Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
Ausstattung / Datenblatt
Secondary Camera: 40 MPix (1/2.8", f/2.2, AF)
Durchschnitt von 113 Bewertungen (aus 235 Tests)
Testberichte für das Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
Das Galaxy S21 Ultra ist das Aushängeschild der neuen Highend-Serie von Samsung. Es besitzt das größte, hochauflösendste sowie hellste Display, den stärksten Akku und die vielseitigste Kamera der Modellreihe. Es setzt hierzulande jedoch wieder auf einen hauseigenen Exynos-SoC, welchen die Koreaner jedoch verbessert haben wollen. Ob die Mischung aufgeht, verrät unser Test. Update: Weitere Akkutests und Fotovergleiche ergänzt.
Das Xiaomi Mi 11 setzt auf einen Kamerasensor von Samsung. Ob die Chinesen diesen eventuell sogar besser beherrschen als der Hersteller selbst, klären wir in diesem Kameravergleich mit dem Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra, Galaxy Note20 Ultra und Galaxy S20 FE 5G.
In unserem ausführlichen Test treten an: das Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra, Xiaomi Mi 11 Ultra, OnePlus 9 Pro und ZTE Axon 30 Ultra. Welches Flagship-Smartphone des Jahres 2021 am Ende die Nase vorn hat, erfahren Sie in diesem Kameratest.
Wir lassen die nominell besten Kamera-Smartphones aus dem Android-Lager für einen ausführlichen Videographie-Test gegeneinander antreten. Welches Handy dabei die beste Videoqualität liefert, erfahren Sie in diesem Testbericht.
Quelle: Netzwelt
Galaxy S21, S21 FE und S21+ sind nahezu identisch, hier hängt die Entscheidung von der von euch präferierten Displaygröße ab.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 05.01.2022
Quelle: Computerbild
Das Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra ist vollgestopft mit Spitzentechnik: 5G, ein schneller Prozessor, ein großes und rekordhelles Display mit einer adaptiven Bildschirmwiederholrate bis 120 Hertz. Das eigentliche Argument zum Kauf aber ist die starke Kamera. Mit seinen vier Linsen deckt das Samsung praktisch jeden Zoom-Bereich von ganz weit weg bis nah ab. Und macht tolle Fotos nicht nur bei gutem Licht. Misst man es an den höchsten Ansprüchen, bleiben allerdings auch einige Punkte, in denen es nur "gut", aber nicht "sehr gut" ist: Die Betriebszeit könnte angesichts des großen Akkus noch besser sein und der Prozessor liefert das Spitzentempo nicht in jeder Lage.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 20.12.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 92%
Quelle: Computerbild
Das Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra ist vollgestopft mit Spitzentechnik: 5G, ein schneller Prozessor, ein großes und rekordhelles Display mit einer adaptiven Bildschirmwiederholrate bis 120 Hertz. Das eigentliche Argument zum Kauf aber ist die starke Kamera. Mit seinen vier Linsen deckt das Samsung praktisch jeden Zoom-Bereich von ganz weit weg bis nah ab. Und macht tolle Fotos nicht nur bei gutem Licht. Misst man es an den höchsten Ansprüchen, bleiben allerdings auch einige Punkte, in denen es nur "gut", aber nicht "sehr gut" ist: Die Betriebszeit könnte angesichts des großen Akkus noch besser sein und der Prozessor liefert das Spitzentempo nicht in jeder Lage.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 07.05.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 94%
Ohne Zweifel – das Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra gehört zu einem der besten Smartphones, die es derzeit auf dem Markt zu kaufen gibt. Das Display gehört zur Spitzenklasse, Material und Verarbeitung sind auf einem Top-Niveau und auch die Performance, insbesondere die der Kamera, kann überzeugen.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 07.04.2021
Quelle: Nextpit Germany
Das Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra ist definitiv eines der teuersten nicht-Foldable-Flaggschiffe auf dem Markt. Sicherlich ist es 100 Euro günstiger als das Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra und 50 Euro günstiger als das iPhone 12 Pro Max bei ihren jeweiligen Veröffentlichungen. Aber wir reden nach wie vor von einem Smartphone, das für die meisten Benutzer eher unerreichbar bleibt.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 28.03.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Area DVD
Der Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G steht diesmal im direkten Vergleich zum Apple iPhone 12 Pro Max. Das drängt sich auch förmlich auf, denn beide Referenz-Funker sind mittlerweile frappierend ähnlich, da die Koreaner viele iPhone-Marotten 1:1 übernommen haben: Kein microSD-Speicherkarten-Slot mehr und auch das Netzteil fehlt auf einmal.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 13.03.2021
Quelle: WinFuture
Das Galaxy S21 Ultra ist das aktuelle Flaggschiff von Samsung und zweifelsfrei eines der besten Smartphones, das man derzeit kaufen kann. Gleichzeitig ist es mit einem Preis von mehr als 1000 Euro auch eines der teuersten Geräte. Das Samsung Galaxy S 21 Ultra fühlt sich hochwertig an, zugleich ist es aber auch groß und wuchtig.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 05.03.2021
Quelle: Inside Handy
Das Galaxy S21 ist ein fantastisches Smartphone und bietet nahezu alles, was ein Smartphone derzeit bieten kann. An einigen Stellen, wie bei der Bluetooth-Verbindung oder bei der Kamera bietet es sogar noch deutlich mehr als die Konkurrenz. Die Akkulaufzeit ist durchschnittlich, aber solide, der Sound wirklich toll und die Leistung sucht ihresgleichen.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 18.02.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: MobiFlip
Das Gesamtpaket passt und mich hat das Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra überzeugt. Samsung hat viele Kleinigkeiten optimiert und es stört mich auch nicht, dass der SD-Slot fehlt, denn ich habe seit Jahren keine Speichererweiterung mehr genutzt. Man bekommt das vielleicht beste Android-Smartphone aktuell, nur es ist mir zu groß.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 13.02.2021
Quelle: A1 Blog
Ist das Galaxy S21 Ultra auch wirklich so gut, wie sein Name vermuten lässt? – Auf jeden Fall ist es Samsung gelungen, die Schwächen des Vorgängers auszumerzen und ein rundum erneuertes Modell aufzulegen. Das beginnt beim ansprechenden Design (Stichwort: Integriertes Kamera-Modul), geht über das Display weiter und zu guter Letzt natürlich auch bei der Kamera.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 10.02.2021
Samsung hat exzellente Produktpflege betrieben. Vor allem, was das Display und die Kamera angeht – nicht zuletzt die Videofunktion. Da gibt es wenig bis gar nichts, das wirklich auf ganzer Linie mithalten kann. Wenn Sie also aufs Ganze gehen wollen, ist es einen Blick wert.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 09.02.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Computerbase
Vollgepackt mit modernster Technik zeigt das Galaxy S21 Ultra, dass es das wahre Flaggschiff innerhalb der Serie ist. Der Trend zum Flaggschiff innerhalb der Flaggschiff-Serie ist nicht gänzlich neu, hat ihn Samsung doch selbst schon bei Galaxy S20 Ultra und Galaxy Note 20 Ultra vollzogen.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 08.02.2021
Quelle: Tech Stage
Das Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra ist mehr als ein eingangs vermutetes Facelift des Vorgängers. Es ist insgesamt ein richtig gutes Smartphone, dass vor Technik kaum laufen kann und alles bietet, was derzeit überhaupt in einem Smartphone machbar ist. Das schicke Design überzeugt, die Qualitätsanmutung ist enorm hoch und das Display gehört zum Besten, was es derzeit auf dem Markt gibt.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 07.02.2021
Das Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra ist ein wahres High End Smartphone, anders können wir dies nicht sagen. Der wichtigste Punkt ist hier klar die Kamera bzw. die Kameras. Die Hauptkamera macht bei Tageslicht herausragende Bilder! Das S21 Ultra produziert bei genug Licht sehr scharfe und detaillierte Aufnahmen.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 05.02.2021
Quelle: Computerbild
Das Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra ist vollgestopft mit Spitzentechnik: 5G, ein schneller Prozessor, ein großes und rekordhelles Display mit einer adaptiven Bildschirmwiederholrate bis 120 Hertz. Das eigentliche Argument zum Kauf aber ist die starke Kamera. Mit seinen vier Linsen deckt das Samsung praktisch jeden Zoom-Bereich von ganz weit weg bis nah ab. Und macht tolle Fotos nicht nur bei gutem Licht. Misst man es an den höchsten Ansprüchen, bleiben allerdings auch einige Punkte, in denen es nur "gut", aber nicht "sehr gut" ist: Die Betriebszeit könnte angesichts des großen Akkus noch besser sein und der Prozessor liefert das Spitzentempo nicht in jeder Lage.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 04.02.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 94%
Quelle: Nextpit Germany
Das Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra ist definitiv eines der teuersten nicht-Foldable-Flaggschiffe auf dem Markt. Sicherlich ist es 100 Euro günstiger als das Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra und 50 Euro günstiger als das iPhone 12 Pro Max bei ihren jeweiligen Veröffentlichungen. Aber wir reden nach wie vor von einem Smartphone, das für die meisten Benutzer eher unerreichbar bleibt.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 03.02.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Computerbild
Das Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra ist vollgestopft mit Spitzentechnik: 5G, ein schneller Prozessor, ein großes und rekordhelles Display mit einer adaptiven Bildschirmwiederholrate bis 120 Hertz. Das eigentliche Argument zum Kauf aber ist die starke Kamera. Mit seinen vier Linsen deckt das Samsung praktisch jeden Zoom-Bereich von ganz weit weg bis nah ab. Und macht tolle Fotos nicht nur bei gutem Licht. Misst man es an den höchsten Ansprüchen, bleiben allerdings auch einige Punkte, in denen es nur "gut", aber nicht "sehr gut" ist: Die Betriebszeit könnte angesichts des großen Akkus noch besser sein und der Prozessor liefert das Spitzentempo nicht in jeder Lage.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 28.01.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 94%
Quelle: Curved
Besserer Autofokus, längere Akkulaufzeit, starke Performance und ein schickes Design: Das „Ultra“-Affix hat sich Samsung in diesem Jahr wirklich verdient. Die Kamera ist wieder ein großer Schritt nach vorne und im Bereich Telefoto sind Konkurrenten wie das iPhone 12 Pro Max oder Googles Pixel 5 weit abgeschlagen.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 27.01.2021
Quelle: Heute
Das Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra ist dem Smartphone-Gipfel so nah wie kaum ein anderes Gerät. Etwas Kritik müssen wir an der Ladetechnik des Smartphones üben und Smartphone-Neulinge werden sich kaum freuen, sich ab sofort Kopfhörer und Netzteil zum nicht gerade günstigen Handy dazukaufen zu müssen.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 26.01.2021
Quelle: Teltarif
Das Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra ist ein sehr gutes Smartphone. Es kann mit Vorzügen punkten, die von einem Premium-Smartphone, das weit über 1000 Euro kostet, allerdings auch erwartet werden. Die Verarbeitung ist erstklassig, das matte Gehäuserückseite beugt Fingerabdrücken vor, und der neue Exynos 2100 liefert eine ausgezeichnete Performance. Das Display ist wie gewohnt überdurchschnittlich hell, und das Stereolautsprecher-System ist auch für ernsthaften Musikgenuss geeignet. Die Kameraleistung unter Laborbedingungen ist grundsätzlich auf Augenhöhe mit der des Vorgängers, der Nachtmodus des Galaxy S21 Ultra ist leicht besser. Leider ist der interne Speicher nicht mehr erweiterbar, der MicroSD-Slot fehlt. Zukünftig muss sich zeigen, ob das Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra mit 5G-Qualitäten aus der Masse hervorstehen kann.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 25.01.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 95% Preis: 72% Leistung: 100% Bildschirm: 90% Mobilität: 100% Gehäuse: 90%
Einige Neuerungen, jedoch eine große Schwachstelle: futurezone-Redakteur Florian Christof hat das neue Spitzengerät von Samsung für euch getestet.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 22.01.2021
In das S21 Ultra hat Samsung alles gepackt, was es zu bieten hat. Revolutionäre Neuerungen bleiben dabei allerdings aus. Dennoch hat Samsung mit dem Ultra-Modell die Latte für das Smartphone-Jahr 2021 hoch angesetzt. Die Qualität des Displays zählt zu besten überhaupt.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 21.01.2021
Quelle: WinFuture
Samsung hat neben dem Galaxy S21 und dem Galaxy S21 Plus vor wenigen Tagen auch das Galaxy S21 Ultra vorgestellt. Das aktuelle Spitzenmodell kann unter anderem mit einer Quad-Kamera und einem größeren Display aufwarten, ansonsten teilen sich die drei Geräte aber viele Gemeinsamkeiten.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 20.01.2021
Quelle: Curved
