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Intel Iris Plus Graphics 645 vs Intel HD Graphics 4000 vs Intel HD Graphics (Bay Trail)

Intel Iris Plus Graphics 645

► remove from comparison Intel Iris Plus Graphics 645

Die Intel Iris Plus Graphics 645 (GT3e) ist eine Prozessorgrafikkarte, die Mitte 2019 vorgestellt wurde. Sie wird in Coffee-Lake-U-CPUs der 15-Watt-Klasse verbaut und ist daher mit der Iris Plus Graphics 655 in den 28 W Coffee-Lake-CPUs verwandt. Auch hier beträgt der eDRAM-Cache 128 MB, die maximale Taktung ist derzeit jedoch 50 MHz geringer (im i7-8557U z.B.).

Die sogenannte GT3e-Ausbaustufe der Coffee-Lake-GPU verfügt weiterhin über 48 Execution Units (EUs), die je nach Modell nun mit bis zu 1.150 MHz takten. Neben dem eDRAM-Cache kann die Iris 645 auch über das Interface des Prozessors auf den Hauptspeicher zugreifen (2x 64 Bit LPDDR3-2133/DDR4-2400).


Die exakte Leistung der Iris Plus Graphics 645 hängt vom jeweiligen CPU-Modell ab, da sich die Maximaltaktrate sowie die Größe des Caches leicht unterscheiden können. Zum anderen beeinflusst auch der verwendete Speicher (DDR3/DDR4) die Performance.

Die höchste Leistung erreichen hochtaktende Core-i7-Ableger wie der Core i7-8557U. Je nach Spiel ordnet sich die Iris Plus 645 vermutlich im Bereich einer dedizierten GeForce 930M oder GeForce 940MX ein und kann aktuelle Titel in niedrigen bis mittleren Einstellungen flüssig darstellen.


Die überarbeitete Videoeinheit dekodiert H.265-/HEVC-Videos vollständig in Hardware. Anders als Skylake kann Kaby Lake nun auch H.265/HEVC im Main10-Profil mit 10 Bit Farbtiefe sowie Googles VP9-Codec in Hardware dekodieren. Die Bildausgabe erfolgt über DP 1.2/eDP 1.3 (max. 3.840 x 2.160 @ 60 Hz), wohingegen HDMI nur in der älteren Version 1.4a angeboten wird. Ein HDMI-2.0-Anschluss kann aber mittels Konverter von DisplayPort ergänzt werden. Maximal lassen sich drei Displays parallel ansteuern.


Die Iris Plus Graphics 645 ist in den Prozessoren der 15-Watt-Klasse zu finden und damit für kleine Laptops geeignet.

Intel HD Graphics 4000

► remove from comparison Intel HD Graphics 4000

Die Intel HD Graphics 4000 (GT2) ist eine Prozessorgrafikkarte in den CPUs der Ivy Bridge Generation (3. Generation von Intel Core z.B. Core i7-3770). Je nach Prozessormodell wird die Intel HD Graphics 4000 unterschiedlich getaktet (und kann auf den unterschiedlich großen Cache zurückgreifen) und bietet daher eine teilweise deutlich geringe Leistung. Weiterhin kann die Taktung durch die Turbo Boost Technologie je nach Anforderung und TDP deutlich erhöht werden. In den schnellen  Modellen soll der Basistakt 650 MHz und der Turbo 1.1 bis 1.25 GHz betragen. Die ULV Modelle weisen jedoch einen deutlich geringeren Basistakt auf (Sandy Bridge z.B. 350 MHz).

Im Vergleich zur HD Graphics 3000 der Sandy Bridge Prozessoren, bietet die 4000er einen eigenen Cache, überarbeitete DirectX 11 taugliche Shader (und vier mehr) und soll dadurch bis zu 60% mehr Leistung (3DMark Vantage) zeigen. Weiterhin sollte die GPU auf den gemeinsamen Last Level Cache (Level 3 Cache) des Prozessors zugreifen können. Weiters können die Shader auch für Direct Compute genutzt werden.

Erste Benchmarks positionieren die HD Graphics 4000 (in einem schnellen Desktop Quad-Core) auf dem Level einer Nvidia GeForce GT 330M und dadurch oberhalb der integrierten Prozessorgrafik Radeon HD 6620G. In unserem Unfangreichen Testbericht der HD Graphics 4000 konnte sie sich im schnellen Core i7-3820QM deutlich durchsetzen (6620G 15% langsamer). In den Mittelklassemodellen Core i7-3610QM und einem Dual-Core i5 war sie nur noch knapp schneller. Manchmal ist sogar eine langsame GeForce GT 630M in Reichweite. Gelegenheitsspieler, die bei Bedarf mit einer geringen Auflösung, deaktivierter Kantenglättung und niedrigen Settings leben können, werden daher an der HD Graphics 4000 durchaus Gefallen finden. In den ULV Prozessoren (Core ix-3xx7U) wird eine geringer getaktete Variante eingesetzt. Durch die TDP Beschränkungen kann der Turbo außerdem meistens nicht so hoch takten, wie bei den 35/45 Watt Versionen. Dadurch ist die HD Graphics 4000 hier meist etwa 30% langsamer als in schnellen Quad-Core CPUs.

Eine Besonderheit der Ivy Bride Grafikkerne ist, das nur 4x MSAA von der Hardware unterstützt wird. 2x MSAA wird per Software berechnet und geht durch die 4x MSAA Pipeline. Daher empfiehlt sich der Einsatz des gleich schnellen 4x MSAA. 

Auch der integrierte Videodecoder genannt Multi Format Codec Engine (MFX) wurde kräftig überarbeitet und soll nun sogar mehrere 4K Videos parallel dekodieren können (ev nur in den High-End Modellen). DXVA Checker gibt weiterhin die Formate MPEG2, VC1, WMV9 und H264 als unterstütz an. QuickSync zum schnellen Transkodieren von Videos wurde ebenfalls verbessert und soll nun schneller bei gleichzeitig höherer Qualität laufen.

Ebenfalls neu ist die Unterstützung für drei unabhängige Bildschirme (abhängig von der Umsetzung im Notebook eventuell nur zwei gleichzeitige möglich). Bis jetzt waren nur zwei möglich und lediglich die AMD Grafikkarten mit Eyefinity Support bieten mehr als zwei Anschlüsse für Notebooks (jedoch nur mit DisplayPorts). Laut Intel wird DisplayPort in der Version 1.1 unterstützt (daher maximal 2560x1600) und HDMI in 1.4 (in der Praxis 1920x1080, siehe Fokusartikel für 2560x1600).

Der Stromverbrauch ist dank des 22nm Prozesses mit 3D Tri-Gate Technologie relativ gering und nicht einzeln angegeben. Die Notebook-Prozessoren (CPU, GPU, Speichercontroller) sind gesamt auf einen TDP von 18-45 Watt spezifziert.

Intel HD Graphics (Bay Trail)

► remove from comparison Intel HD Graphics (Bay Trail)

Die Intel HD Graphics (Bay Trail) ist eine in den Tablet- (z.B. Z3770), Nettop- (z.B. J2850) und Notebook-SoCs (z.B. N3510) der Bay-Trail-Serie integrierte Grafikeinheit. Sie ist in verschiedenen Atom-, Celeron- und Pentium-Modellen zu finden und basiert auf der DirectX-11-tauglichen GPU der Ivy-Bridge-Generation. Taktrate und Einheitenzahl fallen allerdings deutlich niedriger aus, sodass sich die Performance nur im Low-End-Segment ansiedelt.

Im Vergleich zu Ivy Bridge, dessen Gen-7-GPU entweder 6 oder 16 Executions Units bietet, kommt die HD Graphics (Bay Trail) nur mit lediglich 4 EUs daher. Abhängig von Temperatur und Leistungsaufnahme kann die niedrige Basisfrequenz dynamisch bis auf den maximalen Turbo-Takt angehoben werden, der ja nach Modell bei bis zu 896 MHz liegt. Ebenfalls modellabhängig ist das Speicherinterface, welches im Single- oder Dual-Channel-Betrieb sowie mit verschiedene Speicherstandards (DDR3(L), DDR3L-RS, LPDDR3) arbeiten kann. Insbesondere Varianten mit einem nur 32 Bit breiten Interface (Atom Z3735G) verlieren teils erheblich an Performance.

