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Gerät                               KlasseDatumVersionVerarb.KeyboardMausKonnektGewichtAkkuDisplayLeistung SpieleLeistung Anw.Workst.ai_perf..Temp.Lautst.AudioCameraEindruckSchnittWertungsustain..
Lenovo ThinkPad P16 Gen 2Workstation (8)26.10.2024v887.6 → 89%0-98%90%92%72.7 → 91%0-80%56 → 82%10-66%46.3 → 49%0-95%86%86%87%90%82.7 → 87%0-95%65.8 → 73%0-90%77%35.9 → 48%0-75%   67.9%85.9%
Lenovo ThinkPad P1 Gen 7 21KV001SGEWorkstation (8)14.10.2024v892.9 → 95%0-98%92%96%76 → 95%0-80%63.3 → 95%10-66%87 → 92%0-95%83%71%84%56%90.5 → 95%0-95%73 → 81%0-90%86%40.5 → 54%0-75%   75.6%83.5%
HP ZBook Power 16 G11 AWorkstation (8)01.10.2024v885.8 → 88%0-98%89%91%76.1 → 95%0-80%61.8 → 93%10-66%88.1 → 93%0-95%82%72%83%77%92.5 → 97%0-95%84.4 → 94%0-90%79%44.5 → 59%0-75%   67.7%85.4%
HP ZBook Fury 16 G11Workstation (8)12.08.2024v883.6 → 85%0-98%90%94%64.7 → 81%0-80%59.4 → 88%10-66%72.5 → 76%0-95%84%84%86%88%85.3 → 90%0-95%76.6 → 85%0-90%84%44.5 → 59%0-75%   69.6%85.9%
HP ZBook Firefly 14 G11Workstation (8)19.07.2024v887.5 → 89%0-98%89%89%71.4 → 89%0-80%68.6 → 100%10-66%83.1 → 87%0-95%85%41%77%54%88.9 → 94%0-95%83.5 → 93%0-90%79%41.2 → 55%0-75%   66.8%80.3%
Lenovo ThinkPad P14s G5 21G3S00A00Workstation (8)18.07.2024v889 → 91%0-98%90%93%71.2 → 89%0-80%66.3 → 100%10-66%78.7 → 83%0-95%84%63%83%58%87.5 → 92%0-95%79.5 → 88%0-90%85%45.7 → 61%0-75%   68.3%82.5%
Lenovo ThinkPad P14s G4 21HF0017GEWorkstation (8)29.06.2024v886.4 → 88%0-98%90%93%71.8 → 90%0-80%69.6 → 100%10-66%67.4 → 71%0-95%87%47%81%54%89%83.5 → 88%0-95%83.4 → 93%0-90%72%41.4 → 55%0-75%   75.3%81%
Dell Precision 5690Workstation (8)10.05.2024v785.9 → 88%0-98%89%68%60.5 → 76%0-80%61 → 91%10-66%86.1 → 91%0-95%92%99%97%99%90.6 → 95%0-95%80.9 → 90%0-90%88%41.5 → 49%0-85%   81.3%88.3%
Dell Precision 5000 5490Workstation (8)28.04.2024v788.4 → 90%0-98%86%83%69.3 → 87%0-80%67.3 → 100%10-66%88.7 → 93%0-95%87%96%96%94%91.2 → 96%0-95%85.6 → 95%0-90%91%36.5 → 43%0-85%   82.8%89.3%
Lenovo ThinkPad P16 G2 21FA000FGEWorkstation (8)19.03.2024v787.6 → 89%0-98%90%92%70.8 → 89%0-80%56.4 → 83%10-66%82.9 → 87%0-95%91%98%95%96%91.4 → 96%0-95%77.4 → 86%0-90%78%35.6 → 42%0-85%   81.6%90.2%
Lenovo ThinkPad P16s G2 21K9000CGEWorkstation (8)24.01.2024v786 → 88%0-98%92%93%67.8 → 85%0-80%64.9 → 98%10-66%88.7 → 93%0-95%92%77%95%80%87.9 → 93%0-95%93.9 → 100%0-90%69%55.2 → 65%0-85%   81.6%88.6%
Lenovo ThinkPad P14s G4 21K5000LGEWorkstation (8)21.01.2024v785.9 → 88%0-98%90%93%67.5 → 84%0-80%70.8 → 100%10-66%86.1 → 91%0-95%92%77%95%76%89.5 → 94%0-95%95.9 → 100%0-90%69%55.2 → 65%0-85%   81.6%87.8%
Lenovo ThinkPad P16v G1 AMDWorkstation (8)04.01.2024v780.3 → 82%0-98%91%86%64 → 80%0-80%60.9 → 91%10-66%90.5 → 95%0-95%88%91%87%90%87.6 → 92%0-95%78.1 → 87%0-90%70%34 → 40%0-85%   78.4%86.2%
