mit 2,15 GHz Taktrate, der andere mit 1,6 GHz. Zudem stehen 4 GB RAM, eine Adreno 530 GPU und die gleichen Speicheroptionen, nämlich 32 GB oder 64 GB, zur Verfügung. Das Motorola Moto Z unterstützt MicroSD-Karten bis zu 256 GB und nutzt einen Nano-SIM. Weitere Features sind Bluetooth 4.1, ein FM-Radio-Modul, A-GPS, USB Type C und ein Fingerabdruckleser. Es gibt eine 13 MP f/1.8 Kamera an der Rückseite und eine sekundäre 5 MP f/2.2 Frontkamera. Das Motorola Moto Z verfügt über einen nicht entfernbaren Lithium-Ionen-Akku mit 2600 mAh.Ausstattung / Datenblatt

Prozessor: Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 MSM8996
Grafikkarte: Qualcomm Adreno 530
Bildschirm: 5.50 Zoll, 16:9, 2560 x 1440 Pixel
Gewicht: 0.163kg
Preis: 600 Euro
Links: Motorola Startseite
Quelle: Verivox

Am Motorola Moto Z gibt es nicht viel zu meckern: Bis auf ein UKW-Radio sowie einen Wasserschutz bietet die Ausstattung so ziemlich alles. Die Qualität der UHD-Videos könnte besser sein und auch von den 13-Megapixel-Fotos hat man sich aufgrund des optischen Stabilisators etwas mehr erhofft als „nur“ ein knappes „Gut“. Doch damit werden die Meisten leben können.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 26.09.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 84% Ausstattung: 87% Ergonomie: 84%
Quelle: Netzwelt

Egal ob LG G5 oder Fairphone 2 - ein modularer Ansatz ist neben der Dual-Kamera der zweite große Trend dieses Jahr im Smartphone-Markt. Der modulare Ansatz des Moto Z (Play) wirkt deutlich ausgereifter als bei der Konkurrenz. Abzuwarten bleibt, ob die Nutzer bereit sind für die gebotenen Zusatzfunktionen noch einmal tief in die Tasche zu greifen.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 05.09.2016
Ausländische Testberichte
Quelle: PC Authority

Will the Moto Z launch a new age of cheaper hardware modules for your phone, like the iPhone did for “apps”? Look, never say never, but there needs to be a more compelling set of mods released first. The Moto Z is a good phone that Motorola loyalists will love. The rest of us? The prospect of spending another $399 for a bulky camera might just be a tough sell.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 10.02.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 60%
Quelle: Pocket Lint

The Motorola Moto Z wowed us when it was first revealed. The Moto Mods system is clever and some of the accessories are fun. But we can't help feeling that the Moto Z was compromised to make it a better modular phone. That thinness that's proclaimed doesn't result in a nice design and when you're using the phone day-to-day and Mods as a rare addition, it's compromise that you feel.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 17.01.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: Gadgetguy

So, just a standalone phone the Motorola Moto Z is a fine, powerful unit with an excellent screen and strong camera performance. To that we must add the options, which aren’t inexpensive, but can provide very useful enhancements to functionality. And it’s to those I will return in a few days.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 18.12.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 95% Preis: 100% Leistung: 90% Gehäuse: 100%
Quelle: The Indian Express

Moto Z is telling users that they are worth the wait and this is premium at a more reasonable price in India. But it will be hard for Motorola to convince people to skip the sevens, because both the Sevens (I’m including the S7 edge and iPhone 7 Plus) have taken a big leap this year.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 08.12.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Yugatech

Sporting a 5.2mm thickness and with unique modular accessories in tow, can the beauty run skin deep? This is the Motorola Moto Z, and here is our video review.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 04.12.2016
Quelle: Toptenreviews

THROWING ITS HAT into the modular smartphone market that the LG G5 made famous earlier this year, Motorola has launched the Motorola Moto Z — a premium option that may make the best case yet for why we need this particular smartphone subset.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 03.12.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

The Moto Z is a mixed bag, successful in some areas and not in others. As long as you can deal with the jettisoning of the headphone jack and carrying a Power Pack Mod, the modular nature of the Moto Z makes it a compelling alternative to other flagships. It’s also arguably a better choice than the LG G5. Battery life isn't great, though and the Moto Z Play is also compatible with Moto Mods, has much better battery life and is much cheaper at £369.99. If you don't need a modular phone, the OnePlus 3 is almost as good at the Moto Z for way less money.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 23.11.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70% Preis: 70% Leistung: 70%
Quelle: PC Mag

For $700, the unlocked Moto Z offers the same slim build, excellent performance, and unique removable backs as Verizon's Moto Z Droid. If you're an AT&T or T-Mobile user into the idea of Mot Mods, the Moto Z is a great choice. Only the LG G5$624.00 at Verizon Wireless has similar modular functionality, but with a much more limited set of add-on options. On the other hand, if you're simply looking for the best unlocked phone, the Google Pixel XL has a faster processor, a better camera, guaranteed Android updates, an advanced voice assistant, and 24/7 support. For a more affordable choice, the ZTE Axon 7 offers similar performance, a metal unibody build, and serious audio capability for nearly half the price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 23.11.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Ausdroid

Throughout the review I constantly compared the Moto Z to the Pixel XL. The reason for that is they have the same size display, similar processors (SD820 vs SD821), are approximately the same size and while the Moto Z is only running Android 6.0.1 and the Pixel XL Android 7.1 they have similar software. The experiences between the two phones were very similar in fact — that’s how good I thought the Moto Z was.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 07.11.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 86% Preis: 85% Mobilität: 92%
Quelle: Unbox

Despite not being the first phone to feature modular accessories, Motorola’s Moto Z is probably the best implementation of that particular concept to date. The mods are easy to put on and take off, and are already available in the market, should you decide to buy one. And the mods aren’t the only reason why you should take a look at the Moto Z if you’re itching to grab a flagship this holiday season – the phone is sexy, fun and fast, and you’re missing out on a lot if you don’t at least take a look at it in stores. You won’t regret it.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 04.11.2016
Quelle: Yugatech

The Moto Z is a deserving flagship for the new Moto owners, Lenovo. It’s like having the Razr reborn in the adapting race of smartphones . The absence of the 3.5mm jack is justified by its slim profile, no issues there. The Moto Mods are also an inviting feature for those who could shell additional cash.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 02.11.2016
Quelle: India Today

The Moto Z succeeds as a modular smartphone in more ways than one. Lenovo's take on modularity is different from a certain Google or LG in that it sticks to the basics. It doesn't bite off more than it can chew, at least for now. Remember, it still doesn't have a solution for point-by-point customisation, but hey, even Google had to cut short its ambitions with Project Ara.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 02.11.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 75%
Quelle: Unbox

Powering the phone is Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 820 processor, paired with 4GB of RAM and 64GB of storage. Performance is superb – the phone feels snappy and fast, with zero lag whatsoever. It’s one of the fastest processors available to mobile devices today (with the exception of the Snapdragon 821) which virtually guarantees smooth operation for the next few months (even years).
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 20.10.2016
Quelle: The Indian Express

Moto Z is telling users that they are worth the wait and this is premium at a more reasonable price in India. But it will be hard for Motorola to convince people to skip the sevens, because both the Sevens (I’m including the S7 edge and iPhone 7 Plus) have taken a big leap this year.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 18.10.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Think Digit

The Moto Z is a good performer, along with presenting a reliable camera, good, premium build, an enjoyable display and even doable battery life. Adding to all this is the ecosystem of Moto Mods, a neat piece of innovation by Moto, which right now seems to be the way forward for modular smartphones. If you are investing Rs. 40,000 on a smartphone and a dual-rear camera setup is not mandatory for you, the Moto Z is a better smartphone than the Huawei P9, and is certainly a worthy investment.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 12.10.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 82%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

We’ll update this review with benchmark results shortly, but early impressions are positive. As long as you can deal with the jettisoning of the headphone jack and the one-day battery, the modular nature of the Moto Z makes it a compelling alternative to other flagships. It’s also arguably a better choice than the LG G5 if you want a modular phone. However, if your budget is more limited, the Moto Z Play is also compatible with Moto Mods and is better value at well under £369.99.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 05.09.2016
Quelle: G Style Magazine

So with this all said and done I like the new Moto Z devices that have come out this year. They run pretty good thanks to their specs and battery life can be strongly relied on. Moto Mods is an interesting concept and depending if one caters to you it could be a good fit for your mobile lifestyle. I do like the Moto Z more only because its slimmer and lighter than the Moto Z Force but can see that more expensive route that need more in their devices.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 01.09.2016
Quelle: Android Central

If you're a hardcore Moto fan and love the idea of enhancing your phone with Mods, go nuts. You'll love the Moto Z. If you're a road warrior looking for a way to make your presentation tech more compact, a Moto Z and the projector Mod is a great option. If you're looking for the best phone you can buy and were hoping that included the ability to snap things onto the back, this is not the phone you're looking for.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 24.08.2016
Quelle: Stuff TV

That approach has gone out the window for the Moto Z; it’s a pricey phone with pricey optional perks, ones that’ll set you back between US$60 and $300 apiece. Lenovo says more Mods are coming, but right now they’re all “nice to haves” rather than must-haves. Even if you’re impressed by the potential of plug-in upgrades, it’s tough to justify splashing the cash when the Mods aren’t absolutely brilliant essentials.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 23.08.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Gotta Be Mobile

At the end of the day the Moto Z isn’t a bad phone, it just isn’t one of the best either. If buyers can live with average battery life or love the idea of buying a bunch of mods, accessories, style shells and more, it’s still a plenty capable smartphone with some potential upside.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 17.08.2016
Quelle: Engadget

After years of thoughtful refinements to the Moto X line, Motorola has plotted a new direction with the Moto Z. It's incredibly slim, modular, and packs true flagship-level horsepower -- all things you couldn't really say about last year's Moto X Pure edition.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 31.07.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 85%
Quelle: GSM Arena

The Moto Z is ultimately the successor of the Moto X and Motorola's legacy lives on through Lenovo. This is why the Moto Z is so important, it marks a new chapter in Motorola's portfolio. Even if the Moto brand phases out the "Motorola" name over the next few years, we are glad to see the brand left in good hands.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 29.07.2016
Quelle: Techradar

Moto Z isn't the first or last modular phone, but it's the first time we liked the idea on an Android device and see the potential behind building out our smartphone with new accessories. Options like a pico projector and attachable boom box are creative enough at launch that they could inspire a new way of thinking about how we use phones. Moto Z is more than just an unchanging sheet glass and metal.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 26.07.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Pocketnow

Moto has a really interesting pair of phones here. The Moto Z represents a solid flagship, but if we were pressed to pick between the two, we’d probably side with the Z Force over the Z. Shopping these phones on Verizon, we’re looking at $624 for the Moto Z and $720 for the Z force. If thin is your thing, you can’t beat the regular Z. It will give off a stunning first impression. However, the additional battery, nicer camera, and more durable screen on the Z Force are well worth the additional $100 if you have the means. The additional girth, which happens to be less than the thickness of a Galaxy S7, is hardly a compromise.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 25.07.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 87%

The Moto Z Droid and Force Droid definitely checks off a lot from the smartphone checklist, but what we've seen here is really only the tip of a large, two-piece iceberg. In our next installments, we will dive deeper into two features that truly make these smartphones worth talking about: the promise of super smartphone camera and a slightly different take on the modular smartphone dream.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 24.07.2016
Quelle: Hot Hardware

But wow, are we impressed with Moto Mods; there's just no two ways about it. Motorola and Lenovo's design implementation is fantastic and the Moto Mods we tested worked flawlessly, well beyond what we expected in terms of quality and functionality. Team Lenovo-Moto should be commended for delivering true innovation in the smartphone arena.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 21.07.2016
Quelle: Greenbot

Let’s be real here: The Moto X was a great line of smartphones, but never particularly exemplary. The Moto Z, on the other hand, is the Lexus to the Moto X’s Toyota: It’s a sturdy, confidence-inspiring device that promises extra bits of luxury. In the Moto Z’s case, those luxury promises are the Moto Mods. Sure, you can opt for basic cosmetic flourishes with Power Packs featuring Kate Spade and TUMI branding, but you can also customize how you use the Moto Z. And that’s the whole point behind the Moto Z’s modularity: To help you to create your perfect smartphone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 21.07.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Droid-Life

Motorola is a company that like HTC, hasn’t been able to regain previous success even after releasing numerous phones that reviewed well. Ever since Samsung took over the game a few years back, it’s been tough for anyone to keep up and turn a profit. Motorola, under Lenovo, was expected to return to the glory days of the original DROID, yet that hasn’t happened and Lenovo has recently had to admit that things haven’t exactly gone as they had hoped. So what does Motorola do? Release two phones that are arguably their most innovative to date and lock them onto Verizon as exclusives.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 21.07.2016

Motorola's Moto Z smartphones will be available at Verizon on July 28. The Moto Z will cost $624; the Moto Z Force will cost $720. The phones are black with grey trim, black with rose gold trim, or gold with a white front lens. An unlocked GSM version - without the Droid name, which Verizon licenses -- is said to be available in a few months.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 21.07.2016
Quelle: BGR

Motorola has managed to build phones that feature a better design, better materials, better build quality, better relative battery life and better performance than just about anything else out there. The look is incredible, the feel is as impressive, and the major pain points from earlier Moto phones have been addressed with a great AMOLED display and two different dramatically improved cameras.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 21.07.2016
Quelle: Phone Arena

From the secure magnetic hardware, to the friendly software, to just how much these Moto Mods actually add to the user experience, it's really awe-inspiring what Lenovo has managed to put together here. Still, there's plenty of ways Moto Mods could go wrong, form third-party developers failing to deliver compelling new options (though Lenovo's really encouraging them to come up with hot new Mods, as it makes a dev kit available), to prohibitive pricing keeping Moto Z Droid owners from taking full advantage of the hardware ecosystem available. But while it remains to be seen if Moto Mods can thrive where LG Friends have not, Lenovo is already in a much stronger starting position.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 21.07.2016
Quelle: Gizmag

The bold, premium, creative, versatile and battery-friendly Moto Z and Moto Z Force, along with Moto Mods, are now up for preorder from Motorola, Verizon and Best Buy (just remember they ship unlocked, so you can use them on other carriers). The Moto Z Droid (32 GB) rings up for $624 full retail and the Moto Z Force Droid (also 32 GB) is $720. Both support microSD cards up to 2 TB.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 21.07.2016
Quelle: Wired Magazine

The bigger question is whether Motorola can turn the mods ecosystem into something bigger and broader than the three I have on my desk. If so, you’ll be able to buy a Moto Z—or maybe the next one—and know that not only will your phone still be great a year or two from now, it might even be better. No one’s ever been able to say that about a smartphone before.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 21.07.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Phandroid

The Moto Z Droid aims to rethink the possibilities of a modular design, all within a sleek and sexy body. Even with its downfalls, the device has just set the bar for what other manufacturers will need to overcome in the future. Additionally, much of the Moto Z Droid’s capabilities are hinged on what different modules will come out of the woodworks once the device is launched. Looking at what the Moto Z Droid is capable out of the box, we are blown away. From the ridiculously thin form-factor, the decent camera, and the ability to attach modules to the device with a snap, Motorola definitely seems to have a winner on its hands.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 21.07.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Android Authority

Adding the Moto Mods brings versatility, and if the mods continue to bring convenient but useful features, the packages of the Moto Z and Moto Z Force can be really hard to pass up. As phones on their own, the new Motos are still worthy of their flagship designation, boasting every feature that a high-end device should have, and the user experience that can prove reliable on the daily.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 21.07.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 88% Leistung: 90% Bildschirm: 90% Mobilität: 85% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: PC Mag

The Motorola Moto Z Droid packs a lot into a very slim package. Were there no Force version, it would be a close second to the Galaxy S7 series. Motorola's Android software is better than Samsung's, and the Moto Mods are genuinely compelling add-ons. But camera and Wi-Fi performance are important, and in those regards, the Galaxy S7 pulls ahead slightly.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 21.07.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: PC World

The Moto X was a great line of smartphones, but never particularly exemplary. The Moto Z, on the other hand, is the Lexus to the Moto X’s Toyota: It’s a sturdy, confidence-inspiring device that promises extra bits of luxury. In the Moto Z’s case, those luxury promises are the Moto Mods. Sure, you can opt for basic cosmetic flourishes with Power Packs featuring Kate Spade and TUMI branding, but you can also customize how you use the Moto Z. And that’s the whole point behind the Moto Z’s modularity: To help you to create your perfect smartphone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 21.07.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Tom's Guide

I really like how progressive the Moto Z and Z Force feel. Both phones feature a refreshing function-first approach to design. The standard Moto Z pushes the boundaries of smartphone thinness, while the Z Force comes with an even sharper camera, longer battery life and a shatter-resistant screen. Add in a more approachable take on smartphone modularity than what’s currently available, and you get a phone that's a bigger success than the LG G5 in almost every way.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 21.07.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Techno Buffalo

Regardless, I am smitten by the Moto Z’s design, and it operates smoothly during day-to-day use. But with sketchy battery life, a so-so camera, and a cool idea that’s not yet great, this one is a “wait.” If anything, I’d reconsider when the Moto Z is available unlocked later this year. By then, we’ll have seen devices such as the Galaxy Note 7, iPhone 7, and maybe even a new Nexus, and that’s some really, really tough competition.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 21.07.2016
Quelle: Tech Crunch

The Moto Z’s standard battery is a healthy 2600 mAh, and an upgrade to the Z Force will get you a massive 3500 mAh, though that comes with a higher price tag and, naturally, a much thicker profile. Between the Incipio battery Mod and the TurboPower charging courtesy of the proprietary charging brick, however, most users will once again be pretty satisfied.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 21.07.2016
Quelle: Android Authority

The Moto Z and Moto Z Force do have some key differences between them in terms of features and specifications, but both feature the same modular capabilities, and with the execution far better this time around, this may be the innovative step forward that we were looking for.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 10.06.2016
Quelle: Andrea Galeazzi

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 22.09.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 81% Preis: 68% Bildschirm: 88% Mobilität: 50% Gehäuse: 75%
Quelle: All About Phones

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 19.11.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Portablegear

Positive: Stylish design; good display. Negative: High price; low autonomy; no headphone jack.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 02.02.2017

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 18.10.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 67%
Motorola Moto Z Play
Ausstattung / Datenblatt

Prozessor: Qualcomm Snapdragon 625
Grafikkarte: Qualcomm Adreno 506
Bildschirm: 5.50 Zoll, 16:9, 1920 x 1080 Pixel
Gewicht: 0.165kg
Preis: 500 Euro
Links: Motorola Startseite
Moto Z Play (Modell)
Quelle: RP-Online

Für alle, die auf mehr Akku-Power angewiesen sind, eine sinnvolle Ergänzung. Zumal keine Extra-Kabel benötigt werden und sich der Akku dem Design des Gerätes sehr gut anpasst. Wer sein Gerät jedoch abends sowieso immer an die Steckdose hängt, der kann sich das Geld sparen. Schließlich wirbt Motorola bei den Moto-Z-Modellen ohnehin mit einer besonders großen Akkukapazität.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 04.11.2016
Quelle: Android Pit

Vor diesem ersten Hands-On hatte ich leider noch keine Möglichkeit, mir die aktuellen Moto-Z-Modelle und deren Mods persönlich anzusehen. Nachdem ich mir nun beides genauer ansehen konnte, habe ich den Eindruck, dass hier die Chance auf was ganz Großes besteht.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 01.09.2016
Quelle: Curved

Wow, Lenovo. Ein dünnes Smartphone mit einem so großen Akku? Das macht Lust auf mehr. Auch die Moto Mods machten an den Ständen Spaß. Mit Preisen von bis zu 300 Euro gehen diese aber ganz schön ins Geld. Auch das Moto Z Play an sich ist mit einem Preis von 499 Euro nicht gerade günstig.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 01.09.2016
Ausländische Testberichte
Quelle: Manila Shaker

Indeed the mid-range handset offered by Moto is a competitive one under its category due to its modular features. Add to it the long battery life with good camera when used in daylit environment. However, there is no future-proofing on this one.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 25.01.2017
Quelle: Think Digit

To sum up, the Moto Z Play is one of the better smartphones we’ve reviewed in 2016. While it does lack the speed that a phone in this price range should have these days, one has to appreciate its incredible battery life. The camera is also quite good, matched only by the Asus Zenfone 3. Given that the Moto Z Play is faster (in real world performance) than the Zenfone 3, we would recommend this to camera-centric users looking for a phone under 25k. However, if you want no compromise, the OnePlus 3 remains a much better smartphone on overall terms.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 21.11.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 73%
Quelle: Stuff TV

We’re glad you can ignore the whole modular side, though - then you're left with a keenly-priced phone that lasts absolutely ages between charges. If your top priority is lasting all day regardless of what you get up, stop looking. You’ve found your next phone. The only thing holding the Z Play back from a full 5-star rating is the OnePlus 3. For slightly less cash, it gets you a prettier design, a more reliable camera and a lot more power. It doesn’t last as long off a charge though, so it only wins on a points decision rather than a straight knockout.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 06.11.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Gadgets Now

