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AMD Radeon 660M vs Intel HD Graphics (Haswell) vs Intel HD Graphics 3000

AMD Radeon 660M

► remove from comparison AMD Radeon 660M

Die AMD Radeon 660M (oder RX 660M) ist eine integrierte Grafikkarte (iGPU) für Notebooks. Sie befindet sich in den Einstiegs-Rembrandt-APUs (Ryzen 6000 Mobile) und bietet nur 6  (384 Shader) der 12 CUs. Sie nutzt die aktuelle RDNA 2 Architektur (wie die RX 6000M Serie). Die Taktrate ist abhängig vom CPU-Modell und rangiert beim Launch von 1,5 - 1,9 GHz (maximaler Boost-Takt). Die GPU hat keinen eigenen Grafikspeicher, sondern nutzt den gemeinsamen Hauptspeicher (bis zu LPDDR5 6400 MT/s oder DDR5 4800 MT/s). Als erste iGPU neben der 680M, unterstützt die 660M Raytracing in Hardware, ist jedoch bei aktuellen Spielen zu langsam um dieses Feature sinnvoll nutzen zu können.

Die Leistung der GPU ist abhängig von der CPU, dem konfiguriertem TDP (15 - 45W+), der Kühlung und dem verbautem Hauptspeicher. Die Performance sollte durch die geringere CU-Anzahl und geringere Taktung deutlich hinter der Radeon 680M liegen und wohl nur auf dem Level der alten Vega 7 iGPUs.

Der Stromverbrauch ist dank 6nm Prozess und ausgeklügelten Stromsparmechanismen relativ gering (laut AMD) und daher eignet sich die Grafikkarte auch für dünne und leichte Notebooks (vor allem die 15W Varianten).

Intel HD Graphics (Haswell)

► remove from comparison Intel HD Graphics (Haswell)

Die Intel HD Graphics ist eine in den Haswell Prozessoren integrierte Grafikkarte. Sie kommt in den mobilen Celeron- und Pentium-Modellen zu Einsatz. Je nach Prozessormodell kann die HD Graphics (auch GT1 genannt) unterschiedlich getaktet sein (typischerweise 200 MHz Basis- und 1.000 MHz Turbo-Takt). Dies sowie die Geschwindigkeit des angebundenen Arbeitsspeichers beeinflusst die Performance entscheidend.

Der Grafikkern wurde im Vergleich zum Intel HD Graphics 4000 der Ivy-Bridge-Generation in verschiedenen Punkten weiterentwickelt. So unterstützt die GPU nun mit DirectX 11.1, OpenCL 1.2 und OpenGL 4.0 alle wichtigen aktuellen Standards. Auch ein verbesserter Decoder für 4K-Videos sowie ein überarbeiteter Quick-Sync-Encoder (bei vielen Einstiegsmodellen deaktiviert) sind mit an Bord.

Die Performance der HD Graphics (Haswell) liegt durch die Beschneidung auf nur noch 10 EUs deutlich unter der HD Graphics 4400/4600 und etwa auf dem Level der älteren HD Graphics 3000 oder AMDs Radeon HD 8250. Nur die wenigsten aktuellen Spiele des Jahres 2013, beispielsweise das sehr anspruchslose Dota 2, können mit niedrigsten Details flüssig dargestellt werden.

Der Stromverbrauch ist dank des 22-Nanometer-Prozesses mit Tri-Gate-Transistoren relativ gering und wird dynamisch vom TDP-Budget des gesamten Chips abgezweigt. Die HD Graphics (Haswell) wird in Dual-Core-Prozessoren der ULV- und regulären 37-Watt-Klasse eingesetzt.

Weitere Details zur Grafikkartenarchitektur der Haswell Generation finden Sie in unserem Artikel zur Haswell-Architektur sowie dem Testbericht der HD Graphics 4600.

Intel HD Graphics 3000

► remove from comparison Intel HD Graphics 3000

Die Intel HD Graphics 3000 (fälschlich auch Intel Graphics Media Accelerator HD 3000, GMA HD 3000, HD Graphics 200 genannt) ist eine in den Sandy Bridge Prozessoren integrierte Grafikkarte. Sie bietet keinen eigenen dedizierten Speicher, teilt sich jedoch den sehr schnellen Level 3 Cache bzw. LLC Cache mit den Prozessorkernen (3-8 MB je nach CPU). Der restliche Speicher wird vom Hauptspeicher abgezweigt (wie bei der Vorgänger-Grafikkarte Intel HD Graphics). Je nach Prozessormodell unterscheidet sich der Basistakt und damit auch die Leistung deutlich (350-650 MHz) Dank TurboBoost kann sich die Grafikkarte wie die Prozessorkerne in gewissen Lastsituationen übertakten (bei ausreichend Kühlung und ebenfalls abhängig vom Prozessormodell). 

  • ULV Prozessoren Core ix-2xx7 (Basis 350 MHz, Turbo 900-1000 MHz)
  • LV Prozessoren Core ix-2xx5 (Basis 500 MHz, Turbo 1000 MHz)
  • Standard Dual und Quad-Core Core ix-2xx0 (Basis 650 MHz, Turbo 1100-1300 MHz)
  • Desktop K Prozessoren (Basis 850, Turbo 1100-1350 MHz)

Die Intel GMA HD 3000 bietet wie die GMA HD 12 Execution Units (EUs), welche jedoch deutlich überarbeitet wurden und daher eine höhere Performance bieten. Die EUs der GMA HD 3000 können mit DirectX 10.1, OpenGL 3.0 und DirectCompute 4.1 angesteuert werden. OpenCL wird nicht unterstützt (das Media SDK verwendet nur die CPU, Stand März 2013).

Unsere Performancetests mit den schnell getakteten Versionen der HD Graphics 3000 zeigen eine deutlich gesteigerte Leistung im Vergleich zur Vorgängergeneration. Die integrierte shared Memory Grafikkarte positioniert sich je nach Spiel auf dem Niveau älterer Einstiegsgrafikkarten von Nvidia (GeForce 310M) bzw. AMD (Mobility Radeon HD 5450), manchmal auch etwas darüber (Radeon HD 6450M). Im Vergleich mit AMDs APU-Modellen kann die HD 3000 nur gegen die C- und E-Serie bestehen, nicht aber die schnelleren Llano- und Trinity-Ableger. Die in früheren Jahren oftmals problematische Qualität der Intel-Treiber (Grafikfehler, Spiele starten nicht) hat sich zuletzt deutlich verbessert, sodass die meisten Spiele bei erfüllten Mindestvoraussetzungen fehlerfrei spielbar sind.

Flüssige Frameraten konnten wir unter anderem in Spielen wie Dead Space 3, World of Tanks, Fifa 13, Torchlight 2, Counter-Strike: GO, Diablo 3 sowie vielen älteren Titeln erreichen, wenn auch meist nur bei minimalen Detaileinstellungen. Genaue Performanceanalysen und Spielebenchmarks finden Sie in unserem Schwerpunktartikel zur Intel HD Graphics 3000 bzw. weiter unten in diesem Artikel.

Wie bei den Ivy Bridge basierten Grafikkarten, wird anscheinend auch bei Sandy Bridge 2x Antialiasing per Software aus dem 4x Antialiasing errechnet. Daher ergibt sich kein Geschwindigkeitsunterschied zwischen 2x und 4x AA. Im Unigine Valley Benchmark erreichten wir als Bestätigung bei 2x AA und 4x AA dasselbe Ergebnis (HD Graphics 3000 ULV im i7-2637M).

Neben der GPU ist auch noch eine dedizierte Einheit zum Dekodieren und auch Encodieren von HD Videos in den Sandy Bridge Prozessoren enthalten (Intel Quick Sync). Um ein dreiminütiges 1080p-Video für das iPhone in das Format 640x360 zu wandeln, braucht Sandy Bridge laut Intel etwa 14s (IDF 2010). Eine weitere Besonderheit ist der unterstützte "embedded DisplayPort" eDP um interne Displays anzusteuern.

Aufgrund der Integration in den mit 32nm gefertigten Prozessor, ist der Stromverbrauch relativ gering.

