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Xiaomi Pad Serie

Xiaomi Pad 5 Pro 12.4Prozessor: Qualcomm Snapdragon SD 860, Qualcomm Snapdragon SD 870
Grafikkarte: Qualcomm Adreno 640, Qualcomm Adreno 650
Bildschirm: 11.00 Zoll, 12.40 Zoll
Gewicht: 0.511kg, 0.515kg, 0.62kg
Preis: 399, 400 Euro
Bewertung: 84.32% - Gut
Durchschnitt von 89 Bewertungen (aus 213 Tests)
Preis: 88%, Leistung: 84%, Ausstattung: 69%, Bildschirm: 85%, Mobilität: 87%, Gehäuse: 84%, Ergonomie: 81%, Emissionen: 96%


Xiaomi Pad 5

Das neueste Xiaomi Pad 5 ist ein fantastisches Allrounder-Android-Tablet mit einem gut aussehenden Bildschirm, viel Rechenleistung und gut optimierter Software. Was das Design angeht, kann man das Xiaomi Pad 5 mit dem iPad Air 4 von Apple vergleichen, einem Gerät, das dünn ist, einen schmalen Rahmen hat und ein minimalistisches Design aufweist. Das Gerät ist nur 6,9 mm dick, hat Abmessungen von 254,7 x 166,3 mm und wiegt 511 g. Mit einem solchen Gewicht ist es sicherlich nicht das leichteste Tablet auf dem Markt. An den Rändern des Tablets befinden sich eine Einschalttaste an der oberen Kante und eine Lautstärkewippe an der rechten Kante. Außerdem befindet sich oberhalb des Bildschirms eine Frontkamera, wenn das Gerät im Hochformat gehalten wird. Es ist erwähnenswert, dass einige Tablets die nach vorne gerichtete Kamera an der langen Kante haben, was für Videogespräche besser ist.
Was die Konnektivität angeht, so gibt es einen USB-C-Anschluss am Tablet, aber keinen 3,5-mm-Kopfhöreranschluss. Das könnte für einige eine Enttäuschung sein. Die Rückseite des Tablets ist aus Kunststoff gefertigt und fühlt sich robust an. Das Tablet ist in den Farben Grau, Weiß und Grün erhältlich. Das Display ist eine der wichtigsten Eigenschaften des Xiaomi Pad 5, das mit einem 11-Zoll-Bildschirm mit einer Auflösung von 1600 x 2560 Pixeln ausgestattet ist. Darüber hinaus verfügt das Gerät über eine Bildwiederholfrequenz von 120 Hz und kann über eine Milliarde Farben darstellen. Insgesamt sieht das Display großartig aus, mit kräftigen Farben und gutem Kontrast bei hoher Auflösung, was sicherlich beim Streaming von verschiedenen Diensten oder beim Spielen von Spielen hilft. Auf der anderen Seite bedeutet das Seitenverhältnis von 1,6:1, dass das Gerät für die Arbeit geeignet ist, da der Bildschirm in zwei verschiedene Dokumente aufgeteilt werden kann, wobei sichergestellt wird, dass beide eine ungefähr A4-förmige Scheibe des Displays erhalten.
Was die Leistung angeht, so ist das Xiaomi Pad 5 mit dem Snapdragon 860 Chipsatz ausgestattet, der zwar nicht ganz so leistungsfähig ist wie der M1 in der iPad Pro (2021) Reihe oder der Snapdragon 865 Plus in der Samsung Galaxy Tab S7 Serie, aber dennoch viel Rechenleistung bietet und viele andere Tablets aussticht. Zu diesem Chipsatz gesellen sich 6 GB RAM und entweder 128 GB oder 256 GB Speicherplatz. Die 256-GB-Version ist ideal für Studenten oder Geschäftsleute, da sie das einfache Herunterladen von Spielen, Filmen oder Songs ermöglicht und trotzdem noch Platz für alle Arbeiten und Dateien bietet. Was den Akku betrifft, so verfügt dieses Tablet über einen 8.720mAh-Akku, was für ein Gerät dieser Größe eher durchschnittlich klingt, aber die tatsächliche Ausdauer dieses Tablets ist definitiv beachtlich. Es ist erwähnenswert, dass Xiaomi 5 Tage Musikwiedergabe, 16 Stunden Videowiedergabe oder 10 Stunden Spielzeit auf dem Tablet angibt, was ziemlich beeindruckend ist.

Ausstattung / Datenblatt

Xiaomi Pad 5Notebook: Xiaomi Pad 5
Prozessor: Qualcomm Snapdragon SD 860
Grafikkarte: Qualcomm Adreno 640
Bildschirm: 11.00 Zoll, 16:10, 2560 x 1600 Pixel
Gewicht: 0.511kg
Preis: 399 Euro


Bewertung: 84.4% - Gut

Durchschnitt von 86 Bewertungen (aus 200 Tests)



87.6% Test Xiaomi Pad 5 Tablet - Android-Alternative zum günstigsten iPad | Notebookcheck
Viel Leistung, 120-Hz-Display und ein schickes Design im Stile des Apple iPad Air: Das 11 Zoll große Xiaomi Pad 5 bietet das alles für 400 Euro und ist damit eine interessante Alternative zum Apple iPad 2021, das in diesem Preisbereich zu den besten Tablets zählt. Ob das Pad 5 tatsächlich an den Apple-Rivalen herankommt, finden wir im Test heraus.
82% Konkurrenz für Samsung - auch bei den Tablets
Quelle: Netzwelt Deutsch
Wer ein Tablet für jede Lebenslage zum kleinen Preis sucht, der kommt an dem Xiaomi Pad 5 aktuell nicht vorbei.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 18.05.2022
Bewertung: Gesamt: 82% Leistung: 90% Ausstattung: 70% Bildschirm: 80%
82% Konkurrenz für Samsung - auch bei den Tablets
Quelle: Netzwelt Deutsch
Wer ein Tablet für jede Lebenslage zum kleinen Preis sucht, der kommt an dem Xiaomi Pad 5 aktuell nicht vorbei.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 18.05.2022
Bewertung: Gesamt: 82% Leistung: 90% Ausstattung: 70% Bildschirm: 80%
90% Samsung-Killer kostet nur 350 Euro
Quelle: Tech Stage Deutsch
Das Xiaomi Pad 5 bietet aktuell das vielleicht beste Preisleistungsverhältnis aller Android-Tablets. Die Leistung liegt nahezu auf Oberklasse-Niveau, bei einem Preis von knapp über 350 Euro.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 15.02.2022
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
90% Samsung-Killer kostet nur 350 Euro
Quelle: Tech Stage Deutsch
Das Xiaomi Pad 5 bietet aktuell das vielleicht beste Preisleistungsverhältnis aller Android-Tablets. Die Leistung liegt nahezu auf Oberklasse-Niveau, bei einem Preis von knapp über 350 Euro.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 15.02.2022
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Eines der besten Tablets mit Android seiner Klasse
Quelle: Computerbase Deutsch version
Mit dem Pad 5 schnürt Xiaomi ein sehr interessantes Paket zu einem äußerst attraktiven Preis. Für rund 400 Euro erhalten interessierte Käufer ein gut ausgestattetes Tablet, das in der Preisklasse kaum Wünsche offenlässt.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 17.11.2021
Eines der besten Tablets mit Android seiner Klasse
Quelle: Computerbase Deutsch version
Mit dem Pad 5 schnürt Xiaomi ein sehr interessantes Paket zu einem äußerst attraktiven Preis. Für rund 400 Euro erhalten interessierte Käufer ein gut ausgestattetes Tablet, das in der Preisklasse kaum Wünsche offenlässt.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 17.11.2021
Konkurrenz für Apple und Samsung?
Quelle: WinFuture Deutsch version
Mit dem Xiaomi Pad 5 ist nun das erste Tablet des chinesischen Herstellers offiziell in Deutschland erhältlich und bietet unter anderem ein 120-Hertz-Display, eine schnelle CPU und es lässt sich zudem mit einem aktiven Stylus bedienen.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 25.10.2021
Konkurrenz für Apple und Samsung?
Quelle: WinFuture Deutsch version
Mit dem Xiaomi Pad 5 ist nun das erste Tablet des chinesischen Herstellers offiziell in Deutschland erhältlich und bietet unter anderem ein 120-Hertz-Display, eine schnelle CPU und es lässt sich zudem mit einem aktiven Stylus bedienen.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 25.10.2021
90% Xiaomi Pad 5 Ein Flaggschiff-Killer?
Quelle: Tablet Blog Deutsch version
Also, solltet ihr das Xiaomi Pad 5 kaufen? Ja, ich denke es ist ein hervorragendes Tablet. Nicht perfekt, aber das Preis/Leistungsverhältnis ist richtig gut.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 21.10.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
90% Xiaomi Pad 5 Ein Flaggschiff-Killer?
Quelle: Tablet Blog Deutsch version
Also, solltet ihr das Xiaomi Pad 5 kaufen? Ja, ich denke es ist ein hervorragendes Tablet. Nicht perfekt, aber das Preis/Leistungsverhältnis ist richtig gut.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 21.10.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Xiaomi Pad 5 Erste Eindrücke zum iPad-Killer
Quelle: WinFuture Deutsch version
Xiaomi hat mit dem Xiaomi Pad 5 ein neues Android-basiertes Tablet nach Deutschland gebracht, das interessante Features mit einem fairen Preis verbinden soll.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 29.09.2021
Xiaomi Pad 5 Erste Eindrücke zum iPad-Killer
Quelle: WinFuture Deutsch version
Xiaomi hat mit dem Xiaomi Pad 5 ein neues Android-basiertes Tablet nach Deutschland gebracht, das interessante Features mit einem fairen Preis verbinden soll.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 29.09.2021
Xiaomi Pad 5
Quelle: Hartware Deutsch version
Das Xiaomi Pad 5 macht fast alles richtig. Es fühlt sich gut an, hat ein großes Display mit tollen Farben und einer Helligkeit, die auch auf der Terrasse ausreichend ist.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 27.09.2021
Xiaomi Pad 5
Quelle: Hartware Deutsch version
Das Xiaomi Pad 5 macht fast alles richtig. Es fühlt sich gut an, hat ein großes Display mit tollen Farben und einer Helligkeit, die auch auf der Terrasse ausreichend ist.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 27.09.2021
82% Muss Samsung nun auch bei den Tablets bangen?
Quelle: Netzwelt Deutsch version
Wer ein Tablet für jede Lebenslage zum kleinen Preis sucht, der kommt an dem Xiaomi Pad 5 aktuell nicht vorbei.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 22.09.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 82% Leistung: 90% Ausstattung: 70% Bildschirm: 80%
82% Muss Samsung nun auch bei den Tablets bangen?
Quelle: Netzwelt Deutsch version
Wer ein Tablet für jede Lebenslage zum kleinen Preis sucht, der kommt an dem Xiaomi Pad 5 aktuell nicht vorbei.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 22.09.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 82% Leistung: 90% Ausstattung: 70% Bildschirm: 80%

