Google Pixel 4 Serie

Grafikkarte: Qualcomm Adreno 618, Qualcomm Adreno 620, Qualcomm Adreno 640
Bildschirm: 5.70 Zoll, 5.80 Zoll, 6.20 Zoll, 6.30 Zoll
Gewicht: 0.143kg, 0.162kg, 0.168kg, 0.193kg
Preis: 350, 486, 749, 899 Euro
Durchschnitt von 486 Bewertungen (aus 834 Tests)
Google Pixel 4
Das Google Pixel 4 ist das Handy von Google, dessen Kamera immer perfekt aufnimmt. Es ist das erste Handy mit Motion Sense. Das Beste daran ist, dass es auf Google-Software ausgelegt ist, die User kennen und lieben, dass sie immer besser wird. Mit der Kamera des Google Pixel 4 erhalten Benutzer immer fantastische Aufnahmen. Sie können Bilder bei extrem schlechten Lichtverhältnissen und von den Sternen aufnehmen und die Belichtungsbalance vor anstatt nach der Aufnahme anpassen. Benutzer können mit dem Pixel 4 Aufnahmen ohne Blitz machen. Night Sight ist jetzt schneller und einfacher zu bedienen. Es können sogar Fotos von der Milchstraße aufgenommen werden. Dank Live HDR+ wirken Farben lebendig. All diese erstaunlichen Funktionen zum Aufnehmen von Fotos werden von einer 16-Megapixel-Hauptkamera mit f/2.4-Blende und 1,0 µ Pixelgröße sowie einer sekundären 12,2-Megapixel-Kamera mit f/1.7-Blende und 1,4 µ Pixelgröße ermöglicht. Zudem bietet die Kamera an der Rückseite Phasenerkennungsautofokus. Außerdem verfügt das Gerät über eine 8-Megapixel-Frontkamera für Selfies mit einer f/2.0-Blende und 1,22 µ Pixelgröße. Motion Sense ermöglicht eine Steuerung des Phones durch Handbewegungen. Sie können durch Musik wischen, Alarme schlummern lassen und Anrufe stumm schalten. Motion Sense verwendet Radar, mit dem Benutzer ihr Pixel 4 steuern können ohne das Phone zu berühren, wenn sie auf dem Laufband laufen oder Ihr Lieblingsessen genießen. Das Telefon nutzt einen flexiblen, 5,7 Zoll großen FHD+-OLED-Touchscreen mit einer Auflösung von 1.080 x 2.280 Pixel bei einer Pixeldichte von 444 Pixel pro Zoll (ppi) und einem Seitenverhältnis von 19:9. Das Display bietet eine Bildwiederholfrequenz von 90 Hz, true Black-Level, HDR-Unterstützung, ein Super-Kontrastverhältnis von 100.000:1 und volle 24-Bit-Tiefe oder 16,77 Millionen Farben. Als Hardware nutzt das Pixel 4 einen Qualcomm Snapdragon 855 mit 2,84 GHz + 1,78 GHz, 64-Bit, acht Kernen und 6 GB LPDDR4x-RAM. Zwei Speicheroptionen, 64 GB und 128 GB, stehen zur Auswahl. Zudem verwendet es eine Adreno 640-GPU und einen Pixel Neural Core. Der Pixel Neural Core ist eine Art maschineller Lern-Prozessor (NPU). Er ist für einige spezifische komplexe mathematische Aufgaben optimiert, die von Algorithmen für maschinelles Lernen verwendet werden. Das Pixel 4 misst 68,8 x 147,1 x 8,2 mm und wiegt 162 g. Es ist in den Farben Clearly White, Just Black und Oh So Orange erhältlich. Sein Akku hat eine Kapazität von 2.800 mAh und kann mit einem 18 W / 2 A USB Type-C-Ladegerät oder einem Qi-zertifizierten kabellosen Ladegerät aufgeladen werden. Insgesamt ist das Google Pixel 4 ein Smartphone mit erstklassigen Kamera- und Hardwarespezifikationen. Highlights sind das 90-Hz-Display, die Dual-Kamera an der Rückseite und der Snapdragon 855-Prozessor von Qualcomm. Es ist ein sehr hochwertiges Angebot von Google. Hands-On-Artikel von Jagadisa RajarathnamAusstattung / Datenblatt

Prozessor: Qualcomm Snapdragon SD 855
Grafikkarte: Qualcomm Adreno 640
Bildschirm: 5.70 Zoll, 19:9, 2280 x 1080 Pixel
Gewicht: 0.162kg
Preis: 749 Euro
Links: Google Startseite
Das Pixel 4 zeigt schon auf dem Datenblatt kaum Neuerungen, nur die berührungslose Gestensteuerung und das 90-Hz-Panel sind wirklich neu, ansonsten ist eher ein zartes Facelifting angesagt. Dafür muss der Fingerabdrucksensor weichen und ein kleinerer Akku Platz finden. Ob die Mischung aufgeht, erfahren Sie im Test.
Quelle: Inside Handy

Das Gerät an sich schnurrt mit idealer Performance und schier unbegrenzten Möglichkeiten. Wer ein Faible für Android hat, sollte das Pixel ausprobieren und auch, wer von Apple den Schritt zu Android wagt, ist mit dem Pixel 4 – oder einem anderen Pixel-Smartphone – zum Einstieg gut bedient.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 17.05.2020
Quelle: Inside Handy

Das Gerät an sich schnurrt mit idealer Performance und schier unbegrenzten Möglichkeiten. Wer ein Faible für Android hat, sollte das Pixel ausprobieren und auch, wer von Apple den Schritt zu Android wagt, ist mit dem Pixel 4 – oder einem anderen Pixel-Smartphone – zum Einstieg gut bedient.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 17.05.2020
Quelle: Curved

Das Google Pixel 4 ist mein Held, weil es wirklich ein Smartphone ist, dass es so eigentlich gar nicht mehr gibt. Mit dem 5,7 Zoll Display ist es für ein Flaggschiff aus dem Jahr 2019 angenehm handlich, ich finde es optisch und haptisch mehr als ansprechend und bei den Funktionen gibt es einiges zu entdecken.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 16.03.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 93% Leistung: 93% Bildschirm: 95% Mobilität: 78%
Quelle: Curved

Das Google Pixel 4 ist mein Held, weil es wirklich ein Smartphone ist, dass es so eigentlich gar nicht mehr gibt. Mit dem 5,7 Zoll Display ist es für ein Flaggschiff aus dem Jahr 2019 angenehm handlich, ich finde es optisch und haptisch mehr als ansprechend und bei den Funktionen gibt es einiges zu entdecken.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 16.03.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 93% Leistung: 93% Bildschirm: 95% Mobilität: 78%
Quelle: Android Pit

So sieht es aus: Ich bin durch mit dem Google Pixel 4. Für mich ist das eine wirklich große Sache. Nicht umsonst nennen mich meine Kollegen gerne den büroeigenen Pixel-Fanboy. Ich hatte mich bei meinem 100-Tage-Review für das Pixel 3a entschieden. In Wirklichkeit hab ich es aber noch weitaus länger als meinen täglichen Begleiter benutzt.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 15.03.2020
Quelle: Android Pit

So sieht es aus: Ich bin durch mit dem Google Pixel 4. Für mich ist das eine wirklich große Sache. Nicht umsonst nennen mich meine Kollegen gerne den büroeigenen Pixel-Fanboy. Ich hatte mich bei meinem 100-Tage-Review für das Pixel 3a entschieden. In Wirklichkeit hab ich es aber noch weitaus länger als meinen täglichen Begleiter benutzt.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 15.03.2020
Quelle: WinFuture

Das Google Pixel 4 bringt einige interessante Neuerungen mit sich. Dazu gehört etwa ein Display, welches die Bildwiederholrate dynamisch auf bis zu 90 Hertz erhöht. Im Vergleich zum Vorgänger gibt es außerdem eine verbesserte Kamera, die nun einen speziellen Modus zur Astrofotografie bietet. Ein neuer Radar-Sensor erkennt Handgesten des Nutzers.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 30.12.2019
Quelle: WinFuture

Das Google Pixel 4 bringt einige interessante Neuerungen mit sich. Dazu gehört etwa ein Display, welches die Bildwiederholrate dynamisch auf bis zu 90 Hertz erhöht. Im Vergleich zum Vorgänger gibt es außerdem eine verbesserte Kamera, die nun einen speziellen Modus zur Astrofotografie bietet. Ein neuer Radar-Sensor erkennt Handgesten des Nutzers.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 30.12.2019
Quelle: Netzwelt

Google möchte mit den Pixel-Smartphones iPhone-Alternativen mit Android bieten - Harmonie aus Soft- und Hardware. So schön das in der Theorie klingt, in der Realität klappt dies bislang nicht. Zu ambitioniert werden einige Features entwickelt und beworben, und dabei wichtige Aspekte bei der Ausstattung vernachlässigt.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 21.12.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 68% Ausstattung: 70% Mobilität: 50% Gehäuse: 70%
Quelle: Netzwelt

Google möchte mit den Pixel-Smartphones iPhone-Alternativen mit Android bieten - Harmonie aus Soft- und Hardware. So schön das in der Theorie klingt, in der Realität klappt dies bislang nicht. Zu ambitioniert werden einige Features entwickelt und beworben, und dabei wichtige Aspekte bei der Ausstattung vernachlässigt.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 21.12.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 68% Ausstattung: 70% Mobilität: 50% Gehäuse: 70%
Quelle: WinFuture

Das Google Pixel 4 soll im Vergleich zu seinem Vorgänger unter anderem einen schnelleren Prozessor und eine verbesserte Kamera bieten. Außerdem ist nun eine Bedienung mit Gesten möglich, ohne das Smartphone dabei berühren zu müssen. Überzeugen konnte im Test das 90-Hertz-Display, welches allerdings bei geringer Helligkeit in einen 60-Hertz-Modus wechselt.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 03.12.2019
Quelle: WinFuture

Das Google Pixel 4 soll im Vergleich zu seinem Vorgänger unter anderem einen schnelleren Prozessor und eine verbesserte Kamera bieten. Außerdem ist nun eine Bedienung mit Gesten möglich, ohne das Smartphone dabei berühren zu müssen. Überzeugen konnte im Test das 90-Hertz-Display, welches allerdings bei geringer Helligkeit in einen 60-Hertz-Modus wechselt.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 03.12.2019
Quelle: Inside Handy

Das Pixel 4 hat im Test gut gefallen. Durch seine kompakte Größe liegt es super in der Hand und ist mit seiner matten Rückseite und dem rauen Rahmen ein echter Handschmeichler. Das AMOLED-Display ist schön hell, bietet tolle Farben und macht mit seiner 90-Hertz-Bildwiederholrate einfach Spaß bei der Benutzung. Auch die Leistung kann überzeugen.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 18.11.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Inside Handy

Das Pixel 4 hat im Test gut gefallen. Durch seine kompakte Größe liegt es super in der Hand und ist mit seiner matten Rückseite und dem rauen Rahmen ein echter Handschmeichler. Das AMOLED-Display ist schön hell, bietet tolle Farben und macht mit seiner 90-Hertz-Bildwiederholrate einfach Spaß bei der Benutzung. Auch die Leistung kann überzeugen.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 18.11.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Mobile Geeks

Aber gut. Eine Sache gibt es, wo ich zumindest über einiges hinwegsehen kann und das ist der Preis. 749 Euro kostet das Google Pixel 4, wobei man es teilweise schon für 700 Euro bekommt. Ich kann vieles dem Smartphone deshalb verzeihen, da es im Vergleich zum Vorgänger nicht teurer, sondern 100 Euro günstiger geworden ist.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 13.11.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 81% Preis: 75% Leistung: 90% Bildschirm: 90% Mobilität: 55%
Quelle: Mobile Geeks

Aber gut. Eine Sache gibt es, wo ich zumindest über einiges hinwegsehen kann und das ist der Preis. 749 Euro kostet das Google Pixel 4, wobei man es teilweise schon für 700 Euro bekommt. Ich kann vieles dem Smartphone deshalb verzeihen, da es im Vergleich zum Vorgänger nicht teurer, sondern 100 Euro günstiger geworden ist.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 13.11.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 81% Preis: 75% Leistung: 90% Bildschirm: 90% Mobilität: 55%
Quelle: Android Pit

Das Pixel 4 ist ein Smartphone, das man nicht leichten Herzens empfehlen kann. Aus technischer Sicht ist es beeindruckend. Motion Sense ist beeindruckend, im Moment aber noch nicht allzu nützlich. Doch das Potenzial ist enorm. Und eben in diese investiert Ihr. Die Akkulaufzeit ist erbärmlich.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 06.11.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: Android Pit

Das Pixel 4 ist ein Smartphone, das man nicht leichten Herzens empfehlen kann. Aus technischer Sicht ist es beeindruckend. Motion Sense ist beeindruckend, im Moment aber noch nicht allzu nützlich. Doch das Potenzial ist enorm. Und eben in diese investiert Ihr. Die Akkulaufzeit ist erbärmlich.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 06.11.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: Teltarif

Das Google Pixel 4 ist ein sehr gutes Smartphone, das mit einigen besonderen Features aufwarten kann. So macht die Kamera nicht nur sehr gute Bilder bei ausreichendem Licht, auch die erstklassig klingenden Stereolautsprecher haben uns mehr als überzeugt. Software-Features wie der Nachtmodus bei der Hauptkamera können bei Dunkelheit punkten. Die Gestensteuerung "Motion Sense" bei Entsperrung des Bildschirms ist innovativ und bietet als Basis einer flüssigen Bedienweise einen Mehrwert. Etwas weniger schön ist die nur durchschnittliche Helligkeit des Displays und die im Vergleich mit anderen Premium-Smartphones recht breiten Displayränder.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 31.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 92% Preis: 83% Leistung: 90% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: Teltarif

Das Google Pixel 4 ist ein sehr gutes Smartphone, das mit einigen besonderen Features aufwarten kann. So macht die Kamera nicht nur sehr gute Bilder bei ausreichendem Licht, auch die erstklassig klingenden Stereolautsprecher haben uns mehr als überzeugt. Software-Features wie der Nachtmodus bei der Hauptkamera können bei Dunkelheit punkten. Die Gestensteuerung "Motion Sense" bei Entsperrung des Bildschirms ist innovativ und bietet als Basis einer flüssigen Bedienweise einen Mehrwert. Etwas weniger schön ist die nur durchschnittliche Helligkeit des Displays und die im Vergleich mit anderen Premium-Smartphones recht breiten Displayränder.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 31.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 92% Preis: 83% Leistung: 90% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 90%

Mit dem Pixel 4 bringt Google ohne Frage ein hochwertiges Smartphone auf den Markt, besonders das schlichte Design hinterlässt einen guten Eindruck. Das Gerät liegt gut in der Hand und ist vor allem durch die kompakten Maße ein echter „Handschmeichler“. Die neue Pixel-Generation übernimmt einige Features der Vorgänger.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 28.10.2019

Mit dem Pixel 4 bringt Google ohne Frage ein hochwertiges Smartphone auf den Markt, besonders das schlichte Design hinterlässt einen guten Eindruck. Das Gerät liegt gut in der Hand und ist vor allem durch die kompakten Maße ein echter „Handschmeichler“. Die neue Pixel-Generation übernimmt einige Features der Vorgänger.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 28.10.2019
Quelle: Curved

Das Pixel 4 ist minimalistischer angelegt, eher für Fans eines unveränderten Android und für Nutzer, denen Design nicht so wichtig ist. Das Mehr an Ausstattung, das Samsung liefert, muss man auch bezahlen. Etwa bei der Möglichkeit den Speicher zu erweitern, speziell hier knausert Google schon ziemlich.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 24.10.2019
Quelle: Curved

Das Pixel 4 ist minimalistischer angelegt, eher für Fans eines unveränderten Android und für Nutzer, denen Design nicht so wichtig ist. Das Mehr an Ausstattung, das Samsung liefert, muss man auch bezahlen. Etwa bei der Möglichkeit den Speicher zu erweitern, speziell hier knausert Google schon ziemlich.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 24.10.2019
Quelle: Inside Handy

Das Pixel 4 hat im Test gut gefallen. Durch seine kompakte Größe liegt es super in der Hand und ist mit seiner matten Rückseite und dem rauen Rahmen ein echter Handschmeichler. Das AMOLED-Display ist schön hell, bietet tolle Farben und macht mit seiner 90-Hertz-Bildwiederholrate einfach Spaß bei der Benutzung.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 22.10.2019
Quelle: Inside Handy

Das Pixel 4 hat im Test gut gefallen. Durch seine kompakte Größe liegt es super in der Hand und ist mit seiner matten Rückseite und dem rauen Rahmen ein echter Handschmeichler. Das AMOLED-Display ist schön hell, bietet tolle Farben und macht mit seiner 90-Hertz-Bildwiederholrate einfach Spaß bei der Benutzung.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 22.10.2019
Quelle: n-tv

Obwohl sie 100 Euro günstiger als ihre Vorgänger auf den Markt kommen, sind die neuen Pixel-Geräte mit 750 bis 1000 Euro auch keine Schnäppchen. Sind einem die KI-Fähigkeiten egal, bekommt man für so viel Geld stärker ausgestattete Smartphones. Allerdings erhalten Pixel-Geräte garantiert drei Jahre lang schnelle Android-Upgrades.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 21.10.2019
Quelle: MobiFlip

Google hat die Kamera in den letzten zwei Jahren massiv gepusht und stark in den Fokus gerückt, dieses Jahr widmete man sich eher der restlichen Hardware. Das ist in Ordnung, immerhin hat man weiterhin eine der besten Kameras. Doch die Konkurrenz hat aufgeholt und Google hat sich etwas ausgeruht.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 21.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Spiegel Online

Das Pixel 4 ist eigentlich eine Vorschauversion. Es kann verdammt Vieles verdammt gut. Ausgerechnet das, was es einzigartig macht, wirkt unfertig: die berührungslose Steuerung. Ansonsten spielt es in der Oberklasse mit, kann mit seiner Fotoqualität locker mit den Topmodellen von Apple, Samsung und Huawei mithalten, sie teilweise sogar übertreffen.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 21.10.2019
Quelle: Tech Stage

Pixel-Phones sind immer auch eine Art Showcase, was machbar und/oder sinnvoll ist - zumindest in den Augen Googles. „Volle Hütte“ muss dafür offenbar nicht unbedingt sein. Entsprechend gibt es nicht den aktuellsten Snapdragon 855 Plus, nur 64/128 GByte nicht erweiterbaren Speicher, „nur“ 6 GByte RAM und kein 5G.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 21.10.2019
Quelle: PC Welt

Das Pixel 4 versucht gar nicht erst, das beste Smartphone auf dem Markt zu werden. Es lebt von dem großen Vorteil direkt von Google zu stammen und durch seine Software zu punkten. Denn auf dem Pixel 4 läuft natürlich reines Android 10 mit KI, die beispielsweise die Akkuleistung regelt.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 21.10.2019
Quelle: n-tv

Obwohl sie 100 Euro günstiger als ihre Vorgänger auf den Markt kommen, sind die neuen Pixel-Geräte mit 750 bis 1000 Euro auch keine Schnäppchen. Sind einem die KI-Fähigkeiten egal, bekommt man für so viel Geld stärker ausgestattete Smartphones. Allerdings erhalten Pixel-Geräte garantiert drei Jahre lang schnelle Android-Upgrades.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 21.10.2019
Quelle: MobiFlip

Google hat die Kamera in den letzten zwei Jahren massiv gepusht und stark in den Fokus gerückt, dieses Jahr widmete man sich eher der restlichen Hardware. Das ist in Ordnung, immerhin hat man weiterhin eine der besten Kameras. Doch die Konkurrenz hat aufgeholt und Google hat sich etwas ausgeruht.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 21.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Spiegel Online

Das Pixel 4 ist eigentlich eine Vorschauversion. Es kann verdammt Vieles verdammt gut. Ausgerechnet das, was es einzigartig macht, wirkt unfertig: die berührungslose Steuerung. Ansonsten spielt es in der Oberklasse mit, kann mit seiner Fotoqualität locker mit den Topmodellen von Apple, Samsung und Huawei mithalten, sie teilweise sogar übertreffen.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 21.10.2019
Quelle: Tech Stage

Pixel-Phones sind immer auch eine Art Showcase, was machbar und/oder sinnvoll ist - zumindest in den Augen Googles. „Volle Hütte“ muss dafür offenbar nicht unbedingt sein. Entsprechend gibt es nicht den aktuellsten Snapdragon 855 Plus, nur 64/128 GByte nicht erweiterbaren Speicher, „nur“ 6 GByte RAM und kein 5G.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 21.10.2019
Quelle: PC Welt

Das Pixel 4 versucht gar nicht erst, das beste Smartphone auf dem Markt zu werden. Es lebt von dem großen Vorteil direkt von Google zu stammen und durch seine Software zu punkten. Denn auf dem Pixel 4 läuft natürlich reines Android 10 mit KI, die beispielsweise die Akkuleistung regelt.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 21.10.2019
Quelle: WinFuture

Google hat mit dem Pixel 4 sein nächstes Top-Smartphone vorgestellt, das unter anderem mit schneller Hardware und einer Kamera überzeugen möchte, die auch bei wenig Licht noch gute Bilder macht. Auch soll eine Gestensteuerung die Bedienung erleichtern.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 20.10.2019
Quelle: WinFuture

Google hat mit dem Pixel 4 sein nächstes Top-Smartphone vorgestellt, das unter anderem mit schneller Hardware und einer Kamera überzeugen möchte, die auch bei wenig Licht noch gute Bilder macht. Auch soll eine Gestensteuerung die Bedienung erleichtern.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 20.10.2019
Quelle: RP-Online

Google setzt beim neuen Flaggschiff-Smartphone Pixel 4 auf zwei Kameras und ein innovatives Bedienkonzept. Das Pixel 4 und die größere XL-Version setzen erstmals auf eine Doppelkamera. Außerdem kommt ein Radarsensor zur Gestensteuerung zum Einsatz. Verkaufsstart der Geräte mit 5,7 und 6,3 Zoll großen OLED-Display mit 90-Hertz-Technologie ist am 24. Oktober.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 16.10.2019
Quelle: RP-Online

Google setzt beim neuen Flaggschiff-Smartphone Pixel 4 auf zwei Kameras und ein innovatives Bedienkonzept. Das Pixel 4 und die größere XL-Version setzen erstmals auf eine Doppelkamera. Außerdem kommt ein Radarsensor zur Gestensteuerung zum Einsatz. Verkaufsstart der Geräte mit 5,7 und 6,3 Zoll großen OLED-Display mit 90-Hertz-Technologie ist am 24. Oktober.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 16.10.2019
Quelle: WinFuture

Die neuen Google Pixel 4-Geräte beeindrucken, sowohl in Sachen Hardware, als auch beim Preis. Google verbaut wie üblich aktuelle Top-Technik, darunter ein von DisplayMate hoch gelobtes 5,7- oder 6,3-Zoll-Display, das mit hoher Bildqualität und sehr ordentlicher Helligkeit überzeugen soll.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 15.10.2019
Quelle: WinFuture

Die neuen Google Pixel 4-Geräte beeindrucken, sowohl in Sachen Hardware, als auch beim Preis. Google verbaut wie üblich aktuelle Top-Technik, darunter ein von DisplayMate hoch gelobtes 5,7- oder 6,3-Zoll-Display, das mit hoher Bildqualität und sehr ordentlicher Helligkeit überzeugen soll.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 15.10.2019
Ausländische Testberichte
Quelle: Tom's Guide

The Pixel w4 was a pretty hard sell when it was new, thanks to the poor battery life, which was a shame. The 2019 Google phone was otherwise pretty great, with clever software with a number of unique features like Face Unlock and Motion Sense. It also had one of the finest cameras we've ever seen on a phone. So should you go out and buy a Pixel 4 right now? No, you should not. Even if the Pixel 6 isn't to your liking when it is announced, there are still plenty of other Pixel options for you to choose from that don't have the Pixel 4's shortcomings.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 15.09.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Tom's Guide

The Pixel w4 was a pretty hard sell when it was new, thanks to the poor battery life, which was a shame. The 2019 Google phone was otherwise pretty great, with clever software with a number of unique features like Face Unlock and Motion Sense. It also had one of the finest cameras we've ever seen on a phone. So should you go out and buy a Pixel 4 right now? No, you should not. Even if the Pixel 6 isn't to your liking when it is announced, there are still plenty of other Pixel options for you to choose from that don't have the Pixel 4's shortcomings.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 15.09.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Tom's Guide

The Google Pixel 4's poor battery life is a shame, because Google's 2019 flagship remains an otherwise great all-around device with clever software features; useful differentiators, like Face Unlock, Motion Sense and the 90Hz screen; and one of the finest cameras we have ever seen on a phone. The Pixel 4 XL could be the answer for people concerned about battery life, but at 6.3 inches, it will put off anyone smitten by the regular model's more pocketable size. It's ironic, because Google is executing all the high-level, machine-learning stuff far better than many of its contemporaries. It's the basics that ultimately hold the Pixel 4 back from perfection.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 18.08.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Tom's Guide

The Google Pixel 4's poor battery life is a shame, because Google's 2019 flagship remains an otherwise great all-around device with clever software features; useful differentiators, like Face Unlock, Motion Sense and the 90Hz screen; and one of the finest cameras we have ever seen on a phone. The Pixel 4 XL could be the answer for people concerned about battery life, but at 6.3 inches, it will put off anyone smitten by the regular model's more pocketable size. It's ironic, because Google is executing all the high-level, machine-learning stuff far better than many of its contemporaries. It's the basics that ultimately hold the Pixel 4 back from perfection.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 18.08.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Tom's Guide

The Google Pixel 4's poor battery life is a shame, because Google's 2019 flagship remains an otherwise great all-around device with clever software features; useful differentiators, like Face Unlock, Motion Sense and the 90Hz screen; and one of the finest cameras we have ever seen on a phone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 26.04.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Ricks Tech

Support, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 26.04.2021
Quelle: Tom's Guide

The Google Pixel 4's poor battery life is a shame, because Google's 2019 flagship remains an otherwise great all-around device with clever software features; useful differentiators, like Face Unlock, Motion Sense and the 90Hz screen; and one of the finest cameras we have ever seen on a phone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 26.04.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Ricks Tech

Support, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 26.04.2021
Quelle: Tom's Guide

The Google Pixel 4's poor battery life is a shame, because Google's 2019 flagship remains an otherwise great all-around device with clever software features; useful differentiators, like Face Unlock, Motion Sense and the 90Hz screen; and one of the finest cameras we have ever seen on a phone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 18.02.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Tom's Guide

The Google Pixel 4's poor battery life is a shame, because Google's 2019 flagship remains an otherwise great all-around device with clever software features; useful differentiators, like Face Unlock, Motion Sense and the 90Hz screen; and one of the finest cameras we have ever seen on a phone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 18.02.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Tom's Guide

The Google Pixel 4's poor battery life is a shame, because Google's 2019 flagship remains an otherwise great all-around device with clever software features; useful differentiators, like Face Unlock, Motion Sense and the 90Hz screen; and one of the finest cameras we have ever seen on a phone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 15.01.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Tom's Guide

The Google Pixel 4's poor battery life is a shame, because Google's 2019 flagship remains an otherwise great all-around device with clever software features; useful differentiators, like Face Unlock, Motion Sense and the 90Hz screen; and one of the finest cameras we have ever seen on a phone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 15.01.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Tom's Guide

The Google Pixel 4's poor battery life is a shame, because Google's 2019 flagship remains an otherwise great all-around device with clever software features; useful differentiators, like Face Unlock, Motion Sense and the 90Hz screen; and one of the finest cameras we have ever seen on a phone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 22.12.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Tom's Guide

The Google Pixel 4's poor battery life is a shame, because Google's 2019 flagship remains an otherwise great all-around device with clever software features; useful differentiators, like Face Unlock, Motion Sense and the 90Hz screen; and one of the finest cameras we have ever seen on a phone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 22.12.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Tom's Guide

The Google Pixel 4's poor battery life is a shame, because Google's 2019 flagship remains an otherwise great all-around device with clever software features; useful differentiators, like Face Unlock, Motion Sense and the 90Hz screen; and one of the finest cameras we have ever seen on a phone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 20.11.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Tom's Guide

The Google Pixel 4's poor battery life is a shame, because Google's 2019 flagship remains an otherwise great all-around device with clever software features; useful differentiators, like Face Unlock, Motion Sense and the 90Hz screen; and one of the finest cameras we have ever seen on a phone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 20.11.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Tom's Guide

The Google Pixel 4's poor battery life is a shame, because Google's 2019 flagship remains an otherwise great all-around device with clever software features; useful differentiators, like Face Unlock, Motion Sense and the 90Hz screen; and one of the finest cameras we have ever seen on a phone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 28.10.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Tom's Guide

The Google Pixel 4's poor battery life is a shame, because Google's 2019 flagship remains an otherwise great all-around device with clever software features; useful differentiators, like Face Unlock, Motion Sense and the 90Hz screen; and one of the finest cameras we have ever seen on a phone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 28.10.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Techradar

If you’re in the market for one of the very best camera phones out there, the Pixel 4 should be at or close to the top of your list. If you’re looking for an all-round feature-packed phone, you may be a bit disappointed, and the battery life is mediocre at best, but it’s a solidly built device with an interesting design and powerful internals.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 19.10.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Techradar

If you’re in the market for one of the very best camera phones out there, the Pixel 4 should be at or close to the top of your list. If you’re looking for an all-round feature-packed phone, you may be a bit disappointed, and the battery life is mediocre at best, but it’s a solidly built device with an interesting design and powerful internals.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 19.10.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Techradar

If you’re in the market for one of the very best camera phones out there, the Pixel 4 should be at or close to the top of your list. If you’re looking for an all-round feature-packed phone, you may be a bit disappointed, and the battery life is mediocre at best, but it’s a solidly built device with an interesting design and powerful internals.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 01.10.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Techradar

If you’re in the market for one of the very best camera phones out there, the Pixel 4 should be at or close to the top of your list. If you’re looking for an all-round feature-packed phone, you may be a bit disappointed, and the battery life is mediocre at best, but it’s a solidly built device with an interesting design and powerful internals.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 01.10.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Tom's Guide

The Google Pixel 4's poor battery life is a shame, because Google's flagship is an otherwise great all-around device with clever software features; useful differentiators, like Face Unlock, Motion Sense and the 90-Hz screen; and the finest cameras we have ever seen on a phone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 21.09.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Tom's Guide

The Google Pixel 4's poor battery life is a shame, because Google's flagship is an otherwise great all-around device with clever software features; useful differentiators, like Face Unlock, Motion Sense and the 90-Hz screen; and the finest cameras we have ever seen on a phone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 21.09.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Tom's Guide

The Google Pixel 4's poor battery life is a shame, because Google's flagship is an otherwise great all-around device with clever software features; useful differentiators, like Face Unlock, Motion Sense and the 90-Hz screen; and the finest cameras we have ever seen on a phone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 24.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Tom's Guide

The Google Pixel 4's poor battery life is a shame, because Google's flagship is an otherwise great all-around device with clever software features; useful differentiators, like Face Unlock, Motion Sense and the 90-Hz screen; and the finest cameras we have ever seen on a phone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 24.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Tom's Guide

The Google Pixel 4's poor battery life is a shame, because Google's flagship is an otherwise great all-around device with clever software features; useful differentiators, like Face Unlock, Motion Sense and the 90-Hz screen; and the finest cameras we have ever seen on a phone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 14.07.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Tom's Guide

The Google Pixel 4's poor battery life is a shame, because Google's flagship is an otherwise great all-around device with clever software features; useful differentiators, like Face Unlock, Motion Sense and the 90-Hz screen; and the finest cameras we have ever seen on a phone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 14.07.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: T3

There's lots to like about the Pixel 4: the camera (of course), the AI, the software. But it also has its flaws, and the competition has got much stronger this year.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 13.07.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: T3

There's lots to like about the Pixel 4: the camera (of course), the AI, the software. But it also has its flaws, and the competition has got much stronger this year.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 13.07.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: T3

The reasons to buy a Pixel phone are the same as ever with the Pixel 4 – that pure Android experience, the power of Google Assistant, and the magic that Google can do with photos (including astrophotography, this year). The Pixel 4 adds some nice touches as well, like Face Unlock and the Recorder app. Most of this is the AI and software at work though – and it feels as though the hardware side is less of a priority for Google.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 06.07.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: T3

The reasons to buy a Pixel phone are the same as ever with the Pixel 4 – that pure Android experience, the power of Google Assistant, and the magic that Google can do with photos (including astrophotography, this year). The Pixel 4 adds some nice touches as well, like Face Unlock and the Recorder app. Most of this is the AI and software at work though – and it feels as though the hardware side is less of a priority for Google.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 06.07.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: CNet

The Pixel 4 has one of the best cameras around, but it's expensive given its limited amount of storage. If you want more storage and a comparable camera, consider the OnePlus 7T or Galaxy S10, or the Pixel 3, which is only $500 right now.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 02.07.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 82% Leistung: 90% Mobilität: 70% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: CNet

The Pixel 4 has one of the best cameras around, but it's expensive given its limited amount of storage. If you want more storage and a comparable camera, consider the OnePlus 7T or Galaxy S10, or the Pixel 3, which is only $500 right now.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 02.07.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 82% Leistung: 90% Mobilität: 70% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Techradar

If you’re in the market for one of the very best camera phones out there, the Pixel 4 should be at or close to the top of your list. If you’re looking for an all-round feature-packed phone, you may be a bit disappointed, and the battery life is mediocre at best, but it’s a solidly built device with an interesting design and powerful internals.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 20.05.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Techradar

If you’re in the market for one of the very best camera phones out there, the Pixel 4 should be at or close to the top of your list. If you’re looking for an all-round feature-packed phone, you may be a bit disappointed, and the battery life is mediocre at best, but it’s a solidly built device with an interesting design and powerful internals.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 20.05.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: It Pro