Das Galaxy S21 Ultra ist klar ein Anwärter auf den Smartphone-Thron 2021. Das Display ist beeindruckend und endlich auch bei voller Auflösung sehr flüssig dank 120 Hertz. Auch die Kamera wurde sinnvoll verbessert und bietet für praktisch jedes Motiv eine passende Linse.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 18.01.2021
Quelle: Netzwelt
Während das Galaxy S21 Ultra deutliche Verbesserungen gegenüber dem Vorgänger zu einem niedrigeren Preis bieten soll, will der Kauf des Galaxy S21 und S21+ gut überlegt sein. Zwar ist davon auszugehen, dass Samsung durch die Detailverbesserungen an Prozessor und Kamera einige nervige Fehler des Vorgängers ausgebügelt hat.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 14.01.2021
Ausländische Testberichte
Quelle: SuperSaf
Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra vs Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra Full Comparison including Display, Hands-on, Size, Design, Performance, Camera, Battery & Price.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 04.02.2023
Quelle: Tom's Guide EN→DE
Samsung nearly perfected the big-screen phone with the Galaxy S21 Ultra. The display is best-in-class, the cameras are much improved and you can even use this thing as a Galaxy Note if you want to. Personally, I see the S Pen support as more of a bonus because of the added cost. That's another reason to get the Galaxy S22 Ultra, as that phone ships with an included S Pen. There are some things I don’t like about this flagship. It’s a bit big and heavy, and the lack of a charger and microSD card slot both sting. And while the S21 Ultra is fast, it’s still a step behind the iPhone 12 Pro Max. Then again, Samsung’s phone lasts longer on charge and lets you do more with its cameras. Overall, if you were looking for the pinnacle of Android phones, the S21 Ultra had been it. These days, though, the S21 Ultra has made way for the Galaxy S22 Ultra, and that's only good news for Samsung fans.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 17.02.2022
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Android Authority EN→DE
Despite a few grievances, the Galaxy S21 Ultra is still a terrific smartphone. It’s got all the power you need under the hood, looks great, feels great, and still has two more years of Samsung’s stellar software support. It’s even becoming easier to find for much lower than its $1,200 list price, which is great news. Normally, I would point to the next iteration of a phone as a caution against buying last year’s model. However, the Galaxy S22 Ultra looks like it could be a very different phone from the Galaxy S21 Ultra. Simply put, the Galaxy S21 Ultra might be the last of its kind, as the Galaxy S22 Ultra looks to have more in common with a Galaxy Note device than it does with its predecessor. Obviously, there are still plenty of other 2022 phones on the horizon to get excited about. Folks on the fence about the Galaxy S21 Ultra might want to wait for the aforementioned OnePlus 10 Pro. We also expect an Ultra model within the Xiaomi 12 series that might be worth a look. It’s also likely there will be a Google Pixel 7 Pro sometime in 2022, which could be a good alternative to the Galaxy S21 Ultra.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 29.01.2022
Quelle: Tom's Guide EN→DE
Samsung has nearly perfected the big-screen phone with the Galaxy S21 Ultra. The display is best-in-class, the cameras are much improved and you can even use this thing as a Galaxy Note if you want to. Personally, I see the S Pen support as more of a bonus because of the added cost. There are some things I don’t like about this flagship. It’s a bit big and heavy, and the lack of a charger and microSD card slot both sting. And while the S21 Ultra is fast, it’s still a step behind the iPhone 12 Pro Max. Then again, Samsung’s phone lasts longer on charge and lets you do more with its cameras. Overall, if you’re looking for the pinnacle of Android phones, the S21 Ultra is it. It does, however, face stiff competition from the excellent OnePlus 9 Pro for the title of ultimate Android phone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 02.12.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Phone Arena EN→DE
Hey there, the world's most specc'd-out camera phone, Galaxy S21 Ultra! When Samsung announced your predecessor with a 108MP camera sensor, 5x periscope zoom and 5,000mAh battery, we thought this can't be beat! Fast forward and the Galaxy S21 Ultra still carries the same humongous battery, but has done the near-impossible, taking the record-beating camera kit further to earn the world's best camera phone specs title. If two optical zoom systems and a 108MP sensor that can actually maintain focus this time around aren't enough for you, Samsung throws in the kitchen sink in terms of display and connectivity technologies, too, so let's review how the king of Samsung's S21 series block looks and behaves, and how it compares to the competition.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 18.11.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 91%
Quelle: Tom's Guide EN→DE
Samsung has nearly perfected the big-screen phone with the Galaxy S21 Ultra. The display is best-in-class, the cameras are much improved and you can even use this thing as a Galaxy Note if you want to. Personally, I see the S Pen support as more of a bonus because of the added cost. There are some things I don’t like about this flagship. It’s a bit big and heavy, and the lack of a charger and microSD card slot both sting. And while the S21 Ultra is fast, it’s still a step behind the iPhone 12 Pro Max. Then again, Samsung’s phone lasts longer on charge and lets you do more with its cameras. Overall, if you’re looking for the pinnacle of Android phones, the S21 Ultra is it. It does, however, face stiff competition from the excellent OnePlus 9 Pro for the title of ultimate Android phone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 15.11.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Android Authority EN→DE
Starting at $1,199, the Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra is not a cheap device. But considering the specs it’s packing, I wouldn’t call it overpriced, either. There have been plenty of phones launched with the Qualcomm Snapdragon 888 this year, but the Galaxy S21 Ultra was one of the first you can get in the United States. In addition, if you want 10x optical telephoto zoom, you’re left between the S21 Ultra or the Huawei P40 Pro Plus — and only one of those is easy to buy and has full access to Google services. Interestingly, Samsung seems to be pushing customers towards the S21 Ultra this year with its latest Galaxy S series evolution. While 2020’s Galaxy S20 and Galaxy S20 Plus were quite feature-packed on their own, this year’s S21 and S21 Plus are much less so. The S21 features a “Glasstic” design, and neither device has a WQHD+ display, only FHD+. Not to mention, the S21 and S21 Plus feature the exact same camera system from last year. If you want a new camera experience and the very best specs, the S21 Ultra is your only option out of the three.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 10.11.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90% Preis: 80% Leistung: 100% Bildschirm: 90% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: Android Police EN→DE
Yes. Samsung's come back with a phone that is both better and cheaper than the one that came before it. That's not usually how things go, but then again, it's not at all "usual" to price a phone at $1400. In general, I'm still reluctant to give our editor's choice award to phones that cost well over a thousand dollars — it's difficult to square that kind of pricing relative to the actual utility of the product you're purchasing unless you are very confident you plan to use this phone for a full four years and that you will be happy with it. I also feel compelled to weigh the fact Samsung phones generally only cost what the sticker says if you're a hapless boomer in a carrier store, but the ball is still in Samsung's court there: that's the price they gave the phone, and that's how it's going to be reviewed. When you take what to me is now the cream of the smartphone camera crop and combine it with the latest, fastest processor in the Android world, Samsung's new update policy, and the larger set of features this phone offers, it's hard to think of a better "total package" phone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 08.11.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 85%
Quelle: Android Police EN→DE
Samsung's come back with a phone that is both better and cheaper than the one that came before it. That's not usually how things go, but then again, it's not at all "usual" to price a phone at $1400. In general, I'm still reluctant to give our editor's choice award to phones that cost well over a thousand dollars — it's difficult to square that kind of pricing relative to the actual utility of the product you're purchasing unless you are very confident you plan to use this phone for a full four years and that you will be happy with it. I also feel compelled to weigh the fact Samsung phones generally only cost what the sticker says if you're a hapless boomer in a carrier store, but the ball is still in Samsung's court there: that's the price they gave the phone, and that's how it's going to be reviewed. When you take what to me is now the cream of the smartphone camera crop and combine it with the latest, fastest processor in the Android world, Samsung's new update policy, and the larger set of features this phone offers, it's hard to think of a better "total package" phone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 08.11.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 85%
Quelle: Android Authority EN→DE
Even so, the Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra is not a cheap device, priced as it is at $1,200. It only becomes more expensive for power users who require 256GB or 512GB of storage, costing $1,250 and $1,380 respectively. At those prices, multimedia enthusiasts might want to check out the Sony Xperia 1 III ($1,299), while mobile gamers may prefer the Asus ROG Phone 5 ($999). However, you can now find the S21 Ultra with a $200 discount from Samsung and other retailers, making it practically a steal.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 28.08.2021
Quelle: Tom's Guide EN→DE
Samsung has nearly perfected the big-screen phone with the Galaxy S21 Ultra. The display is best-in-class, the cameras are much improved and you can even use this thing as a Galaxy Note if you want to. Personally, I see the S Pen support as more of a bonus because of the added cost. There are some things I don’t like about this flagship. It’s a bit big and heavy, and the lack of a charger and microSD card slot both sting. And while the S21 Ultra is fast, it’s still a step behind the iPhone 12 Pro Max. Then again, Samsung’s phone lasts longer on charge and lets you do more with its cameras. Overall, if you’re looking for the pinnacle of Android phones, the S21 Ultra is it. It does, however, face stiff competition from the excellent OnePlus 9 Pro for the title of ultimate Android phone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 28.08.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Gadgetspeak EN→DE
Samsung are one of the most popular brands of Android Smartphones. As with most recent Smartphones the main advances are made with the cameras and for that reason you could say this is a camera phone as a lot of people no longer bother to carry a camera day to day.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 23.08.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90% Preis: 80% Leistung: 100% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: T3 EN→DE
The Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra is the phone that the Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra should have been. Last year's phone was a massively powerful handset that, in some areas, was coarse around the edges – and as such fell from grace in terms of receiving a perfect score. The S21 Ultra, though, while not perfect, builds on and refines what was there last year, as well as offering functionality that up until now has been the preserve of the Galaxy Note series alone. It's still a very expensive flagship, and certainly not for everyone, but now it's one with less flaws and more overall usage potential.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 10.08.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
Quelle: NLT EN→DE
If you’re thinking of picking up the Galaxy S21 Ultra today, then I have good news. You can even get this phone with 256GB storage at about RM4,299 now which I think is a big price drop from the initial RM5,299 that Samsung was asking for. While the RM4,299 price tag is a much more reasonable price, it’s still an expensive phone overall. With that said, throughout my usage, I think I found the phone that suits my use case the most. Perhaps this is an example of “you get what you pay for”?