HP ZBook Power 15 G10Workstation (8)31.12.2023v785.5 → 87%0-98%89%89%63.7 → 80%0-80%62.9 → 94%10-66%88.2 → 93%0-95%86%96%97%95%90.7 → 95%0-95%90.9 → 100%0-90%68%44 → 52%0-85%   81.8%88.9%
Lenovo ThinkPad P1 G6 21FV001KUSWorkstation (8)09.12.2023v788.5 → 90%0-98%90%94%72.2 → 90%0-80%64.5 → 97%10-66%58.9 → 62%0-95%91%99%97%89%86.4 → 91%0-95%85.5 → 95%0-90%83%36 → 42%0-85%   81%90.1%
Lenovo ThinkPad P1 G6-21FV000DGEWorkstation (8)19.10.2023v789.4 → 91%0-98%90%94%72.7 → 91%0-80%64.4 → 97%10-66%87.9 → 93%0-95%93%97%95%96%82.6 → 87%0-95%82.9 → 92%0-90%87%33.2 → 39%0-85%   83.2%91.7%
HP ZBook Firefly 14 G10 AWorkstation (8)11.10.2023v787.5 → 89%0-98%89%89%65.5 → 82%0-80%69 → 100%10-66%89.6 → 94%0-95%90%74%94%82.5 → 87%0-95%82.8 → 92%0-90%79%42.5 → 50%0-85%   79.6%87.4%
HP ZBook Fury 16 G10Workstation (8)30.09.2023v783.6 → 85%0-98%90%94%73.5 → 92%0-80%59.4 → 88%10-66%75.5 → 79%0-95%92%100%98%100%87.1 → 92%0-95%86.4 → 96%0-90%90%44.5 → 52%0-85%   83.8%92.3%
Dell Precision 5480Workstation (8)17.09.2023v788.4 → 90%0-98%86%83%70.8 → 89%0-80%67.8 → 100%10-66%88.6 → 93%0-95%87%98%97%95%89.7 → 94%0-95%85.7 → 95%0-90%91%30 → 35%0-85%   82.7%89.6%
Dell Precision 5000 5680Workstation (8)22.08.2023v785.9 → 88%0-98%89%68%71.1 → 89%0-80%61.1 → 91%10-66%88.2 → 93%0-95%87%99%97%99%89.4 → 94%0-95%87.2 → 97%0-90%76%43.5 → 51%0-85%   81.5%89%
HP ZBook Fury 16 G9Workstation (8)11.06.2023v783.6 → 85%0-98%90%94%72.9 → 91%0-80%59.2 → 88%10-66%68.8 → 72%0-95%92%98%95%96%88 → 93%0-95%86.2 → 96%0-90%84%45 → 53%0-85%   82.3%91%
Lenovo ThinkPad P16 21D6001DMB A2000 RetestWorkstation (8)09.06.2023v787.8 → 90%0-98%90%92%71.1 → 89%0-80%56.8 → 84%10-66%87.4 → 92%0-95%92%91%96%92%88.1 → 93%0-95%74.7 → 83%0-90%74%30.4 → 36%0-85%   80.3%89.3%
Lenovo ThinkPad P15v G3 21EM001AGEWorkstation (8)25.04.2023v783.1 → 85%0-98%92%93%67 → 84%0-80%61.6 → 92%10-66%80.5 → 85%0-95%88%87%93%89%85.7 → 90%0-95%95.8 → 100%0-90%60%28.8 → 34%0-85%   78.9%87.8%
Lenovo ThinkPad P14s G3 AMD 21J6S05000Workstation (8)13.04.2023v784.1 → 86%0-98%90%89%67.3 → 84%0-80%69.5 → 100%10-66%88.8 → 93%0-95%91%74%94%79%91.2 → 96%0-95%95.8 → 100%0-90%60%30.8 → 36%0-85%   79%86.9%
Lenovo ThinkPad P16 G1 RTX A5500Workstation (8)17.02.2023v787.8 → 90%0-98%90%92%71.1 → 89%0-80%56.3 → 83%10-66%67.9 → 71%0-95%92%99%96%98%84.3 → 89%0-95%88.3 → 98%0-90%86%32.4 → 38%0-85%   81.6%91%
Lenovo ThinkPad P16 G1 21D6001DMBWorkstation (8)30.01.2023v787.8 → 90%0-98%90%92%71.1 → 89%0-80%56.8 → 84%10-66%87.4 → 92%0-95%92%83%96%86%90.9 → 96%0-95%76 → 84%0-90%74%30.4 → 36%0-85%   79.5%88.2%
Asus ExpertBook B6 Flip B6602FC2Workstation (8)13.01.2023v785.1 → 87%0-98%86%100%73.5 → 92%0-80%58 → 86%10-66%83.7 → 88%0-95%92%95%97%91%88.4 → 93%0-95%64 → 71%0-90%87%50.8 → 60%0-85%   82.3%89.6%