The Pixel 4 is a clever little phone that’s undermined by a series of rather basic flaws, including one of the worst battery lives we’ve seen on a modern flagship. The camera is still outstanding, but you’ll have to look past a few irritations to get the most out of it.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 13.05.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: It Pro

The Pixel 4 is a clever little phone that’s undermined by a series of rather basic flaws, including one of the worst battery lives we’ve seen on a modern flagship. The camera is still outstanding, but you’ll have to look past a few irritations to get the most out of it.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 13.05.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Droid Life

The first attempt at living with a Pixel 4 didn’t go so well for me. The combination of awful battery life and numerous missing features paired with an $800 price tag left me sad and looking elsewhere for a phone to use each day. But now that I’m stuck at home for the foreseeable future and the Pixel 4 has been through numerous software updates since launch, I came crawling back for the last week or so to see if anything had changed for the better. I also missed its little baby size and needed a break from all the tablets companies keep selling as “phones.”
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 12.05.2020
Quelle: Droid Life

The first attempt at living with a Pixel 4 didn’t go so well for me. The combination of awful battery life and numerous missing features paired with an $800 price tag left me sad and looking elsewhere for a phone to use each day. But now that I’m stuck at home for the foreseeable future and the Pixel 4 has been through numerous software updates since launch, I came crawling back for the last week or so to see if anything had changed for the better. I also missed its little baby size and needed a break from all the tablets companies keep selling as “phones.”
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 12.05.2020
Quelle: Tom's Guide

The Google Pixel 4's poor battery life is a shame, because Google's flagship is an otherwise great all-around device with clever software features; useful differentiators, like Face Unlock, Motion Sense and the 90-Hz screen; and the finest cameras we have ever seen on a phone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 04.05.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Tom's Guide

The Google Pixel 4's poor battery life is a shame, because Google's flagship is an otherwise great all-around device with clever software features; useful differentiators, like Face Unlock, Motion Sense and the 90-Hz screen; and the finest cameras we have ever seen on a phone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 04.05.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Gear Diary

The Google Pixel 4 was released in October 2019; it was the anticipated follow-up to the Pixel 3, which has continued to be a favorite for many Android users due to its solid hardware, amazing cameras, and the stock Android experience. 6 months have passed since the Pixel 4’s release. Did you buy one? Has it lived up to your expectations?
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 03.04.2020
Quelle: Gear Diary

The Google Pixel 4 was released in October 2019; it was the anticipated follow-up to the Pixel 3, which has continued to be a favorite for many Android users due to its solid hardware, amazing cameras, and the stock Android experience. 6 months have passed since the Pixel 4’s release. Did you buy one? Has it lived up to your expectations?
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 03.04.2020
Quelle: Pocket Lint

We love almost everything about the Pixel 4. It takes great photos, it looks and feels great, and has a brilliant camera. But its battery life definitely needs improving and the Motion Gestures are virtually useless.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 10.01.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Pocket Lint

We love almost everything about the Pixel 4. It takes great photos, it looks and feels great, and has a brilliant camera. But its battery life definitely needs improving and the Motion Gestures are virtually useless.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 10.01.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

The Pixel 4 packs in a number of major hardware changes - the second lens, 90Hz display, new face unlock, radar sensor, and Neural Core chip - and still has the best camera around for stills, even if it's badly behind on video. But the battery life is unquestionably the worst in any phone around this price point, and the single biggest reason that the Pixel 4 is difficult to recommend.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 03.01.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

The Pixel 4 packs in a number of major hardware changes - the second lens, 90Hz display, new face unlock, radar sensor, and Neural Core chip - and still has the best camera around for stills, even if it's badly behind on video. But the battery life is unquestionably the worst in any phone around this price point, and the single biggest reason that the Pixel 4 is difficult to recommend.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 03.01.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: DxOMark

While there’s still some room for improvement, the Google Pixel 4 delivers a decent performance in our DXOMARK Audio tests, earning itself a place among the three best Android devices and outperforming such heavyweight competitors as the current Samsung flagships and the OnePlus 7 Pro. For music lovers and avid videographers of family and friends, the Pixel 4 should deliver more than satisfying results. For other uses, spatial performance could be improved, especially in movie and memo playback modes, as well as in memo and selfie camera recording modes.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 12.12.2019
Quelle: DxOMark

While there’s still some room for improvement, the Google Pixel 4 delivers a decent performance in our DXOMARK Audio tests, earning itself a place among the three best Android devices and outperforming such heavyweight competitors as the current Samsung flagships and the OnePlus 7 Pro. For music lovers and avid videographers of family and friends, the Pixel 4 should deliver more than satisfying results. For other uses, spatial performance could be improved, especially in movie and memo playback modes, as well as in memo and selfie camera recording modes.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 12.12.2019
Quelle: Tom's Guide

The Google Pixel 4's subpar battery life is a shame, because Google's flagship is an otherwise great all-around device with clever software features; useful differentiators, like Face Unlock, Motion Sense and the 90-Hz screen; and the finest cameras we have ever seen on a phone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 10.12.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Tom's Guide

The Google Pixel 4's subpar battery life is a shame, because Google's flagship is an otherwise great all-around device with clever software features; useful differentiators, like Face Unlock, Motion Sense and the 90-Hz screen; and the finest cameras we have ever seen on a phone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 10.12.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: GSM Arena

We know that deep down you feel disappointed by the Pixel 4 - it's the prevalent sentiment around the office too. There's little excuse for the poor battery life, the one-camera-short attitude that Google is sticking with, the only-sometimes-90Hz display, things like that. Plus, the Pixel 4 isn't exactly priced to sell, and much better deals are available, even from the big names.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 29.11.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 76%
Quelle: GSM Arena

We know that deep down you feel disappointed by the Pixel 4 - it's the prevalent sentiment around the office too. There's little excuse for the poor battery life, the one-camera-short attitude that Google is sticking with, the only-sometimes-90Hz display, things like that. Plus, the Pixel 4 isn't exactly priced to sell, and much better deals are available, even from the big names.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 29.11.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 76%
Quelle: Ausdroid

Google, in striving to build a phone for the 80% has neglected several things we expect from a premium flagship smartphone in 2019. The camera is great, but it’s not class-leading exceptional. The display is good, but it’s not great — 90Hz refresh actually provides a welcome experience for users, but it’s not bright enough.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 28.11.2019
Quelle: Ausdroid

Google, in striving to build a phone for the 80% has neglected several things we expect from a premium flagship smartphone in 2019. The camera is great, but it’s not class-leading exceptional. The display is good, but it’s not great — 90Hz refresh actually provides a welcome experience for users, but it’s not bright enough.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 28.11.2019
Quelle: Hardware Zone

Is it worth the upgrade over the Pixel 3? I think that depends on what you want from your phone. The Pixel 3 is getting new features like the new astrophotography mode, and it also runs Android 10. It's basically the same core Google experience as the Pixel 4. But the Pixel 4 is also faster, has a much better screen, and a more capable camera. If you want the best possible experience from Google, upgrading is a no-brainer. But the Pixel 3 still takes very good photos, and if it's still serving you well, you can probably get by with the same monthly software updates.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 24.11.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 85%
Quelle: Hardware Zone

Is it worth the upgrade over the Pixel 3? I think that depends on what you want from your phone. The Pixel 3 is getting new features like the new astrophotography mode, and it also runs Android 10. It's basically the same core Google experience as the Pixel 4. But the Pixel 4 is also faster, has a much better screen, and a more capable camera. If you want the best possible experience from Google, upgrading is a no-brainer. But the Pixel 3 still takes very good photos, and if it's still serving you well, you can probably get by with the same monthly software updates.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 24.11.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 85%
Quelle: Android Central

So, the Pixel 4 ends up feeling like it's trapped between multiple quantum states. A phone with some jaw-dropping technologies that has to service too many agendas, and lacks the singular focus or vision to be what everyone really wants it to be. More than the sum of those technologies. To be truly great.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 22.11.2019
Quelle: Mobile Syrup

However, it’s no longer a clear leader running neck-and-neck with Huawei. Competitors closed the gap this year, and Google didn’t pull further away from the pack. Virtually all the new camera software features and modes were shipped out to Pixel 3, 3 XL and 3a devices via software updates, lessening the incentive to get the Pixel 4.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 22.11.2019
Quelle: Android Central

So, the Pixel 4 ends up feeling like it's trapped between multiple quantum states. A phone with some jaw-dropping technologies that has to service too many agendas, and lacks the singular focus or vision to be what everyone really wants it to be. More than the sum of those technologies. To be truly great.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 22.11.2019
Quelle: Mobile Syrup

However, it’s no longer a clear leader running neck-and-neck with Huawei. Competitors closed the gap this year, and Google didn’t pull further away from the pack. Virtually all the new camera software features and modes were shipped out to Pixel 3, 3 XL and 3a devices via software updates, lessening the incentive to get the Pixel 4.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 22.11.2019
Quelle: Tech Advisor

The Pixel 4 packs in a number of major hardware changes - the second lens, 90Hz display, new face unlock, radar sensor, and Neural Core chip - and still has the best camera around for stills, even if it's badly behind on video. But the battery life is unquestionably the worst in any phone around this price point, and the single biggest reason that the Pixel 4 is difficult to recommend.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 21.11.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

The Pixel 4 packs in a number of major hardware changes - the second lens, 90Hz display, new face unlock, radar sensor, and Neural Core chip - and still has the best camera around for stills, even if it's badly behind on video. But the battery life is unquestionably the worst in any phone around this price point, and the single biggest reason that the Pixel 4 is difficult to recommend.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 21.11.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: T3

The reasons to buy a Pixel phone are the same as ever with the Pixel 4 – that pure Android experience, the power of Google Assistant, and the magic that Google can do with photos (including astrophotography, this year). The Pixel 4 adds some nice touches as well, like Face Unlock and the Recorder app. Most of this is the AI and software at work though – and it feels as though the hardware side is less of a priority for Google.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 20.11.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: T3

The reasons to buy a Pixel phone are the same as ever with the Pixel 4 – that pure Android experience, the power of Google Assistant, and the magic that Google can do with photos (including astrophotography, this year). The Pixel 4 adds some nice touches as well, like Face Unlock and the Recorder app. Most of this is the AI and software at work though – and it feels as though the hardware side is less of a priority for Google.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 20.11.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Geek Culture

The Pixel 4 remains as a premium device which ticks off all the boxes. But certain design decisions such as the 90Hz screen combined with the smaller battery capacity makes you wonder if Google was even all that serious in making hardware. On the software side, the company is nothing but amazing. Features like live caption, Google Assistant simply grow from update to update. The hardware delivery of getting new users into the Google and Android ecosystem needs major reworking and a big price adjustment.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 10.11.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 77% Preis: 70% Leistung: 70% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Geek Culture

The Pixel 4 remains as a premium device which ticks off all the boxes. But certain design decisions such as the 90Hz screen combined with the smaller battery capacity makes you wonder if Google was even all that serious in making hardware. On the software side, the company is nothing but amazing. Features like live caption, Google Assistant simply grow from update to update. The hardware delivery of getting new users into the Google and Android ecosystem needs major reworking and a big price adjustment.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 10.11.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 77% Preis: 70% Leistung: 70% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Neowin

As I said in the title, I wasn't expecting to love these phones so much. It's just this weird mix of great new features and strange omissions, and I was well aware of the shortcomings heading into my testing. I knew to expect poor battery life, that there's no ultra-wide camera, that there's no 4K 60fps video capture, and that it has a massive top bezel.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 09.11.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%

A smartphone is more than just the sum of its parts and the Pixel 4 feels more disjointed than any other Pixel phone in the brand’s short history. It feels more like a showcase of technologies rather than a single unified product. A smartphone these days also don’t exist in isolation and the Pixel 4 will have to try to stand out from an already crowded marketplace. Given the sales performance of the last year’s Pixel 3, Google definitely needs to revisit its strategy lest the Pixel becomes another Nexus story.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 09.11.2019
Quelle: Neowin

As I said in the title, I wasn't expecting to love these phones so much. It's just this weird mix of great new features and strange omissions, and I was well aware of the shortcomings heading into my testing. I knew to expect poor battery life, that there's no ultra-wide camera, that there's no 4K 60fps video capture, and that it has a massive top bezel.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 09.11.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%

A smartphone is more than just the sum of its parts and the Pixel 4 feels more disjointed than any other Pixel phone in the brand’s short history. It feels more like a showcase of technologies rather than a single unified product. A smartphone these days also don’t exist in isolation and the Pixel 4 will have to try to stand out from an already crowded marketplace. Given the sales performance of the last year’s Pixel 3, Google definitely needs to revisit its strategy lest the Pixel becomes another Nexus story.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 09.11.2019
Quelle: Tom's Guide

The Google Pixel 4's subpar battery life is a shame, because Google's flagship is an otherwise great all-around device with clever software features; useful differentiators, like Face Unlock, Motion Sense and the 90-Hz screen; and the finest cameras we have ever seen on a phone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 04.11.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Know Your Mobile

This is a hard one to call. The Pixel 4 XL, out of these two phones, is the one to go for; the battery life on the Pixel 4 just doesn’t cut the mustard, and in 2019 that is unacceptable. Both handsets are expensive, a little too expensive in my opinion. You can pick up an iPhone 11 one OnePlus 7T with more storage for less. And that is significant.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 04.11.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 75% Preis: 60% Leistung: 80% Mobilität: 60% Gehäuse: 60%
Quelle: Tom's Guide

The Google Pixel 4's subpar battery life is a shame, because Google's flagship is an otherwise great all-around device with clever software features; useful differentiators, like Face Unlock, Motion Sense and the 90-Hz screen; and the finest cameras we have ever seen on a phone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 04.11.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Know Your Mobile

This is a hard one to call. The Pixel 4 XL, out of these two phones, is the one to go for; the battery life on the Pixel 4 just doesn’t cut the mustard, and in 2019 that is unacceptable. Both handsets are expensive, a little too expensive in my opinion. You can pick up an iPhone 11 one OnePlus 7T with more storage for less. And that is significant.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 04.11.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 75% Preis: 60% Leistung: 80% Mobilität: 60% Gehäuse: 60%
Quelle: CNet

The Pixel 4 has one of the best cameras around, but it's expensive given its limited amount of storage. If you want more storage and a comparable camera, consider the OnePlus 7T or Galaxy S10, or the Pixel 3, which is only $500 right now.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 01.11.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 82% Leistung: 90% Mobilität: 70% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: CNet

The Pixel 4 has one of the best cameras around, but it's expensive given its limited amount of storage. If you want more storage and a comparable camera, consider the OnePlus 7T or Galaxy S10, or the Pixel 3, which is only $500 right now.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 01.11.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 82% Leistung: 90% Mobilität: 70% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: T3

The reasons to buy a Pixel phone are the same as ever with the Pixel 4 – that pure Android experience, the power of Google Assistant, and the magic that Google can do with photos (including astrophotography, this year). The Pixel 4 adds some nice touches as well, like Face Unlock and the Recorder app. Most of this is the AI and software at work though – and it feels as though the hardware side is less of a priority for Google.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 30.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: T3

The reasons to buy a Pixel phone are the same as ever with the Pixel 4 – that pure Android experience, the power of Google Assistant, and the magic that Google can do with photos (including astrophotography, this year). The Pixel 4 adds some nice touches as well, like Face Unlock and the Recorder app. Most of this is the AI and software at work though – and it feels as though the hardware side is less of a priority for Google.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 30.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Beta News

So, do I like the Pixel 4? Very much so. In fact, I can see myself possibly switching from iPhone for Google's newest smartphone. Google Assistant is so much better than Siri -- it's not even a competition. It is pretty neat that you can summon the assistant by squeezing the Pixel 4 too. I absolutely adore the smaller size compared to the XL variant -- I suggest holding both before deciding. The 5.7-inch screen is plenty big and doesn't feel bulky in my pocket. Truly, I wouldn't want a phone bigger than this.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 29.10.2019
Quelle: Beta News

So, do I like the Pixel 4? Very much so. In fact, I can see myself possibly switching from iPhone for Google's newest smartphone. Google Assistant is so much better than Siri -- it's not even a competition. It is pretty neat that you can summon the assistant by squeezing the Pixel 4 too. I absolutely adore the smaller size compared to the XL variant -- I suggest holding both before deciding. The 5.7-inch screen is plenty big and doesn't feel bulky in my pocket. Truly, I wouldn't want a phone bigger than this.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 29.10.2019
Quelle: Pocket Lint

We love almost everything about the Pixel 4. It takes great photos, it looks and feels great, and has a brilliant camera. But its battery life definitely needs improving and the Motion Gestures are virtually useless.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 28.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: What Hi-Fi

A truly excellent, market-competitive camera carries it through, strengthening Google’s reputation for producing some of the best camera phones out there. And for some, the new air-based gestures will only enhance what’s always been a seamless and Android-pure Pixel experience. But to recommend the Pixel 4 wholeheartedly, we need a more entertaining audio performance and, to a lesser extent, more dependable battery life.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 28.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Bildschirm: 100%
Quelle: Pocket Lint

We love almost everything about the Pixel 4. It takes great photos, it looks and feels great, and has a brilliant camera. But its battery life definitely needs improving and the Motion Gestures are virtually useless.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 28.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: What Hi-Fi

A truly excellent, market-competitive camera carries it through, strengthening Google’s reputation for producing some of the best camera phones out there. And for some, the new air-based gestures will only enhance what’s always been a seamless and Android-pure Pixel experience. But to recommend the Pixel 4 wholeheartedly, we need a more entertaining audio performance and, to a lesser extent, more dependable battery life.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 28.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Bildschirm: 100%
Quelle: Hardware Zone

Is it worth the upgrade over the Pixel 3? I think that depends on what you want from your phone. The Pixel 3 is getting new features like the new astrophotography mode, and it also runs Android 10. It's basically the same core Google experience as the Pixel 4. But the Pixel 4 is also faster, has a much better screen, and a more capable camera. If you want the best possible experience from Google, upgrading is a no-brainer. But the Pixel 3 still takes very good photos, and if it's still serving you well, you can probably get by with the same monthly software updates.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 26.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 85%
Quelle: Chrome Unboxed

Right now, I’m not convinced that the Pixel 4 is that experience mainly because I’ve not tried much else in the past few years. I’ve had OnePlus phones, but never really given them a shot. I’ve not owned a Samsung phone in at least 5 years, and companies like Motorola and LG haven’t been on the radar for a very long time for me. For me this year, I think I’m going to try a few new things to see what’s out there and stretch my legs a bit. Who knows: I may come running back to Pixel. But I might not, either. I’m afraid that the Pixel 4 is just not the upgrade the majority of user are going to rush out to get their hands on this year. Me included.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 26.10.2019
Quelle: Hardware Zone

Is it worth the upgrade over the Pixel 3? I think that depends on what you want from your phone. The Pixel 3 is getting new features like the new astrophotography mode, and it also runs Android 10. It's basically the same core Google experience as the Pixel 4. But the Pixel 4 is also faster, has a much better screen, and a more capable camera. If you want the best possible experience from Google, upgrading is a no-brainer. But the Pixel 3 still takes very good photos, and if it's still serving you well, you can probably get by with the same monthly software updates.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 26.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 85%
Quelle: Chrome Unboxed

Right now, I’m not convinced that the Pixel 4 is that experience mainly because I’ve not tried much else in the past few years. I’ve had OnePlus phones, but never really given them a shot. I’ve not owned a Samsung phone in at least 5 years, and companies like Motorola and LG haven’t been on the radar for a very long time for me. For me this year, I think I’m going to try a few new things to see what’s out there and stretch my legs a bit. Who knows: I may come running back to Pixel. But I might not, either. I’m afraid that the Pixel 4 is just not the upgrade the majority of user are going to rush out to get their hands on this year. Me included.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 26.10.2019
Quelle: Tech Advisor

The Pixel 4 packs in a number of major hardware changes - the second lens, 90Hz display, new face unlock, radar sensor, and Neural Core chip - and still has the best camera around for stills, even if it's badly behind on video. But the battery life is unquestionably the worst in any phone around this price point, and the single biggest reason that the Pixel 4 is difficult to recommend.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 24.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: PC Mag

The Google Pixel 4 offers powerful hardware, innovative software that actually makes your life easier, and the best cameras you'll find on a smartphone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 24.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Tom's Guide

The Google Pixel 4's subpar battery life is a shame, because Google's flagship is an otherwise great all-around device with clever software features; useful differentiators, like Face Unlock, Motion Sense and the 90-Hz screen; and the finest cameras we have ever seen on a phone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 24.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: It Pro

The Pixel 4 is a clever little phone that’s undermined by a series of rather basic flaws, including one of the worst battery lives we’ve seen on a modern flagship. The camera is still outstanding, but you’ll have to look past a few irritations to get the most out of it.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 24.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Slashgear

Good, with moments of greatness. Maybe I’m spoiled, but I don’t think that’s enough to put the Pixel 4 at the top of the pack this year. For most, I suspect a Pixel 3a with Google’s eventual camera update will do the trick, or a OnePlus 7T if you’re even more focused on photography. Android 10 is a treat, and the photography is fantastic, but Google made a dumb decision around the battery and the Pixel 4 is too expensive. Whether you can stomach those compromises comes entirely down to where your priorities lie.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 24.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

The Pixel 4 packs in a number of major hardware changes - the second lens, 90Hz display, new face unlock, radar sensor, and Neural Core chip - and still has the best camera around for stills, even if it's badly behind on video. But the battery life is unquestionably the worst in any phone around this price point, and the single biggest reason that the Pixel 4 is difficult to recommend.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 24.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: PC Mag

The Google Pixel 4 offers powerful hardware, innovative software that actually makes your life easier, and the best cameras you'll find on a smartphone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 24.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Tom's Guide

The Google Pixel 4's subpar battery life is a shame, because Google's flagship is an otherwise great all-around device with clever software features; useful differentiators, like Face Unlock, Motion Sense and the 90-Hz screen; and the finest cameras we have ever seen on a phone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 24.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: It Pro

The Pixel 4 is a clever little phone that’s undermined by a series of rather basic flaws, including one of the worst battery lives we’ve seen on a modern flagship. The camera is still outstanding, but you’ll have to look past a few irritations to get the most out of it.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 24.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Slashgear

Good, with moments of greatness. Maybe I’m spoiled, but I don’t think that’s enough to put the Pixel 4 at the top of the pack this year. For most, I suspect a Pixel 3a with Google’s eventual camera update will do the trick, or a OnePlus 7T if you’re even more focused on photography. Android 10 is a treat, and the photography is fantastic, but Google made a dumb decision around the battery and the Pixel 4 is too expensive. Whether you can stomach those compromises comes entirely down to where your priorities lie.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 24.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Droid Life

Ummm, I don’t think anyone should buy the regular Pixel 4. There are too many red flags and I’m concerned that this just isn’t a phone that will last you two years. Since it starts at $800, my suggestion would be to pass.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 23.10.2019
Quelle: Droid Life

Ummm, I don’t think anyone should buy the regular Pixel 4. There are too many red flags and I’m concerned that this just isn’t a phone that will last you two years. Since it starts at $800, my suggestion would be to pass.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 23.10.2019
Quelle: CNet

The Pixel 4 has one of the best cameras around, but it's expensive given its limited amount of storage. If you want more storage and a comparable camera, consider the OnePlus 7T or Galaxy S10, or the Pixel 3, which is only $500 right now.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 22.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 85% Leistung: 90% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Sydney Morning Herald

Overall these are great evolutions of Google's Pixel smartphones, adding a number of new hardware elements that don't revolutionise the experience but refine and streamline it in various ways. It's still the Android phone to get if you're wedded to the Google ecosystem and like to have the latest Android software as soon as possible, though owners of a Pixel 3 or those looking for a less-expensive upgrade might find many of the features trickle down in the coming months.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 22.10.2019
Quelle: Best Products

The Pixel 4 and the Pixel 4 XL start at $799 and $899, respectively, for a variant with 64 GB of built-in storage. I highly recommend that you spend an extra $100 to double storage space, because Google no longer offers unlimited cloud storage for photos and video in original quality.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 22.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: CNet

The Pixel 4 has one of the best cameras around, but it's expensive given its limited amount of storage. If you want more storage and a comparable camera, consider the OnePlus 7T or Galaxy S10, or the Pixel 3, which is only $500 right now.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 22.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 85% Leistung: 90% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Sydney Morning Herald

Overall these are great evolutions of Google's Pixel smartphones, adding a number of new hardware elements that don't revolutionise the experience but refine and streamline it in various ways. It's still the Android phone to get if you're wedded to the Google ecosystem and like to have the latest Android software as soon as possible, though owners of a Pixel 3 or those looking for a less-expensive upgrade might find many of the features trickle down in the coming months.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 22.10.2019
Quelle: Best Products

The Pixel 4 and the Pixel 4 XL start at $799 and $899, respectively, for a variant with 64 GB of built-in storage. I highly recommend that you spend an extra $100 to double storage space, because Google no longer offers unlimited cloud storage for photos and video in original quality.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 22.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Trusted Reviews

If you want a small form-factor, Android-powered camera-phone, then the Pixel 4 is excellent. It’s not the prettiest phone around, and for the money you can get phones with better hardware, like the OnePlus 7T. But Google’s imaging wizardry and clean software more than make up for this. My only major quibble is that the phone’s battery life could be better.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 21.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Techradar

If you’re in the market for one of the very best camera phones out there, the Pixel 4 should be at or close to the top of your list. If you’re looking for an all-round feature-packed phone, you may be a bit disappointed, and the battery life is mediocre at best, but it’s a solidly built device with an interesting design and powerful internals.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 21.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Android Central

The Pixel 4 is another strong entry in the company's smartphone lineup, with an excellent camera, flawless performance, and an incredible display. But the experience is undermined by the phone's inexcusably bad battery life.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 21.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: Fone Arena

The Pixel 4 and 4 XL are phone that really reflect Google’s focus on ‘ambient computing’, or technology that’s there whenever you need it and fades away when you don’t. It starts before you even hold the phone, with Soli waiting for you to reach for it to speed up unlock time. It’s there with the organic feel of the phone itself, and in the way Google Assistant is ready to step in and help, and then step away. It’s there in the way the software learns what you want from it so it can get it to you faster. It’s not just one flashy feature or new piece of hardware, it’s just the little ways everything fits together into a cohesive experience. It’s a bit difficult to concretely define, but this seamless, ambient experience is, to me, the greatest strength of the Pixel 4 series.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 21.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Stuff TV

But the rest? The Pixel 4 design takes the iconic simplicity of the older Pixels, and simplifies it until it seems generic. And it’s hard to ignore that other phones offer more for less, or at least for the same money. More storage. More screen per square inch. More battery per gram.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 21.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Engadget

I can't remember the last time I've been so torn on a pair of smartphones. On the one hand, Google didn't nail everything. Face Unlock is in need of a fix. The battery life is mediocre at best. Motion Sense, as magical it feels when it works right, isn't very useful yet. And the price for the smaller Pixel 4 seems little out of whack when you consider Apple's new iPhone 11 packs a highly competitive feature set for $50 less. Despite all that, I can't help but love these phones, for their clean, clever software, their weird cameras and their ambition. This is the Android phone for me, and I'm willing to live with its flaws.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 21.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 85%
Quelle: Mobile Syrup

Google made improvements to the camera and the design of the device, as well as finally adding more RAM to its Pixel line. The 4 series now also includes a face unlock feature that rivals Apple’s iPhone. The Pixel Neural Core not only improves the Pixel Visual Core, but also helps with the device’s ambient computing, which helps the device’s face unlock and Motion Sense improve over time. Unfortunately, Motion Sense might be the Pixel 4’s biggest undoing, since its current active features are limited and very unreliable.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 21.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: The Verge

The Pixel 4 provides a more cohesive, complete experience than other Android phones. It takes away lots of little points of friction through clever uses of its new sensors like face unlock and Motion Sense. It gets rid of jank with the 90Hz display. It has a camera that continues to take incredible photos, keeping pace with the iPhone 11 Pro.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 21.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Techspot

Note that whereas face unlock is safe sufficient to authorize digital funds, it is not 100% infallible. Google acknowledges that somebody who seems to be such as you, similar to a twin, can unlock your cellphone. Face unlock additionally works along with your eyes closed or if you’re sleeping, which is an enormous vulnerability. (There are way more critical situations doable, however I can already think about my buddies with the ability to idiot round with my cellphone if I’m caught napping round them.) Face ID for the iPhone solely works in case your eyes are open, and at one level it seemed like Google would provide the identical option to customers, in response to the BBC. But it appears the corporate eliminated the choice, and nobody is aware of why. (Google didn’t instantly reply to a request for remark however has promised to repair the issue with a patch.)
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 21.10.2019
Quelle: Phandroid

The best that Google has to offer may not be good enough for Android enthusiasts who want bleeding-edge specifications and performance. That being said, the Pixel 4 offers an unmatched camera experience that makes it a must-have smartphone for anyone who wants incredible images.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 21.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 92%
Quelle: The Independent

The Pixel 4 is good enough that you forget how good it is. At a time when the grind of phone upgrades takes so much time and effort, and when handsets can sometimes seem like portals into a tiring world of anxiety and depression, it is deeply impressive that Google have created a phone that impresses precisely by not trying so hard to impress you, and instead improve your life.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 21.10.2019
Quelle: Trusted Reviews

If you want a small form-factor, Android-powered camera-phone, then the Pixel 4 is excellent. It’s not the prettiest phone around, and for the money you can get phones with better hardware, like the OnePlus 7T. But Google’s imaging wizardry and clean software more than make up for this. My only major quibble is that the phone’s battery life could be better.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 21.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Techradar

If you’re in the market for one of the very best camera phones out there, the Pixel 4 should be at or close to the top of your list. If you’re looking for an all-round feature-packed phone, you may be a bit disappointed, and the battery life is mediocre at best, but it’s a solidly built device with an interesting design and powerful internals.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 21.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Android Central

The Pixel 4 is another strong entry in the company's smartphone lineup, with an excellent camera, flawless performance, and an incredible display. But the experience is undermined by the phone's inexcusably bad battery life.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 21.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: Fone Arena

The Pixel 4 and 4 XL are phone that really reflect Google’s focus on ‘ambient computing’, or technology that’s there whenever you need it and fades away when you don’t. It starts before you even hold the phone, with Soli waiting for you to reach for it to speed up unlock time. It’s there with the organic feel of the phone itself, and in the way Google Assistant is ready to step in and help, and then step away. It’s there in the way the software learns what you want from it so it can get it to you faster. It’s not just one flashy feature or new piece of hardware, it’s just the little ways everything fits together into a cohesive experience. It’s a bit difficult to concretely define, but this seamless, ambient experience is, to me, the greatest strength of the Pixel 4 series.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 21.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Stuff TV

But the rest? The Pixel 4 design takes the iconic simplicity of the older Pixels, and simplifies it until it seems generic. And it’s hard to ignore that other phones offer more for less, or at least for the same money. More storage. More screen per square inch. More battery per gram.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 21.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Engadget

I can't remember the last time I've been so torn on a pair of smartphones. On the one hand, Google didn't nail everything. Face Unlock is in need of a fix. The battery life is mediocre at best. Motion Sense, as magical it feels when it works right, isn't very useful yet. And the price for the smaller Pixel 4 seems little out of whack when you consider Apple's new iPhone 11 packs a highly competitive feature set for $50 less. Despite all that, I can't help but love these phones, for their clean, clever software, their weird cameras and their ambition. This is the Android phone for me, and I'm willing to live with its flaws.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 21.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 85%
Quelle: Mobile Syrup

Google made improvements to the camera and the design of the device, as well as finally adding more RAM to its Pixel line. The 4 series now also includes a face unlock feature that rivals Apple’s iPhone. The Pixel Neural Core not only improves the Pixel Visual Core, but also helps with the device’s ambient computing, which helps the device’s face unlock and Motion Sense improve over time. Unfortunately, Motion Sense might be the Pixel 4’s biggest undoing, since its current active features are limited and very unreliable.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 21.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: The Verge

The Pixel 4 provides a more cohesive, complete experience than other Android phones. It takes away lots of little points of friction through clever uses of its new sensors like face unlock and Motion Sense. It gets rid of jank with the 90Hz display. It has a camera that continues to take incredible photos, keeping pace with the iPhone 11 Pro.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 21.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Techspot

Note that whereas face unlock is safe sufficient to authorize digital funds, it is not 100% infallible. Google acknowledges that somebody who seems to be such as you, similar to a twin, can unlock your cellphone. Face unlock additionally works along with your eyes closed or if you’re sleeping, which is an enormous vulnerability. (There are way more critical situations doable, however I can already think about my buddies with the ability to idiot round with my cellphone if I’m caught napping round them.) Face ID for the iPhone solely works in case your eyes are open, and at one level it seemed like Google would provide the identical option to customers, in response to the BBC. But it appears the corporate eliminated the choice, and nobody is aware of why. (Google didn’t instantly reply to a request for remark however has promised to repair the issue with a patch.)
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 21.10.2019
Quelle: Phandroid

The best that Google has to offer may not be good enough for Android enthusiasts who want bleeding-edge specifications and performance. That being said, the Pixel 4 offers an unmatched camera experience that makes it a must-have smartphone for anyone who wants incredible images.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 21.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 92%
Quelle: The Independent

The Pixel 4 is good enough that you forget how good it is. At a time when the grind of phone upgrades takes so much time and effort, and when handsets can sometimes seem like portals into a tiring world of anxiety and depression, it is deeply impressive that Google have created a phone that impresses precisely by not trying so hard to impress you, and instead improve your life.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 21.10.2019
Quelle: CNet

It's official: On Tuesday Google formally announced the Pixel 4 and Pixel 4 XL. Finally! (Read our in-depth Pixel 4 and Pixel 4 XL reviews.) The Pixel 4 is one of the most leaked-about phones in recent memory. In fact, Google itself teased a photo of the 4 and the 4 XL back in June on Twitter. The new Pixel phones pack dual rear cameras, a 90Hz display, radar-powered face unlock process (here's how the Pixel 4's face unlock compared to the iPhone 11's Face ID when we tested both in four typical scenarios) and a slew of unique features like car crash detection and live video captioning.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 20.10.2019
Quelle: CNet