AMD Radeon 660MIntel HD Graphics (Haswell)Intel HD Graphics 3000
HD Graphics Serie
Radeon 680M 768 @ 2.4 GHz
Radeon 660M 384 @ 1.9 GHz
Radeon Graphics (Ryzen 7000) 128 @ 2.2 GHz
Radeon 610M 128 @ 0.4 - 2.2 GHz
HD Graphics P530 24 @ 0.35 - 1.05 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics 5600 24 @ 0.3 - 1.05 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics 6000 48 @ 0.3 - 1 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics 4600 20 @ 0.2 - 1.35 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics 5500 24 @ 0.3 - 0.95 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics 5000 40 @ 0.2 - 1.1 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics 4400 20 @ 0.2 - 1.1 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics 5300 24 @ 0.1 - 0.9 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics 4000 16 @ 0.35 - 1.35 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics (Broadwell) 12 @ 0.1 - 0.85 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics 4200 20 @ 0.2 - 0.85 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics (Skylake) 12 @ 0.3 - 0.8 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics 405 (Braswell) 16 @ 0.32 - 0.7 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics (Braswell) 16 @ 0.32 - 0.7 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics 400 (Braswell) 12 @ 0.32 - 0.64 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics (Haswell) 10 @ 0.2 - 1 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics (Cherry Trail) 16 @ 0.2 - 0.6 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics 3000 12 @ 0.35 - 1.35 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics 2500 6 @ 0.65 - 1.15 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics (Ivy Bridge) 6 @ 0.35 - 1.1 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics 2000 6 @ 0.85 - 1.35 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics (Sandy Bridge) 6 @ 0.35 - 1.1 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics (Bay Trail) 4 @ 0.31 - 0.9 GHz32/64/128 Bit
HD Graphics P530 24 @ 0.35 - 1.05 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics 5600 24 @ 0.3 - 1.05 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics 6000 48 @ 0.3 - 1 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics 4600 20 @ 0.2 - 1.35 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics 5500 24 @ 0.3 - 0.95 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics 5000 40 @ 0.2 - 1.1 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics 4400 20 @ 0.2 - 1.1 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics 5300 24 @ 0.1 - 0.9 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics 4000 16 @ 0.35 - 1.35 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics (Broadwell) 12 @ 0.1 - 0.85 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics 4200 20 @ 0.2 - 0.85 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics (Skylake) 12 @ 0.3 - 0.8 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics 405 (Braswell) 16 @ 0.32 - 0.7 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics (Braswell) 16 @ 0.32 - 0.7 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics 400 (Braswell) 12 @ 0.32 - 0.64 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics (Haswell) 10 @ 0.2 - 1 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics (Cherry Trail) 16 @ 0.2 - 0.6 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics 3000 12 @ 0.35 - 1.35 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics 2500 6 @ 0.65 - 1.15 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics (Ivy Bridge) 6 @ 0.35 - 1.1 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics 2000 6 @ 0.85 - 1.35 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics (Sandy Bridge) 6 @ 0.35 - 1.1 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics (Bay Trail) 4 @ 0.31 - 0.9 GHz32/64/128 Bit
CodenameRDNA 2 RembrandtHaswell GT1Sandy Bridge
ArchitekturRDNA 2Gen. 7.5 HaswellGen. 6 Sandy Bridge
Pipelines384 - unified10 - unified12 - unified
Kerntakt1900 (Boost) MHz200 - 1000 (Boost) MHz350 - 1350 (Boost) MHz
Shared Memoryneinjaja
APIDirectX 12_1DirectX 11.1, Shader 5.0DirectX 10.1, Shader 4.1, OpenGL 3.0
Stromverbrauch45 Watt
Herstellungsprozess6 nm22 nm32 nm
FeaturesTiled Rasterization, Shared Memory (up to Dual-Channel DDR4-3200)
Erscheinungsdatum04.01.2022 01.10.2012 01.02.2011
Speicherbandbreite64/128 Bit64/128 Bit
CPU in Radeon 660MGPU Base SpeedGPU Boost / Turbo
AMD Ryzen 5 PRO 6650H6 x 3300 MHz, 45 W? MHz1900 MHz
AMD Ryzen 5 6600H6 x 3300 MHz, 45 W? MHz1900 MHz
AMD Ryzen 5 PRO 6650HS6 x 3300 MHz, 35 W? MHz1900 MHz
min. - max.? MHz1800 - 1900 MHz
CPU in HD Graphics (Haswell)GPU Base SpeedGPU Boost / Turbo
Intel Pentium 3560M2 x 2400 MHz, 37 W400 MHz1100 MHz
Intel Pentium 3550M2 x 2300 MHz, 37 W400 MHz1100 MHz
Intel Celeron 2970M2 x 2200 MHz, 37 W400 MHz1100 MHz
min. - max.200 - ? MHz850 - 1900 MHz
CPU in HD Graphics 3000GPU Base SpeedGPU Boost / Turbo
Intel Core i7-2700K4 x 3500 MHz, 95 W850 MHz1350 MHz
Intel Core i7-2600K4 x 3400 MHz, 95 W850 MHz1350 MHz
Intel Core i7-2960XM4 x 2700 MHz, 55 W650 MHz1300 MHz
min. - max.200 - ? MHz850 - 1900 MHz