The OnePlus 3 is arguably the closest rival of the Moto Z Play. However, the 'modular' design, gesture-based features and the ability to support microSD cards are all features that give the Z Play an edge. We quite appreciate the bold approach of Motorola and the fact that it implemented an idea that was just a concept only a few years ago. The Moto Z Play is a well-rounded and affordable mid-range device that sets a benchmark for the competition. How well and how soon the said competition responds to it, is something that remains to be seen.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 19.10.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Android Guys

Hats off to Lenovo for its first major line with the Moto brand. We really like the value of the Z Play Droid and think it makes for an excellent choice for most smartphone users. It does rely on MotoMods for its true, long-term value, but we're optimistic based on what we've seen so far. Sleek, sexy, and snappy, it's also affordable. Were it not for the pre-loaded suite of Verizon apps we would have scored the OS much higher; the Moto blend of Android is among our favorite. The Hasselblad True Zoom MotoMod is just a few tweaks away from being an outright must-have accessory. We like the optical zoom and added flexibility in shooting modes, but we'd like more control over a manual setting. Thicken it up a smidge at the bottom and put in a tripod mount and we're all over it.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 07.10.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 82% Leistung: 70% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 100% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: Brighthand

Motorola gives us hope the modular smartphone can work. It smartly implemented the feature with the Moto Z lineup, and then combined it with a world-class battery to make the Moto Z Play Droid a compelling smartphone. There’s plenty of competition in the $400 range, with the Moto Z Play Droid occupying a special niche with its innovative design. It’s definitely not “another boring smartphone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 03.10.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: CNet

The affordable Moto Z Play works with swappable modular accessories, retains its headphone jack (unlike the more upmarket Moto Z and Z Force) and has a battery that goes on and on. The Z Play is the thickest and heaviest phone in the Moto Z series and its fingerprint sensor, annoyingly, can be mistaken for a home button.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 24.09.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 85% Leistung: 90% Ausstattung: 90% Mobilität: 100% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Phone Arena

The Moto Z Play Droid offers the most affordable ticket of entry yet into the world of Moto Mods expansion, supporting all the existing add-ons like the projector, speaker, and various battery packs, as well as the new Hasselblad True Zoom camera. If you liked the idea of all those when you first heard about the Moto Z, but weren't quite up for paying flagship prices for your new phone, the Moto Z Play is practically built for you. Even if we ignore all that modular-phone action, the Moto Z Play still represents a fantastic option for users looking to stretch battery life to its absolute limits. We've seen plenty of mid-3,000-mAh phones before, but few that push operational life into this well-above-twelve-hours space; and while the LG X Power might have killed things with its fifteen-hour run-time, the Moto Z Play offers a heck of a lot more phone than that bargain-basement model.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 15.09.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Android Police

For the most part, I think Motorola made the right tweaks to the Moto Z Play to get the price down. The screen isn't the best, and the SoC gets a little overwhelmed by gaming. On the other hand, the fingerprint sensor is as good as the more expensive Z phones, and there's a headphone jack. Seriously, Motorola. What were you thinking removing that on a $700 phone?
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 12.09.2016
Quelle: Tom's Guide

As a phone, the Moto Z Play is a good midway point between the ultra-thin Moto Droid and the powerful Moto Z Force. It performs well, has great battery life, and its camera is pretty good, too. I wish it had less bloatware, but that’s something endemic to most all Android phones. For $270 less (compared to the unlocked Moto Z Play), the OnePlus 3 offers much better performance, an all-metal design, but five hours less endurance. Ultimately, though, the Moto Z Play is a good phone that has the potential, through add-on Mods, to be a very good phone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 09.09.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: PC World

I recommend you wait until the direct, carrier-unlocked version goes on sale in October and grab one of those, even if you're on Verizon's network. If you're on AT&T or T-Mobile, you might consider the international variant, which doesn't support CDMA (Sprint and Verizon) but does work with more GSM frequencies and LTE bands. You can avoid the carrier bloat and stand a better chance of getting more timely OS and security updates by buying the unlocked versions.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 08.09.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Greenbot

I recommend you wait until the direct, carrier-unlocked version goes on sale in October and grab one of those, even if you're on Verizon's network. If you're on AT&T or T-Mobile, you might consider the international variant, which doesn't support CDMA (Sprint and Verizon) but does work with more GSM frequencies and LTE bands. You can avoid the carrier bloat and stand a better chance of getting more timely OS and security updates by buying the unlocked versions.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 08.09.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Talk Android

All things considered, the Moto Z Play Droid almost feels like the real successor to the Moto X line that we’ve all been waiting for. It’s not terribly expensive, costing around $400 on Verizon or $449 for the unlocked version, but it still supports Moto Mods and checks all the boxes that are really important. It performs well, the camera is good enough, and the battery life is stellar. Lenovo made trade-offs where it wouldn’t hurt too much, like the 1080p display instead of 1440p resolution, but nothing that really interferes with day-to-day usage.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 08.09.2016
Quelle: G Style Magazine

At a price point of around $400 I expected this phone experience to be slightly different. But Motorola definitely knows how to make a mid-range smartphone without skimming or compromising too much integrity of the product itself. It takes decent pictures, has a clean and huge enough display, works with all moto mods, and has a killer battery life with it. I did use this a ton at Made in America this past weekend and im fairly impressed with it.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 06.09.2016
Quelle: Tech Advisor

It's also handy that when you connect a Moto Mod that has a battery in it (such as a PowerPack or the Insta-Share projector) a notification appears on screen with its battery level. The projector will continue running even when the battery is depleted as it will take power from the Moto Z Play.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 05.09.2016
Quelle: NDTV Gadgets

The Moto Z Play supports nano-SIM cards, and while Motorola has not specified whether India will receive the dual-SIM variant, we do expect this to be the case. There's also a fingerprint reader, a USB Type-C port for charging and data transfers, a 3.5mm socket for audio, and a liquid-repellent nano-coating. Although India pricing has not been announced, we expect the phone to cost under Rs. 30,000.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 02.09.2016
Quelle: Trusted Reviews

The Moto Z Play is an affordable, stripped-down version of Motorola’s original semi-modular phone, and I can see it being a big hit in Europe. Since OnePlus made people realise you don’t have to break the bank to get a great smartphone, the mid-range market has boomed. If Motorola’s claims of a 50-hour battery life come anywhere close, and if the True Zoom add-on isn't too overpriced, this could be a truly compelling package.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 01.09.2016
Quelle: Pocket Lint

If longevity and affordability are high up your list, and you love the idea of buying into a modular phone, then the Motorola Moto Z Play might be the best access point into the Moto Mods family. And there's nothing stopping you putting the Incipio OffGrid power pack Mod onto to back too, for a phone that might last for, well, forever?
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 31.08.2016
Quelle: Ubergizmo English

The Moto Z Play Droid is set to be available on September 8 exclusively on Verizon at first, then in the unlocked market. It’s too early to tell if other carriers will join. At a full price of ~$400, the phone seems to carry a good quality/price ratio, but we’ll need to run the numbers and compare it with other players in this field, including the OnePlus 3, and the Honor 8. This market is extremely competitive, and differentiation such as MotoMods could help Motorola distinguishing itself and get out from the “specs” game.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 31.08.2016

The Moto Z Play Droid (the "Droid" designation indicates that it's a Verizon phone) will be available in the U.S. beginning September 8th. It's a solid and worthy phone that might be worth checking out, especially if you want to take advantage of Motorola's interesting Moto Mods (which can be found on Motorola's site).
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 31.08.2016
Quelle: Android Authority

Despite its mid-range moniker, the Moto Z Play Droid goes toe-to-toe with the best out there in some key areas. With outstanding battery life, Moto Mod compatibility, a 3.5mm headphone jack and a solid camera, you won't be making too many sacrifices if you choose to go with the latest from Lenovo.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 31.08.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 85% Leistung: 80% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 90% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: Android Guys

The phone comes with an internal, non-removable 3,510mAh battery. We’ve found that it lasts us well beyond two full days of use but we’re not using it as a daily driver just yet. Additionally, we’ve yet to load all of our apps and accounts to the handset so we do expect to see it drop. Charging is super fast, for what it’s worth, thanks to the TurboPower cable. According to Motorola, spending 15 minutes on the charger will result in 10 hours of power.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 31.08.2016
Quelle: Tuexperto

Positive: Long battery life; nice design; good speakers; support extended projector; decent cameras; good price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 19.10.2016

Positive: Long battery life; decent hardware; dual cameras; good sound; solid workmanship. Negative: Inflexible fingerprint sensor.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 19.10.2016

Positive: Good design; decent hardware. Negative: Short battery life.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 07.09.2016
Quelle: 01Net

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 20.10.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 84% Leistung: 70% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 100%

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 10.10.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%

Positive: Good design; impressive cameras; support fast charging technology.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 03.09.2016
Quelle: Product Test

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 05.02.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 86% Leistung: 76% Bildschirm: 88% Mobilität: 96%

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 18.11.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Motorola Moto E3 Power
Das Motorola Moto E3 Power ist ein Mittelklasse-Smartphone von Motorola Mobility, welches sehr einfach und funktionell aussieht. In puncto Design bietet es keinerlei außergewöhnliche Merkmale, doch das ist nicht schlecht. Angetrieben wird es durch ein MediaTek Quad-Core-Chipset, eine Mali-T720MP2 GPU und 2 GB RAM. Es verfügt über 16 GB internen Speicher, was für User, die viele Apps installieren, viele Photos schießen und viele Videos aufnehmen, nicht ausreichen mag. Allerdings können User die Speicherkapazität mit einer microSD-Karte um bis zu 32 GB erweitern. Das Phone ist in zwei Farbe erhältlich, nämlich schwarz und weiß. Es hat eine wasserabweisende Nano-Beschichtung, die mäßigen Schutz vor Kontakt mit Wasser, etwa versehentlich verschüttete Flüssigkeiten, Spritzwasser und leichten Regen bietet. Allerdings sollte man das Phone nicht in Wasser getaucht nutzen oder Druckwasser aussetzen, dann es ist nicht wasserfest. Es gibt viele Flaggschiff-Modelle mit Wasser- und Staubschutz. Allerdings ist es eine gute Sache, so etwas in einem Mittelklasse-Phone wie dem E3 Power zur Verfügung zu haben. Das Motorola Moto E3 Power misst 143,8 x 71,6 x 9,6 mm und wiegt 153,5 g. Ein entfernbarer Lithium-Ionen-Akku mit einer Kapazität von 3500 mAh versorgt es mit Strom und hält bei normaler Verwendung einen Tag durch. Zudem unterstützt der Akku Fast-Charging. In puncto Betriebssystem nutzt das Phone Android 6.0 Marshmallow. Motorola Mobility Smartphones verwenden immer Standard-Android ohne Bloatware, welches nicht von anderen Händlern modifiziert wurde. Dies war durch frühere Zusammenarbeit mit Google möglich. Das Motorola Moto E3 Power ist hier keine Ausnahme, was sicherstellt, dass User das ursprüngliche Feeling von Android erhalten. In puncto Bildschirm verfügt es über einen kapazitiven, 5.0-Zoll-LCD-Touchscreen, der die IPS-Technologie nutzt, 16M Farben unterstützt und mit 720 x 1280 Pixeln auflöst. Das ergibt eine Pixeldichte von 294 PPI. Das Bildschirm-zu-Körper-Verhältnis beträgt zirka 66,9 Prozent und ist damit fast gleich wie beim Apple iPhone 6 Plus. Die primäre 8-MP-Kamera mit Autofokus und LED-Blitz kann 720p-Videos bei 30 FPS aufzeichnen, was für diese Kategorie ziemlich niedrig ist. Die meisten Mittelklasse-Smartphones können Full-HD-Videos aufzeichnen. Die sekundäre 5-MP-Kamera mit Verschönerungsmodus ist ideal für Selfies. Weitere Merkmale der Kamera sind Burst-Mode, HDR, Panorama, Tap (irgendwo) zum Auslösen und Tap-to-Focus. Dank Dual-SIM-Dual-Standby-Unterstützung kann das Phone zwei Micro-SIM-Karten gleichzeitig nutzen. Das ist vor allem für Personen nützlich, die viel reisen, denn diese können eine SIM-Karte des Landes, welches sie besuchen, verwenden ohne die eigene lokale SIM-Karte entfernen zu müssen. In puncto Kommunikationsausstattung bietet es Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, Hotspot, Bluetooth v4.0, GPS, FM-Radio und Unterstützung des 2G/3G/4G-Netzwerks. Die Sensoren umfassen einen Beschleunigungsmesser, und einen Näherungssensor. In puncto Ein-/Ausgabeschnittstellen bietet das Phone microUSB v2.0 und eine 3,5 mm Kopfhörerbuchse. Hands-On-Artikel von Jagadisa RajarathnamAusstattung / Datenblatt

Prozessor: Mediatek MT6735
Grafikkarte: ARM Mali-T720
Bildschirm: 5.00 Zoll, 16:9, 1280 x 720 Pixel
Gewicht: 0.154kg
Preis: 200 Euro
Links: Motorola Startseite
Ausländische Testberichte
Quelle: Yugatech

Seeing a phone with power left when you get home will give any user peace of mind just in case they left their charger or power bank on a work day. That’s what the Moto E3 Power can offer but what it can’t though are heavy gaming and stutter-free performance.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 29.05.2017
Quelle: Techniqued

Moto E3 Power is priced Rs 7999 and is it a good device to buy? Ideally no, it is not the best value for money device in this segment. But having said that it is not a bad device either, with a decent camera and good software, it is a decent performer.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 01.10.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 74% Preis: 70% Leistung: 70% Mobilität: 85% Gehäuse: 75%
Quelle: Think Digit

The sole reason to buy the Moto E3 Power is its battery life. However, we think the Xiaomi Redmi 3s is the better overall smartphone. It doesn’t have the same battery life that the Moto E does, but still lasts a full day. The Moto E3 Power doesn’t provide the experience that Motorola promises and isn’t a worthy purchase. Buy it only if you want Motorola’s brand name and can’t compromise even a minute on battery life.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 26.09.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 69%
Quelle: India Today

Ideally, it shouldn't be your first preference, but oh well, if you absolutely have to have a smartphone right now, it's worth a second look, at least. It is also easier to buy. There are a few other options. The Coolpad Note 3 Lite is one of them. If, however, you're looking to buy a Moto phone, the Moto G4 Play (even though it has a smaller battery) makes a little more sense than the Moto E3 Power. It does cost a little more though. The Moto G3 Turbo is also a good option.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 19.09.2016
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: Smartphone e tablet android

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 16.11.2016
Bewertung: Leistung: 60% Bildschirm: 70% Mobilität: 70% Gehäuse: 70%
Quelle: Smartphone e tablet android

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 15.09.2016
Bewertung: Leistung: 60% Bildschirm: 70% Mobilität: 70% Gehäuse: 70%
Motorola Moto E3
Ausstattung / Datenblatt

Prozessor: Mediatek MT6735
Grafikkarte: ARM Mali-T720
Bildschirm: 5.00 Zoll, 16:9, 1280 x 720 Pixel
Gewicht: 0.14kg
Links: Motorola Startseite
Ausländische Testberichte
Quelle: Manila Shaker

This budget-friendly device will surely provide you the basic things you need in a smartphone with impressive battery life that can provide you more than a day of use.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 13.12.2016
Motorola Moto M
Ausstattung / Datenblatt

Prozessor: Mediatek Mediatek Helio P10 MT6755
Grafikkarte: ARM Mali-T860 MP2
Bildschirm: 5.50 Zoll, 16:9, 1920 x 1080 Pixel
Gewicht: 0.163kg
Links: Motorola Startseite
Ausländische Testberichte
Quelle: Laptop Media

Since they went under the management of Lenovo, Motorola present more and more models, and the M line is completely new. Its first representative, Moto M, has a stylish design, which includes a fully metal construction and thin profile. All trendy extras and smartphone technologies are available – the 2.5D display glass, fingerprint sensor, and USB Type-C port.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 24.03.2017
Quelle: Yugatech

To conclude, the Moto M is a fine smartphone which is good for those who are looking for a premium build, large display, loud speaker, good camera, and decent battery life. Lastly, it doesn’t cost much at Php14,999. We just hope that they would keep it up to date by upgrading it to Android 7.0 Nougat soon.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 07.03.2017
Quelle: Unbox

Just like Moto’s other phones, the Moto M has vanilla Android 6.0 inside of it. We generally like vanilla Android but you do miss out on additional features that UI overlays that other brands offer. Motorola also says that the Moto M is splash resistant thanks to a special coating that they used, but we’d avoid dunking this in water since there’s no IP rating to be found anywhere.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 22.02.2017
Quelle: Phone Arena

All things considered, the Moto M is a good phone. It is well-designed, has not-too-shabby battery life, as well as an intuitive and light interface that does not feel overwhelming. True, it falls short in certain areas: the overall performance left us wanting more, the display is inaccurate in terms of color reproduction, and the camera's image quality could use a few improvements.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 14.02.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 65%
Quelle: GSM Arena

With all those Ms in its name, is the Motorola Moto M the ultimate Midranger? If you've gotten this far, you already know that's not the case. But if 'good-looking, average-performing, reasonably-priced' rings well with your particular list of priorities when shopping for a smartphone, the Moto M fits the bill just right.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 13.01.2017
Quelle: Smartphone e tablet android

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 23.12.2016
Bewertung: Leistung: 80% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 70%
Motorola Moto X4
Hands-On-Artikel von Jagadisa Rajarathnam
Im Jahre 2011 wurde Motorola Mobility nach Abspaltung vom Mutterkonzern, Motorola, gegründet. Motorola Mobility wurde im Jahre 2014 von Google an Lenovo, einer chinesischen Firma, verkauft. Das erste Android-Smartphone von Motorola wurde 2009 auf den Markt gebracht, gefolgt von ihrem ersten Android-Tablet in 2011. Im November 2017 hat Motorola sein neuestes Smartphone, bekannt als Moto X4 auf den Markt gebracht. Es ist ein erfrischend einfaches, intelligentes und sicheres Smartphone. Das Moto X4 bietet beste Google-Erfahrung. Es ist in den Farben Super Black und Sterling Blue erhältlich. Das Phone ist ein Smartphone mit einem SIM-Slot, der keine Nano-SIMs akzeptiert. Das Moto X4 ist wasserresistent nach IP68, sodass das Phone bei versehentlichem Kontakt mit Spritzern, Verschüttungen und Pfützen geschützt ist. Das Phone ist aus präzisionsgefertigten Glas und Metall. Mit seinem schönen geschwungenen Design lässt es sich einfach in der Hand halten und schont die Augen. Am Smartphone läuft Android 7.1 Nougat. Es wiegt 163 Gramm und misst 148,35 x 73,40 x 7,00 mm. Die vorstehende Kamera vergrößert, zum Leidwesen mancher, die Bauhöhe auf 9,45 mm. Allerdings ist das in der Smartphone-Industrie üblich und auch große Firmen wie Apple und Huawei machen das. Das Phone verfügt über 4 GB RAM und 64 GB Massenspeicher. Ist dies nicht ausreichend, kann der Speicher mit einer MicroSD-Karte erweitert werden. Der verbaute 2,2 GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon 630 Octa-Core-Prozessor ist eine gute Wahl und passt zum Stil des Phones. Das Moto X4 ist mit einem 5,3 Zoll großen Touchscreen mit einer Auflösung von 1080 x 1920 Pixeln und einer Pixeldichte von 424 PPI, einem Fingerabdruckleser (an der Vorderseite), Kompass, Näherungssensor und Beschleunigungsmesser ausgestattet. Die rückwärtige Dual-Kameralösung mit 12 MP und 8 MP Sensor mit Autofokus und Dual-Tone-Blitz schießt auch im Weitwinkelformat und unter schlechten Lichtbedingungen Photos mit bester Qualität. Die 16-MP-Kamera für Selfies an der Vorderseite verfügt über ihren eigenen Blitz. Weitere Merkmale des Moto X4 sind Gesichtserkennung, Geo-Tagging, Panorama und Auto-HDR. Videos können mit 2160p bzw. 1080p aufgezeichnet werden. Das Phone bietet Moto Actions Gesten, die die Kamera starten können und den User den Sperrbildschirm auswählen lassen. An Sensoren bietet das Phone ein Gyroskop, einen Umgebungslichtsensor, ein Beschleunigungsmesser, einen Näherungssensor und einen Kompass-Magnetometer. Das Smartphone nutzt MP3 und WAV Klingeltöne als Alarmtypen. Der Lautsprecher befindet sich an der Vorderseite und es gibt eine 3,5-mm-Audiobuchse. Das eigenständige Mikrofon bietet eine Rauschunterdrückung. Der nicht entfernbare Lithium-Ionen-Akku hat eine Kapazität von 3.000 mAh und unterstützt Fast-Charging (15W). Das Moto X4 kann einen ganzen Arbeitstag ohne Wiederaufladen durchhalten. Neuesten Software-Merkmale schützen den Akku und die TurboPower Ultra-Fast-Charging-Technologie kann innerhalb von 15 Minuten für eine Akkulaufzeit von bis zu 6 Stunden sorgen. Zugegeben, es handelt sich um ein ausdauerndes und stylisches Smartphone, das sich jeder als Alltagsgerät zulegen sollte.Hands-On-Artikel von Jagadisa Rajarathnam
Das Motorola Moto X4 ist ein Mittelklasse-Smartphone, das für seinen Preis viel bietet. Es verfügt über eine Kamera mit zwei Objektiven, ein Glas-Design, Wasserschutz, Alexa und die Fähigkeit Ton gleichzeitig auf vier Bluetooth-Lautsprecher auszugeben. Das Design ist bei weitem attraktiver als beim Moto Z2 Play, welches etwas scharf wirkte und unangenehm zu halten war – vor allem mit Moto Mod Zubehör. Das X4 nutzt ein Kombination aus Metall und Glas, die relativ schick aussieht. Durch die 3D-Gorilla-Glas-Vorderseite und Rückseite sowie die konturierten Seiten lässt sich das Phone deutlich angenehmer in der Hand zu halten. Obwohl das Platinum-Modell wahrlich ein Schmutzmagnet war, wirkte es angemessen robust. IP68-zertifizierte Widerstandfähigkeit gegenüber Wasser bedeutet zudem, dass das Phone versehentlichen Kontakt mit Wasser überleben wird. Der 5,2-Zoll-Bildschirm des X4 löst in Full HD auf, bietet also 1.080 x 1.920 Pixel. Der Bildschirm ist hell, farbenfroh und angemessen knackig. Er kann mit Flagship-Modellen von Samsung and LG und anderen nicht mithalten. Die Kanten verhindern, dass es anders als ein Edge-to-Edge-Design nicht immersive wirkt. Doch für den Preis ist es ein gutes Angebot. Im Inneren des X4 befindet sich ein Mittelklasse-Modell von Qualcomm, nämlich der Snapdragon 630, in Kombination mit 3 GB RAM. Usern stehen 32 GB interner Speicher zur Verfügung. Zudem werden MicroSD-Karten mit bis zu 2 TB unterstützt. Der Akku hat eine Kapazität von 3.000 mAh und ist nicht entfernbar. Motorola behauptet, dieser könne das Phone einen ganzen Tag lang mit Energie versorgen. Aufgeladen wird es via USB-C mit TurboPower. Damit ist eine Ladung für 6 Stunden in nur 15 Minuten erreichbar. Eines des Schlüsselmerkmale des Moto X4 ist seine Kamera. Dank zweier Objektive können User Bilder mit höherer Qualität und Tiefeneffekten aufnehmen. Die beiden Sensoren lösen mit 12 MP und 8 MP auf und eine Dual-Autofocus-Pixel-Technologie trägt zu scharfen Bildern bei. Zudem gibt es eine 16-MP-Frontkamera für Selfies, die einen adaptiven Low-Light-Modus sowie ein Selfie-Panorama-Feature zum Aufnehmen von größeren Gruppen oder der Umgebung bietet. Das Moto X4 läuft unter Android 7.1 Nougat. Außerdem erhalten User Motorola Moto Experiences, die Moto Display und Moto Actions umfassen. Moto Key ermöglicht es Usern auf Passwort gesicherte Webseiten mit Fingerabdruck zuzugreifen, anstatt jedes Mal das Passwort eintippen zu müssen. Zudem bietet das Moto X4 Amazons Alexa Sprachassistent. Das ist das erste Mal, dass Motorola diesen nutzt und er ermöglicht handfreie Nutzung. Der Google Assistant ist weiterhin verfügbar, sodass User wählen können. Weiters stehen ein im Home-Button verbauter Fingerabdruckleser sowie NFC und 802.11ac WLAN zur Verfügung. Das Moto X4 kann gleichzeitig mit bis zu vier Bluetooth-Lautsprechern verbunden werden. Daher kann der User auch die am schlechtesten zusammenpassenden Lautsprecher im Raum verteilen und Musik gleichzeitig auf allen diesen wiedergeben. Ebenso kann die Lautstärke für jeden Lautsprecher individuell eingestellt werden.Ausstattung / Datenblatt