HP ZBook Firefly 14 G9-6B8A2EAWorkstation (8)08.01.2023v787.9 → 90%0-98%91%96%68.3 → 85%0-80%68.8 → 100%10-66%84.3 → 89%0-95%89%76%85%78%88.8 → 93%0-95%90 → 100%0-90%83%43.2 → 51%0-85%   80.7%87.4%
HP ZBook Power 15 G9 6B8C4EAWorkstation (8)05.01.2023v785.5 → 87%0-98%89%89%66.7 → 83%0-80%62.9 → 94%10-66%88.2 → 93%0-95%88%88%95%90%89.5 → 94%0-95%81 → 90%0-90%60%28.8 → 34%0-85%   78.7%87.4%
Dell Precision 7000 7670 PerformanceWorkstation (8)14.12.2022v786.5 → 88%0-98%88%90%73.9 → 92%0-80%57.5 → 85%10-66%61.6 → 65%0-95%86%97%96%98%86.1 → 91%0-95%76 → 84%0-90%91%42.5 → 50%0-85%   80.6%89.1%
MSI CreatorPro Z16P B12UKSTWorkstation (8)14.11.2022v789 → 91%0-98%82%83%58.8 → 74%0-80%60.6 → 90%10-66%67.7 → 71%0-95%89%93%93%94%41.2 → 43%0-95%81.8 → 91%0-90%82%36.4 → 43%0-85%   75.1%84.3%
HP ZBook Studio 16 G9 62U04EAWorkstation (8)10.11.2022v791 → 93%0-98%87%98%67.9 → 85%0-80%65.1 → 98%10-66%73.4 → 77%0-95%94%92%95%88%88.5 → 93%0-95%84.3 → 94%0-90%89%30 → 35%0-85%   81.6%90.1%
HP ZBook Firefly 14 G9-6B8A2EAWorkstation (8)19.10.2022v787.9 → 90%0-98%91%96%68.3 → 85%0-80%68.8 → 100%10-66%84.3 → 89%0-95%89%74%73%56%88.8 → 93%0-95%94.1 → 100%0-90%83%43.2 → 51%0-85%   78.4%83.6%
HP ZBook Firefly 16 G9-6B897EAWorkstation (8)07.10.2022v788.3 → 90%0-98%91%96%66 → 83%0-80%63.3 → 95%10-66%90.2 → 95%0-95%87%75%71%57%87.7 → 92%0-95%92.4 → 100%0-90%83%42 → 49%0-85%   77.8%82.9%
Dell Precision 7670Workstation (8)07.10.2022v786.5 → 88%0-98%88%90%74.5 → 93%0-80%58.3 → 86%10-66%68.3 → 72%0-95%87%92%96%91%85.9 → 90%0-95%79.3 → 88%0-90%82%43 → 51%0-85%   80%88.4%
Dell Precision 5000 5470Workstation (8)19.09.2022v788.4 → 90%0-98%86%83%70.8 → 89%0-80%67.5 → 100%10-66%88 → 93%0-95%87%90%95%87%90.9 → 96%0-95%81.2 → 90%0-90%85%30 → 35%0-85%   80.6%87.6%
HP ZBook Power 15 G8 313S5EAWorkstation (8)09.07.2022v787.4 → 89%0-98%93%95%68.9 → 86%0-80%63.3 → 95%10-66%86.7 → 91%0-95%90%80%94%82%92.7 → 98%0-95%78 → 87%0-90%65%28.8 → 34%0-85%   78.9%87.7%
Lenovo ThinkPad P15v G2 21A9000XGEWorkstation (8)06.06.2022v782.9 → 85%0-98%90%93%72.7 → 91%0-80%61.3 → 92%10-66%75.7 → 80%0-95%81%83%94%84%83.7 → 88%0-95%89.4 → 99%0-90%66%29.6 → 35%0-85%   77.6%86.2%
HP ZBook Fury 17 G8-4A6A9EAWorkstation (8)16.02.2022v782.9 → 85%0-98%91%94%68.8 → 86%0-80%57 → 84%10-66%76.5 → 81%0-95%94%92%93%92%86.3 → 91%0-95%85.7 → 95%0-90%87%29.2 → 34%0-85%   80.6%89.7%
Lenovo ThinkPad P1 G4-20Y4Z9DVUSWorkstation (8)01.02.2022v789.5 → 91%0-98%90%94%72.7 → 91%0-80%64.9 → 98%10-66%82 → 86%0-95%91%87%93%86%84.2 → 89%0-95%83 → 92%0-90%89%34 → 40%0-85%   81.3%89.3%
MSI WE76 11UM-456Workstation (8)06.12.2021v779.1 → 81%0-98%91%78%71.2 → 89%0-80%57 → 84%10-66%69.6 → 73%0-95%93%97%96%96%84 → 88%0-95%83.9 → 93%0-90%79%32.8 → 39%0-85%   79%88.6%