Ausländische Testberichte

Xiaomi Mi Pad 5 Display Replacement
Quelle: Ricks Tech Englisch
Support, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 13.07.2023
Xiaomi Mi Pad 5 Display Replacement
Quelle: Ricks Tech Englisch
Support, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 13.07.2023
82% Xiaomi Pad 5 Review: Heavy On Features, Light On Pocket
Quelle: Think Digit Englisch EN→DE
Xiaomi is back in the tablet space and how! It sets a benchmark with its Xiaomi Pad 5 which goes heavy with features on offer but is light on the pocket. Its closest competitor is the Apple iPad (9th gen) which undoubtedly offers a better tablet experience, especially with its support of apps and games but, with the Pad 5 you’re getting an immersive display with 120Hz refresh rate, better audio experience, great battery life and 256GB storage for Rs 28,999 (iPad 2021 is Rs 44,900). Add in the cost of the Smart Pen (Rs 5,999) and you’re at around Rs 35,000 and while we don’t know the price of the Keyboard, it’s unlikely to go beyond the 44k mark. The first-generation Apple Pencil costs Rs 8,500 and the Smart Keyboard costs another Rs 13,900, totalling Rs 67,300. Did the math for you! The Xiaomi Pad 5 is a solid showing from the company but it does have its fair share of drawbacks. The MIUI for Pad needs more optimizations be it in system or with apps but the cohesiveness of iPad OS is missing right now. The Pad 5 misses out on cellular connectivity, GPS, biometric fingerprint reader and a 3.5mm headphone jack.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 27.06.2022
Bewertung: Gesamt: 82% Preis: 90% Leistung: 79% Gehäuse: 80%
82% Xiaomi Pad 5 Review: Heavy On Features, Light On Pocket
Quelle: Think Digit Englisch EN→DE
Xiaomi is back in the tablet space and how! It sets a benchmark with its Xiaomi Pad 5 which goes heavy with features on offer but is light on the pocket. Its closest competitor is the Apple iPad (9th gen) which undoubtedly offers a better tablet experience, especially with its support of apps and games but, with the Pad 5 you’re getting an immersive display with 120Hz refresh rate, better audio experience, great battery life and 256GB storage for Rs 28,999 (iPad 2021 is Rs 44,900). Add in the cost of the Smart Pen (Rs 5,999) and you’re at around Rs 35,000 and while we don’t know the price of the Keyboard, it’s unlikely to go beyond the 44k mark. The first-generation Apple Pencil costs Rs 8,500 and the Smart Keyboard costs another Rs 13,900, totalling Rs 67,300. Did the math for you! The Xiaomi Pad 5 is a solid showing from the company but it does have its fair share of drawbacks. The MIUI for Pad needs more optimizations be it in system or with apps but the cohesiveness of iPad OS is missing right now. The Pad 5 misses out on cellular connectivity, GPS, biometric fingerprint reader and a 3.5mm headphone jack.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 27.06.2022
Bewertung: Gesamt: 82% Preis: 90% Leistung: 79% Gehäuse: 80%
Xiaomi Pad 5 review: Competitive in price-performance ratio, but imperfect
Quelle: Business Standard Englisch EN→DE
The tablet market is still dominated by Apple, so much so that Samsung is also finding it difficult to breach iPad’s domain. While companies like Realme found space in the lower segment, the mid-tier segment has been tough to break into. Apple’s entry-level iPad dominates the market, with Samsung playing catch up. Xiaomi, from that perspective, may have found the right space with its new device. The Pad 5 can give a good competition to iPad in the space, but it lacks the productivity features to take it all the way.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 23.06.2022
Xiaomi Pad 5 review: Competitive in price-performance ratio, but imperfect
Quelle: Business Standard Englisch EN→DE
The tablet market is still dominated by Apple, so much so that Samsung is also finding it difficult to breach iPad’s domain. While companies like Realme found space in the lower segment, the mid-tier segment has been tough to break into. Apple’s entry-level iPad dominates the market, with Samsung playing catch up. Xiaomi, from that perspective, may have found the right space with its new device. The Pad 5 can give a good competition to iPad in the space, but it lacks the productivity features to take it all the way.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 23.06.2022
90% Xiaomi Pad 5 Review: The Android Tablet Experience Done Right
Quelle: NDTV Gadgets Englisch EN→DE
While the original Xiaomi Mi Pad (Review) was a solid budget tablet that offered excellent value and performance back in 2015, Xiaomi's new Pad 5 is a proper mid-ranger that was built with productivity in mind, which is not commonly found at this price point. More importantly, Xiaomi has also optimised the software experience really well, which makes it a lot more useful once you use it with some of the accessories. The tablet offers a quality display for watching videos and the 120Hz refresh rate is useful while playing games. The Smart Pen is also quite handy and on the whole, the Pad 5 definitely works well as a productivity device. However, there are a few things missing such as a 3.5mm headphone jack and cellular connectivity, but I would not consider these to be deal-breakers at this price, even after using the tablet for several weeks. Since there's no direct competitor, the Pad 5 competes with more expensive devices such as the Lenovo Tab P11 Pro (Review) priced at Rs. 44,990, and the Samsung Galaxy Tab S7 FE (Review) which is priced at Rs. 39,999 onwards for the base Wi-Fi only model.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 16.06.2022
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90% Preis: 90% Leistung: 90% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 90% Gehäuse: 80%
90% Xiaomi Pad 5 Review: The Android Tablet Experience Done Right
Quelle: NDTV Gadgets Englisch EN→DE
While the original Xiaomi Mi Pad (Review) was a solid budget tablet that offered excellent value and performance back in 2015, Xiaomi's new Pad 5 is a proper mid-ranger that was built with productivity in mind, which is not commonly found at this price point. More importantly, Xiaomi has also optimised the software experience really well, which makes it a lot more useful once you use it with some of the accessories. The tablet offers a quality display for watching videos and the 120Hz refresh rate is useful while playing games. The Smart Pen is also quite handy and on the whole, the Pad 5 definitely works well as a productivity device. However, there are a few things missing such as a 3.5mm headphone jack and cellular connectivity, but I would not consider these to be deal-breakers at this price, even after using the tablet for several weeks. Since there's no direct competitor, the Pad 5 competes with more expensive devices such as the Lenovo Tab P11 Pro (Review) priced at Rs. 44,990, and the Samsung Galaxy Tab S7 FE (Review) which is priced at Rs. 39,999 onwards for the base Wi-Fi only model.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 16.06.2022
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90% Preis: 90% Leistung: 90% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 90% Gehäuse: 80%
82% Xiaomi Pad 5 Review: Taking on the iPad
Quelle: Tech PP Englisch EN→DE
At Rs 26,999 for the 6 GB/ 128 GB variant and Rs 28,999 for 6 GB/ 256 GB, the Xiaomi Pad 5 is way ahead of the Android tablet crowd at its price point. The Samsung Galaxy S6 Lite with its bundled S Pen might tempt some at Rs 27,990, but it loses out on display quality, processor power (it runs on an Exynos 9611), and battery life. However, the big question is whether it is good enough to beat the Apple iPad, which starts at Rs 30,900 for a 64 GB Wi-Fi-only version? The answer to that in performance terms really depends on how you plan to use your tablet. If you are using it mainly for a lot of multimedia, the Xiaomi Pad 5 is a no-brainer. Bring apps into play, however, and Android’s issues with tablets trip up the Xiaomi tablet. Then there’s the matter of software and history. Apple’s iPad has been around for years, and even versions five years old are getting updated to the latest version of iPad OS. Xiaomi will have to prove that it can do the same for the Xiaomi Pad 5, starting by getting it to Android 12 as soon as possible. The iPad might finally have a worthy Android challenger.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 30.05.2022
Bewertung: Gesamt: 82% Preis: 90% Leistung: 80% Gehäuse: 80%
80% Xiaomi Pad 5 review: A not-so-basic iPad alternative
Quelle: Expert Reviews Englisch EN→DE
It’s not often I finish writing an Android tablet review where I’ve had plenty of nice things to say about it. Tablets running Google’s mobile OS that are actually worth recommending are few and far between, but the Xiaomi Pad 5 has hit its brief and then some. It’s just a shame that the tablet experience on Android still isn’t quite up to scratch. Because otherwise, the Xiaomi Pad 5 nails every aspect – from design to performance to display quality, the Xiaomi Pad 5 is an absolute stunner, and still worth recommending if you’re fully ingrained in the Android ecosystem and don’t want to take a detour down the Apple road.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 30.05.2022
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
82% Xiaomi Pad 5 Review: Taking on the iPad
Quelle: Tech PP Englisch EN→DE
At Rs 26,999 for the 6 GB/ 128 GB variant and Rs 28,999 for 6 GB/ 256 GB, the Xiaomi Pad 5 is way ahead of the Android tablet crowd at its price point. The Samsung Galaxy S6 Lite with its bundled S Pen might tempt some at Rs 27,990, but it loses out on display quality, processor power (it runs on an Exynos 9611), and battery life. However, the big question is whether it is good enough to beat the Apple iPad, which starts at Rs 30,900 for a 64 GB Wi-Fi-only version? The answer to that in performance terms really depends on how you plan to use your tablet. If you are using it mainly for a lot of multimedia, the Xiaomi Pad 5 is a no-brainer. Bring apps into play, however, and Android’s issues with tablets trip up the Xiaomi tablet. Then there’s the matter of software and history. Apple’s iPad has been around for years, and even versions five years old are getting updated to the latest version of iPad OS. Xiaomi will have to prove that it can do the same for the Xiaomi Pad 5, starting by getting it to Android 12 as soon as possible. The iPad might finally have a worthy Android challenger.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 30.05.2022
Bewertung: Gesamt: 82% Preis: 90% Leistung: 80% Gehäuse: 80%
80% Xiaomi Pad 5 review: A not-so-basic iPad alternative
Quelle: Expert Reviews Englisch EN→DE
It’s not often I finish writing an Android tablet review where I’ve had plenty of nice things to say about it. Tablets running Google’s mobile OS that are actually worth recommending are few and far between, but the Xiaomi Pad 5 has hit its brief and then some. It’s just a shame that the tablet experience on Android still isn’t quite up to scratch. Because otherwise, the Xiaomi Pad 5 nails every aspect – from design to performance to display quality, the Xiaomi Pad 5 is an absolute stunner, and still worth recommending if you’re fully ingrained in the Android ecosystem and don’t want to take a detour down the Apple road.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 30.05.2022
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
85% Xiaomi Pad 5 review: A good Android tablet that offers top value
Quelle: India Today Englisch EN→DE
The iPads are still the best tablets out there. It's a fact. Not everyone can afford them. That's an even more important fact. There is a general need for capable Android tablets. We have been saying this for years now. And, it's good to see Xiaomi stepping up and trying to fill the void with the Xiaomi Pad 5. It is a fabulous package that gives great value for your money. The Xiaomi Pad 5 is affordable, has a great display and offers decent performance to anyone who is in the market for an additional screen to consume media or enhance productivity. Don't mistake it for an iPad killer though.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 09.05.2022
Bewertung: Gesamt: 85%
85% Xiaomi Pad 5 review: A good Android tablet that offers top value
Quelle: India Today Englisch EN→DE
The iPads are still the best tablets out there. It's a fact. Not everyone can afford them. That's an even more important fact. There is a general need for capable Android tablets. We have been saying this for years now. And, it's good to see Xiaomi stepping up and trying to fill the void with the Xiaomi Pad 5. It is a fabulous package that gives great value for your money. The Xiaomi Pad 5 is affordable, has a great display and offers decent performance to anyone who is in the market for an additional screen to consume media or enhance productivity. Don't mistake it for an iPad killer though.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 09.05.2022
Bewertung: Gesamt: 85%
Xiaomi Pad 5 (Tablet) Review
Quelle: Mobygyaan Englisch EN→DE
After a long time, Xiaomi has released an Android tablet this big, with a size of 10.95-inch, it competes with the 11-inch tablet models offered by its competitors, tablets such as the Apple iPad Air and Samsung Galaxy Tab S7. The Xiaomi Pad 5 has disrupted both the rivals with its highly affordable price. The price for the Xiaomi Pad 5 starts at ₹26,999 for 128 GB storage and ₹28,999 for 256 GB storage but is currently under special offer at ₹24,999 (128 GB) and ₹26,999 (256 GB) which you can cut down even further with flat ₹2,000 off bank offers. What we liked about this tablet is the large 10.95-inch 2.5k+ resolution display, its 120 Hz smooth refresh rate, and 10-bit depth (1B colors), making it one of the best displays in the tablet segment. Aside from the display, we also liked the quad speakers which deliver great audio quality and provide an overall impressive multimedia experience. On top of it, you have the stylus support, the Xiaomi Smart Pen can be used for various activities such as note making, designing, drawing illustrations, and even navigating through the interface.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 04.05.2022
Xiaomi Pad 5 (Tablet) Review
Quelle: Mobygyaan Englisch EN→DE
After a long time, Xiaomi has released an Android tablet this big, with a size of 10.95-inch, it competes with the 11-inch tablet models offered by its competitors, tablets such as the Apple iPad Air and Samsung Galaxy Tab S7. The Xiaomi Pad 5 has disrupted both the rivals with its highly affordable price. The price for the Xiaomi Pad 5 starts at ₹26,999 for 128 GB storage and ₹28,999 for 256 GB storage but is currently under special offer at ₹24,999 (128 GB) and ₹26,999 (256 GB) which you can cut down even further with flat ₹2,000 off bank offers. What we liked about this tablet is the large 10.95-inch 2.5k+ resolution display, its 120 Hz smooth refresh rate, and 10-bit depth (1B colors), making it one of the best displays in the tablet segment. Aside from the display, we also liked the quad speakers which deliver great audio quality and provide an overall impressive multimedia experience. On top of it, you have the stylus support, the Xiaomi Smart Pen can be used for various activities such as note making, designing, drawing illustrations, and even navigating through the interface.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 04.05.2022
80% Xiaomi Pad 5 Review: Winning combo of iPad polish, Android versatility
Quelle: The Times of India Englisch EN→DE
The Xiaomi Pad 5 is the much-needed refreshment needed in the affordable tablet space. In a world where every other brand simply makes a tablet for the sake of getting a share of the emerging demand in this segment, Xiaomi comes along with one that cares for the tablet experience. Yes, it is an iPad clone in a mega way but it does it tastefully. MIUI for Pad is easily the most refined tablet experience we have seen in a long time, and I sincerely hope that it continues to make it better than ever. The hardware in itself is great — the display is beautiful and so are the speakers for the price. It is built very well too. That said, the Xiaomi Pad is limited in the way it is made. With an iPad, you have the ecosystem benefits, and some well-designed apps. The same goes for the Samsung Galaxy tab models, wherein having a Samsung phone enhances the experience.There’s none of that convenience on the Xiaomi Pad 5 — there are no associated benefits if you use a Xiaomi phone. Additionally, Android itself is not well designed for tablet apps and it shows, despite Xiaomi trying its best to bridge the gap.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 03.05.2022
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
80% Xiaomi Pad 5 review: Another Android challenger to the iPad
Quelle: The Indian Express Englisch EN→DE