Die schnellsten Notebook-Modelle erreichen knapp die Performance der HD Graphics (Sandy Bridge) sowie der Radeon HD 6310. Das reicht, um einige ältere und sehr anspruchslose Windows-Spiele wie World of Warcraft oder Half-Life 2 in niedrigen Einstellungen flüssig darzustellen. Für aktuelle Windows-Titel ist die GPU dagegen praktisch nicht geeignet.

Verglichen mit konkurrierenden ARM-SoCs ordnet sich die Grafikeinheit dagegen im unteren High-End-Segment ein und übertrifft knapp die Adreno 320, die in verschiedenen Qualcomm-SoCs wie dem Snapdragon 600 zu finden ist. Damit entspricht Grafik-Performance in etwa Nvidias Tegra 4. Auch sehr aufwändige Android-Spiele werden damit in hohen Auflösungen flüssig bewältigt (Stand 2013).

Der integrierte Videodecoder unterstützt alle gängigen Codecs wie MPEG2, H.264, VC1, MVC oder VP8 und ist für Auflösungen bis 4K (maximal 100 Mbit/s) geeignet. Das Bildsignal kann per HDMI 1.4 (max. 1.920 x 1.080) oder DisplayPort 1.2 (max. 2.560 x 1.600) an bis zu zwei Displays ausgegeben werden. Eine weitere Neuerung ist die Unterstützung von Wireless Display sowie Quick Sync, Intels schnellem und sparsamen H-264-Hardwareencoder. Einige dieser Features sind jedoch nicht bei allen Modellen verfügbar.

Je nach Modell liegt die Leistungsaufnahme des gesamten SoCs zwischen rund 2 und 10 Watt. Die besonders sparsamen Versionen sind damit auch für passiv gekühlte Tablets geeignet, andere werden in größeren (Sub-) Notebooks mit aktiver Kühlung eingesetzt.

Intel Iris Plus Graphics 645Intel HD Graphics 4000Intel HD Graphics (Bay Trail)
HD Graphics Serie
Iris Plus Graphics 655 48 @ 0.3 - 1.2 GHz
Iris Plus Graphics 650 48 @ 0.3 - 1.1 GHz64/128 Bit
Iris Plus Graphics 645 48 @ 0.3 - 1.15 GHz
Iris Plus Graphics 640 48 @ 0.3 - 1.05 GHz64/128 Bit
UHD Graphics 630 24 @ 0.3 - 1.15 GHz64/128 Bit
UHD Graphics P630 24 @ 0.3 - 1.2 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics 630 24 @ 0.3 - 1.15 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics P630 24 64/128 Bit
UHD Graphics 620 24 @ 0.3 - 1.15 GHz
HD Graphics 620 24 @ 0.3 - 1.05 GHz64/128 Bit
UHD Graphics 617 24 @ 0.3 - 1.15 GHz64/128 Bit
UHD Graphics 615 24 @ 0.3 - 1 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics 615 24 @ 0.3 - 1.05 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics P530 24 @ 0.35 - 1.05 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics 5600 24 @ 0.3 - 1.05 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics 6000 48 @ 0.3 - 1 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics 4600 20 @ 0.2 - 1.35 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics 5500 24 @ 0.3 - 0.95 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics 5000 40 @ 0.2 - 1.1 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics 4400 20 @ 0.2 - 1.1 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics 5300 24 @ 0.1 - 0.9 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics 4000 16 @ 0.35 - 1.35 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics (Broadwell) 12 @ 0.1 - 0.85 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics 4200 20 @ 0.2 - 0.85 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics (Skylake) 12 @ 0.3 - 0.8 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics 405 (Braswell) 16 @ 0.32 - 0.7 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics (Braswell) 16 @ 0.32 - 0.7 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics 400 (Braswell) 12 @ 0.32 - 0.64 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics (Haswell) 10 @ 0.2 - 1 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics (Cherry Trail) 16 @ 0.2 - 0.6 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics 3000 12 @ 0.35 - 1.35 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics 2500 6 @ 0.65 - 1.15 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics (Ivy Bridge) 6 @ 0.35 - 1.1 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics 2000 6 @ 0.85 - 1.35 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics (Sandy Bridge) 6 @ 0.35 - 1.1 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics (Bay Trail) 4 @ 0.31 - 0.9 GHz32/64/128 Bit
HD Graphics P530 24 @ 0.35 - 1.05 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics 5600 24 @ 0.3 - 1.05 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics 6000 48 @ 0.3 - 1 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics 4600 20 @ 0.2 - 1.35 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics 5500 24 @ 0.3 - 0.95 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics 5000 40 @ 0.2 - 1.1 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics 4400 20 @ 0.2 - 1.1 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics 5300 24 @ 0.1 - 0.9 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics 4000 16 @ 0.35 - 1.35 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics (Broadwell) 12 @ 0.1 - 0.85 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics 4200 20 @ 0.2 - 0.85 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics (Skylake) 12 @ 0.3 - 0.8 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics 405 (Braswell) 16 @ 0.32 - 0.7 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics (Braswell) 16 @ 0.32 - 0.7 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics 400 (Braswell) 12 @ 0.32 - 0.64 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics (Haswell) 10 @ 0.2 - 1 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics (Cherry Trail) 16 @ 0.2 - 0.6 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics 3000 12 @ 0.35 - 1.35 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics 2500 6 @ 0.65 - 1.15 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics (Ivy Bridge) 6 @ 0.35 - 1.1 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics 2000 6 @ 0.85 - 1.35 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics (Sandy Bridge) 6 @ 0.35 - 1.1 GHz64/128 Bit
HD Graphics (Bay Trail) 4 @ 0.31 - 0.9 GHz32/64/128 Bit
CodenameKaby Lake GT3eIvy BridgeBay Trail
ArchitekturGen. 9.5 Coffee LakeGen. 7 Ivy BridgeGen. 7 Ivy Bridge
Pipelines48 - unified16 - unified4 - unified
Kerntakt300 - 1150 (Boost) MHz350 - 1350 (Boost) MHz311 - 896 (Boost) MHz
SpeichertypDDR3, DDR4
Shared Memoryjajaja
APIDirectX 12_1, OpenGL 4.5DirectX 11, Shader 5.0, OpenGL 3.1DirectX 11, Shader 5.0, OpenGL 4.0, ES 3.0
Herstellungsprozess14 nm22 nm22 nm
Erscheinungsdatum10.07.2019 23.03.2011 11.09.2013
Speicherbandbreite64/128 Bit32/64/128 Bit
CPU in Iris Plus Graphics 645GPU Base SpeedGPU Boost / Turbo
Intel Core i7-8557U4 x 1700 MHz, 28 W300 MHz1150 MHz
Intel Core i5-8257U4 x 1400 MHz, 15 W300 MHz1050 MHz
min. - max.300 MHz1050 - 1150 MHz
CPU in HD Graphics 4000GPU Base SpeedGPU Boost / Turbo
Intel Core i7-3770K4 x 3500 MHz, 77 W650 MHz1150 MHz
Intel Core i7-3940XM4 x 3000 MHz, 55 W650 MHz1350 MHz
Intel Core i7-3920XM4 x 2900 MHz, 55 W650 MHz1300 MHz
min. - max.300 - 650 MHz850 - 1350 MHz
CPU in HD Graphics (Bay Trail)GPU Base SpeedGPU Boost / Turbo
Intel Pentium N35404 x 2160 MHz, 7.5 W313 MHz896 MHz
Intel Pentium J29004 x 2410 MHz, 10 W688 MHz896 MHz
Intel Pentium N35304 x 2160 MHz, 7.5 W313 MHz896 MHz
min. - max.300 - ? MHz400 - 1350 MHz