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 08.08.2021
Quelle: Sam Mobile EN→DE
That’s exactly the question we set out to answer in our latest video, which you can find below. Spoiler alert: The Galaxy S21 Ultra is still amazing, and if foldables aren’t your thing and you’re looking for a new flagship phone, the Galaxy S21 Ultra should be on your list. Yes, you miss out on features like a microSD slot or proper Samsung Pay support, but if you can live without those, the S21 Ultra will give you no cause for complaint.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 28.07.2021
Quelle: Tom's Guide EN→DE
Samsung has nearly perfected the big-screen phone with the Galaxy S21 Ultra. The display is best-in-class, the cameras are much improved and you can even use this thing as a Galaxy Note if you want to. Personally, I see the S Pen support as more of a bonus because of the added cost. There are some things I don’t like about this flagship. It’s a bit big and heavy, and the lack of a charger and microSD card slot both sting. And while the S21 Ultra is fast, it’s still a step behind the iPhone 12 Pro Max. Then again, Samsung’s phone lasts longer on charge and lets you do more with its cameras. Overall, if you’re looking for the pinnacle of Android phones, the S21 Ultra is it. It does, however, face stiff competition from the excellent OnePlus 9 Pro for the title of ultimate Android phone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 27.07.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: T3 EN→DE
The Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra is the phone that the Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra should have been. Last year's phone was a massively powerful handset that, in some areas, was coarse around the edges – and as such fell from grace in terms of receiving a perfect score. The S21 Ultra, though, while not perfect, builds on and refines what was there last year, as well as offering functionality that up until now has been the preserve of the Galaxy Note series alone. It's still a very expensive flagship, and certainly not for everyone, but now it's one with less flaws and more overall usage potential.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 17.07.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
Quelle: GSM Arena EN→DE
So, in the end, it's a mixed package like any other phone ever made, but in our subjective opinion, the scales tilt heavily towards the good parts here. This is, like every other flagship from the South Korean company before it, the best Samsung ever. And in this case, by a bigger margin than usual. If you love the ups and can live with the downs, this is a very easy phone to recommend, with one caveat. Even today, it hovers around €1,000 in Europe, and that's a lot of money. Before spending it, make sure you actually need all the bells and whistles you're getting here (like the camera system, for example), because otherwise, you may find similarly-performing devices for (much) less.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 15.07.2021
Quelle: Techradar EN→DE
Surprise, the Galaxy S21 Ultra is launching a month earlier than anticipated, and that’s good news if you’re eager to own the very best of what Samsung can pack into a smartphone. It wowed us with a huge screen, five cameras and the best zoom on any readily available Android phone. Caution: while it's cheaper than last year’s ‘Ultra’ phone, it remains pricey for average consumers, and it doesn’t come with a microSD card slot nor does it include a charger.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 05.07.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: T3 EN→DE
The Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra is the phone that the Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra should have been. Last year's phone was a massively powerful handset that, in some areas, was coarse around the edges – and as such fell from grace in terms of receiving a perfect score. The S21 Ultra, though, while not perfect, builds on and refines what was there last year, as well as offering functionality that up until now has been the preserve of the Galaxy Note series alone. It's still a very expensive flagship, and certainly not for everyone, but now it's one with less flaws and more overall usage potential.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 30.06.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
Quelle: T3 EN→DE
The Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra is the phone that the Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra should have been. Last year's phone was a massively powerful handset that, in some areas, was coarse around the edges – and as such fell from grace in terms of receiving a perfect score. The S21 Ultra, though, while not perfect, builds on and refines what was there last year, as well as offering functionality that up until now has been the preserve of the Galaxy Note series alone. It's still a very expensive flagship, and certainly not for everyone, but now it's one with less flaws and more overall usage potential.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 24.06.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
Quelle: Expert Reviews EN→DE
The Samsung S21 is a fabulous smartphone and it comes packed with everything you could possibly want from a flagship. However, with a four-figure cost that zooms past its already-expensive rivals, it’s a tough sell, especially during the current period of economic instability. Now, more than ever, consumers are keeping a watchful eye on their wallets and the Galaxy S21 Ultra might not be seen as a justifiable expense, especially when the regular S21 costs £380 less. If you are lucky enough to afford one, then you likely won’t be disappointed. It’s brilliant. However, there are much better value options right now. Take the brand-new Xiaomi Mi 11, for instance, which shares the S21 Ultra’s 108MP camera and costs almost half the price. I know where I’d rather spend my money.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 23.06.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: DxOMark EN→DE
The Snapdragon and Exynos versions of the Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G are very similar, though the Snapdragon shows slightly better performance in handling artifacts. Overall, both show the same strengths and weaknesses: because of touch performance and aliasing, for example, neither model would be the first choice for serious gamers, but otherwise these latest Samsung twins come with a great display, especially for watching videos. (For more complete performance results, see our Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G (Exynos) review.)
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 22.06.2021
Quelle: Tom's Guide EN→DE
Samsung has nearly perfected the big-screen phone with the Galaxy S21 Ultra. The display is best-in-class, the cameras are much improved and you can even use this thing as a Galaxy Note if you want to. Personally, I see the S Pen support as more of a bonus because of the added cost. There are some things I don’t like about this flagship. It’s a bit big and heavy, and the lack of a charger and microSD card slot both sting. And while the S21 Ultra is fast, it’s still a step behind the iPhone 12 Pro Max. Then again, Samsung’s phone lasts longer on charge and lets you do more with its cameras. Overall, if you’re looking for the pinnacle of Android phones, the S21 Ultra is it. It does, however, face stiff competition from the excellent OnePlus 9 Pro for the title of ultimate Android phone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 04.06.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: DxOMark EN→DE
Boasting an automatic digital zoom for single-person selfies with a wider field of view for group shots, as well as an autofocus lens, the Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G (Snapdragon) offers the kind of well spec’d front camera you would expect from a top-end flagship. Results for both photos and video are good, and for the most part the device delivers wide dynamic range, nice color, high detail and accurate autofocus across front camera stills and videos. There’s no noticeable improvement over the S20 models, while the results between the Exynos version, as well as key competitors including Apple and Google flagships, are comparable. Despite some minor drawbacks, including low-face exposures in bright backlit conditions, visible noise, and abrupt blur transitions in bokeh shots, most users will be content with selfies from the Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G (Snapdragon).