If you are looking for an Android tablet that offers a good display, and performance, while fulfilling daily entertainment and basic productivity needs, the Xiaomi Pad 5 does deliver well. Xiaomi has now confirmed prices for the Smart Pen or the Smart Keyboard. The Smart Pen is starting at Rs 4,999 (against the MRP of Rs 7,999) while the keyboard at Rs 1,499 (against MRP of Rs 2,999). The keyboard cover is a steal at this price. The Xiaomi Pad 5 is an ideal tablet to get for online schooling and entertainment purposes as well provided you are willing to spend above Rs 20,000, but don’t want to cross the Rs 30,000 limit. I’m seriously considering getting this for my niece since she has a rather terrible one at the moment. The Xiaomi Pad 5’s introductory price also makes it enticing. You are getting 128GB storage at Rs 24,999. Remember more storage is always great on a tablet. But it does have software flaws that need fixing, especially if someone plans to get the Smart Pen and Keyboard along with it. The Notes app, the second Gmail account issue, in particular, both need an urgent software update.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 03.05.2022
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
80% Xiaomi Pad 5 Review: Winning combo of iPad polish, Android versatility
Quelle: The Times of India Englisch EN→DE
The Xiaomi Pad 5 is the much-needed refreshment needed in the affordable tablet space. In a world where every other brand simply makes a tablet for the sake of getting a share of the emerging demand in this segment, Xiaomi comes along with one that cares for the tablet experience. Yes, it is an iPad clone in a mega way but it does it tastefully. MIUI for Pad is easily the most refined tablet experience we have seen in a long time, and I sincerely hope that it continues to make it better than ever. The hardware in itself is great — the display is beautiful and so are the speakers for the price. It is built very well too. That said, the Xiaomi Pad is limited in the way it is made. With an iPad, you have the ecosystem benefits, and some well-designed apps. The same goes for the Samsung Galaxy tab models, wherein having a Samsung phone enhances the experience.There’s none of that convenience on the Xiaomi Pad 5 — there are no associated benefits if you use a Xiaomi phone. Additionally, Android itself is not well designed for tablet apps and it shows, despite Xiaomi trying its best to bridge the gap.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 03.05.2022
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
80% Xiaomi Pad 5 review: Another Android challenger to the iPad
Quelle: The Indian Express Englisch EN→DE
If you are looking for an Android tablet that offers a good display, and performance, while fulfilling daily entertainment and basic productivity needs, the Xiaomi Pad 5 does deliver well. Xiaomi has now confirmed prices for the Smart Pen or the Smart Keyboard. The Smart Pen is starting at Rs 4,999 (against the MRP of Rs 7,999) while the keyboard at Rs 1,499 (against MRP of Rs 2,999). The keyboard cover is a steal at this price. The Xiaomi Pad 5 is an ideal tablet to get for online schooling and entertainment purposes as well provided you are willing to spend above Rs 20,000, but don’t want to cross the Rs 30,000 limit. I’m seriously considering getting this for my niece since she has a rather terrible one at the moment. The Xiaomi Pad 5’s introductory price also makes it enticing. You are getting 128GB storage at Rs 24,999. Remember more storage is always great on a tablet. But it does have software flaws that need fixing, especially if someone plans to get the Smart Pen and Keyboard along with it. The Notes app, the second Gmail account issue, in particular, both need an urgent software update.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 03.05.2022
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
84% Xiaomi Pad 5 Review: Hitting the right spot
Quelle: The Mobile Indian Englisch EN→DE
Xiaomi’s take on tablets has been an interesting one and it seems to have hit the right spot with the Xiaomi Pad 5 in India because of its attractive pricing. The tablet is priced at Rs 24,999 for the 128GB variant and Rs 26,999 for the 256GB model. This pricing seems on point because of the flagship level on-paper specifications being provided at a reasonable price. But how well does it convert into practical usage? Is it the best mid-range tablet in India? These are some of the questions that we will be answering today with our review of the Xiaomi Pad 5. The Xiaomi Pad 5 is a great pick at its price and is currently one of the best options you have available in the market. Some software glitches are persistent and can be fixed with updates. To conclude, if you are in the market looking for a decent all-rounder tablet, Xiaomi Pad 5 is definitely worth considering.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 02.05.2022
Bewertung: Gesamt: 84% Leistung: 85% Bildschirm: 90% Mobilität: 90% Gehäuse: 90%
84% Xiaomi Pad 5 Review: Hitting the right spot
Quelle: The Mobile Indian Englisch EN→DE
Xiaomi’s take on tablets has been an interesting one and it seems to have hit the right spot with the Xiaomi Pad 5 in India because of its attractive pricing. The tablet is priced at Rs 24,999 for the 128GB variant and Rs 26,999 for the 256GB model. This pricing seems on point because of the flagship level on-paper specifications being provided at a reasonable price. But how well does it convert into practical usage? Is it the best mid-range tablet in India? These are some of the questions that we will be answering today with our review of the Xiaomi Pad 5. The Xiaomi Pad 5 is a great pick at its price and is currently one of the best options you have available in the market. Some software glitches are persistent and can be fixed with updates. To conclude, if you are in the market looking for a decent all-rounder tablet, Xiaomi Pad 5 is definitely worth considering.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 02.05.2022
Bewertung: Gesamt: 84% Leistung: 85% Bildschirm: 90% Mobilität: 90% Gehäuse: 90%
Xiaomi Pad 5 First Impressions: Built to Perform
Quelle: NDTV Gadgets Englisch EN→DE
The Xiaomi Pad 5 has a 8,720mAh battery that fast-charges using the bundled 22.5W charger. The Xiaomi Pad 5 supports up to 33W fast charging, but you'll need to purchase that charger separately. Xiaomi has also included a 13-megapixel rear camera and an 8-megapixel front-facing camera on the Pad 5. Xiaomi's Pad 5 seems like a big comeback compared to the first Mi Pad that launched in India. However, the Xiaomi Pad 5 belongs to a different price segment altogether. The Pad 5 competes with products primarily from Samsung such as the Galaxy Tab A8 and the more expensive Galaxy Tab S7 FE (Review), as well as from Lenovo such as the Yoga Smart Tab and the pricier Tab P11 Pro (Review). I will be putting the Xiaomi Pad 5 through its paces to find out if its software and accessories make it a solid productivity offering, in addition to it being a potential entertainment powerhouse like the rest of the tablets in its segment. Stay tuned for my full review, coming soon.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 28.04.2022
Xiaomi Pad 5 Review – Best Affordable Tablet For Indians
Quelle: Cashify Englisch EN→DE
The performance on an Android tablet at this price point, just can’t get any better. In my review, Xiaomi Pad 5 ticks all the right boxes to completely hit the spot as an under Rs. 30,000 tablets in India. Of course, you could go for the iPad 9th Gen or iPad 8th Gen. However, if it is specifically Android you are looking for, this is one banger of a price-to-performance ratio you are getting on the Xiaomi Pad 5. It is not just everyday that an Android tablet is coming close to being an iPad alternative. Mind you, iOS is and will probably always be the more seamless option. However, only true Android lovers know the kind of freedom they can enjoy and experiment around with. Besides, what is not to pick this tablet right up? With more and more brands trying to capture the budget Android tablet sphere, it is no surprise that Xiaomi is offering the best of the best at this price range. Recently, I reviewed the Moto Tab G70 as well and that offering blew me away too. In my review, the Xiaomi Pad 5 easily topples it and makes it look like nothing, thanks to the Snapdragon 860 and large 120Hz display.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 28.04.2022
Xiaomi Pad 5 First Impressions: Built to Perform
Quelle: NDTV Gadgets Englisch EN→DE
The Xiaomi Pad 5 has a 8,720mAh battery that fast-charges using the bundled 22.5W charger. The Xiaomi Pad 5 supports up to 33W fast charging, but you'll need to purchase that charger separately. Xiaomi has also included a 13-megapixel rear camera and an 8-megapixel front-facing camera on the Pad 5. Xiaomi's Pad 5 seems like a big comeback compared to the first Mi Pad that launched in India. However, the Xiaomi Pad 5 belongs to a different price segment altogether. The Pad 5 competes with products primarily from Samsung such as the Galaxy Tab A8 and the more expensive Galaxy Tab S7 FE (Review), as well as from Lenovo such as the Yoga Smart Tab and the pricier Tab P11 Pro (Review). I will be putting the Xiaomi Pad 5 through its paces to find out if its software and accessories make it a solid productivity offering, in addition to it being a potential entertainment powerhouse like the rest of the tablets in its segment. Stay tuned for my full review, coming soon.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 28.04.2022
Xiaomi Pad 5 Review – Best Affordable Tablet For Indians
Quelle: Cashify Englisch EN→DE
The performance on an Android tablet at this price point, just can’t get any better. In my review, Xiaomi Pad 5 ticks all the right boxes to completely hit the spot as an under Rs. 30,000 tablets in India. Of course, you could go for the iPad 9th Gen or iPad 8th Gen. However, if it is specifically Android you are looking for, this is one banger of a price-to-performance ratio you are getting on the Xiaomi Pad 5. It is not just everyday that an Android tablet is coming close to being an iPad alternative. Mind you, iOS is and will probably always be the more seamless option. However, only true Android lovers know the kind of freedom they can enjoy and experiment around with. Besides, what is not to pick this tablet right up? With more and more brands trying to capture the budget Android tablet sphere, it is no surprise that Xiaomi is offering the best of the best at this price range. Recently, I reviewed the Moto Tab G70 as well and that offering blew me away too. In my review, the Xiaomi Pad 5 easily topples it and makes it look like nothing, thanks to the Snapdragon 860 and large 120Hz display.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 28.04.2022
90% Xiaomi Pad 5 review
Quelle: Tech Advisor Englisch EN→DE
The Xiaomi Pad 5 is an exceptional Android tablet – but it is still an Android tablet. There’s little to fault on the hardware front, where you’ll find a lightweight design bolstered by strong specs, a gorgeous display, and great speakers. The software side is typical for an Android tablet, which is to say it’s fine, but can’t match an iPad, but this isn't enough reason to resist the Pad 5.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 27.04.2022
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Xiaomi Pad 5 Hands-On and First Impressions
Quelle: Mobygyaan Englisch EN→DE
The Xiaomi Pad 5 offers a large 10.95-inch 2.5k+ display with a 120 Hz refresh rate and 10-bit screen depth delivering an exceptional picture quality, quad loudspeakers for a great audio experience, and an extra-large 8,720 mAh battery for longer durations. You also get the all-round mighty package, a fast Snapdragon 860 processor, and Adreno 640 GPU for powerful gaming performance. The tablet can be reasonable for those who are looking for an 11-inch Android tablet with solid specs, it comes in two storage variants – 128 GB and 256 GB both with 6 GB RAM, the price for the tablet starts at ₹26,999 for 128 GB and ₹28,999 for its 256 GB storage variant.
Hands-On, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 27.04.2022
90% Xiaomi Pad 5 review
Quelle: Tech Advisor Englisch EN→DE
The Xiaomi Pad 5 is an exceptional Android tablet – but it is still an Android tablet. There’s little to fault on the hardware front, where you’ll find a lightweight design bolstered by strong specs, a gorgeous display, and great speakers. The software side is typical for an Android tablet, which is to say it’s fine, but can’t match an iPad, but this isn't enough reason to resist the Pad 5.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 27.04.2022
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Xiaomi Pad 5 Hands-On and First Impressions
Quelle: Mobygyaan Englisch EN→DE
The Xiaomi Pad 5 offers a large 10.95-inch 2.5k+ display with a 120 Hz refresh rate and 10-bit screen depth delivering an exceptional picture quality, quad loudspeakers for a great audio experience, and an extra-large 8,720 mAh battery for longer durations. You also get the all-round mighty package, a fast Snapdragon 860 processor, and Adreno 640 GPU for powerful gaming performance. The tablet can be reasonable for those who are looking for an 11-inch Android tablet with solid specs, it comes in two storage variants – 128 GB and 256 GB both with 6 GB RAM, the price for the tablet starts at ₹26,999 for 128 GB and ₹28,999 for its 256 GB storage variant.
Hands-On, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 27.04.2022
80% Xiaomi Pad 5 review: An all-in-one tablet for all-rounded use
Quelle: Hardware Zone Englisch EN→DE
With that point in mind, one can argue that iPads and Surface tablets also have digital stylus support, and have far more functionality than an Android tablet. The crux then comes down to the price-point vis-a-vis features that a tablet has to offer. Xiaomi Pad 5 seems to tick all the feature boxes nicely, which offers a rather good video viewing experience, and note-taking capabilities, all for just S$449 for the tablet and a further S$99 for the Xiaomi Smart Pen. This tablet can at times even be found for as S$399 at special sale periods, making it even more competitive than it already is. There's also a 256GB internal storage version at S$529 for those who want to keep more apps loaded and available at their fingertips. Granted, this tablet is not for those looking to do professional work, it is however well-positioned as an all-rounder device for casual use. Want to watch movies on the go? The Xiaomi PAd 5 is an excellent choice with good sound and display quality for the casual user, plays HDR content, and supports Dolby Vision and Dolby Atmos content too.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 20.02.2022
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 90% Leistung: 80% Gehäuse: 80%
80% Xiaomi Pad 5 review: An all-in-one tablet for all-rounded use
Quelle: Hardware Zone Englisch EN→DE
With that point in mind, one can argue that iPads and Surface tablets also have digital stylus support, and have far more functionality than an Android tablet. The crux then comes down to the price-point vis-a-vis features that a tablet has to offer. Xiaomi Pad 5 seems to tick all the feature boxes nicely, which offers a rather good video viewing experience, and note-taking capabilities, all for just S$449 for the tablet and a further S$99 for the Xiaomi Smart Pen. This tablet can at times even be found for as S$399 at special sale periods, making it even more competitive than it already is. There's also a 256GB internal storage version at S$529 for those who want to keep more apps loaded and available at their fingertips. Granted, this tablet is not for those looking to do professional work, it is however well-positioned as an all-rounder device for casual use. Want to watch movies on the go? The Xiaomi PAd 5 is an excellent choice with good sound and display quality for the casual user, plays HDR content, and supports Dolby Vision and Dolby Atmos content too.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 20.02.2022
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 90% Leistung: 80% Gehäuse: 80%
80% Xiaomi Pad 5 review: An all-in-one tablet for all-rounded use
Quelle: Hardware Zone Englisch EN→DE
Xiaomi Pad 5 seems to tick all the feature boxes nicely, which offers a rather good video viewing experience, and note-taking capabilities, all for just S$449 for the tablet and a further S$99 for the Xiaomi Smart Pen. This tablet can at times even be found for as S$399 at special sale periods, making it even more competitive than it already is. There's also a 256GB internal storage version at S$529 for those who want to keep more apps loaded and available at their fingertips. Granted, this tablet is not for those looking to do professional work, it is however well-positioned as an all-rounder device for casual use. Want to watch movies on the go? The Xiaomi PAd 5 is an excellent choice with good sound and display quality for the casual user, plays HDR content, and supports Dolby Vision and Dolby Atmos content too. A student who wants to do some light reading and jotting down notes? No problem, with the optional Xiaomi Smart Pen to bundle with the tablet. Someone who wants to sketch something? Check. Want another large screen gadget with Youtube Kids to entertain your kids?