Performance Rating - 3DMark 11 + Fire Strike + Time Spy - HD Graphics 4000
0.2 pt (1%)
Performance Rating - 3DMark 11 + Fire Strike + Time Spy - HD Graphics (Bay Trail)
0.1 pt (0%)
3DMark - 3DMark Time Spy Score
624 Points (2%)
3DMark - 3DMark Time Spy Graphics
550 Points (1%)
3DMark - 3DMark Ice Storm Unlimited Graphics
min: 43759     avg: 44324     median: 44323.5 (4%)     max: 44888 Points
3DMark - 3DMark Ice Storm Extreme Graphics
min: 20514     avg: 24179     median: 24426 (3%)     max: 28772 Points
3DMark - 3DMark Cloud Gate Score
min: 1469     avg: 3380     median: 3282.5 (4%)     max: 5946 Points
min: 354     avg: 1182     median: 1188 (1%)     max: 1703 Points
3DMark - 3DMark Cloud Gate Graphics
min: 1619     avg: 3850     median: 3768.5 (1%)     max: 5761 Points
min: 362     avg: 1230     median: 1228.5 (0%)     max: 1670 Points
3DMark - 3DMark Fire Strike Standard Score
1736 Points (3%)
min: 168     avg: 446.5     median: 444 (1%)     max: 647 Points
min: 83     avg: 185     median: 147 (0%)     max: 495 Points
3DMark - 3DMark Fire Strike Standard Graphics
1893 Points (2%)
min: 191     avg: 486.1     median: 480 (1%)     max: 705 Points
3DMark - 3DMark Ice Storm Graphics
min: 11232     avg: 31858     median: 31598 (4%)     max: 48923 Points
min: 5056     avg: 15391     median: 16047 (2%)     max: 21351 Points
3DMark - 3DMark Sling Shot (ES 3.0)
0 Points (0%)
3DMark - 3DMark Sling Shot Extreme (ES 3.1)
0 Points (0%)
3DMark 11 - 3DM11 Performance Score
3238 Points (4%)
min: 248     avg: 603     median: 603 (1%)     max: 802 Points
min: 143     avg: 222.6     median: 216 (0%)     max: 280 Points
3DMark 11 - 3DM11 Performance GPU
2985 Points (3%)
min: 216     avg: 522     median: 523 (0%)     max: 684 Points
min: 122     avg: 192.1     median: 186.5 (0%)     max: 237 Points
3DMark Vantage
3DM Vant. Perf. total + Intel HD Graphics 4000
3DMark Vantage - 3DM Vant. Perf. total
min: 830     avg: 2985     median: 2959 (1%)     max: 4433 Points
3DM Vant. Perf. total + Intel HD Graphics (Bay Trail)
3DM Vant. Perf. GPU no PhysX + Intel HD Graphics 4000
3DMark Vantage - 3DM Vant. Perf. GPU no PhysX
min: 659     avg: 2441     median: 2415 (1%)     max: 3488 Points
3DM Vant. Perf. GPU no PhysX + Intel HD Graphics (Bay Trail)
3DMark 2001SE - 3DMark 2001 - Standard
min: 8967     avg: 14343     median: 15220 (16%)     max: 16933 Points
3DMark 03 - 3DMark 03 - Standard
min: 7402     avg: 11805     median: 12768 (7%)     max: 19294 Points
min: 4226     avg: 4997     median: 5220 (3%)     max: 5323 Points
3DMark 05 - 3DMark 05 - Standard
min: 5239     avg: 8296     median: 8393 (9%)     max: 11948 Points
min: 2666     avg: 3195     median: 3331 (4%)     max: 3445 Points
3DMark 06 3DMark 06 - Score Unknown Settings + Intel HD Graphics 4000
3DMark 06
4276 Points (6%)
3DMark 06 - Score Unknown Settings + Intel HD Graphics (Bay Trail)
2108 Points (3%)
3DMark 06 - Standard 1280x1024 + Intel HD Graphics 4000
3DMark 06
min: 1605     avg: 4588     median: 4412.5 (6%)     max: 7159 Points
3DMark 06 - Standard 1280x1024 + Intel HD Graphics (Bay Trail)
min: 814     avg: 1785     median: 1866 (2%)     max: 2151 Points
3DMark 06 - Standard 1280x800 + Intel HD Graphics (Bay Trail)
3DMark 06
2087 Points (3%)
Unigine Heaven 3.0 - Unigine Heaven 3.0 DX 11
min: 6.9     avg: 7.6     median: 7.4 (2%)     max: 8.9 fps
Unigine Heaven 3.0 - Unigine Heaven 3.0 OpenGL
min: 7.7     avg: 8.1     median: 8.1 (4%)     max: 8.4 fps
Unigine Heaven 2.1 - Heaven 2.1 high
min: 6     avg: 9.6     median: 9.4 (2%)     max: 13 fps
min: 2.4     avg: 2.8     median: 2.8 (1%)     max: 3.4 fps
SPECviewperf 11
specvp11 snx-01 + Intel HD Graphics 4000
SPECviewperf 11 - specvp11 snx-01
min: 0.69     avg: 1.1     median: 1.2 (1%)     max: 1.47 fps
specvp11 tcvis-02 + Intel HD Graphics 4000
SPECviewperf 11 - specvp11 tcvis-02
min: 1.43     avg: 1.9     median: 2.1 (1%)     max: 2.27 fps
specvp11 sw-02 + Intel HD Graphics 4000
SPECviewperf 11 - specvp11 sw-02
min: 3.98     avg: 6.9     median: 7.5 (6%)     max: 8.45 fps
specvp11 proe-05 + Intel HD Graphics 4000
SPECviewperf 11 - specvp11 proe-05
min: 0.62     avg: 1.1     median: 1.2 (1%)     max: 1.47 fps
specvp11 maya-03 + Intel HD Graphics 4000
SPECviewperf 11 - specvp11 maya-03
min: 7.12     avg: 10.2     median: 9.7 (7%)     max: 13.09 fps
specvp11 lightwave-01 + Intel HD Graphics 4000
SPECviewperf 11 - specvp11 lightwave-01
min: 5.67     avg: 10.2     median: 11.1 (12%)     max: 12.55 fps
specvp11 ensight-04 + Intel HD Graphics 4000
SPECviewperf 11 - specvp11 ensight-04
min: 1.06     avg: 1.6     median: 1.7 (1%)     max: 2.24 fps
specvp11 catia-03 + Intel HD Graphics 4000
SPECviewperf 11 - specvp11 catia-03
0 fps (0%)
Windows 7 Experience Index - Win7 Gaming graphics
min: 5.9     avg: 6.4     median: 6.4 (81%)     max: 6.6 Points
Windows 7 Experience Index - Win7 Graphics
min: 4.7     avg: 5.6     median: 5.1 (65%)     max: 6.6 Points
Cinebench R10 Cinebench R10 Shading (32bit) + Intel HD Graphics 4000
Cinebench R10 - Cinebench R10 Shading (32bit)
min: 2447     avg: 5020     median: 5157 (4%)     max: 8562 Points
Cinebench R10 Shading (32bit) + Intel HD Graphics (Bay Trail)
min: 898     avg: 2014     median: 1991.5 (1%)     max: 2889 Points
Cinebench R11.5 Cinebench R11.5 OpenGL 64 Bit + Intel HD Graphics 4000
Cinebench R11.5 - Cinebench R11.5 OpenGL 64 Bit
min: 5.58     avg: 14.4     median: 13.6 (4%)     max: 22.54 fps
Cinebench R11.5 OpenGL 64 Bit + Intel HD Graphics (Bay Trail)
min: 0.37     avg: 6.2     median: 6.4 (2%)     max: 7.69 fps
Cinebench R15
Cinebench R15 OpenGL 64 Bit + Intel Iris Plus Graphics 645
Cinebench R15 - Cinebench R15 OpenGL 64 Bit
min: 55.3     avg: 67.1     median: 67.1 (4%)     max: 78.9 fps
Cinebench R15 OpenGL 64 Bit + Intel HD Graphics 4000
min: 8.47     avg: 11.9     median: 11.9 (1%)     max: 15.35 fps
Cinebench R15 OpenGL 64 Bit + Intel HD Graphics (Bay Trail)
min: 2.88     avg: 5     median: 5.5 (0%)     max: 6.55 fps
Cinebench R15 OpenGL Ref. Match 64 Bit + Intel Iris Plus Graphics 645
Cinebench R15 - Cinebench R15 OpenGL Ref. Match 64 Bit
min: 97.8     avg: 98.6     median: 98.6 (99%)     max: 99.3 %
Cinebench R15 OpenGL Ref. Match 64 Bit + Intel HD Graphics 4000
min: 32.2     avg: 50.9     median: 32.2 (32%)     max: 97.8 %
Cinebench R15 OpenGL Ref. Match 64 Bit + Intel HD Graphics (Bay Trail)
min: 63     avg: 96.1     median: 97.8 (98%)     max: 97.8 %
GFXBench - GFXBench 5.0 Aztec Ruins High Tier Offscreen
20.2 fps (4%)
GFXBench - GFXBench 5.0 Aztec Ruins Normal Tier Offscreen
53.4 fps (4%)
GFXBench 3.1 - GFXBench Manhattan ES 3.1 Offscreen
69.6 fps (1%)
GFXBench 3.0 - GFXBench 3.0 Manhattan Offscreen
101.8 fps (6%)
GFXBench (DX / GLBenchmark) 2.7
GFXBench T-Rex HD Offscreen C24Z16 + Intel Iris Plus Graphics 645
GFXBench (DX / GLBenchmark) 2.7 - GFXBench T-Rex HD Offscreen C24Z16
198.3 fps (2%)
GFXBench T-Rex HD Offscreen C24Z16 + Intel HD Graphics 4000
min: 31     avg: 40.1     median: 39 (0%)     max: 49 fps
GFXBench T-Rex HD Offscreen C24Z16 + Intel HD Graphics (Bay Trail)
Basemark ES 2.0 - Basemark ES 2.0
min: 45.08     avg: 49.1     median: 49.1 (81%)     max: 53.1 fps
Basemark X 1.0 - Basemark X 1.0 Off-Screen
10.1 fps (48%)
Basemark X 1.1 - Basemark X 1.1 High Quality
min: 3008     avg: 6663     median: 8456 (19%)     max: 8524 Points
Basemark X 1.1 - Basemark X 1.1 Medium Quality
min: 4802     avg: 12880     median: 14509 (32%)     max: 17701 Points
NenaMark2 - NenaMark2 Score
min: 59     avg: 59.4     median: 59.4 (88%)     max: 59.7 fps
LuxMark v2.0 64Bit - LuxMark v2.0 Room GPU
min: 31     avg: 46.9     median: 34 (0%)     max: 163 Samples/s
min: 25     avg: 28.5     median: 27 (0%)     max: 35 Samples/s
LuxMark v2.0 64Bit - LuxMark v2.0 Sala GPU
min: 50     avg: 79.4     median: 66 (0%)     max: 251 Samples/s
min: 26     avg: 29     median: 29 (0%)     max: 34 Samples/s
ComputeMark v2.1 - ComputeMark v2.1 Result
min: 31     avg: 514     median: 537 (1%)     max: 630 Points
min: 160     avg: 172.8     median: 174 (0%)     max: 192 Points
PassMark PerformanceTest Mobile V1 - PerformanceTest Mobile V1 2D Graphics Tests
min: 3822     avg: 4036     median: 3866 (1%)     max: 4588 Points
PassMark PerformanceTest Mobile V1 - PerformanceTest Mobile V1 3D Graphics Tests
min: 1058     avg: 1251     median: 1228 (2%)     max: 1488 Points