Lenovo ThinkPad P1 G4-20Y4S0KS00Workstation (8)26.10.2021v789.5 → 91%0-98%90%94%71.8 → 90%0-80%63.4 → 95%10-66%72 → 76%0-95%94%96%95%84%78.1 → 82%0-95%86.6 → 96%0-90%89%34 → 40%0-85%   81.2%89.8%
HP ZBook Fury 15 G8Workstation (8)18.10.2021v784.9 → 87%0-98%93%96%73.4 → 92%0-80%59.9 → 89%10-66%69.7 → 73%0-95%87%94%94%93%84.4 → 89%0-95%91 → 100%0-90%85%38.5 → 45%0-85%   81.7%90.3%
Dell Precision 5000 5560Workstation (8)14.10.2021v786.3 → 88%0-98%89%94%71.1 → 89%0-80%63 → 95%10-66%70.6 → 74%0-95%84%90%96%88%87.5 → 92%0-95%95.6 → 100%0-90%73%36.5 → 43%0-85%   80.3%88.3%
Lenovo ThinkPad P1 G4-20Y30017GEWorkstation (8)08.10.2021v789.5 → 91%0-98%90%94%72.7 → 91%0-80%64.9 → 98%10-66%82.3 → 87%0-95%92%87%93%86%82.7 → 87%0-95%83 → 92%0-90%89%34 → 40%0-85%   81.3%89.4%
Lenovo ThinkPad P17 G2-20YU0025GWorkstation (8)04.10.2021v785.6 → 87%0-98%92%93%70.1 → 88%0-80%52.8 → 76%10-66%84.7 → 89%0-95%84%90%94%90%85.2 → 90%0-95%90.7 → 100%0-90%72%23.6 → 28%0-85%   79.1%87.8%
Lenovo ThinkPad P15 G2-20YQ001JGEWorkstation (8)30.09.2021v781.4 → 83%0-98%89%88%72.4 → 91%0-80%57.4 → 85%10-66%86 → 91%0-95%90%95%94%93%64.9 → 68%0-95%75.3 → 84%0-90%70%28.4 → 33%0-85%   77.5%87.2%
Lenovo ThinkPad P14s G2 AMDWorkstation (8)17.09.2021v784.5 → 86%0-98%93%92%71 → 89%0-80%69.1 → 100%10-66%84.1 → 89%0-95%90%65%93%66%90 → 95%0-95%95.5 → 100%0-90%67%21.6 → 25%0-85%   77.1%85.2%
HP ZBook Studio 15 G8Workstation (8)05.09.2021v788 → 90%0-98%93%96%67.2 → 84%0-80%63.6 → 96%10-66%69.6 → 73%0-95%87%95%94%80%80.9 → 85%0-95%84.1 → 93%0-90%90%41.5 → 49%0-85%   80.6%87.8%
Lenovo ThinkPad P15s Gen2-20W6000GGEWorkstation (8)15.06.2021v785.3 → 87%0-98%92%91%65 → 81%0-80%84.8 → 100%10-66%80.7 → 85%0-95%95%69%91%69%85.6 → 90%0-95%85 → 94%0-90%66%26.4 → 31%0-85%   77.6%85.3%
Lenovo ThinkPad P14s Gen2-20VX000GGEWorkstation (8)31.05.2021v785.8 → 88%0-98%93%92%72.2 → 90%0-80%69.1 → 100%10-66%86.2 → 91%0-95%87%67%90%69%78.9 → 83%0-95%94.2 → 100%0-90%67%34.8 → 41%0-85%   77.6%85.1%
HP ZBook Firefly 15 G8 2C9R7EAWorkstation (8)27.04.2021v790 → 92%0-98%88%89%62.4 → 78%0-80%66 → 100%10-66%89.1 → 94%0-95%83%64%91%74%88.8 → 93%0-95%94.9 → 100%0-90%77%28 → 33%0-85%   77.6%83.8%
HP ZBook Fury 17 G7 119W5EAWorkstation (8)14.04.2021v784.9 → 87%0-98%93%96%71.5 → 89%0-80%57 → 84%10-66%81.2 → 85%0-95%93%91%91%89%84.8 → 89%0-95%83.8 → 93%0-90%83%37.5 → 44%0-85%   81.2%89.8%
HP ZBook Firefly 14 G8 2C9Q2EAWorkstation (8)05.04.2021v785.7 → 87%0-98%90%92%65.7 → 82%0-80%70 → 100%10-66%89.5 → 94%0-95%88%72%88%71%88 → 93%0-95%94.9 → 100%0-90%85%32 → 38%0-85%   79.4%85.2%
HP ZBook Studio G7Workstation (8)22.03.2021v788 → 90%0-98%93%96%67.9 → 85%0-80%63.5 → 96%10-66%83.1 → 87%0-95%95%91%92%89%82.3 → 87%0-95%87.4 → 97%0-90%89%37.5 → 44%0-85%   82.4%90.6%