Performance Rating - 3DMark 11 + Fire Strike + Time Spy - Radeon 660M
2.1 pt (6%)
Performance Rating - 3DMark 11 + Fire Strike + Time Spy - HD Graphics (Haswell)
0.2 pt (0%)
3DMark - 3DMark Time Spy Score
min: 1153     avg: 1631     median: 1714.5 (5%)     max: 1793 Points
3DMark - 3DMark Time Spy Graphics
min: 1016     avg: 1442     median: 1544 (4%)     max: 1588 Points
3DMark - 3DMark Ice Storm Unlimited Graphics
283076 Points (29%)
43493 Points (4%)
3DMark - 3DMark Ice Storm Extreme Graphics
102211 Points (12%)
3DMark - 3DMark Cloud Gate Score
min: 18216     avg: 22289     median: 22811 (22%)     max: 24842 Points
min: 2141     avg: 2403     median: 2335.5 (2%)     max: 3011 Points
min: 2277     avg: 2642     median: 2656.5 (3%)     max: 2979 Points
3DMark - 3DMark Cloud Gate Graphics
min: 21857     avg: 30318     median: 31514.5 (8%)     max: 33949 Points
min: 3111     avg: 3415     median: 3278 (1%)     max: 4199 Points
min: 2356     avg: 2593     median: 2502.5 (1%)     max: 3011 Points
3DMark - 3DMark Fire Strike Standard Score
min: 3216     avg: 4184     median: 4472 (8%)     max: 4664 Points
min: 300     avg: 323.8     median: 314 (1%)     max: 383 Points
3DMark - 3DMark Fire Strike Standard Graphics
min: 3447     avg: 4521     median: 4848 (5%)     max: 4993 Points
min: 340     avg: 370.8     median: 362.5 (0%)     max: 433 Points
3DMark - 3DMark Ice Storm Graphics
min: 156497     avg: 205151     median: 195922 (22%)     max: 272265 Points
min: 29291     avg: 34138     median: 34675 (4%)     max: 40515 Points
min: 25494     avg: 29036     median: 27124 (3%)     max: 36403 Points
3DMark 11 - 3DM11 Performance Score
min: 4904     avg: 6712     median: 7067 (9%)     max: 7680 Points
min: 435     avg: 543     median: 544 (1%)     max: 688 Points
3DMark 11 - 3DM11 Performance GPU
min: 4636     avg: 6332     median: 6743 (6%)     max: 7184 Points
min: 384     avg: 479.6     median: 484 (0%)     max: 602 Points
3DMark Vantage
3DM Vant. Perf. total + AMD Radeon 660M
3DMark Vantage - 3DM Vant. Perf. total
min: 22854     avg: 23222     median: 23222 (7%)     max: 23590 Points
3DM Vant. Perf. total + Intel HD Graphics (Haswell)
min: 2146     avg: 2163     median: 2163 (1%)     max: 2180 Points
3DM Vant. Perf. total + Intel HD Graphics 3000
min: 1135     avg: 1560     median: 1568 (0%)     max: 2164 Points
3DM Vant. Perf. GPU no PhysX + AMD Radeon 660M
3DMark Vantage - 3DM Vant. Perf. GPU no PhysX
min: 20168     avg: 20571     median: 20570.5 (11%)     max: 20973 Points
3DM Vant. Perf. GPU no PhysX + Intel HD Graphics (Haswell)
min: 1848     avg: 1859     median: 1859 (1%)     max: 1870 Points
3DM Vant. Perf. GPU no PhysX + Intel HD Graphics 3000
min: 927     avg: 1331     median: 1240 (1%)     max: 8858 Points
3DMark 2001SE - 3DMark 2001 - Standard
min: 7796     avg: 12752     median: 11654 (12%)     max: 19742 Points
3DMark 03 - 3DMark 03 - Standard
min: 5162     avg: 8577     median: 7751 (4%)     max: 12358 Points
3DMark 05 - 3DMark 05 - Standard
43616 Points (48%)
min: 3498     avg: 6355     median: 5968 (7%)     max: 9344 Points
3DMark 06 3DMark 06 - Standard 1280x1024 + AMD Radeon 660M
3DMark 06
min: 27171     avg: 27876     median: 27876 (36%)     max: 28581 Points
3DMark 06 - Standard 1280x1024 + Intel HD Graphics (Haswell)
min: 2917     avg: 3274     median: 3357.5 (4%)     max: 3463 Points
3DMark 06 - Standard 1280x1024 + Intel HD Graphics 3000
min: 1392     avg: 3451     median: 3286.5 (4%)     max: 5853 Points
3DMark 06 - Score Unknown Settings + Intel HD Graphics 3000
3DMark 06
min: 3508     avg: 3847     median: 3617 (5%)     max: 5041 Points
3DMark 06 - Standard 1280x800 + Intel HD Graphics 3000
3DMark 06
min: 2550     avg: 3176     median: 3224 (4%)     max: 3753 Points
3DMark 06 - Standard 1280x768 + Intel HD Graphics 3000
3DMark 06
min: 2788     avg: 3293     median: 3308 (4%)     max: 3942 Points
Unigine Valley 1.0 - Unigine Valley 1.0 DX
10.9 fps (3%)
Blender - Blender 3.3 Classroom HIP *
min: 438     avg: 561     median: 548 (45%)     max: 755 Seconds
SPECviewperf 11
specvp11 snx-01 + Intel HD Graphics 3000
SPECviewperf 11 - specvp11 snx-01
min: 0.18     avg: 0.3     median: 0.2 (0%)     max: 0.75 fps
specvp11 tcvis-02 + Intel HD Graphics 3000
SPECviewperf 11 - specvp11 tcvis-02
min: 0.12     avg: 0.3     median: 0.2 (0%)     max: 0.86 fps
specvp11 sw-02 + Intel HD Graphics 3000
SPECviewperf 11 - specvp11 sw-02
min: 2.55     avg: 3.6     median: 3.6 (3%)     max: 4.61 fps
specvp11 proe-05 + Intel HD Graphics 3000
SPECviewperf 11 - specvp11 proe-05
min: 0.26     avg: 0.5     median: 0.5 (1%)     max: 0.65 fps
specvp11 maya-03 + Intel HD Graphics 3000
SPECviewperf 11 - specvp11 maya-03
min: 1.07     avg: 4.6     median: 5 (4%)     max: 7.63 fps
specvp11 lightwave-01 + Intel HD Graphics 3000
SPECviewperf 11 - specvp11 lightwave-01
min: 3.63     avg: 5.5     median: 5.5 (6%)     max: 7.35 fps
specvp11 ensight-04 + Intel HD Graphics 3000
SPECviewperf 11 - specvp11 ensight-04
min: 0.1     avg: 0.4     median: 0.1 (0%)     max: 1.29 fps
SPECviewperf 12
specvp12 sw-03 + AMD Radeon 660M
SPECviewperf 12 - specvp12 sw-03
74.6 fps (19%)
specvp12 snx-02 + AMD Radeon 660M
SPECviewperf 12 - specvp12 snx-02
42.4 fps (6%)
specvp12 showcase-01 + AMD Radeon 660M
SPECviewperf 12 - specvp12 showcase-01
22.8 fps (5%)
specvp12 mediacal-01 + AMD Radeon 660M
SPECviewperf 12 - specvp12 mediacal-01
25.8 fps (7%)
specvp12 maya-04 + AMD Radeon 660M
SPECviewperf 12 - specvp12 maya-04
44.4 fps (12%)
specvp12 energy-01 + AMD Radeon 660M
SPECviewperf 12 - specvp12 energy-01
51.1 fps (46%)
specvp12 creo-01 + AMD Radeon 660M
SPECviewperf 12 - specvp12 creo-01
39.3 fps (16%)
specvp12 catia-04 + AMD Radeon 660M
SPECviewperf 12 - specvp12 catia-04
45 fps (7%)
specvp12 3dsmax-05 + AMD Radeon 660M
SPECviewperf 12 - specvp12 3dsmax-05
55.8 fps (10%)
SPECviewperf 13 specvp13 sw-04 + AMD Radeon 660M
SPECviewperf 13 - specvp13 sw-04
66.6 fps (18%)
specvp13 snx-03 + AMD Radeon 660M
SPECviewperf 13 - specvp13 snx-03
72.7 fps (8%)
specvp13 showcase-02 + AMD Radeon 660M
SPECviewperf 13 - specvp13 showcase-02
23.9 fps (5%)
specvp13 medical-02 + AMD Radeon 660M
SPECviewperf 13 - specvp13 medical-02
24.9 fps (5%)
specvp13 maya-05 + AMD Radeon 660M
SPECviewperf 13 - specvp13 maya-05
62.6 fps (7%)
specvp13 energy-02 + AMD Radeon 660M
SPECviewperf 13 - specvp13 energy-02
6.2 fps (2%)
specvp13 creo-02 + AMD Radeon 660M
SPECviewperf 13 - specvp13 creo-02
53.8 fps (8%)
specvp13 catia-05 + AMD Radeon 660M
SPECviewperf 13 - specvp13 catia-05
56.9 fps (6%)
specvp13 3dsmax-06 + AMD Radeon 660M
SPECviewperf 13 - specvp13 3dsmax-06
51.7 fps (9%)
SPECviewperf 2020 specvp2020 snx-04 4k + AMD Radeon 660M
SPECviewperf 2020 - specvp2020 snx-04 4k
42.1 fps (4%)
specvp2020 medical-03 4k + AMD Radeon 660M
SPECviewperf 2020 - specvp2020 medical-03 4k
5.2 fps (5%)
specvp2020 maya-06 4k + AMD Radeon 660M
SPECviewperf 2020 - specvp2020 maya-06 4k
27 fps (4%)
specvp2020 energy-03 4k + AMD Radeon 660M
SPECviewperf 2020 - specvp2020 energy-03 4k
4.7 fps (1%)
specvp2020 creo-03 4k + AMD Radeon 660M
SPECviewperf 2020 - specvp2020 creo-03 4k
19.8 fps (9%)
specvp2020 catia-06 4k + AMD Radeon 660M
SPECviewperf 2020 - specvp2020 catia-06 4k
14.2 fps (9%)
specvp2020 3dsmax-07 4k + AMD Radeon 660M
SPECviewperf 2020 - specvp2020 3dsmax-07 4k
10.8 fps (5%)
Windows 7 Experience Index - Win7 Gaming graphics
6.3 Points (80%)
min: 5.5     avg: 6.1     median: 6.1 (77%)     max: 6.4 Points
Windows 7 Experience Index - Win7 Graphics
4.7 Points (59%)
min: 4.1     avg: 5.1     median: 4.7 (59%)     max: 6.4 Points
Cinebench R10 Cinebench R10 Shading (32bit) + AMD Radeon 660M
Cinebench R10 - Cinebench R10 Shading (32bit)
min: 12942     avg: 13243     median: 13243 (9%)     max: 13544 Points
Cinebench R10 Shading (32bit) + Intel HD Graphics (Haswell)
min: 3867     avg: 4235     median: 4215.5 (3%)     max: 4642 Points
Cinebench R10 Shading (32bit) + Intel HD Graphics 3000
min: 1712     avg: 4274     median: 4414 (3%)     max: 7038 Points
Cinebench R11.5 Cinebench R11.5 OpenGL 64 Bit + AMD Radeon 660M
Cinebench R11.5 - Cinebench R11.5 OpenGL 64 Bit
114.4 fps (38%)
Cinebench R11.5 OpenGL 64 Bit + Intel HD Graphics (Haswell)
min: 9.38     avg: 11.4     median: 11.6 (4%)     max: 12.78 fps
Cinebench R11.5 OpenGL 64 Bit + Intel HD Graphics 3000
min: 4.75     avg: 8.7     median: 8.4 (3%)     max: 13.02 fps
Cinebench R15
Cinebench R15 OpenGL 64 Bit + AMD Radeon 660M
Cinebench R15 - Cinebench R15 OpenGL 64 Bit
min: 93.3     avg: 120.8     median: 121.3 (7%)     max: 154.4 fps
Cinebench R15 OpenGL 64 Bit + Intel HD Graphics (Haswell)
min: 10.28     avg: 13.2     median: 13.9 (1%)     max: 14.59 fps
Cinebench R15 OpenGL 64 Bit + Intel HD Graphics 3000
0 fps (0%)
Cinebench R15 OpenGL Ref. Match 64 Bit + AMD Radeon 660M
Cinebench R15 - Cinebench R15 OpenGL Ref. Match 64 Bit
min: 97.9     avg: 97.9     median: 97.9 (98%)     max: 98 %
Cinebench R15 OpenGL Ref. Match 64 Bit + Intel HD Graphics (Haswell)
Cinebench R15 OpenGL Ref. Match 64 Bit + Intel HD Graphics 3000
min: 32.2     avg: 32.6     median: 32.6 (33%)     max: 32.9 %
GFXBench - GFXBench 5.0 4K Aztec Ruins High Tier Offscreen
min: 10.6     avg: 14.7     median: 14.7 (6%)     max: 18.7 fps
GFXBench - GFXBench 5.0 Aztec Ruins High Tier Offscreen
min: 22.9     avg: 33.5     median: 33.5 (6%)     max: 44.1 fps
GFXBench - GFXBench 5.0 Aztec Ruins Normal Tier Offscreen
min: 63.9     avg: 86     median: 86 (6%)     max: 108.1 fps
GFXBench - GFXBench Car Chase Offscreen
69.4 fps (7%)
11.6 fps (1%)
GFXBench 3.1 - GFXBench Manhattan ES 3.1 Offscreen
93.3 fps (2%)
20.1 fps (0%)
GFXBench 3.0 - GFXBench 3.0 Manhattan Offscreen
104.3 fps (4%)
28.7 fps (1%)
GFXBench (DX / GLBenchmark) 2.7
GFXBench T-Rex HD Offscreen C24Z16 + AMD Radeon 660M
GFXBench (DX / GLBenchmark) 2.7 - GFXBench T-Rex HD Offscreen C24Z16
258.5 fps (2%)
GFXBench T-Rex HD Offscreen C24Z16 + Intel HD Graphics (Haswell)
53.5 fps (0%)
Basemark GPU 1.2 - Basemark GPU 1.2 Vulkan Official Medium Offscreen 1080
min: 104.6     avg: 128.2     median: 114.6 (3%)     max: 178.9 fps
Basemark GPU 1.2 - Basemark GPU 1.2 Vulkan Official High Offscreen 2160
3.6 fps (1%)
Geekbench 6.3 - Geekbench 6.3 GPU OpenCL
min: 13189     avg: 14723     median: 15012 (4%)     max: 15678 Points
Geekbench 6.3 - Geekbench 6.3 GPU Vulkan
min: 14297     avg: 16531     median: 16743.5 (5%)     max: 18338 Points
LuxMark v2.0 64Bit - LuxMark v2.0 Room GPU
min: 187     avg: 270     median: 270 (1%)     max: 353 Samples/s
min: 77     avg: 93     median: 93 (0%)     max: 109 Samples/s
LuxMark v2.0 64Bit - LuxMark v2.0 Sala GPU
min: 785     avg: 822     median: 822 (1%)     max: 859 Samples/s
min: 115     avg: 140     median: 140 (0%)     max: 165 Samples/s
ComputeMark v2.1 - ComputeMark v2.1 Result
min: 3416     avg: 3428     median: 3427.5 (4%)     max: 3439 Points
min: 355     avg: 370     median: 370 (0%)     max: 385 Points
Power Consumption - Furmark Stress Test Power Consumption - external Monitor *
min: 28.3     avg: 40.4     median: 40.7 (6%)     max: 54.7 Watt
43.7 Watt (6%)
Power Consumption - The Witcher 3 Power Consumption - external Monitor *
min: 24.8     avg: 37.5     median: 38.4 (5%)     max: 47.3 Watt
30.5 Watt (4%)
Power Consumption - Witcher 3 Power Consumption *
min: 27.6     avg: 38.3     median: 39.7 (9%)     max: 47.3 Watt
Power Consumption - Witcher 3 ultra Power Efficiency
min: 0.3575     avg: 0.4     median: 0.4 (34%)     max: 0.4565 fps per Watt
Power Consumption - Witcher 3 ultra Power Efficiency - external Monitor
min: 0.3158     avg: 0.4     median: 0.4 (32%)     max: 0.508 fps per Watt
Power Consumption - Cyberpunk 2077 Power Consumption 150cd *
min: 36.6     avg: 38.1     median: 38.1 (12%)     max: 39.6 Watt
Power Consumption - Cyberpunk 2077 Power Consumption - external Monitor *
min: 35.6     avg: 38     median: 38 (5%)     max: 40.4 Watt
Power Consumption - Cyberpunk 2077 ultra Power Efficiency
0.2 fps per Watt (28%)
Emissions Witcher 3 Fan Noise + AMD Radeon 660M
Emissions - Witcher 3 Fan Noise
min: 35     avg: 38.6     median: 38 (61%)     max: 48.5 dB(A)
Clock Speed - GPU Clock Witcher 3 ultra
1900 MHz (75%)