Average Benchmarks Intel Iris Plus Graphics 645 → 100% n=7

Average Benchmarks Intel HD Graphics 4000 → 22% n=7

Average Benchmarks Intel HD Graphics (Bay Trail) → 21% n=7

- Bereich der Benchmarkergebnisse für diese Grafikkarte
- Durchschnittliche Benchmarkergebnisse für diese Grafikkarte
* Smaller numbers mean a higher performance
1 This benchmark is not used for the average calculation


Die folgenden Benchmarks basieren auf unseren Spieletests mit Testnotebooks. Die Performance dieser Grafikkarte bei den gelisteten Spielen ist abhängig von der verwendeten CPU, Speicherausstattung, Treiber und auch Betriebssystem. Dadurch müssen die untenstehenden Werte nicht repräsentativ sein. Detaillierte Informationen über das verwendete System sehen Sie nach einem Klick auf den fps-Wert.

low 1280x720
Iris Plus Graphics 645:
37.4  fps
med. 1920x1080
Iris Plus Graphics 645:
26.1  fps
high 1920x1080
Iris Plus Graphics 645:
22.5  fps
low 1280x720
HD Graphics 4000:
68  fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
26.7  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
23.4  fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 4000:
13.3  fps
Dirt 4

Dirt 4

low 1280x720
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
6  fps
low 1280x720
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
12.6  fps
low 1280x720
HD Graphics 4000:
43  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
25.1  fps
low 1280x720
HD Graphics 4000:
0 (!)  fps


low 1280x720
HD Graphics 4000:
25.6  fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
10  fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
0 (!)  fps


low 1280x720
HD Graphics 4000:
60  fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
26  fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 4000:
16  fps
low 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
56.7  fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
12.1  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
36  fps
high 1920x1080
HD Graphics 4000:
17.1  fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 4000:
12.4  fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
41  fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
10.8  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
25.2  fps
high 1920x1080
HD Graphics 4000:
9.6  fps
Mad Max

Mad Max

med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
14.6  fps
low 1280x720
Iris Plus Graphics 645:
76.5  fps
HD Graphics 4000:
96  fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
24.7  fps
med. 1366x768
Iris Plus Graphics 645:
57.3  fps
HD Graphics 4000:
40.2  fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
9.7  fps
high 1920x1080
Iris Plus Graphics 645:
29  fps
HD Graphics 4000:
16.9  fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
5.5  fps
ultra 1920x1080
Iris Plus Graphics 645:
26.9  fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
5.4  fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
53.7 91 (!) ~ 72 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
22 24.2 ~ 23 fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
16.4 21 ~ 19 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
0 (!) 12.5 ~ 6 fps
high 1920x1080
HD Graphics 4000:
12.5 12.6 ~ 13 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 4000:
12.5  fps


low 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
26.8  fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
21.2  fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
7.3  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
5.1  fps


low 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
12.2  fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
3.2  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
1.7  fps
The Crew

The Crew

low 1280x720
HD Graphics 4000:
15  fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
8.1  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
4.7  fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
18.5  fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
7  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
11.7  fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
4.6  fps
Far Cry 4

Far Cry 4

low 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
13.2  fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
5.6  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
3.8  fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
3 (!)  fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
4.3  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
2.4  fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
0 (!)  fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
18.2  fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
9.6 11.5 ~ 11 fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
8.1  fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
4.3  fps
F1 2014

F1 2014

low 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
38 55 ~ 47 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
12 14 ~ 13 fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
23 33 ~ 28 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
12  fps
high 1920x1080
HD Graphics 4000:
16 18 ~ 17 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 4000:
12 12.5 ~ 12 fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
8.8  fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
5.2  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
3.6  fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
11.4  fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
3.7  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
2.5  fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
28.6  fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
9.1  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
18.2  fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
5.1  fps
low 1280x720
HD Graphics 4000:
13  fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
8.5  fps
med. 1344x756
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
6.1  fps
Fifa 15

Fifa 15

low 1280x720
HD Graphics 4000:
32.4  fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
12.4  fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
24.6  fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
8.5  fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 4000:
15.7  fps
Sims 4

Sims 4

low 1024x768
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
53.7 56 ~ 55 fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
6.6 7 ~ 7 fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
36.4  fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
8.4  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
17.6  fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
5.9  fps
high 1920x1080
HD Graphics 4000:
7.2  fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
83  fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
31.6 41.8 ~ 37 fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
25  fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
12.5 12.5 ~ 13 fps
high 1920x1080
HD Graphics 4000:
14  fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
12.7  fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
8.3  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
4.6  fps
low 1280x720
HD Graphics 4000:
31  fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
11.1  fps
med. 1280x720
HD Graphics 4000:
21.9  fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
9.6  fps
high 1920x1080
HD Graphics 4000:
9.1  fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
40  fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
25.2  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
23.1  fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
9.2  fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
13.9  fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 4000:
7.2  fps


low 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
20.4  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
10.9  fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
6.7  fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 4000:
4.9  fps


low 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
19  fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
3.1 5.1 ~ 4 fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
10.9  fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
3.3  fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
8.8  fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 4000:
4.3  fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
23.6  fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
8.7  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
17.4  fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
5.8  fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
7.4  fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 4000:
3.6  fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
37.7 46 ~ 42 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
12.8  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
14.6 18.1 ~ 16 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
6  fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
6.6 7.4 ~ 7 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 4000:
4.4 4.7 ~ 5 fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
12.6  fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
40.6  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
24.3  fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
7.2  fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 4000:
4  fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
32.2  fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
7.3  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
19.7  fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
12.2  fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 4000:
4.7  fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
52  fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
14  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
30  fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
8  fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
12  fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 4000:
6  fps
F1 2013