Lenovo ThinkPad P14s Gen1-20Y10002GEWorkstation (8)22.03.2021v784.5 → 86%0-98%93%91%73 → 91%0-80%67.9 → 100%10-66%71.6 → 75%0-95%89%64%91%57%85.8 → 90%0-95%95.4 → 100%0-90%74%26 → 31%0-85%   76%83.8%
Lenovo ThinkPad P15 Gen1-20ST000DGEWorkstation (8)04.03.2021v781.4 → 83%0-98%89%88%73.6 → 92%0-80%58.2 → 86%10-66%89.6 → 94%0-95%82%84%92%82%83.2 → 88%0-95%88.9 → 99%0-90%75%28.4 → 33%0-85%   78.2%85.6%
Lenovo ThinkPad T15g-20UR000GGEWorkstation (8)03.03.2021v781.4 → 83%0-98%89%88%74.2 → 93%0-80%57.8 → 85%10-66%88.7 → 93%0-95%88%96%93%83%80.9 → 85%0-95%70.4 → 78%0-90%81%28.4 → 33%0-85%   78.5%86.3%
Lenovo ThinkPad P73-20QR0030GEWorkstation (8)20.01.2021v783.2 → 85%0-98%94%89%71.7 → 90%0-80%53.3 → 77%10-66%56.4 → 59%0-95%85%96%90%96%86.7 → 91%0-95%92.3 → 100%0-90%58%37.2 → 44%0-85%   77.8%88.2%
HP ZBook Fury 15 G7Workstation (8)20.01.2021v784.9 → 87%0-98%93%96%72.8 → 91%0-80%60.2 → 90%10-66%82.9 → 87%0-95%89%94%93%90%83 → 87%0-95%87 → 97%0-90%87%37.5 → 44%0-85%   82.2%90.2%
HP ZBook Firefly 14 G7Workstation (8)13.01.2021v786.2 → 88%0-98%90%92%69.6 → 87%0-80%70.1 → 100%10-66%88.5 → 93%0-95%80%62%88%64%82.6 → 87%0-95%93 → 100%0-90%72%36 → 42%0-85%   76.7%82.4%
Lenovo ThinkPad P15s Gen1-20T4000JGEWorkstation (8)09.01.2021v784 → 86%0-98%91%91%69.9 → 87%0-80%65 → 98%10-66%78.8 → 83%0-95%92%61%85%56%85.3 → 90%0-95%88 → 98%0-90%61%22.8 → 27%0-85%   73.7%82.5%
Lenovo ThinkPad P14s Gen1 20S40009GEWorkstation (8)31.12.2020v784.8 → 87%0-98%93%91%74 → 93%0-80%69.1 → 100%10-66%88.4 → 93%0-95%88%59%88%56%80.1 → 84%0-95%93.4 → 100%0-90%59%22.4 → 26%0-85%   74.7%82.7%
Asus StudioBook Pro X W730G5T-H8050TWorkstation (8)12.11.2020v789.4 → 91%0-98%88%92%72.5 → 91%0-80%56.9 → 84%10-66%80.9 → 85%0-95%88%92%90%91%84.2 → 89%0-95%87 → 97%0-90%71%23.2 → 27%0-85%   79%88.4%
Asus ProArt StudioBook Pro 15 W500G5TWorkstation (8)11.11.2020v781.6 → 83%0-98%81%87%55.2 → 69%0-80%63 → 95%10-66%61.7 → 65%0-95%90%92%89%89%86.5 → 91%0-95%78.2 → 87%0-90%62%0 → 0%0-85%   72.5%83.1%
Dell Precision 3000 3551Workstation (8)20.10.2020v775.8 → 77%0-98%83%92%68.3 → 85%0-80%61.7 → 92%10-66%89.9 → 95%0-95%79%70%92%71%86.1 → 91%0-95%75.8 → 84%0-90%83%34.5 → 41%0-85%   75.8%81.2%
HP ZBook Firefly 15 G7Workstation (8)16.10.2020v790 → 92%0-98%88%89%62.4 → 78%0-80%65.9 → 100%10-66%87.1 → 92%0-95%91%63%86%63%83.2 → 88%0-95%94.1 → 100%0-90%67%21.2 → 25%0-85%   75.1%82.7%
Dell Precision 5000 5750 P92FWorkstation (8)09.09.2020v789.3 → 91%0-98%89%88%65.9 → 82%0-80%59.6 → 89%10-66%88.6 → 93%0-95%85%91%91%87%86.8 → 91%0-95%81 → 90%0-90%86%40 → 47%0-85%   80.6%87%