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 25.05.2021
Quelle: CNet EN→DE
The Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G, unveiled alongside Samsung's Galaxy S21 and S21 Plus phones, proves that sometimes you have to do something twice to get it right. While just as bold as last year's Galaxy S20 Ultra, the S21 Ultra is a refined second take on the concept. There's still the 100x Space Zoom, but it's easier to use. There is still the "big for the sake of being big" design, but it looks more appealing. And there's still a high price, but at $1,200 (£1,149, AU$1,849) it costs $200 less than the S20 Ultra in the US.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 17.05.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 89%
Quelle: Tom's Guide EN→DE
Overall, if you’re looking for the pinnacle of Android phones, the S21 Ultra is it. It does, however, face stiff competition from the excellent OnePlus 9 Pro for the title of ultimate Android phone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 10.05.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: DxOMark EN→DE
The only difference between the two Samsung devices is the processor each one uses, and compared to its Snapdragon twin, the Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G (Exynos)’s Battery performance came in behind the Snapdragon (and behind all ultra-premium devices to date) in all instances. Further, it posted scores that hovered close to the bottom across our entire database thus far, though it managed to stay ahead of the Oppo Find X3 Pro in a number of specific calibrated use cases.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 10.05.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 57%
Quelle: DxOMark EN→DE
It was interesting to compare the battery performance of the Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G (Snapdragon) against that of its Exynos twin, with the two processors showing noticeably different results across the board. As things stand in our database for ultra-premium devices evaluated thus far, the Snapdragon version’s overall score comes in second behind the Apple iPhone 12 Pro Max; the Oppo Find X3 Pro is third, and the Exynos version of the Galaxy S21 Ultra brings up the rear at more than 20 points below the iPhone (and some 17 points behind the Snapdragon version). While none of its scores reached stratospheric heights, the Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G (Snapdragon) achieved at least average (and often above-average) results in nearly all tested categories.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 10.05.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 70%
Quelle: DxOMark EN→DE
The Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G (Snapdragon) is Samsung’s S-series flagship for the Chinese and North American markets. The device is built around Qualcomm’s top-of-the-line Snapdragon 888 chipset instead of the Exynos variant used in most regions, but otherwise tech specs are largely identical, including the specs of the audio components.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 27.04.2021
Quelle: Neowin EN→DE
It's not a perfect phone, and I found the below-average Wi-Fi reception to be especially disappointing considering it's still a phone that starts at $1,199, or €1,249 in Europe. There are also some inconsistencies between the rear cameras that are especially noticeable at night, and even though night mode helps alleviate them, it's certainly jarring when you see it for the first time.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 24.04.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: It Pro EN→DE
If you like big phones, the only issue you'll have with the Samsung S21 Ultra is the price. It costs £1,199 outright - or £64 per month on a Vodafone contract - and that might be difficult to justify in the current market. It really depends on what you want in a smartphone, because Xiaomi's Redmi Note 10 Pro has a few of the same specs - like a 108MP camera and 120Hz refresh rate - but for around £800 less.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 22.04.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
Quelle: Tom's Guide EN→DE
Overall, if you’re looking for the pinnacle of Android phones, the S21 Ultra is it. It does, however, face stiff competition from the excellent OnePlus 9 Pro for the title of ultimate Android phone.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 20.04.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: DxOMark EN→DE
Samsung’s Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G (Exynos) is a capable selfie shooter. Stills and video quality is high overall, with the caveat that there’s quite a bit more noise than we like to see, even in good light. While selfie performance is competitive with the market at large, it’s worth noting that the new Samsung flagship is not an obvious upgrade over the top-end last-generation Samsung phones we’ve tested. Video performance in particular takes a small step backwards compared to the best 20-series phones we’ve measured, and even comes in below the standard S21 (Exynos). That said, few mobile photographers would be disappointed by this phone’s selfies.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 20.04.2021
Quelle: Laptop Mag EN→DE
The Galaxy S21 Ultra isn’t the fastest Android phone on the market and there are some areas where other manufacturers have an edge such as the fast charging from OnePlus or the stock Android experience of the Pixel. But taken as a whole, the Galaxy S21 Ultra is the best overall Android phone on the market right now.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 17.04.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Neowin
We go hands-on with the Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra, the company's top-of-the-line flagship phone for the first half of the year. It has an Exynos 2100 processor, 12GB of RAM, and 128GB of internal storage. It also comes with four cameras on the back, including a 108MP main camera and two telephoto cameras for different levels of zoom.
Hands-On, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 16.04.2021
Quelle: DxOMark EN→DE
When we reviewed the Exynos version of the Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G, we said that given the top-end specifications of the device, we would have expected a higher camera score. The same is true for the Snapdragon version sold in North America, China and a few other markets. The Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G (Snapdragon) is capable of capturing nice photos and videos in most situations. It is also very slightly better than its Exynos counterpart across pretty much all test areas, but still lags behind most direct competitors from rival brands.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 13.04.2021
Quelle: G Style Magazine EN→DE
Well that’s it really. A month into using the Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G, and most of my opinions about it haven’t changed. It’s still a fantastic flagship phone and despite the few annoyances, this is still one of the best phones I’ve ever used. The phone is fast, the screen is bright and gorgeous, and even the speakers are really good. The cameras as beyond anything I’ve used so far and will now be the standard that I’ll have to compare other cameras to now.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 05.04.2021
Quelle: Manila Shaker EN→DE
For the starting price of P69,990 (12GB+256GB) the Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G is backed with the latest tech and features. It still has drawbacks but if you look on the bright side, it has more potential, especially for creativity and entertainment. In case you’re eyeing a flagship that can do almost everything from zooming, featured pack cameras, splendid viewing experience, top-of-the-line performance, and excellent battery life, this can be your first or second choice on purchasing a new flagship device.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 04.04.2021
Quelle: Manila Shaker
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra is the latest flagship from Samsung. The device boasts the best display as of date and it is equipped with the latest chipset. But is the camera is the real selling point? Find out in our review.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 02.04.2021
Quelle: Think Digit EN→DE
The Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra is here to fix all the mistakes that were characteristic of the Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra. This year, the camera modules have definitely improved by a notable margin, offering extremely reliable focussing performance. Day time shots from the S21 Ultra's cameras will definitely impress you with their sharpness, dynamic range, vibrant colours and detail retention. Not to mention, you're going to love flaunting the 10x optical zoom, which can shoot at up to 30x in really good quality, and going all the way up to 100x, with evidence of digital zoom being applied. Samsung also finally gives you a high resolution-high refresh rate display, albeit at the cost of colour accuracy. The performance of the phone doesn't match that of the Qualcomm Snapdragon 888 equipped OnePlus 9 Pro, but its still a reliable, glitch-free experience on a day-to-day basis.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 30.03.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 83% Preis: 82% Leistung: 79% Gehäuse: 77%
Quelle: Android Police EN→DE
For those still holding out on a possible Galaxy Note this year, unless the stylus is truly a deal-breaker, I don't think there's a point in waiting. Not to mention, you can use any old Galaxy Note stylus with the S21 Ultra (even if certain Bluetooth-based features won't work), or pony up for an official accessory. If you're on the fence about the S21 Ultra or waiting out Google's new Pixels this fall, I have less firm guidance to offer. Yes, Google could put a rabbit out of its hat and blow us away with a new camera sensor with heretofore unimagined capability and a renewed focus on premium components and new technology... or it could just launch a very garden variety high-end smartphone with a very-good-but-no-longer-class-leading camera. If you do buy a Galaxy S21 Ultra today, I can tell you one thing: you'll be happy with it (mostly).
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 25.03.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 85%
Quelle: PC Mag EN→DE
The Galaxy S21 Ultra delivers a high-quality superzoom camera that truly works, supports Samsung's excellent S Pen, and sets the bar for smartphone features in 2021.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 23.03.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Tech Nave EN→DE
So all in all, yes, we do feel that the Enhanced Game Booster did bring some improvements to the Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G. As mentioned, the RAM allocation and processing speed directed to some mobile games proved useful. However, this came at the cost of higher battery consumption and high temperatures. Luckily, the battery pack is 5000mAh, so you don't need to worry about draining your phone that fast. Again, as a reminder, don't charge your phone and play games at the same time.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 15.03.2021
Quelle: The Mobile Indian EN→DE
The Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra starts has a premium price tag attached to it. At Rs 1,05,000 one can 12GB RAM + 128GB storage variant while the 16GB + 512GB variant is priced at Rs 1,16, 999. I can without a doubt that it is the best premium smartphone in the Indian market right now. The camera, display and overall performance are top-notch but the ads in the UI and lack of charger are a big disappointment.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 12.03.2021
Quelle: Expert Reviews EN→DE
The Samsung S21 is a fabulous smartphone and it comes packed with everything you could possibly want from a flagship. However, with a four-figure cost that zooms past its already-expensive rivals, it’s a tough sell, especially during the current period of economic instability.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 08.03.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Tech Advisor EN→DE
The Galaxy S21 Ultra is a no-holds-barred uber-flagship with sizeable proportions and a high price, but for your money, you get the most uncompromisingly capable smartphone on the market right now.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 01.03.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Htxt Africa EN→DE
Unless you’re a one percenter, this handset is not for you and even if you have a lot of money to burn then, you might want to consider an Apple iPhone, at least it has a camera that could pass for professional.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 01.03.2021
Quelle: DxOMark EN→DE
The Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G (Exynos) is capable of capturing decent photos and video clips in pretty much all conditions. However, given the impressive-looking hardware specs and the Samsung’s status as an ultra-premium flagship device from a major brand, it’s fair to say we expected a score at least 10 points higher.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 01.03.2021
Quelle: Android Authority EN→DE
The Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra fixes most of the issues that plagued last year's S20 Ultra, all while coming in at a lower price point. The lack of microSD card expansion and a charging brick may frustrate longtime fans, but Samsung has delivered a great all-rounder phone with a clean design, wonderful display, blazing-fast performance, and one of the most versatile camera systems you can get in a smartphone today.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 01.03.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90% Preis: 80% Leistung: 100% Bildschirm: 90% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: DxOMark EN→DE
The Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G (Exynos) is adequate but not exceptional when it comes to its performance in audio. The one place where it topped the field was in the attribute of artifacts in playback — it produces clean sound. Otherwise it was functional in every sense; balance and localizability were decent, dynamics were good at low volume and the maximum volume is loud enough. Timbre was held back by a lack of low- and high-end extensions, and a tonal balance over-focused on the midrange.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 26.02.2021
Quelle: Tech Nave EN→DE
If you are looking for a new flagship smartphone and are still considering Samsung's latest phone series, what's stopping you? We know, we know. The price is quite hefty, so it's not something you can just buy on a whim. For reference, the Galaxy S21 series starting price is RM3499. But if you're eyeing the ultimate choice, the Galaxy S21 Ultra costs RM5299.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 26.02.2021
Quelle: DxOMark EN→DE
Due to problems with touch and aliasing, the Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G is not an ideal phone for gamers. But for all other needs, users will find that the latest Samsung more than satisfies their expectations for a great display, especially when watching videos.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 25.02.2021
Quelle: Good Gear Guide EN→DE
For most buyers, the Galaxy S21 Ultra will be too much phone for too much money. Like the iPhone 12 Pro Max, it’s very big and heavy, and it will set you back a bundle of dough. If you’re the least bit cautious about what your spend, this isn’t the phone for you, and the $800 S21 is the way to go. But if you have a bigger budget, the S21 Ultra represents the best—the best of Samsung, the most powerful telephoto camera, and the best of everything Android has to offer at any price. It’s also $200 cheaper than the S20 Ultra, and the corners Samsung cut to get there didn’t sacrifice too much of what makes it an ultra-premium phone. While the microSD slot and MST might seem like meaningful losses, the things you’re gaining more than make up for it.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 22.02.2021
Quelle: AnandTech EN→DE
All in all, although this generation hasn’t been perfectly executed, and I still have mixed feelings about the displays on the S21 and S21+, it’s generally a much better and well rounded line-up than last year, especially with the new more attractive pricing.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 22.02.2021
Quelle: PC World EN→DE
For most buyers, the Galaxy S21 Ultra will be too much phone for too much money. Like the iPhone 12 Pro Max, it’s very big and heavy, and it will set you back a bundle of dough. If you’re the least bit cautious about what your spend, this isn’t the phone for you, and the $800 S21 is the way to go.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 22.02.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: PC World EN→DE
For most buyers, the Galaxy S21 Ultra will be too much phone for too much money. Like the iPhone 12 Pro Max, it’s very big and heavy, and it will set you back a bundle of dough. If you’re the least bit cautious about what your spend, this isn’t the phone for you, and the $800 S21 is the way to go.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 22.02.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Max Tech
We've been spending the last couple of weeks with Samsung's latest flagship Galaxy S21 Ultra smartphone... and we're extremely impressed by just how much Samsung has fixed!