It's official: On Tuesday Google formally announced the Pixel 4 and Pixel 4 XL. Finally! (Read our in-depth Pixel 4 and Pixel 4 XL reviews.) The Pixel 4 is one of the most leaked-about phones in recent memory. In fact, Google itself teased a photo of the 4 and the 4 XL back in June on Twitter. The new Pixel phones pack dual rear cameras, a 90Hz display, radar-powered face unlock process (here's how the Pixel 4's face unlock compared to the iPhone 11's Face ID when we tested both in four typical scenarios) and a slew of unique features like car crash detection and live video captioning.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 20.10.2019
Quelle: DxOMark

The Google Pixel 4 front camera cannot set any new records, but it is capable of capturing nice selfies with good exposure, wide dynamic range, and pleasant colors in most conditions. Due to Google’s decision to go with a single-cam setup on the Pixel 4, bokeh mode is not quite as good as on the Pixel 3, with noticeably more depth estimation artifacts. We also noticed quite a lot of image noise in the shadow areas of our sample images, but other than that, the Pixel 4 puts in a solid still image performance across all test categories. It takes things up a notch for video and achieves one of the best scores so far, thanks in no small part to an outstanding stabilization system that ensures smooth and stable video clips in almost all recording situations. Overall, the Pixel 4 front camera is a solid all-rounder that should have special appeal to selfie video shooters.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 17.10.2019
Quelle: DxOMark

The Google Pixel 4 front camera cannot set any new records, but it is capable of capturing nice selfies with good exposure, wide dynamic range, and pleasant colors in most conditions. Due to Google’s decision to go with a single-cam setup on the Pixel 4, bokeh mode is not quite as good as on the Pixel 3, with noticeably more depth estimation artifacts. We also noticed quite a lot of image noise in the shadow areas of our sample images, but other than that, the Pixel 4 puts in a solid still image performance across all test categories. It takes things up a notch for video and achieves one of the best scores so far, thanks in no small part to an outstanding stabilization system that ensures smooth and stable video clips in almost all recording situations. Overall, the Pixel 4 front camera is a solid all-rounder that should have special appeal to selfie video shooters.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 17.10.2019
Quelle: Hardware Zone

Google today unveiled its latest Pixel smartphones, but they held few surprises for anybody. The Pixel 4 and 4 XL may be among the most-leaked devices in recent memory, and most of us probably knew most of what there was to know about the phone before the keynote even started. However, that's not to say that the Pixel 4 is boring or bad. Quite the contrary in fact – the Pixel 4 comes packed with a bunch of new technologies, making it perhaps the most exciting upgrade the Pixel line has gotten to date.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 16.10.2019
Quelle: Sydney Morning Herald

In the camera, the HDR+ algorithm (which combines multiple exposures so you don't lose detail in highlights or shadows) now works in real time. That means before you've even taken the photo you can adjust two sliders independently to make sure the pic is exposed how you want. Night Mode has also been improved, with the promise that if you keep the phone steady (but not necessarily on a tripod), you can get detailed photos of the night sky. Obviously, while taking photos of the objects inside a dark box at Google's event proved to me that Night Mode still works, I'm very keen to see how it all goes in the great outdoors.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 16.10.2019
Quelle: Hardware Zone

Google today unveiled its latest Pixel smartphones, but they held few surprises for anybody. The Pixel 4 and 4 XL may be among the most-leaked devices in recent memory, and most of us probably knew most of what there was to know about the phone before the keynote even started. However, that's not to say that the Pixel 4 is boring or bad. Quite the contrary in fact – the Pixel 4 comes packed with a bunch of new technologies, making it perhaps the most exciting upgrade the Pixel line has gotten to date.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 16.10.2019
Quelle: Sydney Morning Herald

In the camera, the HDR+ algorithm (which combines multiple exposures so you don't lose detail in highlights or shadows) now works in real time. That means before you've even taken the photo you can adjust two sliders independently to make sure the pic is exposed how you want. Night Mode has also been improved, with the promise that if you keep the phone steady (but not necessarily on a tripod), you can get detailed photos of the night sky. Obviously, while taking photos of the objects inside a dark box at Google's event proved to me that Night Mode still works, I'm very keen to see how it all goes in the great outdoors.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 16.10.2019
Quelle: Tom's Guide

The Pixel 4 may look familiar from the outside, but Google has clearly done most of its tinkering under the hood. Motion Sense, three-dimensional Face Unlock and the faster refresh-rate display are useful new features that differentiate the newest Pixels from their competitors on the market.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 15.10.2019
Quelle: Android Authority

The Google Pixel 4 is here. It’s finally here! After months of leaks, which almost spoiled all the fun, the search giant announced the Google Pixel 4 and Google Pixel 4 XL, its flagship phones for the year. Like previous generations of Pixel phones, the 4 series is available in small and large sizes. Other than the physical size, screen resolution, and battery capacity, the two devices are identical. Read our full Google Pixel 4 hands-on to see what we think about the latest from Google.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 15.10.2019
Quelle: Mobile Syrup

One of the best features that the Google representative showed off was ‘New Assistant.’ Unfortunately, the new version of Google Assistant will not be coming to Canada at launch. The New Assistant works quickly, allowing users to barrage it with questions and commands rapidly. The New Assistant accomplishes this through the combination of on-device machine learning and the ‘Continued Conversations’ feature. With Assistant on-device, it works a lot faster as it doesn’t need the information from the Cloud.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 15.10.2019
Quelle: AnandTech

Overall, the new Pixel 4 phones look interesting, and I think their success will depend solely on how the battery life of the 90Hz display ends up, and also if Google's camera has seen other improvements besides the aforementioned new features.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 15.10.2019
Quelle: Tom's Guide

The Pixel 4 may look familiar from the outside, but Google has clearly done most of its tinkering under the hood. Motion Sense, three-dimensional Face Unlock and the faster refresh-rate display are useful new features that differentiate the newest Pixels from their competitors on the market.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 15.10.2019
Quelle: Android Authority

The Google Pixel 4 is here. It’s finally here! After months of leaks, which almost spoiled all the fun, the search giant announced the Google Pixel 4 and Google Pixel 4 XL, its flagship phones for the year. Like previous generations of Pixel phones, the 4 series is available in small and large sizes. Other than the physical size, screen resolution, and battery capacity, the two devices are identical. Read our full Google Pixel 4 hands-on to see what we think about the latest from Google.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 15.10.2019
Quelle: Mobile Syrup

One of the best features that the Google representative showed off was ‘New Assistant.’ Unfortunately, the new version of Google Assistant will not be coming to Canada at launch. The New Assistant works quickly, allowing users to barrage it with questions and commands rapidly. The New Assistant accomplishes this through the combination of on-device machine learning and the ‘Continued Conversations’ feature. With Assistant on-device, it works a lot faster as it doesn’t need the information from the Cloud.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 15.10.2019
Quelle: AnandTech

Overall, the new Pixel 4 phones look interesting, and I think their success will depend solely on how the battery life of the 90Hz display ends up, and also if Google's camera has seen other improvements besides the aforementioned new features.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 15.10.2019
Quelle: Newesc

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 22.11.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 78% Preis: 60% Leistung: 85% Bildschirm: 90% Mobilität: 40% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Newesc

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 22.11.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 78% Preis: 60% Leistung: 85% Bildschirm: 90% Mobilität: 40% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: MuyComputer

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 29.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 86% Leistung: 85% Bildschirm: 95% Mobilität: 75% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: MuyComputer

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 29.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 86% Leistung: 85% Bildschirm: 95% Mobilität: 75% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Zona Movilidad

Positive: Beautiful design; impressive cameras; good sensor; high performance.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 01.12.2019
Quelle: Zona Movilidad

Positive: Beautiful design; impressive cameras; good sensor; high performance.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 01.12.2019
Quelle: Tuexperto

Positive: Impressive cameras; attractive price; excellent display; powerful processor. Negative: Inflexible face unlock; short battery life; only 64GB ROM.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 21.10.2019
Quelle: Tuexperto

Positive: Impressive cameras; attractive price; excellent display; powerful processor. Negative: Inflexible face unlock; short battery life; only 64GB ROM.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 21.10.2019

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 14.11.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 55% Ausstattung: 87%

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 14.11.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 82% Preis: 70% Ausstattung: 85% Bildschirm: 90% Mobilität: 65% Gehäuse: 95% Ergonomie: 95%

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 14.11.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 82% Preis: 70% Ausstattung: 85% Bildschirm: 90% Mobilität: 65% Gehäuse: 95% Ergonomie: 95%

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 14.11.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 55% Ausstattung: 87%

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 14.11.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 82% Preis: 70% Ausstattung: 85% Bildschirm: 90% Mobilität: 65% Gehäuse: 95% Ergonomie: 95%

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 14.11.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 82% Preis: 70% Ausstattung: 85% Bildschirm: 90% Mobilität: 65% Gehäuse: 95% Ergonomie: 95%

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 13.11.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 13.11.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: Andrea Galeazzi

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 21.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70% Preis: 75% Bildschirm: 89% Mobilität: 55% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Andrea Galeazzi

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 21.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70% Preis: 75% Bildschirm: 89% Mobilität: 55% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Notebook Italia

Positive: Excellent cameras; attractive price; modern design; great built quality.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 07.04.2020
Quelle: Notebook Italia

Positive: Excellent cameras; attractive price; modern design; great built quality.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 07.04.2020
Quelle: Computer Totaal

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 09.11.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 50%
Quelle: Computer Totaal

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 09.11.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 50%
Quelle: Fredzone

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 23.11.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 88% Preis: 85% Leistung: 95% Bildschirm: 90% Mobilität: 85% Gehäuse: 75% Ergonomie: 75%
Quelle: Fredzone

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 23.11.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 88% Preis: 85% Leistung: 95% Bildschirm: 90% Mobilität: 85% Gehäuse: 75% Ergonomie: 75%

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 03.11.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 03.11.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: CNet France

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 24.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 50%
Quelle: CNet France

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 24.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 50%
Quelle: Frandroid

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 22.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70% Leistung: 80% Bildschirm: 90% Mobilität: 50% Gehäuse: 70%
Quelle: Frandroid

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 22.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70% Leistung: 80% Bildschirm: 90% Mobilität: 50% Gehäuse: 70%
Quelle: 01Net

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 21.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 78% Leistung: 100% Mobilität: 60%
Quelle: Phonandroid

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 21.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: 01Net

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 21.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 78% Leistung: 100% Mobilität: 60%
Quelle: Phonandroid

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 21.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%

Positive: Powerful hardware; high performance; excellent cameras; compact size; light weight; great softwares.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 15.03.2020

Positive: Powerful hardware; high performance; excellent cameras; compact size; light weight; great softwares.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 15.03.2020
Quelle: Top for Phone

Positive: High performance; nice connectivity; good cameras. Negative: Short battery life; no mini jack; no fingerprint sensor; no microSD card slot.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 20.11.2019
Quelle: Top for Phone

Positive: High performance; nice connectivity; good cameras. Negative: Short battery life; no mini jack; no fingerprint sensor; no microSD card slot.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 20.11.2019

Positive: Powerful hardware; great cameras; nice design; decent autonomy.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 11.11.2019

Positive: Powerful hardware; great cameras; nice design; decent autonomy.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 11.11.2019
Quelle: Hi-Tech Mail

Positive: Excellent cameras; nice display; good price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 07.11.2019
Quelle: Hi-Tech Mail

Positive: Excellent cameras; nice display; good price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 07.11.2019
Quelle: The Gioididong

Positive: Elegant design; powerful hardware; nice cameras; excellent display. Negative: Only 6GB RAM.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 18.10.2019
Quelle: The Gioididong

Positive: Elegant design; powerful hardware; nice cameras; excellent display. Negative: Only 6GB RAM.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 18.10.2019
Google Pixel 4 XL
Das Google Pixel 4 XL ist ein Flaggschiff-Smartphone nach Google-Art. Wie seine Vorgänger wurde es von Google entwickelt und gebaut, um das bestmögliche Erlebnis zu bieten, das Android bieten kann, um mit Apples Flaggschiffen mithalten zu können, und um andere Android-basierte Smartphone-Hersteller zu Verbesserungen zu zwingen. Seine Kamera nimmt immer perfekt auf, auch wenn es dunkel ist. Das Beste ist, dass es auf Google-Software ausgelegt ist, die User kennen und lieben, dass sie immer besser wird. Das Pixel 4 XL kann im Nachtsichtmodus mit einem Fingertipp ein Bild von der Milchstraße aufnehmen. Diese sogenannte Astrofotografie ist eine der vielen Eigenschaften, die das Pixel zu einer der besten Kameras bei schlechten Lichtverhältnissen der Galaxie macht. Benutzer können die Belichtungsbalance ihrer Fotos vor Aufnahmen anpassen. Mithilfe leistungsstarker Steuerelemente können Benutzer Farbe und Belichtung der verschiedenen Elemente in ihrem Bild ändern. All dies wird durch die 16 MP + 12.2 MP Dual-Kamera an der Rückseite und die 8-MP-Frontkamera erreicht. Ein großer Nachteil ist jedoch, dass das Pixel für diese sehr wichtigen Landschaftsfotos kein Weitwinkelobjektiv enthält. Im Jahre 2019 und für etwas, das in Richtung 2020 geht, ist dies absolut inakzeptabel. Die Entscheidung von Google, keines zu verbauen, kann nur als ein Schritt angesehen werden, die Verkäufe aller anderen Hersteller nicht zu beeinträchtigen. Das Pixel 4 XL ist mit einem Qualcomm Snapdragon 855 Prozessor, 6 GB RAM und 64 GB oder 128 GB Speicher ausgestattet. Für seinen Preis ist das nicht gut genug. Das Gerät verfügt über ein flexibles 6,3-Zoll-QHD + -OLED-Display mit einer Auflösung von 3.040 x 1.440 Pixeln. Das Display ist gut genug für ein Flaggschiff, aber wie das Pixel 3 schlägt es die Konkurrenz nicht. Verbindungen können via Wi-Fi 802.11a/b/g/n/ac, 2,4 GHz und 5 GHz, 2x2 MIMO und Bluetooth 5.0 + LE hergestellt werden. Das Google Pixel 4 XL bietet eine neue Möglichkeit zur Steuerung des Telefons. Es verfügt über Quick Gestures, mit denen Benutzer Dinge erledigen können, ohne ihr Telefon berühren zu müssen. Das ist ideal, wenn Benutzer fahren, kochen oder ihr Lieblingsessen genießen – jedoch nur in der Theorie. In der Realität macht es nicht viel Sinn, mal abgesehen davon, dass es verwendet wird, um Ihre Anwesenheit zu registrieren und das Telefon zu entsperren, bevor Sie es tun. Viele andere Hersteller haben dies versucht und sind gescheitert. Offen gesagt ist Googles Entscheidung, diesen Weg zu gehen, ziemlich verwirrend. Dieses Konzept geht auf das Samsung Galaxy S4 zurück, bei dem es furchtbar gescheitert ist. Der erneute Versuch von LG und Google im Jahre 2019 ließ uns erwarten, dass es perfektioniert wird. Doch dem ist nicht so. Das Google Pixel 4 ist in drei Farboptionen erhältlich: Just Black, Clearly White und Oh So Orange. Das Telefon kann mit Pixel Stand schnell aufgeladen werden. Zudem ist ein Aufladen mit jedem Qi-zertifiziertem kabellosen Ladegerät möglich. Um die Akkulaufzeit zu verlängern, lernt der adaptive Akku Ihre Lieblings-Apps und reduziert den Stromverbrauch selten genutzter Apps. Der 3700-mAh-Akku bietet eine Gesprächszeit von 30,7 Stunden und eine Standby-Zeit von 14 Tagen. Fazit: Das Pixel 4 XL ist ein Android-Smartphone mit hervorragender Kamera und Leistung. Es ist eines der besten Android-Smartphones, die Google bisher herausgebracht hat. Dieses High-End-Pixel 4 XL hat jedoch einen höheren Preis. Hands-On-Artikel von Jagadisa RajarathnamAusstattung / Datenblatt

Prozessor: Qualcomm Snapdragon SD 855
Grafikkarte: Qualcomm Adreno 640
Bildschirm: 6.30 Zoll, 19:9, 3040 x 1440 Pixel
Gewicht: 0.193kg
Preis: 899 Euro
Links: Google Startseite
Google bietet das Pixel 4 auch in einer XL-Variante an, deren Größe einen leistungsstärkeren Akku erlaubt. Dessen Kapazität reicht nicht nur aus, um das größere Display am laufen zu halten, sondern verbessert auch die Ausdauer des Smartphones insgesamt.
Quelle: Areamobile

Google hat mit dem Pixel 4 XL zweifelsohne wieder ein starkes Gerät abgeliefert, welches in einigen Punkten leider trotzdem enttäuscht. Die Lautsprecher sind großartig, das 90-Hertz-Display superflüssig und die Kamera befindet sich in der absoluten Spitzenklasse.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 30.12.2019
Quelle: Areamobile

Google hat mit dem Pixel 4 XL zweifelsohne wieder ein starkes Gerät abgeliefert, welches in einigen Punkten leider trotzdem enttäuscht. Die Lautsprecher sind großartig, das 90-Hertz-Display superflüssig und die Kamera befindet sich in der absoluten Spitzenklasse.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 30.12.2019
Quelle: Android Pit

Vor dem Test war ich voller Euphorie für das Google Pixel 4 XL, aber nach einigen Tagen verringerte sich die Euphorie, wie Ihr in meinem Kommentar schon lesen konntet. Jetzt nach dem Abschluss des Test zum Google Pixel 4 XL muss ich dem Pixel 4 XL attestieren, dass es ein durchweg gutes Smartphone ist.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 26.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Android Pit

Vor dem Test war ich voller Euphorie für das Google Pixel 4 XL, aber nach einigen Tagen verringerte sich die Euphorie, wie Ihr in meinem Kommentar schon lesen konntet. Jetzt nach dem Abschluss des Test zum Google Pixel 4 XL muss ich dem Pixel 4 XL attestieren, dass es ein durchweg gutes Smartphone ist.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 26.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%

Googles neues Flaggschiff Pixel 4 XL fällt im Test mit einer sehr guten Leistung und einem tollen OLED-Display auf. Letzteres hat durch eine Bildwiederholrate von 90 Hertz eine besonders geschmeidige Anzeige. Zudem kommt das Pixel 4 XL mit smarten neuen Kamera-Features und einem integrierten Radarsystem, über das Nutzer beispielsweise Musik mit einer Wischgeste wechseln können.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 23.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 92% Leistung: 96% Ausstattung: 94% Bildschirm: 95% Mobilität: 79%

Googles neues Flaggschiff Pixel 4 XL fällt im Test mit einer sehr guten Leistung und einem tollen OLED-Display auf. Letzteres hat durch eine Bildwiederholrate von 90 Hertz eine besonders geschmeidige Anzeige. Zudem kommt das Pixel 4 XL mit smarten neuen Kamera-Features und einem integrierten Radarsystem, über das Nutzer beispielsweise Musik mit einer Wischgeste wechseln können.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 23.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 92% Leistung: 96% Ausstattung: 94% Bildschirm: 95% Mobilität: 79%
Quelle: Der Standard

Eine Art Fazit? Da muss ich einfach mal aus meiner Warte sprechen. Will man als einer der ersten Android-Updates und Funktionen haben, dann kommt man um ein Google Pixel 4 nur schwer herum. Ebenso, wenn man wohl einer der besten Kameras auf dem Markt sucht, die es auch absoluten Laien erlaubt, tolle Fotos zu machen.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 22.10.2019
Quelle: Der Standard

Eine Art Fazit? Da muss ich einfach mal aus meiner Warte sprechen. Will man als einer der ersten Android-Updates und Funktionen haben, dann kommt man um ein Google Pixel 4 nur schwer herum. Ebenso, wenn man wohl einer der besten Kameras auf dem Markt sucht, die es auch absoluten Laien erlaubt, tolle Fotos zu machen.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 22.10.2019

Die scharfe Kritik, die Google nach der Präsentation aus der Community einstecken musste, kann ich nur zum Teil nachvollziehen. Auch ohne Notch oder ausfahrbarer Front-Kamera ist das Pixel 4 XL ein erstklassiges Android-Handy und ein zuverlässiger Begleiter im Alltag.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 21.10.2019
Quelle: Computerbase

Im vierten Pixel-Jahr müssten Googles Smartphones eigentlich annähernd frei von Kritikpunkten sein, Das Pixel 4 XL ist in mehreren Punkten ein hervorragendes Smartphone. Das neue Face Unlock funktioniert in Kombination mit dem Project-Soli-Radarchip rasend schnell und zählt zu den komfortabelsten Entsperrmethoden am Markt.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 21.10.2019

Die scharfe Kritik, die Google nach der Präsentation aus der Community einstecken musste, kann ich nur zum Teil nachvollziehen. Auch ohne Notch oder ausfahrbarer Front-Kamera ist das Pixel 4 XL ein erstklassiges Android-Handy und ein zuverlässiger Begleiter im Alltag.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 21.10.2019
Quelle: Computerbase

Im vierten Pixel-Jahr müssten Googles Smartphones eigentlich annähernd frei von Kritikpunkten sein, Das Pixel 4 XL ist in mehreren Punkten ein hervorragendes Smartphone. Das neue Face Unlock funktioniert in Kombination mit dem Project-Soli-Radarchip rasend schnell und zählt zu den komfortabelsten Entsperrmethoden am Markt.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 21.10.2019
Quelle: Android Pit

Google hat mit dem Pixel 4 und dem XL wieder kräftig nachgelegt und ein stimmiges Smartphone kredenzt. Sicher müssen wir noch im Detail und bei Features wie Motion Sense und dem Soli-Radar-Chip auch mit der Zeit sehen, was Google da geschaffen hat. Aber vom ersten Eindruck her passen die Hardware und Software sehr gut zusammen.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 16.10.2019
Quelle: Android Pit

Google hat mit dem Pixel 4 und dem XL wieder kräftig nachgelegt und ein stimmiges Smartphone kredenzt. Sicher müssen wir noch im Detail und bei Features wie Motion Sense und dem Soli-Radar-Chip auch mit der Zeit sehen, was Google da geschaffen hat. Aber vom ersten Eindruck her passen die Hardware und Software sehr gut zusammen.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 16.10.2019
Quelle: Computerbase

Bei Googles neuen Smartphones gefällt zunächst einmal, dass sie bis zu 100 Euro günstiger als im Vorjahr angeboten werden. Das macht das Gesamtpaket gleich deutlich attraktiver, wenngleich Pixel 4 und Pixel 4 XL nicht auf den Preis reduziert werden sollten.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 15.10.2019
Quelle: Computerbase

Bei Googles neuen Smartphones gefällt zunächst einmal, dass sie bis zu 100 Euro günstiger als im Vorjahr angeboten werden. Das macht das Gesamtpaket gleich deutlich attraktiver, wenngleich Pixel 4 und Pixel 4 XL nicht auf den Preis reduziert werden sollten.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 15.10.2019
Ausländische Testberichte
Quelle: CNet

There's no denying the Pixel 4 XL has one of the best cameras around, but its shortcomings don't justify its high price. Instead, consider the Note 10 or the OnePlus 7T. The Pixel 3 XL is another great candidate and is discounted at $600 now.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 02.07.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 86% Leistung: 90% Mobilität: 90% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: CNet

There's no denying the Pixel 4 XL has one of the best cameras around, but its shortcomings don't justify its high price. Instead, consider the Note 10 or the OnePlus 7T. The Pixel 3 XL is another great candidate and is discounted at $600 now.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 02.07.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 86% Leistung: 90% Mobilität: 90% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Android Authority

The larger of the two Pixel 4 phones, the Google Pixel 4 XL boasts a 3,700mAh battery and a 6.3-inch OLED display. The display's 90Hz refresh rate makes navigation extremely smooth. There's also a Soli radar for Motion Sense and Face Unlock.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 30.06.2020
Quelle: Android Authority

The larger of the two Pixel 4 phones, the Google Pixel 4 XL boasts a 3,700mAh battery and a 6.3-inch OLED display. The display's 90Hz refresh rate makes navigation extremely smooth. There's also a Soli radar for Motion Sense and Face Unlock.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 30.06.2020
Quelle: Android Authority

The extended Pixel family looks set to become even more muddled from here, but this is just how Google makes phones — and if you want the very best, most powerful Google phone you can buy then the Pixel 4 XL, despite its many imperfections, is still it.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 10.05.2020
Quelle: Android Authority

The extended Pixel family looks set to become even more muddled from here, but this is just how Google makes phones — and if you want the very best, most powerful Google phone you can buy then the Pixel 4 XL, despite its many imperfections, is still it.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 10.05.2020
Quelle: 9to5google

Still peak Pixel or another dropped pixel...
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 30.04.2020
Quelle: 9to5google

Still peak Pixel or another dropped pixel...
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 30.04.2020
Quelle: Pocketnow

Smartphone cameras have taken dramatic leaps over the last decade. Lenses have multiplied, features keep expanding, heck 2020 has even brought us phones that can film at a higher resolution than the camera I use for this video.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 11.04.2020
Quelle: Pocketnow

Smartphone cameras have taken dramatic leaps over the last decade. Lenses have multiplied, features keep expanding, heck 2020 has even brought us phones that can film at a higher resolution than the camera I use for this video.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 11.04.2020
Quelle: Gadgetspeak

Since these two devices were reviewed towards the end of 2019 I have been asked to tell you about changes made to them in order that should you purchase them now you have the actual updated information for instance the Pixel 4XL was one of the first to come with Android 10 as standard.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 10.04.2020
Quelle: Gadgetspeak

Since these two devices were reviewed towards the end of 2019 I have been asked to tell you about changes made to them in order that should you purchase them now you have the actual updated information for instance the Pixel 4XL was one of the first to come with Android 10 as standard.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 10.04.2020
Quelle: Android Central

6 months on, Google's strengths remain. Its simple hardware is still appreciated and has held up to use. The software is still useful and performs well, with a couple of big feature updates it keeps improving, and face unlock support has expanded. The camera is still the best around, even without an ultra-wide lens. But battery life is unfortunately just downright bad, and the specs and screen quality aren't befitting its price in 2020.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 03.04.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: Android Central

6 months on, Google's strengths remain. Its simple hardware is still appreciated and has held up to use. The software is still useful and performs well, with a couple of big feature updates it keeps improving, and face unlock support has expanded. The camera is still the best around, even without an ultra-wide lens. But battery life is unfortunately just downright bad, and the specs and screen quality aren't befitting its price in 2020.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 03.04.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: Android Authority

The Google Pixel 4 and Pixel 4 XL are great phones in several respects, but they misfire far more often than they should at this price point. The major sticking points are battery life and the reliability of some new hardware features, making them hard to recommend despite an out of this world camera, great performance and software experience.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 04.03.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 87% Leistung: 91% Bildschirm: 97% Mobilität: 63%
Quelle: Android Authority

The Google Pixel 4 and Pixel 4 XL are great phones in several respects, but they misfire far more often than they should at this price point. The major sticking points are battery life and the reliability of some new hardware features, making them hard to recommend despite an out of this world camera, great performance and software experience.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 04.03.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 87% Leistung: 91% Bildschirm: 97% Mobilität: 63%
Quelle: Ausdroid

For me the main negatives are motion sense being as useful as a glass door on a dunny (which really doesn’t affect me in the slightest – jut turn it off), the lack of RAM (occasionally ran into issues but only very occasionally), the lack of storage (OK Google, I will live in the cloud, but only because you forced me to) and the battery life. In the end the only one that actually affects me is the battery life – so I either sit it on a wireless charger while not in use or plug it into a PD charger whenever I can.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 02.03.2020
Quelle: Ausdroid

For me the main negatives are motion sense being as useful as a glass door on a dunny (which really doesn’t affect me in the slightest – jut turn it off), the lack of RAM (occasionally ran into issues but only very occasionally), the lack of storage (OK Google, I will live in the cloud, but only because you forced me to) and the battery life. In the end the only one that actually affects me is the battery life – so I either sit it on a wireless charger while not in use or plug it into a PD charger whenever I can.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 02.03.2020
Quelle: Tom's Guide

Choosing between Google’s new Pixels, it’s clear that the Pixel 4 XL is the better option, especially if you like big screens and longer battery life (such as it is). As for how Google’s phablet stacks up to other top smartphones, that’s a tougher call that depends on what you’re looking for in a handset.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 26.02.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Tom's Guide

Choosing between Google’s new Pixels, it’s clear that the Pixel 4 XL is the better option, especially if you like big screens and longer battery life (such as it is). As for how Google’s phablet stacks up to other top smartphones, that’s a tougher call that depends on what you’re looking for in a handset.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 26.02.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Droid Life

This might sound weird, but I’d say you should probably hold off on buying a Pixel 4 or 4 XL. We have the Galaxy S20 lineup coming from Samsung, which should then be followed by the Pixel 4a lineup from Google. For 2020, the 4a phones have us very excited, as they should have what makes the Pixel 4 XL great (software + camera), but will also be quite a bit cheaper than your standard Pixel 4 and 4 XL.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 29.01.2020
Quelle: Droid Life

This might sound weird, but I’d say you should probably hold off on buying a Pixel 4 or 4 XL. We have the Galaxy S20 lineup coming from Samsung, which should then be followed by the Pixel 4a lineup from Google. For 2020, the 4a phones have us very excited, as they should have what makes the Pixel 4 XL great (software + camera), but will also be quite a bit cheaper than your standard Pixel 4 and 4 XL.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 29.01.2020
Quelle: Pocket Lint

Certainly a great pure Android handset - but rivals have closed the gap in camera performance, while offering more power, more compact design and better battery life. While the Google Pixel 4 XL is attractive now, we suspect that in four months time it'll feel old.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 10.01.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Pocket Lint

Certainly a great pure Android handset - but rivals have closed the gap in camera performance, while offering more power, more compact design and better battery life. While the Google Pixel 4 XL is attractive now, we suspect that in four months time it'll feel old.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 10.01.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

The Google Pixel 4 XL delivers on the promises set out by Google at the phone's launch event, with a beautiful new 90Hz display, the fastest and most robust Google Assistant experience ever, plus impressive and eye-catching camera abilities from its new dual-sensor setup. However, everything that the Pixel 4 XL brings to the table each comes with a notable caveat that you'll have to consider before you make the decision to live with it.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 03.01.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

The Google Pixel 4 XL delivers on the promises set out by Google at the phone's launch event, with a beautiful new 90Hz display, the fastest and most robust Google Assistant experience ever, plus impressive and eye-catching camera abilities from its new dual-sensor setup. However, everything that the Pixel 4 XL brings to the table each comes with a notable caveat that you'll have to consider before you make the decision to live with it.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 03.01.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: Techaeris

While the Pixel 4 XL looks pretty standard on the hardware front, it really is the Android 10 OS and updates that set it apart from other OEM Android smartphones. It is a bit pricey at its full retail price but if you can get it on sale, it can be a very solid investment.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 28.12.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 94% Preis: 85% Leistung: 100% Bildschirm: 100% Mobilität: 95% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: Techaeris

While the Pixel 4 XL looks pretty standard on the hardware front, it really is the Android 10 OS and updates that set it apart from other OEM Android smartphones. It is a bit pricey at its full retail price but if you can get it on sale, it can be a very solid investment.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 28.12.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 94% Preis: 85% Leistung: 100% Bildschirm: 100% Mobilität: 95% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: Android Central

The Pixel 4 XL has a fantastic camera, but basic issues on the hardware front prevent it from being a great phone. The battery life is woefully inadequate, and 64GB of storage is nowhere enough for a flagship in 2019. You're better off waiting for the inevitable discount before getting your hands on one.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 20.12.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: Android Central

The Pixel 4 XL has a fantastic camera, but basic issues on the hardware front prevent it from being a great phone. The battery life is woefully inadequate, and 64GB of storage is nowhere enough for a flagship in 2019. You're better off waiting for the inevitable discount before getting your hands on one.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 20.12.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: Androidbeat

So yes, the Pixel 4 XL can’t be recommended… yet. Let’s agree to reconvene in (say) February 2020, with more updates from Google and hopefully many updates from third parties, all bringing the Pixel 4 XL to life for real, and all allowing a proper long term review and verdict. It deserves it – I absolutely loved the hardware, the camera, the multimedia, but the gaping hole in the 4 series’ functionality still needs plugging.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 17.12.2019
Quelle: Androidbeat

So yes, the Pixel 4 XL can’t be recommended… yet. Let’s agree to reconvene in (say) February 2020, with more updates from Google and hopefully many updates from third parties, all bringing the Pixel 4 XL to life for real, and all allowing a proper long term review and verdict. It deserves it – I absolutely loved the hardware, the camera, the multimedia, but the gaping hole in the 4 series’ functionality still needs plugging.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 17.12.2019
Quelle: New Atlas

The launch of new Pixels is now as regular as the launch of new iPhones, and Google's flagships for 2019 are the Pixel 4 and the Pixel 4 XL. New Atlas has been living with a Pixel 4 XL for several weeks, and this is our verdict on the new phone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 03.12.2019
Quelle: New Atlas

The launch of new Pixels is now as regular as the launch of new iPhones, and Google's flagships for 2019 are the Pixel 4 and the Pixel 4 XL. New Atlas has been living with a Pixel 4 XL for several weeks, and this is our verdict on the new phone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 03.12.2019
Quelle: Gadgetspeak

Google do not make cheap phones so if you are looking for a bargain buy it’s not here, having said that Google make phones that look good and normally work well, however any phone these days has to be great to get to be the desired one.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 29.11.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70% Preis: 60% Leistung: 80% Gehäuse: 60%
Quelle: Gadgetspeak

Google do not make cheap phones so if you are looking for a bargain buy it’s not here, having said that Google make phones that look good and normally work well, however any phone these days has to be great to get to be the desired one.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 29.11.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70% Preis: 60% Leistung: 80% Gehäuse: 60%
Quelle: Talk Android