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 09.01.2022
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 90% Leistung: 80% Gehäuse: 80%
80% Xiaomi Pad 5 review: An all-in-one tablet for all-rounded use
Quelle: Hardware Zone Englisch EN→DE
Xiaomi Pad 5 seems to tick all the feature boxes nicely, which offers a rather good video viewing experience, and note-taking capabilities, all for just S$449 for the tablet and a further S$99 for the Xiaomi Smart Pen. This tablet can at times even be found for as S$399 at special sale periods, making it even more competitive than it already is. There's also a 256GB internal storage version at S$529 for those who want to keep more apps loaded and available at their fingertips. Granted, this tablet is not for those looking to do professional work, it is however well-positioned as an all-rounder device for casual use. Want to watch movies on the go? The Xiaomi PAd 5 is an excellent choice with good sound and display quality for the casual user, plays HDR content, and supports Dolby Vision and Dolby Atmos content too. A student who wants to do some light reading and jotting down notes? No problem, with the optional Xiaomi Smart Pen to bundle with the tablet. Someone who wants to sketch something? Check. Want another large screen gadget with Youtube Kids to entertain your kids?
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 09.01.2022
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 90% Leistung: 80% Gehäuse: 80%
Xiaomi Pad 5
Quelle: GSM Choice Englisch EN→DE version
It is a tablet that focuses on attractive design, quality of workmanship, excellent screen and performance that will work in all applications. It is guaranteed by Snapdragon 860 and 6 GB of RAM, while energy is provided by a 8720 mAh battery - it provides many hours of uninterrupted entertainment. If you do not mind the lack of GPS, NFC, LTE or a headphone jack, it will be a very successful purchase.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 30.12.2021
Xiaomi Pad 5
Quelle: GSM Choice Englisch EN→DE version
It is a tablet that focuses on attractive design, quality of workmanship, excellent screen and performance that will work in all applications. It is guaranteed by Snapdragon 860 and 6 GB of RAM, while energy is provided by a 8720 mAh battery - it provides many hours of uninterrupted entertainment. If you do not mind the lack of GPS, NFC, LTE or a headphone jack, it will be a very successful purchase.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 30.12.2021
80% Xiaomi Pad 5 review: An all-in-one tablet for all-rounded use
Quelle: Hardware Zone Englisch EN→DE version
Granted, this tablet is not for those looking to do professional work, it is however well-positioned as an all-rounder device for casual use. Want to watch movies on the go? The Xiaomi PAd 5 is an excellent choice with good sound and display quality for the casual user, plays HDR content, and supports Dolby Vision and Dolby Atmos content too. A student who wants to do some light reading and jotting down notes? No problem, with the optional Xiaomi Smart Pen to bundle with the tablet. Someone who wants to sketch something? Check. Want another large screen gadget with Youtube Kids to entertain your kids? Xiaomi Pad 5 offers that, and with an affordable price to beat out the rest.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 28.12.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 90% Leistung: 80% Gehäuse: 80%
80% Xiaomi Pad 5 review: An all-in-one tablet for all-rounded use
Quelle: Hardware Zone Englisch EN→DE version
Granted, this tablet is not for those looking to do professional work, it is however well-positioned as an all-rounder device for casual use. Want to watch movies on the go? The Xiaomi PAd 5 is an excellent choice with good sound and display quality for the casual user, plays HDR content, and supports Dolby Vision and Dolby Atmos content too. A student who wants to do some light reading and jotting down notes? No problem, with the optional Xiaomi Smart Pen to bundle with the tablet. Someone who wants to sketch something? Check. Want another large screen gadget with Youtube Kids to entertain your kids? Xiaomi Pad 5 offers that, and with an affordable price to beat out the rest.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 28.12.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 90% Leistung: 80% Gehäuse: 80%
Xiaomi Pad 5 Review - 3 Months After!
Quelle: Manila Shaker Englisch version
This year, the return of Xiaomi slate tablets is an excellent choice. With the growing demand for other devices for productivity in home school or work from home setups, the Xiaomi Pad 5 tablet is one of the best options to consider because it provides versatility at an affordable price. Today we will be talking about some of Xiaomi Pad 5 features and what are its pros and cons.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 23.12.2021
Xiaomi Pad 5 Review - 3 Months After!
Quelle: Manila Shaker Englisch version
This year, the return of Xiaomi slate tablets is an excellent choice. With the growing demand for other devices for productivity in home school or work from home setups, the Xiaomi Pad 5 tablet is one of the best options to consider because it provides versatility at an affordable price. Today we will be talking about some of Xiaomi Pad 5 features and what are its pros and cons.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 23.12.2021
Xiaomi Pad 5 Review
Quelle: Yugatech Englisch EN→DE version
Finally, let’s talk about the price. The Xiaomi Pad 5 is available locally for PHP 17,990 for 128GB variant and PHP 19,990 for the 256GB option. It sure is an attractive price tag for what it offers, and honestly, you’re even getting more with a vibrant 120Hz display, superb performance, long battery life, quad Dolby Atmos speakers, and very good cameras. The only things you should consider though, are its non-expandable storage, lack of a headphone port, its front camera placement if you’ll be doing a lot of video calls, and the fact that it’s a Wi-Fi-only tablet. If you can deal with that, then we highly recommend this Xiaomi Pad 5, especially for savvy homeschoolers and professionals.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 13.12.2021
Xiaomi Pad 5 Review
Quelle: Yugatech Englisch EN→DE version
Finally, let’s talk about the price. The Xiaomi Pad 5 is available locally for PHP 17,990 for 128GB variant and PHP 19,990 for the 256GB option. It sure is an attractive price tag for what it offers, and honestly, you’re even getting more with a vibrant 120Hz display, superb performance, long battery life, quad Dolby Atmos speakers, and very good cameras. The only things you should consider though, are its non-expandable storage, lack of a headphone port, its front camera placement if you’ll be doing a lot of video calls, and the fact that it’s a Wi-Fi-only tablet. If you can deal with that, then we highly recommend this Xiaomi Pad 5, especially for savvy homeschoolers and professionals.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 13.12.2021
Xiaomi Pad 5 Review – All rounder Tablet with Versatility On-The-Go
Quelle: Manila Shaker Englisch EN→DE version
The Xiaomi Pad 5 starts at P17,990 for the 6GB/128GB and P19,990 for the higher 6GB/256GB configuration. It is available locally in the country and the tablet is a great value for money. It has the processing power to run even the most graphically demanding games, it has a stunning display and excellent stereo speakers. The Xiaomi Pad 5’s versatility is the cherry on top, but in order to fully use the tablet as a portable laptop-style tablet, you must purchase the necessary accessories. Still, using it as a tablet provides increased productivity at an affordable price best for home school or office work.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 08.12.2021
Xiaomi Pad 5 Review – All rounder Tablet with Versatility On-The-Go
Quelle: Manila Shaker Englisch EN→DE version
The Xiaomi Pad 5 starts at P17,990 for the 6GB/128GB and P19,990 for the higher 6GB/256GB configuration. It is available locally in the country and the tablet is a great value for money. It has the processing power to run even the most graphically demanding games, it has a stunning display and excellent stereo speakers. The Xiaomi Pad 5’s versatility is the cherry on top, but in order to fully use the tablet as a portable laptop-style tablet, you must purchase the necessary accessories. Still, using it as a tablet provides increased productivity at an affordable price best for home school or office work.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 08.12.2021
85% Xiaomi Pad 5 Review: A Lean, Mean, Fighting Machine
Quelle: Gadgetbyte Nepal Englisch EN→DE version
Wrapping up this review, the Xiaomi Pad 5 stands as an undisputed winner in its price class. It has a great design, excellent display, powerful performance, and decent battery endurance. Disregarding Lenovo’s Xiaoxin Pad Pro which isn’t readily available outside of China, there’s really not much competition to this tablet. Power users might want to consider the Galaxy Tab S7 FE that bundles an S Pen for free. But it’s not as powerful, and neither does it have as capable a display or audio setup. Plus, its base variant brings just 4GB RAM, which means you’ll be met with frequent stutters when you have multiple apps running concurrently. Apple’s latest 9th gen iPad is another great contender for your money in this category thanks to the A13 Bionic chip and iPadOS. But the Xiaomi Pad 5 has its own superiorities—that mostly revolve around media consumption. As a result, if you aren’t particularly looking for a productivity-oriented tablet, this is a no-brainer. However, the mighty capable Snapdragon 860 inside feels almost wasted on this tablet.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 30.11.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 85% Preis: 100% Leistung: 90% Bildschirm: 75% Mobilität: 85% Gehäuse: 85%
85% Xiaomi Pad 5 Review: A Lean, Mean, Fighting Machine
Quelle: Gadgetbyte Nepal Englisch EN→DE version
Wrapping up this review, the Xiaomi Pad 5 stands as an undisputed winner in its price class. It has a great design, excellent display, powerful performance, and decent battery endurance. Disregarding Lenovo’s Xiaoxin Pad Pro which isn’t readily available outside of China, there’s really not much competition to this tablet. Power users might want to consider the Galaxy Tab S7 FE that bundles an S Pen for free. But it’s not as powerful, and neither does it have as capable a display or audio setup. Plus, its base variant brings just 4GB RAM, which means you’ll be met with frequent stutters when you have multiple apps running concurrently. Apple’s latest 9th gen iPad is another great contender for your money in this category thanks to the A13 Bionic chip and iPadOS. But the Xiaomi Pad 5 has its own superiorities—that mostly revolve around media consumption. As a result, if you aren’t particularly looking for a productivity-oriented tablet, this is a no-brainer. However, the mighty capable Snapdragon 860 inside feels almost wasted on this tablet.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 30.11.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 85% Preis: 100% Leistung: 90% Bildschirm: 75% Mobilität: 85% Gehäuse: 85%
80% Xiaomi Pad 5 review: a good-looking tablet for Android fans
Quelle: T3 Englisch EN→DE version
The Xiaomi Pad 5 is an Android tablet that looks good and performs well, it has a decent amount of power, a reliable battery that will easily last you the day and a stunning 11-inch display. You’ll be able to use it for everything from work to play, but if you need extra accessories for it you will have to buy those separately. What’s really great here is that you do get so much for your money, this is a mid-range tablet that could have fooled me into thinking it’s a much pricier piece of kit than it actually is. Any Android fan will get along well with the Xiaomi Pad 5.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 17.11.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
80% Xiaomi Pad 5 review: a good-looking tablet for Android fans
Quelle: T3 Englisch EN→DE version
The Xiaomi Pad 5 is an Android tablet that looks good and performs well, it has a decent amount of power, a reliable battery that will easily last you the day and a stunning 11-inch display. You’ll be able to use it for everything from work to play, but if you need extra accessories for it you will have to buy those separately. What’s really great here is that you do get so much for your money, this is a mid-range tablet that could have fooled me into thinking it’s a much pricier piece of kit than it actually is. Any Android fan will get along well with the Xiaomi Pad 5.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 17.11.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
90% Xiaomi Pad 5 review
Quelle: Tech Advisor Englisch EN→DE version
The Xiaomi Pad 5 is an exceptional Android tablet – but it is still an Android tablet. There’s little to fault on the hardware front, where you’ll find a lightweight design bolstered by strong specs, a gorgeous display, and great speakers. It would be nice to see more up-to-date connectivity options – not least an LTE model – but there’s little else to complain about here. The software side is typical for an Android tablet, which is to say it’s fine, but can’t match an iPad. Despite Xiaomi’s best efforts, Android simply isn’t fully optimised for tablets, so you will run into occasional headaches as you navigate the Pad 5. Still, the tablet runs smoothly even if it doesn’t fully make the most of the big screen, and with Android 12L’s improvements on the horizon this doesn’t feel like enough reason to resist the Pad 5. Simply put, if you want to buy a tablet around this price and don’t mind stumping for Android, this is the one to buy.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 16.11.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
90% Xiaomi Pad 5 review
Quelle: Tech Advisor Englisch EN→DE version
The Xiaomi Pad 5 is an exceptional Android tablet – but it is still an Android tablet. There’s little to fault on the hardware front, where you’ll find a lightweight design bolstered by strong specs, a gorgeous display, and great speakers. It would be nice to see more up-to-date connectivity options – not least an LTE model – but there’s little else to complain about here. The software side is typical for an Android tablet, which is to say it’s fine, but can’t match an iPad. Despite Xiaomi’s best efforts, Android simply isn’t fully optimised for tablets, so you will run into occasional headaches as you navigate the Pad 5. Still, the tablet runs smoothly even if it doesn’t fully make the most of the big screen, and with Android 12L’s improvements on the horizon this doesn’t feel like enough reason to resist the Pad 5. Simply put, if you want to buy a tablet around this price and don’t mind stumping for Android, this is the one to buy.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 16.11.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
90% Xiaomi Pad 5 Review
Quelle: Trusted Reviews Englisch EN→DE version
The Xiaomi Pad 5 is the latest Android tablet hoping to dethrone the iPad Air 4 as the Trusted Recommended tablet for most people. From a hardware perspective it’s an impressive device, ticking all the right boxes for basic productivity and entertainment use. And if you want a tablet for Netflix, web browsing and Game Pass, but don’t fancy an iPad, then you’ll struggle to do better than the Pad 5 at the moment. The only real downside is that ongoing optimisation issues around Android on a tablet stop it from fully delivering on its hardware’s promise.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 15.11.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
90% Xiaomi Pad 5 Review
Quelle: Trusted Reviews Englisch EN→DE version
The Xiaomi Pad 5 is the latest Android tablet hoping to dethrone the iPad Air 4 as the Trusted Recommended tablet for most people. From a hardware perspective it’s an impressive device, ticking all the right boxes for basic productivity and entertainment use. And if you want a tablet for Netflix, web browsing and Game Pass, but don’t fancy an iPad, then you’ll struggle to do better than the Pad 5 at the moment. The only real downside is that ongoing optimisation issues around Android on a tablet stop it from fully delivering on its hardware’s promise.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 15.11.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