Prozessor: Qualcomm Snapdragon SD 630
Grafikkarte: Qualcomm Adreno 508
Bildschirm: 5.20 Zoll, 16:9, 1920 x 1080 Pixel
Gewicht: 0.163kg
Preis: 399 Euro
Links: Motorola Startseite
Alexa, wo bist du? Mit Dual-Kamera, IP68-Schutz und schickem Design erscheint das Moto X4 und will die Mittelklasse erobern. Die versprochene Unterstützung für Amazon Alexa ist auf unserem Testgerät aber aktuell nicht verfügbar. Ist das Moto X4 dennoch einen Kauf wert? Unser Test verrät es Ihnen.

Das Motorola Moto X4 ist ein ordentliches Smartphone. Für den Preis von knapp unter 400 Franken bietet es genug. Allerdings nicht wirklich viel Eigenes. Ebenfalls ein Problem ist die Konkurrenz, die definitiv auf der Höhe von Motorola ist. Und High-End-Modelle vom letzten Sommer sinken ebenfalls bereits stark im Preis.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 05.02.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%

Das Motorola Moto X4 ist ein ordentliches Smartphone. Für den Preis von knapp unter 400 Franken bietet es genug. Allerdings nicht wirklich viel Eigenes. Ebenfalls ein Problem ist die Konkurrenz, die definitiv auf der Höhe von Motorola ist. Und High-End-Modelle vom letzten Sommer sinken ebenfalls bereits stark im Preis.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 05.02.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Netzwelt

Motorola vereint im Moto X4 alles, was ihr derzeit von einem Mittelklassen-Smartphone erwarten dürft und noch ein bisschen mehr. Die Bewertung der zusätzlichen Gimmicks fällt jedoch unterschiedlich aus. Die Alexa-Integration ist für Amazon-Fans sicher ein Pluspunkt, ebenso die Unterstützung für künftige Standards wie Bluetooth 5.0. Die Objekterkennung der Kamera versagt dagegen im Test.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 10.01.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Ausstattung: 80% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Netzwelt

Motorola vereint im Moto X4 alles, was ihr derzeit von einem Mittelklassen-Smartphone erwarten dürft und noch ein bisschen mehr. Die Bewertung der zusätzlichen Gimmicks fällt jedoch unterschiedlich aus. Die Alexa-Integration ist für Amazon-Fans sicher ein Pluspunkt, ebenso die Unterstützung für künftige Standards wie Bluetooth 5.0. Die Objekterkennung der Kamera versagt dagegen im Test.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 10.01.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Ausstattung: 80% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: RP-Online

Für knapp 350 Euro ist das Moto X4 ein konkurrenztüchtiges Android-Smartphone mit einem robusten, eleganten Design und cleveren Kamera-Lösungen. Auch das hauseigene Bedienkonzept gefällt. Und für alle, die ihn tatsächlich benötigen: Das X4 hat einen 3,5-Millimeter-Kopfhörerstecker. Luft nach oben gibt es noch bei den Zusatzlösungen wie der Objekterkennung oder Alexa.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 20.12.2017
Quelle: RP-Online

Für knapp 350 Euro ist das Moto X4 ein konkurrenztüchtiges Android-Smartphone mit einem robusten, eleganten Design und cleveren Kamera-Lösungen. Auch das hauseigene Bedienkonzept gefällt. Und für alle, die ihn tatsächlich benötigen: Das X4 hat einen 3,5-Millimeter-Kopfhörerstecker. Luft nach oben gibt es noch bei den Zusatzlösungen wie der Objekterkennung oder Alexa.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 20.12.2017
Quelle: GMX Österreich

Für knapp 350 Euro ist das Moto X4 ein konkurrenztüchtiges Android-Smartphone mit einem robusten, eleganten Design und cleveren Kamera-Lösungen. Auch das hauseigene Bedienkonzept gefällt. Und: Es hat einen 3,5-Millimeter-Kopfhörerstecker. Luft nach oben gibt es noch bei den Zusatzlösungen wie der Objekterkennung oder Alexa.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 18.12.2017
Quelle: Teltarif

Das Moto X4 ist zwar nicht mehr das Top-Modell von Motorola wie seine Vorgänger, kann aber dennoch mit ordentlicher Leistung, guter Kamera und ausdauerndem Akku glänzen. Für knapp 350 Euro UVP gibt es ein tolles Gesamtpaket, an dem einzig die Glasrückseite zu bemängeln ist.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 18.12.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 92% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 90% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: GMX Österreich

Für knapp 350 Euro ist das Moto X4 ein konkurrenztüchtiges Android-Smartphone mit einem robusten, eleganten Design und cleveren Kamera-Lösungen. Auch das hauseigene Bedienkonzept gefällt. Und: Es hat einen 3,5-Millimeter-Kopfhörerstecker. Luft nach oben gibt es noch bei den Zusatzlösungen wie der Objekterkennung oder Alexa.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 18.12.2017
Quelle: Teltarif

Das Moto X4 ist zwar nicht mehr das Top-Modell von Motorola wie seine Vorgänger, kann aber dennoch mit ordentlicher Leistung, guter Kamera und ausdauerndem Akku glänzen. Für knapp 350 Euro UVP gibt es ein tolles Gesamtpaket, an dem einzig die Glasrückseite zu bemängeln ist.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 18.12.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 92% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 90% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: MobiFlip

Kommen wir nun zum Fazit: Das Moto X4 leistet sich keine wirklichen Schnitzer und stellt ein rundes Gesamtpaket dar. Besonders hervor stechen die hochwertige Verarbeitung und die Software, welche mit vielen praktischen Zusatz-Features ergänzt wurde. Nur durchschnittlich sind hingegen die Kamera, die Akkulaufzeit und der mit 3 GB Arbeitsspeicher nicht ganz so großzügig dimensionierte Arbeitsspeicher.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 17.12.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 82%
Quelle: MobiFlip

Kommen wir nun zum Fazit: Das Moto X4 leistet sich keine wirklichen Schnitzer und stellt ein rundes Gesamtpaket dar. Besonders hervor stechen die hochwertige Verarbeitung und die Software, welche mit vielen praktischen Zusatz-Features ergänzt wurde. Nur durchschnittlich sind hingegen die Kamera, die Akkulaufzeit und der mit 3 GB Arbeitsspeicher nicht ganz so großzügig dimensionierte Arbeitsspeicher.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 17.12.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 82%
Quelle: WinFuture

Die Lenovo-Tochter Motorola hat vor einiger Zeit sein Moto X4 vorgestellt. Die Ausstattung des Smartphones mit FullHD-Display, Qualcomm Snapdragon 630, 3 Gigabyte Arbeitsspeicher und 32 Gigabyte Flash ist für die Preisklasse völlig in Ordnung, Punkten will das System mit seiner Dual-Kamera, bei der die zweite Optik für Weitwinkel-Aufnahmen sorgt.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 15.12.2017
Quelle: WinFuture

Die Lenovo-Tochter Motorola hat vor einiger Zeit sein Moto X4 vorgestellt. Die Ausstattung des Smartphones mit FullHD-Display, Qualcomm Snapdragon 630, 3 Gigabyte Arbeitsspeicher und 32 Gigabyte Flash ist für die Preisklasse völlig in Ordnung, Punkten will das System mit seiner Dual-Kamera, bei der die zweite Optik für Weitwinkel-Aufnahmen sorgt.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 15.12.2017
Quelle: Curved

Die unverbindliche Preisempfehlung für das Moto X4 liegt bei 399 Euro, aber selbst Motorola verkauft es in seinem Onlineshop aktuell für 349 Euro. Damit ist es deutlich günstiger als die meisten anderen Smartphones mit Dualkamera und liefert trotzdem einen ordentlichen Bokeh-Effekt.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 14.12.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Leistung: 75% Mobilität: 86%
Quelle: Curved

Die unverbindliche Preisempfehlung für das Moto X4 liegt bei 399 Euro, aber selbst Motorola verkauft es in seinem Onlineshop aktuell für 349 Euro. Damit ist es deutlich günstiger als die meisten anderen Smartphones mit Dualkamera und liefert trotzdem einen ordentlichen Bokeh-Effekt.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 14.12.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Leistung: 75% Mobilität: 86%
Quelle: Android Pit

Die Moto-X-Serie ist wieder da, aber nicht im alten Stil. Das Smartphone zeigt ein sehr schönes Design, ist tadellos verarbeitet und lässt sich auch mit nur einer Hand bequem bedienen. Die kleinen Tricks von Motorola sind interessant, aber nicht weltbewegend, und trotz allem sind die Kameras gut genug und machen Spaß, solange man die nötige Geduld hat.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 02.12.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Android Pit

Die Moto-X-Serie ist wieder da, aber nicht im alten Stil. Das Smartphone zeigt ein sehr schönes Design, ist tadellos verarbeitet und lässt sich auch mit nur einer Hand bequem bedienen. Die kleinen Tricks von Motorola sind interessant, aber nicht weltbewegend, und trotz allem sind die Kameras gut genug und machen Spaß, solange man die nötige Geduld hat.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 02.12.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Android Mag

Motorola (respektive das Mutterunternehmen Lenovo) will es wieder wissen: In den letzten Monaten landeten einige Geräte der vormaligen Google-Tochter in unserem Testlabor. So auch das Moto X4, das sich in der gehobenen Mittelklasse einreiht. Für ausreichend Power sorgt der Snapdragon 630, kombiniert mit 3 GB RAM.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 24.11.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 95% Preis: 89%
Quelle: Android Mag

Motorola (respektive das Mutterunternehmen Lenovo) will es wieder wissen: In den letzten Monaten landeten einige Geräte der vormaligen Google-Tochter in unserem Testlabor. So auch das Moto X4, das sich in der gehobenen Mittelklasse einreiht. Für ausreichend Power sorgt der Snapdragon 630, kombiniert mit 3 GB RAM.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 24.11.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 95% Preis: 89%
Quelle: Inside Handy

Das Motorola Moto X4 schlägt in eine ähnliche Kerbe wie das Samsung Galaxy A5 (2017) oder das Huawei Mate 10 Lite. Weitere Kandidaten sind das LG Q6 und das Huawei Nova 2. In dieser Riege der ambitionierten Mittelklasse legt sich auch das Moto X4 nieder. Der große Vorteil des Motorola-Zöglings ist die Doppelkamera, jedoch verbaut man sich hier den theoretischen Vorsprung durch eine eher durchwachsene Leistung eben dieses Teils des Kameramoduls.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 22.11.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 82%
Quelle: Inside Handy

Das Motorola Moto X4 schlägt in eine ähnliche Kerbe wie das Samsung Galaxy A5 (2017) oder das Huawei Mate 10 Lite. Weitere Kandidaten sind das LG Q6 und das Huawei Nova 2. In dieser Riege der ambitionierten Mittelklasse legt sich auch das Moto X4 nieder. Der große Vorteil des Motorola-Zöglings ist die Doppelkamera, jedoch verbaut man sich hier den theoretischen Vorsprung durch eine eher durchwachsene Leistung eben dieses Teils des Kameramoduls.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 22.11.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 82%
Quelle: Tech Stage

Für 350 Euro bekommt man mit dem moto x4 ein Smartphone mit für diese Preisklasse herausragenden Kameras. Aber auch Haptik und Optik haben uns gut gefallen und neben einer guten Performance und einer IP-68-Zertifzierung gibt es noch ein klasse Display und recht aktuelle Software mit angekündigtem Update auf Android 8. Was will man mehr?
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 08.11.2017
Quelle: Tech Stage

Für 350 Euro bekommt man mit dem moto x4 ein Smartphone mit für diese Preisklasse herausragenden Kameras. Aber auch Haptik und Optik haben uns gut gefallen und neben einer guten Performance und einer IP-68-Zertifzierung gibt es noch ein klasse Display und recht aktuelle Software mit angekündigtem Update auf Android 8. Was will man mehr?
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 08.11.2017
Quelle: Netzwelt

Das Moto X4 gefällt im Kurztest mit schicker Optik, und solider Hardware. Die Dual-Kamera hält dem ersten Eindruck nach, das was Motorola verspricht, ein "Killer-Feature" ist sie aber nicht. Als Kaufargument gehen da eher Moto Key und Moto Alexa durch, beide Funktionen könnten jedoch auch bald per Software-Update auf anderen Motorola-Smartphones Einzug erhalten.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 03.11.2017
Quelle: Netzwelt

Das Moto X4 gefällt im Kurztest mit schicker Optik, und solider Hardware. Die Dual-Kamera hält dem ersten Eindruck nach, das was Motorola verspricht, ein "Killer-Feature" ist sie aber nicht. Als Kaufargument gehen da eher Moto Key und Moto Alexa durch, beide Funktionen könnten jedoch auch bald per Software-Update auf anderen Motorola-Smartphones Einzug erhalten.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 03.11.2017
Quelle: Android Pit

Das Gesamtpaket des Moto X4 überzeugt im ersten Test. Das neue X-Smartphone von Motorola sieht toll aus und liegt gut in der Hand, läuft flott und flüssig und hat ein hübsch anzuschauendes Display an Bord. Die Dual-Kamera mag beim Bokeh-Effekt noch Schwächen zeigen, aber die Kombination aus normalem und Weitwinkel-Objektiv hat sich bei anderen Herstellern bereits bewährt und macht im Alltag Spaß.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 01.09.2017
Quelle: Curved

Es ist nicht das schnellste Smartphone mit der besten Kamera an Bord, aber das Moto X4 bietet dennoch viel für 400 Euro. Alexa-Sprachsteuerung, Glasgehäuse sowie Dualkamera mit Zusatzfunktionen sucht man bei anderen Geräten dieser Preisklasse vergeblich. In einem ausführlichen Test schauen wir uns die Punkte nochmal im Detail an. Doch der Ersteindruck stimmt positiv.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 01.09.2017
Quelle: Netzwelt

Das Moto X4 gefällt im Kurztest mit schicker Optik, und solider Hardware. Die Dual-Kamera hält dem ersten Eindruck nach, das was Motorola verspricht, ein "Killer-Feature" ist sie aber nicht. Als Kaufargument gehen da eher Moto Key und Moto Alexa durch, beide Funktionen könnten jedoch auch bald per Software-Update auf anderen Motorola-Smartphones Einzug erhalten.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 01.09.2017
Quelle: WinFuture

Der chinesische Hersteller Lenovo hat auf der ab heute für alle Besucher zugänglichen IFA sein neuestes Smartphone Moto X4 vorgestellt. Das Gerät darf und muss man zur gehobenen Mittelklasse zählen, Motorola hat dem Moto X4 aber einige Tricks spendiert, mit denen man in Richtung der Top-Geräten schielt.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 01.09.2017
Quelle: Android Pit

Das Gesamtpaket des Moto X4 überzeugt im ersten Test. Das neue X-Smartphone von Motorola sieht toll aus und liegt gut in der Hand, läuft flott und flüssig und hat ein hübsch anzuschauendes Display an Bord. Die Dual-Kamera mag beim Bokeh-Effekt noch Schwächen zeigen, aber die Kombination aus normalem und Weitwinkel-Objektiv hat sich bei anderen Herstellern bereits bewährt und macht im Alltag Spaß.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 01.09.2017
Quelle: Curved

Es ist nicht das schnellste Smartphone mit der besten Kamera an Bord, aber das Moto X4 bietet dennoch viel für 400 Euro. Alexa-Sprachsteuerung, Glasgehäuse sowie Dualkamera mit Zusatzfunktionen sucht man bei anderen Geräten dieser Preisklasse vergeblich. In einem ausführlichen Test schauen wir uns die Punkte nochmal im Detail an. Doch der Ersteindruck stimmt positiv.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 01.09.2017
Quelle: Netzwelt

Das Moto X4 gefällt im Kurztest mit schicker Optik, und solider Hardware. Die Dual-Kamera hält dem ersten Eindruck nach, das was Motorola verspricht, ein "Killer-Feature" ist sie aber nicht. Als Kaufargument gehen da eher Moto Key und Moto Alexa durch, beide Funktionen könnten jedoch auch bald per Software-Update auf anderen Motorola-Smartphones Einzug erhalten.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 01.09.2017
Quelle: WinFuture

Der chinesische Hersteller Lenovo hat auf der ab heute für alle Besucher zugänglichen IFA sein neuestes Smartphone Moto X4 vorgestellt. Das Gerät darf und muss man zur gehobenen Mittelklasse zählen, Motorola hat dem Moto X4 aber einige Tricks spendiert, mit denen man in Richtung der Top-Geräten schielt.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 01.09.2017
Ausländische Testberichte
Quelle: CNet

Though it can be slow at times, the Motorola Moto X4 hits all the notes for the right price, making it an even better deal now than when it launched.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 25.06.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Leistung: 80% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: CNet

Though it can be slow at times, the Motorola Moto X4 hits all the notes for the right price, making it an even better deal now than when it launched.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 25.06.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Leistung: 80% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: CNet

Though it can be slow at times, the Motorola Moto X4 hits all the notes for the right price, making it an even better deal now than when it launched.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 25.06.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Leistung: 80% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: CNet

Though it can be slow at times, the Motorola Moto X4 hits all the notes for the right price, making it an even better deal now than when it launched.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 25.06.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Leistung: 80% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Trusted Reviews

The Moto X4 is a compact, stylish handset at a price that’s temptingly short of the current flagship crop. However, there are several rough edges that have us questioning its position in Motorola’s increasingly crowded range.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 21.02.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70% Preis: 60% Leistung: 70% Bildschirm: 70% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Trusted Reviews

The Moto X4 is a compact, stylish handset at a price that’s temptingly short of the current flagship crop. However, there are several rough edges that have us questioning its position in Motorola’s increasingly crowded range.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 21.02.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70% Preis: 60% Leistung: 70% Bildschirm: 70% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: The Mobile Indian