Average Benchmarks AMD Radeon 660M → 100% n=10

Average Benchmarks Intel HD Graphics (Haswell) → 22% n=10

Average Benchmarks Intel HD Graphics 3000 → 13% n=10

- Bereich der Benchmarkergebnisse für diese Grafikkarte
red legend - Durchschnittliche Benchmarkergebnisse für diese Grafikkarte
* Smaller numbers mean a higher performance
1 This benchmark is not used for the average calculation


Die folgenden Benchmarks basieren auf unseren Spieletests mit Testnotebooks. Die Performance dieser Grafikkarte bei den gelisteten Spielen ist abhängig von der verwendeten CPU, Speicherausstattung, Treiber und auch Betriebssystem. Dadurch müssen die untenstehenden Werte nicht repräsentativ sein. Detaillierte Informationen über das verwendete System sehen Sie nach einem Klick auf den fps-Wert.

F1 24

F1 24

low 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
31.6 31.6 42.2 ~ 35 fps
med. 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
26.8 26.8 35.5 ~ 30 fps
high 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
19.8 25.6 ~ 23 fps
ultra 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
5.6  fps
low 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
14.9 22.9 24.3 ~ 21 fps
med. 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
11.5 17.4 18.1 ~ 16 fps
high 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
8.9 11 11.6 13.2 ~ 11 fps
ultra 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
7.8 11.2 ~ 9 fps
low 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
16.5 22 22.9 ~ 20 fps
med. 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
12.8 14 15.1 ~ 14 fps
high 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
10.3 13 13.3 ~ 12 fps
ultra 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
10 12 12.6 ~ 12 fps
F1 23

F1 23

low 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
49.6  fps
med. 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
42.7  fps
high 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
29.2  fps
Diablo 4

Diablo 4

low 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
34.6  fps
med. 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
27.6  fps
high 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
26  fps
ultra 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
23.9  fps
low 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
11.5  fps
med. 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
10.2  fps
low 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
36.8  fps
med. 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
30.1  fps
high 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
22.3  fps
ultra 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
14.6  fps
low 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
17.7  fps
med. 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
13.2  fps
high 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
11.1  fps
low 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
20.1  fps
med. 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
14.7  fps
high 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
0 (!)  fps
low 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
23.7  fps
med. 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
22  fps
high 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
15.9  fps
low 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
24.7  fps
med. 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
16.7  fps
high 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
15.3  fps
ultra 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
14.8  fps
low 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
29  fps
med. 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
22.9  fps
high 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
13  fps
ultra 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
10.2  fps


low 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
16  fps
med. 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
15  fps
high 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
13  fps
low 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
23.3  fps
med. 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
17.2  fps
high 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
12.8  fps
ultra 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
10.3  fps
low 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
31.8  fps
med. 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
25.3  fps
high 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
10.1  fps
low 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
37.8  fps
med. 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
23.3  fps
high 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
19.2  fps
ultra 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
14.5  fps
low 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
26.7  fps
med. 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
18.5  fps
high 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
17.9  fps
ultra 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
10.3  fps
low 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
29.3  fps
med. 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
24.1  fps
high 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
18.6  fps
ultra 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
17.6  fps
low 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
27.3  fps
med. 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
22.6  fps
high 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
20.2  fps
low 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
25 28 ~ 27 fps
med. 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
21 26 ~ 24 fps
high 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
15 19 ~ 17 fps
ultra 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
14 17 ~ 16 fps
low 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
12.3  fps
med. 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
11.4  fps
high 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
9.6  fps
low 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
9.4  fps
med. 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
7.8  fps
high 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
6.7  fps
low 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
24.5  fps
med. 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
18  fps
high 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
14.4  fps
F1 22

F1 22

low 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
42.4 44.7 48 58.3 ~ 48 fps
med. 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
37 40.2 42 52.3 ~ 43 fps
high 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
26.2 27.2 28 37.2 ~ 30 fps
ultra 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
5.1 5.9 8.4 ~ 6 fps
low 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
0 (!) 45.7 ~ 23 fps
med. 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
0 (!) 24.6 ~ 12 fps
high 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
0 (!) 24.4 ~ 12 fps
ultra 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
22.4  fps
low 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
16.1 25.9 ~ 21 fps
med. 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
24  fps
high 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
23.9  fps
low 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
26.9 34.2 40 ~ 34 fps
med. 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
19.7 27 31.3 ~ 26 fps
high 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
12.6 17.6 20.5 ~ 17 fps
ultra 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
9.6 15.6 ~ 13 fps
low 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
20.3 27 ~ 24 fps
med. 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
15 24 ~ 20 fps
high 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
12.2 15 ~ 14 fps
Elex 2

Elex 2

low 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
22.5 33.5 ~ 28 fps
med. 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
19.3 25.8 ~ 23 fps
high 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
15.8 22.8 ~ 19 fps
low 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
49.6 71 ~ 60 fps
med. 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
36.5 53.4 ~ 45 fps
high 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
27.4 40.4 ~ 34 fps
ultra 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
19.5  fps
low 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
39.6  fps
med. 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
29.9  fps
high 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
26.9  fps
low 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
19.7  fps
med. 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
15.4  fps
high 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
12.4  fps
low 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
45  fps
med. 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
35  fps
high 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
30  fps
low 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
16 21.7 23.9 ~ 21 fps
med. 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
12.6 17.5 18.9 ~ 16 fps
high 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
10 12.6 16.1 ~ 13 fps
ultra 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
10.8  fps
low 1280x720
Radeon 660M:
39.6  fps
med. 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
20.3  fps
high 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
17.1  fps
low 1280x720
Radeon 660M:
102  fps
med. 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
57.1  fps
high 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
38.9  fps
low 1280x720
Radeon 660M:
92  fps
med. 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
39  fps
high 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
32  fps
low 1280x720
Radeon 660M:
56  fps
med. 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
30  fps
high 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
23  fps
low 1280x720
Radeon 660M:
0 (!)  fps
med. 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
0 (!)  fps
high 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
0 (!)  fps
low 1280x720
Radeon 660M:
104.3  fps
med. 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
40.4  fps
high 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
34.3  fps
Far Cry 6

Far Cry 6

low 1280x720
Radeon 660M:
50 58.5 ~ 54 fps
med. 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
21 25.6 ~ 23 fps
high 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
18 21.8 ~ 20 fps
ultra 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
18.3  fps
low 1280x720
Radeon 660M:
53.6  fps
med. 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
32.7  fps
high 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
26.4  fps


low 1280x720
Radeon 660M:
45.5  fps
med. 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
23.3  fps
high 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
18.1  fps
F1 2021

F1 2021

low 1280x720
Radeon 660M:
103.8 109.5 ~ 107 fps
med. 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
44.4 47.3 ~ 46 fps
high 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
35.2 36 ~ 36 fps
ultra 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
14.1 14.7 ~ 14 fps
Days Gone

Days Gone

low 1280x720
Radeon 660M:
50  fps
med. 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
25.3  fps
high 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
22.2  fps
low 1280x720
Radeon 660M:
70  fps
ultra 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
38.9  fps
low 1280x720
Radeon 660M:
75.3  fps
med. 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
33.4  fps
high 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
29.9  fps


low 1280x720
Radeon 660M:
35.3  fps
med. 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
30.4  fps
high 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
27.9  fps
Hitman 3

Hitman 3

low 1280x720
Radeon 660M:
91.1  fps
med. 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
34.5  fps
high 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
30.5  fps
low 1280x720
Radeon 660M:
64.7  fps
med. 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
21.2  fps
high 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
21.1  fps
low 1280x720
Radeon 660M:
52  fps
med. 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
26  fps
high 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
19  fps
Dirt 5

Dirt 5

low 1280x720
Radeon 660M:
68.6  fps
med. 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
24.2  fps
high 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
17.8  fps
low 1280x720
Radeon 660M:
49  fps
med. 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
26  fps
high 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
22  fps
low 1280x720
Radeon 660M:
170.4  fps
med. 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
66.6  fps
high 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
57.4  fps
low 1280x720
Radeon 660M:
48.2  fps
med. 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
20.7  fps
high 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
19.1  fps
low 1280x720
Radeon 660M:
113  fps
med. 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
29.2  fps
high 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
24.1  fps
low 1280x720
Radeon 660M:
88.1  fps
med. 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
39.2  fps
high 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
10.9  fps
low 1280x720
Radeon 660M:
41.6  fps
med. 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
14.2  fps
high 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
10.4  fps
low 1280x720
Radeon 660M:
58.1  fps
med. 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
30.6  fps
high 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
29.1  fps
F1 2020