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 20.02.2021
Quelle: Hardware Zone EN→DE
At a glance, Samsung has made one of its better Galaxy S launches in recent years with the Samsung Galaxy S21 series. They put the phones out early, yet managed to deliver a powerful and beautiful trio. Each device - be it the regular, plus, or Ultra variant - were stylish in their ways, and cater very well towards everyday use.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 13.02.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 85%
Quelle: Droid Life EN→DE
Straight up, if you’ve purchased Samsung devices in the past and want another one, you should buy the Galaxy S21 Ultra. It’s a fantastic device that I have zero complaints about. Now, does that means I will personally keep using it? Heck no, it’s way too big for me, but I can admit that it’s 1000x the phone my Pixel 5 is and it’s not even close. Yes, it’s quite a bit more expensive than the Pixel 5, but that price is getting you a phone that does everything well. It has the excellent battery life, great cameras, amazing performance, plus major Android software support for the next three years.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 09.02.2021
Quelle: Tom's Guide EN→DE
Samsung has nearly perfected the big-screen phone with the Galaxy S21 Ultra. The display is best in class, the cameras are much improved and you can even use this thing as a Galaxy Note if you want to.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 06.02.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: India Today EN→DE
This is a long review, longer than I usually write. The reason is: the Galaxy S21 Ultra is an important phone. And another reason is that it is also a phone packed with goodness, and at the same time some of this baffling stuff that holds it back. There are a number of headlining features in it, but when used they come across as mostly marketing talk. So, what is the final word on the Galaxy S21 Ultra: It is a fine phone and people using it will not regret it. But then you can get similar performance, even the camera performance in aspects that matter, with a phone that costs half of what the S21 Ultra does.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 05.02.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 75%
Quelle: Sam Mobile EN→DE
The Galaxy S21 Ultra is the closest Samsung has come to making a perfect flagship in recent years. In fact, when you judge it based on what Samsung says the phone can do, I would say the S21 Ultra is perfect. But one cannot ignore that Samsung has taken away a couple of features that made its flagships unique all these years, namely the microSD slot and MST payments over Samsung Pay, and that makes the Galaxy S21 Ultra less awesome than it could have been.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 05.02.2021
Quelle: Tom's Guide EN→DE
All this is to say that while the Galaxy S20 Ultra was indeed very impressive at launch, Samsung's other premium handsets tend to be cheaper with fewer of the S20 Ultra's more frivolous bells and whistles, or of a similar price with more impressive specs and features. Once upon a time, the S20 Ultra was indeed the king, but those times have changed.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 05.02.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: 9to5google
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 04.02.2021
Quelle: EN→DE
The Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra is definitely recommended for those of you who have been using flagships from three generations ago and don’t mind the six-figure pricing. Those with the S20 / Note 20 Ultras need not bother - the S21 Ultra isn’t an earth-shattering upgrade.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 04.02.2021
Quelle: Pokde EN→DE
The Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra is one of the best smartphones you can get today, and it’s definitely a great way to kickstart the new year. The new Exynos 2100 shows some solid performance here, it’s noticeably more efficient than the Exynos 990 SoC, the large screen is fantastic, camera works great, it’s a lot easier to take zoomed in photos, the adaptive refresh rate is a touch better than the other Samsung Galaxy devices, it has S Pen support, battery life is good, it’s an attractive device, the matte finish is a good change, and the under-display fingerprint scanner works better.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 04.02.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 85% Preis: 80% Leistung: 90% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: CNet EN→DE
The Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G, unveiled alongside Samsung's Galaxy S21 and S21 Plus phones, proves that sometimes you have to do something twice to get it right. While just as bold as last year's Galaxy S20 Ultra, the S21 Ultra is a refined second take on the Ultra concept. There's still the 100x Space Zoom, but it's easier to use. There is still the "big for the sake of being big" design, but it looks much more appealing. And there's still a high price, but at $1,200 (£1,149, AU$1,849) it costs $200 less than the S20 Ultra in the US. The whole Galaxy S21 lineup is available to purchase -- here's how you can buy one.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 04.02.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 89%
Quelle: Yugatech EN→DE
The Galaxy S21 Ultra is priced at PHP 69,990 for the 12GB + 256GB variant, and PHP 79,990 for the 16GB + 512GB option. Compared to its predecessor, the Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra holds note-worthy upgrades that are perfect for creatives or users with demanding lifestyles—or you just have the budget for it (we’re not judging).
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 03.02.2021
Quelle: TechTablets
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra Review Exynos model. Sadly this isn't a keeper for me the cameras are overhyped, my Fold 2 shoots better video and stills so i'll be keeping the Fold 2! The S21 Ultra Exynos has serious camera optimisation issues. Hopefully, Samsung will fix this, or is it an Exynos 2100 ISP issue?
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 03.02.2021
Quelle: Yugatech
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 02.02.2021
Quelle: Pocketnow
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 02.02.2021
Quelle: Best Products EN→DE
The latest big-screen Galaxy has futureproof 5G and Wi-Fi 6E connectivity, but no microSD card slot. Samsung hasn't skipped this feature in a Galaxy S product since since 2015, but I didn't find its lack concerning. The phone comes with abundant storage even in entry-level guise — 128GB is enough for most consumers.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 30.01.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Techradar EN→DE
Surprise, the Galaxy S21 Ultra is launching a month earlier than anticipated, and that’s good news if you’re eager to own the very best of what Samsung can pack into a smartphone. It wowed us with a huge screen, five cameras and the best zoom on any readily available Android phone. Caution: while it's cheaper than last year’s ‘Ultra’ phone, it remains pricey for average consumers, and it doesn’t come with a microSD card slot nor does it include a charger.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 29.01.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: CNet EN→DE
The Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G, unveiled alongside Samsung's Galaxy S21 and S21 Plus phones, proves that sometimes you have to do something twice to get it right. While just as bold as last year's Galaxy S20 Ultra, the S21 Ultra is a refined second take on the Ultra concept. There's still the 100x Space Zoom, but it's easier to use. There is still the "big for the sake of being big" design, but it looks much more appealing. And there's still a high price, but at $1,200 (£1,149, AU$1,849) it costs $200 less than the S20 Ultra in the US. The whole Galaxy S21 lineup is available to purchase -- here's how you can buy one.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 29.01.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 89%
Quelle: Pocket Lint EN→DE
The clear flagship in the S21 family - and a better performer than the smaller S21 and S21+ models, thanks to its better cameras - the Ultra is the pick for those who want all the best that Samsung offers. Its great display, stacks of power and performance, is only tempered slightly by battery life that's quick to drain when put under pressure.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 29.01.2021
Quelle: Phone Arena EN→DE
Another plus is Samsung's Super Fast Charging technology that can deliver from the 25W charger what others deliver with more powerful bricks, and is able to fill up the giant 5000mAh battery for less than 90 minutes. Fast charging and great battery life? We'll take it, good job, Samsung!