There are definitely some negative elements in this review. All are relatively minor and I could easily gloss over them, but for such an expensive phone that’s meant to represent the best of Android, it’s fair to nitpick. The design is solid, but also uninspired. Battery life is decent, but not exceptional. The screen is excellent, but too dim in direct sunlight. There’s no headphone jack, storage is capped at 128GB, the fingerprint scanner is gone and so on. Each is a minor quibble, but taken together they lesson what could be the Android phone of the year.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 27.11.2019
Quelle: Talk Android

There are definitely some negative elements in this review. All are relatively minor and I could easily gloss over them, but for such an expensive phone that’s meant to represent the best of Android, it’s fair to nitpick. The design is solid, but also uninspired. Battery life is decent, but not exceptional. The screen is excellent, but too dim in direct sunlight. There’s no headphone jack, storage is capped at 128GB, the fingerprint scanner is gone and so on. Each is a minor quibble, but taken together they lesson what could be the Android phone of the year.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 27.11.2019
Quelle: Hardware Zone

Is it worth the upgrade over the Pixel 3? I think that depends on what you want from your phone. The Pixel 3 is getting new features like the new astrophotography mode, and it also runs Android 10. It's basically the same core Google experience as the Pixel 4. But the Pixel 4 is also faster, has a much better screen, and a more capable camera. If you want the best possible experience from Google, upgrading is a no-brainer. But the Pixel 3 still takes very good photos, and if it's still serving you well, you can probably get by with the same monthly software updates.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 24.11.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Hardware Zone

Is it worth the upgrade over the Pixel 3? I think that depends on what you want from your phone. The Pixel 3 is getting new features like the new astrophotography mode, and it also runs Android 10. It's basically the same core Google experience as the Pixel 4. But the Pixel 4 is also faster, has a much better screen, and a more capable camera. If you want the best possible experience from Google, upgrading is a no-brainer. But the Pixel 3 still takes very good photos, and if it's still serving you well, you can probably get by with the same monthly software updates.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 24.11.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Mobile Syrup

However, it’s no longer a clear leader running neck-and-neck with Huawei. Competitors closed the gap this year, and Google didn’t pull further away from the pack. Virtually all the new camera software features and modes were shipped out to Pixel 3, 3 XL and 3a devices via software updates, lessening the incentive to get the Pixel 4.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 22.11.2019
Quelle: Mobile Syrup

However, it’s no longer a clear leader running neck-and-neck with Huawei. Competitors closed the gap this year, and Google didn’t pull further away from the pack. Virtually all the new camera software features and modes were shipped out to Pixel 3, 3 XL and 3a devices via software updates, lessening the incentive to get the Pixel 4.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 22.11.2019
Quelle: Tech Advisor

The Google Pixel 4 XL delivers on the promises set out by Google at the phone's launch event, with a beautiful new 90Hz display, the fastest and most robust Google Assistant experience ever, plus impressive and eye-catching camera abilities from its new dual-sensor setup. However, everything that the Pixel 4 XL brings to the table each comes with a notable caveat that you'll have to consider before you make the decision to live with it.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 21.11.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

The Google Pixel 4 XL delivers on the promises set out by Google at the phone's launch event, with a beautiful new 90Hz display, the fastest and most robust Google Assistant experience ever, plus impressive and eye-catching camera abilities from its new dual-sensor setup. However, everything that the Pixel 4 XL brings to the table each comes with a notable caveat that you'll have to consider before you make the decision to live with it.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 21.11.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: IT Pro Portal

The Pixel 4XL is likely to age better (or mature faster) with new software updates, but unless you're after the best camera phone, its high price tag and and the quality of the competition make it quite hard to recommend Google’s new flagship.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 16.11.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: IT Pro Portal

The Pixel 4XL is likely to age better (or mature faster) with new software updates, but unless you're after the best camera phone, its high price tag and and the quality of the competition make it quite hard to recommend Google’s new flagship.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 16.11.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Android Central

It's expensive and the battery doesn't last as long as I'd like, but that hasn't stopped me from thoroughly enjoying my time with the Pixel 4 XL. This is a phone where the overall experience is greater than the sum of its parts, and at the end of the day, it's the Android handset I most eagerly reach for. For anyone that values excellent cameras, reliable performance, and fantastic software, it's one of the best gadgets you can buy this year.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 11.11.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Android Central

It's expensive and the battery doesn't last as long as I'd like, but that hasn't stopped me from thoroughly enjoying my time with the Pixel 4 XL. This is a phone where the overall experience is greater than the sum of its parts, and at the end of the day, it's the Android handset I most eagerly reach for. For anyone that values excellent cameras, reliable performance, and fantastic software, it's one of the best gadgets you can buy this year.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 11.11.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: AnandTech

Overall, the Pixel 4 frankly feels more like a device that would have been extremely successful if it had been released in 2018. Google releasing the phone this late in 2019 for prices of $799 for the regular version and $899 for the XL version just doesn’t make much sense. Those are also 64GB base variant versions by the way, you’ll have to pay an extra $100 for the 128GB models. I just can’t rationalise recommending the phones to anyone at their current price and given their compromises – Google has to either design and execute better, or give up on pretending they’re competing in the premium flagship segment and launch with prices about 25-30% lower.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 08.11.2019
Quelle: AnandTech

Overall, the Pixel 4 frankly feels more like a device that would have been extremely successful if it had been released in 2018. Google releasing the phone this late in 2019 for prices of $799 for the regular version and $899 for the XL version just doesn’t make much sense. Those are also 64GB base variant versions by the way, you’ll have to pay an extra $100 for the 128GB models. I just can’t rationalise recommending the phones to anyone at their current price and given their compromises – Google has to either design and execute better, or give up on pretending they’re competing in the premium flagship segment and launch with prices about 25-30% lower.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 08.11.2019
Quelle: Hot Hardware

Ultimately, there's a lot to love about Google's new Pixel 4 XL and the smaller Pixel 4 as well, but like most things in life there are trade-offs to consider here. Hats-off to Google for continuing to innovate with Motion Sense, great new camera features and technology (as well as shot quality), and top-notch general performance as always with a whistle-clean Android 10 OS setup. And there are further refinements and features forthcoming for Pixel 4 / 4 XL early adopters as well. As is typically the case with Google Pixel devices, you'll also get the latest Android software and platform innovations before virtually any other Android device manufacturer, if you decide to rock a Pixel 4 or Pixel 4 XL.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 07.11.2019
Quelle: Hot Hardware

Ultimately, there's a lot to love about Google's new Pixel 4 XL and the smaller Pixel 4 as well, but like most things in life there are trade-offs to consider here. Hats-off to Google for continuing to innovate with Motion Sense, great new camera features and technology (as well as shot quality), and top-notch general performance as always with a whistle-clean Android 10 OS setup. And there are further refinements and features forthcoming for Pixel 4 / 4 XL early adopters as well. As is typically the case with Google Pixel devices, you'll also get the latest Android software and platform innovations before virtually any other Android device manufacturer, if you decide to rock a Pixel 4 or Pixel 4 XL.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 07.11.2019
Quelle: What Mobile

Specs don’t tell the whole story of a phone, and with the Pixel 4 series, this is good and bad. While the camera is mostly excellent and the phone is a top-notch performer (not to mention the new Google Assistant, which works more rapidly than ever before and is a worthy rival to Siri and Bixby), there’s disappointment to be found in the weak Pixel 4 battery, the lack of storage, the missing wide-angle camera and fingerprint scanner, and finicky Motion Sense.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 06.11.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 76% Preis: 60% Mobilität: 60% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: What Mobile

Specs don’t tell the whole story of a phone, and with the Pixel 4 series, this is good and bad. While the camera is mostly excellent and the phone is a top-notch performer (not to mention the new Google Assistant, which works more rapidly than ever before and is a worthy rival to Siri and Bixby), there’s disappointment to be found in the weak Pixel 4 battery, the lack of storage, the missing wide-angle camera and fingerprint scanner, and finicky Motion Sense.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 06.11.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 76% Preis: 60% Mobilität: 60% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Tom's Guide

The Pixel will still be on the short list for anyone who wants a top camera phone, though the iPhone 11 Pro exceeds it in many ways. The Pixel remains the best way to experience Android, and exclusive features like Live Caption (which comes to other Android devices in 2020) and Recorder’s live transcription drive that point home for the Pixel 4 XL. That said, if you’re intrigued by the new Pixel’s 90-Hz refresh rate and want the latest version of Android on a big screen phone, the OnePlus 7T ticks both boxes and costs $300 less than the Pixel 4 XL.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 04.11.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Know Your Mobile

This is a hard one to call. The Pixel 4 XL, out of these two phones, is the one to go for; the battery life on the Pixel 4 just doesn’t cut the mustard, and in 2019 that is unacceptable. Both handsets are expensive, a little too expensive in my opinion. You can pick up an iPhone 11 one OnePlus 7T with more storage for less. And that is significant.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 04.11.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 75% Preis: 60% Leistung: 80% Mobilität: 60% Gehäuse: 60%
Quelle: Tom's Guide

The Pixel will still be on the short list for anyone who wants a top camera phone, though the iPhone 11 Pro exceeds it in many ways. The Pixel remains the best way to experience Android, and exclusive features like Live Caption (which comes to other Android devices in 2020) and Recorder’s live transcription drive that point home for the Pixel 4 XL. That said, if you’re intrigued by the new Pixel’s 90-Hz refresh rate and want the latest version of Android on a big screen phone, the OnePlus 7T ticks both boxes and costs $300 less than the Pixel 4 XL.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 04.11.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Know Your Mobile

This is a hard one to call. The Pixel 4 XL, out of these two phones, is the one to go for; the battery life on the Pixel 4 just doesn’t cut the mustard, and in 2019 that is unacceptable. Both handsets are expensive, a little too expensive in my opinion. You can pick up an iPhone 11 one OnePlus 7T with more storage for less. And that is significant.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 04.11.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 75% Preis: 60% Leistung: 80% Mobilität: 60% Gehäuse: 60%
Quelle: Chrome Unboxed

I don’t use Pixel phones because I don’t have another option. I choose to stay in the Pixel line of phones because I love the way Google leverages, sees, and utilizes Android. I like the way my phone works. I like the way the experience feels. I like all the intangible ways that this phone feels better to use than any other Android phone I’ve held. That’s ultimately why I’m sticking with the Pixel 4XL. It isn’t perfect and I don’t even think it is the right phone for everyone. It’s just the right phone for me.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 02.11.2019
Quelle: Chrome Unboxed

I don’t use Pixel phones because I don’t have another option. I choose to stay in the Pixel line of phones because I love the way Google leverages, sees, and utilizes Android. I like the way my phone works. I like the way the experience feels. I like all the intangible ways that this phone feels better to use than any other Android phone I’ve held. That’s ultimately why I’m sticking with the Pixel 4XL. It isn’t perfect and I don’t even think it is the right phone for everyone. It’s just the right phone for me.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 02.11.2019
Quelle: CNet

There's no denying the Pixel 4 XL has one of the best cameras around, but its shortcomings don't justify its high price. Instead, consider the Note 10 or the OnePlus 7T. The Pixel 3 XL is another great candidate and is discounted at $600 now.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 01.11.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 86% Leistung: 90% Mobilität: 90% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: CNet

There's no denying the Pixel 4 XL has one of the best cameras around, but its shortcomings don't justify its high price. Instead, consider the Note 10 or the OnePlus 7T. The Pixel 3 XL is another great candidate and is discounted at $600 now.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 01.11.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 86% Leistung: 90% Mobilität: 90% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Droid Life

The funniest part of all of this is, I can sit here and tell you how Google royally screwed this device up, but I still love it. The Pixel phone experience is the experience I prefer on smartphones, since all of the Google services that I require work like a charm. What Google did right on the phone they did very well, which for me includes Face Unlock and the overall hardware experience.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 31.10.2019
Quelle: Droid Life

The funniest part of all of this is, I can sit here and tell you how Google royally screwed this device up, but I still love it. The Pixel phone experience is the experience I prefer on smartphones, since all of the Google services that I require work like a charm. What Google did right on the phone they did very well, which for me includes Face Unlock and the overall hardware experience.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 31.10.2019
Quelle: It Pro

There is a lot to love about the Pixel 4 XL, such as the display or the extra camera, but our favourite addition is the motion sensor which could play a big role in its future. However, it doesn't do enough to recommend it, we're Soli to say.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 30.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: It Pro

There is a lot to love about the Pixel 4 XL, such as the display or the extra camera, but our favourite addition is the motion sensor which could play a big role in its future. However, it doesn't do enough to recommend it, we're Soli to say.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 30.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: GSM Arena

The Pixel 4 XL is the best that Google has to offer and if you don't mind paying a premium price and overlooking a couple of shortcomings at launch, then you'll be a happy camper with Google's new phone. If you'd rather get the most out of your $899, you might want to consider getting something else or wait until the phone is discounted (which usually happens around Black Friday).
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 29.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: GSM Arena

The Pixel 4 XL is the best that Google has to offer and if you don't mind paying a premium price and overlooking a couple of shortcomings at launch, then you'll be a happy camper with Google's new phone. If you'd rather get the most out of your $899, you might want to consider getting something else or wait until the phone is discounted (which usually happens around Black Friday).
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 29.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: What Hi-Fi

With our sound and vision hats on, it’s just a shame the audio quality doesn’t match the performance elsewhere to make the Pixel 4 XL a true five-star phone. That said, for Android purists and photography fans, this may well still be the phone to beat.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 28.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Bildschirm: 100%
Quelle: What Hi-Fi

With our sound and vision hats on, it’s just a shame the audio quality doesn’t match the performance elsewhere to make the Pixel 4 XL a true five-star phone. That said, for Android purists and photography fans, this may well still be the phone to beat.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 28.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Bildschirm: 100%
Quelle: Hardware Zone

Is it worth the upgrade over the Pixel 3? I think that depends on what you want from your phone. The Pixel 3 is getting new features like the new astrophotography mode, and it also runs Android 10. It's basically the same core Google experience as the Pixel 4. But the Pixel 4 is also faster, has a much better screen, and a more capable camera. If you want the best possible experience from Google, upgrading is a no-brainer. But the Pixel 3 still takes very good photos, and if it's still serving you well, you can probably get by with the same monthly software updates.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 26.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Tom's Guide

The Pixel will still be on the short list for anyone who wants a top camera phone, though the iPhone 11 Pro exceeds it in many ways. The Pixel remains the best way to experience Android, and exclusive features like Live Caption (which comes to other Android devices in 2020) and Recorder’s live transcription drive that point home for the Pixel 4 XL. That said, if you’re intrigued by the new Pixel’s 90-Hz refresh rate and want the latest version of Android on a big screen phone, the OnePlus 7T ticks both boxes and costs $300 less than the Pixel 4 XL.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 26.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Hardware Zone

Is it worth the upgrade over the Pixel 3? I think that depends on what you want from your phone. The Pixel 3 is getting new features like the new astrophotography mode, and it also runs Android 10. It's basically the same core Google experience as the Pixel 4. But the Pixel 4 is also faster, has a much better screen, and a more capable camera. If you want the best possible experience from Google, upgrading is a no-brainer. But the Pixel 3 still takes very good photos, and if it's still serving you well, you can probably get by with the same monthly software updates.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 26.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Tom's Guide

The Pixel will still be on the short list for anyone who wants a top camera phone, though the iPhone 11 Pro exceeds it in many ways. The Pixel remains the best way to experience Android, and exclusive features like Live Caption (which comes to other Android devices in 2020) and Recorder’s live transcription drive that point home for the Pixel 4 XL. That said, if you’re intrigued by the new Pixel’s 90-Hz refresh rate and want the latest version of Android on a big screen phone, the OnePlus 7T ticks both boxes and costs $300 less than the Pixel 4 XL.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 26.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Pocket Lint

Certainly a great pure Android handset - but rivals have closed the gap in camera performance, while offering more power, more compact design and better battery life. While the Google Pixel 4 XL is attractive now, we suspect that in four months time it'll feel old.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 25.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

The Google Pixel 4 XL delivers on the promises set out by Google at the phone's launch event, with a beautiful new 90Hz display, the fastest and most robust Google Assistant experience ever, plus impressive and eye-catching camera abilities from its new dual-sensor setup. However, everything that the Pixel 4 XL brings to the table each comes with a notable caveat that you'll have to consider before you make the decision to live with it.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 25.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: Pocket Lint

Certainly a great pure Android handset - but rivals have closed the gap in camera performance, while offering more power, more compact design and better battery life. While the Google Pixel 4 XL is attractive now, we suspect that in four months time it'll feel old.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 25.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

The Google Pixel 4 XL delivers on the promises set out by Google at the phone's launch event, with a beautiful new 90Hz display, the fastest and most robust Google Assistant experience ever, plus impressive and eye-catching camera abilities from its new dual-sensor setup. However, everything that the Pixel 4 XL brings to the table each comes with a notable caveat that you'll have to consider before you make the decision to live with it.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 25.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: PC World

The latest Pixel phone is usually an easy recommendation, but this year’s phone is a bit of a conundrum. So here’s my recommendation: Now is not the time to buy a Pixel 4. The Pixel 4 has more untapped potential than any other phone I’ve used, but it fails at its most important job: being a phone that lives up to its own hype—and price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 24.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: Greenbot

The Face unlock and Google Assistant bugs are too glaring to overlook, and Motion Sense is in desperate need of new features. The camera is still one of the best, but the gap between it and its peers is practically nonexistent, and its tricks aren’t nearly as impressive with a second lens. And the specs are downright blah for a $900 phone. Even the Pixel launcher and the promise of three years of Android updates are less of a reason to buy, as Samsung ups its game with One UI.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 24.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: Good Gear Guide

The Face unlock and Google Assistant bugs are too glaring to overlook, and Motion Sense is in desperate need of new features. The camera is still one of the best, but the gap between it and its peers is practically nonexistent, and its tricks aren’t nearly as impressive with a second lens. And the specs are downright blah for a $900 phone. Even the Pixel launcher and the promise of three years of Android updates are less of a reason to buy, as Samsung ups its game with One UI.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 24.10.2019
Quelle: Android Authority

For everything I love about the Pixel 4 there’s something that disappoints me. It’s a hard phone to recommend, and to me at least, serves as a great advertisement for the Pixel 3. Perhaps Google will address some of the issues I’ve listed via future software updates, but we don’t review based on maybes. I really do like the Pixel 4, but I can’t shake the feeling it’s not good enough, not as good as it should be at this point. Like the cosmos, the Pixel 4 is full of wonders both big and small, yes, but it’s equally full of untapped potential and missed opportunities.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 24.10.2019
Quelle: PC World

The latest Pixel phone is usually an easy recommendation, but this year’s phone is a bit of a conundrum. So here’s my recommendation: Now is not the time to buy a Pixel 4. The Pixel 4 has more untapped potential than any other phone I’ve used, but it fails at its most important job: being a phone that lives up to its own hype—and price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 24.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: Greenbot

The Face unlock and Google Assistant bugs are too glaring to overlook, and Motion Sense is in desperate need of new features. The camera is still one of the best, but the gap between it and its peers is practically nonexistent, and its tricks aren’t nearly as impressive with a second lens. And the specs are downright blah for a $900 phone. Even the Pixel launcher and the promise of three years of Android updates are less of a reason to buy, as Samsung ups its game with One UI.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 24.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: Good Gear Guide

The Face unlock and Google Assistant bugs are too glaring to overlook, and Motion Sense is in desperate need of new features. The camera is still one of the best, but the gap between it and its peers is practically nonexistent, and its tricks aren’t nearly as impressive with a second lens. And the specs are downright blah for a $900 phone. Even the Pixel launcher and the promise of three years of Android updates are less of a reason to buy, as Samsung ups its game with One UI.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 24.10.2019
Quelle: Android Authority

For everything I love about the Pixel 4 there’s something that disappoints me. It’s a hard phone to recommend, and to me at least, serves as a great advertisement for the Pixel 3. Perhaps Google will address some of the issues I’ve listed via future software updates, but we don’t review based on maybes. I really do like the Pixel 4, but I can’t shake the feeling it’s not good enough, not as good as it should be at this point. Like the cosmos, the Pixel 4 is full of wonders both big and small, yes, but it’s equally full of untapped potential and missed opportunities.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 24.10.2019
Quelle: Trusted Reviews

Despite appreciating many parts of this phone, at its current price and in its current state the Pixel 4 XL is a hard sell. As good as the camera, software and design are, the battery life, poor storage options and lack of an ultra-wide lens mean there are better options out there. For example, the OnePlus 7T is cheaper at £599, offers far more storage, a longer-lasting battery that charges more quickly whilst also retaining the 90Hz display. In most cases, you’ll also get just as good snaps from the £719/$699 iPhone 11 – and then, of course, there’s the truly excellent Pixel 3a and 3a XL.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 23.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: Good Gear Guide

At a time when the standards for what a flagship should and can be are shifting so radically, the Pixel 4 XL comes across as a little ordinary and by-the-numbers. It excels in all the ways that Pixel phones usually do but, if you're expecting a little more from it, it doesn't take long for it to fall short. Where some of the other options are looking for ways to become more, the Pixel 4 settles for just ways to become better.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 23.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Trusted Reviews

Despite appreciating many parts of this phone, at its current price and in its current state the Pixel 4 XL is a hard sell. As good as the camera, software and design are, the battery life, poor storage options and lack of an ultra-wide lens mean there are better options out there. For example, the OnePlus 7T is cheaper at £599, offers far more storage, a longer-lasting battery that charges more quickly whilst also retaining the 90Hz display. In most cases, you’ll also get just as good snaps from the £719/$699 iPhone 11 – and then, of course, there’s the truly excellent Pixel 3a and 3a XL.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 23.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: Good Gear Guide

At a time when the standards for what a flagship should and can be are shifting so radically, the Pixel 4 XL comes across as a little ordinary and by-the-numbers. It excels in all the ways that Pixel phones usually do but, if you're expecting a little more from it, it doesn't take long for it to fall short. Where some of the other options are looking for ways to become more, the Pixel 4 settles for just ways to become better.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 23.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Best Products

The Pixel 4 and the Pixel 4 XL start at $799 and $899, respectively, for a variant with 64 GB of built-in storage. I highly recommend that you spend an extra $100 to double storage space, because Google no longer offers unlimited cloud storage for photos and video in original quality.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 22.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Best Products

The Pixel 4 and the Pixel 4 XL start at $799 and $899, respectively, for a variant with 64 GB of built-in storage. I highly recommend that you spend an extra $100 to double storage space, because Google no longer offers unlimited cloud storage for photos and video in original quality.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 22.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Techradar

The Google Pixel 4 XL is a handsome phone in its simplicity that, by the same coin, feels less impressive than its Android flagship counterparts. It doesn’t help that its new standout features are inessential, and erratically functional. But new interface improvements and a camera suite that’s better in both the hardware and software departments ensure that this phone stands up to be counted, even if it doesn't stand out from the competition.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 21.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: CNet

There's no denying the Pixel 4 XL has one of the best cameras around, but its shortcomings don't justify its high price. Instead, consider the Note 10 or the OnePlus 7T. The Pixel 3 XL is another great candidate and is discounted at $600 now.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 21.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 85% Leistung: 90% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Android Central

This is easily Google's best-ever phone. The hardware is sleek and efficient, and Android 10 runs brilliantly. Google's little additions to the software differentiate it, face unlock works incredibly well, and this is the best Android camera available in all lighting. But the battery life is frustratingly bad, and it's hard not to feel short-changed paying this much for weak RAM and storage.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 21.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Phone Arena

The Pixel 4 and 4 XL are phone that really reflect Google’s focus on ‘ambient computing’, or technology that’s there whenever you need it and fades away when you don’t. It starts before you even hold the phone, with Soli waiting for you to reach for it to speed up unlock time. It’s there with the organic feel of the phone itself, and in the way Google Assistant is ready to step in and help, and then step away. It’s there in the way the software learns what you want from it so it can get it to you faster. It’s not just one flashy feature or new piece of hardware, it’s just the little ways everything fits together into a cohesive experience. It’s a bit difficult to concretely define, but this seamless, ambient experience is, to me, the greatest strength of the Pixel 4 series.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 21.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Stuff TV

But the rest? The Pixel 4 design takes the iconic simplicity of the older Pixels, and simplifies it until it seems generic. And it’s hard to ignore that other phones offer more for less, or at least for the same money. More storage. More screen per square inch. More battery per gram.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 21.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Engadget

I can't remember the last time I've been so torn on a pair of smartphones. On the one hand, Google didn't nail everything. Face Unlock is in need of a fix. The battery life is mediocre at best. Motion Sense, as magical it feels when it works right, isn't very useful yet. And the price for the smaller Pixel 4 seems little out of whack when you consider Apple's new iPhone 11 packs a highly competitive feature set for $50 less. Despite all that, I can't help but love these phones, for their clean, clever software, their weird cameras and their ambition. This is the Android phone for me, and I'm willing to live with its flaws.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 21.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 85%
Quelle: Mobile Syrup

Google made improvements to the camera and the design of the device, as well as finally adding more RAM to its Pixel line. The 4 series now also includes a face unlock feature that rivals Apple’s iPhone. The Pixel Neural Core not only improves the Pixel Visual Core, but also helps with the device’s ambient computing, which helps the device’s face unlock and Motion Sense improve over time. Unfortunately, Motion Sense might be the Pixel 4’s biggest undoing, since its current active features are limited and very unreliable.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 21.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: The Verge

The Pixel 4 provides a more cohesive, complete experience than other Android phones. It takes away lots of little points of friction through clever uses of its new sensors like face unlock and Motion Sense. It gets rid of jank with the 90Hz display. It has a camera that continues to take incredible photos, keeping pace with the iPhone 11 Pro.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 21.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Techradar

The Google Pixel 4 XL is a handsome phone in its simplicity that, by the same coin, feels less impressive than its Android flagship counterparts. It doesn’t help that its new standout features are inessential, and erratically functional. But new interface improvements and a camera suite that’s better in both the hardware and software departments ensure that this phone stands up to be counted, even if it doesn't stand out from the competition.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 21.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: CNet

There's no denying the Pixel 4 XL has one of the best cameras around, but its shortcomings don't justify its high price. Instead, consider the Note 10 or the OnePlus 7T. The Pixel 3 XL is another great candidate and is discounted at $600 now.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 21.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 85% Leistung: 90% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Android Central

This is easily Google's best-ever phone. The hardware is sleek and efficient, and Android 10 runs brilliantly. Google's little additions to the software differentiate it, face unlock works incredibly well, and this is the best Android camera available in all lighting. But the battery life is frustratingly bad, and it's hard not to feel short-changed paying this much for weak RAM and storage.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 21.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Phone Arena

The Pixel 4 and 4 XL are phone that really reflect Google’s focus on ‘ambient computing’, or technology that’s there whenever you need it and fades away when you don’t. It starts before you even hold the phone, with Soli waiting for you to reach for it to speed up unlock time. It’s there with the organic feel of the phone itself, and in the way Google Assistant is ready to step in and help, and then step away. It’s there in the way the software learns what you want from it so it can get it to you faster. It’s not just one flashy feature or new piece of hardware, it’s just the little ways everything fits together into a cohesive experience. It’s a bit difficult to concretely define, but this seamless, ambient experience is, to me, the greatest strength of the Pixel 4 series.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 21.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Stuff TV

But the rest? The Pixel 4 design takes the iconic simplicity of the older Pixels, and simplifies it until it seems generic. And it’s hard to ignore that other phones offer more for less, or at least for the same money. More storage. More screen per square inch. More battery per gram.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 21.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Engadget

I can't remember the last time I've been so torn on a pair of smartphones. On the one hand, Google didn't nail everything. Face Unlock is in need of a fix. The battery life is mediocre at best. Motion Sense, as magical it feels when it works right, isn't very useful yet. And the price for the smaller Pixel 4 seems little out of whack when you consider Apple's new iPhone 11 packs a highly competitive feature set for $50 less. Despite all that, I can't help but love these phones, for their clean, clever software, their weird cameras and their ambition. This is the Android phone for me, and I'm willing to live with its flaws.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 21.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 85%
Quelle: Mobile Syrup

Google made improvements to the camera and the design of the device, as well as finally adding more RAM to its Pixel line. The 4 series now also includes a face unlock feature that rivals Apple’s iPhone. The Pixel Neural Core not only improves the Pixel Visual Core, but also helps with the device’s ambient computing, which helps the device’s face unlock and Motion Sense improve over time. Unfortunately, Motion Sense might be the Pixel 4’s biggest undoing, since its current active features are limited and very unreliable.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 21.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: The Verge

The Pixel 4 provides a more cohesive, complete experience than other Android phones. It takes away lots of little points of friction through clever uses of its new sensors like face unlock and Motion Sense. It gets rid of jank with the 90Hz display. It has a camera that continues to take incredible photos, keeping pace with the iPhone 11 Pro.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 21.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: CNet

It's official: On Tuesday Google formally announced the Pixel 4 and Pixel 4 XL. Finally! (Read our in-depth Pixel 4 and Pixel 4 XL reviews.) The Pixel 4 is one of the most leaked-about phones in recent memory. In fact, Google itself teased a photo of the 4 and the 4 XL back in June on Twitter. The new Pixel phones pack dual rear cameras, a 90Hz display, radar-powered face unlock process (here's how the Pixel 4's face unlock compared to the iPhone 11's Face ID when we tested both in four typical scenarios) and a slew of unique features like car crash detection and live video captioning.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 20.10.2019
Quelle: CNet

It's official: On Tuesday Google formally announced the Pixel 4 and Pixel 4 XL. Finally! (Read our in-depth Pixel 4 and Pixel 4 XL reviews.) The Pixel 4 is one of the most leaked-about phones in recent memory. In fact, Google itself teased a photo of the 4 and the 4 XL back in June on Twitter. The new Pixel phones pack dual rear cameras, a 90Hz display, radar-powered face unlock process (here's how the Pixel 4's face unlock compared to the iPhone 11's Face ID when we tested both in four typical scenarios) and a slew of unique features like car crash detection and live video captioning.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 20.10.2019
Quelle: Hardware Zone

Google today unveiled its latest Pixel smartphones, but they held few surprises for anybody. The Pixel 4 and 4 XL may be among the most-leaked devices in recent memory, and most of us probably knew most of what there was to know about the phone before the keynote even started. However, that's not to say that the Pixel 4 is boring or bad. Quite the contrary in fact – the Pixel 4 comes packed with a bunch of new technologies, making it perhaps the most exciting upgrade the Pixel line has gotten to date.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 16.10.2019
Quelle: Sydney Morning Herald

In the camera, the HDR+ algorithm (which combines multiple exposures so you don't lose detail in highlights or shadows) now works in real time. That means before you've even taken the photo you can adjust two sliders independently to make sure the pic is exposed how you want. Night Mode has also been improved, with the promise that if you keep the phone steady (but not necessarily on a tripod), you can get detailed photos of the night sky. Obviously, while taking photos of the objects inside a dark box at Google's event proved to me that Night Mode still works, I'm very keen to see how it all goes in the great outdoors.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 16.10.2019
Quelle: Hardware Zone

Google today unveiled its latest Pixel smartphones, but they held few surprises for anybody. The Pixel 4 and 4 XL may be among the most-leaked devices in recent memory, and most of us probably knew most of what there was to know about the phone before the keynote even started. However, that's not to say that the Pixel 4 is boring or bad. Quite the contrary in fact – the Pixel 4 comes packed with a bunch of new technologies, making it perhaps the most exciting upgrade the Pixel line has gotten to date.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 16.10.2019
Quelle: Sydney Morning Herald

In the camera, the HDR+ algorithm (which combines multiple exposures so you don't lose detail in highlights or shadows) now works in real time. That means before you've even taken the photo you can adjust two sliders independently to make sure the pic is exposed how you want. Night Mode has also been improved, with the promise that if you keep the phone steady (but not necessarily on a tripod), you can get detailed photos of the night sky. Obviously, while taking photos of the objects inside a dark box at Google's event proved to me that Night Mode still works, I'm very keen to see how it all goes in the great outdoors.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 16.10.2019
Quelle: Mobile Syrup

One of the best features that the Google representative showed off was ‘New Assistant.’ Unfortunately, the new version of Google Assistant will not be coming to Canada at launch. The New Assistant works quickly, allowing users to barrage it with questions and commands rapidly. The New Assistant accomplishes this through the combination of on-device machine learning and the ‘Continued Conversations’ feature. With Assistant on-device, it works a lot faster as it doesn’t need the information from the Cloud.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 15.10.2019
Quelle: AnandTech

Overall, the new Pixel 4 phones look interesting, and I think their success will depend solely on how the battery life of the 90Hz display ends up, and also if Google's camera has seen other improvements besides the aforementioned new features.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 15.10.2019
Quelle: Mobile Syrup

One of the best features that the Google representative showed off was ‘New Assistant.’ Unfortunately, the new version of Google Assistant will not be coming to Canada at launch. The New Assistant works quickly, allowing users to barrage it with questions and commands rapidly. The New Assistant accomplishes this through the combination of on-device machine learning and the ‘Continued Conversations’ feature. With Assistant on-device, it works a lot faster as it doesn’t need the information from the Cloud.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 15.10.2019
Quelle: AnandTech

Overall, the new Pixel 4 phones look interesting, and I think their success will depend solely on how the battery life of the 90Hz display ends up, and also if Google's camera has seen other improvements besides the aforementioned new features.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 15.10.2019
Quelle: Tom's Guide

The Pixel 4 XL looks like a substantial upgrade on the Pixel 3 XL, and more importantly like a strong competitor for the flagship smartphone market. We like that Google's big flagship is actually about more than just the camera this time around.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 14.10.2019
Quelle: Tom's Guide

The Pixel 4 XL looks like a substantial upgrade on the Pixel 3 XL, and more importantly like a strong competitor for the flagship smartphone market. We like that Google's big flagship is actually about more than just the camera this time around.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 14.10.2019
Quelle: Andro 4 All

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 24.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Andro 4 All

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 24.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Computerhoy

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 23.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 91% Ausstattung: 100% Bildschirm: 100% Mobilität: 70% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: Computerhoy

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 23.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 91% Ausstattung: 100% Bildschirm: 100% Mobilität: 70% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: Xataka