F1 2020

low 1280x720
Radeon 660M:
102.1  fps
med. 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
44.6  fps
high 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
32.3  fps
ultra 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
22.2  fps
low 1280x720
Radeon 660M:
132  fps
med. 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
47.4  fps
high 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
28.5  fps
low 1280x720
Radeon 660M:
86.9  fps
med. 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
36.2  fps
high 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
34.2  fps
low 1280x720
Radeon 660M:
70.8  fps
med. 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
24.2  fps
high 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
19.2  fps
low 1280x720
Radeon 660M:
49  fps
med. 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
20.5  fps
high 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
13.6  fps
ultra 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
10.7  fps
low 1280x720
Radeon 660M:
58  fps
med. 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
32  fps
high 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
29  fps
ultra 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
27  fps
low 1280x720
Radeon 660M:
48  fps
med. 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
18.8  fps
high 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
14.4  fps
ultra 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
11.2  fps
low 1280x720
HD Graphics (Haswell):
0 (!)  fps
Hitman 2

Hitman 2

low 1280x720
HD Graphics (Haswell):
4.9 (!)  fps
low 1280x720
Radeon 660M:
69.3 77 ~ 73 fps
med. 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
22.2 29 ~ 26 fps
high 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
17.3 27 ~ 22 fps
ultra 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
13.4 23 ~ 18 fps
Strange Brigade

Strange Brigade

low 1280x720
Radeon 660M:
70.2 99.5 99.9 114.4 117.4 117.7 120.2 120.7 ~ 108 fps
med. 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
26.8 37.8 38.6 40 43 43.3 43.3 44.5 ~ 40 fps
high 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
21.4 29.5 31.5 32.7 33.9 35 35.3 35.9 ~ 32 fps
ultra 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
18.4 24.3 25.5 26.7 28.6 29 29.6 29.7 ~ 26 fps
Far Cry 5

Far Cry 5

low 1280x720
Radeon 660M:
38 55 61 62 63 71 ~ 58 fps
med. 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
18 26 29 30 31 33 ~ 28 fps
high 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
16 23 26 26 29 30 ~ 25 fps
ultra 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
16 22 25 26 27 ~ 23 fps
low 1280x720
Radeon 660M:
34.8 36 38.4 38.5 48.2 49.1 49.2 50.6 51.8 ~ 44 fps
HD Graphics (Haswell):
14.3  fps
med. 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
24.2 25 27.4 28.3 33.7 35.6 36.7 37.4 38.5 ~ 32 fps
HD Graphics (Haswell):
8  fps
high 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
22.1 23 25.1 25.4 29.3 30.8 30.8 33.2 33.8 ~ 28 fps
low 1280x720
Radeon 660M:
33.1 33.6 40.9 43.8 44.9 45.5 48.3 51.6 53.4 ~ 44 fps
med. 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
16 16.2 19.8 20.7 21.9 23.7 23.8 24.3 24.7 ~ 21 fps
high 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
11.1 11.4 14.5 15 16 16.3 17.2 17.4 17.9 ~ 15 fps
low 1280x720
HD Graphics (Haswell):
5.9  fps
F1 2017

F1 2017

low 1280x720
HD Graphics (Haswell):
13  fps
low 1280x720
HD Graphics (Haswell):
62  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
48.4  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
28.6  fps
Dirt 4

Dirt 4

low 1280x720
HD Graphics (Haswell):
16.4  fps
low 1280x720
HD Graphics (Haswell):
45.1  fps
med. 1920x1080
HD Graphics (Haswell):
15.9  fps
low 1280x720
HD Graphics (Haswell):
0 (!)  fps
low 1280x720
HD Graphics (Haswell):
17.8  fps
low 1280x720
HD Graphics (Haswell):
38.6  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
22.1  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
21.6  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
13.2  fps
high 1920x1080
HD Graphics (Haswell):
6.3  fps
low 1280x720
HD Graphics (Haswell):
14.1  fps
low 1280x720
HD Graphics (Haswell):
12.4  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
7.1  fps


low 1280x720
HD Graphics (Haswell):
26.1  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
0 (!)  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
16.3  fps


low 1280x720
HD Graphics (Haswell):
0 (!)  fps
low 1280x720
HD Graphics (Haswell):
6  fps
low 1280x720
HD Graphics (Haswell):
8.5  fps
low 1280x720
HD Graphics (Haswell):
9  fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
9.4  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
5.3  fps
high 1920x1080
HD Graphics (Haswell):
2.5  fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics (Haswell):
1.8  fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
13.7  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
8.9  fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
11.7  fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
0 (!)  fps


low 1280x720
HD Graphics 3000:
0 (!)  fps
low 1366x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
41.4  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
25.1 38 ~ 32 fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
24.1  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
15.6 21.7 ~ 19 fps
high 1920x1080
HD Graphics (Haswell):
11.4  fps
low 1280x720
Radeon 660M:
93.7 101 103.6 108.6 109.3 114.5 121.1 135.9 144.9 ~ 115 fps
HD Graphics 3000:
48.1 50.9 ~ 50 fps
med. 1366x768
Radeon 660M:
72.2 74.4 78.6 83.6 94.4 98.5 99.3 107.7 107.9 ~ 91 fps
HD Graphics 3000:
19.4 21.3 ~ 20 fps
high 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
37.4 47.1 49.2 50.7 61 63.1 64.9 65.8 70 ~ 57 fps
HD Graphics 3000:
8.3  fps
ultra 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
32.8 41.3 42.7 43.8 52.9 53.9 55.4 55.7 60.8 ~ 49 fps
HD Graphics 3000:
7.4  fps
low 1024x768
Radeon 660M:
61.7 76.8 82.2 86.7 90.5 93.2 98.2 ~ 84 fps
HD Graphics (Haswell):
8.9  fps
med. 1366x768
Radeon 660M:
40.2 45.9 46.8 52.5 52.6 58.5 ~ 49 fps
HD Graphics (Haswell):
5.2 5.8 ~ 6 fps
high 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
18.5 19.7 22.6 25.7 27.1 27.6 28.6 ~ 24 fps
HD Graphics (Haswell):
3.1  fps
ultra 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
12.3 12.6 14.4 15.3 17.8 17.9 17.9 ~ 15 fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
52.4  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
0 (!)  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
12.8  fps


low 1024x768
Radeon 660M:
92.6 93.8 118.8 128.8 128.9 132.5 133.9 142.9 ~ 122 fps
HD Graphics 3000:
7.5  fps
med. 1366x768
Radeon 660M:
80 83.6 99.7 103.2 116.1 118.5 120 124.9 ~ 106 fps
high 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
23.1 23.6 31.2 33.9 36.4 40 40.5 40.7 ~ 34 fps
ultra 1920x1080
Radeon 660M:
9.7 10.3 14.1 14.2 14.5 17.2 18 18.9 ~ 15 fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
15.9  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
11.2  fps


low 1024x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
7.7  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
0 (!)  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
5.7  fps
The Crew

The Crew

low 1280x720
HD Graphics (Haswell):
9.7  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
8.4  fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
10.9  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
7  fps
Far Cry 4

Far Cry 4

low 1024x768
HD Graphics 3000:
0 (!)  fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics 3000:
9.5  fps
F1 2014

F1 2014

low 1024x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
31  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
20  fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
9  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
5.8  fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
21.6  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
12.9  fps
low 1280x720
HD Graphics (Haswell):
13.5  fps
med. 1344x756
HD Graphics (Haswell):
8.3  fps
Fifa 15

Fifa 15

low 1280x720
HD Graphics (Haswell):
16.4  fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
11.3  fps
Sims 4

Sims 4

low 1024x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
123.6  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
26.2  fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
13.3  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
17  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
9.7  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
9.5  fps
high 1920x1080
HD Graphics 3000:
4.3  fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 3000:
3.4  fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
58.2  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
50 82.5 ~ 66 fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
19.6  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
17.8 27.2 ~ 23 fps
high 1920x1080
HD Graphics 3000:
12.5 13.2 ~ 13 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 3000:
12.5  fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
2.2  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
0 (!)  fps
low 1280x720
HD Graphics (Haswell):
19.9  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
0 (!)  fps
med. 1280x720
HD Graphics (Haswell):
14  fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
35.2  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
22.5  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
13.6  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
14.8  fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
9  fps


low 1024x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
23.1  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
0 (!)  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
13.7  fps


low 1024x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
10.1  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
5.7  fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics 3000:
9.2  fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
22.1  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
14.6 21.5 ~ 18 fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
13  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
8 11.3 ~ 10 fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics 3000:
4 5.7 ~ 5 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 3000:
2.9 3.9 ~ 3 fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
11.1  fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
12.8 27.8 ~ 20 fps
HD Graphics 3000:
0 (!)  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
10 18.2 ~ 14 fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
11.8  fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics (Haswell):
3.9  fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
21  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
32  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
12  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
21  fps
F1 2013

F1 2013

low 1024x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
27  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
26 34 ~ 30 fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
18  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
19 24 ~ 22 fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
14  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
15 17 ~ 16 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 3000:
12  fps
Fifa 14

Fifa 14

low 1024x768
HD Graphics 3000:
124.9  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
57.7  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
58 63.6 ~ 61 fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
37  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
30.5 34.2 ~ 32 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 3000:
17 18 ~ 18 fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
22.4  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
18.4 19.2 ~ 19 fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
16.9  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
14 14.2 ~ 14 fps
low 1280x720
HD Graphics (Haswell):
14  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
11.5 14 ~ 13 fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
7.8  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
9.5  fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics 3000:
6.5  fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 3000:
4.1  fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
15.9  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
16.8 19.4 ~ 18 fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
8.9  fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
14.2  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
21.9  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
11.5  fps
Dota 2