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 29.01.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 91%
Quelle: Tom's Guide EN→DE
There are some things I don’t like about this flagship. It’s a bit big and heavy, and the lack of a charger and microSD card slot both sting. And while the S21 Ultra is fast, it’s still a step behind the iPhone 12 Pro Max. Then again, Samsung’s phone lasts longer on charge and lets you do more with its cameras.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 29.01.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Tech Nave EN→DE
All in all, the Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G is indeed a step-up and improved version of its predecessor. If you want to learn more about Samsung's latest flagship devices, you may visit their official website right here. And if you missed out on the pre-order period, no worries! The flagship series still comes with complimentary gifts, customers who purchase any Galaxy S21 series will be entitled to receive a Galaxy Fit2, SmartTag and Wireless Charger Trio worth a total of RM697. Terms and conditions apply, while stocks last.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 29.01.2021
Quelle: Business Standard EN→DE
The Galaxy S21 Ultra is an all-purpose premium smartphone that brings the best of both worlds — Galaxy S and Galaxy Note series. It is a premium Android smartphone like no other. Its novel and bold design, exceptional display, top-notch imaging, sleek performance and productivity-centric value-added features justify the ‘Ultra’ moniker, and thus the phone’s premium pricing. Go for it if the price is not a deal-breaker for; there is no other Android smartphone yet that offers a similar experience.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 29.01.2021
Quelle: Geek Culture EN→DE
The Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra is the best phone in the Android market – and it will remain that way for the next few months. With its phenomenal camera and innovative design, this premium phone is nothing like the rest, and is the diamond out of the best.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 28.01.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90% Preis: 80% Leistung: 95% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: Hardware Zone EN→DE
While it sounds like a lot of praise for the current batch of Galaxy S phones by Samsung, we're also not blind to the missteps that came with the Galaxy S21 series. If you ask us, the Koreans should've kept microSD compatibility instead of removing it, and bring back 1440p on to the S21 and S21+ for the people who actually know how to use them. The real shame is the removal of a charging adapter. Indeed, Samsung could've found it in them to at least give a universal fast-charging adapter, considering the sticker prices of these premium devices.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 28.01.2021
Quelle: NDTV Gadgets EN→DE
For a long time, Samsung's Galaxy S flagships in any given generation were mainly differentiated by display and battery size, with the ‘plus' models benefiting more. This changed last year when Samsung introduced a third ‘Ultra' model with a focus on cameras. This year, Samsung is trying to create an even larger gap between its models. The Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G continues to be the hero product, but the Galaxy S21+ 5G and Galaxy S21 5G now have lower-resolution (full-HD+) displays, and the latter even ditches the glass back for plastic. Samsung did something similar with the Galaxy Note 20 series last year, with the Ultra model getting a premium treatment, while the standard model had to live with big compromises.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 28.01.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90% Preis: 80% Leistung: 100% Bildschirm: 100% Mobilität: 90% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: EN→DE
The S21 is far from an overhaul of its predecessor, and certainly not a reason for S20 owners to upgrade, but Android fans with older handsets looking for an all-new shiny device can’t go far wrong here – especially if camera performance and value are high on their priority list. Either of the Sony Xperias are better bets for those who place greater importance on music listening, so that’s one area we would hope Samsung advances for the next generation of Galaxy S phone. For now, though, the line’s reputation as one of the market’s best all-rounders remains intact.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 27.01.2021
Quelle: JerryRigEverything
Samsung has once again released a top of the line Android smartphone that costs $1200 dollars. Is it durable? Can the Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra survive a JerryRigEverything Durability Test? One thing Samsung is good at, is being consistent. So the odds are in their favor. We'll start by scratching the S21 Ultra, seeing what its made of, and finishing off with a bend test.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 26.01.2021
Quelle: GSM Arena EN→DE
If you've stayed with us that long, you've probably noticed we are conflicted about this Galaxy S21 Ultra. It is the perfect smartphone on paper, even without a microSD expansion and a bundled charger. But we've had ups and downs while using it for the past week. By the end of this review, we realized the good stuff far outweighs the bad, and most of what we didn't like could be fixed with an upcoming update.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 25.01.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 92%
Quelle: Hitech Century EN→DE
Blending the best display we’ve seen in the market, excellent performance and battery life along with one of the best cameras available today, the Galaxy S21 Ultra is for those seeking the best Android phone that money can buy today and deservedly earns our Editor’s Choice award.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 25.01.2021
Quelle: Unbox EN→DE
We know that some of you may have your eyebrows raised over the fact that we’re getting the Exynos version of the device and it understandably stings when the Ultra comes at a steep price tag but our experience with the Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G has generally been — and we’re going to borrow marketing buzzwords from Samsung here — pretty epic. It has its strengths and it definitely has its weaknesses but with each iteration of the S series, this feels like the biggest leap we’ve seen and we’re glad to see that Samsung keeps addressing the flaws from the previous generation. It only makes us even more excited to see what they’ll have up their sleeves in the near future with the announcement that they’ll be working with AMD as well.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 23.01.2021
Quelle: Hitech Century EN→DE
The top of the line Galaxy S21 Ultra is the smartphone equivalent of a Rolls Royce, with a luxurious design paired with premium materials and the best hardware of its generation that allow it to go toe to toe with any other flagship phone. It also has a price tag to match but you get what you pay for.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 23.01.2021
Quelle: Techradar EN→DE
Surprise, the Galaxy S21 Ultra is launching a month earlier than anticipated, and that’s good news if you’re eager to own the very best of what Samsung can pack into a smartphone. It wowed us with a huge screen, five cameras and the best zoom on any readily available Android phone. Caution: while it's cheaper than last year’s ‘Ultra’ phone, it remains pricey for average consumers, and it doesn’t come with a microSD card slot nor does it include a charger.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 22.01.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Hardware Zone EN→DE
While it sounds like a lot of praise for the current batch of Galaxy S phones by Samsung, we're also not blind to the missteps that came with the Galaxy S21 series. If you ask us, the Koreans should've kept microSD compatibility instead of removing it, and bring back 1440p on to the S21 and S21+ for the people who actually know how to use them. The real shame is the removal of a charging adapter. Indeed, Samsung could've found it in them to at least give a universal fast-charging adapter, considering the sticker prices of these premium devices.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 22.01.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 85%
Quelle: Mobile Tech Review
Lisa Gade review the Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra, Samsung’s 2021 flagship big screen phone with the best cameras Samsung has to offer. A decided improvement over the S20 Ultra in most respects, the S21 Ultra has a 6.8” 120Hz AMOLED display, the Qualcomm Snapdragon 888 processor (Exynos 2100 outside the US in some countries), 5G and four cameras with improved laser autofocus. The main 108MP camera boasts a new sensor, and there are ultrawide, 3x tele and 10x tele lens plus Space Zoom to 100x. There’s a 1.7x larger Ultrasonic fingerprint scanner under the display, a 5,000 mAh battery and more.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 22.01.2021
Quelle: Stuff TV EN→DE
Samsung has stripped back some parts of the Galaxy S21 range for 2021, but the Galaxy S21 Ultra gets away with just one: there’s no charger in the box, just like the Apple iPhone 12 series. Sure, we get a Samsung processor in the UK, not the Snapdragon we’d rather have, but it’s a bit easier on the battery this time around and has enough power to keep us smiling. There’s only one killer reason to buy this particular phone, though. The Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra’s camera is crazy good. It’s probably the most versatile phone camera for stills we’ve ever used. The draw isn’t raw image quality, which doesn’t take any major leaps forward, but how this mobile doesn’t mind if your subject is 3cm away or 300m. You might not be able to get close to the action at the moment thanks to this bloody virus, but with the Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra, you stoll still can.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 22.01.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: Tech PP EN→DE
The S21 Ultra is the successor of the S20 Ultra, which in spite of the immense promise, stumbled because of a few issues and bugs. With dual telephoto sensors and a massive 108-megapixel main sensor, the S21 Ultra adds a new dimension to photography on phones. Yeah, it's expensive, but there ain't anything like it.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 22.01.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 82% Preis: 80% Leistung: 80% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: The Indian Express EN→DE
The S21 Ultra is a good phone for those who want an Android flagship that does everything and does everything better than everyone else. It is also a phone for those who need a camera that can capture those great selfies as well as the tiger in the bush during a Ranthambore safari. This is a phone for the pros in every sense and those who don’t need this much can look at the lower specced versions of the S21 series. Samsung seems to have a winner here, but this is not a phone for the masses.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 22.01.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: NLT EN→DE
And obviously – the last point that we really need to discuss about is the price. The Galaxy S21 Ultra, for us here in Malaysia, starts from 12GB RAM + 256GB storage version at RM5,299 here in Malaysia. I mean, there’s no denying that the Galaxy S21 Ultra is expensive. Like what we’ve said last year for the Galaxy S20 Ultra – you’re paying the price to be on the cutting edge of technology – and technology development & advancement.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 22.01.2021
Quelle: Engadget
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 21.01.2021
Quelle: Pocket Lint EN→DE
The clear flagship in the S21 family - and a better performer than the smaller S21 and S21+ models, thanks to its better cameras - the Ultra is the pick for those who want all the best that Samsung offers. Its great display, stacks of power and performance, is only tempered slightly by battery life that's quick to drain when put under pressure.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 21.01.2021
Quelle: Trusted Reviews EN→DE
It's big, powerful and very capable. If you're after the very best Samsung Galaxy S21 model and money is no object, the Ultra is the one for you. It's a big upgrade over the S20 Ultra, fixing the focus issues and improving battery life. It is very pricey though, especially when the regular S21 has become more affordable.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 21.01.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Android Authority EN→DE
The Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra fixes most of the issues that plagued last year's S20 Ultra, all while coming in at a lower price point. The lack of microSD card expansion and a charging brick may frustrate longtime fans, but Samsung has delivered a great all-rounder phone with a clean design, wonderful display, blazing-fast performance, and one of the most versatile camera systems you can get in a smartphone today.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 21.01.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90% Preis: 80% Leistung: 100% Bildschirm: 90% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: NDTV Gadgets EN→DE
The Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G is definitely feature-packed, however it has also lost a few things along the way. There's no provision for adding a microSD card anymore, so the internal storage cannot be expanded. The retail box is also smaller and lighter as Samsung has eliminated the charger and headset, leaving you with a single USB Type-C cable, following in Apple's footsteps.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 21.01.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90% Preis: 80% Leistung: 100% Bildschirm: 100% Mobilität: 90% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: CNet EN→DE
It's early days with the phone, but already I'm impressed at the shots I've been able to get, with excellent dynamic range and accurate colors on most of the images I've taken. The zoom is the standout feature here, but it's only impressive up to a point. I love some of the shots I've taken at 10x zoom, but even then the details are quite rough. Going beyond 10x reduces it a huge amount and I still think the 100x Space Zoom is pointless -- I'd have preferred Samsung spend its time making the 10x zoom look even better.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 21.01.2021
Quelle: CNet EN→DE
The Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G, unveiled alongside Samsung's Galaxy S21 and S21 Plus phones, proves that sometimes you have to do something twice to get it right. While just as bold as last year's Galaxy S20 Ultra, the S21 Ultra is a refined second take on the Ultra concept. There's still the 100x Space Zoom, but it's easier to use. There is still the "big for sake of being big" design, but it looks much more appealing. And there's still a high price, but at $1,200 (£1,149, AU$1,849) it costs $200 less than the S20 Ultra in the US.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 21.01.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 89%
Quelle: MrMobile
Fifteen years ago, when a then-nascent Samsung wanted to upset the status quo, it launched a family of phones bearing the brand name Ultra. Those being the days when form factors were in flux (and phones were more fun) maybe it’s no surprise that Samsung’s 2020 resurrection of the designation fell a little flat. To me, last year’s Galaxy S20 Ultra was too big, too boring, and too blurry … with a camera system whose focus issues wouldn’t be corrected until the Galaxy Note 20 Ultra hit the scene last summer.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 21.01.2021
Quelle: T3 EN→DE
The Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra is the phone that the Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra should of been. Last year's phone was a massively powerful handset that, in some areas, was coarse around the edges – and as such fell from grace in terms of receiving a perfect score. The S21 Ultra, though, while not perfect, builds on and refines what was there last year, as well as offering functionality that up until now has been the preserve of the Galaxy Note series alone. It's still a very expensive flagship, and certainly not for everyone, but now it's one with less flaws and more overall usage potential.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 21.01.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
Quelle: Engadget EN→DE
With that in mind, the Ultra absolutely shines this year, not because of game-changing updates, but because it addresses basically all the problems we saw in last year’s model. This level of competence on display here counts for a lot more than ambitious, half-baked features. Best of all, it’s less expensive than the model it replaces. With all that in mind, the Galaxy S21 is definitely worth the splurge for power users and camera fanatics, though I’d recommend waiting a while before buying one. Samsung is notorious for its aggressive deals and promotions even shortly after a device’s launch. So in this case — as in many others — your patience may be rewarded.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 21.01.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 85%
Quelle: Slashgear EN→DE
Of course, the challenge is that the even more affordable versions of the Galaxy S21 family skip those gimmicks too: I still think 2021’s pick of Samsung’s new flagships is likely to be one of the Ultra’s cheaper siblings, even as it makes its case for the Android fan who wants it all. Beyond that, it feels like the Galaxy S21 Ultra brings us to a cleft in the road. For four-figure smartphones to truly earn a place in our pocket, they’re going to need to be revolutionary rather than evolutionary, and recipe refinement alone is no longer enough.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 21.01.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: The Verge EN→DE
Usually,Usually, a review of a superpowered phone from Samsung consists of a bunch of promises and then a bunch of reality checks on those promises. With the Galaxy S21 Ultra, there are fewer caveats than before. The battery lasts beyond a full day. There’s a beautiful new design. It has the fastest speeds, best camera system, and nicest screen of any Android phone right now.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 21.01.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 85%
Quelle: Pocketnow
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 19.01.2021
Quelle: GSM Arena EN→DE
For such feature-packed phones, it's tough to form an early impression. But we do feel like it's a step forward for the Ultra and a side step for the other two in the family. Sure, the S21 and the S21+ both received a significant price reduction to be in line with the absence of some features and even the downgrades, but it still feels it's not enough. In a couple of months, the Galaxy S21 will be an excellent compact flagship at a lucrative price, while the Plus model will touch the Ultra size at a more manageable price as well.
