Das 2008 in Österreich entwickelte Proxmox Virtual Environment (PVE) ist eine auf Debian basierende Plattform, die eine einheitliche webbasierte Verwaltung für virtuelle Maschinen sowie LXC-Container bietet. Die neuste vorgestellte Version 8.3 von PVE basiert auf Debian 12.8 „Bookworm“ und wird standardmäßig mit dem Linux-Kernel 6.8.12-4 ausgeliefert, wobei auch die Option besteht, Kernel 6.11 zu verwenden. Mit aktualisierten Technologien bietet PVE 8.3 Unterstützung für QEMU 9.0.2, LXC 6.0.0 und ZFS 2.2.6. Kompatibilitätspatches für den Kernel 6.11 stehen ebenfalls zur Verfügung.
Zu den Neuerungen in PVE 8.3 gehören:
- SDN-Stack (Software-Defined Networking) wurde an die Firewall angepasst.
- Das flexible Benachrichtigungssystem verfügt jetzt über ein neues Webhook-Benachrichtigungsziel.
- Der Ressourcenbaum bietet eine neue „Tag View“-Funktionalität.
- Neben der Unterstützung von Ceph Reef 18.2.4 und Ceph Quincy 17.2.7 umfasst das neueste PVE-Update nun auch Ceph Squid 19.2.0.
- Container-Backups wurden beschleunigt.
- Gast-Import in Open Virtualization Format (OVF) und Open Virtualization Appliances (OVA) wurde optimiert.
PVE 8.3 steht als ISO-Datei zum Download bereit und bietet einen vollständigen Funktionsumfang, der nach Bedarf installiert werden kann. Ältere Versionen können bequem über apt aktualisiert werden. Zudem lässt sich PVE 8.3 direkt auf Debian Linux installieren. Die Software ist frei und quelloffen und wird unter den Bedingungen der GNU Affero General Public License, Version 3, vertrieben. Für Unternehmen bietet Proxmox kostenpflichtige Supportpläne, die Vorteile wie schnelleren technischen Support, regelmäßige Updates über die Web-Oberfläche, Zugang zum Enterprise-Repository und weitere Features umfassen.
Für Interessierte an Virtualisierungslösungen könnte das Buch KVM Best Practices: Virtualisierungslösungen für den Enterprise-Bereich nützlich sein. Es ist bei Amazon für 39,90 Euro im Kindle-Format und ab 34,49 Euro in Taschenbuchform erhältlich.
Proxmox Virtual Environment 8.3 released
VIENNA, Austria – November 21, 2024 – Enterprise software developer Proxmox Server Solutions GmbH (henceforth "Proxmox") has today released version 8.3 of its virtualization platform, Proxmox Virtual Environment. The enterprise virtualization solution features essential management tools and a user-friendly web interface, allowing organizations of all sizes, sectors and industries, to deploy open-source solutions in clustered, highly available setups. The world-wide customer base uses it to deploy extensive infrastructures across vast geographical locations, and integrate multiple applications seamlessly.
This version is based on Debian 12.8 (Bookworm), but uses the Linux kernel 6.8.12-4 as stable default, and allows for opt-in use of kernel 6.11. The software includes updates to the latest versions of leading open-source technologies for virtual environments like QEMU 9.0.2, LXC 6.0.0 , and ZFS 2.2.6 (with compatibility patches for Kernel 6.11).
Enhancements in Proxmox Virtual Environment 8.3
Citation CTO Thomas Lamprecht:
"Our virtualization platform is designed to empower enterprises with unparalleled efficiency and control," said Thomas Lamprecht, CTO of Proxmox. "By integrating advanced Software-Defined Networking capabilities, we’re enabling businesses to simplify their IT infrastructure, improve agility, and drive scalable growth. We are currently developing the inaugural version of the Proxmox Datacenter Manager, which will provide a unified management interface for multi-datacenter operations and facilitate the effective management of multiple clusters across diverse data centers.”
Citation COO Tim Marx:
"The open-source project Proxmox VE has experienced significant growth over the past few months, adding 300,000 active hosts, bringing the total to around 1.3 million. In the current dynamic business environment, we are well-positioned for growth, particularly as recent pricing shifts in the market create new opportunities for us to serve our customers more effectively," said Tim Marx, COO of Proxmox. "Our commitment to quality and value has resonated strongly, and we’re excited to continue building on this momentum."
Proxmox Virtual Environment 8.3 is available for download at https://www.proxmox.com/downloads. The ISO contains the complete feature-set and can be installed on bare-metal. Distribution upgrades from older versions of Proxmox VE are possible with apt. It is also possible to install Proxmox VE 8.3 on top of Debian.
License: Proxmox Virtual Environment is free and open-source software, published under the GNU Affero General Public License, v3.
Support Subscriptions: For enterprise users, Proxmox Server Solutions GmbH offers a subscription-based support model, which provides access to the extensively tested Enterprise Repository, with regular updates via the web interface, as well as technical support on a subscription basis. Prices start at EUR 110 per year and CPU socket.
The open-source project Proxmox VE has a huge worldwide user base with more than 1.3 million installed hosts. The virtualization platform is available in 30 languages. More than 190.000 active community members in the support forum engage with and help each other. By using Proxmox VE as an alternative to proprietary virtualization management solutions, enterprises are able to centralize and modernize their IT infrastructure, and turn it into a cost-effective and flexible software-defined data center, based on the latest open-source technologies. Tens of thousands of customers rely on a enterprise support subscription from Proxmox Server Solutions GmbH.
About Proxmox Server Solutions
Proxmox provides powerful and user-friendly open-source server software. Enterprises of all sizes and industries use Proxmox solutions to deploy efficient and simplified IT infrastructures, minimize total cost of ownership, and avoid vendor lock-in. Proxmox also offers commercial support, training services, and an extensive partner ecosystem to ensure business continuity for its customers. Proxmox Server Solutions GmbH was established in 2005 and is headquartered in Vienna, Austria.