Dota 2

low 1024x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
36.9  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
47.8 63.8 ~ 56 fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
24.2  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
24.9 33.4 ~ 29 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 3000:
11.2 11.5 ~ 11 fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
7.2  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
8.9  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 3000:
6.6  fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics 3000:
3.9  fps


low 1024x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
38 38.5 ~ 38 fps
HD Graphics 3000:
39.9  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
18.6 19.6 ~ 19 fps
HD Graphics 3000:
24.4  fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
13.2  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
14.9  fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
11.2  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
10.6 (!) 11.2 ~ 11 fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 3000:
7.4  fps
low 1280x720
HD Graphics (Haswell):
23 32.8 ~ 28 fps
HD Graphics 3000:
22.8 23.3 ~ 23 fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
10.3 14.2 ~ 12 fps
HD Graphics 3000:
10.6 10.7 ~ 11 fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
11.9  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
9.2 9.3 ~ 9 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics (Haswell):
3.7  fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
96.5  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
71 107 138 ~ 105 fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
28.3  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
19.4 20 27 ~ 22 fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
15  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
10 12.4 ~ 11 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 3000:
4.2  fps


low 1024x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
59.6  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
15.8  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
11.2  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
8.4  fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics 3000:
6.4  fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
28.9 30.2 30.3 30.3 31.8 ~ 30 fps
HD Graphics 3000:
26  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
13.8 14.2 14.3 14.3 14.6 ~ 14 fps
HD Graphics 3000:
13.7  fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
8.1 8.2 8.2 8.4 ~ 8 fps
HD Graphics 3000:
9.9  fps
Crysis 3

Crysis 3

low 1024x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
12.2  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
7.6  fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
38.7  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
48 54.3 ~ 51 fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
17.7  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
21 22.7 ~ 22 fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
13.1  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
16.7  fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 3000:
9.1  fps
Far Cry 3

Far Cry 3

low 1024x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
18.7  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
20.4  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
11.4  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
12.6  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 3000:
10.7 13.9 ~ 12 fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics 3000:
12  fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
12.3  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
16  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
9.9  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
12.4  fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics 3000:
1.9  fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
25.6  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
16.4 16.9 ~ 17 fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
17.6  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
12.2  fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics 3000:
4.4  fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics 3000:
16.7 20.6 ~ 19 fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 3000:
12.6  fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics 3000:
7.7  fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics 3000:
17.4  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 3000:
11  fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics 3000:
8.8  fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
22.3  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
16.4 24.4 29.7 ~ 24 fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
16.8  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
19.9 23.5 ~ 22 fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics 3000:
18.3 21.1 ~ 20 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 3000:
11.6  fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics 3000:
51 64.3 ~ 58 fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 3000:
19.2 19.4 ~ 19 fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics 3000:
14.6  fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 3000:
7.6  fps
Fifa 13

Fifa 13

low 1024x768
HD Graphics 3000:
21 55.9 62 67.4 74.5 76 77.7 80 80 90 91.3 91.8 93.1 120.4 ~ 77 fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 3000:
19 36 38.8 39.4 41.9 42.4 45.4 49.6 49.7 51.2 53 53.5 54.3 61.2 ~ 45 fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics 3000:
11 17 20 20.2 20.3 21.4 22.1 22.6 22.9 23 24 30 30.4 30.8 ~ 23 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 3000:
16.6 16.6 ~ 17 fps
F1 2012

F1 2012

low 1024x768
HD Graphics 3000:
23 49 ~ 36 fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 3000:
15 27 ~ 21 fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics 3000:
12 17 ~ 15 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 3000:
12  fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics 3000:
20.9 27 ~ 24 fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 3000:
13 17 ~ 15 fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics 3000:
12.3  fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 3000:
6.4  fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics 3000:
42 56.5 61.9 ~ 53 fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 3000:
19.8 26.6 32.8 ~ 26 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 3000:
15.7 16.8 ~ 16 fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics 3000:
20 22 22.6 37.5 ~ 26 fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics 3000:
7 8 8.1 9.2 ~ 8 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 3000:
3.1  fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
46.2  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
50.4 70.8 ~ 61 fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
34.7  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
33.4 41.4 ~ 37 fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
22.5  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
13.6 19.7 ~ 17 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 3000:
10.6  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 3000:
18.4 18.6 ~ 19 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 3000:
10 10 ~ 10 fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics 3000:
21  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 3000:
15  fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics 3000:
6.8  fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics 3000:
13.7  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 3000:
11.3  fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics 3000:
8.7 9.4 ~ 9 fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics 3000:
17.6  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 3000:
12.7  fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
31  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
24.8 24.8 31.1 33.8 40.6 ~ 31 fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
18.8  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
15.1 15.1 17.2 19 25.3 ~ 18 fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
11.7  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
8.6 9.5 9.5 13 13.1 ~ 11 fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
36.9  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
24.6 25.6 27 30.4 31.3 39 41 44 56 ~ 35 fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
23  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
14.8 15 15.7 16 18 18.7 19.6 21.2 ~ 17 fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
19.5  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
7 8.2 8.5 8.5 12.9 13 15.8 18 ~ 11 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 3000:
6.3 17 ~ 12 fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
12.5  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
16.3 17.6 ~ 17 fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 3000:
11.3 11.9 ~ 12 fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics 3000:
8.5 8.6 ~ 9 fps
low 1280x720
HD Graphics 3000:
21.2 21.4 31 ~ 25 fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics 3000:
15.8 21.7 ~ 19 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 3000:
12.3  fps
Alan Wake

Alan Wake

low 1024x768
HD Graphics 3000:
4 4 9.1 ~ 6 fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 3000:
6.2  fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics 3000:
41.3  fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics 3000:
11  fps
Anno 2070

Anno 2070

low 1024x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
36  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
21 21.5 22 24 29.3 29.3 29.6 30 30 30.2 30.3 30.6 30.7 31.1 31.4 31.6 32 32 32 32.7 33.4 34 35 35.2 35.3 36.7 39.2 42 47.4 ~ 32 fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
16  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
8.7 11 11.5 12 12 12 12 12.1 12.1 12.2 12.4 12.5 12.5 12.9 13 13 13.1 13.3 13.4 13.7 13.8 14 14.2 15.1 15.1 15.9 16.8 18 ~ 13 fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
9.8  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
6 6.1 7 7 7.4 7.7 8 8.1 8.6 8.8 9 9 9.6 ~ 8 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 3000:
3  fps
low 1280x720
HD Graphics (Haswell):
21.7 22.2 ~ 22 fps
HD Graphics 3000:
12 17 17 18 18 18 18.7 19.4 19.7 21.1 22.5 25 25.2 ~ 19 fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
11.2 11.3 ~ 11 fps
HD Graphics 3000:
8 8 9 9 9 9.2 9.6 9.9 10 10.5 11.2 13 ~ 10 fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
6.8  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
7 8.5 ~ 8 fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics 3000:
70.9  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 3000:
31.9  fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics 3000:
13.4  fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 3000:
6.9  fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics 3000:
7 (!) 7 (!) 13.8 16.6 ~ 11 fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics 3000:
23 23 45 ~ 30 fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 3000:
18 18 32 ~ 23 fps
Fifa 12

Fifa 12

low 800x600
HD Graphics 3000:
49.9 49.9 55 63 66.5 67 69 76 76.3 79 80.4 81 84 94 106.5 108.6 118.6 120.4 185 ~ 86 fps
med. 1024x768
HD Graphics 3000:
22.9 22.9 29.5 33 34 37 42 42.7 47 47.1 48 49.2 53.4 54.1 57 61.7 65.1 86.5 91 ~ 49 fps
high 1360x768
HD Graphics 3000:
18 18 19 19.9 21 25 25.5 26.6 27 27 27.8 28 28 30.2 30.6 30.9 46 47.7 ~ 28 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 3000:
19 19 27 ~ 22 fps
F1 2011

F1 2011

low 800x600
HD Graphics 3000:
30 33 38.5 48 70 ~ 44 fps
med. 1024x768
HD Graphics 3000:
16 18 20 22 30 35 ~ 24 fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
36.8  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
24 26.7 28 31.2 33 42 51 53 ~ 36 fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
16.7  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
11  fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 3000:
7  fps
Dirt 3

Dirt 3

low 800x600
HD Graphics (Haswell):
51.9  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
27.8 41.7 45.5 49 53.7 66 66 71.6 72 72 ~ 57 fps
med. 1024x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
27.4  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
12.3 21.6 22 23 25.1 29 29 30.6 31 31 31.8 ~ 26 fps
high 1360x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
14.8  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
8.3 16 18 18 18 18 19.9 ~ 17 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 3000:
12.9 13 13 ~ 13 fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics 3000:
13  fps
Crysis 2

Crysis 2

low 800x600
HD Graphics 3000:
27 30 30 33 ~ 30 fps
med. 1024x768
HD Graphics 3000:
18 18.5 19 19 20 ~ 19 fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics 3000:
13 15 15 16 ~ 15 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 3000:
4 4 4 ~ 4 fps
Total War: Shogun 2

Total War: Shogun 2

low 1024x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
49.2  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
59.1 62.7 79 88 ~ 72 fps
med. 1280x720
HD Graphics 3000:
5 (!) 6 6.2 15.7 ~ 8 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 3000:
-1  fps
low 800x600
HD Graphics 3000:
20.9 21 21 22.7 24.4 25 26 27 27 29 32 32 ~ 26 fps
med. 1024x768
HD Graphics 3000:
15 15.6 16 16.5 18 18 18 18.3 19 22 27 ~ 18 fps
high 1360x768
HD Graphics 3000:
9.3 10.2 13 13 14 14 17.9 ~ 13 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 3000:
5.7 6 6 ~ 6 fps
Fifa 11

Fifa 11

low 800x600
HD Graphics 3000:
53 80.7 88.3 97.7 98 98 98 99.8 101 101 101.8 107.3 117 127 132.8 ~ 100 fps
med. 1024x768
HD Graphics 3000:
31.1 48.2 49.3 54 54 54 55.1 55.8 55.9 56 56 57 61 62.6 63 63.5 65.7 ~ 55 fps
high 1360x768
HD Graphics 3000:
21.4 21.7 24 26.2 29.4 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 35.9 36.2 41.4 44 46 ~ 32 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 3000:
21 23 23 23 25 ~ 23 fps
Civilization 5

Civilization 5

low 1024x768
HD Graphics 3000:
9.8 16.9 16.9 ~ 15 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 3000:
5 (!)  fps
Mafia 2