F1 2013

low 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
34 34 48 76 85 ~ 55 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
12  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
28 28 33 46 ~ 34 fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
24 25 26 33 ~ 27 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 4000:
12 12 12 ~ 12 fps
Fifa 14

Fifa 14

low 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
87.1 182 207.4 ~ 159 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
12.6 18.7 19.9 29.8 33.6 60 ~ 29 fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
56.7 97 112.1 ~ 89 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
10.5 19.5 33 ~ 21 fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
33.7 48 84 85.4 ~ 63 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
7.8 12.8 22 ~ 14 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 4000:
18 26 44.7 49.6 ~ 35 fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
20 25.6 29.9 42 ~ 29 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
7.7  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
14 19.4 21.6 30.9 ~ 21 fps
low 1280x720
HD Graphics 4000:
28.6 30.8 ~ 30 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
6.3  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
20.6 21.8 ~ 21 fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
9.4 9.6 ~ 10 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 4000:
5.5 5.5 ~ 6 fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
38.2  fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
10.2  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
16.4  fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
6.1  fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
8.9  fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 4000:
5.9  fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
40.7  fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
11  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
7.8  fps
Dota 2

Dota 2

low 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
32.8 97.3 ~ 65 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
18.2 20.8 28.4 31.9 ~ 25 fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
21.1 53.9 ~ 38 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
9.5 10.4 13.7 19.4 ~ 13 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 4000:
10.3 19.4 ~ 15 fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
4 5 14.9 15 ~ 10 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
4.4  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
5 11.5 11.7 ~ 9 fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
6.2 6.3 ~ 6 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 4000:
2.9 2.9 ~ 3 fps


low 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
72.6  fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
14.1 16.2 17.9 20.4 23.2 ~ 18 fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
37.8  fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
12.5 12.6 ~ 13 fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
20.2  fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
16.6 26.4 ~ 22 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
5  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
11.4 17.6 ~ 15 fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
6.3 10.1 ~ 8 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 4000:
3.3 5.1 ~ 4 fps
low 1280x720
Iris Plus Graphics 645:
104.6  fps
HD Graphics 4000:
15.9 17 20.2 20.6 21 23.1 26.8 27.7 32.5 32.6 33 36.5 39.3 ~ 27 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
8.4 8.4 10.9 11.4 12.2 13.3 14.2 14.7 15 ~ 12 fps
med. 1366x768
Iris Plus Graphics 645:
60  fps
HD Graphics 4000:
10 10.4 10.7 11 11.6 12.2 12.6 12.7 13.6 17 17.4 18.2 18.6 18.9 ~ 14 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
3.5 5.3 5.6 5.7 6.3 6.8 6.9 7.1 ~ 6 fps
high 1366x768
Iris Plus Graphics 645:
51.6  fps
HD Graphics 4000:
9 9.1 9.5 9.7 10.2 10.2 11.4 14 14.4 15.3 15.4 16.4 ~ 12 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
2.1 4.8 4.9 5.8 5.9 6.2 ~ 5 fps
ultra 1920x1080
Iris Plus Graphics 645:
22.1  fps
HD Graphics 4000:
3 3.4 3.6 5 6.5 ~ 4 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
1.2  fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
70 88.9 95 106.1 110 111 129 178 ~ 111 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
39 56.2 69 ~ 55 fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
20.8 25 25.1 28 28.2 31 38 40.9 ~ 30 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
12.3 12.8 14 ~ 13 fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
11.4 14 15 15.4 15.5 19 21 22 ~ 17 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 4000:
7.6  fps


low 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
21 28.9 37 ~ 29 fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
11 15 15.2 ~ 14 fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
8 11 11.1 ~ 10 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 4000:
5.4  fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
14 27.4 29 30 31.1 31.2 33.2 33.2 33.8 34.8 34.9 35.2 35.8 35.8 37.1 40.1 48.8 52.4 ~ 34 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
10 11.7 11.8 12 12.4 12.5 12.5 12.6 12.7 12.9 13.2 13.4 13.7 13.8 14 14.1 14.2 14.4 14.4 14.7 14.8 15 15.3 15.4 15.5 15.5 15.9 15.9 16 16.5 16.9 17.6 18 ~ 14 fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
7 13.2 13.7 15 15.8 16 16.2 16.9 17 17.9 17.9 18.3 18.3 20.2 21.1 22.2 24.4 ~ 17 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
5.1 6.1 6.2 6.4 6.7 6.7 6.9 6.9 7 7 7.1 7.1 7.4 7.4 7.4 7.5 7.5 7.6 7.8 7.9 8 8 8.1 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 9.2 10.4 ~ 7 fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
7.7 9 9.5 9.6 10 10.4 10.8 10.9 11.3 13.1 15.3 ~ 11 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
3.1 4.5 4.6 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.9 4.9 5.2 5.2 5.4 5.4 6.1 7.3 ~ 5 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 4000:
6.4 7.1 7.7 ~ 7 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
0.3  fps
Crysis 3

Crysis 3

low 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
19 22 24.8 ~ 22 fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
9 13.4 ~ 11 fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
7 8.3 ~ 8 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 4000:
3.2  fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
37.3 42.7 69.4 79.7 80.4 86 ~ 66 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
15.1 23.6 ~ 19 fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
17.4 19.4 30.2 32.8 34.3 34.5 ~ 28 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
5.2 9.7 ~ 7 fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
14.2 14.9 23.7 26 27.2 27.4 ~ 22 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 4000:
13.6 14.6 15.1 15.2 ~ 15 fps
Far Cry 3

Far Cry 3

low 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
31.7 32.1 ~ 32 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
10.3  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
20.1 22.6 ~ 21 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
6.2  fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
7.8  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
17.2 17.5 ~ 17 fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
15.5  fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 4000:
3.7  fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
10.8 11 17 18 21.5 21.6 23.9 ~ 18 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
10.1  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
8 8.6 14 14 17 17.8 18.6 ~ 14 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
6  fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
3 5 5.6 6 6.1 6.2 ~ 5 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 4000:
2.8 3 3 3.1 ~ 3 fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
29.6 31 31.8 36.1 ~ 32 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
12.4  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
19 19.7 22.1 25.2 ~ 22 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
7.3  fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
5.5 6 7.2 8.7 ~ 7 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 4000:
6.6  fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
17 27.7 32.5 ~ 26 fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
10 11 19.9 ~ 14 fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
5 12.6 ~ 9 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 4000:
7.7  fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
9 14 19 30.6 ~ 18 fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
7.4 12 13 19.8 ~ 13 fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
9.6 16 ~ 13 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 4000:
5.1  fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
9.5 20.5 32.1 35.2 35.8 40.1 ~ 29 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
12.5 14.3 ~ 13 fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
19.5 20.5 26.5 32.7 36 ~ 27 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
9.8 11.2 ~ 11 fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
18 20.2 29.2 32 ~ 25 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 4000:
16.4 17.7 ~ 17 fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
38.9 41 55 64.3 ~ 50 fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
19 21.7 22.2 26.2 ~ 22 fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
15.3 18.9 21.6 ~ 19 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 4000:
8.4  fps
Fifa 13

Fifa 13

low 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
32 44 59.1 67.2 73 73.8 75.5 77.2 78 82 83.2 83.6 84 90 96 98.1 100.4 101 101.2 105.8 106 108.1 119 130 130 135.7 148.6 165 172 ~ 97 fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
26 29 34 37.5 45.5 48 48.5 50.1 51.2 53.3 54 55 55.3 57 58 58.3 59.6 63.9 64 65 67.2 69 71 72 72 89.6 97 105 110.3 ~ 61 fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
18.2 20 22 23.9 26.5 28.4 29 30 30 31 31.6 32 33 33.9 34 34.8 35.4 38 38 38.4 39.1 42 42.6 48 48.2 51.9 52 55 56 57 ~ 37 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 4000:
9.3 15 15 18 20.2 22 25 26 27 27.3 29 29.1 ~ 22 fps
F1 2012