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 21.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 91% Leistung: 93% Bildschirm: 95% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 85%
Quelle: Hipertextual

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 21.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 85%
Quelle: Xataka

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 21.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 91% Leistung: 93% Bildschirm: 95% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 85%
Quelle: Hipertextual

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 21.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 85%
Quelle: Game IT

Positive: Nice design; solid workmanship; decent hardware; high performance. Negative: No fingerprint sensor.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 02.11.2020
Quelle: Game IT

Positive: Nice design; solid workmanship; decent hardware; high performance. Negative: No fingerprint sensor.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 02.11.2020
Quelle: Andro 4 All

Positive: Nice design; solid workmanship; great cameras.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 16.11.2019
Quelle: Andro 4 All

Positive: Nice design; solid workmanship; great cameras.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 16.11.2019
Quelle: Andro 4 All

Positive: Nice design; great built quality; excellent cameras; long battery life.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 22.10.2019
Quelle: Andro 4 All

Positive: Nice design; great built quality; excellent cameras; long battery life.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 22.10.2019

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 27.09.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 79% Preis: 52% Ausstattung: 78%

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 27.09.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 79% Preis: 52% Ausstattung: 78%

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 09.12.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 87%

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 09.12.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 87%

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 10.11.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 10.11.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Tutto Android

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 27.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 86% Leistung: 88% Mobilität: 75% Gehäuse: 85%
Quelle: Tutto Android

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 27.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 86% Leistung: 88% Mobilität: 75% Gehäuse: 85%

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 21.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 78% Ausstattung: 90%
Quelle: Andrea Galeazzi

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 21.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 69% Bildschirm: 90% Mobilität: 69% Gehäuse: 81%

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 21.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 93% Preis: 80% Bildschirm: 95% Mobilität: 85% Gehäuse: 95%

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 21.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 86% Preis: 70% Ausstattung: 85% Bildschirm: 90% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 90% Ergonomie: 90%

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 21.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 78% Ausstattung: 90%
Quelle: Andrea Galeazzi

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 21.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 69% Bildschirm: 90% Mobilität: 69% Gehäuse: 81%

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 21.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 93% Preis: 80% Bildschirm: 95% Mobilität: 85% Gehäuse: 95%

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 21.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 86% Preis: 70% Ausstattung: 85% Bildschirm: 90% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 90% Ergonomie: 90%
Quelle: Tech

Positive: Beautiful design; solid workmanship; excellent cameras; attractive price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 22.10.2019
Quelle: Tech

Positive: Beautiful design; solid workmanship; excellent cameras; attractive price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 22.10.2019

Positive: Premium design; great built quality; powerful hardware.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 15.10.2019

Positive: Premium design; great built quality; powerful hardware.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 15.10.2019

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 13.11.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 13.11.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%

Positive: Excellent cameras; decent hardware; long battery life.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 30.10.2019

Positive: Excellent cameras; decent hardware; long battery life.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 30.10.2019
Quelle: CNet France

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 20.12.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 60%
Quelle: CNet France

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 20.12.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 60%
Quelle: 01Net

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 13.12.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 82% Leistung: 100% Mobilität: 80%
Quelle: 01Net

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 13.12.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 82% Leistung: 100% Mobilität: 80%
Quelle: Hitek

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 19.11.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 60%
Quelle: Hitek

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 19.11.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 60%

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 06.11.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 06.11.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Phonandroid

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 30.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: Phonandroid

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 30.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: Frandroid

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 23.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Leistung: 80% Bildschirm: 90% Mobilität: 70% Gehäuse: 70%
Quelle: Frandroid

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 23.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Leistung: 80% Bildschirm: 90% Mobilität: 70% Gehäuse: 70%
Quelle: Phonandroid

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 21.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: Phonandroid

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 21.10.2019
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: Fredzone

Positive: Great display; excellent cameras. Negative: Mediocre design.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 20.10.2019
Quelle: Fredzone

Positive: Great display; excellent cameras. Negative: Mediocre design.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 20.10.2019

Positive: Powerful hardware; premium design; solid workmanship; excellent cameras.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 15.10.2019

Positive: Powerful hardware; premium design; solid workmanship; excellent cameras.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 15.10.2019
Quelle: Mega Obzor

Negative: Expensive.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 24.11.2019
Quelle: Mega Obzor

Negative: Expensive.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 24.11.2019
Quelle: Viettelstore

Positive: Simple design; nice cameras; powerful hardware; attractive price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 01.11.2019
Quelle: Viettelstore

Positive: Simple design; nice cameras; powerful hardware; attractive price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 01.11.2019
Quelle: The Gioididong

Positive: Modern design; nice cameras; powerful hardware; attractive price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 29.10.2019
Quelle: The Gioididong

Positive: Modern design; nice cameras; powerful hardware; attractive price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 29.10.2019
Quelle: The Gioididong

Positive: Elegant design; powerful hardware; nice cameras; excellent display. Negative: Only 6GB RAM.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 18.10.2019
Quelle: The Gioididong

Positive: Elegant design; powerful hardware; nice cameras; excellent display. Negative: Only 6GB RAM.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 18.10.2019
Google Pixel 4a
Das Pixel 4A ist das neueste Pixel-Gerät der günstigen Reihe von Googles Android-Smartphones. Der Hersteller ist auch bei seinen High-End-Smartphones für ein minimalistisches Design bekannt, somit überrascht es nicht, dass das Pixel 4A sehr einfach gestaltet ist. Das Kunststoffgehäuse wird durch das Fehlen jeglichen Flairs oder interessanter Details gekennzeichnet. Von vorne bis hinten, von oben bis unten gibt es nur glatte Linien und sanfte Kurven, der einzige Farbakzent ist die Power-Taste. Der Fingerabdruck-Leser ist nicht sehr tief, man kann ihn kaum auf der Rückseite ausmachen. Das Smartphone hat einen 5,8-Zoll-Bildschirm und, zum ersten Mal, eine Lochung für die Vorderkamera, wodurch das Display näher an der Rand reichen kann. Die Einfassung ist breiter als bei den meisten Flaggschiffen, aber immer noch schmaler als in dieser Preisklasse üblich.
Der AMOLED-Bildschirm ist für den Preis absolut in Ordnung, er ist erstaunlich hell und kann sogar in der sengenden Sonne benutzt werden. Zudem ist die Auflösung von 2340 x 1080 Pixel mehr als ausreichend für ein Gerät dieser Größe. Das Pixel 4A wurde mit einem Snapdragon 730 Prozessor ausgerüstet, der die anstehenden Android 11 und 12 Versionen unterstützen wird. Dazu kommen noch 6 GB Arbeitsspeicher. Der Speicherplatz umfasst 128 GB, was eine erstaunliche Erhöhung vom Pixel 4 (64 GB) ist. Die Bildrate von 60 Hz ist allerdings etwas veraltet, Benutzer sind heutzutage 90 Hz oder 120 Hz gewöhnt. Der Akku mit einer Kapazität von 3.140 mAh hält einen ganzen Tag lang, sogar wenn man nur noch 30 Prozent der Ladung hat.
Googles Stärken sind Markenbekanntheit und einfache Software, doch das Pixel 4A wurde hauptsächlich entwickelt, um ein exzellentes Kamera-Erlebnis zu einem günstigeren Preis zu bieten. Wie schon das Pixel 4, hat das 4A einen 12,2-MP-Sensor, der von OIS unterstützt wird. Der größte Vorteil dieser Kamera ist wohl die Fähigkeit, großartige Fotos aufzunehmen, und zwar immer wieder. Mühelos liefert sie hochwertige Aufnahmen jedes mal, wenn man ein Foto aufnimmt. Obwohl es nur eine Kamera hat, kommt kein anderes günstiges Smartphone an das Pixel 4A heran. Die Selfie-Kamera wurde vom Pixel 3A übernommen (8 MP mit fixem Fokus), dank Googles ausgezeichneter Selfie-Fotobearbeitung erhält man immer gute Aufnahmen. Alles in allem bietet dieses Smartphone mehr, als man für den Preis erwarten würde.
Hands-on-Artikel von Jagadisa Rajarathnam
Ausstattung / Datenblatt

Prozessor: Qualcomm Snapdragon SD 730G
Grafikkarte: Qualcomm Adreno 618
Bildschirm: 5.80 Zoll, 19.5:9, 2340 x 1080 Pixel
Gewicht: 0.143kg
Preis: 350 Euro
Links: Google Startseite
An Googles Pixel-Smartphones gab es in der Vergangenheit immer einiges zu bemängeln. Beim Pixel 4a wurden die Kritikpunkte aber auf ein Minimum reduziert und es ist ein günstiges Smartphone entstanden, das unter anderem durch seine hervorragende Kamera glänzen kann.
Quelle: Computerbild

Das Google Pixel 4a ist die Lösung für Leute, die ein bezahlbares handliches Handy mit einer sicheren Update-Zukunft suchen. Der Bildschirm ist mit 5,8 Zoll nicht zu klein und bietet ein knackiges Bild. Die Bedienung ist flott, die Ausdauer ordentlich und die Kamera überraschte mit einer hervorragenden Bildqualität, wie es sie nicht mal bei vielen teureren Handys gibt. So macht das Sparen Spaß!
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 23.12.2021
Quelle: Computerbild

Das Google Pixel 4a ist die Lösung für Leute, die ein bezahlbares handliches Handy mit einer sicheren Update-Zukunft suchen. Der Bildschirm ist mit 5,8 Zoll nicht zu klein und bietet ein knackiges Bild. Die Bedienung ist flott, die Ausdauer ordentlich und die Kamera überraschte mit einer hervorragenden Bildqualität, wie es sie nicht mal bei vielen teureren Handys gibt. So macht das Sparen Spaß!
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 23.12.2021
Quelle: Computerbild

Das Google Pixel 4a ist die Lösung für Leute, die ein bezahlbares handliches Handy mit einer sicheren Update-Zukunft suchen. Der Bildschirm ist mit 5,8 Zoll nicht zu klein und bietet ein knackiges Bild. Die Bedienung ist flott, die Ausdauer ordentlich und die Kamera überraschte mit einer hervorragenden Bildqualität, wie es sie nicht mal bei vielen teureren Handys gibt. So macht das Sparen Spaß!
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 03.04.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 88%
Quelle: Computerbild

Das Google Pixel 4a ist die Lösung für Leute, die ein bezahlbares handliches Handy mit einer sicheren Update-Zukunft suchen. Der Bildschirm ist mit 5,8 Zoll nicht zu klein und bietet ein knackiges Bild. Die Bedienung ist flott, die Ausdauer ordentlich und die Kamera überraschte mit einer hervorragenden Bildqualität, wie es sie nicht mal bei vielen teureren Handys gibt. So macht das Sparen Spaß!
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 03.04.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 88%
Quelle: Curved

Als das Vorgängermodell auf den Markt gekommen ist, habe ich es im Bekanntenkreis als bestes günstiges Kamera-Smartphone und guten Allrounder empfohlen. Beides trifft auch auf das Google Pixel 4a zu, wie der Test gezeigt hat. Besonders wer eine gute Kamera für möglichst wenig Geld sucht, findet kaum eine bessere Alternative.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 14.12.2020
Quelle: Curved

Als das Vorgängermodell auf den Markt gekommen ist, habe ich es im Bekanntenkreis als bestes günstiges Kamera-Smartphone und guten Allrounder empfohlen. Beides trifft auch auf das Google Pixel 4a zu, wie der Test gezeigt hat. Besonders wer eine gute Kamera für möglichst wenig Geld sucht, findet kaum eine bessere Alternative.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 14.12.2020
Quelle: Computerbild

Das Google Pixel 4a ist die Lösung für Leute, die ein bezahlbares handliches Handy mit einer sicheren Update-Zukunft suchen. Der Bildschirm ist mit 5,8 Zoll nicht zu klein und bietet ein knackiges Bild. Die Bedienung ist flott, die Ausdauer ordentlich und die Kamera überraschte mit einer hervorragenden Bildqualität, wie es sie nicht mal bei vielen teureren Handys gibt. So macht das Sparen Spaß!
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 12.12.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 88%
Quelle: Computerbild

Das Google Pixel 4a ist die Lösung für Leute, die ein bezahlbares handliches Handy mit einer sicheren Update-Zukunft suchen. Der Bildschirm ist mit 5,8 Zoll nicht zu klein und bietet ein knackiges Bild. Die Bedienung ist flott, die Ausdauer ordentlich und die Kamera überraschte mit einer hervorragenden Bildqualität, wie es sie nicht mal bei vielen teureren Handys gibt. So macht das Sparen Spaß!
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 12.12.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 88%

Es gibt so einige Gründe zum Google Pixel 4a zu greifen. Da wären einerseits Sicherheitspatches und Android Updates, die ein Google Smartphone priorisiert vor den meisten anderen Geräten erhält. In puncto Funktionen, Features und Optik ist Google aber auch bei einem Stock Android 11 System weit hinter den angepassten Systemen der Hersteller zurückgefallen.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 20.10.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 86% Leistung: 85% Bildschirm: 90% Mobilität: 70% Gehäuse: 90%

Es gibt so einige Gründe zum Google Pixel 4a zu greifen. Da wären einerseits Sicherheitspatches und Android Updates, die ein Google Smartphone priorisiert vor den meisten anderen Geräten erhält. In puncto Funktionen, Features und Optik ist Google aber auch bei einem Stock Android 11 System weit hinter den angepassten Systemen der Hersteller zurückgefallen.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 20.10.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 86% Leistung: 85% Bildschirm: 90% Mobilität: 70% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: Tech Stage

Das Google Pixel ist für alle, die ein handliches Smartphone bis 400 Euro suchen, eine klare Empfehlung. Es ist im Alltag schnell genug, um den Wunsch nach einem Spitzenprozessor gar nicht erst aufkommen zu lassen und punktet weiterhin mit einem tollen OLED-Screen.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 15.10.2020
Quelle: Tech Stage

Das Google Pixel ist für alle, die ein handliches Smartphone bis 400 Euro suchen, eine klare Empfehlung. Es ist im Alltag schnell genug, um den Wunsch nach einem Spitzenprozessor gar nicht erst aufkommen zu lassen und punktet weiterhin mit einem tollen OLED-Screen.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 15.10.2020
Quelle: Inside Handy

Das Pixel 4a 5G konnte uns im Test insbesondere mit seiner guten Kamera überraschen. Diese steht dem Pixel 5 um nichts nach und ist in der Preisklasse ungeschlagen. Das Äußere des Google-Smartphones kommt dank Kunststoffgehäuse ohne Farbauswahl schlicht, aber nicht billig daher.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 14.10.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Inside Handy

Das Pixel 4a 5G konnte uns im Test insbesondere mit seiner guten Kamera überraschen. Diese steht dem Pixel 5 um nichts nach und ist in der Preisklasse ungeschlagen. Das Äußere des Google-Smartphones kommt dank Kunststoffgehäuse ohne Farbauswahl schlicht, aber nicht billig daher.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 14.10.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: RP-Online

Das Pixel 4a ist ein sehr einfaches und günstiges Smartphone. Ganz besonders sticht es mit seiner Kamera hervor, die in dieser Preisklasse ihresgleichen sucht. Zudem kommt es, wie bei Pixel-Geräten seit einiger Zeit üblich, in den Genuss der sogenannten Feature Drops, heißt, es bekommt alle paar Monate neue Funktionen spendiert.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 05.10.2020
Quelle: RP-Online

Das Pixel 4a ist ein sehr einfaches und günstiges Smartphone. Ganz besonders sticht es mit seiner Kamera hervor, die in dieser Preisklasse ihresgleichen sucht. Zudem kommt es, wie bei Pixel-Geräten seit einiger Zeit üblich, in den Genuss der sogenannten Feature Drops, heißt, es bekommt alle paar Monate neue Funktionen spendiert.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 05.10.2020
Quelle: Android User

Das Pixel 4a ist ein handliches, solides Smartphone mit toller Hard- und Software sowie regelmäßigen Betriebssystem- und Sicherheits-Updates. Es passt in jede Hosentasche und lässt sich flott bedienen. Die Kamera von Google bietet mit nur einem Knopfdruck wie gewohnt sehr gute Bilder der Oberklasse mit allerlei Einstellungsmöglichkeiten.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 03.10.2020
Quelle: Android User

Das Pixel 4a ist ein handliches, solides Smartphone mit toller Hard- und Software sowie regelmäßigen Betriebssystem- und Sicherheits-Updates. Es passt in jede Hosentasche und lässt sich flott bedienen. Die Kamera von Google bietet mit nur einem Knopfdruck wie gewohnt sehr gute Bilder der Oberklasse mit allerlei Einstellungsmöglichkeiten.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 03.10.2020
Quelle: Computerbild

Das Google Pixel 4a ist die Lösung für Leute, die ein bezahlbares handliches Handy mit einer sicheren Update-Zukunft suchen. Der Bildschirm ist mit 5,8 Zoll nicht zu klein und bietet ein knackiges Bild. Die Bedienung ist flott, die Ausdauer ordentlich und die Kamera überraschte mit einer hervorragenden Bildqualität, wie es sie nicht mal bei vielen teureren Handys gibt. So macht das Sparen Spaß!
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 14.09.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 88%
Quelle: Computerbild

Das Google Pixel 4a ist die Lösung für Leute, die ein bezahlbares handliches Handy mit einer sicheren Update-Zukunft suchen. Der Bildschirm ist mit 5,8 Zoll nicht zu klein und bietet ein knackiges Bild. Die Bedienung ist flott, die Ausdauer ordentlich und die Kamera überraschte mit einer hervorragenden Bildqualität, wie es sie nicht mal bei vielen teureren Handys gibt. So macht das Sparen Spaß!
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 14.09.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 88%
Quelle: WinFuture

Google soll mit dem Pixel 4a eines der besten Smartphones auf den Markt gebracht haben, das es bisher zum Mittelklasse-Preis gab. Eine solche Einschätzung ist natürlich zum Teil auch abhängig von Geschmack und Bedürfnissen des Users. Klar ist allerdings, dass die Geräte durchaus schon aufgrund der Ausstattung recht lohnenswert sind.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 11.09.2020
Quelle: WinFuture

Google soll mit dem Pixel 4a eines der besten Smartphones auf den Markt gebracht haben, das es bisher zum Mittelklasse-Preis gab. Eine solche Einschätzung ist natürlich zum Teil auch abhängig von Geschmack und Bedürfnissen des Users. Klar ist allerdings, dass die Geräte durchaus schon aufgrund der Ausstattung recht lohnenswert sind.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 11.09.2020
Quelle: Tech Stage

Das Google Pixel ist für alle, die ein handliches Smartphone bis 400 Euro suchen, eine klare Empfehlung. Es ist im Alltag schnell genug, um den Wunsch nach einem Spitzenprozessor gar nicht erst aufkommen zu lassen und punktet weiterhin mit einem tollen OLED-Screen.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 10.09.2020
Quelle: Tech Stage

Das Google Pixel ist für alle, die ein handliches Smartphone bis 400 Euro suchen, eine klare Empfehlung. Es ist im Alltag schnell genug, um den Wunsch nach einem Spitzenprozessor gar nicht erst aufkommen zu lassen und punktet weiterhin mit einem tollen OLED-Screen.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 10.09.2020
Quelle: Nextpit Germany

Die Aufregung um das Google Pixel 4a – und das iPhone SE 2020 für diejenigen, die sich dem Ökosystem von Apple verschrieben haben – lässt mich den Eindruck gewinnen, dass sich im Smartphone-Geschäft ein echter Wandel vollzieht.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 25.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Nextpit Germany

Die Aufregung um das Google Pixel 4a – und das iPhone SE 2020 für diejenigen, die sich dem Ökosystem von Apple verschrieben haben – lässt mich den Eindruck gewinnen, dass sich im Smartphone-Geschäft ein echter Wandel vollzieht.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 25.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%

Das Pixel 4a zählt trotz seiner Mittelklasse-Ausstattung zu den besten Smartphones des bisherigen Jahres. Zwar gibt es in dem Preisbereich um 350 Euro einige Smartphones, die mit besseren Spezifikationen und einem besser ausgestattetem Kamera-Setup locken, dem Pixel 4a kann aber kaum ein vergleichbares Modell das Wasser reichen.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 23.08.2020
Quelle: Teltarif

An dem kompakten Format des Google Pixel 4a werden sicher nicht wenige ihre Freude haben. Gleichzeitig ist das 5,81-Zoll-Display im Full-View-Design groß genug, fernab störender, breiter Ränder wie es beim Vorgänger der Fall ist. Überzeugt haben uns der Kamera-Nachtmodus und die voll klingenden Stereolautsprecher. Das Display könnte insgesamt etwas heller sein. Der interne Speicher lässt sich leider nicht erweitern, Dual-SIM ist nur in Kombination von Nano-SIM und eSIM möglich. Der 5G-Mobilfunkstandard wird nicht unterstützt.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 23.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 89% Preis: 96% Leistung: 60% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 90% Gehäuse: 100%

Das Pixel 4a zählt trotz seiner Mittelklasse-Ausstattung zu den besten Smartphones des bisherigen Jahres. Zwar gibt es in dem Preisbereich um 350 Euro einige Smartphones, die mit besseren Spezifikationen und einem besser ausgestattetem Kamera-Setup locken, dem Pixel 4a kann aber kaum ein vergleichbares Modell das Wasser reichen.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 23.08.2020
Quelle: Teltarif

An dem kompakten Format des Google Pixel 4a werden sicher nicht wenige ihre Freude haben. Gleichzeitig ist das 5,81-Zoll-Display im Full-View-Design groß genug, fernab störender, breiter Ränder wie es beim Vorgänger der Fall ist. Überzeugt haben uns der Kamera-Nachtmodus und die voll klingenden Stereolautsprecher. Das Display könnte insgesamt etwas heller sein. Der interne Speicher lässt sich leider nicht erweitern, Dual-SIM ist nur in Kombination von Nano-SIM und eSIM möglich. Der 5G-Mobilfunkstandard wird nicht unterstützt.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 23.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 89% Preis: 96% Leistung: 60% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 90% Gehäuse: 100%
Quelle: Stadt-bremerhaven

Lange Rede, kurzer Sinn: Pixel 4a, nichts mehr zu meckern am Akku. Dieser Beitrag wird als Update in unseren Pixel-4a-Test eingefügt. Es bleibt weiterhin ein grundsolides Telefon, welches ich echt schätzen gelernt habe. Und da ich weiß, wie Google mit Updates verfährt, wird es auch weiterhin eine Empfehlung bleiben.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 22.08.2020
Quelle: Stadt-bremerhaven

Lange Rede, kurzer Sinn: Pixel 4a, nichts mehr zu meckern am Akku. Dieser Beitrag wird als Update in unseren Pixel-4a-Test eingefügt. Es bleibt weiterhin ein grundsolides Telefon, welches ich echt schätzen gelernt habe. Und da ich weiß, wie Google mit Updates verfährt, wird es auch weiterhin eine Empfehlung bleiben.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 22.08.2020
Quelle: Computerbild

Das Google Pixel 4a ist die Lösung für Leute, die ein bezahlbares, handliches Handy mit einer sicheren Update-Zukunft suchen. Der Bildschirm ist mit 5,8 Zoll nicht zu klein und bietet ein knackiges Bild. Die Bedienung ist flott, die Ausdauer ordentlich und die Kamera überraschte mit einer hervorragenden Bildqualität, wie es sie nicht mal bei vielen teureren Handys gibt. So macht Sparen Spaß!
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 06.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 89%
Quelle: Computerbild

Das Google Pixel 4a ist die Lösung für Leute, die ein bezahlbares, handliches Handy mit einer sicheren Update-Zukunft suchen. Der Bildschirm ist mit 5,8 Zoll nicht zu klein und bietet ein knackiges Bild. Die Bedienung ist flott, die Ausdauer ordentlich und die Kamera überraschte mit einer hervorragenden Bildqualität, wie es sie nicht mal bei vielen teureren Handys gibt. So macht Sparen Spaß!
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 06.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 89%
Quelle: Focus Online

Allerdings hat Google mit der Vorstellung des Pixel 4a auch eine 5G-Variante „für den Herbst“ angekündigt. Es ist ein wenig größer als das 4a ohne 5G und wird mit 499 Euro spürbar teurer. Wegen der Mehrwertsteuer-Absenkung wird das Pixel 4a statt des Listenpreises von 349 Euro für 340,20 Euro zu haben sein.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 04.08.2020
Quelle: Focus Online

Allerdings hat Google mit der Vorstellung des Pixel 4a auch eine 5G-Variante „für den Herbst“ angekündigt. Es ist ein wenig größer als das 4a ohne 5G und wird mit 499 Euro spürbar teurer. Wegen der Mehrwertsteuer-Absenkung wird das Pixel 4a statt des Listenpreises von 349 Euro für 340,20 Euro zu haben sein.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 04.08.2020

Im Praxistest wird schnell klar: Das Pixel 4a knüpft an die Stärke des Vorgängermodells - eine herausragende Kamera - an. Gleichzeitig haben die Google-Ingenieure auf die Beschwerden über vergleichsweise kurze Batterie-Laufzeiten beim Pixel 4 und 3a reagiert und dem neuen Smartphone einen größeren Akku (3.140 mAh) spendiert.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 03.08.2020
Quelle: Stadt-bremerhaven

Was bleibt nach dem ersten Eindruck? Ein Smartphone, welches man vermutlich nur bedingt empfehlen kann. Das klingt vielleicht schlechter, als das Pixel es verdient, aber ich versuche es mal: Für den normalen Anwender erscheint es wie ein perfektes Smartphone. Kein Heckmeck, es funktioniert einfach und macht schöne Fotos.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 03.08.2020
Quelle: Golem

Mit dem Pixel 4a macht Google eine Menge richtig: Der Preis liegt deutlich unter 400 Euro, dafür bekommen Nutzer ein leistungsfähiges Smartphone, das gute Fotos macht und angenehm in der Hand liegt. Besonders die im Vergleich mit der Konkurrenz geringe Größe könnte sich für Google als bestes Verkaufsargument herausstellen.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 03.08.2020
Quelle: n-tv

Grundsätzlich ist das Pixel 4a ein Smartphone, auf das viele Nutzer gewartet haben: Es ist kompakt und günstig, hat aber technisch einiges zu bieten. Allerdings muss man noch lange darauf warten. Wenn es eine Nummer größer sein darf, gibt es für rund 50 Euro mehr das OnePlus Nord, das noch besser ausgestattet ist.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 03.08.2020
Quelle: Spiegel Online

Beim Pixel 4a nutzt Google aus, dass es Hardware und Software enger miteinander verweben kann als andere Hersteller, Apple mal ausgenommen. Aus der moderaten Hardware des Pixel 4a haben die Entwickler mehr herausgeholt, als zu erwarten wäre: Die Kameras sind prima, der Prozessor schnell genug, die Akkulaufzeit - in unserem Test zehn Stunden und 20 Minuten - in Ordnung.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 03.08.2020
Quelle: Computerbase

Das Pixel 4a ist das aktuell interessanteste Smartphone in der Android-Mittelklasse, da es viele hervorragende Eigenschaften in selten kleiner Bauform vereint. Es ist sogar noch etwas kompakter als das letzten Herbst vorgestellte Pixel 4 und bringt damit eine Ergonomie zurück in den Markt, die es kaum mehr anzutreffen gibt.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 03.08.2020

Im Praxistest wird schnell klar: Das Pixel 4a knüpft an die Stärke des Vorgängermodells - eine herausragende Kamera - an. Gleichzeitig haben die Google-Ingenieure auf die Beschwerden über vergleichsweise kurze Batterie-Laufzeiten beim Pixel 4 und 3a reagiert und dem neuen Smartphone einen größeren Akku (3.140 mAh) spendiert.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 03.08.2020
Quelle: Stadt-bremerhaven

Was bleibt nach dem ersten Eindruck? Ein Smartphone, welches man vermutlich nur bedingt empfehlen kann. Das klingt vielleicht schlechter, als das Pixel es verdient, aber ich versuche es mal: Für den normalen Anwender erscheint es wie ein perfektes Smartphone. Kein Heckmeck, es funktioniert einfach und macht schöne Fotos.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 03.08.2020
Quelle: Golem

Mit dem Pixel 4a macht Google eine Menge richtig: Der Preis liegt deutlich unter 400 Euro, dafür bekommen Nutzer ein leistungsfähiges Smartphone, das gute Fotos macht und angenehm in der Hand liegt. Besonders die im Vergleich mit der Konkurrenz geringe Größe könnte sich für Google als bestes Verkaufsargument herausstellen.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 03.08.2020
Quelle: n-tv

Grundsätzlich ist das Pixel 4a ein Smartphone, auf das viele Nutzer gewartet haben: Es ist kompakt und günstig, hat aber technisch einiges zu bieten. Allerdings muss man noch lange darauf warten. Wenn es eine Nummer größer sein darf, gibt es für rund 50 Euro mehr das OnePlus Nord, das noch besser ausgestattet ist.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 03.08.2020
Quelle: Spiegel Online

Beim Pixel 4a nutzt Google aus, dass es Hardware und Software enger miteinander verweben kann als andere Hersteller, Apple mal ausgenommen. Aus der moderaten Hardware des Pixel 4a haben die Entwickler mehr herausgeholt, als zu erwarten wäre: Die Kameras sind prima, der Prozessor schnell genug, die Akkulaufzeit - in unserem Test zehn Stunden und 20 Minuten - in Ordnung.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 03.08.2020
Quelle: Computerbase

Das Pixel 4a ist das aktuell interessanteste Smartphone in der Android-Mittelklasse, da es viele hervorragende Eigenschaften in selten kleiner Bauform vereint. Es ist sogar noch etwas kompakter als das letzten Herbst vorgestellte Pixel 4 und bringt damit eine Ergonomie zurück in den Markt, die es kaum mehr anzutreffen gibt.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 03.08.2020
Ausländische Testberichte
Quelle: Android Authority

The Google Pixel 4a doesn’t have a 120Hz display. It doesn’t have the latest Snapdragon processor or multiple rear cameras, but with the Pixel 4a, none of that matters. The Pixel 4a is an affordable way to access one of the best versions of Android, with support and features that you can only get from Google. That alone is worth more than the sum of its parts. Pair these with Google’s tight optimization that makes general performance on the Pixel 4a sing, and you’ve genuinely got the iPhone SE of Android. So, should you buy a Pixel 4a? If you’re tired of big, expensive phones and want something compact that works and works well, there is no doubt the Pixel 4a is one of the best phones you can buy. Even over a year after launch, the Pixel 4a is a steal.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 08.03.2022
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90% Preis: 90% Leistung: 70% Bildschirm: 90% Mobilität: 70% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: Android Authority

The Google Pixel 4a doesn’t have a 120Hz display. It doesn’t have the latest Snapdragon processor or multiple rear cameras, but with the Pixel 4a, none of that matters. The Pixel 4a is an affordable way to access one of the best versions of Android, with support and features that you can only get from Google. That alone is worth more than the sum of its parts. Pair these with Google’s tight optimization that makes general performance on the Pixel 4a sing, and you’ve genuinely got the iPhone SE of Android. So, should you buy a Pixel 4a? If you’re tired of big, expensive phones and want something compact that works and works well, there is no doubt the Pixel 4a is one of the best phones you can buy. Even over a year after launch, the Pixel 4a is a steal.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 08.03.2022
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90% Preis: 90% Leistung: 70% Bildschirm: 90% Mobilität: 70% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: Expert Reviews

So, where does that put the Pixel 4a? If you’re after a compact phone that won’t make too much of a bulge in your pocket, then it’s definitely the phone for you. Although it isn’t as fast as the Apple iPhone SE (2020), it is a better all-rounder, with a bigger screen, superior portrait photography and far superior battery life. Compared with the OnePlus Nord and the Moto G 5G Plus, it’s a more nuanced decision. While both these rivals have bigger screens, more cameras and better battery life, the Pixel 4a has a charm all of its own; and with the Google Launcher on board as well as that amazing camera, there are plenty of reasons to pick one up.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 18.08.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
Quelle: Expert Reviews

So, where does that put the Pixel 4a? If you’re after a compact phone that won’t make too much of a bulge in your pocket, then it’s definitely the phone for you. Although it isn’t as fast as the Apple iPhone SE (2020), it is a better all-rounder, with a bigger screen, superior portrait photography and far superior battery life. Compared with the OnePlus Nord and the Moto G 5G Plus, it’s a more nuanced decision. While both these rivals have bigger screens, more cameras and better battery life, the Pixel 4a has a charm all of its own; and with the Google Launcher on board as well as that amazing camera, there are plenty of reasons to pick one up.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 18.08.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
Quelle: Expert Reviews

So, where does that put the Pixel 4a? If you’re after a compact phone that won’t make too much of a bulge in your pocket, then it’s definitely the phone for you. Although it isn’t as fast as the Apple iPhone SE (2020), it is a better all-rounder, with a bigger screen, superior portrait photography and far superior battery life. Compared with the OnePlus Nord and the Moto G 5G Plus, it’s a more nuanced decision. While both these rivals have bigger screens, more cameras and better battery life, the Pixel 4a has a charm all of its own; and with the Google Launcher on board as well as that amazing camera, there are plenty of reasons to pick one up.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 23.06.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
Quelle: Expert Reviews

So, where does that put the Pixel 4a? If you’re after a compact phone that won’t make too much of a bulge in your pocket, then it’s definitely the phone for you. Although it isn’t as fast as the Apple iPhone SE (2020), it is a better all-rounder, with a bigger screen, superior portrait photography and far superior battery life. Compared with the OnePlus Nord and the Moto G 5G Plus, it’s a more nuanced decision. While both these rivals have bigger screens, more cameras and better battery life, the Pixel 4a has a charm all of its own; and with the Google Launcher on board as well as that amazing camera, there are plenty of reasons to pick one up.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 23.06.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
Quelle: Tom's Guide

With the Pixel 4a, Google has once again delivered a device I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend to anyone who wants the best phone for the least amount of money — at least if they don't want to hold off for the expected release of the Pixel 5a in a couple months. The Pixel 4a does practically everything well — it has a pretty display, solid performance, lots of base storage, a well-built design and especially, a stunning camera. About the only area in which it comes up short is battery life, but even then, that’s not a deal breaker.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 25.05.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Tom's Guide