85% Xiaomi Pad 5 review: Excellent Multimedia Tablet
Quelle: Root Nation Englisch EN→DE version
The Xiaomi Pad 5 is definitely one of the best deals in its price segment. This is a good 11-inch tablet with the recognizable design, a 120 Hz display, stable and powerful hardware, good battery life and quite good stereo speakers. It’s great for multimedia and games, and if you buy a stylus and a keyboard, it will also do for some office tasks. However, due to the lack of a GPS module and a version with cellular network, it is not a universal tablet for every type of user. Some users may also be frustrated by the lack of a 3.5mm audio port and a fingerprint scanner. Otherwise, it is an excellent balanced tablet without serious flaws.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 28.10.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 85% Leistung: 100% Bildschirm: 90% Mobilität: 90% Gehäuse: 80% Ergonomie: 80%
85% Xiaomi Pad 5 review: Excellent Multimedia Tablet
Quelle: Root Nation Englisch EN→DE version
The Xiaomi Pad 5 is definitely one of the best deals in its price segment. This is a good 11-inch tablet with the recognizable design, a 120 Hz display, stable and powerful hardware, good battery life and quite good stereo speakers. It’s great for multimedia and games, and if you buy a stylus and a keyboard, it will also do for some office tasks. However, due to the lack of a GPS module and a version with cellular network, it is not a universal tablet for every type of user. Some users may also be frustrated by the lack of a 3.5mm audio port and a fingerprint scanner. Otherwise, it is an excellent balanced tablet without serious flaws.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 28.10.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 85% Leistung: 100% Bildschirm: 90% Mobilität: 90% Gehäuse: 80% Ergonomie: 80%
80% Xiaomi Pad 5 review: Android's answer to the iPad?
Quelle: Pocket Lint Englisch EN→DE version
All in all, Xiaomi's tablet venture for wider markets is a good-looking and competently specified slate. It's a shame the stylus isn't included in the box, but if you're looking for a tablet predominantly for media consumption then it's a competitive offering against the likes of Samsung or Lenovo. That said, there's still a question over usability beyond a 'big-phone-like' device, because Google has to date largely failed to embrace more work-focused functionality modes in Android - something Apple has slowly and more effectively been working on - and, therefore, without accessories to bolster its appeal as a versatile laptop alternative, this Xiaomi hits the same hurdles as any recent Android tablet has had to face. Still, if that's what you're looking for then the Pad 5's stellar battery life, fair price, high refresh-rate screen, and a lighter touch with its MIUI software, all combines to make for one of the more competent Android slates we've seen for some time. It won't have Apple worried, mind, but as a step in the right direction for Google's market it's a strong entry.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 22.10.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
80% Xiaomi Pad 5 review: Android's answer to the iPad?
Quelle: Pocket Lint Englisch EN→DE version
All in all, Xiaomi's tablet venture for wider markets is a good-looking and competently specified slate. It's a shame the stylus isn't included in the box, but if you're looking for a tablet predominantly for media consumption then it's a competitive offering against the likes of Samsung or Lenovo. That said, there's still a question over usability beyond a 'big-phone-like' device, because Google has to date largely failed to embrace more work-focused functionality modes in Android - something Apple has slowly and more effectively been working on - and, therefore, without accessories to bolster its appeal as a versatile laptop alternative, this Xiaomi hits the same hurdles as any recent Android tablet has had to face. Still, if that's what you're looking for then the Pad 5's stellar battery life, fair price, high refresh-rate screen, and a lighter touch with its MIUI software, all combines to make for one of the more competent Android slates we've seen for some time. It won't have Apple worried, mind, but as a step in the right direction for Google's market it's a strong entry.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 22.10.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
90% Xiaomi Pad 5 review
Quelle: Techradar Englisch EN→DE version
The Xiaomi Pad 5 is a fantastic all-rounder Android tablet with a good-looking screen, lots of processing power and well-optimized software. In fact, it’s the best rival to the entry-level iPad we’ve seen so far, especially at a similar price. Our few problems with the tablet are issues that most slates face, like the lack of a 3.5mm headphone jack or the fact that arguably necessary peripherals will cause you to spend more money, but that just shows how well-rounded this slate is.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 14.10.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
90% Xiaomi Pad 5 review
Quelle: Techradar Englisch EN→DE version
The Xiaomi Pad 5 is a fantastic all-rounder Android tablet with a good-looking screen, lots of processing power and well-optimized software. In fact, it’s the best rival to the entry-level iPad we’ve seen so far, especially at a similar price. Our few problems with the tablet are issues that most slates face, like the lack of a 3.5mm headphone jack or the fact that arguably necessary peripherals will cause you to spend more money, but that just shows how well-rounded this slate is.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 14.10.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Xiaomi Pad 5 Review Philippines: Must Buy Tab
Quelle: Unbox Englisch EN→DE version
While Xiaomi doesn’t push out new tablets every year like their phone arm but when they do announce a new slate, you can be sure it’ll be as good as their phones. That’s the case for the Xiaomi Pad 5 in our review of it for the Philippines, making it the tablet to buy if you want a solid option for work or for play. The Xiaomi Pad 5 is one of the best tabs that’s crossed our review labs so far in the Philippines. There’s plenty of value here, thanks to its flagship-grade performance, excellent display, great speakers as well as its mid-range price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 07.10.2021
Xiaomi Pad 5 Review Philippines: Must Buy Tab
Quelle: Unbox Englisch EN→DE version
While Xiaomi doesn’t push out new tablets every year like their phone arm but when they do announce a new slate, you can be sure it’ll be as good as their phones. That’s the case for the Xiaomi Pad 5 in our review of it for the Philippines, making it the tablet to buy if you want a solid option for work or for play. The Xiaomi Pad 5 is one of the best tabs that’s crossed our review labs so far in the Philippines. There’s plenty of value here, thanks to its flagship-grade performance, excellent display, great speakers as well as its mid-range price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 07.10.2021
80% Xiaomi Pad 5 review: An exceptional Android tablet
Quelle: Laptop Mag Englisch EN→DE version
The Xiaomi Pad 5 is the tablet many Android fans have been searching for, boasting a brilliant display, a quality audio setup and a long-lasting battery casual tablet users will appreciate. With the hugely improved MIUI for Pad, Xiaomi’s Android slate is now one step closer to the fluid and adaptable OS that makes Apple’s iPad so popular, especially when it’s attached to a suitable keyboard and the Xiaomi Smart Pen. So, does the Xiaomi Pad 5 set a new standard for Android tablets? Not quite, but it's still a compelling device. The lack of an included stylus or keyboard may keep the tablet’s cost down, but it also prevents it from being anything more than a great slate for binge-watching movies or browsing the internet. Plus, using a previous-gen Snapdragon processor means it can’t keep up with the current generations of chips.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 03.10.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
80% Xiaomi Pad 5 review: An exceptional Android tablet
Quelle: Laptop Mag Englisch EN→DE version
The Xiaomi Pad 5 is the tablet many Android fans have been searching for, boasting a brilliant display, a quality audio setup and a long-lasting battery casual tablet users will appreciate. With the hugely improved MIUI for Pad, Xiaomi’s Android slate is now one step closer to the fluid and adaptable OS that makes Apple’s iPad so popular, especially when it’s attached to a suitable keyboard and the Xiaomi Smart Pen. So, does the Xiaomi Pad 5 set a new standard for Android tablets? Not quite, but it's still a compelling device. The lack of an included stylus or keyboard may keep the tablet’s cost down, but it also prevents it from being anything more than a great slate for binge-watching movies or browsing the internet. Plus, using a previous-gen Snapdragon processor means it can’t keep up with the current generations of chips.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 03.10.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
80% Xiaomi Pad 5 Review — The Entertainer
Quelle: Pokde Englisch EN→DE version
Should you get the XIaomi Pad 5? If you are looking for a tablet for media consumption, then yes, this is definitely a great option for you. The display is great, the audio is amazing, and it is definitely a great tablet to watch movies on. If you plan on getting it for gaming, there’s also plenty of performance here, although I don’t find it comfortable gaming on such a huge device, unless you are willing to connect a controller to it. But if you want a tablet for productivity as some sort of a laptop replacement, the Xiaomi Pad 5 doesn’t exactly cut it. You can get the PC Mode to work, but I can’t exactly recommend it as one of the features of the Xiaomi Pad 5, since you have to get it from a third-party source, rather than it being a part of the Xiaomi Pad 5. It is worth mentioning that PC Mode was released to the Mi MIX Fold as an update, so we might see it arrive on the Xiaomi Pad 5 in a similar way, but it would be irresponsible for me to recommend you getting the Xiaomi Pad 5 for a feature that may or may not be made available officially.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 01.10.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 85% Leistung: 80% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 82%
80% Xiaomi Pad 5 Review — The Entertainer
Quelle: Pokde Englisch EN→DE version
Should you get the XIaomi Pad 5? If you are looking for a tablet for media consumption, then yes, this is definitely a great option for you. The display is great, the audio is amazing, and it is definitely a great tablet to watch movies on. If you plan on getting it for gaming, there’s also plenty of performance here, although I don’t find it comfortable gaming on such a huge device, unless you are willing to connect a controller to it. But if you want a tablet for productivity as some sort of a laptop replacement, the Xiaomi Pad 5 doesn’t exactly cut it. You can get the PC Mode to work, but I can’t exactly recommend it as one of the features of the Xiaomi Pad 5, since you have to get it from a third-party source, rather than it being a part of the Xiaomi Pad 5. It is worth mentioning that PC Mode was released to the Mi MIX Fold as an update, so we might see it arrive on the Xiaomi Pad 5 in a similar way, but it would be irresponsible for me to recommend you getting the Xiaomi Pad 5 for a feature that may or may not be made available officially.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 01.10.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 85% Leistung: 80% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 82%
Xiaomi Pad 5 Review
Quelle: Yugatech Englisch version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 30.09.2021
Xiaomi Pad 5 Review
Quelle: Yugatech Englisch version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 30.09.2021
Review – Xiaomi Pad 5 + Xiaomi Smart Pen: Fantastic for movies and gaming
Quelle: NLT Englisch EN→DE version
The base model of the Xiaomi Pad 5 is starting at RM1,399 and for the tablet alone, I think it’s a good option. We can play games and watch movies on this tablet – and it is able to provide a magnificent experience. But, if you want to use a stylus to draw on the tablet, then I suggest you buy some other tablets instead. The Xiaomi Smart Pen is quite disappointing in terms of features available, and again – according to the leaked price, it should be RM399, hence totaling up the entire tablet + pen price to RM1,798. It’s just not worth that price. If you want to buy a tablet with a stylus, then I suggest you get the Samsung Galaxy Tab S7 FE instead. The S Pen is included in the box, and its software is much more refined and matured than what Xiaomi has to offer, yet its price is very similar – at RM1,899.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 27.09.2021
Hands on: Xiaomi Pad 5 Review
Quelle: Trusted Reviews Englisch EN→DE version
The Xiaomi Pad 5 is a very capable tablet with snappy performance and a vibrant and responsive display. The camera quality could be better, but it’s good enough to take photos of notes and join calls, while the addition of Dolby Vision makes this tablet a great choice for streaming movies on-the-go.
Hands-On, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 27.09.2021
Review – Xiaomi Pad 5 + Xiaomi Smart Pen: Fantastic for movies and gaming
Quelle: NLT Englisch EN→DE version
The base model of the Xiaomi Pad 5 is starting at RM1,399 and for the tablet alone, I think it’s a good option. We can play games and watch movies on this tablet – and it is able to provide a magnificent experience. But, if you want to use a stylus to draw on the tablet, then I suggest you buy some other tablets instead. The Xiaomi Smart Pen is quite disappointing in terms of features available, and again – according to the leaked price, it should be RM399, hence totaling up the entire tablet + pen price to RM1,798. It’s just not worth that price. If you want to buy a tablet with a stylus, then I suggest you get the Samsung Galaxy Tab S7 FE instead. The S Pen is included in the box, and its software is much more refined and matured than what Xiaomi has to offer, yet its price is very similar – at RM1,899.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 27.09.2021
Hands on: Xiaomi Pad 5 Review
Quelle: Trusted Reviews Englisch EN→DE version
The Xiaomi Pad 5 is a very capable tablet with snappy performance and a vibrant and responsive display. The camera quality could be better, but it’s good enough to take photos of notes and join calls, while the addition of Dolby Vision makes this tablet a great choice for streaming movies on-the-go.
Hands-On, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 27.09.2021
Xiaomi Pad 5 Unboxing, Hands-on Philippines: Flagship-grade Tab
Quelle: Unbox Englisch EN→DE version
The Xiaomi Pad 5 looks to be another great tablet offering in the Philippines, especially when you consider what you’re paying for and what you’re getting. There’s been a dearth of mid-range tabs in the Philippines as of late, and the Xiaomi Pad 5 looks to be a solid option for people willing to drop money for a good quality tablet.
Hands-On, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 23.09.2021
Xiaomi Pad 5 Unboxing and Hands-On
Quelle: Yugatech Englisch version
Hands-On, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 23.09.2021
Xiaomi Pad 5 Unboxing, Hands-on Philippines: Flagship-grade Tab
Quelle: Unbox Englisch EN→DE version
The Xiaomi Pad 5 looks to be another great tablet offering in the Philippines, especially when you consider what you’re paying for and what you’re getting. There’s been a dearth of mid-range tabs in the Philippines as of late, and the Xiaomi Pad 5 looks to be a solid option for people willing to drop money for a good quality tablet.
Hands-On, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 23.09.2021
Xiaomi Pad 5 Unboxing and Hands-On
Quelle: Yugatech Englisch version
Hands-On, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 23.09.2021
82% Xiaomi Pad 5 review
Quelle: GSM Arena Englisch EN→DE version
The Xiaomi Pad 5 strikes the perfect balance of features at this affordable €349 price tag. It has a lovely screen with premium Dolby Vision support and 120Hz refresh rate, the four Dolby Atmos speakers are superb, and the performance is top-notch. This means the Pad 5 is ideal for gaming, multimedia, video streaming, all sorts of videos and music, as well as powerful office apps and tools. We did not expect the photo and video camera quality to be this good, but it is, and whenever an occasion arises, the Pad 5 will ace it with its cams. The Pad 5 is not ideal - there is no cellular option, the bundled charger isn't that fast, and the Smart Pen is expensive. Some fan-favorite features like a microSD card slot and 3.5mm jack are missing, too. But even with the omissions we mentioned, the Xiaomi Pad 5 is hands down the best tablet within the sub €400 bracket. It easily gets our recommendation as it aces everything it was designed to do and lives up to every promise Xiaomi has given.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 16.09.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 82%