F1 2012

low 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
27 28 28 31 31 32 32 32 32 33 33 34 36 40 55 ~ 34 fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
18 23 23 24 25 26 27 27 28 29 29 33 34 ~ 27 fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
14 15 17 18 18 21 21 22 22 23 24 25 29 ~ 21 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 4000:
12 12 12 ~ 12 fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
27.2 32.7 41 ~ 34 fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
21.7 23.2 26.2 ~ 24 fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
15.7 15.8 19.3 ~ 17 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 4000:
10.3  fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
58.7 64.7 ~ 62 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
42  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
34 36.7 ~ 35 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 4000:
18.8 22.7 ~ 21 fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
17.9 21.6 25 32 34 35 35 44 44 45 45.3 49.4 ~ 36 fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
5.8 7.3 11 12 13 14 14.8 15 15.1 15.8 ~ 12 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 4000:
5 5 5.3 11 12 ~ 8 fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
55.3 62 77.7 78.6 105.5 144.7 ~ 87 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
26.1 46.6 ~ 36 fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
35.5 37.3 43.9 49.7 63.2 64 ~ 49 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
20 23.9 ~ 22 fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
20.3 21.3 25.2 28.2 33.5 39 ~ 28 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 4000:
13.1 20.9 26 ~ 20 fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
21 27.2 ~ 24 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 4000:
12 15.3 ~ 14 fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
12.8 21 21.4 24.8 24.8 31.6 ~ 23 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
12.9 13.2 ~ 13 fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
9.2 14 14.9 15 17.2 22.3 ~ 15 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
7.5 8.1 ~ 8 fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
5 7 7.5 7.6 7.9 9.2 ~ 7 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 4000:
5  fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
23.5  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
17.8  fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
11.6  fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
14.1 15.5 ~ 15 fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
8.3  fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
22.3  fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
33 39.6 51 54.3 54.5 60 ~ 49 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
28  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
20.3 21 24.5 31.1 31.6 33 ~ 27 fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
12.8 16 17.2 19 21 ~ 17 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 4000:
5.7 6 6 7 7 ~ 6 fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
14.2 23 28.4 34 35 36 37 37.5 38 39 39.6 39.8 42.4 42.5 43 43 43.2 44 44 45 45.9 46 46.7 47 48 49 50 50 50 50.3 50.6 51 52.3 53 53.1 53.1 53.9 56 58 60 62 65.5 74 80 ~ 47 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
9.2 10.7 14.8 15.6 16.5 18.4 19.3 ~ 15 fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
14 17.2 19 21 21 21.8 22 22 22.5 22.5 22.8 23 23.3 24.4 24.6 24.6 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 26.4 26.4 26.5 28 29 29 29 29 29.4 29.6 30 30.4 30.6 31 32 32 32.2 36 36 ~ 26 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
6 9.5 10.3 11.4 12 ~ 10 fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
10 11 13.9 14 14 14.6 16 17 17 18 18 18.4 18.6 19 20 20 20 20 20.3 21 21 21 21.4 21.6 22 23.1 23.9 24 24 24 24.5 24.8 25 25.4 26 26 26 26.7 27.3 28 29 ~ 21 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
7.9 9.6 ~ 9 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 4000:
10.8 11 11.2 11.6 13 13 13.2 14 14.4 15 16 16 16 17 ~ 14 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
5 5.9 ~ 5 fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
16 21 25 25.3 33 ~ 24 fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
10 13 16.8 17 ~ 14 fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
8 10 12.8 13 ~ 11 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 4000:
5.9 6 ~ 6 fps
low 1280x720
HD Graphics 4000:
15.9 18 20 21.1 21.2 25.4 27.4 27.7 42.4 42.5 48.3 ~ 28 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
8.5 12.4 ~ 10 fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
11 11 11.7 15.3 16.2 19 19.9 20.1 30.7 30.9 33.9 ~ 20 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
8.1  fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 4000:
8.3 12.3 18.1 18.2 18.8 ~ 15 fps
Alan Wake

Alan Wake

low 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
10 11.5 13.6 14.4 16.2 ~ 13 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
5.8  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
8 10.3 10.6 11.8 ~ 10 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
2.3  fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 4000:
4.8 4.8 5.3 ~ 5 fps
Anno 2070

Anno 2070

low 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
18.4 19 19.5 20 26.5 27 28.9 29 30.9 31.2 31.9 32.4 32.6 33 33 33 33.1 33.5 33.7 33.7 34 34.2 34.5 35 35.7 36 36.7 37.2 37.3 37.4 37.4 37.4 38.1 38.5 38.5 38.6 38.6 38.8 38.8 39 39 39 39 41.5 42 42 42.2 42.4 42.8 43 43.1 43.2 43.4 44 44.1 44.7 45 45.5 46 46.7 47 47.7 48 50.2 51.7 51.9 52.4 53.5 54.8 55 55.4 58.2 60 ~ 39 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
11.8 14.6 15 15.1 15.3 16.1 16.5 16.8 16.8 17.4 17.4 18 18 18.2 19.7 22.8 ~ 17 fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
8.5 8.6 9 10.5 13.2 14.4 15 15.7 15.9 15.9 16.4 16.4 16.6 16.7 17 17.3 17.3 17.4 17.5 17.7 17.9 18 18.1 18.1 18.4 18.4 18.5 18.8 18.8 18.8 19 19.1 19.3 19.3 19.4 19.5 19.7 19.7 19.7 19.8 19.9 20 20 20 20 20.1 20.2 20.3 21 21 21.1 21.2 21.7 21.9 22 22 22 22.7 22.7 22.8 23.1 23.8 24.2 24.4 24.9 25.5 25.9 26 26 26.2 26.3 27.9 30 ~ 20 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
6.3 6.4 6.4 6.8 6.9 7.2 7.5 7.5 7.6 8 8.1 9.3 ~ 7 fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
6 6.6 8 9.9 10 10 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.3 10.8 11 11.3 11.4 11.7 11.8 11.8 12 12 12.1 12.2 12.4 12.4 12.4 12.5 12.6 12.6 12.7 12.8 12.9 12.9 12.9 13 13 13 13 13 13 13.2 13.2 13.5 13.6 13.9 14 14 14 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.8 15.5 15.8 16 16.3 16.3 17.8 19 30 ~ 13 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
3.6 4 4 4.1 5.5 ~ 4 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 4000:
3.2 5.4 5.5 5.8 6.2 6.4 6.4 6.6 7 7.2 7.7 7.8 7.9 8 8.1 8.7 15 20 ~ 8 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
1.1  fps
low 1280x720
HD Graphics 4000:
13.6 17 23 24.2 24.5 25 25.4 25.5 26.1 26.8 26.9 27 27.2 27.6 29 29.1 30 30 34.3 35.2 35.9 36 37.9 39.5 ~ 28 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
11 11.8 ~ 11 fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
6.2 11.8 12 12 12 12.5 13 13 13.1 13.3 13.3 13.4 14 15.2 15.4 16 16.9 17.4 17.7 17.7 17.8 19.5 26 ~ 15 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
10  fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
6.9 7 7 7.5 7.7 7.7 7.8 7.9 9.7 10 10 10.2 10.3 10.3 11.2 14 ~ 9 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 4000:
5.4 5.5 6.1 ~ 6 fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
23 69.7 78.8 84.5 ~ 64 fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
14 37.2 42.8 47 ~ 35 fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
12 17.5 18 19.9 ~ 17 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 4000:
12.3 12.7 14.2 ~ 13 fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
4.5 9.8 10.7 11.7 11.8 12.1 12.2 14.1 14.4 14.8 14.9 15.1 15.4 15.7 22.9 23.1 24.5 24.8 26.9 ~ 16 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
8  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
6.4 9 9.1 9.3 9.7 11 12.2 12.2 12.3 17.3 17.5 18.2 18.5 20.4 ~ 13 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
4.8  fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
7.5 8 9.7 9.8 10.2 13.8 13.9 14.1 15.3 ~ 11 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 4000:
3.2 5.1 5.4 5.8 ~ 5 fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
61  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
45  fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
13  fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 4000:
8  fps
Fifa 12