Motorola Moto X4 is clearly an upgrade over the older variant. The performance boost is welcome but camera and battery life leave room for improvement. One of the things that work in favour of Moto X4 is the price tag. There’s barely any phone worth recommending between Rs 20,000-Rs 25,000, leaving Moto X4 the only better alternative. If you aren’t keen on spending a couple of thousands, you may still consider the 4GB variant of Moto X4.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 03.02.2018
Quelle: The Mobile Indian

Motorola Moto X4 is clearly an upgrade over the older variant. The performance boost is welcome but camera and battery life leave room for improvement. One of the things that work in favour of Moto X4 is the price tag. There’s barely any phone worth recommending between Rs 20,000-Rs 25,000, leaving Moto X4 the only better alternative. If you aren’t keen on spending a couple of thousands, you may still consider the 4GB variant of Moto X4.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 03.02.2018
Quelle: Fone Arena

Overall, the Moto X4 with 6GB RAM is a good addition to the Moto X4 series at Rs. 24,999. Still the company sticks to 64GB storage instead of moving to 128GB storage. Hope we get to see at 6GB + 128GB combination in the next-generation Moto X phone later this year.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 02.02.2018
Quelle: Fone Arena

Overall, the Moto X4 with 6GB RAM is a good addition to the Moto X4 series at Rs. 24,999. Still the company sticks to 64GB storage instead of moving to 128GB storage. Hope we get to see at 6GB + 128GB combination in the next-generation Moto X phone later this year.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 02.02.2018
Quelle: NDTV Gadgets

The Moto X4 6GB edition performs just as solidly as the 4GB version, and Android Oreo adds some nice polish to an already smooth UI. However, we’re not entirely convinced by the premium that Lenovo is charging for just a little more RAM. Ideally, we would have liked a storage bump as well, and that would have made this offering hard to beat at its current price. Android Oreo is a worthy addition but this is something that will be rolling out to the 3GB and 4GB variants too. Oppo offers the 6GB RAM version of the Oppo F5 (Review) at Rs. 24,990, which is a good pick if you’re looking for better cameras and a wider display.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 01.02.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 80% Leistung: 80% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: NDTV Gadgets

The Moto X4 6GB edition performs just as solidly as the 4GB version, and Android Oreo adds some nice polish to an already smooth UI. However, we’re not entirely convinced by the premium that Lenovo is charging for just a little more RAM. Ideally, we would have liked a storage bump as well, and that would have made this offering hard to beat at its current price. Android Oreo is a worthy addition but this is something that will be rolling out to the 3GB and 4GB variants too. Oppo offers the 6GB RAM version of the Oppo F5 (Review) at Rs. 24,990, which is a good pick if you’re looking for better cameras and a wider display.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 01.02.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 80% Leistung: 80% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: Tech PP

Which is why we could say this is the first Moto X that seems designed to fulfill the destiny of the very first of its kind: proving that you do not need to have high-end specs and packed wallets to get a great smartphone experience. Oh them Nexus 4 and 5 feels.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 31.01.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 87% Preis: 90% Leistung: 85% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: Tech PP

Which is why we could say this is the first Moto X that seems designed to fulfill the destiny of the very first of its kind: proving that you do not need to have high-end specs and packed wallets to get a great smartphone experience. Oh them Nexus 4 and 5 feels.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 31.01.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 87% Preis: 90% Leistung: 85% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: Think Digit

If you want to be the first to try out the new Moto Action and the AI-centric camera features before anyone else on a Moto phone, you are more than welcome. But do note that these features will be a standard across all Moto phones this year and especially the upcoming Moto G6 that is slated to launch at MWC 2018, which will be much cheaper than the Rs 24,999 price tag the Moto X4 (6GB) carries.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 30.01.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 76%
Quelle: Think Digit

If you want to be the first to try out the new Moto Action and the AI-centric camera features before anyone else on a Moto phone, you are more than welcome. But do note that these features will be a standard across all Moto phones this year and especially the upcoming Moto G6 that is slated to launch at MWC 2018, which will be much cheaper than the Rs 24,999 price tag the Moto X4 (6GB) carries.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 30.01.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 76%
Quelle: CNet

Malgré quelques lenteurs, le Moto X4 de Motorola coche toutes les bonnes cases pour un prix juste, ce qui en fait un bon smartphone milieu de gamme.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 05.01.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: CNet

Malgré quelques lenteurs, le Moto X4 de Motorola coche toutes les bonnes cases pour un prix juste, ce qui en fait un bon smartphone milieu de gamme.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 05.01.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Ausdroid

The mid-range is increasingly competitive, and though it’s sharply priced at $599, there is a bit of competition around that price-point which makes the Moto X4 a bit hard to declare a clear must-buy. It is worth noting, though, that it’s one of exceptionally few devices (perhaps as few as two) that come with IP68 water resistance at this price point.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 03.01.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 88% Preis: 85% Mobilität: 90% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: Ausdroid

The mid-range is increasingly competitive, and though it’s sharply priced at $599, there is a bit of competition around that price-point which makes the Moto X4 a bit hard to declare a clear must-buy. It is worth noting, though, that it’s one of exceptionally few devices (perhaps as few as two) that come with IP68 water resistance at this price point.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 03.01.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 88% Preis: 85% Mobilität: 90% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: Neowin

In other words, Motorola does make something for every price point, and they're great phones. I've recommended Moto G devices to countless friends and they love them. I do think that the Moto X4 will be one that I recommend, if they're willing to spend a few extra dollars.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 30.12.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 75%
Quelle: Neowin

In other words, Motorola does make something for every price point, and they're great phones. I've recommended Moto G devices to countless friends and they love them. I do think that the Moto X4 will be one that I recommend, if they're willing to spend a few extra dollars.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 30.12.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 75%
Quelle: CNet

Though it can be slow at times, the Motorola Moto X4 hits all the notes for the right price, making it a worthy midrange contender.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 20.12.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Leistung: 80% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Yugatech

The Moto X4 is a solid Motorola offering thanks to its nice display, premium build with water and dust resistance, dual-rear cameras, and above average battery life. The stock Android experience with promised Android Oreo update is also a big plus. It doesn’t offer anything new in terms of design but it’s still a pretty device overall.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 20.12.2017
Quelle: CNet

Though it can be slow at times, the Motorola Moto X4 hits all the notes for the right price, making it a worthy midrange contender.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 20.12.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Leistung: 80% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Yugatech

The Moto X4 is a solid Motorola offering thanks to its nice display, premium build with water and dust resistance, dual-rear cameras, and above average battery life. The stock Android experience with promised Android Oreo update is also a big plus. It doesn’t offer anything new in terms of design but it’s still a pretty device overall.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 20.12.2017
Quelle: Phone Arena

Motorola’s traditionally done a pretty good job of giving us fun, unique devices – even as they’ve transitioned to new ownership under Google, and subsequently Lenovo. The Moto X4 is no exception. It may lack a 18:9 display or a “bezel-less” design, but this feels less significant on the Moto X4 – not just because it’s an affordable mid-range phone, but also because its Moto styling gives it character of its own. At the end of the day, what we have here is a phone that won't break any performance benchmark records, yet stands out with its solid build quality, cool appearance, decent camera, and water-resistant construction. At the price points the Moto X4 can be currently bought, we’re hard-pressed to find many devices we like more.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 18.12.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 82%
Quelle: Phone Arena

Motorola’s traditionally done a pretty good job of giving us fun, unique devices – even as they’ve transitioned to new ownership under Google, and subsequently Lenovo. The Moto X4 is no exception. It may lack a 18:9 display or a “bezel-less” design, but this feels less significant on the Moto X4 – not just because it’s an affordable mid-range phone, but also because its Moto styling gives it character of its own. At the end of the day, what we have here is a phone that won't break any performance benchmark records, yet stands out with its solid build quality, cool appearance, decent camera, and water-resistant construction. At the price points the Moto X4 can be currently bought, we’re hard-pressed to find many devices we like more.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 18.12.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 82%
Quelle: Unbox

Motorola’s Moto X4 is a great little mid-range device, and while we were a little put off by its camera performance, it has more than enough pro’s to counter its cons. Its gorgeous design, solid build quality, water resistance, excellent battery life and fast processor makes the Moto X4 a solid phone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 15.12.2017
Quelle: Unbox

Motorola’s Moto X4 is a great little mid-range device, and while we were a little put off by its camera performance, it has more than enough pro’s to counter its cons. Its gorgeous design, solid build quality, water resistance, excellent battery life and fast processor makes the Moto X4 a solid phone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 15.12.2017
Quelle: Techniqued

Moto X4 is a brilliant device in terms of looks and build quality. It also offers great software experience in the form of Moto app and has a good overall performance with Snapdragon 630 chipset. It also comes with IP68 which is an added feature. The only area where Moto X4 needs an improvement is the camera unit, while it is not entirely bad, it is inconsistent. Priced at Rs 20,999 for base variant and Rs 22,999 for the 4GB RAM variant, the Moto X4 is a great device if looks matter to you.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 12.12.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 83% Preis: 80% Leistung: 85% Bildschirm: 85% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: Techniqued

Moto X4 is a brilliant device in terms of looks and build quality. It also offers great software experience in the form of Moto app and has a good overall performance with Snapdragon 630 chipset. It also comes with IP68 which is an added feature. The only area where Moto X4 needs an improvement is the camera unit, while it is not entirely bad, it is inconsistent. Priced at Rs 20,999 for base variant and Rs 22,999 for the 4GB RAM variant, the Moto X4 is a great device if looks matter to you.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 12.12.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 83% Preis: 80% Leistung: 85% Bildschirm: 85% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: Tech2

Moto X4 is another impressive device by Lenovo that offers great near-stock Android software experience along with optimised battery performance. The device could handle anything that I threw at it. However, the primary highlight of the device is how premium and classy it looks without compromising on the performance front. The device does need some polishing when it comes to the camera department, but that is similar to previous Moto devices. Moto has priced the lower variant of the X4 at Rs 20,999 and the high-end variant is priced at Rs 22,999.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 08.12.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 74% Leistung: 75% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 85%
Quelle: Tech2

Moto X4 is another impressive device by Lenovo that offers great near-stock Android software experience along with optimised battery performance. The device could handle anything that I threw at it. However, the primary highlight of the device is how premium and classy it looks without compromising on the performance front. The device does need some polishing when it comes to the camera department, but that is similar to previous Moto devices. Moto has priced the lower variant of the X4 at Rs 20,999 and the high-end variant is priced at Rs 22,999.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 08.12.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 74% Leistung: 75% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 85%
Quelle: Gadgets Now

The Moto X4 is a phone that won't have you complaining over anything except maybe the camera. However, the albatross around its neck is the price. In and around the Rs 20,000 price bracket, competition is really intense with brands offering something unique. With Moto X4, you get what you expect from a Motorola device - reliability and strong performance. It does lack the X factor - a feature that could have made into a must-buy. For instance, the Oppo F5 can stake a claim for the best selfie camera around. Moto X4 has all the right specifications, looks good, delivers sound performance - even though the camera could've been better - and wouldn't disappoint you. Moto X4 joins the long list of Motorola devices which will gain its steady set of followers over time. Because as we have learnt that's something most Motorola smartphones have managed to do and the Moto X4 will definitely follow suit.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 07.12.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: Gadgets Now

The Moto X4 is a phone that won't have you complaining over anything except maybe the camera. However, the albatross around its neck is the price. In and around the Rs 20,000 price bracket, competition is really intense with brands offering something unique. With Moto X4, you get what you expect from a Motorola device - reliability and strong performance. It does lack the X factor - a feature that could have made into a must-buy. For instance, the Oppo F5 can stake a claim for the best selfie camera around. Moto X4 has all the right specifications, looks good, delivers sound performance - even though the camera could've been better - and wouldn't disappoint you. Moto X4 joins the long list of Motorola devices which will gain its steady set of followers over time. Because as we have learnt that's something most Motorola smartphones have managed to do and the Moto X4 will definitely follow suit.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 07.12.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: Gadget Diary

With a starting price of 20,999 INR, the Moto X4 offers brand value, water resistance, elegant design, and a good quality display. For anyone who loves stock Android, this is an option worth considering in the Rs. 20-25k price segment.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 30.11.2017
Quelle: Gadget Diary

With a starting price of 20,999 INR, the Moto X4 offers brand value, water resistance, elegant design, and a good quality display. For anyone who loves stock Android, this is an option worth considering in the Rs. 20-25k price segment.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 30.11.2017
Quelle: GSM Arena

And since Motos don't live in isolation, the X4 offers enough goodies to lure in customers from outside. No one other than LG puts an ultra-wide angle cam on a phone, and affordable as the G6 may be, the X4 can still be had for less. In the midrange, the X4 has one of the best chipsets all-round, a display that makes no excuses, and battery life that won't leave you stranded mid-day. Add some functional software, weather sealing and a design with just the right amount of flair and you have one hell of a case for 'average'.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 29.11.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 74%
Quelle: The Indian Express

Moto X4 is impressive for a mid-range device. The phone excels on many fronts, be it on looks, performance, IP68 water-resistance and battery. Although the camera may not be comparable to the competition, it still works for me. And thanks to its clean stock Android interface, Moto X4 has won another brownie point. For Rs 22,999 (4GB RAM + 64GB storage), it’s a good option for those looking for a phone that’s affordable and perform far better than other devices in its class.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 29.11.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: GSM Arena

And since Motos don't live in isolation, the X4 offers enough goodies to lure in customers from outside. No one other than LG puts an ultra-wide angle cam on a phone, and affordable as the G6 may be, the X4 can still be had for less. In the midrange, the X4 has one of the best chipsets all-round, a display that makes no excuses, and battery life that won't leave you stranded mid-day. Add some functional software, weather sealing and a design with just the right amount of flair and you have one hell of a case for 'average'.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 29.11.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 74%
Quelle: The Indian Express

Moto X4 is impressive for a mid-range device. The phone excels on many fronts, be it on looks, performance, IP68 water-resistance and battery. Although the camera may not be comparable to the competition, it still works for me. And thanks to its clean stock Android interface, Moto X4 has won another brownie point. For Rs 22,999 (4GB RAM + 64GB storage), it’s a good option for those looking for a phone that’s affordable and perform far better than other devices in its class.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 29.11.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: NDTV Gadgets

We’re quite happy with what Lenovo has done with the Moto X4. It looks and feels great, and has plenty of useful features such as the Moto suite of gestures, and proper waterproofing. Between this and the Samsung Galaxy A5 (2017) (Review), we’d recommend the Moto X4 as it does have a slightly better camera, even though the X4's camera itself isn't great. The main sensor isn’t that bad and the wide-angle lens has its uses, but the sluggish HDR, slow focus speeds in video and ineffective bokeh mode left us wanting more.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 28.11.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 80% Leistung: 80% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: Mobygyaan

The Moto X4 leaves a good impression initially. The features on the phone are the coolest things you will find. The handset offers a solid design with attractive looks, IP68 water and dust resistant capabilities. The Moto X4 is a great device overall.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 28.11.2017
Quelle: NDTV Gadgets

We’re quite happy with what Lenovo has done with the Moto X4. It looks and feels great, and has plenty of useful features such as the Moto suite of gestures, and proper waterproofing. Between this and the Samsung Galaxy A5 (2017) (Review), we’d recommend the Moto X4 as it does have a slightly better camera, even though the X4's camera itself isn't great. The main sensor isn’t that bad and the wide-angle lens has its uses, but the sluggish HDR, slow focus speeds in video and ineffective bokeh mode left us wanting more.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 28.11.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 80% Leistung: 80% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: Mobygyaan

The Moto X4 leaves a good impression initially. The features on the phone are the coolest things you will find. The handset offers a solid design with attractive looks, IP68 water and dust resistant capabilities. The Moto X4 is a great device overall.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 28.11.2017
Quelle: India Today

The Moto X4 is a great smartphone let down by its cameras, which are underwhelming to say the least. Moving beyond the sub-par cameras there is a lot to love - the Moto X4 is gorgeous as well as refreshingly compact, the software is fluid and clean, it is water resistant, performance is snappy and the display is crisp. If only the cameras lived up to the rest of the phone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 23.11.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 78%
Quelle: Techaeris

We all dislike ads, but the Moto X4 doesn’t have as many ads as you think it would from Amazon. The phone itself is excellent and handled the tasks I put it to, so with the affordable price and Christmas coming up, definitely look into the Moto X4.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 23.11.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 91% Preis: 85% Leistung: 90% Bildschirm: 85% Mobilität: 90% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: India Today

The Moto X4 is a great smartphone let down by its cameras, which are underwhelming to say the least. Moving beyond the sub-par cameras there is a lot to love - the Moto X4 is gorgeous as well as refreshingly compact, the software is fluid and clean, it is water resistant, performance is snappy and the display is crisp. If only the cameras lived up to the rest of the phone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 23.11.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 78%
Quelle: Techaeris

We all dislike ads, but the Moto X4 doesn’t have as many ads as you think it would from Amazon. The phone itself is excellent and handled the tasks I put it to, so with the affordable price and Christmas coming up, definitely look into the Moto X4.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 23.11.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 91% Preis: 85% Leistung: 90% Bildschirm: 85% Mobilität: 90% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: Toptenreviews

The main challenger is the OnePlus 5, an utter beast of a phone that outpaces handsets. It’s far less playful with none of the conveniences of the X4, and lacks waterproofing, but for the money, it can’t be ignored. Still, we can recommend the X4. Pick it, and you’ll be the one offering the thanks. [ Paul taylor ]
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 20.11.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Toptenreviews

The main challenger is the OnePlus 5, an utter beast of a phone that outpaces handsets. It’s far less playful with none of the conveniences of the X4, and lacks waterproofing, but for the money, it can’t be ignored. Still, we can recommend the X4. Pick it, and you’ll be the one offering the thanks. [ Paul taylor ]
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 20.11.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Think Digit

The Moto X4 has a good display, just enough battery life and dependable performance. Yet, it's a phone that I would only recommend to compact phone lovers. There are plenty of phones with better cameras and similar performance, that also happen to be cheaper than this device. For compact phone lovers, the Samsung Galaxy J7 Pro is a more value for money article.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 17.11.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 74%
Quelle: Think Digit

The Moto X4 has a good display, just enough battery life and dependable performance. Yet, it's a phone that I would only recommend to compact phone lovers. There are plenty of phones with better cameras and similar performance, that also happen to be cheaper than this device. For compact phone lovers, the Samsung Galaxy J7 Pro is a more value for money article.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 17.11.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 74%
Quelle: Mobygyaan

The right side has three physical keys, two for volume control and one for power and they offer a good grip. The bottom comes with a USB type-C port. We found a total of three microphones on the device, one at the top, the other two at the front and the back respectively.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 14.11.2017
Quelle: The Mobile Indian

To conclude, the Moto X4 is quite an interesting device. The dual-camera setup, IP68 water certification and the stock Android experience surely add some brownie points. However, it would be interesting to see the performance of the device and the fact that will it be able to kill other mid-range smartphones.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 14.11.2017
Quelle: Mobygyaan

The right side has three physical keys, two for volume control and one for power and they offer a good grip. The bottom comes with a USB type-C port. We found a total of three microphones on the device, one at the top, the other two at the front and the back respectively.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 14.11.2017
Quelle: The Mobile Indian

To conclude, the Moto X4 is quite an interesting device. The dual-camera setup, IP68 water certification and the stock Android experience surely add some brownie points. However, it would be interesting to see the performance of the device and the fact that will it be able to kill other mid-range smartphones.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 14.11.2017
Quelle: Recombu

Motorola’s X series smartphones are back, with enough of a bang to make us glad for their return.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 10.11.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Recombu

Motorola’s X series smartphones are back, with enough of a bang to make us glad for their return.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 10.11.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Pocket Lint

There was a time when the Moto X was the business. In the here and now, however, the Moto X4 simply doesn't live up to its predecessors' high-ranking abilities. For times have changed and, as it stands, the X4 is outshone by the not-much-pricier OnePlus 5 to a considerable degree.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 09.11.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: Pocket Lint

There was a time when the Moto X was the business. In the here and now, however, the Moto X4 simply doesn't live up to its predecessors' high-ranking abilities. For times have changed and, as it stands, the X4 is outshone by the not-much-pricier OnePlus 5 to a considerable degree.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 09.11.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: Trusted Reviews

The Moto X4 is a compact, stylish handset at a price that’s temptingly short of the current flagship crop. However, there are several rough edges that have us questioning its position in Motorola’s increasingly crowded range.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 08.11.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70% Preis: 60% Leistung: 70% Bildschirm: 70% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: PC Mag

The Motorola Moto X4 phone combines midrange specs with a solid design, dual rear cameras, and built-in support for Amazon's Alexa voice assistant.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 08.11.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Trusted Reviews

The Moto X4 is a compact, stylish handset at a price that’s temptingly short of the current flagship crop. However, there are several rough edges that have us questioning its position in Motorola’s increasingly crowded range.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 08.11.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70% Preis: 60% Leistung: 70% Bildschirm: 70% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: PC Mag

The Motorola Moto X4 phone combines midrange specs with a solid design, dual rear cameras, and built-in support for Amazon's Alexa voice assistant.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 08.11.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

We’re pleased to see that Motorola has revived the Moto X. For the most part, we like the new glass design and the specs and features are good for the £350 price - it looks like a more expensive phone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 06.11.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