MSI WS66 10TMT-207USWorkstation (8)02.09.2020v778.1 → 80%0-98%77%86%65.4 → 82%0-80%61.3 → 92%10-66%78.6 → 83%0-95%82%95%93%93%86.3 → 91%0-95%63.7 → 71%0-90%69%40.5 → 48%0-85%   76.4%83.4%
Dell Precision 7550Workstation (8)30.08.2020v780.8 → 82%0-98%88%93%72 → 90%0-80%57.6 → 85%10-66%84.7 → 89%0-95%87%94%92%91%85.6 → 90%0-95%77 → 86%0-90%84%34.5 → 41%0-85%   80%87.8%
Dell Precision 5550 P91FWorkstation (8)10.08.2020v786.3 → 88%0-98%89%94%66.6 → 83%0-80%63 → 95%10-66%85.2 → 90%0-95%83%85%90%80%87.5 → 92%0-95%85 → 94%0-90%91%41 → 48%0-85%   80.5%86.3%
Razer Blade 15 Studio Edition 2020Workstation (8)04.08.2020v789.5 → 91%0-98%81%89%70.5 → 88%0-80%61.6 → 92%10-66%66.9 → 70%0-95%86%94%87%92%81.8 → 86%0-95%90.3 → 100%0-90%70%40 → 47%0-85%   78.4%87%
Acer ConceptD 3 Pro CN315-71P-73W1Workstation (8)11.06.2020v779.5 → 81%0-98%82%86%51.8 → 65%0-80%60.4 → 90%10-66%80 → 84%0-95%86%83%90%82%87 → 92%0-95%90 → 100%0-90%53%30.8 → 36%0-85%   74.4%82.1%
Asus ProArt StudioBook Pro 17 W700G3TWorkstation (8)06.05.2020v784.6 → 86%0-98%91%89%63.5 → 79%0-80%59.9 → 89%10-66%68.5 → 72%0-95%88%89%91%85%86.7 → 91%0-95%91.3 → 100%0-90%77%24.5 → 29%0-85%   77.7%86.4%
Acer ConceptD 9 ProWorkstation (8)30.03.2020v787.6 → 89%0-98%75%92%69.2 → 87%0-80%43.8 → 60%10-66%54.1 → 57%0-95%90%98%88%98%86.9 → 91%0-95%80.5 → 89%0-90%59%35.6 → 42%0-85%   75.6%86.2%
Lenovo ThinkPad P73-20QR002DGEWorkstation (8)04.12.2019v783.6 → 85%0-98%94%89%71.5 → 89%0-80%53.5 → 78%10-66%85.7 → 90%0-95%84%88%91%86%81.3 → 86%0-95%98.4 → 100%0-90%53%37.2 → 44%0-85%   78.3%86.6%
Razer Blade 15 Studio EditionWorkstation (8)04.12.2019v789.5 → 91%0-98%81%89%69.9 → 87%0-80%61.6 → 92%10-66%69.4 → 73%0-95%86%93%85%90%88 → 93%0-95%90.7 → 100%0-90%52%45 → 53%0-85%   77.8%86.6%
MSI WE75 9TKWorkstation (8)27.11.2019v776.3 → 78%0-98%85%89%60 → 75%0-80%59.1 → 88%10-66%62.8 → 66%0-95%86%93%92%89%88.6 → 93%0-95%80 → 89%0-90%79%47.5 → 56%0-85%   77.6%84.8%
Dell Precision 5540Workstation (8)22.11.2019v793.6 → 96%0-98%85%94%65.6 → 82%0-80%63 → 95%10-66%82.3 → 87%0-95%90%79%86%80%86.8 → 91%0-95%96.5 → 100%0-90%80%42.8 → 50%0-85%   80.3%86.9%
Lenovo ThinkPad P53-20QN000YGEWorkstation (8)11.11.2019v782.8 → 84%0-98%94%89%77.9 → 97%0-80%58.5 → 87%10-66%85.9 → 90%0-95%89%92%92%90%86.3 → 91%0-95%96.8 → 100%0-90%65%37.5 → 44%0-85%   81.2%89.8%
Lenovo ThinkPad P53s-20N6001NGEWorkstation (8)05.11.2019v782.8 → 84%0-98%91%91%70.8 → 89%0-80%64.4 → 97%10-66%83.1 → 87%0-95%81%63%86%56%89.1 → 94%0-95%91.1 → 100%0-90%60%32.5 → 38%0-85%   74.4%81.2%
Lenovo ThinkPad P43s-20RH001FGEWorkstation (8)22.10.2019v784.3 → 86%0-98%93%91%67.7 → 85%0-80%68.6 → 100%10-66%85.6 → 90%0-95%80%59%79%52%85.7 → 90%0-95%96 → 100%0-90%64%37.2 → 44%0-85%   74.6%80.1%
HP ZBook 15u G6 6TP54EAWorkstation (8)08.10.2019v789 → 91%0-98%86%88%62.1 → 78%0-80%67.9 → 100%10-66%73.7 → 78%0-95%89%58%78%59%88.8 → 93%0-95%95.9 → 100%0-90%72%26 → 31%0-85%   73.8%80.8%