Hands-On, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 19.01.2021
Quelle: Phone Arena EN→DE
Hey there, the world's most specc'd-out camera phone, Galaxy S21 Ultra! When Samsung announced your predecessor with a 108MP camera sensor, 5x periscope zoom and 5000mAh battery, we thought this can't be beat!
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 18.01.2021
Quelle: Stuff TV EN→DE
Sure, that’s partly because the gap between its less expensive siblings has seemingly widened, but the Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G also has a 10x optical zoom that, a weekend in, we can’t quite fathom. How do you fit a 10x lens into a phone? Samsung has done it, apparently.
Hands-On, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 18.01.2021
Quelle: Sam Mobile EN→DE
The Galaxy S21 Ultra is the first flagship smartphone of 2021 and it’s definitely going to be the one to beat. Samsung has packed impressive tech inside this slab of metal and glass. It has made some much needed refinements to camera and software. On paper, it seems like there will be little to complain about with this device.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 18.01.2021
Quelle: Tom's Guide EN→DE
The Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra has all the makings of becoming the best Android phone around, at least for those willing to pay a premium. And it's good to see that Samsung has dropped the price by $200 vs the S20 Ultra. The biggest reasons to be excited about this phone are the dual zoom cameras and the fantastic 6.8-inch OLED display that gives you 120Hz and full quad HD resolution at the same time.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 17.01.2021
Quelle: Hardware Zone EN→DE
Since it was a hands-on before the official launch, we had limited time and space to explore the Galaxy S21 series with. We used the time to better understand Director's View, a new feature joining Samsung's already pro-grade series of cameras and camera functionalities. In a nutshell, Director's View is a unique live-editing feature for video recording. It has three main components. There's a key video feed that takes up most of the recording and a picture-in-picture feed of the opposing, user-facing camera. Three other video feeds on the right allow the user to preview the look and feel coming from Samsung's other rear lenses running in real-time (called Live Thumbnail). Tapping on any of the three feeds would swap the main feed out for the other. In a completed recording, you actually do not see any of previews from other lenses - only the picture-in-picture feed and the main, world-facing footage remains.
Hands-On, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 16.01.2021
Quelle: Mobile Tech Review
Lisa Gade does a first look at the new Samsung Galaxy S21 and the S21 Ultra, 2 of 3 flagship Galaxy Android smartphones releasing in January 2021. The prices are $200 less than last year’s S20 family of phones, and there are again 3 sizes to choose from: the 6.2” S21, 6.7” S21+ and the 6.8” S21 Ultra. The phones sport a new design with a matte back, and run Android 11 with One UI 3.0 on the Snapdragon 888 in the US (Exynos 2100 is several other countries). The S21 Ultra supports the S Pen and has significantly improved cameras compared to the S20 Ultra. Our full review will come later, as will our review of the new Samsung Galaxy Buds Pro wireless ANC earbuds.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 16.01.2021
Quelle: 9to5google
Hands-On, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 15.01.2021
Quelle: Engadget
Hands-On, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 14.01.2021
Quelle: Yugatech
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 14.01.2021
Quelle: Yugatech
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 14.01.2021
Quelle: Hot Hardware EN→DE
The Galaxy S21 Ultra is available for preorder between today and January 28th, and you'll receive $200 in Samsung Credit and a free Galaxy SmartTag. It will be priced from $1,199, which is also a $200 discount compared to the Galaxy S20 Ultra.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 14.01.2021
Quelle: Unbox EN→DE
The Galaxy S21 Ultra will be available to pre-order starting January 15 to 28, and Samsung is throwing in a pair of Galaxy Buds Pro with every purchase, as well as a Galaxy Tab A 8.0 tablet, Galaxy SmartTag, and a 25W wall charger as well. The Galaxy S21 Ultra is priced at Php 69,990.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 14.01.2021
Quelle: It Pro EN→DE
Not everyone is keen on huge smartphones. The industry took an unexpected turn last year with the Pixel 5 regeared for the middle of the market and there are plenty of reasons to go small. The S21 Ultra is heavy, cumbersome and a big strain on pockets - and thanks to its £1,149 price tag, we mean that both literally and financially.
Hands-On, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 14.01.2021
Quelle: Computerhoy ES→DE
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 30.01.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 95% Ausstattung: 100% Bildschirm: 100% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 100%
Quelle: Xataka ES→DE
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 23.01.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 93% Leistung: 98% Bildschirm: 95% Mobilität: 85% Gehäuse: 95%
Quelle: Hipertextual ES→DE
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 21.01.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Hipertextual ES→DE
Positive: Premium design; solid workmanship; excellent cameras.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 13.12.2021
Quelle: Game IT ES→DE
Positive: Premium design; solid workmanship; excellent cameras; long battery life.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 06.07.2021
Quelle: El Androide Libre ES→DE
Positive: Powerful hardware; high performance; excellent cameras; smart stylus pen.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 21.02.2021
Quelle: Zona Movilidad ES→DE
Positive: Premium design; solid workmanship; support 5G; powerful hardware; high performance.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 08.02.2021
Quelle: Tuexperto ES→DE
Positive: Premium design; excellent display; top cameras,
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 24.01.2021
Quelle: El Androide Libre ES→DE
Positive: Big screen; excellent performance. Negative: Heavy and bulky.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 21.01.2021
Quelle: 4G News PT→DE
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 23.02.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90% Preis: 80% Leistung: 95% Bildschirm: 100% Mobilität: 90% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: PT→DE
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 23.02.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 92% Leistung: 100% Bildschirm: 100% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: Android Geek PT→DE
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 17.02.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 88% Leistung: 90% Bildschirm: 90% Mobilität: 90% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: Pplware PT→DE
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 27.01.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 96% Leistung: 100% Bildschirm: 100% Mobilität: 100% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: Canaltech PT→DE
Positive: High performance; smart stylus pen; nice main camera; elegant design; beautiful display. Negative: Heavy; no charger included; no headphone jack; overheats while using.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 02.02.2022
Quelle: Mais Tecnologia PT→DE
Positive: Powerful processor; high performance; excellent cameras; nice display; premium design. Negative: Relatively high price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 01.05.2021
Quelle: Gizmodo Brasil PT→DE
Positive: Big screen; excellent cameras; high performance; powerful hardware. Negative: No accessories.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 04.03.2021
Quelle: Android Geek PT→DE
Positive: Excellent quad cameras; premium design; great built quality; powerful hardware; high performance.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 11.02.2021
Quelle: IT→DE
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 08.02.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Tutto Android IT→DE
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 23.01.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 98% Leistung: 98% Mobilität: 83% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: Andrea Galeazzi IT→DE
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 21.01.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 85% Preis: 68% Bildschirm: 93% Mobilität: 75% Gehäuse: 85%
Quelle: IT→DE
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 21.01.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 93% Preis: 59% Ausstattung: 88%
Quelle: IT→DE
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 21.01.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 86% Preis: 60% Ausstattung: 90% Bildschirm: 100% Mobilität: 75% Gehäuse: 85% Ergonomie: 85%
Quelle: IT→DE
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 14.01.2021
Bewertung: Preis: 57% Ausstattung: 83%
Quelle: Batista70Phone IT→DE
Positive: Premium design; solid workmanship; powerful hardware; high performance. Negative: Overheats while using; short battery life.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 07.04.2021
Quelle: Quotidiano Hardware Upgrade IT→DE
Positive: Excellent cameras; nice display; long battery life; powerful hardware; high performance.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 29.01.2021
Quelle: NL→DE
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 17.06.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Techzine NL→DE
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 20.03.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 85%
Quelle: Computer Totaal NL→DE
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 16.02.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: NL→DE
Positive: Excellent cameras; great display; beautiful design; smart stylus pen. Negative: Short battery life; slow charging; non-expandable storage memory.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 28.01.2021
Quelle: NL→DE
Positive: Impressive display; excellent cameras; big screen. Negative: Average autonomy.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 22.01.2021
Quelle: Journal du Geek FR→DE
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 07.04.2022
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Fredzone FR→DE
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 07.02.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 96% Bildschirm: 100% Mobilität: 95% Gehäuse: 95% Ergonomie: 95%
Quelle: 01Net FR→DE
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 03.02.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 96% Leistung: 100% Mobilität: 100%
Quelle: Nextpit France FR→DE
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 02.02.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: CNet France FR→DE
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 02.02.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Phonandroid FR→DE
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 29.01.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Journal du Geek FR→DE
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 26.01.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90%
Quelle: Frandroid FR→DE