With the Pixel 4a, Google has once again delivered a device I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend to anyone who wants the best phone for the least amount of money — at least if they don't want to hold off for the expected release of the Pixel 5a in a couple months. The Pixel 4a does practically everything well — it has a pretty display, solid performance, lots of base storage, a well-built design and especially, a stunning camera. About the only area in which it comes up short is battery life, but even then, that’s not a deal breaker.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 25.05.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Ricks Tech

Support, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 21.05.2021
Quelle: Ricks Tech

Support, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 21.05.2021
Quelle: Tom's Guide

The Google Pixel 4a is an unbeatable phone for $350 and the best in its class if camera performance is your primary concern. While it can’t match the iPhone SE’s power, the Pixel 4a is the better handset overall.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 22.04.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Tom's Guide

The Google Pixel 4a is an unbeatable phone for $350 and the best in its class if camera performance is your primary concern. While it can’t match the iPhone SE’s power, the Pixel 4a is the better handset overall.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 22.04.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Expert Reviews

So, where does that put the Pixel 4a? If you’re after a compact phone that won’t make too much of a bulge in your pocket, then it’s definitely the phone for you. Although it isn’t as fast as the Apple iPhone SE (2020), it is a better all-rounder, with a bigger screen, superior portrait photography and far superior battery life. Compared with the OnePlus Nord and the Moto G 5G Plus, it’s a more nuanced decision. While both these rivals have bigger screens, more cameras and better battery life, the Pixel 4a has a charm all of its own; and with the Google Launcher on board as well as that amazing camera, there are plenty of reasons to pick one up.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 29.03.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
Quelle: Expert Reviews

So, where does that put the Pixel 4a? If you’re after a compact phone that won’t make too much of a bulge in your pocket, then it’s definitely the phone for you. Although it isn’t as fast as the Apple iPhone SE (2020), it is a better all-rounder, with a bigger screen, superior portrait photography and far superior battery life. Compared with the OnePlus Nord and the Moto G 5G Plus, it’s a more nuanced decision. While both these rivals have bigger screens, more cameras and better battery life, the Pixel 4a has a charm all of its own; and with the Google Launcher on board as well as that amazing camera, there are plenty of reasons to pick one up.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 29.03.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
Quelle: Android Central

The Pixel 4a is the budget camera quality leader — but it doesn't stop there. It has a larger screen than the 3a, but in a still-compact body, and is filled with solid specs and really good battery life. Its subdued design and lack of extra features may seem boring to some, but most will appreciate its simplicity when it comes to ease of use, software performance, and consistent camera quality.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 27.02.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Android Central

The Pixel 4a is the budget camera quality leader — but it doesn't stop there. It has a larger screen than the 3a, but in a still-compact body, and is filled with solid specs and really good battery life. Its subdued design and lack of extra features may seem boring to some, but most will appreciate its simplicity when it comes to ease of use, software performance, and consistent camera quality.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 27.02.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: 9to5google

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 24.02.2021
Quelle: 9to5google

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 24.02.2021
Quelle: Android Authority

Getting the Google experience has never been more accessible. A compact phone that's easy to use, a beautiful screen, and one of the best cameras in this price range. The Pixel 4a is hard to beat.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 20.02.2021
Quelle: Android Authority

Getting the Google experience has never been more accessible. A compact phone that's easy to use, a beautiful screen, and one of the best cameras in this price range. The Pixel 4a is hard to beat.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 20.02.2021
Quelle: Tom's Guide

The Google Pixel 4a is an unbeatable phone for $350 and the best in its class if camera performance is your primary concern. While it can’t match the iPhone SE’s power, the Pixel 4a is the better handset overall.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 29.01.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Tom's Guide

The Google Pixel 4a is an unbeatable phone for $350 and the best in its class if camera performance is your primary concern. While it can’t match the iPhone SE’s power, the Pixel 4a is the better handset overall.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 29.01.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Gadgets Now

At Rs 31,999, the Pixel 4a has a lot going for it. But compare it with other phones — OnePlus Nord for starters — in the same price segment and you will see that it falls short in specs. Having said that, the Pixel 4a is the ideal phone for those who don’t want big phones. It’s also great for those who want a great camera in this price range. What the Pixel 4a does with just a single camera is something a lot of dual and triple camera phones can’t really match. The Pixel 4a won’t really appeal to a mass audience who wants headline grabbing features. Yet, it is an impressive phone for those who want a no frills device that delivers on almost every count.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 21.12.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: Gadgets Now

At Rs 31,999, the Pixel 4a has a lot going for it. But compare it with other phones — OnePlus Nord for starters — in the same price segment and you will see that it falls short in specs. Having said that, the Pixel 4a is the ideal phone for those who don’t want big phones. It’s also great for those who want a great camera in this price range. What the Pixel 4a does with just a single camera is something a lot of dual and triple camera phones can’t really match. The Pixel 4a won’t really appeal to a mass audience who wants headline grabbing features. Yet, it is an impressive phone for those who want a no frills device that delivers on almost every count.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 21.12.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: Fone Arena

Google Pixel 4a lived up to the expectations and also impressed with its camera capabilities despite featuring a single camera setup. Also being a polycarbonate/plastic phone, it can be used without a case. But I would recommend using case and tempered glass for long-term use. Again in a market like India, we have a wide range of options available from Realme, Poco, Redmi, Samsung, Motorola, Nokia, etc… We even get 5G capable phone cheaper than the Pixel 4a. Will list some worthy alternatives for Google Pixel 4a below
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 10.12.2020
Quelle: Fone Arena

Google Pixel 4a lived up to the expectations and also impressed with its camera capabilities despite featuring a single camera setup. Also being a polycarbonate/plastic phone, it can be used without a case. But I would recommend using case and tempered glass for long-term use. Again in a market like India, we have a wide range of options available from Realme, Poco, Redmi, Samsung, Motorola, Nokia, etc… We even get 5G capable phone cheaper than the Pixel 4a. Will list some worthy alternatives for Google Pixel 4a below
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 10.12.2020
Quelle: Mobygyaan

The Pixel 4a is a good smartphone for the people who love the Stock Android Experience. It has nothing which makes it standout from the competion however it isn’t bad either. The Qualcomm Snapdragon 730G processor handles everyday tasks with ease, the small and compact form factor is really nice and as the smartphone weighs juust 143 grams, you get a good feel when you hold it in your hands. Overall if you are looking for a lightweight phone with Stock Android then the Pixel 4a is for you else you can go for OnePlus Nord, Apple iPhone SE 2020 or the Samsung Galaxy M51 because they offer you better value for your money.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 25.11.2020
Quelle: Mobygyaan

The Pixel 4a is a good smartphone for the people who love the Stock Android Experience. It has nothing which makes it standout from the competion however it isn’t bad either. The Qualcomm Snapdragon 730G processor handles everyday tasks with ease, the small and compact form factor is really nice and as the smartphone weighs juust 143 grams, you get a good feel when you hold it in your hands. Overall if you are looking for a lightweight phone with Stock Android then the Pixel 4a is for you else you can go for OnePlus Nord, Apple iPhone SE 2020 or the Samsung Galaxy M51 because they offer you better value for your money.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 25.11.2020
Quelle: Tom's Guide

The Google Pixel 4a is an unbeatable phone for $350 and the best in its class if camera performance is your primary concern. While it can’t match the iPhone SE’s power, the Pixel 4a is the better handset overall.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 19.11.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Tom's Guide

The Google Pixel 4a is an unbeatable phone for $350 and the best in its class if camera performance is your primary concern. While it can’t match the iPhone SE’s power, the Pixel 4a is the better handset overall.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 19.11.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Android Central

The Pixel 4a is the new budget camera quality leader — but it doesn't stop there. It has a larger screen than the 3a, but in a still-compact body, and is filled with solid specs and really good battery life. Its subdued design and lack of extra features may seem boring to some, but most will appreciate its simplicity when it comes to ease of use, software performance and consistent camera quality.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 17.11.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Android Central

The Pixel 4a is the new budget camera quality leader — but it doesn't stop there. It has a larger screen than the 3a, but in a still-compact body, and is filled with solid specs and really good battery life. Its subdued design and lack of extra features may seem boring to some, but most will appreciate its simplicity when it comes to ease of use, software performance and consistent camera quality.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 17.11.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Business Standard

The Google Pixel 4a justifies its pricing by offering almost everything that you expect in a midrange smartphone. From a captivating design to a dazzling OLED screen, loud stereo speakers, and a no-frills performance, there is nothing to complain about in this phone. It is a go-to smartphone which would have been a perfect fit if it also had some sort of ingress rating for water and dust resistance. But the Pixel 4a is still a perfect smartphone in this segment. Pick this one if you need a smartphone with good in-hand feel without having to compromise on other important factors.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 16.11.2020
Quelle: Business Standard

The Google Pixel 4a justifies its pricing by offering almost everything that you expect in a midrange smartphone. From a captivating design to a dazzling OLED screen, loud stereo speakers, and a no-frills performance, there is nothing to complain about in this phone. It is a go-to smartphone which would have been a perfect fit if it also had some sort of ingress rating for water and dust resistance. But the Pixel 4a is still a perfect smartphone in this segment. Pick this one if you need a smartphone with good in-hand feel without having to compromise on other important factors.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 16.11.2020
Quelle: JerryRigEverything

Last year the pixel 3a was my most repairable phone of 2019. Today we are going to disassemble the pixel 4a to see how it works from the inside, and how repairable it is. This budget 4a smartphone has a few tricks up its sleeve.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 13.11.2020
Quelle: JerryRigEverything

Last year the pixel 3a was my most repairable phone of 2019. Today we are going to disassemble the pixel 4a to see how it works from the inside, and how repairable it is. This budget 4a smartphone has a few tricks up its sleeve.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 13.11.2020
Quelle: DxOMark

The Google Pixel 4a performs admirably for a single-camera device, with comparable or even slightly better results compared to the more expensive Pixel 4 in many areas. Performance across most core photography attributes are very acceptable; it excels for color and autofocus; and shoots fairly nice video. The Pixel 4a’s image quality for bokeh, zoom, and night shots trails our top-ranked devices, however, and with no ultra-wide shooting on this device, the lower results in these areas impacted its overall score. If it’s good-quality stills and video from an affordable mid-range device without all the bells and whistles of a multi-camera flagship you’re after, however, you won’t go far wrong with the Google Pixel 4a.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 10.11.2020
Quelle: DxOMark

The Google Pixel 4a performs admirably for a single-camera device, with comparable or even slightly better results compared to the more expensive Pixel 4 in many areas. Performance across most core photography attributes are very acceptable; it excels for color and autofocus; and shoots fairly nice video. The Pixel 4a’s image quality for bokeh, zoom, and night shots trails our top-ranked devices, however, and with no ultra-wide shooting on this device, the lower results in these areas impacted its overall score. If it’s good-quality stills and video from an affordable mid-range device without all the bells and whistles of a multi-camera flagship you’re after, however, you won’t go far wrong with the Google Pixel 4a.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 10.11.2020
Quelle: JerryRigEverything

Thanks to Audible for sponsoring this video! Is the cheap plastic Pixel 4a durable? Can it survive a durability test? We all know that smartphones are some of the most abused pieces of tech on the planet. A cheap phone also needs to be durable!
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 06.11.2020
Quelle: JerryRigEverything

Thanks to Audible for sponsoring this video! Is the cheap plastic Pixel 4a durable? Can it survive a durability test? We all know that smartphones are some of the most abused pieces of tech on the planet. A cheap phone also needs to be durable!
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 06.11.2020
Quelle: NDTV Gadgets

The Google Pixel 4a is being sold on Flipkart at a promotional price of Rs. 29,999, which is a bit lower than its official retail price of Rs. 31,999. I think it's a good buy at this price for anyone looking to capture good photos and video with their smartphone. Unlike last year's Pixel 3a, the Pixel 4a isn't crippled too much in terms of processing power. It features a good SoC as well as enough RAM and storage to offer a decent gaming performance. Battery life might not be as good as what the competition achieves, but despite its small capacity, you should expect this phone to last nearly a full day on average.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 23.10.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90% Preis: 80% Leistung: 80% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 70% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: NDTV Gadgets

The Google Pixel 4a is being sold on Flipkart at a promotional price of Rs. 29,999, which is a bit lower than its official retail price of Rs. 31,999. I think it's a good buy at this price for anyone looking to capture good photos and video with their smartphone. Unlike last year's Pixel 3a, the Pixel 4a isn't crippled too much in terms of processing power. It features a good SoC as well as enough RAM and storage to offer a decent gaming performance. Battery life might not be as good as what the competition achieves, but despite its small capacity, you should expect this phone to last nearly a full day on average.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 23.10.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90% Preis: 80% Leistung: 80% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 70% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: Think Digit

The Google Pixel 4a is perfect for a compact smartphone that does not compromise on the experience even as it switches to mid-range components. Oh, and the camera? Just as good as before. But you may start missing the ultrawide lens soon after starting to use the phone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 20.10.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 60% Preis: 42% Leistung: 70% Gehäuse: 60%
Quelle: Think Digit

The Google Pixel 4a is perfect for a compact smartphone that does not compromise on the experience even as it switches to mid-range components. Oh, and the camera? Just as good as before. But you may start missing the ultrawide lens soon after starting to use the phone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 20.10.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 60% Preis: 42% Leistung: 70% Gehäuse: 60%
Quelle: The Indian Express

At Rs 29,999, the Pixel 4a might not be a flagship smartphone but it is the phone that many people might want to buy purely because of its compact size and reasonably good performance. It’s a Pixel phone at the end of the day, which means you will get a class-leading camera and guaranteed software updates for three years. With the Pixel 4a, Google tried to focus on things as basic as the battery life and that is what makes this phone a lot more appealing.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 19.10.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: The Indian Express

At Rs 29,999, the Pixel 4a might not be a flagship smartphone but it is the phone that many people might want to buy purely because of its compact size and reasonably good performance. It’s a Pixel phone at the end of the day, which means you will get a class-leading camera and guaranteed software updates for three years. With the Pixel 4a, Google tried to focus on things as basic as the battery life and that is what makes this phone a lot more appealing.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 19.10.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: India Today

As much as I like the Pixel 4a, I wish that Google had also prepared something, or had at least brought the Pixel 5 to India, for consumers who demand more from their phone. But in absence of all that, the Pixel 4a can fill the need if you require a Google phone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 15.10.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: India Today

As much as I like the Pixel 4a, I wish that Google had also prepared something, or had at least brought the Pixel 5 to India, for consumers who demand more from their phone. But in absence of all that, the Pixel 4a can fill the need if you require a Google phone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 15.10.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Android Central

The Pixel 4a is the new budget camera quality leader — but it doesn't stop there. It has a larger screen than the 3a, but in a still-compact body, and is filled with solid specs and really good battery life. Its subdued design and lack of extra features may seem boring to some, but most will appreciate its simplicity when it comes to ease of use, software performance and consistent camera quality.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 12.10.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Android Central

The Pixel 4a is the new budget camera quality leader — but it doesn't stop there. It has a larger screen than the 3a, but in a still-compact body, and is filled with solid specs and really good battery life. Its subdued design and lack of extra features may seem boring to some, but most will appreciate its simplicity when it comes to ease of use, software performance and consistent camera quality.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 12.10.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: NDTV Gadgets

Overall, the Pixel 4a is a big improvement over the Pixel 3a on paper but none of these upgrades would mean anything had Google messed up the pricing. The good news is that it hasn't. If you're comparing just specifications, the Pixel 4a is outranked by the competition at around the Rs. 30,000 mark, such as Realme's X3 series, the Asus 6Z, and so on, but what this phone lacks in hardware, Google usually makes up for in software. I'll be testing the Google Pixel 4a over the next few weeks, so stay tuned to Gadgets 360 for the full review.
Hands-On, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 09.10.2020
Quelle: NDTV Gadgets

Overall, the Pixel 4a is a big improvement over the Pixel 3a on paper but none of these upgrades would mean anything had Google messed up the pricing. The good news is that it hasn't. If you're comparing just specifications, the Pixel 4a is outranked by the competition at around the Rs. 30,000 mark, such as Realme's X3 series, the Asus 6Z, and so on, but what this phone lacks in hardware, Google usually makes up for in software. I'll be testing the Google Pixel 4a over the next few weeks, so stay tuned to Gadgets 360 for the full review.
Hands-On, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 09.10.2020
Quelle: CNet

In a world where nearly every handset maker is selling a 5G phone, Google did something unusual: It made a less expensive 5G device that doesn't compromise on the features consumers care about the most -- especially the camera.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 02.10.2020
Quelle: CNet

In a world where nearly every handset maker is selling a 5G phone, Google did something unusual: It made a less expensive 5G device that doesn't compromise on the features consumers care about the most -- especially the camera.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 02.10.2020
Quelle: Tech Advisor

Note that I've scored the Pixel 4a partly on rivals available in the UK. In the US, the phone has much less competition and is easily one of the best, arguably the best, mid-range smartphone you can buy.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 01.10.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Techradar

The compact size, clean interface and great point-and-shoot camera of the Pixel 4a will appeal to those looking for an affordable, reasonably sized handset with enough grunt to handle the basics, plus the ability to capture some excellent pictures.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 01.10.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

Note that I've scored the Pixel 4a partly on rivals available in the UK. In the US, the phone has much less competition and is easily one of the best, arguably the best, mid-range smartphone you can buy.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 01.10.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Techradar

The compact size, clean interface and great point-and-shoot camera of the Pixel 4a will appeal to those looking for an affordable, reasonably sized handset with enough grunt to handle the basics, plus the ability to capture some excellent pictures.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 01.10.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Pocketnow

This is the Pixel 4a, what Google dubs as a phone that's packed with the things you want, and a direct successor to one of the sleeper hits of 2019. From what we know the Pixel 3a outsold every other Pixel by such a high margin that it only made sense for Google to do it again, and let's see if this time it did age the part.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 29.09.2020
Quelle: Pocketnow

This is the Pixel 4a, what Google dubs as a phone that's packed with the things you want, and a direct successor to one of the sleeper hits of 2019. From what we know the Pixel 3a outsold every other Pixel by such a high margin that it only made sense for Google to do it again, and let's see if this time it did age the part.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 29.09.2020
Quelle: It Pro

As soon as Google introduced its cheaper a-series variants with the Pixel 3a, it immediately became one of our favourite options - not just for those seeking an affordable mid-range handset, but overall. While technically not as powerful or as feature-packed as flashier handsets boasting £1,000-plus price tags, the a-series does pack a punch. In particular, what the a-series delivers is the best of Google’s industry-leading software engineering and image processing technology at a much more attractive price than the mainstream Pixel series - and with a better battery life, to boot.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 18.09.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
Quelle: Techaeris

So what’s the Pixel 4a missing? Like the other a-series devices, there is no wireless charging or IP rating. In addition, Google dropped Active Edge from the Pixel 4a so you’re not getting that either. There is also no Face Unlock like on the Pixel 4/4 XL but you are getting a fingerprint scanner instead. Finally, there is no 16MP telephoto camera either. But there is a 3.5mm audio jack.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 18.09.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 93% Preis: 100% Leistung: 90% Bildschirm: 90% Mobilität: 95% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: It Pro

As soon as Google introduced its cheaper a-series variants with the Pixel 3a, it immediately became one of our favourite options - not just for those seeking an affordable mid-range handset, but overall. While technically not as powerful or as feature-packed as flashier handsets boasting £1,000-plus price tags, the a-series does pack a punch. In particular, what the a-series delivers is the best of Google’s industry-leading software engineering and image processing technology at a much more attractive price than the mainstream Pixel series - and with a better battery life, to boot.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 18.09.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
Quelle: Techaeris

So what’s the Pixel 4a missing? Like the other a-series devices, there is no wireless charging or IP rating. In addition, Google dropped Active Edge from the Pixel 4a so you’re not getting that either. There is also no Face Unlock like on the Pixel 4/4 XL but you are getting a fingerprint scanner instead. Finally, there is no 16MP telephoto camera either. But there is a 3.5mm audio jack.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 18.09.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 93% Preis: 100% Leistung: 90% Bildschirm: 90% Mobilität: 95% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: Good Gear Guide

A much better buy than the normal Pixel 4, the well-priced 4a packs in an amazing camera and solid battery life with the promise of three years of software support.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 14.09.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%

Using the Pixel 4a firsthand makes it easy to forget sometimes, that you are using a phone that is so affordable. It definitely feels a lot more premium in certain aspects for the price you pay for it. Of course, there are compromises made in many other aspects but those are outweighed by the features offered by the phone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 14.09.2020
Quelle: Good Gear Guide

A much better buy than the normal Pixel 4, the well-priced 4a packs in an amazing camera and solid battery life with the promise of three years of software support.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 14.09.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%

Using the Pixel 4a firsthand makes it easy to forget sometimes, that you are using a phone that is so affordable. It definitely feels a lot more premium in certain aspects for the price you pay for it. Of course, there are compromises made in many other aspects but those are outweighed by the features offered by the phone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 14.09.2020
Quelle: Android Authority

I’m not trying to suggest that Google is doing any of this on purpose. A worldwide pandemic is delaying things left and right in the tech world. We know Google had difficulties manufacturing enough Pixel 4a units on time (hence the release date delays) and we have it on good authority that there were more SKUs planned for the launch. Now, the company needs to roll with the punches and try to make it seem like this new 2020 roadmap was intentional all along.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 12.09.2020
Quelle: Android Authority

I’m not trying to suggest that Google is doing any of this on purpose. A worldwide pandemic is delaying things left and right in the tech world. We know Google had difficulties manufacturing enough Pixel 4a units on time (hence the release date delays) and we have it on good authority that there were more SKUs planned for the launch. Now, the company needs to roll with the punches and try to make it seem like this new 2020 roadmap was intentional all along.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 12.09.2020
Quelle: Pocket Lint

As a mid-range phone we can hardly fault what the Pixel 4a offers. It's very capable and delivers a great camera experience. Some people might find it a little too small, but for those looking for a compact phone we can't really see why you'd need to look any further.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 10.09.2020
Quelle: Tech Advisor

Note that I've scored the Pixel 4a partly on rivals available in the UK. In the US, the phone has much less competition and is easily one of the best, arguably the best, mid-range smartphone you can buy.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 10.09.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Pocket Lint

As a mid-range phone we can hardly fault what the Pixel 4a offers. It's very capable and delivers a great camera experience. Some people might find it a little too small, but for those looking for a compact phone we can't really see why you'd need to look any further.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 10.09.2020
Quelle: Tech Advisor

Note that I've scored the Pixel 4a partly on rivals available in the UK. In the US, the phone has much less competition and is easily one of the best, arguably the best, mid-range smartphone you can buy.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 10.09.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Recombu

Google Pixel 4a is a small phone that’s easy to recommend. It has a camera we’d pay more than double for, a great screen and enough power to get the job done. It ditches some luxuries, but for £349 we’re not going to complain too much. If only we didn’t have to wait until October to get our palms on one.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 09.09.2020
Quelle: Android Guys

If you were to tell me that Google iterated on its Pixel 3a for 2020 and kept the price the same, I would have said, “fair enough, I expected as much.” But that’s not what happened. Google not only pushed things forward a bit in a few areas, it dropped the price by $50 in the process.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 09.09.2020
Quelle: Recombu

Google Pixel 4a is a small phone that’s easy to recommend. It has a camera we’d pay more than double for, a great screen and enough power to get the job done. It ditches some luxuries, but for £349 we’re not going to complain too much. If only we didn’t have to wait until October to get our palms on one.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 09.09.2020
Quelle: Android Guys

If you were to tell me that Google iterated on its Pixel 3a for 2020 and kept the price the same, I would have said, “fair enough, I expected as much.” But that’s not what happened. Google not only pushed things forward a bit in a few areas, it dropped the price by $50 in the process.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 09.09.2020
Quelle: Yahoo

The Pixel 4a is a reliable entry-level smartphone with a heck of a secret weapon in its camera. This Android-powered handset is not only inexpensive, but offers many of the features, including a big screen, that you’d get out of phones with higher price tags.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 01.09.2020
Quelle: Yahoo

The Pixel 4a is a reliable entry-level smartphone with a heck of a secret weapon in its camera. This Android-powered handset is not only inexpensive, but offers many of the features, including a big screen, that you’d get out of phones with higher price tags.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 01.09.2020
Quelle: CNet

Google revealed the Pixel 4A earlier this month, a new budget phone that will sit alongside the Pixel 4A 5G and the Pixel 5. Though the latter two will be available at a later date, you can already preorder the Pixel 4A for $349, £349 and AU$599. Unlike in previous years, the phone only comes in one color (black) and one size (there's no Pixel 4A XL). Only a few days after the Pixel 4A unveiling, Google discontinued the Pixel 4 and Pixel 4 XL phones, only nine months after their release. For its price, the Pixel 4A has one of the best cameras you can get on a phone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 30.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 84%
Quelle: The Tech Revolutionist

The Google Pixel 4a checks many of the boxes when you are choosing a new smartphone. It performs fairly well, has decent battery life and its camera performance is above average. What I really loved about this phone is excellent stereo speakers, which really made a huge difference when it comes to consuming media content on it.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 30.08.2020
Quelle: CNet

Google revealed the Pixel 4A earlier this month, a new budget phone that will sit alongside the Pixel 4A 5G and the Pixel 5. Though the latter two will be available at a later date, you can already preorder the Pixel 4A for $349, £349 and AU$599. Unlike in previous years, the phone only comes in one color (black) and one size (there's no Pixel 4A XL). Only a few days after the Pixel 4A unveiling, Google discontinued the Pixel 4 and Pixel 4 XL phones, only nine months after their release. For its price, the Pixel 4A has one of the best cameras you can get on a phone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 30.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 84%
Quelle: The Tech Revolutionist

The Google Pixel 4a checks many of the boxes when you are choosing a new smartphone. It performs fairly well, has decent battery life and its camera performance is above average. What I really loved about this phone is excellent stereo speakers, which really made a huge difference when it comes to consuming media content on it.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 30.08.2020
Quelle: Good Gear Guide

So if you want a phone that looks great, lasts all day and then some, and takes incredible pictures, get the Pixel 4a over the iPhone SE or Galaxy A71 or any other phone in its price range—and maybe even a few that aren’t.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 25.08.2020
Quelle: PC World

Whether you’re budget-conscious, feature-conscious, or are just tired of paying too much for phones that barely fit in your pocket, the Pixel 4a is a fantastic option that won’t make you feel like you cheaped out.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 25.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Good Gear Guide

So if you want a phone that looks great, lasts all day and then some, and takes incredible pictures, get the Pixel 4a over the iPhone SE or Galaxy A71 or any other phone in its price range—and maybe even a few that aren’t.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 25.08.2020
Quelle: PC World

Whether you’re budget-conscious, feature-conscious, or are just tired of paying too much for phones that barely fit in your pocket, the Pixel 4a is a fantastic option that won’t make you feel like you cheaped out.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 25.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Phandroid

The Pixel 4a is a phenomenal smartphone for those looking for an upgrade that doesn’t break the bank. Its single rear camera can outshoot most flagship smartphones and three years of software updates will allow the Pixel 4a to outlast any other smartphone in the mid-range category.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 24.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 86%
Quelle: Gear Diary

Should you get a Pixel 4a? It depends. There are some trade-offs for getting a budget-priced phone. You won’t get the latest Qualcomm processor, you won’t get a huge display made with the latest Gorilla Glass, and you won’t get wireless charging or 5G. But what you will get is a solidly-built phone that feels good in-hand. The Pixel 4a is fast, and it has better than average battery life; you’ll also get a phone with all of the Google Pixel software tweaks that Pixel users love, and you will get the excellent camera that Pixel users love to tout. If saving some money on your tech is essential to you right now, you will absolutely love this phone because it won’t make you feel like you have settled.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 24.08.2020
Quelle: Phandroid

The Pixel 4a is a phenomenal smartphone for those looking for an upgrade that doesn’t break the bank. Its single rear camera can outshoot most flagship smartphones and three years of software updates will allow the Pixel 4a to outlast any other smartphone in the mid-range category.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 24.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 86%
Quelle: Gear Diary

Should you get a Pixel 4a? It depends. There are some trade-offs for getting a budget-priced phone. You won’t get the latest Qualcomm processor, you won’t get a huge display made with the latest Gorilla Glass, and you won’t get wireless charging or 5G. But what you will get is a solidly-built phone that feels good in-hand. The Pixel 4a is fast, and it has better than average battery life; you’ll also get a phone with all of the Google Pixel software tweaks that Pixel users love, and you will get the excellent camera that Pixel users love to tout. If saving some money on your tech is essential to you right now, you will absolutely love this phone because it won’t make you feel like you have settled.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 24.08.2020
Quelle: Slashgear

No, you don’t get 5G – you’ll need the Pixel 4a 5G or Pixel 5 for that – or wireless charging, or multiple rear cameras, but I suspect they’re things most users can do without right now. Conversely, you get the latest in Android features, excellent photography abilities, and enough performance and battery life to keep most people happy. The Pixel 4 may have given us a taste of what Google believes a flagship should offer, but the Pixel 4a’s balance of features and price make it a far more satisfying meal.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 21.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Slashgear

No, you don’t get 5G – you’ll need the Pixel 4a 5G or Pixel 5 for that – or wireless charging, or multiple rear cameras, but I suspect they’re things most users can do without right now. Conversely, you get the latest in Android features, excellent photography abilities, and enough performance and battery life to keep most people happy. The Pixel 4 may have given us a taste of what Google believes a flagship should offer, but the Pixel 4a’s balance of features and price make it a far more satisfying meal.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 21.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

Note that I've scored the Pixel 4a partly on rivals available in the UK. In the US, the phone has much less competition and is easily one of the best, arguably the best, mid-range smartphone you can buy.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 20.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Lon.TV

Google's latest entry level phone in their Pixel line does not disappoint. While it won't rival flagships in performance it does sport a top notch display and great camera system.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 20.08.2020
Quelle: Tech Advisor

Note that I've scored the Pixel 4a partly on rivals available in the UK. In the US, the phone has much less competition and is easily one of the best, arguably the best, mid-range smartphone you can buy.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 20.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Lon.TV

Google's latest entry level phone in their Pixel line does not disappoint. While it won't rival flagships in performance it does sport a top notch display and great camera system.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 20.08.2020
Quelle: Sydney Morning Herald

Unless you specifically need a screen in excess of six inches, guaranteed protection against the elements or enough graphical grunt to run demanding 3D games or design apps, it's hard to justify the extra cost of a flagship phone over the Pixel 4a. With an incredible camera, excellent screen and great AI-powered software, it offers everything you need at half the price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 19.08.2020
Quelle: Sydney Morning Herald

Unless you specifically need a screen in excess of six inches, guaranteed protection against the elements or enough graphical grunt to run demanding 3D games or design apps, it's hard to justify the extra cost of a flagship phone over the Pixel 4a. With an incredible camera, excellent screen and great AI-powered software, it offers everything you need at half the price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 19.08.2020
Quelle: Droid Life

Since the Google Pixel 4a is a budget phone, assuming you are reading this on a budget, you probably should buy one. The Pixel 4a ticks a good number of boxes (solid camera and battery life, good display, long software support, and cheap price) without a lot of compromise. While it may feel cheap in the hand, stutter here and there, and lack personality, it’ll bring you a better-than-expected experience.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 17.08.2020
Quelle: Ausdroid

The Pixel 4a is the second generation affordable device from Google, and they have delivered a device that is overall more refined and improved in every way. The Pixel 4a simultaneously sets a high bar for the upper mid-tier while calling into question the need to pay any more for your phone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 17.08.2020
Quelle: Droid Life

Since the Google Pixel 4a is a budget phone, assuming you are reading this on a budget, you probably should buy one. The Pixel 4a ticks a good number of boxes (solid camera and battery life, good display, long software support, and cheap price) without a lot of compromise. While it may feel cheap in the hand, stutter here and there, and lack personality, it’ll bring you a better-than-expected experience.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 17.08.2020
Quelle: Ausdroid

The Pixel 4a is the second generation affordable device from Google, and they have delivered a device that is overall more refined and improved in every way. The Pixel 4a simultaneously sets a high bar for the upper mid-tier while calling into question the need to pay any more for your phone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 17.08.2020
Quelle: Neowin

The Pixel 4a is an amazing device. But every time a device like this comes along and I sing its praises, someone asks me if I'd really be willing to make it my daily driver, and the answer is no, only because there's no wireless charging. I actually have a friend who wanted to buy a Pixel, and was turned off by the lack of wireless charging, so he went for a Pixel 4. But to me, $450 is a lot of extra money to spend for one charging feature.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 15.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: GSM Arena

If you're coming from the Pixel 3a or the 3a XL, there isn't any incentive to upgrade to the 4a. The phones are identical on paper and aside from the 4a's design, added RAM and storage, and marginally better CPU, there isn't really anything surprising about the Pixel 4a.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 15.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 74%
Quelle: Neowin

The Pixel 4a is an amazing device. But every time a device like this comes along and I sing its praises, someone asks me if I'd really be willing to make it my daily driver, and the answer is no, only because there's no wireless charging. I actually have a friend who wanted to buy a Pixel, and was turned off by the lack of wireless charging, so he went for a Pixel 4. But to me, $450 is a lot of extra money to spend for one charging feature.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 15.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: GSM Arena

If you're coming from the Pixel 3a or the 3a XL, there isn't any incentive to upgrade to the 4a. The phones are identical on paper and aside from the 4a's design, added RAM and storage, and marginally better CPU, there isn't really anything surprising about the Pixel 4a.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 15.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 74%
Quelle: 9to5google

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 14.08.2020
Quelle: 9to5google

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 14.08.2020
Quelle: PC Mag

If you’re an Android fan in the market for a solid midrange phone with a good camera and guaranteed software updates, the Pixel 4a is really your only option. The Moto G Power offers better battery life, and the Galaxy A71 has 5G and surprisingly excellent camera performance, but neither has the Pixel's home court advantage when it comes to fast software and security updates, and their image processing capabilities still doesn’t match what you get here.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 12.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: PC Mag