Mafia 2

low 800x600
HD Graphics 3000:
7 7 7.7 9 9 20.5 20.8 23 ~ 13 fps
med. 1024x768
HD Graphics 3000:
5.8 17.4 17.6 19 19 19 19 19 19 ~ 17 fps
high 1360x768
HD Graphics 3000:
4.8 14.4 15 15 15 15 15 15 ~ 14 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 3000:
8.5 9 9 9 ~ 9 fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics 3000:
44 48.3 48.8 51 54 56 57 58 61 61 62.2 64 64 65 66 68 68 69 69 72 75 77.2 86.8 94 94.4 96 106 117 ~ 70 fps
med. 1360x768
HD Graphics 3000:
12 13.3 14 14 15 15 16 16 16 16.3 16.6 17 17 17.8 18 19 19 19 19.5 20 20.4 21 21 21 22 23 31.4 ~ 18 fps
high 1360x768
HD Graphics 3000:
7 7 8 9 10 10 10 10.1 10.2 10.6 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 13.1 14 15 21.8 ~ 11 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 3000:
5 7 7 8 8 8 8.8 9 ~ 8 fps
Just Cause 2

Just Cause 2

ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 3000:
2.7  fps
low 800x600
HD Graphics 3000:
18.2 19.4 21.1 24 25 26 30.3 ~ 23 fps
med. 1360x768
HD Graphics 3000:
11 12 13 ~ 12 fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics 3000:
31.1 39 41 ~ 37 fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 3000:
12.4 16.3 16.6 ~ 15 fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
28  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
12.1 28 34 34 38 41 44 ~ 33 fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
21.2  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
7.6 14.6 18 22 22 25.4 ~ 18 fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics 3000:
4.6 10.5 14 14 15.5 ~ 12 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 3000:
5 6 ~ 6 fps
low 800x600
HD Graphics 3000:
55 61.7 ~ 58 fps
med. 1024x768
HD Graphics 3000:
16  fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics 3000:
12  fps


low 800x600
HD Graphics 3000:
19.5 25.4 30 31.1 37.7 37.9 38 39 39.5 57 60 ~ 38 fps
med. 1024x768
HD Graphics 3000:
9.7 14.9 15 15.7 16 16.1 16.3 17.4 18.4 19 22 ~ 16 fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics 3000:
7.7 9.7 10.1 12.3 14 ~ 11 fps
Resident Evil 5

Resident Evil 5

low 800x600
HD Graphics (Haswell):
42.6  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
37 40.6 48.7 50.7 58.4 60.5 71.1 72.1 ~ 55 fps
high 1360x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
17.8  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
14.7 15.3 15.9 20.2 20.8 20.9 21.6 23.4 ~ 19 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 3000:
5.7 7.8 8.4 9.5 10 10.8 ~ 9 fps
Need for Speed Shift

Need for Speed Shift

low 800x600
HD Graphics 3000:
24.9 33.8 37.1 ~ 32 fps
med. 1024x768
HD Graphics 3000:
11.5 14.9 23.6 ~ 17 fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics 3000:
8.7 9.3 19.4 ~ 12 fps
Colin McRae: DIRT 2

Colin McRae: DIRT 2

low 800x600
HD Graphics 3000:
18.7 19.7 21.2 22.4 28.7 29.7 31.4 32.9 33.4 34.2 34.5 35.4 38.2 38.7 40.9 45.1 ~ 32 fps
med. 1024x768
HD Graphics 3000:
13.3 16 16.6 17.8 19.2 19.6 19.8 21.1 21.7 21.7 22.2 24.1 24.2 24.2 26.2 30 30.6 ~ 22 fps
high 1360x768
HD Graphics 3000:
12.7 12.7 12.7 12.8 13.2 13.6 14.5 15.9 17.7 18.8 ~ 14 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 3000:
12.7 12.7 12.7 ~ 13 fps
Anno 1404

Anno 1404

low 1024x768
HD Graphics 3000:
37.6 40 45.7 45.9 46.3 51.2 53.1 58.6 70.5 ~ 50 fps
ultra 1280x1024
HD Graphics 3000:
7 7.2 8.8 9.3 10.3 ~ 9 fps
ArmA 2

ArmA 2

ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 3000:
3 (!)  fps
Sims 3

Sims 3

low 800x600
HD Graphics 3000:
63 93 111 164 ~ 108 fps
med. 1024x768
HD Graphics 3000:
25.9 33 38 45 ~ 35 fps
high 1280x1024
HD Graphics 3000:
18 23 ~ 21 fps
F.E.A.R. 2

F.E.A.R. 2

low 800x600
HD Graphics 3000:
59.4 84 ~ 72 fps
med. 1024x768
HD Graphics 3000:
18.1 32 ~ 25 fps
high 1280x1024
HD Graphics 3000:
11.2  fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 3000:
5.6  fps
GTA IV - Grand Theft Auto

GTA IV - Grand Theft Auto

low 800x600
HD Graphics 3000:
-1 -1 ~ -1 fps
Left 4 Dead

Left 4 Dead

low 640x480
HD Graphics 3000:
117.1  fps
high 1024x768
HD Graphics 3000:
55 69.3 72 ~ 65 fps
Far Cry 2

Far Cry 2

low 640x480
HD Graphics 3000:
62.7  fps
high 1024x768
HD Graphics 3000:
18.8  fps
Racedriver: GRID

Racedriver: GRID

low 800x600
HD Graphics 3000:
25.7 31.8 35.5 ~ 31 fps
med. 1024x768
HD Graphics 3000:
21.6 22.3 26.1 ~ 23 fps
Trackmania Nations Forever

Trackmania Nations Forever

low 640x480
HD Graphics (Haswell):
113  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
99 125 127 127 128 ~ 121 fps
high 1024x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
45.1  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
21.2 36.6 41 42 42 49.5 ~ 39 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 3000:
11 (!) 13 14.2 ~ 13 fps
Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare

Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare

low 800x600
HD Graphics 3000:
62.3 63.2 83 ~ 70 fps
med. 1024x768
HD Graphics 3000:
30.4 30.6 35 ~ 32 fps
high 1280x1024
HD Graphics 3000:
12  fps
Supreme Commander - FA Bench

Supreme Commander - FA Bench

low 1024x768
HD Graphics 3000:
16.9 19 28.2 34.7 38.1 54.9 ~ 32 fps
med. 1024x768
HD Graphics 3000:
7.9 14 23.4 ~ 15 fps
high 1024x768
HD Graphics 3000:
5.1 11.1 13 18.5 ~ 12 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 3000:
4.7  fps
Crysis - GPU Benchmark

Crysis - GPU Benchmark

low 1024x768
HD Graphics 3000:
24.8 35 35.3 42.2 44 ~ 36 fps
med. 1024x768
HD Graphics 3000:
17 17.4 18 24.8 ~ 19 fps
high 1024x768
HD Graphics 3000:
10.6 11.6 12 ~ 11 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 3000:
3.1  fps
Crysis - CPU Benchmark

Crysis - CPU Benchmark

low 1024x768
HD Graphics 3000:
26 34.2 36 44.1 ~ 35 fps
med. 1024x768
HD Graphics 3000:
15 15.6 16.2 ~ 16 fps
high 1024x768
HD Graphics 3000:
9.4 11 ~ 10 fps
World in Conflict - Benchmark

World in Conflict - Benchmark

low 800x600
HD Graphics 3000:
33 40 41 69 71 88 ~ 57 fps
med. 1024x768
HD Graphics 3000:
11 12 14 22 26 32 ~ 20 fps
high 1024x768
HD Graphics 3000:
4 9 10 11 14 ~ 10 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 3000:
4 4 4 ~ 4 fps
Call of Juarez Benchmark

Call of Juarez Benchmark

high 1024x768
HD Graphics 3000:
9.1 10 ~ 10 fps
Half Life 2 - Lost Coast Benchmark

Half Life 2 - Lost Coast Benchmark

high 1024x768
HD Graphics 3000:
107 123 140.5 ~ 124 fps
Quake 4

Quake 4

ultra 1024x768
HD Graphics 3000:
49  fps
World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft

low 800x600
HD Graphics (Haswell):
93.7  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
61 73 93 103 125 129 ~ 97 fps
med. 1024x768
HD Graphics (Haswell):
39.2  fps
HD Graphics 3000:
32 39 47 48 58 74 ~ 50 fps
high 1280x1024
HD Graphics 3000:
6 8 12 12 13 ~ 10 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 3000:
6  fps
Counter-Strike Source

Counter-Strike Source

high 1024x768
HD Graphics 3000:
75 110 ~ 93 fps
Doom 3

Doom 3

low 640x480
HD Graphics 3000:
23.5  fps
ultra 1024x768
HD Graphics 3000:
22 37.6 46.8 48.6 ~ 39 fps
Quake 3 Arena - Timedemo