We’re pleased to see that Motorola has revived the Moto X. For the most part, we like the new glass design and the specs and features are good for the £350 price - it looks like a more expensive phone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 06.11.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Talk Android

The Moto X4 is a successor to previous Moto X phones, but honestly, it’s in name only. It doesn’t really feel like an old Moto X aside from the price point, and there’s pretty much no customization options from the manufacturer, just two color options.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 02.11.2017
Quelle: Talk Android

The Moto X4 is a successor to previous Moto X phones, but honestly, it’s in name only. It doesn’t really feel like an old Moto X aside from the price point, and there’s pretty much no customization options from the manufacturer, just two color options.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 02.11.2017

The mid-range market is growing as we see flagships in the $1,000 price range. Motorola has a few products available in this $300 to $500 range and while I have always been a fan of the Moto X line, I would probably look to the Moto G5S Plus before I picked the Moto X4. The Moto X4 does have USB Type C and NFC though so if those are important to you, then the X4 may be the better choice.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 26.10.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 82%

The mid-range market is growing as we see flagships in the $1,000 price range. Motorola has a few products available in this $300 to $500 range and while I have always been a fan of the Moto X line, I would probably look to the Moto G5S Plus before I picked the Moto X4. The Moto X4 does have USB Type C and NFC though so if those are important to you, then the X4 may be the better choice.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 26.10.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 82%
Quelle: Good Gear Guide

Though its perfectly servicable for the most part, the Moto X4 is defined more by the things that are absent from its feature-set rather than those that are present.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 23.10.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 60%
Quelle: Good Gear Guide

Though its perfectly servicable for the most part, the Moto X4 is defined more by the things that are absent from its feature-set rather than those that are present.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 23.10.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 60%
Quelle: Good Gear Guide

Google truly wants to convince you to purchase the Moto X4 on Project Fi. If you’re not enticed by the offer of unlimited photo backup to Google Photos, constant and consistent software updates, or Android as Google meant it to be, then consider that overall the X4 is just a fantastic deal. For $400, you get a device that’s cool-looking and compact enough to fit into any pocket. It has a bright, Full HD display, a headphone jack, and a processor that’s capable of playing your mobile games. It also offers a camera that shoots photos you’ll want to keep, and you won’t often find that kind of ability at this price point. The Moto X4 on Project Fi is a great choice for anyone who just wants to keep it simple and doesn’t mind the Google way of doing things.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 20.10.2017
Quelle: Good Gear Guide

Google truly wants to convince you to purchase the Moto X4 on Project Fi. If you’re not enticed by the offer of unlimited photo backup to Google Photos, constant and consistent software updates, or Android as Google meant it to be, then consider that overall the X4 is just a fantastic deal. For $400, you get a device that’s cool-looking and compact enough to fit into any pocket. It has a bright, Full HD display, a headphone jack, and a processor that’s capable of playing your mobile games. It also offers a camera that shoots photos you’ll want to keep, and you won’t often find that kind of ability at this price point. The Moto X4 on Project Fi is a great choice for anyone who just wants to keep it simple and doesn’t mind the Google way of doing things.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 20.10.2017
Quelle: Tom's Guide

The Moto X4 is commendable for a midrange mobile phone, but it's also conflicted. In some ways, it feels like a full-priced flagship. The metal-and-glass craftsmanship is satisfying, if not seductive. The battery life exceeds what you get from many phones that cost twice as much. And the inclusion of water resistance and NFC places it a caliber above budget competitors.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 19.10.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: Android Central

For $400, it's tough to find a better overall experience than the Moto X4 today. The best option, if it works for you, is to get the Android One version that has a guaranteed update path. That is, of course, limited to Project Fi — making it an option for a small subset of people. But even if you have to go with the regular unlocked version from Motorola, you're going to be happy with the Moto X4. This is a mid-range Android phone done right.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 19.10.2017
Quelle: Greenbot

The Pixel 2 XL is an incredible phone that grafts device experiences to life experience in simple, intuitive and smile-provoking ways.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 19.10.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Slashgear

This device represents a fresh step for Google, aiming for a future in which the company’s purest Android supersedes the gaudy 3rd-party UI skins of the past. Here it would appear that Google wants the whole world to experience the goodness of getting prompt software updates whenever they have an idea good enough to make its way to Android – as quick as possible.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 19.10.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Android Authority

The Moto X4 brings the Android One Program and Project Fi into a simple package with very little frills. While it may not sound like the most exciting device on paper, the Moto X4's true appeal is its affordable price, timely updates, and how it will make Project Fi more easily accessible to consumers.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 19.10.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 81% Leistung: 88% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Android Guys

We love the package that is the Android One Moto X4 (with Project Fi). As a longtime and heavy Google user we’ve come to appreciate it when things mesh together. That’s exactly what happens with this phone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 19.10.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 78% Leistung: 70% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: The Verge

If there’s going to be any phone to pick up the Nexus mantle, the Moto X4 is perhaps the best candidate. It’s a straightforward smartphone with straightforward software that doesn’t cost a fortune. With the exception of the camera performance (which, in theory, could be improved with software updates), it does all of the standard smartphone things well, without any gimmicks that get in the way.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 19.10.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 75%
Quelle: PC World

Want to wield one of the best Android smartphones without breaking the bank? The Moto X4 on Project Fi is a formidable option because it offers all the stability of Android One in a seriously good-looking package.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 19.10.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Techradar

The Moto X4 makes it clear that the true successor to the Moto X line is the Moto Z line. It's a mid-range phone with Android One and Google Fi, but otherwise a small upgrade from a Moto G5 Plus or Moto G5S Plus, with a bump in price that sits in the awkward middle of Motorola’s flagship and budget phones.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 19.10.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 60%
Quelle: Tom's Guide

The Moto X4 is commendable for a midrange mobile phone, but it's also conflicted. In some ways, it feels like a full-priced flagship. The metal-and-glass craftsmanship is satisfying, if not seductive. The battery life exceeds what you get from many phones that cost twice as much. And the inclusion of water resistance and NFC places it a caliber above budget competitors.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 19.10.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: Android Central

For $400, it's tough to find a better overall experience than the Moto X4 today. The best option, if it works for you, is to get the Android One version that has a guaranteed update path. That is, of course, limited to Project Fi — making it an option for a small subset of people. But even if you have to go with the regular unlocked version from Motorola, you're going to be happy with the Moto X4. This is a mid-range Android phone done right.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 19.10.2017
Quelle: Greenbot

The Pixel 2 XL is an incredible phone that grafts device experiences to life experience in simple, intuitive and smile-provoking ways.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 19.10.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Slashgear

This device represents a fresh step for Google, aiming for a future in which the company’s purest Android supersedes the gaudy 3rd-party UI skins of the past. Here it would appear that Google wants the whole world to experience the goodness of getting prompt software updates whenever they have an idea good enough to make its way to Android – as quick as possible.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 19.10.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Android Authority

The Moto X4 brings the Android One Program and Project Fi into a simple package with very little frills. While it may not sound like the most exciting device on paper, the Moto X4's true appeal is its affordable price, timely updates, and how it will make Project Fi more easily accessible to consumers.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 19.10.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 81% Leistung: 88% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Android Guys

We love the package that is the Android One Moto X4 (with Project Fi). As a longtime and heavy Google user we’ve come to appreciate it when things mesh together. That’s exactly what happens with this phone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 19.10.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 78% Leistung: 70% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: The Verge

If there’s going to be any phone to pick up the Nexus mantle, the Moto X4 is perhaps the best candidate. It’s a straightforward smartphone with straightforward software that doesn’t cost a fortune. With the exception of the camera performance (which, in theory, could be improved with software updates), it does all of the standard smartphone things well, without any gimmicks that get in the way.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 19.10.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 75%
Quelle: PC World

Want to wield one of the best Android smartphones without breaking the bank? The Moto X4 on Project Fi is a formidable option because it offers all the stability of Android One in a seriously good-looking package.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 19.10.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Techradar

The Moto X4 makes it clear that the true successor to the Moto X line is the Moto Z line. It's a mid-range phone with Android One and Google Fi, but otherwise a small upgrade from a Moto G5 Plus or Moto G5S Plus, with a bump in price that sits in the awkward middle of Motorola’s flagship and budget phones.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 19.10.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 60%
Quelle: Ubergizmo English

The Moto X4 delivers an impressive built-quality packaged in a stylish and IP68 rugged design, all that for quite a good price. On the features side, the key highlight is the dual-camera with a secondary 8 mega-pixel wide angle (120 degrees) camera, which is great to shoot landscapes while travelling or perform nice Bokeh effect.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 22.09.2017
Quelle: Ubergizmo English

The Moto X4 delivers an impressive built-quality packaged in a stylish and IP68 rugged design, all that for quite a good price. On the features side, the key highlight is the dual-camera with a secondary 8 mega-pixel wide angle (120 degrees) camera, which is great to shoot landscapes while travelling or perform nice Bokeh effect.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 22.09.2017
Quelle: Unbox

Motorola took the wraps off of their new mid-range, dual-camera smartphone here in IFA, Berlin yesterday. The Moto X4 is the second dual-camera offering of the brand, with the first being the high-end Moto Z2 Force announced in the US a few months ago. Despite Motorola’s focus on their MotoMod system of modular accessories, the Moto X4 doesn’t utilize that particular eco-system, which meant the company had a free hand in making the device look quite different compared to its older brothers.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 04.09.2017
Quelle: Unbox

Motorola took the wraps off of their new mid-range, dual-camera smartphone here in IFA, Berlin yesterday. The Moto X4 is the second dual-camera offering of the brand, with the first being the high-end Moto Z2 Force announced in the US a few months ago. Despite Motorola’s focus on their MotoMod system of modular accessories, the Moto X4 doesn’t utilize that particular eco-system, which meant the company had a free hand in making the device look quite different compared to its older brothers.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 04.09.2017
Quelle: Tech Advisor

We’re looking forward to spending more time with the X4 to offer our full verdict, but our overall first impressions are certainly positive and we think this could be a popular option for smartphone buyers that aren’t happy with the budget offerings available but can’t reach the hefty price tags of the current flagships.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 02.09.2017
Quelle: Tech Advisor

We’re looking forward to spending more time with the X4 to offer our full verdict, but our overall first impressions are certainly positive and we think this could be a popular option for smartphone buyers that aren’t happy with the budget offerings available but can’t reach the hefty price tags of the current flagships.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 02.09.2017
Quelle: NDTV Gadgets

On the software side, Moto is boasting of Alexa integration in addition to Google Assistant. There are also a few added conveniences such as the ability to take a screenshot by tapping the screen with three fingers rather than fiddling with the side buttons, and an integrated password manager.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 01.09.2017
Quelle: Stuff TV

That’s all in theory, of course - I’ll have to wait until a full review to see if the Moto X can return as a mid-range champ, or if it’s more of a mid-range chump.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 01.09.2017
Quelle: NDTV Gadgets

On the software side, Moto is boasting of Alexa integration in addition to Google Assistant. There are also a few added conveniences such as the ability to take a screenshot by tapping the screen with three fingers rather than fiddling with the side buttons, and an integrated password manager.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 01.09.2017
Quelle: Stuff TV

That’s all in theory, of course - I’ll have to wait until a full review to see if the Moto X can return as a mid-range champ, or if it’s more of a mid-range chump.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 01.09.2017
Quelle: Trusted Reviews

Although the X4 doesn’t sit neatly in Motorola’s established E, G, Z smartphone lines, it feels like a decent mid-range handset. Outside of some bugs with its pre-release camera app, I struggled to find any significant shortcomings with the phone; its lack of support for Moto Mods, maybe – although, being honest, I’ve never been completely sold on these so can’t see the omission being a real sticking point for the majority of buyers. Hopefully, the X4’ll make good on its opening promise when it’s released in September.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 31.08.2017
Quelle: PC Mag

The Moto X4 will be available in Europe in September for 399 euros. That would put it at about $475 in the US, which is a bit less than what's you'll pay for the Moto Z2 Play. We don't have US pricing or availability information yet, but the phone is expected to launch in the fall. Check back then for a full review.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 31.08.2017
Quelle: Techradar

The Moto X4 doesn't pack anything particularly innovative, but it includes a few extras like Amazon Alexa and a dual-lens camera that may make it stand out from other mid-range phones.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 31.08.2017
Quelle: CNet

This Moto X4 is the eighth new phone that Motorola's announced this year, including the premium Moto Z2 Force with its snap-on Mods, and the budget G5 Plus, which was good enough to win CNET's Editor's Choice award.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 31.08.2017
Quelle: GSM Arena

Overall, it's not exactly a boardroom-friendly device, so all in good taste, we guess. Besides the misplaced microphone, there is not much else to complain about on the front of the device. In fact, the 5.2-inch, 1080p display looks really sharp at 424ppi. AMOLED would have been a nice touch, but an IPS LCD still fits the mid-ranger bill perfectly.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 31.08.2017
Quelle: Pocket Lint

The Moto X is back and it means business. But it's still not averse to stiff competition, such as the slightly pricier but more powerful OnePlus 5.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 31.08.2017
Quelle: Trusted Reviews

Although the X4 doesn’t sit neatly in Motorola’s established E, G, Z smartphone lines, it feels like a decent mid-range handset. Outside of some bugs with its pre-release camera app, I struggled to find any significant shortcomings with the phone; its lack of support for Moto Mods, maybe – although, being honest, I’ve never been completely sold on these so can’t see the omission being a real sticking point for the majority of buyers. Hopefully, the X4’ll make good on its opening promise when it’s released in September.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 31.08.2017
Quelle: PC Mag

The Moto X4 will be available in Europe in September for 399 euros. That would put it at about $475 in the US, which is a bit less than what's you'll pay for the Moto Z2 Play. We don't have US pricing or availability information yet, but the phone is expected to launch in the fall. Check back then for a full review.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 31.08.2017
Quelle: Techradar

The Moto X4 doesn't pack anything particularly innovative, but it includes a few extras like Amazon Alexa and a dual-lens camera that may make it stand out from other mid-range phones.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 31.08.2017
Quelle: CNet

This Moto X4 is the eighth new phone that Motorola's announced this year, including the premium Moto Z2 Force with its snap-on Mods, and the budget G5 Plus, which was good enough to win CNET's Editor's Choice award.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 31.08.2017
Quelle: GSM Arena

Overall, it's not exactly a boardroom-friendly device, so all in good taste, we guess. Besides the misplaced microphone, there is not much else to complain about on the front of the device. In fact, the 5.2-inch, 1080p display looks really sharp at 424ppi. AMOLED would have been a nice touch, but an IPS LCD still fits the mid-ranger bill perfectly.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 31.08.2017
Quelle: Pocket Lint

The Moto X is back and it means business. But it's still not averse to stiff competition, such as the slightly pricier but more powerful OnePlus 5.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 31.08.2017
Quelle: Movil Zona

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 02.02.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70% Preis: 70% Leistung: 80% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 70%
Quelle: Movil Zona

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 02.02.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70% Preis: 70% Leistung: 80% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 70%
Quelle: Xataka

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 10.01.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Leistung: 80% Bildschirm: 83% Mobilität: 70% Gehäuse: 88%
Quelle: Xataka

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 10.01.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Leistung: 80% Bildschirm: 83% Mobilität: 70% Gehäuse: 88%
Quelle: Xataka

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 10.01.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Leistung: 80% Bildschirm: 83% Mobilität: 70% Gehäuse: 88%
Quelle: Xataka

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 10.01.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Leistung: 80% Bildschirm: 83% Mobilität: 70% Gehäuse: 88%
Quelle: Computerhoy

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 30.12.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70% Preis: 70% Ausstattung: 70% Bildschirm: 70% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 70%
Quelle: Computerhoy

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 30.12.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70% Preis: 70% Ausstattung: 70% Bildschirm: 70% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 70%
Quelle: Zona Movilidad

Positive: Decent hardware; long battery life; good price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 03.05.2018
Quelle: Zona Movilidad

Positive: Decent hardware; long battery life; good price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 03.05.2018
Quelle: El Androide Libre

Positive: Elegant design; solid workmanship; long battery life. Negative: Relatively high price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 01.01.2018
Quelle: El Androide Libre

Positive: Elegant design; solid workmanship; long battery life. Negative: Relatively high price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 01.01.2018
Quelle: El Confidencial

Positive: Good price; nice dual cameras; long battery life; support waterproof.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 03.09.2017
Quelle: El Confidencial

Positive: Great built quality; metal case; good price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 03.09.2017
Quelle: El Confidencial

Positive: Good price; nice dual cameras; long battery life; support waterproof.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 03.09.2017
Quelle: El Confidencial

Positive: Great built quality; metal case; good price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 03.09.2017
Quelle: Movil Zona

Positive: Nice display; decent hardware; excellent cameras; long battery life; fast charging; nice connectivity; good price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 02.09.2017
Quelle: Movil Zona

Positive: Nice display; decent hardware; excellent cameras; long battery life; fast charging; nice connectivity; good price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 02.09.2017

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 08.08.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 72% Ausstattung: 83%

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 08.08.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 72% Ausstattung: 83%
Quelle: Andrea Galeazzi

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 04.04.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 84% Preis: 85% Bildschirm: 75% Mobilität: 75% Gehäuse: 79%
Quelle: Andrea Galeazzi

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 04.04.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 84% Preis: 85% Bildschirm: 75% Mobilität: 75% Gehäuse: 79%

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 27.11.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 27.11.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 12.10.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 84%

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 12.10.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 84%

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 04.10.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 84% Preis: 70% Ausstattung: 85% Bildschirm: 85% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 85% Ergonomie: 85%

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 04.10.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 84% Preis: 70% Ausstattung: 85% Bildschirm: 85% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 85% Ergonomie: 85%
Quelle: Tutto Android

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 03.10.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 84% Preis: 78% Ausstattung: 88% Bildschirm: 85% Mobilität: 85% Ergonomie: 85%
Quelle: Tutto Android

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 03.10.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 84% Preis: 78% Ausstattung: 88% Bildschirm: 85% Mobilität: 85% Ergonomie: 85%
Quelle: Esperienza Mobile

Positive: Large battery capacity; decent cameras; support waterproof; good hardware. Negative: Large frames.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 01.12.2017
Quelle: Esperienza Mobile

Positive: Large battery capacity; decent cameras; support waterproof; good hardware. Negative: Large frames.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 01.12.2017
Quelle: Pianeta Cellulare

Positive: Good price; decent hardware; excellent display; nice cameras.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 11.10.2017
Quelle: Pianeta Cellulare

Positive: Good price; decent hardware; excellent display; nice cameras.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 11.10.2017
Quelle: Androidiani

Positive: Solid workmanship; elegant design; support waterproof; decent cameras; long battery life.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 09.10.2017
Quelle: Androidiani

Positive: Solid workmanship; elegant design; support waterproof; decent cameras; long battery life.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 09.10.2017

Positive: Beautiful design; fast system; compact size; excellent display; decent dual cameras; wireless audio system.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 01.09.2017

Positive: Beautiful design; fast system; compact size; excellent display; decent dual cameras; wireless audio system.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 01.09.2017
Quelle: Cinafoniaci

Positive: Decent hardware; good cameras; nice connectivity; support waterproof; smart Moto Mods.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 31.08.2017
Quelle: Cinafoniaci

Positive: Decent hardware; good cameras; nice connectivity; support waterproof; smart Moto Mods.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 31.08.2017
Quelle: All About Phones

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 05.09.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: All About Phones

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 05.09.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Nieuwe

Positive: Nice design; support waterproof. Negative: High price; poor cameras.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 11.01.2018
Quelle: Nieuwe

Positive: Nice design; support waterproof. Negative: High price; poor cameras.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 11.01.2018
Quelle: Le monde numerique

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 31.01.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Le monde numerique

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 31.01.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Frandroid

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 30.12.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 60% Leistung: 70% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 50%
Quelle: Frandroid

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 30.12.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 60% Leistung: 70% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 50%

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 01.12.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 01.12.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Phonandroid

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 21.11.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Phonandroid

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 21.11.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Meilleurmobile

Positive: Great built quality; nice performance; beautiful design; good display; decent connectivity.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 06.09.2017
Quelle: Meilleurmobile

Positive: Great built quality; nice performance; beautiful design; good display; decent connectivity.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 06.09.2017
Quelle: Phonandroid

Positive: Decent hardware; excellent display; good cameras; low price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 01.09.2017

Positive: Nice performance; good display; decent dual cameras; wireless audio system.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 01.09.2017
Quelle: Phonandroid

Positive: Decent hardware; excellent display; good cameras; low price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 01.09.2017

Positive: Nice performance; good display; decent dual cameras; wireless audio system.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 01.09.2017
Quelle: Tabletowo

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 15.02.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 82% Leistung: 90% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 65% Gehäuse: 75%
Quelle: Tabletowo

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 15.02.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 82% Leistung: 90% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 65% Gehäuse: 75%
Quelle: Antyweb

Positive: Nice design; long battery life; fast fingerprint sensor; support waterproof; decent speakers. Negative: No notification LED; only 3GB RAM; thick frames; hybrid slot.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 16.02.2018
Quelle: Antyweb

Positive: Nice design; long battery life; fast fingerprint sensor; support waterproof; decent speakers. Negative: No notification LED; only 3GB RAM; thick frames; hybrid slot.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 16.02.2018
Quelle: 90 Sekund