If you’re an Android fan in the market for a solid midrange phone with a good camera and guaranteed software updates, the Pixel 4a is really your only option. The Moto G Power offers better battery life, and the Galaxy A71 has 5G and surprisingly excellent camera performance, but neither has the Pixel's home court advantage when it comes to fast software and security updates, and their image processing capabilities still doesn’t match what you get here.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 12.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Phone Arena

The midrange market is definitely more saturated than it was a year ago, but the Pixel 4a still manages to put up a good fight. Its most prominent rival is likely the larger, more powerful OnePlus Nord, but the camera and software aren’t as polished as Google’s offering—and, importantly, the Nord isn’t available in North America, either.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 11.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 91%
Quelle: Mobile Syrup

On the Apple side is the iPhone SE which, for some people, I think might be a smarter buy. It's got the latest A13 chip -- the same as Apple's flagship iPhones -- so from a performance perspective, it blows the 4a out of the water. The SE will likely get software updates for at least the next five years. The iPhone SE 64GB comes in at $599 and the 128GB at $669, almost $200 more than the 4a. Considering you can get an extra year or two out of the SE, it could be worth the extra money.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 11.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Phone Arena

The midrange market is definitely more saturated than it was a year ago, but the Pixel 4a still manages to put up a good fight. Its most prominent rival is likely the larger, more powerful OnePlus Nord, but the camera and software aren’t as polished as Google’s offering—and, importantly, the Nord isn’t available in North America, either.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 11.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 91%
Quelle: Mobile Syrup

On the Apple side is the iPhone SE which, for some people, I think might be a smarter buy. It's got the latest A13 chip -- the same as Apple's flagship iPhones -- so from a performance perspective, it blows the 4a out of the water. The SE will likely get software updates for at least the next five years. The iPhone SE 64GB comes in at $599 and the 128GB at $669, almost $200 more than the 4a. Considering you can get an extra year or two out of the SE, it could be worth the extra money.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 11.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Android Central

The Pixel 4a is the new budget camera quality leader — but it doesn't stop there. It has a larger screen than the 3a, but in a still-compact body, and is filled with solid specs and really good battery life. Its subdued design and lack of extra features may seem boring to some, but most will appreciate its simplicity when it comes to ease of use, software performance and consistent camera quality.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 10.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Hot Hardware

Google’s got something really special with the Pixel 4a, and we hope it continues this trend with future handsets. Flagship smartphones absolutely have their place, but they aren’t the best option for many people, especially right now. The Pixel 4a proves that basic can be better, because it prioritizes affordability and accessibility without compromising key feature quality and usability. We can’t wait to see what the Pixel 4a 5G and Pixel 5 bring to the table.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 10.08.2020
Quelle: Android Central

The Pixel 4a is the new budget camera quality leader — but it doesn't stop there. It has a larger screen than the 3a, but in a still-compact body, and is filled with solid specs and really good battery life. Its subdued design and lack of extra features may seem boring to some, but most will appreciate its simplicity when it comes to ease of use, software performance and consistent camera quality.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 10.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Hot Hardware

Google’s got something really special with the Pixel 4a, and we hope it continues this trend with future handsets. Flagship smartphones absolutely have their place, but they aren’t the best option for many people, especially right now. The Pixel 4a proves that basic can be better, because it prioritizes affordability and accessibility without compromising key feature quality and usability. We can’t wait to see what the Pixel 4a 5G and Pixel 5 bring to the table.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 10.08.2020
Quelle: Hardware Zone

The Google Pixel 4a is an extremely competent mid-range device. You get all of Google's Android smarts, including the same upgraded and more contextually aware Assistant that Google first introduced on the Pixel 4, but in a phone that costs just S$499. Google has cut out all the fat from the Pixel 4 and distilled the phone down to its essentials. What's left is possibly the best phone Google has made in years, and one that deftly checks all the boxes when it comes to what makes a good phone, including great battery life, a solid camera, and reasonable performance.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 09.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 85% Preis: 90% Leistung: 80% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Hardware Zone

The Google Pixel 4a is an extremely competent mid-range device. You get all of Google's Android smarts, including the same upgraded and more contextually aware Assistant that Google first introduced on the Pixel 4, but in a phone that costs just S$499. Google has cut out all the fat from the Pixel 4 and distilled the phone down to its essentials. What's left is possibly the best phone Google has made in years, and one that deftly checks all the boxes when it comes to what makes a good phone, including great battery life, a solid camera, and reasonable performance.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 09.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 85% Preis: 90% Leistung: 80% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Neowin

Unboxing Google's new Pixel 4a, which has an FHD+ OLED display, a Snapdragon 730G processor, 6GB RAM, and all of the Pixel goodies that you're used to.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 08.08.2020
Quelle: CNet

Google on Monday revealed the Pixel 4A, which will sit alongside the Pixel 4A 5G and the Pixel 5. Though the latter two will be available at a later date, you can already preorder the Pixel 4A for $349, £349 and AU$599. Unlike in previous years, the phone only comes in one color (black) and one size (there's no Pixel 4A XL). And for its price, the Pixel 4A has one of the best cameras you can get on a phone. Only a few days after the Pixel 4A unveiling, Google discontinued the Pixel 4 and Pixel 4 XL phones, only nine months after their release.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 08.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 84%
Quelle: Neowin

Unboxing Google's new Pixel 4a, which has an FHD+ OLED display, a Snapdragon 730G processor, 6GB RAM, and all of the Pixel goodies that you're used to.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 08.08.2020
Quelle: CNet

Google on Monday revealed the Pixel 4A, which will sit alongside the Pixel 4A 5G and the Pixel 5. Though the latter two will be available at a later date, you can already preorder the Pixel 4A for $349, £349 and AU$599. Unlike in previous years, the phone only comes in one color (black) and one size (there's no Pixel 4A XL). And for its price, the Pixel 4A has one of the best cameras you can get on a phone. Only a few days after the Pixel 4A unveiling, Google discontinued the Pixel 4 and Pixel 4 XL phones, only nine months after their release.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 08.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 84%
Quelle: What Mobile

As I wrote at the start of the review, the Pixel 4a more than holds its own both as a successor to the 3a, and as a cheaper cousin to the Pixel 4. Google has made the necessary software and hardware cuts to lessen the cost of the device, while also improving in a few areas (better battery life, regular security and software updates, return of a fingerprint scanner, increasing the storage) that will appeal to those after a mid-range device.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 07.08.2020
Bewertung: Preis: 80% Mobilität: 70% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: What Mobile

As I wrote at the start of the review, the Pixel 4a more than holds its own both as a successor to the 3a, and as a cheaper cousin to the Pixel 4. Google has made the necessary software and hardware cuts to lessen the cost of the device, while also improving in a few areas (better battery life, regular security and software updates, return of a fingerprint scanner, increasing the storage) that will appeal to those after a mid-range device.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 07.08.2020
Bewertung: Preis: 80% Mobilität: 70% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Mobile Tech Review

Lisa Gade reviews the Google Pixel 4a, captivatingly priced at $349. That nets you a 5.8” 1080 x 2340 OLED display, a very capable 12.2MP rear camera with Night Mode, 6GB RAM and 128GB storage and a rear fingerprint scanner. This is a 4G LTE phone that supports the major US carriers, and it’s sold unlocked as well as by Verizon and with a Google Fi SIM. It runs Android 10 on the Snapdragon 730 processor, and Google promises 3 years of software updates. It competes with the $399 iPhone SE and is less expensive than the Samsung Galaxy A51 and OnePlus Nord. The Pixel 4a 5G will arrive this fall, along with the Pixel 5.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 06.08.2020
Quelle: Mobile Tech Review

Lisa Gade reviews the Google Pixel 4a, captivatingly priced at $349. That nets you a 5.8” 1080 x 2340 OLED display, a very capable 12.2MP rear camera with Night Mode, 6GB RAM and 128GB storage and a rear fingerprint scanner. This is a 4G LTE phone that supports the major US carriers, and it’s sold unlocked as well as by Verizon and with a Google Fi SIM. It runs Android 10 on the Snapdragon 730 processor, and Google promises 3 years of software updates. It competes with the $399 iPhone SE and is less expensive than the Samsung Galaxy A51 and OnePlus Nord. The Pixel 4a 5G will arrive this fall, along with the Pixel 5.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 06.08.2020
Quelle: Techradar

The compact size, clean interface and great point-and-shoot camera of the Pixel 4a will appeal to those looking for an affordable, reasonably sized handset with enough grunt to handle the basics, plus the ability to capture some excellent pictures.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 04.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Techradar

The compact size, clean interface and great point-and-shoot camera of the Pixel 4a will appeal to those looking for an affordable, reasonably sized handset with enough grunt to handle the basics, plus the ability to capture some excellent pictures.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 04.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Engadget

Google’s software prowess makes its camera shine, helps its battery last longer and delivers unique features like Live Caption and on-device Recorder transcription. Best of all, it makes the Pixel 4a feel like a flagship at less than half the price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 03.08.2020
Quelle: Pocketnow

On Pocketnow Daily, we have some deals on the Google Pixel 4 and more. It looks like Microsoft is looking to purchase the US arm of Tik Tok. Samsung is actually looking to buy at least some stakes of Arm for a very smart reason. Some new CAD renders of the Huawei Mate 40 have emerged and they’re… different. We have some hands on images of the new Moto RAZR and it looks better. Finally, the Google Pixel 4a is FINALLY official!
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 03.08.2020
Quelle: Pocket Lint

As a mid-range phone we can hardly fault what the Pixel 4a offers. It's very capable and delivers a great camera experience. Some people might find it a little too small, but for those looking for a compact phone we can't really see why you'd need to look any further.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 03.08.2020
Quelle: Tech Advisor

Note that I've scored the Pixel 4a partly on rivals available in the UK. In the US, the phone has much less competition and is easily one of the best, arguably the best, mid-range smartphone you can buy.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 03.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Android Central

The Pixel 4a is the new budget camera quality leader — but it doesn't stop there. It has a larger screen than the 3a, but in a still-compact body, and is filled with solid specs and really good battery life. Its subdued design and lack of extra features may seem boring to some, but most will appreciate its simplicity when it comes to ease of use, software performance and consistent camera quality.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 03.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Tom's Guide

The Google Pixel 4a is an unbeatable phone for $350 and the best in its class if camera performance is your primary concern. While it can’t match the iPhone SE’s power, the Pixel 4a is the better handset overall.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 03.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Stuff TV

Google nails the software side of its no-frills phone and camera smarts give it an edge over costlier competitors, but the 4a's restrained hardware can't set pulses racing like the OnePlus Nord.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 03.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: T3

The Pixel 4a looks to have hit the sweet spot in terms of price and performance, offering a very capable phone and an excellent camera at a bargain price. There are some compromises along the way though, so be sure to weigh up the competition as well.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 03.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Engadget

Google proves it is the ruler of midrange phones with the Pixel 4a. It offers flagship-quality cameras, fast performance and good battery life for just $350. It also offers helpful Pixel-only tools like Live Caption for Calls, Call Screening, Recorder and Personal Safety features. Though it only comes in one color option and just a single rear camera, the Pixel 4a still manages to be the best phone for the price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 03.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 91%
Quelle: Techradar

The compact size, clean interface and great point-and-shoot camera of the Pixel 4a will appeal to those looking for an affordable, reasonably sized handset with enough grunt to handle the basics, plus the ability to capture some excellent pictures.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 03.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: CNet

Google on Monday revealed the Pixel 4A, which will sit alongside the Pixel 4A 5G and the Pixel 5. Though the latter two will be available at a later date, you can already preorder the Pixel 4A for $349, £349 and AU$599. Unlike in previous years, the phone only comes in one color (black) and one size (as in, there's no Pixel 4A XL). And for its price, the Pixel 4A has one of the best cameras you can get on a phone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 03.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 84%
Quelle: The Verge

With the Pixel 4A, Google has an advantage: it can use its software to make the camera competitive with any phone without spending much on more elaborate camera systems. That leaves money in the bill of materials for niceties like a good, largish OLED screen and stereo speakers.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 03.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: AnandTech

The Pixel 4a comes at $349 which is $50 less than the launch price of the Pixel 3a last year. What we’re getting this year are a more notably updated processor, more RAM, double the default storage which has been upgraded to UFS 2.1, and a new design including a new screen with longer aspect ratio. Whilst the camera department has seen the adoption of the new modules from the Pixel 4, these weren’t that big of a jump over the Pixel 3 and 3a – and Google still keeps things very simplistic with only a single rear camera.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 03.08.2020
Quelle: Geek Culture

The Pixel 4a comes with trade-offs, such as the aforementioned lack of a Telephoto lens and also not being waterproof. But regardless, it is still a great phone to consider getting if you are looking for a well-performing budget smartphone with a great camera.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 03.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 86% Preis: 98% Leistung: 80% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Trusted Reviews

If you’re after a small, affordable Android phone (£349/$349) with a nice screen, future proof software that’ll receive big updates for the next three years and a fantastically reliable camera then you’re not going to be disappointed with the Pixel 4a.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 03.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: MrMobile

I used to really like smartphones with complicated cameras labeled "professional grade," because with all their features, they urged me to rise to the occasion and become a photographer that was worthy of them. But ever since 2016, I've started to value the opposite: phone cameras so consistently reliable that I can just spray and pray, and more often than not it's going to innately understand the shot I wanted and produce it.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 03.08.2020
Quelle: Engadget

Google’s software prowess makes its camera shine, helps its battery last longer and delivers unique features like Live Caption and on-device Recorder transcription. Best of all, it makes the Pixel 4a feel like a flagship at less than half the price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 03.08.2020
Quelle: Pocketnow

On Pocketnow Daily, we have some deals on the Google Pixel 4 and more. It looks like Microsoft is looking to purchase the US arm of Tik Tok. Samsung is actually looking to buy at least some stakes of Arm for a very smart reason. Some new CAD renders of the Huawei Mate 40 have emerged and they’re… different. We have some hands on images of the new Moto RAZR and it looks better. Finally, the Google Pixel 4a is FINALLY official!
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 03.08.2020
Quelle: Pocket Lint

As a mid-range phone we can hardly fault what the Pixel 4a offers. It's very capable and delivers a great camera experience. Some people might find it a little too small, but for those looking for a compact phone we can't really see why you'd need to look any further.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 03.08.2020
Quelle: Tech Advisor

Note that I've scored the Pixel 4a partly on rivals available in the UK. In the US, the phone has much less competition and is easily one of the best, arguably the best, mid-range smartphone you can buy.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 03.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Android Central

The Pixel 4a is the new budget camera quality leader — but it doesn't stop there. It has a larger screen than the 3a, but in a still-compact body, and is filled with solid specs and really good battery life. Its subdued design and lack of extra features may seem boring to some, but most will appreciate its simplicity when it comes to ease of use, software performance and consistent camera quality.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 03.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Tom's Guide

The Google Pixel 4a is an unbeatable phone for $350 and the best in its class if camera performance is your primary concern. While it can’t match the iPhone SE’s power, the Pixel 4a is the better handset overall.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 03.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Stuff TV

Google nails the software side of its no-frills phone and camera smarts give it an edge over costlier competitors, but the 4a's restrained hardware can't set pulses racing like the OnePlus Nord.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 03.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: T3

The Pixel 4a looks to have hit the sweet spot in terms of price and performance, offering a very capable phone and an excellent camera at a bargain price. There are some compromises along the way though, so be sure to weigh up the competition as well.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 03.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Engadget

Google proves it is the ruler of midrange phones with the Pixel 4a. It offers flagship-quality cameras, fast performance and good battery life for just $350. It also offers helpful Pixel-only tools like Live Caption for Calls, Call Screening, Recorder and Personal Safety features. Though it only comes in one color option and just a single rear camera, the Pixel 4a still manages to be the best phone for the price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 03.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 91%
Quelle: Techradar

The compact size, clean interface and great point-and-shoot camera of the Pixel 4a will appeal to those looking for an affordable, reasonably sized handset with enough grunt to handle the basics, plus the ability to capture some excellent pictures.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 03.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: CNet

Google on Monday revealed the Pixel 4A, which will sit alongside the Pixel 4A 5G and the Pixel 5. Though the latter two will be available at a later date, you can already preorder the Pixel 4A for $349, £349 and AU$599. Unlike in previous years, the phone only comes in one color (black) and one size (as in, there's no Pixel 4A XL). And for its price, the Pixel 4A has one of the best cameras you can get on a phone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 03.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 84%
Quelle: The Verge

With the Pixel 4A, Google has an advantage: it can use its software to make the camera competitive with any phone without spending much on more elaborate camera systems. That leaves money in the bill of materials for niceties like a good, largish OLED screen and stereo speakers.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 03.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: AnandTech

The Pixel 4a comes at $349 which is $50 less than the launch price of the Pixel 3a last year. What we’re getting this year are a more notably updated processor, more RAM, double the default storage which has been upgraded to UFS 2.1, and a new design including a new screen with longer aspect ratio. Whilst the camera department has seen the adoption of the new modules from the Pixel 4, these weren’t that big of a jump over the Pixel 3 and 3a – and Google still keeps things very simplistic with only a single rear camera.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 03.08.2020
Quelle: Geek Culture

The Pixel 4a comes with trade-offs, such as the aforementioned lack of a Telephoto lens and also not being waterproof. But regardless, it is still a great phone to consider getting if you are looking for a well-performing budget smartphone with a great camera.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 03.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 86% Preis: 98% Leistung: 80% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Trusted Reviews

If you’re after a small, affordable Android phone (£349/$349) with a nice screen, future proof software that’ll receive big updates for the next three years and a fantastically reliable camera then you’re not going to be disappointed with the Pixel 4a.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 03.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: MrMobile

I used to really like smartphones with complicated cameras labeled "professional grade," because with all their features, they urged me to rise to the occasion and become a photographer that was worthy of them. But ever since 2016, I've started to value the opposite: phone cameras so consistently reliable that I can just spray and pray, and more often than not it's going to innately understand the shot I wanted and produce it.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 03.08.2020
Quelle: Pocketnow

On Pocketnow Daily, we have a bunch of deals for Apple products on both Amazon and B&H. Dell just updated their XPS line up with two new variants. GTA V Premium is currently free on the Epic Games store and it even crashed the store today. Ming Chi Kuo just gave us some new predictions on what to expect from Apple next year. It looks like the Galaxy Note 20 might be the RAM King once it comes out. Finally, the Google Pixel 4a might bring a crazy good price tag we weren’t expecting.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 14.05.2020
Quelle: Pocketnow

On Pocketnow Daily, we have a bunch of deals for Apple products on both Amazon and B&H. Dell just updated their XPS line up with two new variants. GTA V Premium is currently free on the Epic Games store and it even crashed the store today. Ming Chi Kuo just gave us some new predictions on what to expect from Apple next year. It looks like the Galaxy Note 20 might be the RAM King once it comes out. Finally, the Google Pixel 4a might bring a crazy good price tag we weren’t expecting.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 14.05.2020
Quelle: Pocketnow

On Pocketnow Daily, we have some new deals on the Razer Blade Stealth, iMacs and more. The US just extended Huawei’s ban to work with US companies for another year. LG is working on a new dual display phone concept for later this year. The brain behind Google’s computational photography just left the company. The regular Samsung Galaxy Note 20 might not bring the display we thought it would. Finally, the Google Pixel 4a just got a hands on video, benchmarks, and a battery test.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 13.05.2020
Quelle: Pocketnow

On Pocketnow Daily, we have some new deals on the Razer Blade Stealth, iMacs and more. The US just extended Huawei’s ban to work with US companies for another year. LG is working on a new dual display phone concept for later this year. The brain behind Google’s computational photography just left the company. The regular Samsung Galaxy Note 20 might not bring the display we thought it would. Finally, the Google Pixel 4a just got a hands on video, benchmarks, and a battery test.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 13.05.2020
Quelle: Xataka

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 19.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 84% Leistung: 83% Bildschirm: 85% Mobilität: 73% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Xataka

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 19.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 84% Leistung: 83% Bildschirm: 85% Mobilität: 73% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Computerhoy

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 16.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 85% Ausstattung: 90% Bildschirm: 90% Mobilität: 70% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Computerhoy

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 16.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 85% Ausstattung: 90% Bildschirm: 90% Mobilität: 70% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Andro 4 All

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 06.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 89%
Quelle: Andro 4 All

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 06.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 89%
Quelle: Game IT

Positive: Attractive price; elegant design; great built quality; excellent cameras.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 30.10.2020
Quelle: Game IT

Positive: Attractive price; elegant design; great built quality; excellent cameras.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 30.10.2020
Quelle: Zona Movilidad

Positive: Big screen; nice display; decent autonomy; excellent cameras.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 11.09.2020
Quelle: Zona Movilidad

Positive: Big screen; nice display; decent autonomy; excellent cameras.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 11.09.2020
Quelle: El Androide Libre

Positive: Attractive price; beautiful design; solid workmanship; nice cameras.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 03.08.2020
Quelle: El Androide Libre

Positive: Attractive price; beautiful design; solid workmanship; nice cameras.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 03.08.2020
Quelle: Gizmodo Brasil

Positive: Long battery life; excellent cameras; headphone jack; elegant design; great built quality; good price; nice performance. Negative: No microSD card slot; unsupported waterproof.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 04.08.2020
Quelle: Gizmodo Brasil

Positive: Long battery life; excellent cameras; headphone jack; elegant design; great built quality; good price; nice performance. Negative: No microSD card slot; unsupported waterproof.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 04.08.2020

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 04.02.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 04.02.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Notebook Italia

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 01.01.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 75% Preis: 70% Leistung: 75% Gehäuse: 75%
Quelle: Notebook Italia

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 01.01.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 75% Preis: 70% Leistung: 75% Gehäuse: 75%
Quelle: Andrea Galeazzi

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 03.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 86% Preis: 83% Bildschirm: 85% Mobilität: 70% Gehäuse: 80%

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 03.08.2020
Bewertung: Ausstattung: 72%
Quelle: Tutto Android

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 03.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 85% Leistung: 84% Mobilität: 78% Gehäuse: 90%

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 03.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 87% Preis: 75% Ausstattung: 80% Bildschirm: 85% Mobilität: 65% Gehäuse: 85% Ergonomie: 85%
Quelle: Andrea Galeazzi

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 03.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 86% Preis: 83% Bildschirm: 85% Mobilität: 70% Gehäuse: 80%

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 03.08.2020
Bewertung: Ausstattung: 72%
Quelle: Tutto Android

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 03.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 85% Leistung: 84% Mobilität: 78% Gehäuse: 90%

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 03.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 87% Preis: 75% Ausstattung: 80% Bildschirm: 85% Mobilität: 65% Gehäuse: 85% Ergonomie: 85%
Quelle: Smartphone Italia

Positive: Compact size; light weight; powerful hardware; long battery life; good price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 01.02.2021
Quelle: Smartphone Italia

Positive: Compact size; light weight; powerful hardware; long battery life; good price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 01.02.2021
Quelle: Smartphone Italia

Positive: Nice display; decent hardware; compact size; light weight. Negative: Plastic case.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 13.01.2021
Quelle: Smartphone Italia

Positive: Nice display; decent hardware; compact size; light weight. Negative: Plastic case.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 13.01.2021
Quelle: Batista70Phone

Positive: Low price; nice performance; decent cameras; great display; good speakers. Negative: Short battery life.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 05.10.2020
Quelle: Batista70Phone

Positive: Low price; nice performance; decent cameras; great display; good speakers. Negative: Short battery life.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 05.10.2020
Quelle: Les Mobiles

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 14.02.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Les Mobiles

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 14.02.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Fredzone

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 30.09.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 88% Bildschirm: 85% Gehäuse: 85% Ergonomie: 85%
Quelle: Fredzone

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 30.09.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 88% Bildschirm: 85% Gehäuse: 85% Ergonomie: 85%
Quelle: Frandroid

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 26.09.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90% Leistung: 70% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 70% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Frandroid

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 26.09.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90% Leistung: 70% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 70% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Nextpit France

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 25.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Nextpit France

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 25.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: 01Net

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 15.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 88% Leistung: 80% Mobilität: 80%
Quelle: 01Net

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 15.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 88% Leistung: 80% Mobilität: 80%
Quelle: Geeks and Com

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 14.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 78% Leistung: 60% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 85% Gehäuse: 85%
Quelle: Geeks and Com

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 14.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 78% Leistung: 60% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 85% Gehäuse: 85%
Quelle: Journal du Geek

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 03.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Phonandroid

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 03.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Journal du Geek

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 03.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Phonandroid

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 03.08.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Geekbecois

Positive: Attractive price; great built quality; stylish design; decent cameras; nice performance; headphone jack. Negative: Unsupported waterproof and dust avoiding; no wireless charging.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 27.09.2020
Quelle: Geekbecois

Positive: Attractive price; great built quality; stylish design; decent cameras; nice performance; headphone jack. Negative: Unsupported waterproof and dust avoiding; no wireless charging.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 27.09.2020
Quelle: CNet France

Positive: Excellent cameras; long battery life; headphone jack; good price. Negative: Unsupported waterproof; no wireless charging.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 07.08.2020
Quelle: CNet France

Positive: Excellent cameras; long battery life; headphone jack; good price. Negative: Unsupported waterproof; no wireless charging.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 07.08.2020
Quelle: Frandroid

Positive: Compact size; light weight; beautiful display; excellent cameras. Negative: Short battery life.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 03.08.2020
Quelle: Frandroid

Positive: Compact size; light weight; beautiful display; excellent cameras. Negative: Short battery life.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 03.08.2020
Quelle: Komputerswiat

Positive: Nice display; great cameras; good price. Negative: Unsupported waterproof.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 30.09.2020
Quelle: Komputerswiat

Positive: Nice display; great cameras; good price. Negative: Unsupported waterproof.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 30.09.2020

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 18.01.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 81% Leistung: 86% Ausstattung: 77% Mobilität: 79% Gehäuse: 74%

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 18.01.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 81% Leistung: 86% Ausstattung: 77% Mobilität: 79% Gehäuse: 74%
Quelle: Svet Androida

Positive: Compact size; light weight; great display; excellent cameras; good price. Negative: Unsupported waterproof and dust avoiding; short battery life; slow charging.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 14.10.2020
Quelle: Svet Androida

Positive: Compact size; light weight; great display; excellent cameras; good price. Negative: Unsupported waterproof and dust avoiding; short battery life; slow charging.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 14.10.2020
Quelle: Genk

Positive: Powerful processor; nice cameras; big screen; beautiful display; large battery capacity; attractive price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 30.09.2020
Quelle: Genk

Positive: Powerful processor; nice cameras; big screen; beautiful display; large battery capacity; attractive price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 30.09.2020
Quelle: Genk

Positive: Decent cameras; powerful processor; good price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 03.08.2020
Quelle: Genk

Positive: Decent cameras; powerful processor; good price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 03.08.2020
Google Pixel 4a 5G
Ausstattung / Datenblatt

Prozessor: Qualcomm Snapdragon SD 765G
Grafikkarte: Qualcomm Adreno 620
Bildschirm: 6.20 Zoll, 19.5:9, 2340 x 1080 Pixel
Gewicht: 0.168kg
Preis: 486 Euro
Links: Google Startseite
Das Google Pixel 4a 5G macht seinem Schwestermodell und aktuellem Pixel-Primus Pixel 5 das Leben schwer. Es verwendet das gleiche SoC und die gleiche starke Dual-Kamera, ist mit 6,2 Zoll aber deutlich größer und obendrein auch viel günstiger zu haben.

Mit dem Google Pixel 4a 5G hat der Suchmaschinen-Gigant ein relativ unspektakuläres Smartphone auf den Markt gebracht, das ohne besondere Höhen oder Tiefen unser Testverfahren durchläuft. Das Pixel 4a 5G hat ein gutes Display, ein schnelles und sauberes System, eine gute Kamera und einen starken Akku.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 06.12.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 82% Leistung: 70% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 90% Gehäuse: 80%

Mit dem Google Pixel 4a 5G hat der Suchmaschinen-Gigant ein relativ unspektakuläres Smartphone auf den Markt gebracht, das ohne besondere Höhen oder Tiefen unser Testverfahren durchläuft. Das Pixel 4a 5G hat ein gutes Display, ein schnelles und sauberes System, eine gute Kamera und einen starken Akku.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 06.12.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 82% Leistung: 70% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 90% Gehäuse: 80%

Der Name des Pixel 4a 5G macht zwar deutlich, dass es sich zwischen dem Pixel 4a und Pixel 5 ansiedelt, suggeriert aber eine Nähe zu ersterem Modell. Im Alltag zeigt es allerdings mehr Ähnlichkeiten mit dem Pixel 5 auf, weshalb es sich eher wie ein sechs Monate zu früh erschienenes Pixel 5a XL anfühlt.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 06.11.2020

Der Name des Pixel 4a 5G macht zwar deutlich, dass es sich zwischen dem Pixel 4a und Pixel 5 ansiedelt, suggeriert aber eine Nähe zu ersterem Modell. Im Alltag zeigt es allerdings mehr Ähnlichkeiten mit dem Pixel 5 auf, weshalb es sich eher wie ein sechs Monate zu früh erschienenes Pixel 5a XL anfühlt.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 06.11.2020
Quelle: Nextpit Germany

Würde Google sich mit dem Pixel 5 nicht selbst ein Bein stellen, hätte ich Euch nun eine klare Kaufempfehlung für das Pixel 4a 5G ausgesprochen. Doch das ist kein Fehler des Pixel 4a 5G, das nicht nur als Smartphone, sondern als Gesamtkonzept überzeugt.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 26.10.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Nextpit Germany

Würde Google sich mit dem Pixel 5 nicht selbst ein Bein stellen, hätte ich Euch nun eine klare Kaufempfehlung für das Pixel 4a 5G ausgesprochen. Doch das ist kein Fehler des Pixel 4a 5G, das nicht nur als Smartphone, sondern als Gesamtkonzept überzeugt.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 26.10.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Computerbild

Das Pixel 4a 5G hängt ein wenig zwischen den Stühlen. Aber vielleicht ist das gar nicht schlecht. Der Preis von unter 500 Euro ist für ein 5G-Smartphone mit OLED-Display und Top-Kamera sehr günstig, doch ein Preisbrecher wie das Pixel 4a (ab 349 Euro) ist es nicht. Immerhin: Für circa 140 Euro Aufpreis gibt es nicht nur eine zweite Kameralinse, sondern auch 5G-Mobilfunk. Das Pixel 5 ist mit 613 Euro zwar kaum teurer, bietet außer einem edlen Alu-Gehäuse, 90-Hz-Display, kabellosem Laden und IP-Zertifizierung zum Wasserschutz kaum Vorteile. Wer ein Pixel mit Oberklasse-Technik will – inklusive Extras wie Radar, schneller Gesichtserkennung und starker CPU –, muss indes zum Vorjahresmodell Pixel 4 XL greifen.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 22.10.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Computerbild

Das Pixel 4a 5G hängt ein wenig zwischen den Stühlen. Aber vielleicht ist das gar nicht schlecht. Der Preis von unter 500 Euro ist für ein 5G-Smartphone mit OLED-Display und Top-Kamera sehr günstig, doch ein Preisbrecher wie das Pixel 4a (ab 349 Euro) ist es nicht. Immerhin: Für circa 140 Euro Aufpreis gibt es nicht nur eine zweite Kameralinse, sondern auch 5G-Mobilfunk. Das Pixel 5 ist mit 613 Euro zwar kaum teurer, bietet außer einem edlen Alu-Gehäuse, 90-Hz-Display, kabellosem Laden und IP-Zertifizierung zum Wasserschutz kaum Vorteile. Wer ein Pixel mit Oberklasse-Technik will – inklusive Extras wie Radar, schneller Gesichtserkennung und starker CPU –, muss indes zum Vorjahresmodell Pixel 4 XL greifen.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 22.10.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Ausländische Testberichte
Quelle: Tom's Guide

In fact, after conducting this Google Pixel 4a 5G review, I can't help but feel that it's not the likes of the LG Velvet or Galaxy A71 5G or any one of a number of mid-range handsets that this phone is competing against. Rather, the Pixel 4a 5G's biggest competitor appears to be the Pixel 5. On that front, the Pixel 4a 5G holds up very well. It doesn't have the 90Hz refresh rate that the Pixel 5 offers nor the IP68 water resistance. But at $200 less, you're getting an excellent camera, 5G connectivity and no real trade-off in terms of overall performance. Google now offers two 5G-ready devices between the Pixel 5 and Pixel 4a 5G. And it's clear to me that the Pixel 4a 5G is the better buy.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 13.09.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Tom's Guide

In fact, after conducting this Google Pixel 4a 5G review, I can't help but feel that it's not the likes of the LG Velvet or Galaxy A71 5G or any one of a number of mid-range handsets that this phone is competing against. Rather, the Pixel 4a 5G's biggest competitor appears to be the Pixel 5. On that front, the Pixel 4a 5G holds up very well. It doesn't have the 90Hz refresh rate that the Pixel 5 offers nor the IP68 water resistance. But at $200 less, you're getting an excellent camera, 5G connectivity and no real trade-off in terms of overall performance. Google now offers two 5G-ready devices between the Pixel 5 and Pixel 4a 5G. And it's clear to me that the Pixel 4a 5G is the better buy.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 13.09.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Ricks Tech

Support, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 02.07.2021
Quelle: Ricks Tech

Support, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 02.07.2021
Quelle: Tom's Guide

The Google Pixel 4a 5G hits the market at a time when other similarly priced 5G phones have become the rule rather than the exception. And while other 5G phones certainly deliver better battery life and a little more processing oomph than the Pixel 4a 5G, Google's phone provides something those phones can't offer — a camera that produces pictures to rival what more expensive flagship phones are capable of.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 08.06.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Tom's Guide

The Google Pixel 4a 5G hits the market at a time when other similarly priced 5G phones have become the rule rather than the exception. And while other 5G phones certainly deliver better battery life and a little more processing oomph than the Pixel 4a 5G, Google's phone provides something those phones can't offer — a camera that produces pictures to rival what more expensive flagship phones are capable of.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 08.06.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Tom's Guide