Fifa 12

low 800x600
HD Graphics 4000:
37 58.9 62 79 105.9 108 115.2 127 136.2 143 189.4 192.1 ~ 113 fps
med. 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
21 38.2 39.8 49 57.9 60.3 62.1 63.6 65.8 68 76 85.4 99.2 106.4 ~ 64 fps
high 1360x768
HD Graphics 4000:
18.4 19.1 22 23.7 26 29.9 30.8 31 33.9 37.9 38.3 44.1 47.8 50.8 ~ 32 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 4000:
18.3 24.5 25 26.5 28.3 ~ 25 fps
F1 2011

F1 2011

low 800x600
HD Graphics 4000:
32 33 48 61 70 70 78 ~ 56 fps
med. 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
22 24 26 34 38 40 42 ~ 32 fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
12 15 16 16 17 18 ~ 16 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 4000:
12 12 12 ~ 12 fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
28 32.5 37 37.5 38 38.5 41.8 45.8 52.7 54.3 60.2 65.5 66.8 74.5 ~ 48 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
19.7  fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
16.7 16.7 17.6 19 21.3 21.3 22.9 23 28 30.2 30.8 31.1 31.8 32.9 33 ~ 25 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 4000:
11.1 12.6 13 13.3 ~ 13 fps
Dirt 3

Dirt 3

low 800x600
HD Graphics 4000:
51.6 60.1 68.6 77.5 ~ 64 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
24.1 36.9 ~ 31 fps
med. 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
27.4 36.7 38.2 45 ~ 37 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
12.9 13.3 ~ 13 fps
high 1360x768
HD Graphics 4000:
17.6 22.3 22.4 25.1 ~ 22 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 4000:
12.8 12.8 12.8 ~ 13 fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
21  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
13  fps
Crysis 2

Crysis 2

low 800x600
HD Graphics 4000:
29.1 40.6 43.7 49.5 ~ 41 fps
med. 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
19.5 27.2 27.7 31.1 ~ 26 fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
11.2 19.2 19.2 21.3 ~ 18 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 4000:
4.7 7 7.2 7.7 ~ 7 fps
Total War: Shogun 2

Total War: Shogun 2

low 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
47.1 74.2 113 ~ 78 fps
low 800x600
HD Graphics 4000:
44.8 51.5 53 54.5 ~ 51 fps
med. 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
30.6 34.1 36 36.5 ~ 34 fps
high 1360x768
HD Graphics 4000:
19.5 20.5 22 22.5 ~ 21 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 4000:
15.7 16.2 16.9 ~ 16 fps
Civilization 5

Civilization 5

low 1024x768
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
9.3  fps
Mafia 2

Mafia 2

low 800x600
HD Graphics 4000:
21.3 26.6 29.1 35.6 38.8 40.5 ~ 32 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
5 10.5 ~ 8 fps
med. 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
19.8 22.1 22.4 27.1 30.8 32.1 ~ 26 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
5.6  fps
high 1360x768
HD Graphics 4000:
17.5 18.7 18.7 20.6 23.4 26.2 ~ 21 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
3.7  fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 4000:
12.8 14.6 16.3 ~ 15 fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
62 63.8 64.1 65.6 78 79 82 85.7 89 93.6 96.2 105 108 117 125 126 126 142.4 143 143.3 145 151 152.4 153.1 160.9 186 ~ 113 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
32 48 49 53.3 ~ 46 fps
med. 1360x768
HD Graphics 4000:
10.6 12.6 17.5 18 18 20 21 21 22.6 23.2 24.7 26 26 27 28 28 28.2 29 30 30.8 31.2 32 32.4 33.3 33.4 34.3 ~ 25 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
6 9 9 ~ 8 fps
high 1360x768
HD Graphics 4000:
6.9 8.9 8.9 10 11 11 11 12 12.9 13.1 13.1 16 17 17 18 18 18.9 19.2 20 20.1 20.3 20.4 20.9 21.2 22 22.4 ~ 16 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
3  fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 4000:
5 9 10.8 10.9 10.9 12 12 ~ 10 fps
Just Cause 2

Just Cause 2

ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 4000:
11.2  fps
low 800x600
HD Graphics 4000:
19 19 22.4 25.3 30 38.1 41.2 44.3 51 ~ 32 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
12  fps
med. 1360x768
HD Graphics 4000:
9 12.7 14 15 20.1 21.5 23.7 25 ~ 18 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
9  fps
high 1600x900
HD Graphics 4000:
5.3 12.1 12.5 13.6 ~ 11 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 4000:
4.1 4.3 4.6 4.7 ~ 4 fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
78.8  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
34.2  fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
19.4  fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 4000:
8.2  fps
low 1024x768
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
12.8  fps
med. 1366x768
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
9  fps


low 800x600
HD Graphics 4000:
20.5 27.3 28.6 29.3 29.6 38.8 39.5 42.4 58.6 ~ 35 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
23.1 25 26.2 28.8 ~ 26 fps
med. 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
9.4 14.9 16.6 16.8 18.1 19.6 22.5 26.1 26.5 ~ 19 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
8.7 9 10.4 11.1 ~ 10 fps
high 1366x768
HD Graphics 4000:
6.1 11 13.1 13.3 13.7 14 14.5 ~ 12 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 4000:
8.6 10 ~ 9 fps
Resident Evil 5

Resident Evil 5

low 800x600
HD Graphics 4000:
93.6  fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
17.1 26.1 26.2 26.3 ~ 24 fps
high 1360x768
HD Graphics 4000:
39.1  fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 4000:
16.4  fps
Colin McRae: DIRT 2

Colin McRae: DIRT 2

low 800x600
HD Graphics 4000:
20.3 44.7 ~ 33 fps
med. 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
18.6 34.1 ~ 26 fps
high 1360x768
HD Graphics 4000:
12.8  fps
Sims 3

Sims 3

med. 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
33  fps
high 1280x1024
HD Graphics 4000:
21  fps
Trackmania Nations Forever

Trackmania Nations Forever

low 640x480
HD Graphics 4000:
127 131 135 163 177 ~ 147 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
42.9 69.8 69.8 71.6 72 72.7 75.1 75.5 76 76.7 77.1 80.9 83.1 83.9 84.3 84.8 85.6 86.9 90.2 ~ 77 fps
high 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
26.4 30.5 37.2 45.7 47 ~ 37 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
10.3 14 17.7 18 18.1 18.1 18.7 18.8 19.3 19.4 19.4 19.8 19.8 20.5 20.5 20.6 21 21.5 23.6 ~ 19 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 4000:
18 22.1 ~ 20 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
6.4 7.7 ~ 7 fps
Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare

Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare

low 800x600
HD Graphics 4000:
100.6  fps
med. 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
43.3  fps
Crysis - GPU Benchmark

Crysis - GPU Benchmark

low 1024x768
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
18.9 19 ~ 19 fps
med. 1024x768
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
7.6 8.7 ~ 8 fps
World in Conflict - Benchmark

World in Conflict - Benchmark

low 800x600
HD Graphics 4000:
49 84 ~ 67 fps
med. 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
20 35 ~ 28 fps
high 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
12 14 ~ 13 fps
Call of Juarez Benchmark

Call of Juarez Benchmark

high 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
15.4  fps
World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft

low 800x600
HD Graphics 4000:
79 81 98 99 112 117 123 ~ 101 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
33 33 35 38 44 46.2 47 48 49 49 50 52 ~ 44 fps
med. 1024x768
HD Graphics 4000:
58 62 62 63 65 65 76 83 ~ 67 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
9.6 11.5 20 22 23 25.3 26 26 28 34 ~ 23 fps
high 1280x1024
HD Graphics 4000:
12 15 16 17 20 20 21 ~ 17 fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
12 12 13.5 ~ 13 fps
ultra 1920x1080
HD Graphics 4000:
8  fps
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
5.6 7 ~ 6 fps
Quake 3 Arena - Timedemo