Positive: Nice performance; excellent cameras; decent hardware.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 04.02.2018
Quelle: 90 Sekund

Positive: Nice performance; excellent cameras; decent hardware.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 04.02.2018
Quelle: Komputerswiat

Positive: Nice design; solid workmanship; high performance; decent battery life. Negative: High price; combined slot; poor display.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 12.01.2018
Quelle: Komputerswiat

Positive: Nice design; solid workmanship; high performance; decent battery life. Negative: High price; combined slot; poor display.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 12.01.2018
Quelle: The Gioididong

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 17.11.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 75%
Quelle: The Gioididong

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 17.11.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 75%
Quelle: TechZ

Positive: Stylish design; large battery capacity; decent cameras; good price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 29.11.2017
Quelle: TechZ

Positive: Stylish design; large battery capacity; decent cameras; good price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 29.11.2017
Quelle: Zing

Positive: Beautiful design; good price; nice dual cameras; decent display; nice performance. Negative: Easy getting fingerprints.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 20.11.2017
Quelle: Zing

Positive: Beautiful design; good price; nice dual cameras; decent display; nice performance. Negative: Easy getting fingerprints.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 20.11.2017
Quelle: The Gioididong

Positive: Beautiful design; nice dual cameras; support waterproof.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 02.11.2017
Quelle: The Gioididong

Positive: Beautiful design; nice dual cameras; support waterproof.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 02.11.2017
Quelle: Zing

Positive: Nice dual cameras; decent hardware; long battery life; good display; elegant design; good price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 04.09.2017
Quelle: Zing

Positive: Nice dual cameras; decent hardware; long battery life; good display; elegant design; good price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 04.09.2017
Quelle: The Gioididong

Positive: Nice dual cameras; solid workmanship; metal case; support waterproof IP68; nice display; decent hardware; good price; long battery life.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 03.09.2017
Quelle: The Gioididong

Positive: Nice dual cameras; solid workmanship; metal case; support waterproof IP68; nice display; decent hardware; good price; long battery life.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 03.09.2017

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 13.11.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 85%

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 13.11.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 85%
Quelle: Lyd og Billede

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 02.01.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 67%
Quelle: Lyd og Billede

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 02.01.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 67%
Quelle: Mere

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 14.12.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 83%
Quelle: Mere

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 14.12.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 83%
Quelle: Mobil DK

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 17.11.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 76% Bildschirm: 70% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Mobil DK

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 17.11.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 76% Bildschirm: 70% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Ljud och Bild

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 20.12.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 67%
Quelle: Ljud och Bild

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 20.12.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 67%

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 04.12.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 76%

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 04.12.2017
Bewertung: Gesamt: 76%
Motorola Moto Z3 Play
Ausstattung / Datenblatt

Prozessor: Qualcomm Snapdragon SD 636
Grafikkarte: Qualcomm Adreno 509
Bildschirm: 6.00 Zoll, 18:9, 2160 x 1080 Pixel
Gewicht: 0.156kg
Preis: 500 Euro
Links: Motorola Startseite
Quelle: Area DVD

Ob man sich das Z3 Play zulegt hängt unweigerlicher mit der Entscheidung zusammen, ob man die modulare Lösung schätzt. Die Vorteile liegen dabei klar auf der Hand, denn mit Mods kann man das Smartphone selbst im laufenden Betrieb in Windeseile in einen hochkaratigen Spezialisten verwandelt, sei es eine Kompaktkamera, ein Bluetooth-Lautsprecher oder auch ein kompakter Beamer.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 04.11.2018
Quelle: Chip (Print) - 11/18

Für 480 Euro bekommen die Käufer ein 6-Zoll-Modell mit aktuellem Android, 62 Gbyte Speicher und aktueller Funktechnik.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 01.11.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 84% Leistung: 87% Ausstattung: 77% Bildschirm: 94% Mobilität: 87%
Quelle: WinFuture

Motorola setzt bei seiner Z-Serie auf ein außergewöhnliches Konzept: Auf der Rückseite der Smartphones lassen sich nämlich sogenannte Moto Mods befestigen. Dies gilt auch für das neueste Modell, das Moto Z3 Play. Anders als bei bisherigen Modellen setzt Motorola beim Z3 Play erstmals auf eine Rückseite aus Glas.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 23.10.2018

Im Test gibt das Motorola Moto Z3 Play eine gute Figur ab. Ein Schnäppchen ist es für rund 500 Euro zwar nicht gerade, doch dafür reiht es sich mit seinem farbstarken 6-Zoll-Display und einer verbesserten Fotoqualität vor seinem Vorgänger ein. Als Mitglied der Z-Reihe lässt sich das Handy auf Wunsch modular erweitern: Motorola verkauft das Moto Z3 Play zum Marktstart ausschließlich in Kombination mit einem Akku-Mod.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 25.09.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 78% Leistung: 86% Ausstattung: 62% Bildschirm: 86% Mobilität: 84%
Quelle: Connect - 9/18

Mit dem Moto Z3 Play führt Motorola seine modulare Smartphone-Reihe fort. Der Newcomer markiert für 499 Euro den Einstieg in die Oberklasse der Amerikaner.
Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 01.09.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100% Ausstattung: 80% Ergonomie: 100%
Quelle: Android Mag

Das ist sie also, die dritte und womöglich letzte Ausgabe des Moto Z Play. Als 2016 die erste Auflage des Smartphones erschien, das sich mithilfe von Modulen („Moto Mods“) auf der Rückseite etwa in einen Beamer oder Drucker verwandeln ließ, gab der Konzern folgendes Versprechen: An der Gestaltung der Rückseite soll in den nächsten zwei bis drei Jahren nichts verändert werden.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 22.08.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70% Leistung: 58% Bildschirm: 86% Mobilität: 69% Gehäuse: 100%
Quelle: Android Pit

Das Moto Z3 Play hinterlässt ein gemischtes Gefühl. Eins muss klar gestellt werden: Es ist sicherlich kein schlechtes Smartphone. Das Z3 Play erfüllt alle Anforderungen, die man an ein Smartphone im Jahr 2018 stellt, aber es bietet letztendlich keinen wahren Mehrwert gegenüber der Konkurrenz. Außer vielleicht den Moto Mods.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 08.08.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%

Im Test gibt das Motorola Moto Z3 Play eine gute Figur ab. Ein Schnäppchen ist es für rund 500 Euro zwar nicht gerade, doch dafür reiht es sich mit seinem farbstarken 6-Zoll-Display und einer verbesserten Fotoqualität vor seinem Vorgänger ein. Als Mitglied der Z-Reihe lässt sich das Handy auf Wunsch modular erweitern: Motorola verkauft das Moto Z3 Play zum Marktstart ausschließlich in Kombination mit einem Akku-Mod.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 26.07.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 85% Leistung: 87% Ausstattung: 81% Bildschirm: 94% Mobilität: 87%
Quelle: Inside Handy

Die Moto-Z-Serie von Motorola bot sich bislang als Zielscheibe für Kritik an. Zu oft machte es den Eindruck, als versuche Motorola mit den Z-Smartphones nur, noch mehr Geld mit entsprechenden Mods zu verdienen. Beim Moto Z3 Play wird die Kritik leiser. Das Handy entfaltet die komplette Stärke mit angesteckt.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 23.07.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Teltarif

Der Gedanke, den Motorola mit dem Z3 Play transportiert, ist innovativ und interessant: Das Smartphone spielerisch und ohne Umwege mit externen Modulen unterschiedlicher Anwendungsbereiche zu modifizieren, gibt es sonst nur bei wenigen anderen Smartphone-Herstellern. Die Module sind grundsätzlich als schöne Idee hervorzuheben. Und das ist es gerade, was wir 2018 auf dem Smartphone-Markt so schmerzlich vermissen: Ungleichheit. Hier punktet Motorola mit Innovation. Wer allerdings überhaupt keinen Wert auf externe Modifikatoren legt, für den lohnt sich das Smartphone nicht.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 22.07.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 89% Preis: 95% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 80%
Quelle: Tech Stage

Das Motorola Moto Z3 Play ist ein schwieriges Telefon; es lässt sich kaum irgendwo zuordnen und preislich direkt vergleichen. Es ist deutlich günstiger als ein Top-Smartphone für 800 bis 900 Euro und signifikant teurer als ein Mittelklasse-Gerät zwischen 270 bis 350 Euro. Mit seinen kostspieligen Moto Mods hebt es sich definitiv von der Konkurrenz ab, indem es sich modularisieren und modifizieren lässt.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 21.07.2018
Quelle: Android Pit

Das Moto Z3 Play hinterlässt ein gemischtes Gefühl. Eins muss klar gestellt werden: Es ist sicherlich kein schlechtes Smartphone. Das Z3 Play erfüllt alle Anforderungen, die man an ein Smartphone im Jahr 2018 stellt, aber es bietet letztendlich keinen wahren Mehrwert gegenüber der Konkurrenz. Außer vielleicht den Moto Mods.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 20.07.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: MobiFlip

Wenn man die Moto Mods vernachlässigt, dann gibt es keine großen Highlights. Für mich sind die Mods auch immer noch ein nettes Extra, aber kein Feature, wegen dem ich tatsächlich zu einem Moto greifen würde. Dafür finde ich das Konzept ständig ein paar Mods in der Tasche mitzuschleppen einfach nicht praktisch genug.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 17.07.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 60%
Quelle: Curved

Mit einer unverbindlichen Preisempfehlung gehört das Motorola Moto Z3 Play zu den teureren Mittelklasse-Smartphones. Das ähnlich ausgestattete BQ Aquaris X2 kostet zum Beispiel nur etwas mehr als 300 Euro. Im Preis des Z3 Play inbegriffen ist der Moto Mod, der die Akkulaufzeit auf zwei Tage verlängert. Da er direkt am Smartphone haftet, lässt sich dieses ganz normal weiter benutzen.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 07.07.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 84% Leistung: 80% Bildschirm: 83% Mobilität: 100%
Quelle: RP-Online

499 Euro für das Z3 Play sind sicherlich kein Pappenstiel, da findet man etwa bei Honor oder Nokia durchaus günstigere Geräte. Doch die Kombination mit dem Zusatzakku macht das Z3 Play zu einem echten Dauerläufer, für viele sicherlich ein Kaufargument. Außerdem lassen sich an die Moto-Mods-Schnittstelle viele weitere Module andocken, ein Alleinstellungsmerkmal auf dem sonst doch sehr homogenen Smartphonemarkt.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 05.07.2018
Quelle: n-tv

Für 500 Euro wäre das Moto Z3 Play eigentlich kein besonderes Schnäppchen, schließlich kostet auch das Leistungs-Monster OnePlus 6 kaum mehr und andere starke Mittelklässler wie das Honor 10 oder das Nokia 7 Plus gibt's für weniger als 400 Euro. Doch das Z3 Play ist durch das mitgelieferte Akku-Mod ein konkurrenzloser Dauerläufer.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 02.07.2018
Quelle: Go2 Mobile

Das Moto Z3 Play weiß auf den ersten Eindruck zu begeistern. Trotz Mittelklasse-CPU vermissen wir zu keinen Zeitpunkt eine Snapdragon 845. Danke Motorola, für ein flaches Smartphone und dem zusätzlichen Akku-Mod, damit der Zusatz "Play" auch seinem Namen alle Ehre macht. Auch der Preis weiß in Zeiten von 1.000-Euro-Smartphones mit 499 Euro samt Moto Mod zu gefallen.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 01.07.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 89% Preis: 90% Leistung: 75% Mobilität: 100% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: Android Pit

Das Moto Z3 Play ist eine Mixtur aus Enttäuschung und Freude. Bei der Hardware hat sich nicht sehr viel getan, was etwas schade ist. Das Design hingegen wurde stark verändert. Der Fingerabdrucksensor befindet sich an einer für Motorola völlig ungewohnten Stelle und das Display hat nun das moderne 18:9-Format.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 08.06.2018
Ausländische Testberichte
Quelle: What Mobile

The only downfall is the built-in camera could do with being better and they could do with moving the fingerprint scanner or simply add face recognition to avoid unlocking it in future.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 14.11.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 82% Preis: 100% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 100%
Quelle: Gadgetguy

There is only one reason to buy the Moto Z3 Play – Moto Mods. To be fair to Motorola that is like saying if you are a farmer buy a tractor to plough the fields!
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 11.11.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 80% Leistung: 80% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Ausdroid

The Moto Z3 play is a fascinating device, I honestly can’t decide if it’s a slightly underpowered and under-priced high end device or if it’s an over-priced mid range. Regardless of how you decide to classify it, there’s a lot to like about it.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 26.10.2018
Quelle: Good Gear Guide

The Moto Z3 Play is yet another MotoMod-enabled smartphone, with all the strengths and shortcomings that title implies.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 09.10.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

The Z3 Play will probably be Moto Mods' swansong. The battery life that the Z Play and Z2 Play here is lacking, but it's still a refined, attractive smartphone, despite the loss of the headphone jack.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 05.10.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: Trusted Reviews

Moto Mods are still magical but, head over heart, there are better options close to the predicted RRP that you should carefully consider them before buying.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 24.09.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 60% Leistung: 70% Bildschirm: 90% Mobilität: 60% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: Techno Buffalo

The Moto Z3 Play joins an overcrowded lineup, and its price is too high for consideration. That’s a shame because, competition aside, the Moto Z3 Play is a good phone. It’s just not the one you should buy. Go with the OnePlus 6, and enjoy a premium phone for less than $600.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 01.09.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 60%
Quelle: Pocket Lint

The Moto Z3 Play brings the series up to date thanks to an 18:9 aspect ratio display, but this model stands in the shadow of the Z3 proper - which is not only more powerful but cheaper - and can't hold its weight against other flagship leaders of the moment. Mods may have had their moment...
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 28.08.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

The Moto Z3 Play is a charming but frustrating smartphone. Moto has improved the design, the display and the software from the past couple of years but then maddeningly taken away the headphone jack and the outstanding battery life.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 20.08.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: Talk Android

As it stands, the Moto Z3 Play is a flagship wannabe that struggles to stand on its own against the bigger Moto Z phones and competitors like the OnePlus 6. If you’re really into the Moto Mods there’s no alternative, but for anyone else, it’s tough to truly recommend it over devices on the market. There’s just no killer Moto Mod after all these years that can pull people in, and $499 is still too high for an impulse purchase for most people.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 14.08.2018
Quelle: Hot Hardware

This all leads into our final verdict on the Moto Z3 Play. It is incredibly easy to be disappointed with Moto for gimping battery life, and it would not be unjustified. The fact of the matter is, the new Z3 Play no longer has the same target market that embraced the Z Play series back in the day.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 10.08.2018
Quelle: PC Mag

The Motorola Moto Z3 Play keeps the dream of Moto Mods alive, but doesn't deliver any stunning new features.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 08.08.2018
Quelle: Techaeris

Listen, there will always be some people that need flagship phones. But many average users don’t want to spend that much money. This is where the moto Z3 Play fits. It doesn’t have flagship specs but it can easily fill the needs of the average user. It does come with its problems though. The power button on the left is annoying. The camera isn’t the best but it’s good enough. But the price point is going to make this a must look for many buyers.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 05.08.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 92% Preis: 95% Leistung: 95% Bildschirm: 95% Mobilität: 100% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

The Moto Z3 and Moto Z3 Play are incredibly similar in design, specs and price. It’s an odd move by Motorola to even have both.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 03.08.2018
Quelle: The Verge

The Moto Z3 Play feels like a baseball team slogging through the last couple of months of play, knowing that they need to finish the season but also knowing they won’t end it with a trophy in hand. Motorola committed to supporting the design of its 2016 Moto Mods for three generations of phones, and the Z3 Play is that third-generation phone, riding out its contract. But for the rest of us, it’s a ride better left skipped.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 30.07.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 65%
Quelle: Mobile Syrup

The Moto Z3 Play is one of the best upper mid-range smartphones released this year.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 25.07.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: CNet

Bien que l’autonomie de deux jours qu’offre le Moto Z3 Play soit excellente, son prix actuel n’en fait pas un rival crédible pour le OnePlus 6.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 23.07.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 75%
Quelle: Phone Arena

The Moto Z line has traditionally proven itself as being one of the best in the mid-range category, striking a balance between performance and price. With the Moto Z3 Play, it introduces a few new things into the mix that we haven’t seen before in the line – like the 18:9 display and dual-cameras. We’re especially blown away by the camera’s performance, which rivals even some of the best flagships out there!
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 20.07.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 75%
Quelle: Android Central

The Moto Z3 Play is a very good mid-range smartphone that works on every U.S. carrier. But a mediocre camera and early software bugs keep it from getting my unreserved recommendation.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 18.07.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: CNet

The Moto Z3 Play's two-day battery life is great, but at its current price, it can't compete with the OnePlus 6.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 17.07.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 72% Leistung: 70% Mobilität: 90% Gehäuse: 70%
Quelle: Android Authority

The Moto Z3 Play is priced at $499 unlocked in the U.S., which is fair for what you get, but not the greatest value. As a comparison, the OnePlus 6 costs only $30 more and gives you high-end specifications, a better camera, and a headphone jack. When judging the phone on its own merits the Z3 Play is a great midrange offering, but unless you highly value Moto Mods and Motorola’s software suite it’s probably not worth the money.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 16.07.2018
Quelle: Neowin

If you're looking for that really premium performance, you're going to want to wait for the Moto Z3 Force, which Motorola will likely announce later this summer. If you really want the best camera, you'll probably want to look at something from Huawei or Samsung.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 15.07.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 85%
Quelle: Tom's Guide

The Z3 Play is a solid, all-around midrange phone that unlocks a world of Moto Mods for a reasonable price. But it falls short of being the value leader in its segment, like the OnePlus 6.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 12.07.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: Droid Life

Maybe? Like I said, the Moto Z3 Play is a solid phone. It’s designed well, has good battery life, great software, a nice display, and works with Moto Mods. On the flip side, its camera is not that great at all and the price is arguably a touch high when you know that Motorola has another phone (Moto G6 Plus) you’d buy over this if it was sold in the US.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 06.07.2018
Quelle: PC Mag

The Motorola Moto Z3 Play keeps the dream of Moto Mods alive, but doesn't deliver any stunning new features.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 06.06.2018
Quelle: Techradar

Without considering the features added by optional Moto Mods, the Z3 Play appears to offer a little more power, sans 3.5mm headphone jack, for those who don’t want to throw down for an expensive flagship phone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 06.06.2018
Quelle: GSM Arena

The Moto Z3 Play seems like a nice modern smartphone. It will be sold at $499 in the US bundled with the battery Moto Mod.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 06.06.2018
Quelle: Android Authority

The Moto Z2 Play was Motorola’s most successful smartphone in a long time and today the company announced its follow up, the Moto Z3 Play. Designed with the features that made its predecessor popular and a few updates to bring it line with a phone in 2018, does the new phone fit in Moto’s affordable premium Z Play range? Let’s find out!
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 06.06.2018
Quelle: Mobile Syrup

Motorola was able to confirm that the Moto Z3 Play will be available “this summer” at Videotron, Bell Mobility, Virgin Mobile, Bell MTS and SaskTel stores. The device will retail for $0 on contract but no word yet on the unlocked pricing.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 06.06.2018
Quelle: CNet

Motorola's modular Moto Z Play phones are back for a third round. The Moto Z3 Play is another modular midrange phone in a line that debuted back in 2016 with the original Moto Z Play. The Moto Z2 Play debuted last year.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 06.06.2018
Quelle: Computerhoy

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 28.07.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 75% Ausstattung: 70% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 90% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Target HD

Positive: Good price; nice performance; decent cameras; large screen.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 08.08.2018
Quelle: Gizmodo Brasil

Positive: High performance; nice cameras; good display.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 31.07.2018
Quelle: Smartphone Italia

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 02.11.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 70% Ausstattung: 80% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 90% Gehäuse: 90% Ergonomie: 90%
Quelle: Smartphone Italia

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 16.08.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 76% Preis: 40% Ausstattung: 80% Gehäuse: 90%

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 01.08.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 81% Preis: 70% Ausstattung: 75% Bildschirm: 85% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 80% Ergonomie: 80%
Quelle: Tutto Android

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 27.07.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 84% Preis: 77% Ausstattung: 82% Bildschirm: 86% Mobilität: 80% Ergonomie: 78%

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 17.07.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 02.07.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Andrea Galeazzi

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 30.06.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 77% Preis: 69% Bildschirm: 89% Mobilität: 69% Gehäuse: 65%
Quelle: Tech

Positive: Great built quality; smart Moto Mods; decent cameras. Negative: Relatively high price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 08.08.2018

Positive: Large battery capacity; smart Moto Mods.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 31.07.2018

Positive: Stylish design; nice display; fast fingerprint sensor; excellent cameras.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 07.06.2018

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 22.10.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: Computer Totaal

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 18.10.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 62%
Quelle: All About Phones

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 08.08.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Fredzone

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 18.11.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70% Preis: 60% Leistung: 70% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 90% Gehäuse: 70%
Quelle: Frandroid

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 06.08.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Leistung: 70% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 100% Gehäuse: 70%
Quelle: Phonandroid

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 25.07.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 10.07.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: Meilleurmobile

Positive: Very long battery life; nice design; great built quality.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 14.06.2018