The Pixel 4a 5G may not be as good a value as the Pixel 4a, but it has many of the features of the Pixel 5 for hundreds less. That makes it a better option if you want a 5G phone from Google.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 06.05.2021
Quelle: Tom's Guide

The Pixel 4a 5G may not be as good a value as the Pixel 4a, but it has many of the features of the Pixel 5 for hundreds less. That makes it a better option if you want a 5G phone from Google.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 06.05.2021
Quelle: Tom's Guide

The Google Pixel 4a 5G hits the market at a time when other similarly priced 5G phones have become the rule rather than the exception. And while other 5G phones certainly deliver better battery life and a little more processing oomph than the Pixel 4a 5G, Google's phone provides something those phones can't offer — a camera that produces pictures to rival what more expensive flagship phones are capable of.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 07.04.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Tom's Guide

The Google Pixel 4a 5G hits the market at a time when other similarly priced 5G phones have become the rule rather than the exception. And while other 5G phones certainly deliver better battery life and a little more processing oomph than the Pixel 4a 5G, Google's phone provides something those phones can't offer — a camera that produces pictures to rival what more expensive flagship phones are capable of.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 07.04.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Tom's Guide

In fact, after conducting this Pixel 4a 5G review, I can't help but feel that it's not the likes of the LG Velvet or Galaxy A71 5G or any one of a number of mid-range handsets that this phone is competing against. Rather, the Pixel 4a 5G's biggest competitor appears to be the Pixel 5.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 03.03.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Tom's Guide

In fact, after conducting this Pixel 4a 5G review, I can't help but feel that it's not the likes of the LG Velvet or Galaxy A71 5G or any one of a number of mid-range handsets that this phone is competing against. Rather, the Pixel 4a 5G's biggest competitor appears to be the Pixel 5.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 03.03.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Android Guys

I regularly find myself recommending the Pixel line to friend and family members. The Pixel 4a (5G) is no different. As we enter 2021 we’re finally at a point where it makes sense to consider 5G or to at least have a phone that takes advantage of it.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 08.02.2021
Quelle: Android Guys

I regularly find myself recommending the Pixel line to friend and family members. The Pixel 4a (5G) is no different. As we enter 2021 we’re finally at a point where it makes sense to consider 5G or to at least have a phone that takes advantage of it.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 08.02.2021
Quelle: Laptop Mag

The Pixel 4a 5G is a stellar option for those who don’t want to spend more than $500 on a smartphone and want to know that it won’t be abandoned and unsupported in a year or two. Factoring in the value proposition there is no question that this is not only one of the best budget phones on the market, but one of the best phones period.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 06.02.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Laptop Mag

The Pixel 4a 5G is a stellar option for those who don’t want to spend more than $500 on a smartphone and want to know that it won’t be abandoned and unsupported in a year or two. Factoring in the value proposition there is no question that this is not only one of the best budget phones on the market, but one of the best phones period.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 06.02.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Tom's Guide

The Pixel 4a 5G may not be as good a value as the Pixel 4a, but it has many of the features of the Pixel 5 for hundreds less. That makes it a better option if you want a 5G phone from Google.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 03.02.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Tom's Guide

The Pixel 4a 5G may not be as good a value as the Pixel 4a, but it has many of the features of the Pixel 5 for hundreds less. That makes it a better option if you want a 5G phone from Google.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 03.02.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Tom's Guide

The Pixel 4a 5G may not be as good a value as the Pixel 4a, but it has many of the features of the Pixel 5 for hundreds less. That makes it a better option if you want a 5G phone from Google.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 07.01.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Tom's Guide

The Pixel 4a 5G may not be as good a value as the Pixel 4a, but it has many of the features of the Pixel 5 for hundreds less. That makes it a better option if you want a 5G phone from Google.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 07.01.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Tom's Guide

The Pixel 4a 5G may not be as good a value as the Pixel 4a, but it has many of the features of the Pixel 5 for hundreds less. That makes it a better option if you want a 5G phone from Google.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 16.12.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Tom's Guide

The Pixel 4a 5G may not be as good a value as the Pixel 4a, but it has many of the features of the Pixel 5 for hundreds less. That makes it a better option if you want a 5G phone from Google.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 16.12.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: 9to5google

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 30.11.2020
Quelle: 9to5google

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 30.11.2020
Quelle: Pocketnow

The Pixel 4a 5G might be the middle child of the 2020 Pixel devices, but it brings a lot of what makes the Pixel 5 a Google flagship with the value of the original Pixel 4a. JV gives his take on the Pixel 4a 5G if you needed a little more phone than the smaller sibling provides.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 22.11.2020
Quelle: Pocketnow

The Pixel 4a 5G might be the middle child of the 2020 Pixel devices, but it brings a lot of what makes the Pixel 5 a Google flagship with the value of the original Pixel 4a. JV gives his take on the Pixel 4a 5G if you needed a little more phone than the smaller sibling provides.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 22.11.2020
Quelle: 9to5google

Hands-On, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 20.11.2020
Quelle: 9to5google

Hands-On, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 20.11.2020
Quelle: Pocket Lint

This phone makes the most sense in Google's 2020 Pixel series line-up. It's cheaper than the Pixel 5, has a larger display, and the same great camera, making it a win in our books.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 19.11.2020
Quelle: CNet

But the price bump is worth it, especially if 5G is available in your area or you're preparing for its arrival. The Pixel 4A 5G's solid battery life, fantastic dual rear cameras, reliable performance and robust software support from Google also make it a worthy choice among other 5G phones, like the Motorola One 5G, which will receive only one major OS update. Because of these features and its competitive price, it's one of our favorite phones of the year, and it has earned CNET's Editor's Choice.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 19.11.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 87%
Quelle: Android Central

The Pixel 4a 5G continues Google's legacy of outstanding camera performance and timely software updates while offering the largest screen in its 2020 lineup and introducing 5G support. It's priced a bit awkwardly between Google's best and cheapest phones, but it's still an excellent option.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 19.11.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Tom's Guide

The Pixel 4a 5G may not be as good a value as the Pixel 4a, but it has many of the features of the Pixel 5 for hundreds less. That makes it a better option if you want a 5G phone from Google.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 19.11.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Pocket Lint

This phone makes the most sense in Google's 2020 Pixel series line-up. It's cheaper than the Pixel 5, has a larger display, and the same great camera, making it a win in our books.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 19.11.2020
Quelle: CNet

But the price bump is worth it, especially if 5G is available in your area or you're preparing for its arrival. The Pixel 4A 5G's solid battery life, fantastic dual rear cameras, reliable performance and robust software support from Google also make it a worthy choice among other 5G phones, like the Motorola One 5G, which will receive only one major OS update. Because of these features and its competitive price, it's one of our favorite phones of the year, and it has earned CNET's Editor's Choice.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 19.11.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 87%
Quelle: Android Central

The Pixel 4a 5G continues Google's legacy of outstanding camera performance and timely software updates while offering the largest screen in its 2020 lineup and introducing 5G support. It's priced a bit awkwardly between Google's best and cheapest phones, but it's still an excellent option.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 19.11.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Tom's Guide

The Pixel 4a 5G may not be as good a value as the Pixel 4a, but it has many of the features of the Pixel 5 for hundreds less. That makes it a better option if you want a 5G phone from Google.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 19.11.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Trusted Reviews

The 4a 5G is a mash-up of both the 4a and Pixel 5 and in many ways that makes it the hardest to recommend. It lacks some of the more ‘flagship’ features of the higher-end model and is missing the downright affordable price tag of the 4a.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 12.11.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Trusted Reviews

The 4a 5G is a mash-up of both the 4a and Pixel 5 and in many ways that makes it the hardest to recommend. It lacks some of the more ‘flagship’ features of the higher-end model and is missing the downright affordable price tag of the 4a.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 12.11.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Tom's Guide

The Pixel 4a 5G may not be as good a value as the Pixel 4a, but it has many of the features of the Pixel 5 for hundreds less. That makes it a better option if you want a 5G phone from Google.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 10.11.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Tom's Guide

The Pixel 4a 5G may not be as good a value as the Pixel 4a, but it has many of the features of the Pixel 5 for hundreds less. That makes it a better option if you want a 5G phone from Google.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 10.11.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

The Pixel 4a 5G has a lot to offer than the regular 4a, especially for those looking for an XL Google phone. However, it has serious competition from cheaper rivals.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 05.11.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

The Pixel 4a 5G has a lot to offer than the regular 4a, especially for those looking for an XL Google phone. However, it has serious competition from cheaper rivals.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 05.11.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: PC World

The Pixel 4a 5G is a good phone perched in an awkward place in Google’s 2020 smartphone lineup. There are equally compelling arguments to upgrade or downgrade to either of its siblings—unless you definitely want a Pixel with 5G.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 02.11.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: CNet

Back in August, Google unveiled the Pixel 4A, an affordable $349 (£349, AU$599) phone with an excellent camera. Fast-forward a month later and the company launched its main flagship, the Pixel 5, and a 5G version of the Pixel 4A, aptly called the Pixel 4A 5G. This phone not only connects to the next-gen mobile network; it also has a second, ultrawide camera, a bigger display and battery and a slightly more powerful processor. Naturally, the extra hardware goodies mean the phone costs more, at $499 (£499, AU$799).
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 02.11.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 87%
Quelle: Good Gear Guide

If you want a 5G phone, the Pixel 4a 5G is a viable option. It has a very good processor, a great camera, a decent screen, and a nice design. If you want a Google phone, it gives you a bigger screen than the Pixel 5 and a better processor than the 4a.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 02.11.2020
Quelle: PC World

The Pixel 4a 5G is a good phone perched in an awkward place in Google’s 2020 smartphone lineup. There are equally compelling arguments to upgrade or downgrade to either of its siblings—unless you definitely want a Pixel with 5G.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 02.11.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: PC World

The Pixel 4a 5G is a good phone perched in an awkward place in Google’s 2020 smartphone lineup. There are equally compelling arguments to upgrade or downgrade to either of its siblings—unless you definitely want a Pixel with 5G.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 02.11.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: CNet

Back in August, Google unveiled the Pixel 4A, an affordable $349 (£349, AU$599) phone with an excellent camera. Fast-forward a month later and the company launched its main flagship, the Pixel 5, and a 5G version of the Pixel 4A, aptly called the Pixel 4A 5G. This phone not only connects to the next-gen mobile network; it also has a second, ultrawide camera, a bigger display and battery and a slightly more powerful processor. Naturally, the extra hardware goodies mean the phone costs more, at $499 (£499, AU$799).
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 02.11.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 87%
Quelle: Good Gear Guide

If you want a 5G phone, the Pixel 4a 5G is a viable option. It has a very good processor, a great camera, a decent screen, and a nice design. If you want a Google phone, it gives you a bigger screen than the Pixel 5 and a better processor than the 4a.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 02.11.2020
Quelle: PC World

The Pixel 4a 5G is a good phone perched in an awkward place in Google’s 2020 smartphone lineup. There are equally compelling arguments to upgrade or downgrade to either of its siblings—unless you definitely want a Pixel with 5G.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 02.11.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Mobile Syrup

On the flip side, if you’re tired of forking over hundreds of dollars for high-end flagship phones and you’re looking to get a new device without spending a ton of money, I don’t think you can get much better bang for your buck than the Pixel 4a 5G.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 29.10.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 85%
Quelle: Mobile Syrup

On the flip side, if you’re tired of forking over hundreds of dollars for high-end flagship phones and you’re looking to get a new device without spending a ton of money, I don’t think you can get much better bang for your buck than the Pixel 4a 5G.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 29.10.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 85%
Quelle: T3

Combining the camera and the speed of the Pixel 5 with the affordability and materials of the Pixel 4a, the Pixel 4a 5G might just be the best value Pixel to be released this year – though make sure you understand all of its pros and cons before spending your money.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 27.10.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
Quelle: T3

Combining the camera and the speed of the Pixel 5 with the affordability and materials of the Pixel 4a, the Pixel 4a 5G might just be the best value Pixel to be released this year – though make sure you understand all of its pros and cons before spending your money.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 27.10.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
Quelle: Phandroid

There’s no denying that the Pixel 5 is an oddball in 2020. It’s not a flagship smartphone and its $700 price tag reflects that, but there are quite a few other devices in the $700 range that offer better specs and arguably a more enjoyable experience. At the end of the day, the Pixel 5 is the smartphone for those who simply want that Pixel camera experience and don’t want to compromise on flagsip=tier features like wireless charging and an IP rating.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 25.10.2020
Quelle: Phandroid

There’s no denying that the Pixel 5 is an oddball in 2020. It’s not a flagship smartphone and its $700 price tag reflects that, but there are quite a few other devices in the $700 range that offer better specs and arguably a more enjoyable experience. At the end of the day, the Pixel 5 is the smartphone for those who simply want that Pixel camera experience and don’t want to compromise on flagsip=tier features like wireless charging and an IP rating.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 25.10.2020
Quelle: Tech Advisor

The Pixel 4a 5G has a lot to offer than the regular 4a, especially for those looking for an XL Google phone. However, it has serious competition from cheaper rivals.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 22.10.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Tech Advisor

The Pixel 4a 5G has a lot to offer than the regular 4a, especially for those looking for an XL Google phone. However, it has serious competition from cheaper rivals.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 22.10.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Droid Life

If I leave you with one theme to take away from this review, it should be that this is an excellent phone, but it’s missing a few creature comforts, such as the higher refresh rate and official IP rating. At the $499 range, you can find other devices that offer these things and it’ll be interesting to see what all is offered inside of the OnePlus Nord for the US market. As it sits, though, the Pixel 4a 5G is sweet and I can see it pleasing plenty of potential buyers, no doubt. It has a great camera, will receive plenty of updates, and the straightforward hardware/software combo is something I can really get behind and support.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 21.10.2020
Quelle: Droid Life

If I leave you with one theme to take away from this review, it should be that this is an excellent phone, but it’s missing a few creature comforts, such as the higher refresh rate and official IP rating. At the $499 range, you can find other devices that offer these things and it’ll be interesting to see what all is offered inside of the OnePlus Nord for the US market. As it sits, though, the Pixel 4a 5G is sweet and I can see it pleasing plenty of potential buyers, no doubt. It has a great camera, will receive plenty of updates, and the straightforward hardware/software combo is something I can really get behind and support.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 21.10.2020
Quelle: Pocket Lint

This phone makes the most sense in Google's 2020 Pixel series line-up. It's cheaper than the Pixel 5, has a larger display, and the same great camera, making it a win in our books.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 20.10.2020
Quelle: Pocket Lint

This phone makes the most sense in Google's 2020 Pixel series line-up. It's cheaper than the Pixel 5, has a larger display, and the same great camera, making it a win in our books.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 20.10.2020
Quelle: Android Central

The Pixel 4a 5G continues Google's legacy of outstanding camera performance and timely software updates while offering the largest screen in its 2020 lineup and introducing 5G support. It's priced a bit awkwardly between Google's best and cheapest phones, but it's still an excellent option.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 19.10.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Tech PP

It is the most affordable Pixel to have ever been released in the Indian market. And it comes with two of the most famous features of the range - stock Android and a stunning camera. But will those be enough for the Pixel 4a to succeed in the highly competitive mid-segment of the Indian smartphone market?
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 19.10.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 78% Preis: 70% Leistung: 70% Gehäuse: 70%
Quelle: Android Central

The Pixel 4a 5G continues Google's legacy of outstanding camera performance and timely software updates while offering the largest screen in its 2020 lineup and introducing 5G support. It's priced a bit awkwardly between Google's best and cheapest phones, but it's still an excellent option.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 19.10.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Tech PP

It is the most affordable Pixel to have ever been released in the Indian market. And it comes with two of the most famous features of the range - stock Android and a stunning camera. But will those be enough for the Pixel 4a to succeed in the highly competitive mid-segment of the Indian smartphone market?
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 19.10.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 78% Preis: 70% Leistung: 70% Gehäuse: 70%
Quelle: CNet

Back in August, Google unveiled the Pixel 4A, an affordable $349 (£349, AU$599) phone with an excellent camera. Fast-forward to today and the company has launched its main flagship, the Pixel 5, and a 5G version of the Pixel 4A, aptly called the Pixel 4A 5G. This phone not only connects to the next-gen mobile network; it also has a second, ultrawide camera, a bigger display and battery and a slightly more powerful processor. Naturally, the extra hardware goodies mean the phone costs more, at $499 (£499, AU$799).
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 17.10.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 87%
Quelle: CNet

Back in August, Google unveiled the Pixel 4A, an affordable $349 (£349, AU$599) phone with an excellent camera. Fast-forward to today and the company has launched its main flagship, the Pixel 5, and a 5G version of the Pixel 4A, aptly called the Pixel 4A 5G. This phone not only connects to the next-gen mobile network; it also has a second, ultrawide camera, a bigger display and battery and a slightly more powerful processor. Naturally, the extra hardware goodies mean the phone costs more, at $499 (£499, AU$799).
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 17.10.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 87%
Quelle: Slashgear

There’s a thing magicians do called misdirection, where they catch your eye with one thing while something more important happens elsewhere. Whether modern smartphones count as magic is probably a little too philosophical for here, but I certainly got the misdirection feeling from the Pixel 4a 5G. The headline feature, its 5G connectivity, is right there in the name, but I’m not sure anybody should buy one simply for its potential for higher-speed data.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 16.10.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Slashgear

There’s a thing magicians do called misdirection, where they catch your eye with one thing while something more important happens elsewhere. Whether modern smartphones count as magic is probably a little too philosophical for here, but I certainly got the misdirection feeling from the Pixel 4a 5G. The headline feature, its 5G connectivity, is right there in the name, but I’m not sure anybody should buy one simply for its potential for higher-speed data.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 16.10.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Ausdroid

Would I recommend the $799 Pixel 4a 5G to someone, 100% yes I would. It’s a well put together device, that offers everything an Android Phone needs, and packages in excellent cameras, finally a wide-angle lens, and Google’s guaranteed software updates. To get all of this sub $800 is outstanding.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 15.10.2020
Quelle: Ausdroid

Would I recommend the $799 Pixel 4a 5G to someone, 100% yes I would. It’s a well put together device, that offers everything an Android Phone needs, and packages in excellent cameras, finally a wide-angle lens, and Google’s guaranteed software updates. To get all of this sub $800 is outstanding.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 15.10.2020
Quelle: Mobile Syrup

Although this year’s Pixel lineup may seem confusing at first, I think Google’s new phones offer several practical benefits, if not many reasons to justify an upgrade. By that, I mean the Pixel 4a 5G strikes me as not doing anything particularly new or exciting. The phone lacks arguably ‘staple’ high-end features like wireless charging, a telephoto lens, a high refresh rate screen and face unlock. And yet, despite not offering these things, the 4a 5G remains a remarkably good phone at a very excellent price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 14.10.2020
Quelle: Pocket Lint

Our early impressions are that this phone makes the most sense in Google's 2020 Pixel line-up. It's cheaper than the Pixel 5, has a larger display, and the same great camera, making it a win in our books.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 14.10.2020
Quelle: Trusted Reviews

The 4a 5G is mash-up of both the 4a and Pixel 5 and that could make it hardest to recommend. It lacks some of the more ‘flagship’ features of the higher-end model and the downright affordable price of the 4a. Still, for £499 you’re getting 5G ready handset with an excellent dual camera.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 14.10.2020
Quelle: PC Mag

The Google Pixel 4a 5G offers solid performance, excellent cameras, and 5G at a relatively affordable price. But it sits in a strange spot between the standard Pixel 4a and the Pixel 5. It delivers 5G support and better camera quality than the Pixel 4a for $150 more, which seems like a good value for shutterbugs, especially if you live in an area with 5G coverage. But for $100 to $200 more, the Pixel 5 feels like a stronger choice in the long run. With better battery life, wireless charging, much stronger durability, and Verizon mmWave by default, it might cost more than the Pixel 4a 5G, but it's a better buy. For the same price, we also recommend the Samsung Galaxy S20 FE 5G, our Editors' Choice, for superior performance all around, including a higher refresh rate screen and a much faster processor.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 14.10.2020
Quelle: Techradar

With the same cameras, chipset and connectivity, and a similar design, the Pixel 4a 5G is very similar to Google’s Pixel 5, but its lower price should give it broad appeal. As an overall package it’s a fine mid-range 5G phone, and the Android experience here is clean and smooth as we’d expect; however, none of its specs are particularly compelling, and it’s too pricey to compete in the ‘affordable 5G phone’ category.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 14.10.2020
Quelle: Android Authority

The Pixel 4a 5G takes the best of the Pixel 5 and combines it with the value package of the Pixel 4a. It's the perfect balance between premium and budget in Google's 2020 portfolio and one of the best mid-rangers ever made.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 14.10.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90% Preis: 90% Leistung: 80% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 70% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Phone Arena

This summer’s Pixel 4a is an excellent value, but its 5G-enabled big brother offers a significant upgrade for not too much more cash. It’s got a larger display, snappier performance, and a more versatile camera, and it’s still bargain-priced at $499. For most people eyeing a Google phone, the Pixel 4a (5G) is the one to get.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 14.10.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Tom's Guide

There's a lot of the Pixel 4a 5G that you'll fall in love with quickly. But we'll need to spend more time to decide if it's a good enough deal to beat the Pixel 4a or Pixel 5 overall.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 14.10.2020
Quelle: Hot Hardware

For 500 bucks, the Pixel 4a 5G is a good value in the 5G-enabled smartphone market, but its overall performance in the benchmarks puts it behind some previous-gen flagships that are now available for similar price points. Real-world performance, however, is good and the user experience is top-notch, especially if you're a fan of pure Android. You will likely have to give up 5G capabilities and may end up with a camera and battery life that's not quite as good if you look to some previous flagships in this price range, but devices like the OnePlus 7T are available for barely over $400 now and the more powerful Samsung Galaxy S10 is only slightly pricier. That said, we believe anyone looking for quality device that ticks all of the right boxes at an affordable price, will dig the Pixel 4a 5G and we can recommend it without hesitation.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 14.10.2020
Quelle: The Verge

The Pixel 4A 5G is not an exciting phone. It doesn’t have the eye-poppingly low price of the standard Pixel 4A and it also lacks many of the features on more expensive phones. The list of things it lacks includes water resistance, wireless charging, a high refresh rate screen, and a top-tier processor. Many will look at that list and think none of those things are important. But all of them are nice, and it may be that at least one thing will be a deal-breaker.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 14.10.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 75%
Quelle: Engadget

The Pixel 4A fixed a lot of the problems with the Pixel 4, mostly that it was too expensive and it's battery life was lousy. The Pixel 4A 5G bumps up the screen size and adds 5G support and a wide-angle camera, but it also increases the price enough that the 4A 5G ends up hard to recommend. The full Pixel 5 is just a few hundred dollars more, and the OnePlus Nord and Galaxy S20 FE offer an arguably more premium experience. Pick the 4A 5G up on the inevitable holiday sales, or if you just really really need a headphone jack,
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 14.10.2020
Quelle: Mobile Syrup

Although this year’s Pixel lineup may seem confusing at first, I think Google’s new phones offer several practical benefits, if not many reasons to justify an upgrade. By that, I mean the Pixel 4a 5G strikes me as not doing anything particularly new or exciting. The phone lacks arguably ‘staple’ high-end features like wireless charging, a telephoto lens, a high refresh rate screen and face unlock. And yet, despite not offering these things, the 4a 5G remains a remarkably good phone at a very excellent price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 14.10.2020
Quelle: Pocket Lint

Our early impressions are that this phone makes the most sense in Google's 2020 Pixel line-up. It's cheaper than the Pixel 5, has a larger display, and the same great camera, making it a win in our books.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 14.10.2020
Quelle: Trusted Reviews

The 4a 5G is mash-up of both the 4a and Pixel 5 and that could make it hardest to recommend. It lacks some of the more ‘flagship’ features of the higher-end model and the downright affordable price of the 4a. Still, for £499 you’re getting 5G ready handset with an excellent dual camera.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 14.10.2020
Quelle: PC Mag

The Google Pixel 4a 5G offers solid performance, excellent cameras, and 5G at a relatively affordable price. But it sits in a strange spot between the standard Pixel 4a and the Pixel 5. It delivers 5G support and better camera quality than the Pixel 4a for $150 more, which seems like a good value for shutterbugs, especially if you live in an area with 5G coverage. But for $100 to $200 more, the Pixel 5 feels like a stronger choice in the long run. With better battery life, wireless charging, much stronger durability, and Verizon mmWave by default, it might cost more than the Pixel 4a 5G, but it's a better buy. For the same price, we also recommend the Samsung Galaxy S20 FE 5G, our Editors' Choice, for superior performance all around, including a higher refresh rate screen and a much faster processor.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 14.10.2020
Quelle: Techradar

With the same cameras, chipset and connectivity, and a similar design, the Pixel 4a 5G is very similar to Google’s Pixel 5, but its lower price should give it broad appeal. As an overall package it’s a fine mid-range 5G phone, and the Android experience here is clean and smooth as we’d expect; however, none of its specs are particularly compelling, and it’s too pricey to compete in the ‘affordable 5G phone’ category.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 14.10.2020
Quelle: Android Authority

The Pixel 4a 5G takes the best of the Pixel 5 and combines it with the value package of the Pixel 4a. It's the perfect balance between premium and budget in Google's 2020 portfolio and one of the best mid-rangers ever made.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 14.10.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90% Preis: 90% Leistung: 80% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 70% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Phone Arena

This summer’s Pixel 4a is an excellent value, but its 5G-enabled big brother offers a significant upgrade for not too much more cash. It’s got a larger display, snappier performance, and a more versatile camera, and it’s still bargain-priced at $499. For most people eyeing a Google phone, the Pixel 4a (5G) is the one to get.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 14.10.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Tom's Guide

There's a lot of the Pixel 4a 5G that you'll fall in love with quickly. But we'll need to spend more time to decide if it's a good enough deal to beat the Pixel 4a or Pixel 5 overall.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 14.10.2020
Quelle: Hot Hardware

For 500 bucks, the Pixel 4a 5G is a good value in the 5G-enabled smartphone market, but its overall performance in the benchmarks puts it behind some previous-gen flagships that are now available for similar price points. Real-world performance, however, is good and the user experience is top-notch, especially if you're a fan of pure Android. You will likely have to give up 5G capabilities and may end up with a camera and battery life that's not quite as good if you look to some previous flagships in this price range, but devices like the OnePlus 7T are available for barely over $400 now and the more powerful Samsung Galaxy S10 is only slightly pricier. That said, we believe anyone looking for quality device that ticks all of the right boxes at an affordable price, will dig the Pixel 4a 5G and we can recommend it without hesitation.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 14.10.2020
Quelle: The Verge

The Pixel 4A 5G is not an exciting phone. It doesn’t have the eye-poppingly low price of the standard Pixel 4A and it also lacks many of the features on more expensive phones. The list of things it lacks includes water resistance, wireless charging, a high refresh rate screen, and a top-tier processor. Many will look at that list and think none of those things are important. But all of them are nice, and it may be that at least one thing will be a deal-breaker.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 14.10.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 75%
Quelle: Engadget

The Pixel 4A fixed a lot of the problems with the Pixel 4, mostly that it was too expensive and it's battery life was lousy. The Pixel 4A 5G bumps up the screen size and adds 5G support and a wide-angle camera, but it also increases the price enough that the 4A 5G ends up hard to recommend. The full Pixel 5 is just a few hundred dollars more, and the OnePlus Nord and Galaxy S20 FE offer an arguably more premium experience. Pick the 4A 5G up on the inevitable holiday sales, or if you just really really need a headphone jack,
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 14.10.2020
Quelle: Know Your Mobile

The Pixel 4a is a watershed moment for Google’s phone business, so mark this day in your diary because it is the day that Google’s Pixel phones finally found its feet. The Pixel 3a was good; it was cheap and it got the job done. But the Pixel 4a is a different beast entirely. It’s still cheap, sure, but it doesn’t look, feel, or perform like a “cheaper phone” – that’s a big deal.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 12.10.2020
Quelle: Know Your Mobile

The Pixel 4a is a watershed moment for Google’s phone business, so mark this day in your diary because it is the day that Google’s Pixel phones finally found its feet. The Pixel 3a was good; it was cheap and it got the job done. But the Pixel 4a is a different beast entirely. It’s still cheap, sure, but it doesn’t look, feel, or perform like a “cheaper phone” – that’s a big deal.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 12.10.2020
Quelle: CNet

Though the Pixel 4A 5G costs $150 more than the 4G-only version of the device from early August, Google amped up the specs to justify the cost bump. That includes a bigger screen, a second camera lens on the back, a bigger battery and, of course, 5G. At the time the 4A launched, CNET's Lynn La said "for its price, the Pixel 4A has one of the best cameras you can get on a phone."
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 05.10.2020
Quelle: CNet

Though the Pixel 4A 5G costs $150 more than the 4G-only version of the device from early August, Google amped up the specs to justify the cost bump. That includes a bigger screen, a second camera lens on the back, a bigger battery and, of course, 5G. At the time the 4A launched, CNET's Lynn La said "for its price, the Pixel 4A has one of the best cameras you can get on a phone."
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 05.10.2020
Quelle: Computer Totaal

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 13.01.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Computer Totaal

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 13.01.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: 01Net

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 18.12.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 88% Leistung: 70% Mobilität: 90%
Quelle: 01Net

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 18.12.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 88% Leistung: 70% Mobilität: 90%
Quelle: CNet France

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 11.12.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: CNet France

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 11.12.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Geekbecois

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 10.11.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 89% Leistung: 80% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Geekbecois

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 10.11.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 89% Leistung: 80% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Fredzone

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 08.11.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 87% Bildschirm: 90% Mobilität: 85% Gehäuse: 80% Ergonomie: 80%
Quelle: Fredzone

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 08.11.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 87% Bildschirm: 90% Mobilität: 85% Gehäuse: 80% Ergonomie: 80%
Quelle: Nextpit France

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 26.10.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Nextpit France

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 26.10.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Phonandroid

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 23.10.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Phonandroid

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 23.10.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Journal du Geek

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 16.10.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Journal du Geek

Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 16.10.2020
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Google wurde 1995 in den USA gegründet und wurde im Kerngeschäft weltweit wichtigste Suchmaschine. Google bietet eine Vielzahl von Hardware-Produkten an, darunter Smartphones, Lautsprecher, Kameras und Smart-Displays. Seit 2012 werden von Google auch Tablets und Smartphones vertrieben.
Einige nicht anspruchsvolle aktuelle Spiele können mit geringen Details noch flüssig gespielt werden. Für Office und Video natürlich ausreichende Leistungsreserven.
Qualcomm Adreno 640: Grafikchip für Smartphones und Tablets, integriert im Qualcomm Snapdragon 855 SoC. Laut Qualcomm um 20% schneller als die alte Adreno 630 im Snapdragon 845 und bietet 50% mehr ALUs (Recheneinheiten).
Qualcomm Adreno 620: Grafikchip für Smartphones und Tablets, integriert im Qualcomm Snapdragon 765/765G SoC. Etwas schnellere Version der Adreno 618 (+20% laut Qualcomm für den 765G). Im 765G nochmals 10% schneller als im Snapdragon 765 (durch höhere Taktraten).
Diese Karten können nur sehr alte und sehr anspruchslose 3D Spiele flüssig darstellen. Anwendungen wie Office, Internet surfen, Bildbearbeitung oder (SD) Videoschnitt sind jedoch ohne große Einschränkungen möglich.
Qualcomm Adreno 618: Grafikchip für Smartphones und Tablets, integriert im Qualcomm Snapdragon 730 SoC. Etwas schnellere Version der Adreno 616.
» Weitere Informationen gibt es in unserem Notebook-Grafikkartenvergleich und der Benchmarkliste.
Qualcomm Snapdragon:
SD 855: High-End SoC (System on a Chip) für Smartphones welcher Ende 2018 vorgestellt wurde. Integriert unter anderen einen schnellen "Prime Core" mit bis zu 2,84 GHz und drei weitere schnelle Cortex-A76 basierende Performance-Kerne. Zum Stromsparen wurden außerdem 4 weitere ARM Cortex-A55 Kerne verbaut. Das integrierte X24 LTE Modem unterstützt 2 Gigabit Cat. 20 und weiters kann der Chip mit dem externen X50 5G Modem kombiniert werden.
SD 730G: Mittelklasse SoC mit 8 Kryo 470 Kernen (2x ARM Cortex A76 2,2 GHz und 6x ARM Cortex-A55 1,8 GHz) und einem X15 LTE Modem (bis zu 800 Mbps Download). Bietet eine schneller getaktete Grafikkarte im Vergleich zum normalen Snapdragon 730.
SD 765G: Mittelklasse SoC mit 8 Kryo 475 Kernen (1x ARM Cortex A76 2,4 GHz Prime Core, 1x ARM Cortex A76 2,2 GHz Gold Core und 6x ARM Cortex-A55 1,8 GHz) und einem X52 5G Modem (bis zu 3,7 / 1,6 Mbps Down- und Upload, mmWave und Sub-6 Support). Im Vergleich zur Non-G Version ist der Prime-Core um 100 MHz höher getaktet und auch die GPU bietet einen nicht definierten höheren Takt (+20% mehr Leistung). Der Snapdragon 765 und 765G werden bei Samsung im modernen 7nm EUV Prozess gefertigt.
» Weitere Infos gibt es in unserem Prozessorvergleich Vergleich mobiler Prozessoren und der Prozessoren Benchmarkliste .
» Prüfen Sie in unserer DPI Liste, welche Displays wie fein aufgelöst sind.
0.143 kg:
Most smartphones and only a few tablets fall into this weight category. Only a few smartphones are heavier and should rather be considered tablets.
0.193 kg:
81.82%: Diese Bewertung ist leicht überdurchschnittlich, es gibt etwas mehr Geräte mit schlechteren Beurteilungen. Klare Kaufempfehlungen sehen aber anders aus.
» Lesen Sie auch unsere Notebook-Kaufberatung.