Quake 3 Arena - Timedemo

high 1024x768
HD Graphics (Bay Trail):
190  fps

Average Gaming Intel Iris Plus Graphics 645 → 100%

Average Gaming 30-70 fps → 100%

Average Gaming Intel HD Graphics 4000 → 49%

Average Gaming 30-70 fps → 70%

Average Gaming Intel HD Graphics (Bay Trail) → 16%

Intel Iris Plus Graphics 645lowmed.highultraQHD4K
X-Plane 11.1137.426.122.5
Dota 2 Reborn76.557.32926.9
BioShock Infinite104.66051.622.1
< 30 fps
< 60 fps
< 120 fps
≥ 120 fps



Intel HD Graphics 4000lowmed.highultraQHD4K
Team Fortress 26813.3
Farming Simulator 174325.1
Mirror's Edge Catalyst
Rise of the Tomb Raider10
FIFA 16602616
World of Warships56.73617.112.4
Metal Gear Solid V4125.29.6
Mad Max14.6
Dota 2 Reborn9640.216.9
Dirt Rally72191312.5
GTA V26.8
Battlefield Hardline21.2
The Crew15
Dragon Age: Inquisition18.511.7
Far Cry 413.2
Assassin's Creed Unity3
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare0
Civilization: Beyond Earth18.28.1
F1 201447281712
The Evil Within8.8
Ryse: Son of Rome11.4
Alien: Isolation28.618.2
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor13
Fifa 1532.424.615.7
Risen 3: Titan Lords36.417.67.2
GRID: Autosport832514
Watch Dogs12.7
Wolfenstein: The New Order3121.99.1
The Elder Scrolls Online4023.113.97.2
Assassin´s Creed IV: Black Flag23.617.47.43.6
X-Plane 10.25421675
Need for Speed: Rivals12.6
Call of Duty: Ghosts40.624.37.24
Battlefield 432.219.712.24.7
Batman: Arkham Origins5230126
F1 201355342712
Fifa 14159896335
Total War: Rome II2921
Saints Row IV3021106
The Bureau: XCOM Declassified38.
Splinter Cell: Blacklist40.7
Dota 2653815
Company of Heroes 210963
GRID 272.637.820.2
Metro: Last Light221584
BioShock Infinite2714124
StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm11130177.6
Tomb Raider3417117
Crysis 3221183.2
Dead Space 366282215
Far Cry 332217.8
Assassin´s Creed III1715.53.7
Hitman: Absolution181453
Call of Duty: Black Ops 2322276.6
Need for Speed: Most Wanted261497.7
Medal of Honor: Warfighter1813135.1
World of Tanks v85022198.4
Fifa 1397613722
F1 201234272112
Borderlands 234241710.3
Torchlight 2623521
Guild Wars 236128
Counter-Strike: GO87492820
Darksiders II2414
Sleeping Dogs231575
The Secret World23.517.811.6
Ghost Recon: Future Soldier158.3
Max Payne 322.3
Dirt Showdown4927176
Diablo III47262114
Risen 2: Dark Waters2414116
Mass Effect 3282015
Alan Wake13105
Anno 20703920138
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim281596
CoD: Modern Warfare 364351713
Battlefield 31613115
Batman: Arkham City6145138
Fifa 12113643225
F1 201156321612
Deus Ex Human Revolution482513
Dirt 364372213
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings2113
Crysis 24126187
Total War: Shogun 278
Call of Duty: Black Ops51342116
Mafia 232262115
StarCraft 2113251610
Just Cause 211.2
Metro 20333218114
Dawn of War II - Chaos Rising78.834.1819.48.15
Resident Evil 593.639.116.4
Colin McRae: DIRT 2332612.8
Sims 33321
Trackmania Nations Forever1473720
Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare100.643.3
World in Conflict - Benchmark672813
Call of Juarez Benchmark15.4
World of Warcraft10167178
< 30 fps
< 60 fps
< 120 fps
≥ 120 fps

Intel HD Graphics (Bay Trail)lowmed.highultraQHD4K
Team Fortress 226.723.4
Dirt 46
Rocket League12.6
Call of Duty: Black Ops 30
World of Warships12.1
Metal Gear Solid V10.8
Dota 2 Reborn24.
Dirt Rally236
Battlefield Hardline7.35.1
The Crew8.14.7
Dragon Age: Inquisition74.6
Far Cry 45.63.8
Assassin's Creed Unity4.32.4
Civilization: Beyond Earth114.3
F1 20141312
The Evil Within5.23.6
Ryse: Son of Rome3.72.5
Alien: Isolation9.15.1
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor8.56.1
Fifa 1512.48.5
Sims 4557
Risen 3: Titan Lords8.45.9
GRID: Autosport3713
Watch Dogs8.34.6
Wolfenstein: The New Order11.19.6
The Elder Scrolls Online25.29.2
Assassin´s Creed IV: Black Flag8.75.8
X-Plane 10.2512.86
Battlefield 47.3
Batman: Arkham Origins148
F1 201312
Fifa 14292114
Total War: Rome II7.7
Saints Row IV6.3
The Bureau: XCOM Declassified10.26.1
Splinter Cell: Blacklist117.8
Dota 22513
Company of Heroes 24.4
GRID 21813
Metro: Last Light5
BioShock Infinite12651.2
StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm5513
Tomb Raider14750.3
Dead Space 3197
Far Cry 310.36.2
Hitman: Absolution10.16
Call of Duty: Black Ops 212.47.3
Torchlight 242
Counter-Strike: GO3622
Sleeping Dogs138
Dirt Showdown28
Diablo III151095
Mass Effect 3108.1
Alan Wake5.82.3
Anno 207017741.1
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim1110
Battlefield 384.8
Deus Ex Human Revolution19.7
Dirt 33113
Civilization 59.3
Mafia 285.63.7
StarCraft 24683
Metro 2033129
Battlefield: Bad Company 212.89
Resident Evil 524
Trackmania Nations Forever77197
Crysis - GPU Benchmark198
World of Warcraft4423136
Quake 3 Arena - Timedemo190
< 30 fps
< 60 fps
< 120 fps
≥ 120 fps



Eine Liste mit weiteren Spielen und allen Grafikkarten finden Sie auf unserer Seite: Welches Spiel ist mit welcher Grafikkarte spielbar?

log 21. 13:43:34

#0 ran 0s before starting gpusingle class +0s ... 0s

#1 checking url part for id 9902 +0s ... 0s

#2 checking url part for id 2822 +0s ... 0s

#3 checking url part for id 4922 +0s ... 0s

#4 redirected to Ajax server, took 1726919014s time from redirect:0 +0s ... 0s

#5 did not recreate cache, as it is less than 5 days old! Created at Thu, 19 Sep 2024 05:16:33 +0200 +0s ... 0s

#6 composed specs +0.01s ... 0.01s

#7 did output specs +0s ... 0.01s

#8 start showIntegratedCPUs +0s ... 0.01s

#9 getting avg benchmarks for device 9902 +0.034s ... 0.043s

#10 got single benchmarks 9902 +0.005s ... 0.048s

#11 getting avg benchmarks for device 2822 +0.005s ... 0.053s

#12 got single benchmarks 2822 +0.161s ... 0.214s

#13 getting avg benchmarks for device 4922 +0.003s ... 0.217s

#14 got single benchmarks 4922 +0.085s ... 0.302s

#15 got avg benchmarks for devices +0s ... 0.302s

#16 No cached benchmark found, getting uncached values +0.014s ... 0.316s

#17 No cached benchmark found, getting uncached values +0s ... 0.316s

#18 No cached benchmark found, getting uncached values +0.026s ... 0.343s

#19 min, max, avg, median took s +0.021s ... 0.363s

#20 before gaming benchmark output +0s ... 0.364s

#21 Got 2031 rows for game benchmarks. +0.116s ... 0.479s

#22 composed SQL query for gamebenchmarks +0s ... 0.479s

#23 got data and put it in $dataArray +0.009s ... 0.489s

#24 benchmarks composed for output. +0.042s ... 0.531s

#25 calculated avg scores. +0s ... 0.531s

#26 return log +0.002s ... 0.533s

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> Notebook Test, Laptop Test und News > Benchmarks / Technik > Benchmarks / Technik > Grafikkarten Vergleich - Head 2 Head
Autor: Klaus Hinum,  8.09.2017 (Update:  1.07.2023)