82% Xiaomi Pad 5 review
Quelle: GSM Arena Englisch EN→DE version
The Xiaomi Pad 5 strikes the perfect balance of features at this affordable €349 price tag. It has a lovely screen with premium Dolby Vision support and 120Hz refresh rate, the four Dolby Atmos speakers are superb, and the performance is top-notch. This means the Pad 5 is ideal for gaming, multimedia, video streaming, all sorts of videos and music, as well as powerful office apps and tools. We did not expect the photo and video camera quality to be this good, but it is, and whenever an occasion arises, the Pad 5 will ace it with its cams. The Pad 5 is not ideal - there is no cellular option, the bundled charger isn't that fast, and the Smart Pen is expensive. Some fan-favorite features like a microSD card slot and 3.5mm jack are missing, too. But even with the omissions we mentioned, the Xiaomi Pad 5 is hands down the best tablet within the sub €400 bracket. It easily gets our recommendation as it aces everything it was designed to do and lives up to every promise Xiaomi has given.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 16.09.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 82%
Xiaomi Pad 5 Review: A sleek and sexy Android tablet made for work and play
Quelle: XDA Developers Englisch EN→DE version
Xiaomi is selling the Pad 5 in Europe starting at €349 (around $412) for the base 6GB/128GB version (doubling the storage bumps price up to €399). These prices in a vacuum are really good in Europe. However, Apple just announced yesterday a new 10.9-inch iPad starting at €389 in Europe. Just like Xiaomi’s Pad 5, Apple’s new entry-level iPad runs on a two-year-old SoC (Apple A13 Bionic), and from my experience, Apple’s A13 Bionic is more powerful than the Snapdragon 860 in the Pad 5. The iPad, of course, has a much more fleshed out eco-system. But whatever the case, the Xiaomi Pad 5, along with Samsung’s recent offerings, have made Android tablets relevant again. The Xiaomi Pad 5 just needs some software polish, when (if) they arrive, it will be yet another great value offering for a company known for offering the best value around.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 15.09.2021
Xiaomi Pad 5 Review (In-Depth Full Walkthrough)
Quelle: TechTablets Englisch version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 15.09.2021
Xiaomi Pad 5 initial review: A great slate?
Quelle: Pocket Lint Englisch EN→DE version
Xiaomi's tablet venture for wider markets is a good-looking, well priced and competently specified slate. However, there's still the big question over usability beyond a 'big-phone-like' device for media consumption, because Google has largely failed to embrace more work-focused functionality modes in Android - which is not just a Xiaomi issue by any means. It's a shame the stylus isn't included here, too.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 15.09.2021
Hands on: Xiaomi Pad 5 review
Quelle: Techradar Englisch EN→DE version
Our first impressions with the Xiaomi Pad 5 are positive - it felt snappy, had an impressive camera was pleasingly lightweight. In particular the software felt well suited to the large form factor. We'll need to test it further to say for sure, but this could be the iPad rival the Android tablet market has been searching for.
Hands-On, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 15.09.2021
Xiaomi Pad 5 Review: A sleek and sexy Android tablet made for work and play
Quelle: XDA Developers Englisch EN→DE version
Xiaomi is selling the Pad 5 in Europe starting at €349 (around $412) for the base 6GB/128GB version (doubling the storage bumps price up to €399). These prices in a vacuum are really good in Europe. However, Apple just announced yesterday a new 10.9-inch iPad starting at €389 in Europe. Just like Xiaomi’s Pad 5, Apple’s new entry-level iPad runs on a two-year-old SoC (Apple A13 Bionic), and from my experience, Apple’s A13 Bionic is more powerful than the Snapdragon 860 in the Pad 5. The iPad, of course, has a much more fleshed out eco-system. But whatever the case, the Xiaomi Pad 5, along with Samsung’s recent offerings, have made Android tablets relevant again. The Xiaomi Pad 5 just needs some software polish, when (if) they arrive, it will be yet another great value offering for a company known for offering the best value around.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 15.09.2021
Xiaomi Pad 5 Review (In-Depth Full Walkthrough)
Quelle: TechTablets Englisch version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 15.09.2021
Xiaomi Pad 5 initial review: A great slate?
Quelle: Pocket Lint Englisch EN→DE version
Xiaomi's tablet venture for wider markets is a good-looking, well priced and competently specified slate. However, there's still the big question over usability beyond a 'big-phone-like' device for media consumption, because Google has largely failed to embrace more work-focused functionality modes in Android - which is not just a Xiaomi issue by any means. It's a shame the stylus isn't included here, too.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 15.09.2021
Hands on: Xiaomi Pad 5 review
Quelle: Techradar Englisch EN→DE version
Our first impressions with the Xiaomi Pad 5 are positive - it felt snappy, had an impressive camera was pleasingly lightweight. In particular the software felt well suited to the large form factor. We'll need to test it further to say for sure, but this could be the iPad rival the Android tablet market has been searching for.
Hands-On, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 15.09.2021
Xiaomi Pad 5 Specifications, Pros and Cons
Quelle: OI Spice Tech News Englisch EN→DE version
The release date of the Xiaomi Pad 5 table is August 2021 and the expected price of the table is $300 (Rs 21,999) approx. The Xiaomi Pad 5 tablet is the lite version of the Xiaomi Pad 5 Pro. The tablet Pad 5 comes without network / GPS support, 11-inches IPS LCD screen with 120 Hz refresh rate, Android 11 operating system supporting MIUI 12.5 UI, 7nm Snapdragon 860 chipset, Adreno 640 GPU, 13MP main camera, 8MP selfie camera, 4 stereo speakers, Li-Po 8720 mAh battery, 33W fast charging and 3.0 Power Delivery. The Xiaomi Pad 5 tablet is available in Green, Black and White color options.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 13.08.2021
Xiaomi Pad 5 Specifications, Pros and Cons
Quelle: OI Spice Tech News Englisch EN→DE version
The release date of the Xiaomi Pad 5 table is August 2021 and the expected price of the table is $300 (Rs 21,999) approx. The Xiaomi Pad 5 tablet is the lite version of the Xiaomi Pad 5 Pro. The tablet Pad 5 comes without network / GPS support, 11-inches IPS LCD screen with 120 Hz refresh rate, Android 11 operating system supporting MIUI 12.5 UI, 7nm Snapdragon 860 chipset, Adreno 640 GPU, 13MP main camera, 8MP selfie camera, 4 stereo speakers, Li-Po 8720 mAh battery, 33W fast charging and 3.0 Power Delivery. The Xiaomi Pad 5 tablet is available in Green, Black and White color options.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 13.08.2021
83% Xiaomi Pad 5, análisis y opinión
Quelle: Computerhoy Spanisch ES→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 14.11.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 83% Ausstattung: 80% Bildschirm: 90% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 90%
83% Xiaomi Pad 5, análisis y opinión
Quelle: Computerhoy Spanisch ES→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 14.11.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 83% Ausstattung: 80% Bildschirm: 90% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 90%
89% Xiaomi Pad 5, análisis: atrae por su precio, convence por su rendimiento
Quelle: Xataka Spanisch ES→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 14.10.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 89% Leistung: 90% Bildschirm: 88% Mobilität: 93% Gehäuse: 90%
89% Xiaomi Pad 5, análisis: atrae por su precio, convence por su rendimiento
Quelle: Xataka Spanisch ES→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 14.10.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 89% Leistung: 90% Bildschirm: 88% Mobilität: 93% Gehäuse: 90%
Xiaomi Pad 5 128 GB. Pros y contras
Quelle: Ofertaman Spanisch ES→DE
Positive: Beautiful display; elegant design; large battery capacity; good price; stereo speakers. Negative: No microSD card slot; no headphone jack; no video output; expensive smart pen optional.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 11.09.2023
Xiaomi Pad 5 128 GB. Pros y contras
Quelle: Ofertaman Spanisch ES→DE
Positive: Beautiful display; elegant design; large battery capacity; good price; stereo speakers. Negative: No microSD card slot; no headphone jack; no video output; expensive smart pen optional.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 11.09.2023
Xiaomi Pad 5 128 GB. Pros y contras
Quelle: Ofertaman Spanisch ES→DE
Positive: Beautiful display; elegant design; high autonomy; good price; decent hardware; nice speakers. Negative: No microSD slot; no headphone jack; no video output; optional Xiaomi Smart Pen.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 02.07.2022
Xiaomi Pad 5 128 GB. Pros y contras
Quelle: Ofertaman Spanisch ES→DE
Positive: Beautiful display; elegant design; high autonomy; good price; decent hardware; nice speakers. Negative: No microSD slot; no headphone jack; no video output; optional Xiaomi Smart Pen.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 02.07.2022
Xiaomi Pad 5 128 GB. Pros y contras
Quelle: Ofertaman Spanisch ES→DE
Positive: Beautiful display; elegant design; large battery capacity; good price; nice speakers. Negative: No microSD card slot; no headphone jack; no video output; not included Xiaomi Smart Pen.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 29.01.2022
Xiaomi Pad 5 128 GB. Pros y contras
Quelle: Ofertaman Spanisch ES→DE
Positive: Beautiful display; elegant design; large battery capacity; good price; nice speakers. Negative: No microSD card slot; no headphone jack; no video output; not included Xiaomi Smart Pen.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 29.01.2022
¡Chollo! Xiaomi Pad 5 128 GB. Pros y contras (369 €)
Quelle: Ofertaman Spanisch ES→DE version
Positive: Elegant design; nice display; long battery life; good price; great speakers. Negative: No microSD card slot; no headphone jack; no video output; optional Xiaomi Smart Pen.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 27.11.2021
¡Chollo! Xiaomi Pad 5 128 GB. Pros y contras (369 €)
Quelle: Ofertaman Spanisch ES→DE version
Positive: Elegant design; nice display; long battery life; good price; great speakers. Negative: No microSD card slot; no headphone jack; no video output; optional Xiaomi Smart Pen.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 27.11.2021
Xiaomi Pad 5 128 GB. Pros y contras (399 €)
Quelle: Ofertaman Spanisch ES→DE version
Positive: Nice display; elegant design; large battery capacity; good price; decent processor; great speakers. Negative: No MicroSD card slot; no headphone jack; no video output; optional Xiaomi Smart Pen.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 12.11.2021
Xiaomi Pad 5 128 GB. Pros y contras (399 €)
Quelle: Ofertaman Spanisch ES→DE version
Positive: Nice display; elegant design; large battery capacity; good price; decent processor; great speakers. Negative: No MicroSD card slot; no headphone jack; no video output; optional Xiaomi Smart Pen.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 12.11.2021
Mi Experiencia Con El Tablet Xiaomi Pad 5 Tras Un Mes De Uso
Quelle: Tuexperto Spanisch ES→DE version
Positive: Good price; big screen; long battery life; smart stylus pen. Negative: Poor display.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 01.11.2021
Mi Experiencia Con El Tablet Xiaomi Pad 5 Tras Un Mes De Uso
Quelle: Tuexperto Spanisch ES→DE version
Positive: Good price; big screen; long battery life; smart stylus pen. Negative: Poor display.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 01.11.2021
Probamos la Xiaomi Pad 5, su primera tablet para España: ¿puede poner en peligro el reinado del iPad?
Quelle: Hipertextual Spanisch ES→DE version
Positive: Excellent display; attractive price; great speakers; decent hardware; support Google services.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 11.10.2021
Probamos la Xiaomi Pad 5, su primera tablet para España: ¿puede poner en peligro el reinado del iPad?
Quelle: Hipertextual Spanisch ES→DE version
Positive: Excellent display; attractive price; great speakers; decent hardware; support Google services.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 11.10.2021
Xiaomi Pad 5 128 GB. Pros y contras (399 €)
Quelle: Ofertaman Spanisch ES→DE version
Positive: Beautiful display; stylish design; large battery capacity; good price; nice speakers. Negative: No microSD slot; no headphone jack; no video output.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 29.09.2021
Xiaomi Pad 5 128 GB. Pros y contras (399 €)
Quelle: Ofertaman Spanisch ES→DE version
Positive: Beautiful display; stylish design; large battery capacity; good price; nice speakers. Negative: No microSD slot; no headphone jack; no video output.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 29.09.2021
[Análisis] Xiaomi Pad 5: El lanzamiento del año al mejor precio
Quelle: Mi Mundo Gadget Spanisch ES→DE version
Positive: Beautiful display; decent processor; 256GB SSD storage; nice 4K video recording. Negative: No digital pen; poor display.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 25.09.2021
[Análisis] Xiaomi Pad 5: El lanzamiento del año al mejor precio
Quelle: Mi Mundo Gadget Spanisch ES→DE version
Positive: Beautiful display; decent processor; 256GB SSD storage; nice 4K video recording. Negative: No digital pen; poor display.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 25.09.2021
Review: Xiaomi Pad 5 (tablet 11″ WQHD+ 120 Hz y Snapdragon 860)
Quelle: El chapuzas Informatico Spanisch ES→DE version
Positive: Excellent performance / price ratio; premium design; great built quality; nice display; high gaming performance; powerful hardware; decent speakers. Negative: No microSD card slot; no NFC; weak connectivity.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 17.09.2021
Review: Xiaomi Pad 5 (tablet 11″ WQHD+ 120 Hz y Snapdragon 860)
Quelle: El chapuzas Informatico Spanisch ES→DE version
Positive: Excellent performance / price ratio; premium design; great built quality; nice display; high gaming performance; powerful hardware; decent speakers. Negative: No microSD card slot; no NFC; weak connectivity.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 17.09.2021
Xiaomi Pad 5, primeras impresiones: así sí, Xiaomi; este es el camino que deben seguir las 'tablets' con Android si quieren recuperar el terreno perdido
Quelle: Xataka Spanisch ES→DE version
Positive: Elegant design; solid workmanship; excellent display; smart stylus pen; good price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 15.09.2021
Xiaomi Pad 5, primeras impresiones: así sí, Xiaomi; este es el camino que deben seguir las 'tablets' con Android si quieren recuperar el terreno perdido
Quelle: Xataka Spanisch ES→DE version
Positive: Elegant design; solid workmanship; excellent display; smart stylus pen; good price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 15.09.2021
80% Xiaomi Pad 5
Quelle: PC Guia Portugiesisch PT→DE
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 02.02.2022
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 80%
80% Xiaomi Pad 5
Quelle: PC Guia Portugiesisch PT→DE
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 02.02.2022
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 80%
78% Análise Xiaomi Pad 5. O topo do custo Vs beneficio em tablets Android
Quelle: Android Geek Portugiesisch PT→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 21.10.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 78% Leistung: 70% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 80%
78% Análise Xiaomi Pad 5. O topo do custo Vs beneficio em tablets Android
Quelle: Android Geek Portugiesisch PT→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 21.10.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 78% Leistung: 70% Bildschirm: 80% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 80%
Análise Xiaomi Pad 5: Review a um dos melhores tablets do mercado
Quelle: Mais Tecnologia Portugiesisch PT→DE version