Positive: Stylish design; nice cameras.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 07.06.2018
Quelle: Tabletowo

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 12.11.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 83% Leistung: 85% Bildschirm: 85% Mobilität: 65% Gehäuse: 90%

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 29.07.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 89% Leistung: 80% Bildschirm: 100% Mobilität: 90% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: The Gioididong

Positive: Impressive design; solid workmanship; smart Moto Mods; powerful hardware. Negative: Relatively high price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 08.06.2018

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 03.11.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 85%
Quelle: Alt om Data

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 18.12.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90% Preis: 90% Leistung: 80%
Quelle: Mere

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 05.09.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 67%

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 16.08.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 78%

Positive: Nice display; good hardware; decent cameras; smart Moto Mods.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 06.08.2018
Motorola Moto E5
Das Motorola Moto E5 ist ein Budget-Smartphone mit dennoch erstaunlichen Features. Es bietet eine Akkulaufzeit von einem ganzen Tag, ein 5,7 Zoll großes Max-Vision-Display und ein schlankes Design, das gut aussieht und sich auch so anfühlt. Dank gewölbter Rückseite und einer abgerundeten Glasfront lässt sich das Gerät erfreulich angenehm mit einer Hand bedienen. Zudem ist es Augen schonend. Für ein elegantes, sauberes Aussehen wurden die Antennenlinien versteckt. Ein wasserabweisendes Design schützt das Phone innen und außen. Versehentlich Verschüttetes und Spritzer sind also kein Anlass zur Sorge. Das Moto E5 misst 154,4 × 72,2 × 8,95 mm und wiegt 174 g. Es ist nur in einer Farbe, nämlich grau, erhältlich. Die 8-MP-Kamera bietet Autofokus. Sie fokussiert augenblicklich und nimmt auch unter schlechten Lichtbedingungen helle, klare Fotos auf. Der Fingerabdruckleser unmittelbar unterhalb der Kamera ermöglicht sofortiges Wecken und Entsperren des Phones sowie Sperren, wenn man fertig ist. Er verbirgt sich diskret im legendären Logo des Phones. Usern fällt er also kaum auf bis sie ihn verwendet haben. Mit den nach vorne gerichteten Lautsprechern hören sich, selbst wenn das Phone auf seiner Rückseite liegt, Konferenzgespräche sowie Lieblingsmusik und -filme perfekt an. User können sich über ein 5,7 Zoll großes Max-Vision-Display freuen, welches bequem mit nur einer Hand bedient werden kann. Das Moto E5 verfügt über einen IPS-LCD-Bildschirm mit einem Seitenverhältnis von 18:9 und HD+-Auflösung von 720 x 1,440 Pixeln. User brauchen auf Webseiten weniger scrollen, erhalten im Querformat einen irrsinnig weiten Blick auf Spiele und können mit Split-Screen mühelos Multitasken. Der Bildschirm ist lebendig und farbenfroh. Als Hardware nutzt das Moto E5 einen Snapdragon 425 und 2 GB RAM. Dabei handelt es sich um eine Einstiegsspezifikation auf welcher Apps laufen, doch es fehlt an Speicher, um mehrere Apps flüssig auszuführen. Dank eines MicroSD-Kartenslots können User bis zu 128 GB mehr Fotos, Lieder und Movies speichern. Der relativ große 4000-mAh-Akku sorgt für eine Akkulaufzeit von bis zu einem Tag. Aufladen dauert dank eines 10 W Rapid-Chargers nicht lange. Insgesamt ist das Motorola Moto E5 ein gut gemachtes und gut durchdachtes Smartphone für ein knappes Budget. Es eignet sich für User mit knappen Budget und kann nicht viele anspruchsvolle Apps ausführen. Es handelt sich um ein perfektes Einsteiger-Phone für Studenten oder Ältere. Hands-On-Artikel von Jagadisa RajarathnamAusstattung / Datenblatt

Prozessor: Qualcomm Snapdragon 425
Grafikkarte: Qualcomm Adreno 308
Bildschirm: 5.70 Zoll, 18:9, 1440 x 720 Pixel
Gewicht: 0.174kg
Preis: 149 Euro
Links: Motorola Startseite
Das Motorola Moto E5 bietet viel Bildschirmfläche und einen großen Akku zu einem kleinen Preis. Aber für um die 130 Euro bekommt man bei anderen Herstellern auch schon gute Angebote. Ob das Moto E5 hier heraussticht, das klären wir im Test.
Quelle: Computerbild

Das Moto E5 hat auch 2020 seine Stärken nicht verloren. Schlanker Preis, starker Akku: Eine so lange Laufzeit (über elf Stunden bei intensiver Nutzung) gelang zum Testzeitpunkt im Februar 2020 keinem anderen Smartphone im COMPUTER BILD-Labor! Das schwache Display, der geringe Speicher und vor allem die mangelhafte Leistungsfähigkeit sind aber nicht mehr Stand der Technik – auch nicht in dieser Preisklasse.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 14.09.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 73%
Quelle: Computerbild

Das Moto E5 hat auch 2020 seine Stärken nicht verloren. Schlanker Preis, starker Akku: Eine so lange Laufzeit (über elf Stunden bei intensiver Nutzung) gelang zum Testzeitpunkt im Februar 2020 keinem anderen Smartphone im COMPUTER BILD-Labor! Das schwache Display, der geringe Speicher und vor allem die mangelhafte Leistungsfähigkeit sind aber nicht mehr Stand der Technik – auch nicht in dieser Preisklasse.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 14.09.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 73%
Ausländische Testberichte

We have two key observations from this tale of three handsets, the first of which is that it's very difficult to deliver an effective smartphone for under £100. The £89 Moto e5 Play is likely to leave purchasers hankering for more fairly quickly.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 22.10.2018

We have two key observations from this tale of three handsets, the first of which is that it's very difficult to deliver an effective smartphone for under £100. The £89 Moto e5 Play is likely to leave purchasers hankering for more fairly quickly.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 22.10.2018
Quelle: Toptenreviews

It's a shame it's not more responsive in use, but the Moto E5 gives you the best camera and screen you'll see at this price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 15.10.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Toptenreviews

It's a shame it's not more responsive in use, but the Moto E5 gives you the best camera and screen you'll see at this price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 15.10.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Techradar

This svelte budget offering has curves and specifications in all of the right places and offers up a solid user experience. Issues with performance and a mediocre camera prevent it from being an instant recommendation however, despite the excellent price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 25.09.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Techradar

This svelte budget offering has curves and specifications in all of the right places and offers up a solid user experience. Issues with performance and a mediocre camera prevent it from being an instant recommendation however, despite the excellent price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 25.09.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Trusted Reviews

The price is right and battery life excellent, but day-to-day performance isn’t quite good enough.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 11.09.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: Trusted Reviews

The price is right and battery life excellent, but day-to-day performance isn’t quite good enough.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 11.09.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: Good Gear Guide

Though there’s plenty to like about the Moto E5 on its own merits, it falls short when stacked up against last year’s E4.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 31.08.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: Good Gear Guide

Though there’s plenty to like about the Moto E5 on its own merits, it falls short when stacked up against last year’s E4.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 31.08.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: Gadgetguy

It is undeniably a value class handset. If offers build quality above that, so it is a safe buy. The Motorola e5 ticks every box in the value segment and then some. It is stellar value in this segment.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 19.08.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 90% Leistung: 70% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Gadgetguy

It is undeniably a value class handset. If offers build quality above that, so it is a safe buy. The Motorola e5 ticks every box in the value segment and then some. It is stellar value in this segment.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 19.08.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 90% Leistung: 70% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

The Moto E5 has exceptional design and build quality making it feel like a much more expensive handset. And that's just for starters. You get a great screen, decent battery life, a good camera and even a fingerprint scanner to boot.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 02.08.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

The Moto E5 has exceptional design and build quality making it feel like a much more expensive handset. And that's just for starters. You get a great screen, decent battery life, a good camera and even a fingerprint scanner to boot.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 02.08.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

We need to test performance, cameras and battery life properly, but the Moto E5 seems like a decent phone for the tiny sum of just £119.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 23.04.2018
Quelle: Tech Advisor

We need to test performance, cameras and battery life properly, but the Moto E5 seems like a decent phone for the tiny sum of just £119.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 23.04.2018
Quelle: Computer Totaal

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 26.09.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Computer Totaal

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 26.09.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Motorola Moto E5 Plus
Das Motorola Moto E5 Plus ist ein Mittelklasse-Budget-Smartphone mit einer Akkulaufzeit von 1,5 Tagen, einem 6 Zoll Max Vision Bildschirm und einer 12-MP-Kamera mit Laser-Autofokus verbaut in einem schlanken Design. Dank eines riesigen 5.000-mAh-Akkus erhalten User bis zu 1,5 Stunden Akkulaufzeit. In den Händen von weniger anspruchsvollen Usern kann es möglicherweise 2 Tage durchhalten. Dank Turbopower-Charger kann es in nur 15 Minuten für bis zu 6 Stunden Akkulaufzeit aufgeladen werden. Das Moto E5 Plus hat ein interessantes Design. Mit reflektierendem Wellenmuster und einer gewölbten Rückseite sieht es so großartig aus wie es sich anfühlt. An der Vorderseite bietet das Glas-Panel mit gerundeten Ecken glatte Kanten und an der Rückseite wird die Antenne versteckt. Ein wasserabweisendes Design schützt das Phone innen und außen. User müssen sich also nicht über versehentliches Ausschütten von Flüssigkeiten oder Spritzer sorgen. Das Phone misst 161,9 x 75,3 x 9,35 mm und wiegt 200 g. Damit ist es schwerer also viele andere Phones. Das Motorola Moto E5 Plus läuft unter Android 8.0.0. Die fast unverändert aussehende Benutzeroberfläche ist leicht modifiziert. Es gibt einige Extras wie Moto Display. Moto Display erscheint, wenn das Moto E5 Plus im Standby-Modus ist. Es zeigt die Zeit, den Ladestand und Benachrichtigungen. Der Lautsprecher des Moto E5 Plus ist nach vorne gerichtet. User können daher Konferenzgespräche und ihre Lieblingsmusik und -filme auch dann perfekt hören, wenn das Phone auf seiner Rückseite liegt. Die 12-MP-Kamera an der Rückseite fokussiert dank Laser-Autofokus unmittelbar und nimmt dank großen 1,25 μm Pixlen mehr Licht auf. Für seinen Preis ist die Kamera des E5 Plus großartig, obwohl sie nicht so gut wie Kameras von Flagship-Phones ist. Der Auto-HDR-Modus verbessert den dynamischen Bereich in Szenen mit hohen Lichtkontrasten, was ein Vorteil ist. Die 8-MP-Selfie-Kamera an der Vorderseite nimmt dank eigenem Front-Blitz mit ausgezeichneter Belichtung auf. Das Moto E5 Plus wird durch ein Snapdragon 435 Octa-Core-Chipset und 3 GB RAM angetrieben. Es konkurriert definitiv nicht mit Flagship-Phones, sondern bietet eine Mittelklasse-Spezifikation zu einem niedrigeren Preis. Allerdings reicht es für die meisten User, vor allem in Kombination mit dem sehr schlanken und nahezu unverändertem Betriebssystem. Die meisten Anwendungen sollten problemlos laufen. Das Moto E5 Plus ist definitiv ein gutes Phone, wenn User bei kleinerem Budget ein Phone mit langer Akkulaufzeit suchen. Hardware, Kamera und Design sind gut und können die meisten User zufriedenstellen. Das Phone eignet sich gut für User, die ihr Smartphone unterwegs intensiv nutzen. Hands-On-Artikel von Jagadisa RajarathnamAusstattung / Datenblatt

Prozessor: Qualcomm Snapdragon 425
Grafikkarte: Qualcomm Adreno 308
Bildschirm: 6.00 Zoll, 18:9, 1440 x 720 Pixel
Gewicht: 0.197kg
Preis: 200 Euro
Links: Motorola Startseite
Ein 5.000-mAh-Akku ist eine Ansage und das Motorola Moto E5 Plus kombiniert ihn auch noch mit einem günstigen Preis. Dazu gibt es einen riesigen Bildschirm und ein schickes Gehäuse. Ob das Moto E5 Plus uns eine Empfehlung wert ist, das erfahren Sie im Test.
Ausländische Testberichte
Quelle: Toptenreviews

A short battery life is one of the biggest annoyances in a smartphone, but the Moto E5 Plus tackles this head-on. The phone has a large chassis to accommodate the generous screen, and Motorola has sensibly filled the extra space with battery power. It’s paid off, too: the E5 Plus outlasts almost every other currently available phone we’ve tested, except for one that’s significantly more expensive. With a decent screen and a good camera to boot, the larger-sized Moto E5 Plus is a bargain and well worth considering if you’re looking for an affordable smartphone with features that rival the big names.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 20.10.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100% Preis: 100% Leistung: 90%
Quelle: Toptenreviews

A short battery life is one of the biggest annoyances in a smartphone, but the Moto E5 Plus tackles this head-on. The phone has a large chassis to accommodate the generous screen, and Motorola has sensibly filled the extra space with battery power. It’s paid off, too: the E5 Plus outlasts almost every other currently available phone we’ve tested, except for one that’s significantly more expensive. With a decent screen and a good camera to boot, the larger-sized Moto E5 Plus is a bargain and well worth considering if you’re looking for an affordable smartphone with features that rival the big names.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 20.10.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100% Preis: 100% Leistung: 90%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

If you’re looking for a big and bold phone for under £150 then the Moto E5 Plus fits the bill with it’s towering 6in screen and whopping 5000mAh battery.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 01.10.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

If you’re looking for a big and bold phone for under £150 then the Moto E5 Plus fits the bill with it’s towering 6in screen and whopping 5000mAh battery.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 01.10.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: Trusted Reviews

A great budget phone, although an upgrade to the better-performing Moto G6 Play is tempting.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 05.09.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Trusted Reviews

A great budget phone, although an upgrade to the better-performing Moto G6 Play is tempting.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 05.09.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Unbox

While the moto E5 Plus excels in its unique design, massive battery, and big display, its current pricing pits it against similarly-priced phones with better specs. One of its biggest rivals is ASUS’ ZenFone Max Pro M1: with the same price, same stock Android build, and same 5000mAh battery, the ZenFone Max Pro M1 has a higher resolution display, a better processor, and a dual rear camera setup, and a better front camera. Not to mention, there are other similarly-priced phones that have a guarantee update to Android Pie. These include Xiaomi’s Mi A1 and Mi A2 Lite—both are priced a hair under Php10k and have better specs than the moto E5 Plus on paper.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 29.08.2018
Quelle: Unbox

While the moto E5 Plus excels in its unique design, massive battery, and big display, its current pricing pits it against similarly-priced phones with better specs. One of its biggest rivals is ASUS’ ZenFone Max Pro M1: with the same price, same stock Android build, and same 5000mAh battery, the ZenFone Max Pro M1 has a higher resolution display, a better processor, and a dual rear camera setup, and a better front camera. Not to mention, there are other similarly-priced phones that have a guarantee update to Android Pie. These include Xiaomi’s Mi A1 and Mi A2 Lite—both are priced a hair under Php10k and have better specs than the moto E5 Plus on paper.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 29.08.2018
Quelle: Yugatech

The Motorola Moto E5 Plus is a nice smartphone to have especially when you are often in a moist environment thanks to its water-repellent body coating. Might we add, it’s also a feature not normally found in this segment. The optimization of the device’s performance is great as the phone is fast and responsive.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 28.08.2018
Quelle: Yugatech

The Motorola Moto E5 Plus is a nice smartphone to have especially when you are often in a moist environment thanks to its water-repellent body coating. Might we add, it’s also a feature not normally found in this segment. The optimization of the device’s performance is great as the phone is fast and responsive.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 28.08.2018
Quelle: Unbox

The moto E5 Plus is priced at Php 9,999. While it is a thousand bucks more expensive than last year’s moto E4 Plus, the price hike is pretty justified by upgrades such as an octa-core processor, bigger display, more RAM, and laser autofocus, while swapping last year’s metal build for acrylic.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 21.08.2018
Quelle: Unbox

The moto E5 Plus is priced at Php 9,999. While it is a thousand bucks more expensive than last year’s moto E4 Plus, the price hike is pretty justified by upgrades such as an octa-core processor, bigger display, more RAM, and laser autofocus, while swapping last year’s metal build for acrylic.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 21.08.2018
Quelle: Mobygyaan

With that all being said, the Moto E5 Plus offers a really good battery performance and is far better in its class. For multimedia users, the Moto E5 Plus can be a worthy phone if you are looking for a long-lasting battery life. Its premium glass body design, the large screen size, and large battery are those perks that make the phone reliable and at par with the competition.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 17.08.2018
Quelle: Mobygyaan

With that all being said, the Moto E5 Plus offers a really good battery performance and is far better in its class. For multimedia users, the Moto E5 Plus can be a worthy phone if you are looking for a long-lasting battery life. Its premium glass body design, the large screen size, and large battery are those perks that make the phone reliable and at par with the competition.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 17.08.2018
Quelle: Android Authority

Motorola's lack of control over this launch means people will be paying anywhere from $40 to $288 for these phones, which makes it very difficult to provide a simple recommendation. If you're going to buy one of these devices, I recommend the Moto E5 Play, but I wouldn't pay more than $60 or $70 for it. If you have a budget of around $200, you should instead consider a better budget phone like the Moto G6 Play or a refurbished phone.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 01.08.2018
Quelle: Android Authority

Motorola's lack of control over this launch means people will be paying anywhere from $40 to $288 for these phones, which makes it very difficult to provide a simple recommendation. If you're going to buy one of these devices, I recommend the Moto E5 Play, but I wouldn't pay more than $60 or $70 for it. If you have a budget of around $200, you should instead consider a better budget phone like the Moto G6 Play or a refurbished phone.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 01.08.2018
Quelle: PC Mag

The Motorola Moto E5 Plus is a hefty Sprint phablet with a massive 5,000mAh battery that can keep it going for days, but it's too expensive for the specs it offers.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 21.07.2018
Quelle: PC Mag

The Motorola Moto E5 Plus is a hefty Sprint phablet with a massive 5,000mAh battery that can keep it going for days, but it's too expensive for the specs it offers.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 21.07.2018
Quelle: CNet

Buy the Moto E5 Plus if you're looking for a budget phone on Cricket. Otherwise, skip it in favor of a slightly pricier Moto G6 Play or Moto G6.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 19.07.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 69% Leistung: 60% Mobilität: 90% Gehäuse: 60%
Quelle: CNet

Buy the Moto E5 Plus if you're looking for a budget phone on Cricket. Otherwise, skip it in favor of a slightly pricier Moto G6 Play or Moto G6.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 19.07.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 69% Leistung: 60% Mobilität: 90% Gehäuse: 60%
Quelle: NDTV Gadgets

The Moto E5 Plus delivers on the promise of exceptional battery life and has a design that imitates its higher-priced siblings. The software is well optimised and is quite close to stock Android. However, it does little to stand out in a segment dominated by heavyweights such as the Asus ZenFone Max Pro M1 (Review), Redmi Note 5 (Review), and Realme 1 (Review). The cameras are sub-standard, performance is just about okay, and the display is nothing to write home about. The lack of iconic Moto actions such as the double-twist, which have become well associated with Motorola phones, further reduces the smartphone's appeal.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 16.07.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70% Preis: 60% Leistung: 60% Bildschirm: 60% Mobilität: 90% Gehäuse: 70%
Quelle: NDTV Gadgets

The Moto E5 Plus delivers on the promise of exceptional battery life and has a design that imitates its higher-priced siblings. The software is well optimised and is quite close to stock Android. However, it does little to stand out in a segment dominated by heavyweights such as the Asus ZenFone Max Pro M1 (Review), Redmi Note 5 (Review), and Realme 1 (Review). The cameras are sub-standard, performance is just about okay, and the display is nothing to write home about. The lack of iconic Moto actions such as the double-twist, which have become well associated with Motorola phones, further reduces the smartphone's appeal.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 16.07.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70% Preis: 60% Leistung: 60% Bildschirm: 60% Mobilität: 90% Gehäuse: 70%
Quelle: Tech PP

The moto e5 plus will be sold in India in just one variant, with 3GB of RAM and 32GB of storage, at a price of Rs. 11,999, which puts it right in competition with Motorola’s own Moto G6 which comes with a superior chipset, a dual camera set up, as well as a full HD display, but a smaller battery and a sleeker design. The other competitor is the Asus Zenfone Max Pro M1 which also comes with a 5000mAh battery and has a way better chipset in the form of the Snapdragon 636 and also comes with dual cameras to the back and a full HD display. But then, Motorola is banking on its seemingly superior brand value and taking the Moto E series to the next level. Do let us know if you wish to get the moto e5 plus over other smartphones in this segment, and if you too wish that moto went back to its roots of providing value for money smartphones.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 10.07.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 70% Leistung: 75% Gehäuse: 85%
Quelle: Tech PP