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 22.01.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90% Leistung: 90% Bildschirm: 100% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Phonandroid FR→DE
Positive: Powerful hardware; high performance; premium design; solid workmanship; smart stylus pen.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 14.01.2021
Quelle: Tabletowo PL→DE
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 28.02.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 95%
Quelle: PL→DE
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 30.01.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 86% Leistung: 100% Bildschirm: 100% Mobilität: 80% Gehäuse: 80%
Quelle: Antyweb PL→DE
Positive: Powerful hardware; high performance; nice cameras; support 5G.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 09.02.2021
Quelle: Tekno Seyir TR→DE
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 16.09.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 80%
Quelle: TR→DE
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 10.02.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 94%
Quelle: Chip Online TR TR→DE
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 09.02.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 85%
Quelle: Sabah TR→DE
Positive: Beautiful display; high performance; great cameras; smart stylus pen. Negative: Heavy and bulky; no accessories; no microSD card slot.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 12.02.2021
Quelle: Hi-Tech Mail RU→DE
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 21.01.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90% Leistung: 100% Bildschirm: 100% Mobilität: 90% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: Hi-Tech Mail RU→DE
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 15.01.2021
Quelle: Zoom RU→DE
Positive: Premium design; solid workmanship; powerful hardware; high performance. Negative: No headphone jack; only 128GB ROM.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 18.03.2021
Quelle: RU→DE
Positive: Nice design; solid workmanship; powerful hardware; high performance.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 19.02.2021
Quelle: Yamobi RU→DE
Positive: Great display; high gaming performance; premium design; long battery life; waterproof IP68 and dust avoiding. Negative: Heavy and bulky; no charging included; no headphone jack; high price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 18.02.2021
Quelle: HWSW HU→DE
Positive: Powerful hardware; high performance; premium design; excellent cameras; great display.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 16.03.2021
Quelle: CZ→DE
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 25.01.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 95% Leistung: 97% Ausstattung: 96% Mobilität: 90% Gehäuse: 93%
Quelle: CZC CZ→DE
Positive: Modern design; top performance; great cameras; decent speakers; good connectivity. Negative: Bulky; no memory card slot.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 15.02.2021
Quelle: Svet Androida CZ→DE
Positive: Modern design; top cameras; perfect display; high performance; great hardware. Negative: No charger; no SD card slot; slow charging; high price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 21.01.2021
Quelle: TechTimes VN VN→DE
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 14.02.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 91% Leistung: 90% Bildschirm: 95% Mobilität: 90% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: The Gioididong VN→DE
Positive: Powerful hardware; high performance; nice cameras; decent autonomy; support 5G.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 09.01.2022
Quelle: FPT shop VN→DE
Positive: Support 5G; excellent display; nice cameras.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 27.07.2021
Quelle: FPT shop VN→DE
Positive: Smart stylus pen; premium design; solid workmanship; powerful hardware; high performance.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 28.04.2021
Quelle: Nghenhin Vietnam VN→DE
Positive: Support 5G; premium design; solid workmanship; powerful hardware; high performance.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 08.04.2021
Quelle: XT Mobile VN→DE
Positive: Premium design; excellent cameras; beautiful display; powerful processor; smart stylus pen.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 29.03.2021
Quelle: Sohoa VN Express VN→DE
Positive: Premium design; nice display; powerful hardware; excellent cameras; long battery life.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 14.02.2021
Quelle: The Gioididong VN→DE
Positive: High gaming performance; excellent design; powerful processor; impressive cameras.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 29.01.2021
Quelle: The Gioididong VN→DE
Positive: Premium design; great built quality; powerful processor; high performance; excellent cameras.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 27.01.2021
Quelle: FPT shop VN→DE
Positive: Premium design; solid workmanship; excellent display; top cameras; decent processor; smart stylus pen.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 26.01.2021
Quelle: Cell Phones VN→DE
Positive: Premium design; solid workmanship; high performance; excellent cameras.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 21.01.2021
Quelle: Nghenhin Vietnam VN→DE
Positive: Powerful processor; good cooling system; high gaming performance.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 21.01.2021
Quelle: FPT shop VN→DE
Positive: Premium design; solid workmanship; smart stylus pen; powerful hardware; high performance.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 21.01.2021
Quelle: FPT shop VN→DE
Positive: Beautiful design; great built quality; nice display; smart stylus pen; excellent cameras; good connectivity; fast fingerprint sensor.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 15.01.2021
Quelle: Cell Phones VN→DE
Positive: Premium design; solid workmanship; powerful hardware; high performance; smart stylus pen. Negative: Relatively high price.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 14.01.2021
Quelle: The Gioididong VN→DE
Positive: Premium design; solid workmanship; powerful hardware; high performance; smart stylus pen; excellent cameras.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 14.01.2021
Quelle: Zing VN→DE
Positive: Modern design; smart stylus pen; powerful hardware; high performance.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 14.01.2021
Quelle: FPT shop VN→DE
Positive: Premium design; solid workmanship; excellent display; impressive cameras; high performance.
Vergleich, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 14.01.2021
Quelle: BU→DE
Positive: Premium design; solid workmanship; support 5G; powerful hardware; high performance; excellent cameras.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 27.04.2021
Quelle: BU→DE
Positive: Big screen; excellent display; long battery life; impressive main camera; smart stylus pen.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 12.02.2021
Quelle: BU→DE
Positive: Excellent cameras; large battery capacity; support 5G.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 21.01.2021
Quelle: Dinside NO→DE
Positive: Bright screen; nice display; excellent cameras; high performance; long battery life; waterproof IP68; fast fingerprint sensor; good connectivity; smart stylus pen. Negative: High price; no accessories.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr Lang, Datum: 26.01.2021
Quelle: Alt om Data DA→DE
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 26.02.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100% Preis: 50% Leistung: 100%
Quelle: Mere DA→DE
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 01.02.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 67%
Quelle: Input DA→DE
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 01.02.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 90% Preis: 80% Leistung: 90% Gehäuse: 90%
Quelle: Lyd og Billede DA→DE
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Kurz, Datum: 29.01.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 100%
Quelle: SV→DE
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Mittel, Datum: 22.01.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 92%
Quelle: Android Portal SK→DE
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Lang, Datum: 16.02.2021
Bewertung: Gesamt: 96% Bildschirm: 100% Gehäuse: 95%
Quelle: →DE
Positive: Excellent display; modern design; long battery life; powerful processor; nice cameras. Negative: Expensive; no accessories; no headphone jack; no FM radio.
Einzeltest, online verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 17.02.2021
ARM Mali-G78 MP14: Integrierte Grafikkarte basierend auf die 2. Generation der Varhall Architektur mit der mittleren Ausbaustufe von 14 der 24 möglichen Clustern. Verbaut z.B. im Samsung Exynos 2100.
Diese Klasse ist noch durchaus fähig neueste Spiele flüssig darzustellen, nur nicht mehr mit allen Details und in hohen Auflösungen. Besonders anspruchsvolle Spiele laufen nur in minimalen Detailstufen, wodurch die grafische Qualität oft deutlich leidet. Diese Klasse ist nur noch für Gelegenheitsspieler empfehlenswert. Der Stromverbrauch von modernen Grafikkarten in dieser Klasse ist dafür geringer und erlaubt auch bessere Akkulaufzeiten.
» Weitere Informationen gibt es in unserem Notebook-Grafikkartenvergleich und der Benchmarkliste.
Exynos 2100 5G: High End SoC mit 8 CPU Kernen in drei Cluster (1x Cortex-X1 2.9 GHz/ 3x Cortex-A78 2.8 GHz/ 4x A55 2.2 GHz). Integriert ein schnelles 5G Modem mit bis zu 7,35 Gbps. Im modernen 5LPE Prozess bei Samsung hergestellt.» Weitere Infos gibt es in unserem Prozessorvergleich Vergleich mobiler Prozessoren und der Prozessoren Benchmarkliste .
6.80": Es handelt sich um ein kleines Display-Format für Smartphones. Man sollte nicht stark fehlsichtig sein und man wird wenig Details am Bildschirm sehen und nur eine kleine Auflösung zur Verfügung haben. Dafür sollte das Gerät klein und handlich sein, gut transportierbar.» Prüfen Sie in unserer DPI Liste, welche Displays wie fein aufgelöst sind.
0.227 kg:
In diese Gewichtsklasse fallen die meisten Smartphones und nur vereinzelt Tablets. Nur wenige Smartphones sind schwerer und eher als Tablets anzusehen.
Samsung: Die Samsung Group ist der größte südkoreanische Mischkonzern und wurde 1938 gegründet. In der Samsung-Gruppe waren 2014 489.000 Menschen beschäftigt, und sie gehört zu den weltweit größten Unternehmen gemessen an Umsatz und Marktstärke. Der Name Samsung bedeutet im Koreanischen "Drei Sterne" und repräsentiert die drei Söhne des Firmengründers. Das Unternehmen wurde 1938 als Lebensmittelladen gegründet. Mit der 1969 gegründeten Tochter Samsung Electronics nahm Samsung die Fertigung elektrotechnischer Artikel in Angriff, wobei man sich frühzeitig auf Unterhaltungselektronik und Haushaltsgeräte konzentrierte. Weitere Zweige, in denen der Großkonzern tätig ist, sind Maschinenbau, Automobile (Hyundai), Versicherung, Großhandel, Immobilien und Freizeit. Samsung stellt eine breite Palette von elektronischen Produkten her, darunter Smartphones, Fernsehgeräte, Haushaltsgeräte und Halbleiter. Die Galaxy-Smartphone-Reihe des Unternehmens ist eine der beliebtesten der Welt. Samsung ist auch ein wichtiger Akteur in der Halbleiterindustrie und stellt Speicherchips und Prozessoren für viele andere Elektronikhersteller her.
89.09%: Es gibt nicht sehr viele Modelle, die besser bewertet werden. Die meisten Beurteilungen liegen in Prozentbereichen darunter. Das getestete Produkt wird zwar nicht als perfekt angesehen, aber die Quellen geben eine klare Kaufempfehlung ab.
» Lesen Sie auch unsere Notebook-Kaufberatung.