Mate 20, Mate 20 Pro sowie Mate 20 X aus Ende 2018 beziehungsweise Huawei P30 und P30 Pro aus Anfang 2019 waren wahre Kassenschlager und die letzten Huawei-Flaggschiffe, die noch vor dem Start der US-Sanktionen mit Google Services und Apps ausgeliefert wurden. Entsprechend dürften sie auch jetzt noch sehr weit verbreitet sein, auch ich hänge aktuell noch an meinem P30 Pro und freue mich natürlich über jedes Update das ein wenig frisches Leben ins Kamera-Flaggschiff haucht.
Persönlich wurde mir EMUI 11 noch nicht angeboten, doch es gibt bereits einige glückliche Nutzer der erwähnten globalen Huawei-Phones, die dieser Tage eine Update-Warnung für das 1,81 Gigabyte große Update mit der Versionsnummer erhalten haben. Laut Huawei Central hat der globale Rollout jedenfalls bereits begonnen und ist damit sogar eine Spur früher gestartet als zuletzt von Huawei im Update-Plan verkündet wurde.
EMUI 11 bringt - aufgrund der Sanktionen - kein Android 11, aber doch einige Neuigkeiten, die unten im Changelog (in Englisch) im Detail beschrieben werden. Unter Anderem wird das Always-On-Display aufgefrischt, es gibt neue Themes und Animationen sowie einen Multi-Windows-Modus und Verbesserungen für diverse Apps wie die Photo-Gallerie. Wie immer verteilt Huawei das Update in Phasen, es kann also noch dauern, bis jeder das Update auch tatsächlich erhalten hat.
EMUI 11 Changelog
This update introduces EMUI 11, providing a rich array of possibilities for you to stay connected in all scenarios. This new system version carries forward Huawei’s All SCenario design concept and provides a richer and more integrated cross-device experience. Based on the idea of “Technology for people”, EMUI 11 brings a more artistic interface design, friendlier interactions, and a more innovative and convenient cross-device connection experience for people to perform better at work and in life.
- Smart Always On Display (AOD): Refines the user experience and introduces brand-new visual elements for the AOD, allowing you to customize and showcase your personal style by adding text and images that will appear when your screen is off.
- Artistic Theme: Adds the Starry Night theme, featuring vivid color painting. (You can apply this theme in the Themes app.)
- Multiwindow mode: Multi-Window allows you to open apps in a floating window for multitasking. You can relocate the floating window to the desired location or minimize it to a floating bubble for easier access later.
- Smoother animation: The brand new, intuitive animations throughout EMUI 11 create a smoother, more unified, and visually pleasing user experience when touching items or sliding on the screen. Long take animations will be displayed when you are switching between albums in Gallery or between year and month views in Calendar, for smoother visual effects.
- Subtle effect: Whether you’re toggling switches on or off, subtle effects have been enhanced throughout the OS for greater visual satisfaction.
- Super Notepad: Notepad now supports editing notes simultaneously from multiple Huawei devices. For example, you can insert a photo from your phone to the note being edited on your tablet.
- Lasting smoothness: A new standard for system animations has been introduced, improving app launch speed and the smoothness of general operations.
- Rhythmic ringtones: System vibration has been upgraded, and incoming calls and alarms now have their own custom vibration patterns. The combination of stereo sounds and coordinated vibrations brings you a more immersive experience.
- Multi-screen Collaboration: This is a special feature that enables your devices to work together to achieve their full potential. You can mirror your phone to your laptop’s screen to improve your productivity with up to three windows readily available. (This feature requires a Huawei laptop installed with version 11.0 or later of PC manager.)
- Gallery: On the discover tab in Gallery, you can create video stories by applying preset templates with special effects and background music. The video editing features are optimized providing you with more instructions on how to use the timeline and edit options.
- Undisturbed screen protection: When you project your phone in Do Not Disturb mode onto your Huawei laptop, messages and incoming calls are displayed only on your phone screen, both protecting your privacy and ensuring the continuity of screen projection.
- NotePad Privacy: This allows you to lock notes in NotePad.
- Photo sharing privacy: This allows you to remove the shooting location, time, and device information from photos before sharing them.