The moto e5 plus will be sold in India in just one variant, with 3GB of RAM and 32GB of storage, at a price of Rs. 11,999, which puts it right in competition with Motorola’s own Moto G6 which comes with a superior chipset, a dual camera set up, as well as a full HD display, but a smaller battery and a sleeker design. The other competitor is the Asus Zenfone Max Pro M1 which also comes with a 5000mAh battery and has a way better chipset in the form of the Snapdragon 636 and also comes with dual cameras to the back and a full HD display. But then, Motorola is banking on its seemingly superior brand value and taking the Moto E series to the next level. Do let us know if you wish to get the moto e5 plus over other smartphones in this segment, and if you too wish that moto went back to its roots of providing value for money smartphones.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 10.07.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 70% Leistung: 75% Gehäuse: 85%
Quelle: Techradar

The Moto E5 Plus scores good marks for performance and battery, but limited purchasing options pit it against Motorola’s other budget contenders. Despite having a bigger screen, it lacks the increased resolution, upgraded processing power, and premium-feeling design of the Moto G6, and those prevent it from being the budget champion it was bred to be.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 30.06.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: Techradar

The Moto E5 Plus scores good marks for performance and battery, but limited purchasing options pit it against Motorola’s other budget contenders. Despite having a bigger screen, it lacks the increased resolution, upgraded processing power, and premium-feeling design of the Moto G6, and those prevent it from being the budget champion it was bred to be.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 30.06.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: Phone Arena

As for the E5 Plus, it's a bit of a tougher sell. It is priced at $180 on Cricket and $288 on Sprint, and within this price range you have alternatives from Nokia – the 6 and 6.1 namely. There's also Moto's own G6. All of these offer similarly clean Android experiences, better looks, and potentially better cameras. The only solid reason for picking the E5 Plus instead is its long battery life. Lastly, we can’t forget the still formidable iPhone SE selling for less money than the E5 Plus too – if size and OS is no matter to you, of course.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 28.06.2018
Quelle: Phone Arena

As for the E5 Plus, it's a bit of a tougher sell. It is priced at $180 on Cricket and $288 on Sprint, and within this price range you have alternatives from Nokia – the 6 and 6.1 namely. There's also Moto's own G6. All of these offer similarly clean Android experiences, better looks, and potentially better cameras. The only solid reason for picking the E5 Plus instead is its long battery life. Lastly, we can’t forget the still formidable iPhone SE selling for less money than the E5 Plus too – if size and OS is no matter to you, of course.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 28.06.2018
Quelle: CNet

Motorola is hitting the ultrabudget phone space hard, breaking out three phones in the Moto E5 range that are bent on saving you money while providing the Android basics -- including the most current Android 8.0 Oreo software.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 19.04.2018
Quelle: CNet

Motorola is hitting the ultrabudget phone space hard, breaking out three phones in the Moto E5 range that are bent on saving you money while providing the Android basics -- including the most current Android 8.0 Oreo software.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 19.04.2018
Quelle: Gizmodo

O Moto E5 Plus não é um aparelho para mim e muito provavelmente não é para você, leitor do Gizmodo fissurado em tecnologia. Meu dia a dia com o celular envolve vários apps, com grande foco em redes sociais e trabalho, então o multitarefas precisa funcionar e o armazenamento precisa dar conta de tudo. São dois aspectos em que o Moto E5 Plus falha.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 10.09.2018
Quelle: Gizmodo

O Moto E5 Plus não é um aparelho para mim e muito provavelmente não é para você, leitor do Gizmodo fissurado em tecnologia. Meu dia a dia com o celular envolve vários apps, com grande foco em redes sociais e trabalho, então o multitarefas precisa funcionar e o armazenamento precisa dar conta de tudo. São dois aspectos em que o Moto E5 Plus falha.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 10.09.2018
Quelle: El Androide Libre

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 18.09.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: El Androide Libre

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 18.09.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: PC Guia

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 15.01.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: PC Guia

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 15.01.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 11.09.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 73% Leistung: 70% Bildschirm: 70% Mobilität: 100%

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 11.09.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 73% Leistung: 70% Bildschirm: 70% Mobilität: 100%
Quelle: Tabletowo

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 14.08.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 77% Leistung: 65% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 100% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Tabletowo

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 14.08.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 77% Leistung: 65% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 100% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Helpix

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 03.08.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Helpix

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 03.08.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Motorola Moto E5 Play
Ausstattung / Datenblatt

Prozessor: Qualcomm Snapdragon 425
Grafikkarte: Qualcomm Adreno 308
Bildschirm: 5.20 Zoll, 18:9, 960 x 480 Pixel
Gewicht: 0.15kg
Preis: 99.99 Euro
Links: Motorola Startseite
Die E-Serie von Motorola hielt in den letzten Jahren regelmäßig Einsteiger-Smartphones bis 150 Euro parat, die unterm Strich empfehlenswert waren. Ob auch das neue Motorola Moto E5 Play im Test überzeugt, erfahren Sie hier.
Ausländische Testberichte
Quelle: Tech Advisor

Compromises are inevitable with any phone below £100, but the Moto E5 Play is difficult to recommend when the regular E5 will give you a metal body, more RAM, better cameras, and a bigger battery and display - all for just £30 more.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 28.09.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 60%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

Compromises are inevitable with any phone below £100, but the Moto E5 Play is difficult to recommend when the regular E5 will give you a metal body, more RAM, better cameras, and a bigger battery and display - all for just £30 more.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 28.09.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 60%
Quelle: Android Guys

Regardless of where you buy it, the Moto E5 Play makes for a solid all-around value. It’s everything you need in a device (web, social media, email, and messaging) with just a little bit left over.There’s nothing overly sexy about the phone but we appreciate having the 3.5mm headphone jack, fingerprint sensor, and microSD card. It runs a very modern version of Android and the custom Motorola touches are essentially opt-in. We might like to remove some of the Verizon branded stuff but that ought not reflect on what Motorola’s done here.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 13.09.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 74% Preis: 90% Ausstattung: 80% Bildschirm: 70% Gehäuse: 70%
Quelle: Android Guys

Regardless of where you buy it, the Moto E5 Play makes for a solid all-around value. It’s everything you need in a device (web, social media, email, and messaging) with just a little bit left over.There’s nothing overly sexy about the phone but we appreciate having the 3.5mm headphone jack, fingerprint sensor, and microSD card. It runs a very modern version of Android and the custom Motorola touches are essentially opt-in. We might like to remove some of the Verizon branded stuff but that ought not reflect on what Motorola’s done here.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 13.09.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 74% Preis: 90% Ausstattung: 80% Bildschirm: 70% Gehäuse: 70%
Quelle: Talk Android

Compared to the phones that normally fill news headlines and grab our attention year-round, the Moto E5 Play is pretty middling. Performance is so-so, the camera could use some serious improvements, and there’s no single standout feature that really sells the phone on its own.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 02.08.2018
Quelle: Talk Android

Compared to the phones that normally fill news headlines and grab our attention year-round, the Moto E5 Play is pretty middling. Performance is so-so, the camera could use some serious improvements, and there’s no single standout feature that really sells the phone on its own.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 02.08.2018
Quelle: Android Authority

Motorola's lack of control over this launch means people will be paying anywhere from $40 to $288 for these phones, which makes it very difficult to provide a simple recommendation. If you're going to buy one of these devices, I recommend the Moto E5 Play, but I wouldn't pay more than $60 or $70 for it. If you have a budget of around $200, you should instead consider a better budget phone like the Moto G6 Play or a refurbished phone.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 01.08.2018
Quelle: Android Authority

Motorola's lack of control over this launch means people will be paying anywhere from $40 to $288 for these phones, which makes it very difficult to provide a simple recommendation. If you're going to buy one of these devices, I recommend the Moto E5 Play, but I wouldn't pay more than $60 or $70 for it. If you have a budget of around $200, you should instead consider a better budget phone like the Moto G6 Play or a refurbished phone.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 01.08.2018
Quelle: PC Mag

The Moto E5 Play is an affordable no-frills smartphone that can provide all your basic calling, app, and web browsing needs.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 18.07.2018
Quelle: PC Mag

The Moto E5 Play is an affordable no-frills smartphone that can provide all your basic calling, app, and web browsing needs.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 18.07.2018
Quelle: Phone Arena

As for the E5 Plus, it's a bit of a tougher sell. It is priced at $180 on Cricket and $288 on Sprint, and within this price range you have alternatives from Nokia – the 6 and 6.1 namely. There's also Moto's own G6. All of these offer similarly clean Android experiences, better looks, and potentially better cameras. The only solid reason for picking the E5 Plus instead is its long battery life. Lastly, we can’t forget the still formidable iPhone SE selling for less money than the E5 Plus too – if size and OS is no matter to you, of course.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 28.06.2018
Quelle: Phone Arena

As for the E5 Plus, it's a bit of a tougher sell. It is priced at $180 on Cricket and $288 on Sprint, and within this price range you have alternatives from Nokia – the 6 and 6.1 namely. There's also Moto's own G6. All of these offer similarly clean Android experiences, better looks, and potentially better cameras. The only solid reason for picking the E5 Plus instead is its long battery life. Lastly, we can’t forget the still formidable iPhone SE selling for less money than the E5 Plus too – if size and OS is no matter to you, of course.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 28.06.2018
Quelle: Tom's Guide

There's something to be said for modest handsets like the Moto E5 Play. It's admirable that Motorola continues to lower the barrier of entry to a modern smartphone running up-to-date software. Like previous E-series devices, the E5 Play is a leader in its segment.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 20.06.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: Tom's Guide

There's something to be said for modest handsets like the Moto E5 Play. It's admirable that Motorola continues to lower the barrier of entry to a modern smartphone running up-to-date software. Like previous E-series devices, the E5 Play is a leader in its segment.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 20.06.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: CNet

Motorola is hitting the ultrabudget phone space hard, breaking out three phones in the Moto E5 range that are bent on saving you money while providing the Android basics -- including the most current Android 8.0 Oreo software.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 19.04.2018
Quelle: CNet

Motorola is hitting the ultrabudget phone space hard, breaking out three phones in the Moto E5 range that are bent on saving you money while providing the Android basics -- including the most current Android 8.0 Oreo software.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 19.04.2018
Quelle: Target HD

Positive: Powerful hardware; high performance; good price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 16.10.2018
Quelle: Target HD

Positive: Powerful hardware; high performance; good price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 16.10.2018
Quelle: Mega Obzor

Positive: Nice design; great built quality; decent performance.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 14.10.2019
Quelle: Mega Obzor

Positive: Nice design; great built quality; decent performance.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 14.10.2019
Motorola Moto E5 Play Go
Ausstattung / Datenblatt

Prozessor: Qualcomm Snapdragon 425
Grafikkarte: Qualcomm Adreno 308
Bildschirm: 5.84 Zoll, 18:9, 960 x 480 Pixel
Gewicht: 0.1503kg
Links: Motorola Startseite
Ausländische Testberichte

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 29.08.2018
Bewertung: Gesamt: 60%
Lenovo („Le“ vom englischen legend, novo (Latein) für neu) wurde 1984 als chinesische Computerhandelsfirma gegründet. Ab 2004 war die Firma der größte Laptop-Hersteller Chinas und nach der Übernahme der PC-Sparte von IBM im Jahr 2005 der viertgrößte weltweit. Neben Desktops und Notebooks stellt das Unternehmen Monitore, Beamer, Server etc her und hat sich auf die Entwicklung, Herstellung und Vermarktung von Unterhaltungselektronik, Personalcomputern, Software, Unternehmenslösungen und damit verbundenen Dienstleistungen spezialisiert.
Im Jahr 2016 belegte das Unternehmen weltweit den ersten Platz bei den Computerverkäufen. Auch 2023 hatte es ihn noch inne bei ca 23% Weltmarktanteil. Wichtige Produktreihen sind Thinkpad, Legion und Ideapad.
2011 wurde die Mehrheit der Medion AG übernommen, einem europäischen Computer-Hardware-Hersteller. 2014 wurde Motorola Mobility gekauft, wodurch Lenovo einen Schub am Smartphone-Markt erreichte.
Motorola: Das 1928 gegründete Unternehmen mit Sitz in den USA fokussiert hauptsächlich Kommunikationstechnologie wie zB Smartphones. Das ursprüngliche Unternehmen Motorola Inc wurde 2011 aufgespalten. Motorola Mobility bekam den Smartphone-Bereich und wurde 2012 von Google übernommen und 2014 von Lenovo.
Das Unternehmen ist bekannt für seine Mobiltelefone und andere elektronische Geräte wie Smartwatches, Tablets und Zubehör. Motorola war eines der ersten Unternehmen, das Mobiltelefone hergestellt hat, und hat in den letzten Jahren auch in den Bereichen 5G-Technologie und modulare Smartphones (Moto Mods) Innovationen hervorgebracht. Motorola ist auch in den Bereichen öffentliche Sicherheit und professionelle Kommunikation tätig und bietet Lösungen für Regierungsbehörden, Unternehmen und andere Organisationen an. Das Unternehmen hat Niederlassungen in Nordamerika, Europa, Asien und Lateinamerika und beschäftigt weltweit mehr als 10.000 Mitarbeiter.
3D Spiele sind auf diesen Vertretern nur in Ausnahmen spielbar, grundsätzlich sind die Grafiklösungen hierfür jedoch nicht geeignet. Office Programme und Internet surfen dürfte jedoch ohne Problem möglich sein.
Qualcomm Adreno 320: Eingebaut in Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 SoCs
Qualcomm Adreno 305: Integrierte Grafikeinheit in den ARM-SoCs der Qualcomm Snapdragon 400 Serie.
Qualcomm Adreno 302: Integrierte Grafikeinheit in den ARM-SoCs der Qualcomm Snapdragon 200 Serie.
Qualcomm Adreno 306: Integrierte Grafikeinheit in den ARM-SoCs der Qualcomm Snapdragon 410 Serie.
ARM Mali-T720: Integrierte Grafikkarte für ARM basierte SoCs mit einem Cluster (T720 MP1) und 600 MHz Taktrate. Unterstützt OpenGL ES 3.1, OpenCL 1.1, DirectX 11 FL9_3 und Renderscript.
Qualcomm Adreno 308: Integrierte Grafikeinheit in den ARM-SoCs der Qualcomm Snapdragon 425 Serie.
Diese Karten können nur sehr alte und sehr anspruchslose 3D Spiele flüssig darstellen. Anwendungen wie Office, Internet surfen, Bildbearbeitung oder (SD) Videoschnitt sind jedoch ohne große Einschränkungen möglich.
Qualcomm Adreno 330: Eingebaut in Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 und 801 SoCs
Qualcomm Adreno 418: Grafikchips für Smartphones und Tablets, integriert im Qualcomm Snapdragon 808 SoC.
Qualcomm Adreno 405: Grafikchip für Smartphones und Tablets, integriert im Qualcomm Snapdragon 615 SoC.
Qualcomm Adreno 506: Grafikchip für Smartphones und Tablets, integriert im Qualcomm Snapdragon 625 SoC. Basiert auf die 500er Grafikarchitektur wie der schnellere Adreno 520 im Snapdragon 820.
ARM Mali-T860 MP2: Zwei-Cluster Variante der Mali-T860 Grafikkarte für Smartphones und Tablets.
Qualcomm Adreno 508: Grafikchip für Smartphones und Tablets, integriert im Qualcomm Snapdragon 630 SoC. Basiert auf die 500er Grafikarchitektur wie der schnellere Adreno 520 im Snapdragon 820.
Qualcomm Adreno 509: Grafikchip für Smartphones und Tablets, integriert im Qualcomm Snapdragon 636 SoC. Basiert auf die 500er Grafikarchitektur wie der schnellere Adreno 520 im Snapdragon 820.
Einige nicht anspruchsvolle aktuelle Spiele können mit geringen Details noch flüssig gespielt werden. Für Office und Video natürlich ausreichende Leistungsreserven.
Qualcomm Adreno 430: Grafikchip für Smartphones und Tablets, integriert im Qualcomm Snapdragon 810 SoC.
Qualcomm Adreno 530: Grafikchip für Smartphones und Tablets, integriert im Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 SoC.
» Weitere Informationen gibt es in unserem Notebook-Grafikkartenvergleich und der Benchmarkliste.
Qualcomm Snapdragon:
S4 Pro MSM8960DT: Dual-Core-SoC der Mittelklasse von Qualcomm, taktet mit bis zu 1,7 GHz. Basiert auf der Krait-Architektur und wird in 28nm gefertigt.
400 MSM8226: Quad-Core-SoC von Qualcomm mit bis zu 1,2 GHz. Basiert auf der ARM Cortex-A7-Architektur (ARMv7) und wird in 28nm LP gefertigt.
801 MSM8974AC: High-End ARM-SoC mit 4 CPU-Kernen (max. 2,45 GHz) und einer Adreno 330 GPU (max. 578 MHz). Basiert auf Qualcomms Krait-400-Architektur und wird in einem 28 Nanometer HPM-Prozess gefertigt.
410 MSM8916: Mittelklasse ARM-SoC mit 4 CPU-Kernen und einer Adreno 306 GPU. Basiert auf der 64-bit-fähigen Cortex-A53-Architektur und wird in einem 28-Nanometer-Prozess gefertigt.
808 MSM8992: High-End ARM-SoC mit insgesamt 6 CPU-Kernen (2x Cortex-A57, 4x Cortex-A53) und einer Adreno 418 GPU. Wird in einem 20-Nanometer-Prozess gefertigt.
615 MSM8939: ARM-SoC der oberen Mittelklasse mit 8 CPU-Kernen und einer Adreno 405 GPU. Basiert auf der 64-bit-fähigen Cortex-A53-Architektur und wird in einem 28-Nanometer-Prozess gefertigt.
810 MSM8994: High-End ARM-SoC mit insgesamt 8 CPU-Kernen (4x Cortex-A57, 4x Cortex-A53) und einer Adreno 430 GPU. Wird in einem 20-Nanometer-Prozess gefertigt.
617 MSM8952: ARM-SoC der oberen Mittelklasse mit 8 CPU-Kernen und einer Adreno 405 GPU. Basiert auf der 64-bit-fähigen Cortex-A53-Architektur und wird in einem 28-Nanometer-Prozess gefertigt.
820 MSM8996: High-End ARM-SoC mit 4 CPU Kernen (2x stromsparend bis 1,6 GHz, 2x Leistung mit 2,15 GHz) und 64-Bit-Unterstützung. Wird im modernen 14-nm-Prozess gefertigt und beinhaltet einen Hexagon 680 DSP, LTE Funkmodem, 802.11ad 60GHz WLAN Support und die Adreno 530 Grafikkarte.
625: Mittelklasse Octa-Core ARM Cortex-A53 SoC mit bis zu 2 GHz Taktfrequenz welcher bereits in 14 nm gefertigt wird und eine Adreon 506 GPU, einen DDR3L-1866 Speicherkontroller und ein X9 LTE (Cat 7) Modem integriert.
SD 630: Mittelklasse Octa-Core ARM Cortex-A53 SoC mit bis zu 2.2 GHz Taktfrequenz welcher bereits in 14 nm gefertigt wird und eine Adreon 508 GPU, einen DDR4 Speicherkontroller und ein X12 LTE (Cat 13/12) Modem integriert.
SD 636: Mittelklasse SoC mit 8 Kryo 260 Kernen (bis 1,8 GHz) und einem X12 LTE Modem (bis zu 600 Mbps Download). Im Vergleich zum Snapdragon 660 sind die CPU Kerne deutlich niedriger getaktet (1,8 versus 2,2 GHz).
425: Einstiegs ARM-SoC mit 4 CPU-Kernen mit maximal 1,4 GHz und einer Adreno-308-GPU. Basiert auf der 64-bit-fähigen Cortex-A53-Architektur und wird in einem 28-Nanometer-Prozess gefertigt.
Qualcomm Snapdragon 200:
200 8210: Einstiegs-Soc mit zwei ARM Cortex-A7 Kernen und 1.2 Ghz maximaler Taktfrequenz.
Mediatek Mediatek:
MT6735: ARM-basierter Quad-Core-SoC (4x Cortex-A53) mit 64-Bit-Unterstützung und bis zu 1,5 GHz Taktrate. Hauptsächlich in Tablets zu finden.
Helio P10 MT6755: ARM-basierter Octa-Core-SoC (8x Cortex-A53) mit 64-Bit-Unterstützung und bis zu 2 GHz Taktrate für Smartphones und Tablets.
» Weitere Infos gibt es in unserem Prozessorvergleich Vergleich mobiler Prozessoren und der Prozessoren Benchmarkliste .
5.00: Es handelt sich um ein sehr kleines Display-Format für Smartphones. Man sollte keinesfalls fehlsichtig sein und man wird generell sehr wenig am Bildschirm sehen und nur eine kleine Auflösung zur Verfügung haben. Dafür sollte das Gerät sehr klein und handlich sein.
6.00: Es handelt sich um ein kleines Display-Format für Smartphones. Man sollte nicht stark fehlsichtig sein und man wird wenig Details am Bildschirm sehen und nur eine kleine Auflösung zur Verfügung haben. Dafür sollte das Gerät klein und handlich sein, gut transportierbar.
» Prüfen Sie in unserer DPI Liste, welche Displays wie fein aufgelöst sind.
0.049 kg:
Most smartphones and only a few tablets fall into this weight category. Only a few smartphones are heavier and should rather be considered tablets.
0.197 kg:
81.42%: Diese Bewertung ist leicht überdurchschnittlich, es gibt etwas mehr Geräte mit schlechteren Beurteilungen. Klare Kaufempfehlungen sehen aber anders aus.
» Lesen Sie auch unsere Notebook-Kaufberatung.