HP ZBook 14u G6 6TP71EAWorkstation (8)06.10.2019v788.5 → 90%0-98%89%89%64.1 → 80%0-80%69.2 → 100%10-66%85.3 → 90%0-95%89%38%86%57%90 → 95%0-95%95.9 → 100%0-90%76%26 → 31%0-85%   74.4%81%
Lenovo ThinkPad P1 2019-20QT000RGEWorkstation (8)22.08.2019v790.7 → 93%0-98%95%91%73.3 → 92%0-80%66.4 → 100%10-66%82.6 → 87%0-95%88%78%89%79%87.2 → 92%0-95%85 → 94%0-90%64%45.2 → 53%0-85%   79.6%87.8%
MSI WS75 9TL-636Workstation (8)24.06.2019v772.5 → 74%0-98%79%78%64.8 → 81%0-80%61.3 → 92%10-66%73.6 → 77%0-95%86%93%92%92%85.5 → 90%0-95%88.4 → 98%0-90%42%44 → 52%0-85%   75.1%83.8%
Dell Precision 7730Workstation (8)09.05.2019v786.1 → 88%0-98%88%84%68.3 → 85%0-80%54.2 → 79%10-66%65.1 → 69%0-95%88%89%89%85%84.3 → 89%0-95%90 → 100%0-90%52%37.2 → 44%0-85%   75.8%85.7%
MSI WT75 8SMWorkstation (8)19.04.2019v775.1 → 77%0-98%89%83%68.3 → 85%0-80%48.3 → 68%10-66%56.1 → 59%0-95%86%94%93%94%89.9 → 95%0-95%67.8 → 75%0-90%84%50 → 59%0-85%   77%85.2%
Dell Latitude 7424 Rugged ExtremeWorkstation (8)04.04.2019v687.6 → 89%0-98%89%47%78.7 → 97%0-81%53.6 → 78%10-66%94%87%77%91%90.8 → 96%0-95%95.4 → 100%0-90%50%48.4 → 57%0-85%   76.1%84.3%
Fujitsu Celsius H780Workstation (8)02.04.2019v686.3 → 88%0-98%81%85%77 → 95%0-81%58.1 → 86%10-66%90%87%90%94%83%91.3 → 96%0-95%73 → 81%0-90%52%42.1 → 50%0-85%   77.7%85.6%
Dell Latitude 5420 Rugged-P85GWorkstation (8)22.03.2019v684.2 → 86%0-98%94%90%76.8 → 95%0-81%57.6 → 85%10-66%100%89%74%91%91 → 96%0-95%96.9 → 100%0-90%50%57.9 → 68%0-85%   80.9%89.2%
Fujitsu Celsius H980Workstation (8)07.02.2019v781 → 83%0-98%81%85%73.2 → 92%0-80%53.3 → 77%10-66%72.8 → 77%0-95%86%90%90%88%91.6 → 96%0-95%74.12 → 82%0-90%50%42 → 49%0-85%   75.5%84.6%
Eurocom Tornado F7WWorkstation (8)06.12.2018v685.5 → 87%0-98%81%83%64.5 → 80%0-81%47.5 → 67%10-66%69%86%99%99%100%93 → 98%0-95%61.7 → 69%0-90%70%78.9 → 93%0-85%   79.8%86.3%
HP ZBook Studio G5-4QH10EAWorkstation (8)23.11.2018v789.5 → 91%0-98%86%87%70.8 → 89%0-80%62.4 → 94%10-66%83.7 → 88%0-95%89%69%84%68%90.2 → 95%0-95%90 → 100%0-90%76%37.2 → 44%0-85%   77.4%84.4%
HP ZBook Studio x360 G5-4QH13EAWorkstation (8)09.11.2018v789 → 91%0-98%86%83%66.7 → 83%0-80%60.7 → 91%10-66%85.2 → 90%0-95%87%68%86%70%89.4 → 94%0-95%87 → 97%0-90%73%37.2 → 44%0-85%   76.3%83.1%
Dell Precision 7530Workstation (8)06.11.2018v787.5 → 89%0-98%90%86%68.4 → 86%0-80%59.1 → 88%10-66%61.4 → 65%0-95%87%89%90%87%84.6 → 89%0-95%87.1 → 97%0-90%60%55 → 65%0-85%   78.1%86.9%
Lenovo ThinkPad P1-20MD002LUSWorkstation (8)19.10.2018v691.3 → 93%0-98%95%91%77.8 → 96%0-81%64.9 → 98%10-66%84%85%90%87%76%87.3 → 92%0-95%85 → 94%0-90%68%50 → 59%0-85%   80.8%87.9%