Positive: Good price; nice performance. Negative: No stylus pen included.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 29.11.2021
Análise Xiaomi Pad 5: Review a um dos melhores tablets do mercado
Quelle: Mais Tecnologia Portugiesisch PT→DE version
Positive: Good price; nice performance. Negative: No stylus pen included.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 29.11.2021
Xiaomi Pad 5 Review: o melhor tablet preço-qualidade de 2021
Quelle: 4G News Portugiesisch PT→DE version
Positive: Good price; nice display; great performance.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 14.10.2021
Xiaomi Pad 5 Review: o melhor tablet preço-qualidade de 2021
Quelle: 4G News Portugiesisch PT→DE version
Positive: Good price; nice display; great performance.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 14.10.2021
Xiaomi Pad 5, um tablet Android potente e com preço competitivo
Quelle: Target HD Portugiesisch PT→DE version
Positive: Good price; decent hardware; nice performance.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 17.09.2021
Xiaomi Pad 5, um tablet Android potente e com preço competitivo
Quelle: Target HD Portugiesisch PT→DE version
Positive: Good price; decent hardware; nice performance.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 17.09.2021
80% Recensione Xiaomi Pad 5: il ritorno del tablet
Quelle: Italienisch IT→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 17.09.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 75% Ausstattung: 80% Bildschirm: 85% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 80% Ergonomie: 80%
80% Recensione Xiaomi Pad 5: il ritorno del tablet
Quelle: Italienisch IT→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 17.09.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80% Preis: 75% Ausstattung: 80% Bildschirm: 85% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 80% Ergonomie: 80%
Recensione Xiaomi Pad 5: a questo prezzo è difficile resistergli
Quelle: Tutto Android Italienisch IT→DE version
Positive: Impressive design; attractive price; decent hardware; nice cameras.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 28.12.2021
Recensione Xiaomi Pad 5: a questo prezzo è difficile resistergli
Quelle: Tutto Android Italienisch IT→DE version
Positive: Impressive design; attractive price; decent hardware; nice cameras.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 28.12.2021
Recensione Xiaomi Pad 5: se vi servisse un tablet, eccolo!
Quelle: Italienisch IT→DE version
Positive: Great display; good autonomy; nice performance. Negative: Poor selfie camera; non-expandable memory; no audio jack.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 29.10.2021
Recensione Xiaomi Pad 5: se vi servisse un tablet, eccolo!
Quelle: Italienisch IT→DE version
Positive: Great display; good autonomy; nice performance. Negative: Poor selfie camera; non-expandable memory; no audio jack.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 29.10.2021
Recensione Xiaomi Pad 5
Quelle: Andrea Galeazzi Italienisch IT→DE version
Positive: Attractive price; nice design; large battery capacity
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 20.09.2021
Recensione Xiaomi Pad 5
Quelle: Andrea Galeazzi Italienisch IT→DE version
Positive: Attractive price; nice design; large battery capacity
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 20.09.2021
90% Test Mi Pad 5 : un iPad en moins cher, version Xiaomi
Quelle: Journal du Geek Französisch FR→DE
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 30.03.2022
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
90% Test Mi Pad 5 : un iPad en moins cher, version Xiaomi
Quelle: Journal du Geek Französisch FR→DE
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 30.03.2022
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
90% Test Xiaomi Pad 5 : beaucoup de forces et très peu de faiblesses
Quelle: Phonandroid Französisch FR→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 07.10.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
90% Test Xiaomi Pad 5 : beaucoup de forces et très peu de faiblesses
Quelle: Phonandroid Französisch FR→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 07.10.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
80% Test de la Xiaomi Pad 5 : sans chichi, sans merci
Quelle: Frandroid Französisch FR→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 28.09.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
80% Test de la Xiaomi Pad 5 : sans chichi, sans merci
Quelle: Frandroid Französisch FR→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 28.09.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
90% Test Xiaomi Pad 5 : un iPad en moins cher ?
Quelle: Journal du Geek Französisch FR→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 23.09.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
90% Test Xiaomi Pad 5 : un iPad en moins cher ?
Quelle: Journal du Geek Französisch FR→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 23.09.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Test De La Xiaomi Pad 5
Quelle: Fredzone Französisch FR→DE version
Positive: Elegant design; decent hardware; nice performance; attractive price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 22.09.2021
Test De La Xiaomi Pad 5
Quelle: Fredzone Französisch FR→DE version
Positive: Elegant design; decent hardware; nice performance; attractive price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 22.09.2021
84% [Recenzja] Xiaomi Pad 5 – Twój kolejny tablet z Androidem
Quelle: Polnisch PL→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 06.11.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 84% Preis: 80% Bildschirm: 90% Mobilität: 100% Gehäuse: 90%
84% [Recenzja] Xiaomi Pad 5 – Twój kolejny tablet z Androidem
Quelle: Polnisch PL→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Länge unbekannt, Datum: 06.11.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 84% Preis: 80% Bildschirm: 90% Mobilität: 100% Gehäuse: 90%
85% Recenzja Xiaomi Pad 5 – godny konkurent dla iPada
Quelle: Tabletowo Polnisch PL→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 06.10.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 85% Leistung: 80% Bildschirm: 90% Mobilität: 90% Gehäuse: 90%
85% Recenzja Xiaomi Pad 5 – godny konkurent dla iPada
Quelle: Tabletowo Polnisch PL→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 06.10.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 85% Leistung: 80% Bildschirm: 90% Mobilität: 90% Gehäuse: 90%
Test Xiaomi Pad 5 - konkurencja dla iPada w rozsądnej cenie
Quelle: Komputerswiat Polnisch PL→DE version
Positive: Attractive price; elegant design; nice display; decent performance; long battery life.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 23.12.2021
Test Xiaomi Pad 5 - konkurencja dla iPada w rozsądnej cenie
Quelle: Komputerswiat Polnisch PL→DE version
Positive: Attractive price; elegant design; nice display; decent performance; long battery life.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 23.12.2021
[TEST] Xiaomi Pad 5 - kopia iPad Air w cenie zwykłego iPada
Quelle: Antyweb Polnisch PL→DE version
Positive: Great display; good speakers; elegant design; solid workmanship; decent cameras; long battery life. Negative: No Wifi 6; no GPS; no fingerprint sensor; average performance.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 24.10.2021
[TEST] Xiaomi Pad 5 - kopia iPad Air w cenie zwykłego iPada
Quelle: Antyweb Polnisch PL→DE version
Positive: Great display; good speakers; elegant design; solid workmanship; decent cameras; long battery life. Negative: No Wifi 6; no GPS; no fingerprint sensor; average performance.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 24.10.2021
90% Xiaomi Pad 5 11 inç Tablet İncelemesi
Quelle: Tekno Seyir Türkisch TR→DE
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 15.01.2022
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
90% Xiaomi Pad 5 11 inç Tablet İncelemesi
Quelle: Tekno Seyir Türkisch TR→DE
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 15.01.2022
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
90% Обзор планшета Xiaomi Pad 5
Quelle: RU→DE
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 03.11.2024
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
90% Обзор планшета Xiaomi Pad 5
Quelle: RU→DE
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 03.11.2024
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Планшет на все случаи жизни: тест-обзор Xiaomi Pad 5
Quelle: Yamobi RU→DE
Positive: Stylish design; great built quality; nice speakers; beautiful display; smart stylus pen; comfortable keyboard; good autonomy. Negative: No memory card slot; no headphone jack; not included stylus and keyboard case.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 19.01.2022
Планшет на все случаи жизни: тест-обзор Xiaomi Pad 5
Quelle: Yamobi RU→DE
Positive: Stylish design; great built quality; nice speakers; beautiful display; smart stylus pen; comfortable keyboard; good autonomy. Negative: No memory card slot; no headphone jack; not included stylus and keyboard case.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 19.01.2022
Обзор Xiaomi Pad 5. Правильная альтернатива планшету Apple iPad Air 4
Quelle: Mega Obzor RU→DE version
Positive: Large screen; smart stylus pen; comfortable keyboard; attractive price. Negative: No fingerprint sensor; no headphone jack.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 28.12.2021
Обзор Xiaomi Pad 5. Правильная альтернатива планшету Apple iPad Air 4
Quelle: Mega Obzor RU→DE version
Positive: Large screen; smart stylus pen; comfortable keyboard; attractive price. Negative: No fingerprint sensor; no headphone jack.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 28.12.2021
85% Recenze Xiaomi Pad 5: i tablet s Androidem může mít šmrnc
Quelle: CZ→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 03.10.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 85% Leistung: 90% Ausstattung: 71% Mobilität: 90% Gehäuse: 88%
85% Recenze Xiaomi Pad 5: i tablet s Androidem může mít šmrnc
Quelle: CZ→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 03.10.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 85% Leistung: 90% Ausstattung: 71% Mobilität: 90% Gehäuse: 88%
Nhìn lại Xiaomi Pad 5 trong năm 2022: Chiếc tablet Android tốt nhất mà Xiaomi từng sản xuất!
Quelle: Cell Phones VN→DE
Positive: Premium design; decent hardware; nice performance; big screen; good price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 20.06.2022
Nhìn lại Xiaomi Pad 5 trong năm 2022: Chiếc tablet Android tốt nhất mà Xiaomi từng sản xuất!
Quelle: Cell Phones VN→DE
Positive: Premium design; decent hardware; nice performance; big screen; good price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 20.06.2022
Đánh giá Xiaomi Pad 5: Mạnh, màn hình 120Hz rất đẹp, loa ngon, pin trâu, thiết kế xuất sắc, camera chưa ngon
Quelle: Cell Phones VN→DE
Positive: Powerful hardware; beautiful display; decent speakers; long battery life; excellent design; solid workmanship. Negative: Average cameras.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 03.01.2022
Đánh giá Xiaomi Pad 5: Mạnh, màn hình 120Hz rất đẹp, loa ngon, pin trâu, thiết kế xuất sắc, camera chưa ngon
Quelle: Cell Phones VN→DE
Positive: Powerful hardware; beautiful display; decent speakers; long battery life; excellent design; solid workmanship. Negative: Average cameras.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 03.01.2022
Tại sao bạn nên cần một chiếc máy tính bảng như Xiaomi Pad 5?
Quelle: FPT shop VN→DE version
Positive: Smart stylus pen; compact size; light weight; high gaming performance; excellent battery life.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 31.12.2021
Tại sao bạn nên cần một chiếc máy tính bảng như Xiaomi Pad 5?
Quelle: FPT shop VN→DE version
Positive: Smart stylus pen; compact size; light weight; high gaming performance; excellent battery life.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 31.12.2021
5 điểm nổi bật trên Xiaomi Pad 5 chinh phục những vị khách khó tính
Quelle: Viettelstore VN→DE version
Positive: Beautiful display; powerful hardware; high gaming performance; great speakers; excellent cameras; long battery life.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 29.10.2021
5 điểm nổi bật trên Xiaomi Pad 5 chinh phục những vị khách khó tính
Quelle: Viettelstore VN→DE version
Positive: Beautiful display; powerful hardware; high gaming performance; great speakers; excellent cameras; long battery life.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 29.10.2021
Có nên mua Xiaomi Pad 5 không?
Quelle: Viettelstore VN→DE version
Positive: Elegant design; beautiful display; high gaming performance; long battery life.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 20.10.2021
Có nên mua Xiaomi Pad 5 không?
Quelle: Viettelstore VN→DE version
Positive: Elegant design; beautiful display; high gaming performance; long battery life.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 20.10.2021
Trên tay Xiaomi Pad 5: Thiết kế cao cấp, màn hình đẹp, hiệu năng mạnh mẽ, giá rẻ chỉ từ 8.9 triệu đồng
Quelle: Cell Phones VN→DE version
Positive: Premium design; great built quality; beautiful display; powerful hardware; high performance; good price.
Hands-On, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 14.10.2021
Xiaomi Pad 5 có đáng mua không?
Quelle: Viettelstore VN→DE version
Positive: Big screen; great speakers; premium design; good built quality; powerful processor; high performance; long battery life.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 14.10.2021
Trên tay Xiaomi Pad 5: Thiết kế cao cấp, màn hình đẹp, hiệu năng mạnh mẽ, giá rẻ chỉ từ 8.9 triệu đồng
Quelle: Cell Phones VN→DE version
Positive: Premium design; great built quality; beautiful display; powerful hardware; high performance; good price.
Hands-On, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 14.10.2021
Xiaomi Pad 5 có đáng mua không?
Quelle: Viettelstore VN→DE version
Positive: Big screen; great speakers; premium design; good built quality; powerful processor; high performance; long battery life.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 14.10.2021
Đánh giá hiệu năng Xiaomi Pad 5: Giải trí cực đã, chiến mọi loại game, tối ưu cực tốt với khả năng đa nhiệm tiện lợi
Quelle: The Gioididong VN→DE version
Positive: Decent hardware; nice gaming performance; decent autonomy; attractive price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 13.10.2021
Đánh giá hiệu năng Xiaomi Pad 5: Giải trí cực đã, chiến mọi loại game, tối ưu cực tốt với khả năng đa nhiệm tiện lợi
Quelle: The Gioididong VN→DE version
Positive: Decent hardware; nice gaming performance; decent autonomy; attractive price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 13.10.2021
Review Xiaomi Pad 5: Tablet Android Terbaik di 4.9 Juta!
Quelle: Jagat Review ID→DE version
Positive: Good price; big screen; high gaming performance; large storage; decent speakers; Google services.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 21.09.2021
Review Xiaomi Pad 5: Tablet Android Terbaik di 4.9 Juta!
Quelle: Jagat Review ID→DE version
Positive: Good price; big screen; high gaming performance; large storage; decent speakers; Google services.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 21.09.2021
Xiaomi Pad 5
Quelle: BU→DE version
Positive: Big screen; powerful processor; high performance; large battery capacity; great speakers; nice cameras.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 19.11.2021
Xiaomi Pad 5
Quelle: BU→DE version
Positive: Big screen; powerful processor; high performance; large battery capacity; great speakers; nice cameras.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 19.11.2021
100% Xiaomi Pad 5 [TEST]: Stærk teknologi til fornuftig pris
Quelle: Alt om Data DA→DE
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 04.01.2022
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100% Preis: 100% Leistung: 83%
100% Xiaomi Pad 5 [TEST]: Stærk teknologi til fornuftig pris
Quelle: Alt om Data DA→DE
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 04.01.2022
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100% Preis: 100% Leistung: 83%
80% Xiaomi Pad 5: Modern och välbyggd surfplatta
Quelle: M3 PC för alla SV→DE
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 07.02.2022
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
80% Xiaomi Pad 5: Modern och välbyggd surfplatta
Quelle: M3 PC för alla SV→DE
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 07.02.2022
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
76% Test: Xiaomi Pad 5 – Genomtänkt och prisvärd
Quelle: SV→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 15.12.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 76%
76% Test: Xiaomi Pad 5 – Genomtänkt och prisvärd
Quelle: SV→DE version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 15.12.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 76%