Quake 3 Arena - Timedemo

high 1024x768
HD Graphics 3000:
203 241.7 ~ 222 fps

Average Gaming AMD Radeon 660M → 100%

Average Gaming 30-70 fps → 100%

Average Gaming Intel HD Graphics (Haswell) → 19%

Average Gaming Intel HD Graphics 3000 → 20%

Average Gaming 30-70 fps → 43%

AMD Radeon 660Mlowmed.highultraQHD4K
F1 243530235.6
Cyberpunk 2077 2.1 Phantom Liberty2116119
Baldur's Gate 320141212
F1 2349.642.729.2
Diablo 434.627.62623.9
Star Wars Jedi Survivor11.510.2
Dead Island 236.830.122.314.6
The Last of Us17.713.211.1
Resident Evil 4 Remake20.114.7
Company of Heroes 323.72215.9
Sons of the Forest24.716.715.314.8
Atomic Heart2922.91310.2
Hogwarts Legacy23.317.212.810.3
The Witcher 3 v4.0031.825.310.1
High On Life37.823.319.214.5
The Callisto Protocol26.718.517.910.3
Need for Speed Unbound29.324.118.617.6
Spider-Man Miles Morales27.322.620.2
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 202227241716
Uncharted Legacy of Thieves Collection12.311.49.6
A Plague Tale Requiem9.437.836.74
The Quarry24.51814.4
F1 224843306
Vampire Bloodhunt23121222.4
Ghostwire Tokyo212423.9
Tiny Tina's Wonderlands34261713
Cyberpunk 2077 1.6242014
Elex 2282319
GRID Legends60453419.5
Elden Ring39.629.926.9
Dying Light 219.715.412.4
Rainbow Six Extraction453530
God of War21161310.8
Halo Infinite39.620.317.1
Farming Simulator 2210257.138.9
Forza Horizon 5923932
Riders Republic563023
Guardians of the Galaxy
Back 4 Blood104.340.434.3
Far Cry 654232018.3
Alan Wake Remastered53.632.726.4
F1 2021107463614
Days Gone5025.322.2
Mass Effect Legendary Edition7038.9
Resident Evil Village75.333.429.9
Hitman 391.134.530.5
Yakuza Like a Dragon64.721.221.1
Assassin´s Creed Valhalla522619
Dirt 568.624.217.8
Watch Dogs Legion492622
Star Wars Squadrons170.466.657.4
Mafia Definitive Edition48.220.719.1
Serious Sam 411329.224.1
Crysis Remastered88.139.210.9
Flight Simulator 202041.614.210.4
Death Stranding58.130.629.1
F1 2020102.144.632.322.2
Gears Tactics13247.428.5
Doom Eternal86.936.234.2
Hunt Showdown70.824.219.2
Borderlands 34920.513.610.7
Far Cry New Dawn58322927
Metro Exodus4818.814.411.2
Shadow of the Tomb Raider73262218
Strange Brigade108403226
Far Cry 558282523
X-Plane 11.11443228
Final Fantasy XV Benchmark442115
Dota 2 Reborn115915749
The Witcher 384492415
GTA V1221063415
< 30 fps
< 60 fps
< 120 fps
≥ 120 fps


Intel HD Graphics (Haswell)lowmed.highultraQHD4K
Fallout 76
Hitman 24.9
X-Plane 11.1114.38
Ark Survival Evolved5.9
F1 201713
Team Fortress 26228.6
Dirt 416.4
Rocket League45.115.9
Mass Effect Andromeda
Resident Evil 717.8
Farming Simulator 1738.621.66.3
Battlefield 114.1
Mirror's Edge Catalyst12.47.1
Hitman 20166
The Division8.5
Far Cry Primal9
Rise of the Tomb Raider9.
Rainbow Six Siege13.78.9
Just Cause 311.7
Star Wars Battlefront0
World of Warships41.424.111.4
The Witcher 38.963.1
Dirt Rally52.412.8
Battlefield Hardline15.911.2
The Crew9.78.4
Dragon Age: Inquisition10.97
F1 20143120
Ryse: Son of Rome95.8
Alien: Isolation21.612.9
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor13.58.3
Fifa 1516.411.3
Sims 4123.626.2
Risen 3: Titan Lords13.39.7
GRID: Autosport58.219.6
Watch Dogs2.2
Wolfenstein: The New Order19.914
The Elder Scrolls Online35.213.69
X-Plane 10.2522.113
Need for Speed: Rivals11.1
Battlefield 4201411.83.9
Batman: Arkham Origins2112
F1 2013271814
Fifa 1457.737
Total War: Rome II22.416.9
Saints Row IV147.8
The Bureau: XCOM Declassified15.98.9
Splinter Cell: Blacklist14.211.5
Dota 236.924.2
Company of Heroes 27.2
GRID 2381913.2
Metro: Last Light11.2
BioShock Infinite281211.93.7
StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm96.528.315
Tomb Raider30148
Crysis 312.27.6
Dead Space 338.717.713.1
Far Cry 318.711.4
Hitman: Absolution12.39.9
Call of Duty: Black Ops 225.617.6
Counter-Strike: GO46.234.722.5
Dirt Showdown3118.811.7
Diablo III36.92319.5
Risen 2: Dark Waters12.5
Anno 207036169.8
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim22116.8
Deus Ex Human Revolution36.816.7
Dirt 351.927.414.8
Total War: Shogun 249.2
Battlefield: Bad Company 22821.2
Resident Evil 542.617.8
Trackmania Nations Forever11345.1
World of Warcraft93.739.2
< 30 fps
< 60 fps
< 120 fps
≥ 120 fps



Intel HD Graphics 3000lowmed.highultraQHD4K
Team Fortress 248.4
Farming Simulator 1722.113.2
FIFA 160
World of Warships3219
Dota 2 Reborn50208.37.4
Dirt Rally0
GTA V7.5
Far Cry 40
Civilization: Beyond Earth9.5
Risen 3: Titan Lords179.54.33.4
GRID: Autosport66231312.5
Watch Dogs0
Wolfenstein: The New Order0
The Elder Scrolls Online22.514.8
Assassin´s Creed IV: Black Flag9.2
X-Plane 10.25181053
Battlefield 40
Batman: Arkham Origins3221
F1 201330221612
Fifa 14124.9613218
Total War: Rome II1914
Saints Row IV139.56.54.1
The Bureau: XCOM Declassified18
Splinter Cell: Blacklist21.9
Dota 2562911
Company of Heroes
GRID 239.924.414.9
Metro: Last Light117.4
BioShock Infinite23119
StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm10522114.2
Tomb Raider2613.79.9
Dead Space 3512216.79.1
Far Cry 320.412.6
Assassin´s Creed III1212
Hitman: Absolution1612.41.9
Call of Duty: Black Ops 21712.24.4
Need for Speed: Most Wanted1912.67.7
Medal of Honor: Warfighter17.4118.8
World of Tanks v8581914.67.6
Fifa 1377452317
F1 201236211512
Borderlands 2241512.36.4
Torchlight 2532616
Guild Wars 22683.1
Counter-Strike: GO61371710.6
Darksiders II1910
Sleeping Dogs21156.8
The Secret World13.711.3
Ghost Recon: Future Soldier9
Max Payne 317.612.7
Dirt Showdown311811
Diablo III35171112
Risen 2: Dark Waters17129
Mass Effect 3251912.3
Alan Wake66.2
Star Wars: The Old Republic41.311
Anno 2070321383
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim19108
CoD: Modern Warfare 370.931.913.46.9
Battlefield 311
Batman: Arkham City3023
Fifa 1286492822
F1 20114424
Deus Ex Human Revolution36117
Dirt 357261713
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings13
Crysis 23019154
Total War: Shogun 2728-1
Call of Duty: Black Ops2618136
Fifa 11100553223
Civilization 5155
Mafia 21317149
StarCraft 27018118
Just Cause 22.7
Metro 20332312
Dawn of War II - Chaos Rising3715
Battlefield: Bad Company 23318126
CoD Modern Warfare 2581612
Resident Evil 555199
Need for Speed Shift321712
Colin McRae: DIRT 232221413
Anno 1404509
ArmA 23
Sims 31083521
F.E.A.R. 2722511.25.6
GTA IV - Grand Theft Auto-1
Left 4 Dead117.165
Far Cry 262.718.79
Racedriver: GRID3123
Trackmania Nations Forever1213913
Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare703212
Supreme Commander - FA Bench3215124.7
Crysis - GPU Benchmark3619113.1
Crysis - CPU Benchmark351610
World in Conflict - Benchmark5720104
Call of Juarez Benchmark10
Half Life 2 - Lost Coast Benchmark124
Quake 449
World of Warcraft9750106
Counter-Strike Source93
Doom 323.539
Quake 3 Arena - Timedemo222
< 30 fps
< 60 fps
< 120 fps
≥ 120 fps

Eine Liste mit weiteren Spielen und allen Grafikkarten finden Sie auf unserer Seite: Welches Spiel ist mit welcher Grafikkarte spielbar?

log 19. 08:47:50

#0 ran 0s before starting gpusingle class +0s ... 0s

#1 checking url part for id 11126 +0s ... 0s

#2 checking url part for id 4622 +0s ... 0s

#3 checking url part for id 1956 +0s ... 0s

#4 redirected to Ajax server, took 1734594470s time from redirect:0 +0s ... 0s

#5 did not recreate cache, as it is less than 5 days old! Created at Thu, 19 Dec 2024 05:19:06 +0100 +0s ... 0s

#6 composed specs +0.008s ... 0.008s

#7 did output specs +0s ... 0.008s

#8 start showIntegratedCPUs +0s ... 0.008s

#9 getting avg benchmarks for device 11126 +0.018s ... 0.026s

#10 got single benchmarks 11126 +0.002s ... 0.028s

#11 getting avg benchmarks for device 4622 +0.004s ... 0.032s

#12 got single benchmarks 4622 +0.013s ... 0.045s

#13 getting avg benchmarks for device 1956 +0s ... 0.045s

#14 got single benchmarks 1956 +0.115s ... 0.16s

#15 got avg benchmarks for devices +0s ... 0.16s

#16 No cached benchmark found, getting uncached values +0.04s ... 0.2s

#17 min, max, avg, median took s +0.013s ... 0.213s

#18 before gaming benchmark output +0s ... 0.213s

#19 Got 1737 rows for game benchmarks. +0.06s ... 0.274s

#20 composed SQL query for gamebenchmarks +0s ... 0.274s

#21 got data and put it in $dataArray +0.018s ... 0.292s

#22 benchmarks composed for output. +0.082s ... 0.373s

#23 calculated avg scores. +0s ... 0.373s

#24 return log +0.004s ... 0.377s

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> Notebook Test, Laptop Test und News > Benchmarks / Technik > Benchmarks / Technik > Grafikkarten Vergleich - Head 2 Head
Autor: Klaus Hinum,  8.09.2017 (Update:  1.07.2023)