Dell Precision 5530 2-in-1Workstation (8)16.10.2018v694.7 → 97%0-98%85%86%46.8 → 58%0-81%63 → 95%10-66%89%86%85%88%77%88 → 93%0-95%87.1 → 97%0-90%50%55.3 → 65%0-85%   77.3%83%
Dell Precision 5530 Xeon E-2176MWorkstation (8)07.09.2018v696.1 → 98%0-98%89%94%68.4 → 84%0-81%65.6 → 99%10-66%91%86%88%94%82%87 → 92%0-95%83.9 → 93%0-90%75%56 → 66%0-85%   82.5%88.5%
Dell Precision 3530Workstation (8)28.08.2018v683.7 → 85%0-98%88%90%76.2 → 94%0-81%86%83%90%68%87.8 → 92%0-95%82.8 → 92%0-90%59%43.8 → 52%0-85%   78.2%84.3%
Lenovo ThinkPad P52 20MAS03N00Workstation (8)13.08.2018v687.4 → 89%0-98%94%89%76.4 → 94%0-81%59.2 → 88%10-66%93%87%85%93%76%89.6 → 94%0-95%92.7 → 100%0-90%61%37.5 → 44%0-85%   80%87.6%
Lenovo ThinkPad P52s-20LB000HGEWorkstation (8)27.06.2018v685.5 → 87%0-98%94%89%70.7 → 87%0-81%61.6 → 92%10-66%99%85%69%91%61%86.5 → 91%0-95%95.14 → 100%0-90%36%38.8 → 46%0-85%   75.9%83.2%
HP ZBook 15u G5 2ZC05EAWorkstation (8)01.06.2018v691.1 → 93%0-98%86%88%69 → 85%0-81%64 → 96%10-66%91%85%50%91%53%90.4 → 95%0-95%85.46 → 95%0-90%47%27.1 → 32%0-85%   72.8%80.2%
HP ZBook 14u G5-2ZB99EAWorkstation (8)22.05.2018v691.8 → 94%0-98%89%89%62.4 → 77%0-81%68.1 → 100%10-66%91%84%63%92%51%90.7 → 95%0-95%96.7 → 100%0-90%68%27.1 → 32%0-85%   76%81%
Dell Precision 7720Workstation (8)21.01.2018v686.6 → 88%0-98%92%86%71.4 → 88%0-81%52.7 → 76%10-66%88%89%95%94%98%89.6 → 94%0-95%85 → 94%0-90%55%39.6 → 47%0-85%   80.2%89.4%
Lenovo ThinkPad P71-20HK0004GEWorkstation (8)18.12.2017v782.5 → 84%0-98%94%86%78.2 → 98%0-80%53.1 → 77%10-66%72.9 → 77%0-95%91%82%84%80%90.3 → 95%0-95%83.7 → 93%0-90%40%40 → 47%0-85%   75.5%86.4%
Eurocom Tornado F5WWorkstation (8)16.11.2017v683 → 85%0-98%79%81%66 → 81%0-81%56 → 82%10-66%73%83%96%98%100%84 → 88%0-95%88 → 98%0-90%60%79 → 93%0-85%   80.4%86.9%
HP ZBook 14u G4Workstation (8)07.11.2017v689.2 → 91%0-98%85%88%68.8 → 85%0-81%66.6 → 100%10-66%92%79%64%90%52%85 → 89%0-95%90.8 → 100%0-90%55%43.8 → 52%0-85%   74.9%79.9%
HP ZBook Studio G4-Y6K17EAWorkstation (8)20.10.2017v692.1 → 94%0-98%88%91%70.4 → 87%0-81%62.6 → 94%10-66%71%92%82%93%70%82.1 → 86%0-95%86.4 → 96%0-90%70%41.7 → 49%0-85%   78%86.1%
HP ZBook 15 G4-Y4E80AVWorkstation (8)01.10.2017v694.2 → 96%0-98%91%89%76.7 → 95%0-81%58.8 → 87%10-66%92%89%88%96%81%87.2 → 92%0-95%85 → 94%0-90%73%41.7 → 49%0-85%   81.5%89%
HP ZBook 15u G4Workstation (8)28.09.2017v689.2 → 91%0-98%85%88%59.5 → 73%0-81%64.2 → 97%10-66%90%86%64%93%54%84.2 → 89%0-95%92.9 → 100%0-90%55%43.8 → 52%0-85%   74.8%80.5%
Dell Precision 3520Workstation (8)26.05.2017v683.7 → 85%0-98%88%90%64.1 → 79%0-81%60.8 → 91%10-66%90%87%75%93%63%87.9 → 93%0-95%77.9 → 87%0-90%56%43.8 → 52%0-85%   75.6%82%

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Autor: Klaus Hinum, 26.02.2006 (Update: 28.02.2022)