Xiaomi Pad 5 Pro

Ausstattung / Datenblatt

Xiaomi Pad 5 ProNotebook: Xiaomi Pad 5 Pro
Prozessor: Qualcomm Snapdragon SD 870
Grafikkarte: Qualcomm Adreno 650
Bildschirm: 11.00 Zoll, 16:10, 2560 x 1600 Pixel
Gewicht: 0.515kg




88.7% Test Xiaomi Pad 5 Pro Tablet: Schneller iPad-Konkurrent mit 120 Hz | Notebookcheck
Offiziell kann man das Xiaomi Pad 5 Pro bei uns noch gar nicht kaufen und bekommt es derzeit nur über Import-Kanäle. Dieser Weg lohnt sich aber, denn das 11-Zoll-Tablet ist optisch und leistungsmäßig eine echte Alternative zum Apple iPad. Allerdings kostet das Pad 5 Pro deutlich weniger und hat dem Apfel-Vorbild unter anderem ein 120-Hz-Display und 67-Watt-Schnellladen voraus.
Mein erster Eindruck samt Stift und Tastatur
Quelle: Go2 Mobile Deutsch version
Im Großen und Ganzen bin ich nach meiner ersten Woche mit Xiaomi Pad 5 Pro 5G mehr als zufrieden. Ich empfinde die Optik als sehr angenehm.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 26.09.2021
Mein erster Eindruck samt Stift und Tastatur
Quelle: Go2 Mobile Deutsch version
Im Großen und Ganzen bin ich nach meiner ersten Woche mit Xiaomi Pad 5 Pro 5G mehr als zufrieden. Ich empfinde die Optik als sehr angenehm.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 26.09.2021

Ausländische Testberichte

Xiaomi Mi Pad 5 Pro Full Review: Flagship Tablet Powered by Steroids
Quelle: Awaqua Englisch EN→DE version
After my full testing of the new generation of the Xiaomi Mi Pad 5 Pro tablet, I was left under a very positive impression. It has everything you need not only to watch video content, but also a sufficient amount of performance headroom for games or work. I bought myself this tablet for work, so that I could print reviews for you in any place convenient for me. But currently I don’t have a separate keyboard and stylus yet. Therefore, I hope that I will be able to buy a keyboard and use the tablet for its intended purpose. In addition, I liked the large 11-inch IPS screen with 120Hz refresh rate and 2.5K resolution in this device. The tablet also stands out for its good performance thanks to the Snapdragon 870 processor. The device also boasts a good battery life and fast charging. The disadvantages include such features as the lack of a global version of the firmware. Also, there is no slot for a memory card and a separate headphone jack.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 09.09.2021
Xiaomi Mi Pad 5 Pro Full Review: Flagship Tablet Powered by Steroids
Quelle: Awaqua Englisch EN→DE version
After my full testing of the new generation of the Xiaomi Mi Pad 5 Pro tablet, I was left under a very positive impression. It has everything you need not only to watch video content, but also a sufficient amount of performance headroom for games or work. I bought myself this tablet for work, so that I could print reviews for you in any place convenient for me. But currently I don’t have a separate keyboard and stylus yet. Therefore, I hope that I will be able to buy a keyboard and use the tablet for its intended purpose. In addition, I liked the large 11-inch IPS screen with 120Hz refresh rate and 2.5K resolution in this device. The tablet also stands out for its good performance thanks to the Snapdragon 870 processor. The device also boasts a good battery life and fast charging. The disadvantages include such features as the lack of a global version of the firmware. Also, there is no slot for a memory card and a separate headphone jack.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 09.09.2021
Xiaomi Mi Pad 5 Pro Review - Powerful 120hz Android 11 Tablet!
Quelle: TechTablets Englisch version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 01.09.2021
Xiaomi Mi Pad 5 Pro Review - Powerful 120hz Android 11 Tablet!
Quelle: TechTablets Englisch version
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 01.09.2021
Xiaomi Mi Tablet 5 Pro Review: Best Alternative of iPad Pro 2021
Quelle: Igeekphone Englisch EN→DE version
Compared with previous products, Xiaomi Mi Pad 5 Pro is definitely a qualitative change, but there is still a long way to go in terms of ecological experience. Lei Jun also made it clear at the press conference that this is something that requires everyone to collaborate, and the road is long. , I will search from top to bottom, and hope that one day domestic mobile phone manufacturers can jointly create a tablet ecosystem that can directly confront Apple’s iPad. I am full of expectations.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 14.08.2021
Xiaomi Mi Tablet 5 Pro Review: Best Alternative of iPad Pro 2021
Quelle: Igeekphone Englisch EN→DE version
Compared with previous products, Xiaomi Mi Pad 5 Pro is definitely a qualitative change, but there is still a long way to go in terms of ecological experience. Lei Jun also made it clear at the press conference that this is something that requires everyone to collaborate, and the road is long. , I will search from top to bottom, and hope that one day domestic mobile phone manufacturers can jointly create a tablet ecosystem that can directly confront Apple’s iPad. I am full of expectations.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 14.08.2021
Xiaomi Pad 5 Pro Specifications, Pros and Cons
Quelle: OI Spice Tech News Englisch EN→DE version
The release date of the Xiaomi Pad 5 Pro iPad is August 2021 and the expected price of the iPad is approximately $389 (Rs 28,999). The Xiaomi Pad 5 Pro comes with 5G support, a tall 11 inches IPS LCD screen with 120 Hz refresh rate, Stylus support, Android 11 operating system compatible with MIUI 12.5 UI, 7nm Snapdragon 870 5G chipset, Adreno 650 graphics, 50MP main camera, 8MP selfie camera, 4K video recording, 8 stereo speakers, Li-Po 8600 mAh battery, 67W fast charging, Quick Charge 4 and 3.0 Power Delivery.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 13.08.2021
Xiaomi Pad 5 Pro Specifications, Pros and Cons
Quelle: OI Spice Tech News Englisch EN→DE version
The release date of the Xiaomi Pad 5 Pro iPad is August 2021 and the expected price of the iPad is approximately $389 (Rs 28,999). The Xiaomi Pad 5 Pro comes with 5G support, a tall 11 inches IPS LCD screen with 120 Hz refresh rate, Stylus support, Android 11 operating system compatible with MIUI 12.5 UI, 7nm Snapdragon 870 5G chipset, Adreno 650 graphics, 50MP main camera, 8MP selfie camera, 4K video recording, 8 stereo speakers, Li-Po 8600 mAh battery, 67W fast charging, Quick Charge 4 and 3.0 Power Delivery.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 13.08.2021


Xiaomi Pad 5 Pro 12.4

Ausstattung / Datenblatt

Xiaomi Pad 5 Pro 12.4Notebook: Xiaomi Pad 5 Pro 12.4
Prozessor: Qualcomm Snapdragon SD 870
Grafikkarte: Qualcomm Adreno 650
Bildschirm: 12.40 Zoll, 16:10, 2560 x 1600 Pixel
Gewicht: 0.62kg
Preis: 400 Euro


Bewertung: 70% - Befriedigend

Durchschnitt von 1 Bewertungen (aus 3 Tests)



Xiaomi Pad 5 Pro 12.4
Quelle: Deutsch
Das Xiaomi Pad 5 Pro 12.4 ist ein neues Tablet von Xiaomi, das in direkte Konkurrenz zu den Spitzenmodellen von Samsung und Apple tritt. Geboten werden ein 12 Zoll großes Display, ein schneller Snapdragon-870-Prozessor und bis zu 12 GB RAM.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 07.11.2022
70% Ein Samsung Flaggschiff-Killer?
Quelle: Tablet Blog Deutsch
Vor allem wenn ich den Preis bedenke, ist das Display hervorragend, wir bekommen einen starken Prozessor, gute Lautsprecher, eine solide Tastatur, sowie einen guten Stift.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 21.10.2022
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%

Ausländische Testberichte

Trên tay Xiaomi Pad 5 Pro 12.4: Thiết kế mỏng nhẹ, màn hình lớn, hiệu năng mạnh mẽ thỏa sức chiến game
Quelle: Viettelstore VN→DE
Positive: Slim size; light weight; big screen; decent hardware; nice gaming performance.
Hands-On, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 29.08.2022




Die 2010 gegründete Xiaomi Corporation ist ein chinesisches multinationales Elektronikunternehmen und produziert Unterhaltungselektronik und verwandte Produkte, darunter Smartphones, Fernsehgeräte, Fitnessbänder, Power Banks, Kopfhörer, intelligente Geräte und Zubehör. Xiaomi bietet seine Produkte unter den Marken Mi, Redmi und POCO an.

Einige nicht anspruchsvolle aktuelle Spiele können mit geringen Details noch flüssig gespielt werden. Für Office und Video natürlich ausreichende Leistungsreserven.

Qualcomm Adreno 640: Grafikchip für Smartphones und Tablets, integriert im Qualcomm Snapdragon 855 SoC. Laut Qualcomm um 20% schneller als die alte Adreno 630 im Snapdragon 845 und bietet 50% mehr ALUs (Recheneinheiten).

Diese Klasse ist noch durchaus fähig neueste Spiele flüssig darzustellen, nur nicht mehr mit allen Details und in hohen Auflösungen. Besonders anspruchsvolle Spiele laufen nur in minimalen Detailstufen, wodurch die grafische Qualität oft deutlich leidet. Diese Klasse ist nur noch für Gelegenheitsspieler empfehlenswert. Der Stromverbrauch von modernen Grafikkarten in dieser Klasse ist dafür geringer und erlaubt auch bessere Akkulaufzeiten.

Qualcomm Adreno 650: Grafikchip für Smartphones und Tablets, integriert im Qualcomm Snapdragon 865 SoC. Laut Qualcomm um 25% schneller als die alte Adreno 640 im Snapdragon 855.

» Weitere Informationen gibt es in unserem Notebook-Grafikkartenvergleich und der Benchmarkliste.

Qualcomm Snapdragon:

SD 860: High-End SoC (System on a Chip) für Smartphones welcher Anfang 2021 vorgestellt wurde. Integriert unter anderen einen schnellen "Prime Core" mit bis zu 2,96 GHz und drei weitere schnelle Cortex-A76 basierende Performance-Kerne. Zum Stromsparen wurden außerdem 4 weitere ARM Cortex-A55 Kerne verbaut. Das integrierte X24 LTE Modem unterstützt 2 Gigabit Cat. 20 und weiters kann der Chip mit dem externen X50 5G Modem kombiniert werden. Höher getaktete Version des Snapdragon 855 (Prime Core +120 MHz, GPU 15% schneller) und technisch identisch zum 855+.

SD 870: High-End SoC (System on a Chip) für Smartphones welcher Mitte 2021 vorgestellt wurde. Integriert unter anderen einen schnellen "Prime Core" mit bis zu 3,2 GHz und drei weitere schnelle Cortex-A77 basierende Performance-Kerne. Zum Stromsparen wurden außerdem 4 weitere ARM Cortex-A55 Kerne verbaut.

» Weitere Infos gibt es in unserem Prozessorvergleich Vergleich mobiler Prozessoren und der Prozessoren Benchmarkliste .

» Prüfen Sie in unserer DPI Liste, welche Displays wie fein aufgelöst sind.

0.511 kg:

Most smartphones and only a few tablets fall into this weight category. Only a few smartphones are heavier and should rather be considered tablets.

0.62 kg:

84.32%: Diese Bewertung ist leicht überdurchschnittlich, es gibt etwas mehr Geräte mit schlechteren Beurteilungen. Klare Kaufempfehlungen sehen aber anders aus.

» Lesen Sie auch unsere Notebook-Kaufberatung.

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Geräte anderer Hersteller

Geräte mit der selben Grafikkarte

Vivo Pad Air
Adreno 650, Snapdragon SD 870, 11.50", 0.53 kg
Xiaomi Pad 6
Adreno 650, Snapdragon SD 870, 11.00", 0.49 kg
Huawei MatePad 11 2023
Adreno 650, Snapdragon SD 870, 11.00", 0.48 kg
Huawei Matepad Pro 11 2022
Adreno 650, Snapdragon SD 870, 11.00", 0.449 kg
Vivo Pad
Adreno 650, Snapdragon SD 870, 11.00", 0.489 kg
Oppo Pad
Adreno 650, Snapdragon SD 870, 11.00", 0.507 kg

Geräte mit der selben Bildschirmgröße und/oder ähnlichem Gewicht

Xiaomi Pad 7 Pro
Adreno 735, Snapdragon 8 SD 8s Gen 3, 11.20", 0.5 kg
Xiaomi Pad 7
Adreno 732, Snapdragon SD 7+ Gen 3, 11.20", 0.5 kg
Xiaomi Redmi Pad SE 8.7 inches
Mali-G52 MP2, Mediatek Helio G Helio G85, 8.70", 0.373 kg
Xiaomi Poco Pad
Adreno 710, Snapdragon SD 7s Gen 2, 12.10", 0.571 kg
Xiaomi Redmi Pad Pro
Adreno 710, Snapdragon SD 7s Gen 2, 12.10", 0.571 kg
Xiaomi Pad 6s Pro
Adreno 740, Snapdragon 8 SD 8 Gen 2, 12.40", 0.59 kg
Xiaomi Pad 6 Max 14
Adreno 730, Snapdragon 8 SD 8+ Gen 1, 14.00", 0.75 kg
Xiaomi Redmi Pad SE
Adreno 610, Snapdragon SD 680, 11.00", 0.481 kg
Xiaomi Pad 6 Pro
Adreno 730, Snapdragon 8 SD 8+ Gen 1, 11.00", 0.49 kg
Xiaomi Redmi Pad
Mali-G57 MP2, Mediatek Helio G Helio G99, 10.61", 0.445 kg
Xiaomi Book S 12.4
Adreno 680, Snapdragon SD 8cx Gen 2 5G, 12.40", 0.72 kg

Laptops des selben Herstellers

Xiaomi Redmi Turbo 4 Pro
Adreno 735, Snapdragon 8 SD 8s Gen 3, 6.73", 0 kg
Xiaomi Redmi Turbo 4
Immortalis-G720 MP7, unknown, 6.67", 0.2035 kg
Xiaomi Poco X7
Mali-G615 MP2, Dimensity 7300, 6.67", 0.1855 kg
Xiaomi Redmi Note 14 Pro LTE
Mali-G57 MP2, Mediatek Helio G Helio G99, 6.67", 0.18 kg
Xiaomi Redmi Note 14 LTE
Mali-G57 MP2, Mediatek Helio G Helio G99, 6.67", 0.196 kg
Xiaomi Poco X7 Pro
Immortalis-G720 MP7, Dimensity 8400, 6.67", 0.198 kg
Xiaomi Poco M7 Pro 5G
IMG BXM-8-256, unknown, 6.67", 0.19 kg
Xiaomi Redmi A4
unknown, unknown, 6.88", 0.2124 kg
Xiaomi Redmi K80 Pro
Adreno 830, Snapdragon 8 SD 8 Elite, 6.67", 0.212 kg
Xiaomi Redmi K80
Adreno 750, Snapdragon 8 SD 8 Gen 3, 6.67", 0.206 kg
Xiaomi Poco C75
Mali-G52 MP2, unknown, 6.88", 0.204 kg
Autor: Stefan Hinum (Update: 13.10.2021)